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Approved For Release 2003/04/17: CIA-RDP81-00142R00030 , LLA Mr. Joseph F. Malaga Executive Director {A Regis file Administrative Services Reorganization Project Washington, D. C. 20405 Dear Mr. Malaga: Your letter dated 1S June 1978 with regard to TransmI t i of Draft Reports - Administrative Services Reorganization Project has been referred to this office for reoly. Our continents are keyed to the isst es and are as folio,:! Issue No. S-1: Design Conca?I t fora National Supply System -tee see no obiectiun to the establish- ment of a National Supply System'(NSS) if, in the final analysis, it provides the scrviceto the custornci in a timely manner. Issue to. S-2: Criteria for Consolidation of Depots - see no objection to tie consolidation of Government wholesale supply depots if it provides service to the customers in a ti?:uly and cost effec- tive manner. 'Yh.ile the subject of consolidating depot seems to be an area where substa-itial savings can be realized, a more in depth study is required. Issue No. S-3: FSS Supply {),eraticros - We agree with 'tlie recommendations concernsx?e industrial fund- in-. Issue No. S-4: Customer Son-ices We strongly support-` oncusTo-ns/Reccmmendatir.s 0 through 10. These would provide us with more flexibility in sup- ply/procurement operations. Issue '1o. S-5: Vent.ors and the FS9 Procurement Process We concur with any efforts designed to, and effective in, the lessening of t- comps xities cur- rently inherent in Government contracts. Any effort Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For-Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Mr. Joseph F. Malaga Page 2 expended in this respect is costly to the potential contractor who ultimately passes such oasts on to the Government. Thais, of course, 13 inflationary in nature. Therefore, we concur wit? OFPP's efforts to simplify procedures and regulaticas invrlved with Government contracting. A step lei this direction could be the simplification of re ulations, contract forms, and the use of more easily understood contract language, particularly in contracts not in excess of certain dollar limitations, i.e., the $25,000 thresh- old mentioned in tne S-5 summary. Issue 1o. 5-6: Personal Pro)erty Utilization - We have no prob~`em with the General Services Adminis- tration (GSA) assuming a Government-wide role for excess property sales. Issue No. S-7: Printing Services ? We feel that little wouI`ctd'V gained by the establishment of an Executive Branch committee with the same authority as the Joint Committee on Printing, assuming that Congress would agree by revising Title 44. We do not believe that the savings and improvements cited would, ipso facto, flow from such a move. It is apparent that th3 reestablishment of the Interdepartmental Committee on Printing and Processing, without changes in Title 44, would only add yet another layer of bureaucracy. Issue No. S-8: Strategic anc Critical Materials Stockp i'e-,i4-e-have no comment. Issue No. S-9: Public Utilities Management - Mas=t domestic utll ty services are prokided to the Agency as part of the GSA Standard Level Us*r Charge (SLUC) svsref wherein we pay a unit rate for space, including util- ities. There are exceptions, however, ahd utilities for Agency spaco located on military compounds or not otherwise subject to the SLUC system are paid for under the interagency support agreements or directly by the Agency. These latter instances aro few, so, for the most part, the Agency is subject ti GSA utility policies and procedures through the SLUC sy-,tem. Per the report, GSA accounts for only 25 percent of Government purchased utility services while the rears ing 75 percent represents usage by the military and of:l,-, Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Mr. Joseph F. Malaga Page 3 civilian agencios. Ne believe that the present decen- tralized system. in which the military and any civilian agencies have independent authorities to arrange for utility services based o their oWnn unique needs, is better than the pro-4-osed centralized system under which GSA, having 25 percent or less of the total requirement, would establish policies and procedures for all Federal agencies. Issue No. '5-10 have no co iii ent . Cooperative upport Services - Issue No. ;r -11 Motor Vehicl:, Mvlanape13ent - e agree t at the reduction in replacement cycle time for vehicles fronti six years to three years will be cost effective in the long run. Issue No. 3-12: Transportations and Traffic Manage- ment - C~ tai `iur alternative recommendations for transportation services, we would recommend the adontior of Alternative A since the services and expertise of CS". would become more available to the Agency. Alternatives B and C are considered impractical with no changes of adoption. E5/e endorse an increase in FO.B origin con- tracting, since this would permit the application of traffic management expertise in the procbrement cycle and result in transportation cost savings. We are pleased to have the opportunity tc comment on this excellent draft study. '`inc-rely, cc: ER .FDA Janes 1. McDonald Airector of Logistics Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Ph i elease 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-001428000300090007-6 Reorganization Project Administrative Services Reorganization Project GS Building 18th & F Sts. NW Washington, DC 20405 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Draft Reports - Administrative Services Reorganization Project Enclosed is the last of four draft t.:sk force reports of th Administrative Services Reorganization Project -- Supply and Support Services. 235-2420. Please review the enclosed draft and give us your written comments by July 7, 1978. Comments should be sent to the Executive Director, Administrative Services Reorganization Project (XS), GS Building, 18th and -' Streets, NW, Washington; DC 20405. If you have questions or would like additional information, please -,ontact the Supply and Support Services Task Force Leader, .'fir. David Phillips, at osepn r?. rnalaga Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007i,, 2 1 JUN 197? Mr. Joseph F. Malaga, Executive Director Administrative Services Reorganization Projtct (XR) GS Building 18th and F Streets, M.W. Washington, D.C. 20405 Dear Mr. Malaya: We have reviewed the draft report of tte Archives and Records Task Force enclosed with your 6 June 1978 memoranduisi. The report is well balanced, and the findings and alternatives are pertinent. We have no specific changes to suggest, but we would like to make a few general co-rtents. In general, we favor the alternatives teat recommend continued placement of the archives and record function in NARS as an element of GSA. It would be counterproductive either to split the function or to relocate it in whole or in part. It night be helpful to give MARS more general autonomy within GSA, but the main need is for appropriate staffing and funding to enable =GARS to perform a more positive role. In this role, we favor the alternatives that provide for enhanced MARS standards, guidelines, toning, and evaluations of agency programs. We do not favor the al t.ernati ves that recomen central direction and control. Program implementation is best accomplished through cooperation between federal agencies and NARS, with the option that MRS report serious coripl iance problems to 3!18 or Congress. Regarding the proposals to make the General Records Schedules mandatory and to reduce the period for transfer of records to MARS from 50 to 30 years, we note that two Acts recently passed by the Senate successfully incorporate these provisions. in reference to our own records management pro ram and participation in interagency programs relating to tiro major areas of concern mentioned in the report: We are not one of the 85 agencies that have not met the requirements to schedi:le records, and we do not contribute to the federal paperwork burden cn the public. However, in fulfillment of BARS government-wide program responsibilities, Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 we are willing to participate in inspectioq programs, multi-agency studies, and information clearinghouse operations--to the extent that these activities are focused on produ?--tive goals and provision is made for our responsibility to protect intelligence sources and methods information. Si ncer ply, !9J Michael S. Malanic?k John F. Blake Deputy director 4 r Administration Distribution: Original Ado-ressee 1 k'DDA Sulziect 1 - DDA Chrotro 1 - AI/DDA 1 - C/ISAS 1 - RAB Subject 1 - RAB Chrono Approved For Release 2003/0117 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 President's Reorganization Project Administrath Setvi s Reorganization Project GS Building lRm&FSAs.NW Washington. DC 20405 JUN 15 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF EXECUTIVE AGENCIES AND ESTABLISHMENS SUBJECT: Transmittal of Draft Reports - Administrative Services Reorganization Project Enclosed is the last of four draft task force reports of the Administrative Services Reorganization Project -- Supply anct Support Services. Please review the enclosed draft and give us your written comments by July 7, 1978. Comments should be sent to the Executive Director, Administrative Services Reorganization Project (XS), GS Building, 18th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20405. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the Supply and Support Services Task Force Leader, Mr. David Phillips, at 235-2420. ~ -7 00/7 caseph F. Malaga Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 ? 'Presiden?" ARLq~gfb03/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-0014 Project Administrative Services Reorganization Project GS Building 18th & F Sts. NW Washington, DC 20405 June 6, 1978 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Draft Repcrts - Administrative I Services Reorganization Project Enclosed is the draft report of the Archives and Records Task Force, Administrative Services Reorganization Project: The fourth and final report scheduled for release by June 15 -- Supply and Support Services -- will be sent to you shortly. Please review the enclosed draft on archives and records and give us your written comments by June 23, 1978. Commert., should be sent to the Executive Director, Administrative Services Reorganization Project (XR), GS Building, 18th & F Streets, NW, Washington, EC 20405. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the Archives and Records Task Force Leader, Mr. Ed Johnson, at 235-2420. Sincerely, //Executive Director Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Executive Office of the President - Office of Manacement and Budget Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R0003 90007-6 r I., r. Joseph F. Malaga, Executive t)irectoi Administrative Services Reorganization Iroject Office of Management and Budget Washington, U.C. 20405 Dear Mr. Malaga: The opportiunity to comment on the craft of the `;AdministTn- tive Services Reorganization Project, tt al Property Task Fore-- Findings and Alternatives," as is the st}bmittai extension tc 14 June, granted by Mr. Inglefee of your staff, is appreciate.. Because of the scope of the recommendat ons contained in the study, detailed comments on each of the alternatives are prfv- vided in an enclosure to this letter. It is considered, how?er, that the following overview should be p esente..i to express Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) position with regard to proposals made. CIA's interpretation of the totality of tiie Task Force draft is that there is a definite thrust toward centralizati=~-a of policy, regulations, standards, and txecutjon of all Fed:> l real property activities. CIA concurs .n centralized policy m~, regulation as is now being done by the office of Federal Pr1'X.:ru:- ment Policy (OFPP) with regard to standtLrdized Federal regul ticrz for procurement. (It is noted that OPP), has recently circu z. t F.e; a study by the Federal Construction Cowccil on procurement wj..c J? for construction; it is presumed that this study is being con- sidered as a part of the Task Force fiituuings.) CIA believes, however, that OFPP, or some other regulatory entity, should promulgate centralized policy and regulations as opposed to selection of any agency that is also re,ponsimie for implemiu: - tion and compliance. CIA is less enthusiastic about contra. -zn. 1.? of standards and procedures for real property activities agencies, CIA included, have developed -~peciax expertise in vc:a.i property in order to meet their unique -y: equirem.ents . i?hc~ pry t;.1 r t, approach from our viewpoint would be standardized policy wig leeway for each agency with real properly capability to ? sta< .i + 1 its own implementing procedures and sta-.idlards. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Mr. Joseph F. Malaga With regard to revision of restrictive ceilings on real property activities as imposed by legislation or regulatory issuance, CIA is, as delineated in tht attachment, definitely in favor of increased ceilings. It is recoil ended, however, that consideration be given to inclusion of provision for automatic, future upward adjustments tased oat accepted statistical indicators of inflation. With regard to delegation of aut orities to agencies with existing real property capabilities, CIA endorses delegation to the maximum extent. should again, be noted that CIA, by virtue of its enabling legislation plus a specific exemption in the Feuerv.L Property and Administrative Services /'ct of 1949, is authoriz!I to perform its own real property-related activities in support of unique, operational requirrraents. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 In summary, CIA: - Supports a central policy arl regulation for real property activities, but believes promulgation should rest in a nonexecuting entity such as OFPP. - Recommends that implementing standards and procedures of Federal regulations and policy be left to those individual agencies o have a real property capability. - Recommends against centralizi=tion o all Federal real property activities in any one single entity. - :endorses raising of restrict? ve monetary ceilings on real property activitie: - Endorses maximum delegation -..o qualified agencies, and STATINTL - Restates its authority to act_ independently where its unique, operational requL-ements are impacted. I executive Offi-er, Office of Logist< .s 11,41 L remains CIA-1 action officer for tlis project and should be contacted if specific data is required. Should broader policy questions arise, however, please contact me directly. john f Make Deputy L; irector gor Adr.inist ration Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 25X1A Distribution: Original - Addressee, w/enc. 1 - ER, w/enc. 2 - DDA, w/ enc . 1 - OL/RECD Official, w/enc. Originating Office: Director of Logistics Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 ISSUE I -- CENTRALIZATION/DNCENTRALIZATION IA - Leasing Alternative 2, which gives GSA total authority to regulate all leasing services and authority to execute or delegate these services, is endorsed as it provides the most flexibility of the two alternatives presented. Adoption of either alternative would not inhibit CIA's statutory authority to acquire real property when such acquisition is determined to he in the National interest. IB - Construction Alternative 3, which vests in GSA total authority to regulate new construction, repair, and alteration services but allows agencies the latitude of constructing of nonoffice type space and office type space on agency installations, is preferred over Alternatives 1 and 2. As noted in the overvie,,r letter, CIA does not recommend vesting total construction in single entity. ' IC - Building Operations Alternative 2 which gives GSA to'.al authority to regulate building operations and authority to execute or delegate the execution of those services is favored over Alternative 1. 'Ili! Agency, however, would continue to be exempt from certain report- ing requirements (employee names, personnel strengths, functions, etc.) and continue to insist upon the use of certain security measures such as clearance or escort of GSA/contractor personnel- ID - Disposal The (only) alternative, to vest in GSA total authority to regulate and execute or delegate the execution of utilization and disposal of real property, is an example of overcentraliza- tion. Adoption of this alternative would, in effect, give GSA regulatory authority over itself as the executing agency. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For lease 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-001421i*00300090007-6 ISSUE II - FIXED LIMITATIONS IIA - Leasing The alternative to change the Economy Act of 1932's threshold from $2,000 to 5,000 square feet and allow a deduction for real estate taxes in computing the 15% limitation on fair market value is endorsed. The alternative to change E.O. 11512 to vest final authority in GSA to resolve space assignment disagreements is opposed. A system without an appeal mechanism is considered inadvisable. Certainly, as the principal staff agency involved, GSA's recommendations should be given great weight, but it is believed that authority to resolve issues of space needs should reside in a nonexecuting agency. The alternative to allow GSA to pay for options to acquire interests in real property is viewed as a proper function and one which would facilitate acquisition. The proposal to authorize GSA to convey an interest in Government-owned land for lease construction (lease back) projects could, on a case-by-case basis, prove beneficial to the Government and is, therefore, recommended for adoption. Adoption of the alternative calling for revision of the prospectus criteria from $500,000 to 125,000 square feet should receive strong support. There is no doubt that the Congress needs, and would want, to retain some control of leasing activities, but the current criteria are grossly consumptive of time and an impediment to efficient operation of the real property function. IIB - Construction Alternative 1, to revise the statutory limit to permit A-E fees up to 9% on all renovation, remodeling or rehabilitation projects; to keep the 6% limit on new construction; and to elimi- nate the audit requirement for fees exceeding $100,000 is a sound proposal, the adoption of which is endorsed by this Agency. Revision of the Davis-Bacon Act by raising the threshold to $40,000 is appropriate. It should be noted that the Federal Construction Council and the Commission on Government Procurement have, in their most recent review of the problem, recommended a threshold of $25,000. Any new legislation which establishes minimum or maximum dollar amounts should also contain an escalator clause tied to the CPI which would alleviate at least one of the problems currently confronted by the executing agency Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Rase 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R600300090007-6 The identical rationale would apply to amendment of the Miller Act (from $2,000 to $40,000) for payment and construction bonds on Federal construction projects. Revision of the Public Buildings Act of 1959 to raise the threshold amount from $500,000 for new construction and repair and alteration projects to $2,500,000 (again with some type of escalator clause) is long overdue and would be strongty endorsed by this Agency. IIC - Building Operations Amendment of the Federal Property and Services Act (FPASP to allow GSA to contract selectively for building operations for periods up to three years is definitely in the best inter_ssts of the Government. The proposal to change the current requirement for deterTin- ing individual wage rates by publishing such rates on a geo- graphical basis and keeping them in effect until superseded i favored as a method for increasing efficiency and eliminating untimely delays. Allowing GSA to effect the direct hire of temporary emp)liyees to meet workload fluctuations is deemed in the best interests of the Government. III) - Disposal The alternative to amend Section 3(e) of the FPAS to vest in GSA final authority for the determination of excess real pr(.)p~_,rty is not viewed favorably. It is agreed that an authority, sic-i as the now defunct Federal Property Council, is required but again, it is recommended against vesting regulatory authority in an implementing agency. Alternative 1, amendment of Section 204 of the FPAS to allow funding of real property utilization and disposal activities, is.viewed as a viable alternative to the current situation. Amending Section 204 of the FPAS to authorize the reimburse- ment to any Federal agency of the net proceeds of sale from its real property is an attractive proposal. However, one caveat should be placed on this proposal--it should not be adopted ii_ that same agency receives total authority for the disposal of real property. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved Fofelease 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 ISSUE III - FUNDING MECHANISMS Alternative 1, that of establishing the Federal Building Fund (FBF) as a true revolving fund, is the most favored of those presented. Especially significant is the capability such a fund would have to reprogram monies collected and abolishment of the requirement to return funds to the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Once this type of FBF has a chance to operate, it is believed that many of the delays in service currently being felt will disappear. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 AYp& ease 2003/04T17 : CIA-RDP81-04 POW Reorganization Project Administrative Services Reorganization Project GS Building 18th & F Sts. NW Washington, DC 20405 May 31, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF EXECUTIVE AGENCIES AND ESTABLISHMENT;; SUBJECT: Transmittal of Draft Reports - Administrative Services Reorganization Project. Enclosed is the second of the draft reports of the Administrative Services Reorganization Project -- that of the Telecommunic tons Task Force. As we noted in our May 25 transmittal of the Real Praperty7Task Force report, additional reports on supply and support s&rvices, and archives and records will be forthcomira shortly. Please review the enclosed draft on telecommunications and give us your written comments by June 16, 1978. Comments shctiL4 be sent to the Executive Director, Administrative Services Reorganization Project; GS Building, 18th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20405. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the Telecommunications Task Force Leader, Mr. Harold Belcher, at 235-2420. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Executive Office of the President -ffirP of nanamcnt onrl Ri it a e%+ Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 ,}~ a 2003/04/17: CIA-RDP81-001-#4`R0003000907-6 Appri rtjCi I I~ Administrative Services Reorganization Project GS Building 18th&FSts. NW Washington, DC 20405 MAY 2 4 1978 DDIA Registry FUn TO: Heads of Executive Agencies and Establishments FROM: Joseph F. Malaga, Executive Director SUBJECT: Transmittal of Draft Reports - Pdministrative Services Reorganization Project Last October 25, we asked for your views on how best to improve the deLiiery of administrative services within the Federal Government. Since that ti.r.e, we have conducted an extensive study, and have prepared a series of serve improvement alternatives related to real property, archives and record, supply and support services, and teleconnminications. The first of four Task force reports to be issued in draft over the next several weeks - real perty - is enclosed. Others will be forwarded within the next 3(1 days. k fifth report on our overall assessment and organizational alternatives vil1. be forthcoming after comments on the draf?, task force repotrts have been (-e- viewed. Many of the largest departments and agencies have represented the Federal_ interest during the project through the Assistant Secretaries' Managerr.enL Group and the General Services Advisory Council. It is essentia:t, however-, that all agencies be given adequate opportunities to review the work cf he project staff and register their views vis-a-vis the alternatives presented. Please review the enclosed. draft on real property services and give u:. y,cur written comments by June:71-11978. Comments should be sent to the Admini-;-_ trative Services Reorganization Project, CS Building, 18th and F Streets.: NW, Washington, DC 20405. JosW F. Malaga Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Executive Office of the President Office of Management and Budget Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP81-00142R000300090007-6