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Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030037-7 UNIFORM STATE/AID/USIA FOREIGN SERVICE TRAVEL REGULATIONS of section 126. 1.1 b. Unless waived by the appropriate officials .in the headquarters agency, any employee appointed for a 12-month tour of duty abroad must have his dependents' travel and shipment of effects commence within 3 months. If the agency extends this 3-month time limitation for his dependents to travel or- to ship effects, the employee's tour of duty is extended so that the employee and his depend- ents remain at post at least 1 year after the dependents' arrival. A repayment agreement is required of the employee in accordance with section 126. 1-4. For liquidation or refund of repayment, see section 126. 1-6. (The repayment agreement should be changed appropriately to show travel to posts as an extension of the time limitation, and should refer to section 132.2-lb instead ferred more than 6 months after the employee' last day in pay status unless earlier or later time limitation is.specified in the travel authorization or the time limitation is extended Such later time limit or extension shall not exceed 18 months after the employee's last day in pay status. 132. 2-2 Separation From the Service When an employee is separated from the Foreign Service, the actual departure of the employee, the departure of his family, and the transportation of all effects shall not be de- TL:GS-96 4-1.2-68 132.2-3 Limitation on Interrupted Travel and Transportation When travel or transportation of effects is interrupted for the convenience of the traveler for an aggregate period in excess of 12 months, expenses for travel or transpor- tation shall be allowable only to the last point of interruption unless additional delay is specifically authorized. For separation, see section 132. 2-2. 132.3 Return to Post Prior to Completion of Temporary Duty Assignment Transportation expenses to an employee's designated post of duty and per diem en route are allowable whenever the employee becomes incapacitated because of illness or injury, not due to his own misconduct, while en route to or while at the temporary duty station before completion of temporary duty assignment. (See section 156.5-4 for per diem payable during illness or injury.) 132.4 Stopover for Rest Period Any schedule flights in excess of 14 hours on a usually traveled route, including scheduled stopovers of less than 8 hours, when traveling by less than first-class ac- commodations, may be interrupted for a rest period of not to exceed 24 hours. The point of interruption should be midway in the journey or as near to it as the schedule permits. Per diem and necessary miscel- laneous expenses are authorized. Rest stops are not authorized when travel is per- formed by an indirect route. GENERAL SERVICES 6 FAM 132.2-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030037-7 Approved For #~ F3 ~fcl1~ ~~AA~ UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I Executive Director-Comptroll E- H r 2 IQ~ 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Forwarded in response your query. Note precise policy re time delay. We are not restricted to same implementing regulations. Ott- FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SEN FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE Deputy Director of Personnel 5E-56 HQ 682 5 2 May 68 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 J I Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030037-7