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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030020-5.pdf139.78 KB
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81 002618000600030020-5 25X1A DRAFT - - 1 Nov. 59 MLMORAHJ)IJM F a: Deputy Director (Intelligence) Deputy Director (Plans) SUBJECT : Designation of Authorizing and Approving Officers. 1. Present Agency egulatione require the designation of authorizing or approving officers to exercise a variety of adminis- trative functions such a%othe approval of the expenditure of funds the approval of requisitions or requests for materials or ser-icesr the release of dispatches( The Support Procedures Cozanittee has pointed out that in most instances it is the practice to require 'iM these designations, or revocations thereof, be made by individual none in writing, and in many oases specimen signatures are required. This necessitates the preparation of several hundred copies of memoranda, forms, and signature cards each year, and in the aggregate represents a considerable expenditure of man-hours in connection with the preparation, approval, filing, and routing of these docu- ments* Attached as TAB A is a listing of the.types of delegations in question, a reference to the pertinent egulations, and a brief statement of the methods used in designating authorizing and approving officers. 2. Agency RTegulations, in general., delegate to Deputy Directors authority as authorizing or approving officers for all transaction under their jurisdiction, with fall authority to redelegate unless the authority is.spectfioally lizsited in individual instances. It is recognized that each Deputy Director should have the authority to determine the level at which he desires the various approving authorities to be exercised, and to place limitations on approving authority to the extent he deems necessary, It is also necessary that custodians of Agency Rands, property, and documents have some practical means of insuring that official transactions are approved by competent authority. It is believed, however, that most of these authorities are an inherent part of the line duties of individuals occupying certain types of Positions (i.e., Office Heads, Staff Chiefs, and Division Chief) and as such should be delegated by title of position rather than by name. In this way an individual)( upon assuming a position)( would have the authority to approve trans- actions which are an'inherent part of the position, without executing a variety of separate memoranda, forms, and signature cards, Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA RDP81-00261 R000600030020-5 a E Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-*? ' 1' -00261 R000600030020-5 3. It is believed that we should take positive steps to eliminate some of the excess paper work presently involved in the designation of authorising; and approving officers* I have determined tha# insofar as the requirements of the Support Components are oonc*rned,, all of the signature cards and memoranda concerning name designations'. required by the 1 g lations listed in TAB AID may be discontinued immediately if you feel that you are in a podition to delegate these authorities to your subordinates by title, using a single'.document for that purpose and furnishing copies thereof to other Agency components concerned. This would in effect enable Chiefs of Offices, Divisions, and Staffs and their Deputies, or individuals acting in those capacities to function as authorizing and approving offioers for appropriate transactions under their ,jurisdiction as an inherent part of their line duties. 4s If you concur in this proposal)( I would suggest that we proceed as follows: as ' at the DD/P, IUD/I, and DD/S each prepare a single document entitled "Delegations of Authority" which would delegate the appropriate authorities by position titles? b. t an Agency4tice be prepares amending all ex eting4(sgulations by waif; the requirements for name designations and signature cards. A copy of the initial 'Delegations of Authority" woul be attached to and distributed with the otice~ as Thet4following the initial distributior4jO each Deputy Director change or amend his "Delegations of Authority" by unilateral action, and send copies of the changes to the Agency components concerned. 5. I would appreciate receiving yew reaction to this proposal or any alternate suggestions you eight have for achieving the same purposes L. K. WHTZS Deputy Director (Support) Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIJRDP81-00261 R000600030020-5