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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 24, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 27, 1978
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00261R000300030019-0.pdf182.95 KB
*OGC Has Reviewed* Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030019-0 TAB Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030019-0 OGC 78-0529 Approved For Rehwtse 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261R0 00030019-0 27 January 1978 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training ATTENTION FROM 1. This is to inform you that the Office of General Counsel withdraws its concurrence in the revision of- We take this MCI) because the new executive order on intelligence, supplanting; E.O. 11905, prohibits undisclosed participation in domestic organizations by employees of agencies within the Intelligence Community. The only exception to this prohibition is undisclosed participation undertaken pursuant to pt?cicedures established by the DCI and approved by the Attorney General. Attached please find a copy of the executive order language concerning uiidisclo:;ed participation in domestic org,aniz:itions; this .1 tnguage is ttttcierscored in red. 2. involves training for Agency employees at'non-Agency facilities. Certain provisions of this regulation permit Agency personnel under cover to participate in training at non-Agency facilities. Undisclosed participation in such training; by Agency personnel under cover as permitted by- 25X1A- should conform 'vitli the l~ruct cite es That will be formulated pursuant to the new executive order. Thus , it is the opinion of this Office that no further action be taken on the revision of-until the appropriate procedures have been pronittlgated. It should he rioted, However, that the new e ecutive order provides that present agency training practices permitted under L.O. 11905 may be continued until the issuance of such procedures. 3. We stand ready to assist the. Office of Training in conforming this regulation to any procedures which may ultimately be established. Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030019-0 Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030019-0 TAB Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030019-0 ir-,rnatioll should be re pom;ive to -,:LitimatC governmental Approved For Rise 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 ROi100030019-0 need;; and rn:r':t be conducted in a rnarlncr tha ' preserves and respects c:;tabiished concepts of privacy and civil liberties. 2-102. prln~ p1__ ;_c,f .nt__rpretation. 2-?201 through 2-309 set forth limitations which, in addition to c?th_r applicable lt:r:s, are intended to achieve the proper balance between I,r?oLection of individual rights anti acqui.:;itiort ci; inform :tion. Those sections cto noL r i v.c any act; i vi ty not authorized by :c:cLions 1?-10] th:ruu,;tt 1-1';0:; i.n'3 du not provide any exempt;icn !'rent any c,Lh(`r` 2 2. IIc::,Lrict;ion: l.]. Lior. Tee}:Hirt 2-201 (a) The actiViti.c.:: d:::rribed in Scc;t:.on:. throu1-h 2-200 -:ha).1 be underta!:c:u (ally a: 1 iw1-11it.Lcd by tilt:. r .and by proCOClures by the head of Llt c't;'-rCy Concerned and approved. by Lit- ALt.ornuy 010:;C i'CO- cc:dtwi:. shill protect eo:it.i L?.:Li.onal. r~i;hLz; and 1p:?i v:.ey, eIl:;ur?u Lltat, illf'OrM:rt.iou i.:, t;:it.ln t?,:d by the lc,(s;t: in:?I-t~,ivc II1!',''):; lul:: ;i1:1r, -Ind 1 iGti t. It:;cf o' such 1ilfQru"..1LiC,; t'.:, t::'?Jfll]. (b) ~cti v ` i c::: (te -r t i t.>c c in reel iona 2-?202 t.i)rowclt P-205 ar ;:hi ,^.h