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Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 24 August 1970 II - Computer Applications in Support of Intelligence Production 57. The Agency establish as standard procedure in the develop- ment of new collection systems the coordination of the data collection and data forwarding formats with the individuals who must perform the data reduction and analysis of the data should the collection system become operational. 58. The Informationi Processing Board assure the acquisition, development and use of one or more general data management systems which are sufficiently close to the general design requirements for Agency data processing applications to permit their adaptation and use for a wide range .of data processing applications and data process- ing centers. We believe that general systems to incorporate, such appli- cations may best be acquired from commercial vendors in the interest of economy of maintenance, and simplicity and generality of system operation. Experience with indigenous development of such systems seems to indicate that we tend to build overly elaborate systetts which provide better for certain internal requirements but tend to violate' the other canons outlined above. 59. The Information Processing Board assure that the present capability for development of a unique program to process an applica- tion is maintained, so that any application whose objective is clearly unobtainable by incorporation into a general data management system may continue to be developed. We would make it clear that increased use of general data management systems should not displace other applications programming activity except where its speed, economy and prospects' for ease of data exchange make it more attractive. It seems ideal, however, for small, infrequently used programs which are subject to change over time. 60. The Information Processing Board and its Technical Panel be charged with creating the means for the development of meaningful communications between the systems analyst-programmer and the substantive analyst who may be engaged in the common development of a computer application. Have them assure that the requisite train- ing is given to accelerate the reduction of communications barriers wrier. still exist. is .. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-IDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 provide time and professional and clerical 01 ..L;:tanco to a few talented individuals each year to explore, develop, and test essentially new techniques or new concepts in the use of ADP to support intelli~cnce analysis and production. These -applications may be developed under the leadership of either the substantive component, or OCS, depending upon the nature of the application and the resources to do the job. /.62. The L for:inat:ion Processing Board assure that the present effort to provide a general time-sharing capability in OCS to serve the interest of the Agency as a whole be strengthened to provide not only on-line but also remote batch processing and remote job entry via terminals distributed so as to make them convenient to users throughout the intelligence production components. 63. The Information Processing Board, in consultation with the interested parties, assure that the OCS Interactive Services System provides a general. data management system capable of providing an on-line, quick response capability for large information storage and . ~~ e TTr_TC l of h i y r - eva rel.r data bases. We believe that the present and foreseeable rates of use for these files in an on-line environment are not high enough to warrant economic use of individual processors to support them. . /64. The Agency seek to secure an evaluation of the present COINS experiment at the earliest possible moment in an effort to provide clearer guidance for future Agency planning for participation in Intelligence Community ADP activities. 65. The Information Processing Board define minimum standards for control over data entry, data box documentation and file manage- ment for any ADP.'application serving more than one component ( a unit under, the first line supervisor). III. Office of Computer Services (OCS) Activities .Pgs III. 12-13 30. We. recommend that: OCS develop in consultation with the Information Processing Board a mechanism for communicating plans for major computes systems changes to user components and of Approved For Release 2002/05/02': CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 25X1A 25X1A eliciting and,review,ving user input to these plans before they are ready for submiss:on to the Information Processing Board for review antecedent to approval by the Executive Director-Comptroller, 31, ' A comple-~e set of procedures be published and maintained which provides enough information to assure that a job can be written (including J'CC) and run without intervention from OCS programmers, 32. Applications programmers (this would presumably include a major share of the applications division's personnel) from OCS should be assigned to and, where feasible, colocated with analysts in the production organization for whom they are designing and pro- gramming. Their work during their period of assignment should be controlled by the host production organization except that their rotation .back to internal OCS assignment should be negotiated with OCS. 33. Increased attention should be given by OCS, in close coopera- tion with NPIC/AID'and ORD/Au, to the development of a strong computer graphics capability for support of analyst use of the time-sharing system. The AU'TOMAP data base should be developed toward an on-line utility which can be. sunmmoned as an outline map or chart for superimposing other data for analyzing spatial relationships. These data in"combina- rion with the map should be susceptible to linkages to computational routines to further tcst intuitive visual observations. 34. Present planning for OCS to acquire and test a proprietary general data management system should be encouraged. Plans for this acquisition should be moved forward as rapidly as a careful coordination of the proposal can be concluded. We believe that this movement should be coordinated with the major users of OCS and with each of the intelligence production components who have their own data processing center, i. e. , NPIC and CRS. The objectives in acquiring general data management software ought to be (1) to move toward as wide a coverage of our major processing activities within any given system as is intellectually and operationally acceptable, (2) to establish each system selected as an Agency standard for the type(s) of applica- tion identified, and (3) to recognize that there will still exist computer applications which will require unique programs. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 Approved For Release 20O2/06102 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 Approved For Release 2P,92/,05/02-: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 ~:~. ? A. sin,, le, iii1:e ratcud, i.nt:c.rnnctivc services systern to provide 0 n - li i ' sor vic.c io.r :into .l.l.i.~ culcc prcxliict:ion c01n1 1ponc,nts at headquarters should be the :~~`~:I ev n~;:tr-1:11.?1.11 clI>~c'et:].vc lV Collirad.16?1'oC0I.c ;it.t(,n1 l';s 1:V 11-12 :35. 1Vc reconur:;1e'nd that: The Central .Refer. en.ce Service be .~atullli.shed as the point of contact for any general request for ;once information from outside the Agency or from within where; there is no immediate known point where the information needed is available. 3b. Only those data which are generated and accessioned by the reference center be provided as a direct response by the center and that all other data are sought first from another center in the Agency which may have resources to respond. V'/37. Work underway on an automated dissemination system should be maintained and each distribution point to be employed in the initial system: test should be directed to cooperate with CRS in providing carefully constructed "dictionary" terms to try to guide this system. The work should be recognized as experimental at this stage,' but it widely encouraged for' its long-term prospects. /38. Planning fcr undertaking an extension of the automated dissemination system from SI input to all State, Defense and Agency positive intelligence information received in machine language should be undertaken coincident with the beginning of feasibility testing. 39. The present concept of CRS indexing should be continued, and a systematic effort undertaken to facilitate indexing input from the sub- stantive analyst and to encourage such input to the system. . 40.. The Central Reference Service should seek as a general objective a standardized document reference number which can be put on the intelligence information document before it is disseminated. This reference number. should be capable of being generated and included in the.format.of any automated dissemination system, and should become a part of that system as quickly as possible. It should be made an Agency standard immediately and expanded into a Community standard eventually. . Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :.CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 41, The concept and scope of document indexing by a reference center should be devcloped-by a top management decision. Established at a lower level, it results either in extensive duplication of effort or in abandonment of control over the use of intelligence documentation. Document index processing has, however, been customized by each processing organization which supports an individual or organization reference activity. 42. The Central Reference Service should create a personnel- area-subject index to other organized collections of information in the Agency. This index should include, both personal and organizational collections of information and authorization points for control of access to the respective collections. This index is an important and complex system which must be carefully defined, coordinated and implemented. CRS should be assigned responsibility for design and development of the system but they must have the full cooperation of all other offices and Directorates.. Development of such a system.would pose an excellent test of the Information Processing Board. 43. The present method of document storage and retrieval is acceptable and should be maintained. It provides speed when it is genuinely needed and is far more economical than any system of electronic storage or video storage that we have encountered.~ We believe that the Agency should continue to experiment with a limited number of applications in which documents are created, stored, and searched retrospectively in an electronic format, because develop- ment of an on-line document index will almost certainly require a simultaneous improvement in the speed of delivery of documents. 14. An extensive interactive (man-machine-data base) capability with the Central Reference Service intelligence document index should be developed and tested as quickly as feasible. This is one of the few large data bases in which we think there is both wide interest and frequent use. Indeed we are told by analysts that the principal limita- tion on their use of the system is its slow response time. V - Research and Development (R&D) in Information Processing Pys V 5-6 13. Both ORD and OCS have long experience in general contact and service throughout the Agency. Beyond that point most of the activities Approved For Release 20Q2/05fO?2^ 'CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 Approved For Release 2002105/02,:. CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 ]ich seenh critical taus for information processing research and development have always been performed in OCS. A genuine effort was made early in the development of ORD/A.u to coordinate its activity with OCS, but this effort disintegrated from a halting start to ;1 general awareness of each other's existence although some ofiort to restore an interaction has begun this year. Individuals located in OCS have both the, technical expertise and the awareness of pr~~c'esiil"~tctiNrity throughout the Agency required to provide an optimum service to, the user. What must be created in OCS is confi- dence that Agency ma.nagem.ent will support the separation of general development activity from the press of production activity. Having soon the Agency willing to support development work with money and positions elsewhere and having seen the diseconomics of the present system, we believe that OCS would be willing as well as able to under- take control over this activity. 14. We recommend that the DD/S&T review the division of effort between ORD and OCS in, the area of information processing research and development against, an alternative allocation of function and effort which would: a. Provide' for the subsequent problem definition and computer application design and development effort to be moved from OR]) to OCS. /b. Provide for the transfer of essentially standard computer processing equipment from ORD to OCS and for OCS to provide a level of experimental or developmental computer processing time necessary to support the expanded experimental function outlined .above. We would for example urge that processing time might be made available on machines appropriate to the work involved rather than on a single machine which is used only for experimental work. c. Provide for the transfer of other equipment from the IPRD laboratory to those surviving or anticipated development programs which may use it most effectively, the rest to be transferred to surplus. d. Provide for a review of existing ORD contracts through the information Processing Board and selected prospective users to determine which of those contracts should be continued and under whose leadership they should proceed. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 Approved For, Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 1.'.t )~ icac., t:.lut{: :::u!)::c1c(tlc?n{: A i).f) c?ciui Oirac;u(; or ;oftwai?(; t.: ::t and an;tl.y:.,i; 1): onciuc:.t~ ct i)y OG- c~tiz.uOt where f.l)e itc.:i n41 arc ;i diroct aci,iuact of a ,;1)( .aL 1)rcaccss:inj center such at N1 'I(,,. 1'he special unit would procure and test tlic;' latter product,, C. "n:;?. 0(:ti it.) :ir ,;;ae ;;. cui r~;nt :cw;crca)c;:;:, pu..1 J.ication sizliilctz to ii: ; proselit: TocO Nitus to ar,riouncc; new acti'vitics, nc%v products, and new developments which its research and development component cons;clersof general interest for Agency c 5i ipoiiezitS7 ongag d in iii'Oormat ozi peocctb ng, / 15. in addition we recommend that the DD/S&T and the Information Processing Boar.d re;cct the proposal of the R&D Subcommittee of the USIB Information Handling Committee which proposes a community-wide R&D center on the basis of the recent experience with COINS and the IPRD which we believe demonstrate both the difficulty of an integrated community activity and the impracticality of performing research and development on non-existent or badly defined requirements. 10". Finally we recommend that research and development projects or programs in the area of information processing be submitted to the same scrutiny as that proposed for ADP projects in the section below dealing with management. VI - Organizational and Management Elements. of Automatic Data Processing Pos Vi I0-1l 20. ?e recommend that: The Agency reassert a policy of providing a high degree of. centralization in data processing activity in the Office of Corr_p uter Services,.. that this policy be tempered by permitting the accuisition of small or medium computer processors by functional organizations where -there is a demonstrable technical-computational economy in using a stand-alone computer system, and that this policy continue the present emphasis on the functional component (user) responsibility for problem definition and problem solution. In short, we recommend that computer organizations develop the systems necessary to run the computers and run them, and that functional production people prepare the data and the processing steps required for-its transformation. by, computer. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 ? Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 2r.. A cen ral technical management review of major ADP project:, be created under the present umbrella of Executive Director-Comptroller responsibility for. Agency ADP management, that a full-t* rnc position of ADP Advisor to the Executive Director- Comptroller be crci.ated for an experienced ADP professional whose responsibility it would be to: a. advise the Executive Director-Comptroller on all professional/technical matters relating to ADP; b. be chairman of the IP Board and the director of its permanent staff; C. revic W I:lic various local. plans, provide teci~.nic ~l. input to IPB and, periodically, develop a statement of long-term ADP objectives for the Agency; d.' assign computer application design proposals to the, suitable functional/technical review components e. prepare Agency-wide ADP technical standards; f. serve as chairman of the Agency-wide ADP Career Service Board; and g. serve as focal point for internal leadership and for external, relations in ADP technical/professional matters. 28. Existing central ADP planning be strengthened to provide: a. for a more definitive outline of Agency objectives to be ach.:cved in related or overlapping office plans and for regular revision and publication of the Agency ADP Plan; b. for the definition and publication of Agency-wide ADP technical standards beyond the present work on nationwide (USASI) 'standards ; and c. for a.standard format and procedure for the proposal and review of major requests for the acquisition of computer systems' or of computer processing applications. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000300130004-5 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 29. A means of pricing data processing services-performed by computer centers be developed, and that each user component be required to budget for its' data processing services and transfer the funds to pay for these services in essentially the same Way that property funds are handled. .,/30. An Agency ADP Career Service be created. 31. Existing ADP training programs introduce additional emphasis on the changing responsibility or role of the user in an on-line and/or real-time computer environment, and that functional organizations review the necd.for unit training of personnel in the use of quantitative and/or logical techniques' in indigenous analytical problems. 32. The Director/OCS be an ex officio participant on the Information Processing Board and that the DD/S&T should be represented on the Board by an individual who reflects the computer user population of the whole Directorate. The presence of the Director/OCS on the Board is imperative, but we believe he should participate in his capacity as director of computer processing rather than as the representative of a Directorate with largo processing requirements. Approved For Release 2002t05/02 CFA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE 4 September 1970 TO: Mr. Coffe ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: Attached is an extract with all of the recommendations from the ASPIN Report. cc: D/L (per his request) O/C , TFC rep) O/S TFC rep) O/L FC rep) FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION 1 FFES ORM 55 241 REPLACES FORM 36-6 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300130004-5