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a~~ ', Approved For ReI 'y Q I ~ = Qi:~ Akn 'I Q9 1 Q 6 ( 21-6 22 March 1974 WATERGATE - GUIDELINES FOR AGENCY FILE REVIEW 1. The Director has called for another review of Agency files for material connected in any way with what has come to be called "Watergate." The purpose of the review is to the extent possible to ensure that Agency management is aware of all such material in our files and that there will be no future "surprises" in this regard. 2. The review is to be conducted in accord with these general guidelines, which have been prepared by the Inspector General. 3. The review within each directorate and separate operating component will be the responsibility of that particular directorate or separate operating component, the role of the Office of the Inspector General being limited to that indicated in the following paragraphs. On the completion of the review within his area of responsibility, each deputy director and chief of separate operating component will certify in writing to the Inspector General that a review has been conducted in accord. with these guidelines, and will report to the Inspector General the findings of that review. 4. The target date for completion of the Agency file review and the reports to the Inspector. General is 10 May 1974. If a deputy director or chief of separate operating component finds that he will be unable. to meet that target date, he will consult with the Inspector General on the setting of a new target date for his component. 5. The review must be comprehensive. This does not mean that each and every piece of paper under the Agency's control must be looked at and studied in this review. It does mean that all files, including those in archives, in field offices, in proprietaries, and anywhere else, must be considered. It will be up to the manage- ment of each directorate or separate operating component to determine what specific files must be physically searched and read, and what files need not be so reviewed. For example, it should not be nec- essary in this review to search anew through files which are known to contain nothing but past issues of finished intelligence publications. Approved For # ' 0 '?'1 1,^ ' NlrCIA,R, A1. Q0ZQIR000600010021-6 Approved JAW i l~`~1 19 :~C 1 6L1F ?Y0010021-6 In making this determination about any given set of files, however, each management level must bear in mind that the term "Watergate" has with the passage of time come to cover a wide range of topics, events, and personalities, including much historical data. In para- graph 8 below, is a list of subjects which are to be considered in particular. This list has been prepared as a guide for the review. It should not be used, however, as reason for excluding other material which, while it may not come properly under any of the headings given, may nonetheless be related to "Watergate" in the broadest sense of the word. 6. Any material relevant to "Watergate" (in the sense indicated above) found in component files will be forwarded to the Inspector General. In some cases (e. g. , if a given file or set of files is found to contain significant quantities of relevant materials), a component may find it desirable to segregate certain files for review by rep- resentatives of the Office of the Inspector General. a. Whenever there is doubt as to whether something should be forwarded to the Inspector General or otherwise called to his attention, the doubt should be resolved by for- warding the material to or otherwise notifying the Inspector General.. b. Any operationally sensitive material which require special handling may be discussed directly with the Inspector General. 7. The requirements of paragraph 6 above do not apply to press clippings or to any material which has already been brought to the attention of the Inspector General since the beginning of his office's ''Watergate" investigation, i. e. , since 14 May 1973. S. . Following is a list of subjects which must be considered in this file review. As indicated above, this list is not necessarily all-inclusive and should not be regard as such. The entire list should be considered within all components, even though the file search on some topics will be more narrowly targetted. Approved For R ik2raiV KU iwu waa1;YRZ I.F 00 LqI 0021-6 Approved For Releas Mh"W; R 0(b 0(( a. Watergate Break-in(s) This heading covers the June 1972 surreptitious entry into the Democratic National Headquarters at Watergate, the subsequent arrests, and any and all information connect- ing the Agency in any way to preparations for the break-in(s) in June 1972 or earlier, the individuals involved, and the alleged cover-up efforts. The "individuals involved" includes but is not limited to those listed in the attachment to 23 May 1973 Memorandum for All Employees, "Agency Involvement in the Watergate Case": H. R. Haldeman John Ehrlichman John Dean Egil Krogh David Young E. Howard Hunt G. Gordon Liddy James W. McCord Charles W. Colson John J. Caulfield Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga Juan Rigoberto Ruiz Villegas Bernard L. Barker Virgilio Gonzales Frank Anthony Sturgis b. Daniel Ellsberg This covers any and all information in Agency files related to Ellsberg, including the requests for and preparation of the profiles on Ellsberg, the case of the so-called Pentagon Papers, damage assessments, Agency associations, the Ellsberg trial, Approved For Rele ~Q J ~/ f: $ :29? 1 P aft 21-6 Approved For Releas R, 9 JEae 1 PK 1~~ n~ ~. c. Hank Greenspun This covers any and all information in Agency files reflecting any knowledge of the alleged break-in, or plans for such, of the files of Hank Greenspun or of the newspaper in Las Vegas with which he is associated. STATINTL The review here will be limited, at least initially, to a check of DDO European Division files and records, if any, on the request of Howard Hunt in 1971 to a former 25X1A chief of European Division for information or background the be aval able The Inspector General will consult directly with the Deputy Director for Operations regarding the review on this subject. 25X1A e. Other Requests by_ - 25X1A This covers any information available- regarding any requests by_for Agency assistance on any matter f. National Elections of 1972 This covers any records that might reflect any Agency knowledge, however obtained, reflecting activity related to the national elections of 197 2, including intelligence support for candidates, security activity related in any way to political conventions or other meetings, campaign mail, support of other governmental organizations in connection with the campaigns and the elections, and political activities of any sort by Agency personnel beyond that of a legal and clearly personal nature (e. g. , personal contributions to candidates). Approved For Rele 2t}01 1a1 j.RR y1R (0,00010021-6 U i6 WNLY Approved For Rele 616 77 20TJ11T1 %08 : C A RDP81.00261 R00 60001021-6 STATINTL possibly a file review in the Office of Finance. The time frame for material.on this subject will be calendar 1972. The Inspector General will consult directly with the Deputy Director for Operations and the Director of Finance with regard to the review on this subject. Howard Hughes This covers any and all information connecting the Agency or Agency personnel with Howard Hughes or any of his enterprises. k. Robert Vesco This covers any and all information connecting the Agency or Agency personnel with Robert Vesco or any of his enterprises. 1. Robert Maheu This covers any and all information connecting the Agency or Agency personnel with Robert Maheu or any of his enterprises. Approved For R qAQ 1JJ ~ (>~ I,P RL P817002 1 R00 0021-6 1'v~.J tis31d ''i 6sJ9 am 9,. w:i a++ Gw v.m 4s+:~N.S. s Approved For Release 2001/11/08 CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 M. Joint Operations The review here should cover joint FBI, NSA, or Secret Service operations or activities which the Agency or Agency personnel knew about, supported, or participated in that might bear on or be related to the various aspects of what is known as "Watergate, " including CIA support for Secret Service security activities in connection with the 1972 national elections. 9. Questions regarding these guidelines or the review called for may be referred directly to in the Office ofSTATINTL Approved For Fase~;20~m'11j lf~8A GIA-RDP8100261 RO(U6 '0 '10021-6 Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 N-7- 4 Agency-Watergate File Review Proposed Action Plan Objective: To conduct an effective file review program, coupled with a selective interview program, to comply with the Director's request for a review of Agency files for material connected in any way with Watergate. The review must be conducted on a timely basis, provide an assurance of comprehensiveness, and be thrifty of manpower and other resources. Proposed methodology: The designation of responsible officers for the organization and conduct of the review; the review of record descriptors to exclude at the onset those records which clearly will not contain Water- gate-related materials; the careful screening of those files whose descriptors indicate that they have a marginal chance of containing Watergate-related materials, and the thorough screening of those files whose descriptors indicate a better than marginal chance of containing Watergate-related materials. As key officials are identified who are in the best position to have been directly or indirectly associated with activities identified by the IG "WATERGATE - GUIDELINES FOR AGENCY FILE REVIEW", they will be inter- viewed to see if they can provide further clues from their memory of what occurred. Certification shall be provided to the IG of the results of the above actions. Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 Discussion: A responsible individual shall be appointed and charged with the conduct of this file search at each appropriate managerial level. The appointment below that of Office level shall be the decision of the Office Director and will reflect the complexity of the record organization of the Office. The individual thus selected should be knowledgeable of the working style of the Office, its substantive actions, and its methods of recording information, both formal and informal. In conjunction with the component Records Management Officer, he shall review the Records Control Schedule, Vital Records Schedule, and related records identification materials of that component to identify the records contained in the office, the Records Center and Agency Archives which are: a) highly unlikely to contain Watergate-related materials; b) may contain such materials; and c) are likely to contain materials. Group A will be identified and excluded from further review. A record will be maintained of the records sets involved and the volume of material concerned. At the conclusion of the file review program, a certifi- cation will be made to the responsible officer for the Directorate that this material was excluded, based on descriptors and the conscious decision of responsible officials who will be identified. Group B will be screened by knowledgeable individuals from the component concerned. If Watergate-related materials are found, copies shall be forwarded to the IG. At the conclusion of the review of Group B, a similar certification shall be forwarded. The same general procedures will be followed with Group C, which shall be a Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 careful and thorough review of designated files by knowledgeable and responsible officers of the component concerned. Copies will be provided to the IG of any Watergate-related materials found, and certification procedures will be followed. Any interviews which uncover Watergate-related materials shall be transcribed, approved by the interviewee for accuracy and forwarded to the IG. At the conclusion of the file review program for the Directorate, the responsible officer for the Directorate shall advise the IG the volume of records in each group and the action taken (excluded, screened, reviewed or provided the IG). The responsible individual shall also provide the IG with a certification that the actions were taken carefully and consciously by responsible officers. Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 0021-6 Approved For R4 "Im"TrOVIC-9 , ? , ri ffff 11 April 1974 SUBJECT: Meeting on Search for Watergate-Related Records, 11 April, 1000-1130 Hours STATINTL 1. The meeting was held in the DDI Conference Room. It STATINTL was chaired by of the IG Staff. The DDI was represented byand the DDS&T was representffATINTL STATINTL by the DDO, since it has no Directorate-wide coordinator, was represented by individuals from several components (perhaps 10 were in attendance); and I sat in for STATINTL 2. The IG representatives were asked if they could clarify the guidelines. They admitted that the definitions were vague, even as to the scope of "Watergate," but they were unable to add much to what had been stated in the 26 March 1974 memo. The exercise was to be: conducted on a decentralized basis, with each component determining how to conduct the file review and exercising its best judgment as to what materials might be pertinent. It had been felt unwise to even fix cutoff dates. They did stress that the term "records" should be construed broadly, to include such items as notes and appointment calendars. In case guidance was needed on a particular document or file, the question should be put to - on an ad hoSTATINTL basis. "Hot" documents should be surfaced at once, rather than waiting until 10 May. The IG Staff was no nterested in any materials or information reported a year ago in the survey conducted at that time. If only small quantities of documents were uncovered by a component, Xerox copies or the original documents should be forwarded to the Staff. If, however, large files are involved, they should be left in place, and a brief description of the contents should be forwarded to the Staff. To the degree feasible, components should avoid forwarding duplicate copies of documents to the IG Staff. For example, if X division uncovered a pertinent memo received from Y division, X division should communicate this fact to Y division and reach agree- ment on which of the two components should report it. (One DDO d Ing It, Approved For ReleaS, 1JQOO!I6 I I St 1 f. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010021-6