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Approve& For Ruse 2001/0~5.C:Rg-RDP81-We61 R000100050031-6 DCI/IC-75-3928 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT CIA "Penetration" of the White House and Other Agencies 1. Problem To respond to allegations that the detailing of CIA personnel to other elements of the Federal Government is an attempt to "penetrate" these organizations for improper purposes. 2. Position of the Congressional Select Committees To date, interest in this matter has been entirely within the House Select Committee and developed primarily from the concept of the HSC Staff Director that CIA willingness to detail personnel to other organizations had. to have some kind of an improper purpose. A considerable number of interviews have been conducted with detailees by HSC staff personnel, and it is understood that the open hearing which the HSC has scheduled for 6 November on "personnel" will be devoted at least in part to CIA detailees to the White House offices. The Senate Select Committee has thus far evidenced no intent to involve itself with the question of detailees. 3. Discussion a. The issues raised to date have been whether the CIA details personnel to other organizations "to penetrate and collect information about them," and whether such detailing of personnel is to enable the organizations to which they are loaned to avoid imposed manpower ceilings. b. The fact that CIA personnel are not detailed to any other organization without the knowledge of appropriate officials within that organization--and that a considerable Approved For Release 2001/0&G RDP81-002 040~MQ5 ' .@ [L r- Approve~d Fo #dlease 2001/0A4 . gI TRDP81 0261 R000100050031-6 number of these detailees are on a reimbursable to basis--is a partial counter to the charge of "pe Additional counters are the statements of the detailees to por interviewers toy thwere not eir parent CIA office. back" "report c. Whether the receiving organization seeks and 'accepts CIA detailees in order to avoid manpower ceilings is not a matter on which the CIA is competent to judge. As is indicated in the CIA Office of Personnel briefing paper on detailees (at Tab A), there are a wide variety of reasons for such detailing. In some instances the sses requisite fact that the CIA person already posse secur3.ty.clearances is the basis for the detail., In other. cases, ,the CI AA 'reeOgni es.? that' the background and -training which the detailee will acquire will prove of value after the detailee returns to the Agency--as in the case of detailees to the National Security Council Staff, the National War College faculty, the -104 CIA per sgnhe1. present].y on'.detail to. ~. ni t; i-mil trf~nee 1' cletai ? 1 eesj fCIA are almost e.... The - profebsa"ona without exception in assignments for which their intell~_gence experience and background gives them a specific qualification. Most of the CIA professionals on detailed service are engaged ams for which .anothcr el.emept r ~ o . :g in national .~nt.ell _~ger~cc pr , 4-1r ra s operational resporisibility . 25X1 C liar frnm a Ong-Way Stref:t , other organizations to the U LP ariu liiiC ~. " Community Staff in CIA Headquarters than there are CIA de,ta`il_ees working in other organizations. The comparison is as follows: . ,l,ne. m.auuui? ul u~u3 ?- ._ ~, _ .. ;,,;,., !Aai,,1,hI v more detailees. "from,- Approved- For Release 2001 /03/0' E~I14V-RP81-00261 R000100050031-6 25X9 Y- Approved Fo~elease 2001 ~: ~~ ~IA-RDP81%00261 8000100050031-6 No.. of Detallees No. of Detailees to CIA from CIA National Security Council. PFIAB Dept. of State Dept. of Defense OSD JCS Joint Staff.' Dept. of Army Dept. of Navy Dept. of Air Force DIA NSA ARPA Nat. Wa.r College USIDYGMAIC,- .Cat? - Pentagon Dept. of Treasury CIA. details personr)el_ to. other agencies, and other organ_i,za-- liecOM endation 3 176 179 24 2 8 62 1oL recommended that the DCI task the DDA to .:prepare .,a. j 'for 7the present system :urider ' r iich i cli:tde. iI). J t:> repot Oa'.' ? C 1C);='';;-: IIpoi). COT'?C'~US:Ion o-f.., -the personnel.. 'J.'nC JUS1;:1 I1C LnLon cI:UU_LU ,' I_i1l C1.luc ix ~Ikj L, u.: ii off" any ci-It-ICal. the IT C might Otherwise b. This ju ;t.. f _t.cation, class.i.fii.e.c?_ as appropriate, should be submitted fob the record to ,,he House Select -Committee a1 ,the .open.. 1 "to the 'h igat1 oi_ .. Trl r tie"'event the'. fISC l:> -untie 1 l;_n ; 'to al_.low t bLIn of the CIA ,t:~.,E:.m nt ., -, the: DCI il,oU.Ld h i. , _` r a ~??.r 1%Y)Cl tie 'tcal:fernent foi- public. releas 'r,ould. be'r,; igned 'to tbc, A/DCI Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000100050031-6 Approved For (ease 2001/0304,Y -RDP8' b261R000100050031-6 Distribution': Orig. - Adsee. I - ER I- CS/ICS Chrono 1 - D/DCI/IC I - IC Registry I - 25X1A DCI/ICS/CS ktm/6238 (28 October 75) 25X1A Approved For Release 2001`/b3/04 `. - IA-RDP81-00261 R000100050031-6