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Publication Date:
April 30, 1968
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Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CA-aA`81-00261 R000600030041-2
30 April 1968
SUBJECT: Administrative Authorities
1. The General Counsel had some concern with the Administrative
Authorities Committee proposal number 2 -- home leave timetable. In
order to attempt to get the travel and transportation proposal approved
on 30 April 1968, the original paper was revised to encompass only that
proposal. As revised It was coordinated by Mr. Houston and, after some
discussion, by Mr. Warner. Mr. Warner would have preferred for the
paper to be broadened beyond Agency personnel in the CIA Retirement
System. pie agreed that we could subsequently recommend an extension
and, accordingly, that we should go ahead with the present version in
view of the individual cases on which this change would have a consider-
able Influence. Colonel White subsequently approved the paper after
tng the question of the duration of the option of the retiree or
retsignee. Colonel White stipulated that, in rewriting the regulation,
the time frame should be specified.
2. We now have the matter of Implementing the approval by
regulation change which should be drafted by the Office of Personnel.
this process not only the time frame noted by Colonel White must be
onsidered but also other omissions mentioned by and Mr. 25X1 A
25X1 A ~ (survivors in death cases and assignees tMMM 25X1 A
on a tour basis, such a , '' e should 25X1 A
consider the points mentioned by Warner to see if we a 9d, specify
o couidT tiered eligible as having met
criterion but are not in the CIARS. (For example,
several years abroad but resigns after serving
s [e''t? me S4 T rtera, 6r the 1vlduaI w meets all of the
e``Atritelr boil liae3 ecteeto a nmovTirty the CSCRS,tti
o to ke oft"ge of ti e u coxreiney eas to VTt . I# the, maaci'aiux
ikir ent er~rnex)
ohn W. Coffey
Assistant Deputy Director
for Support
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030041-2
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030041-2
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030041-2
Approved ,For Release Z0Q1/04I05 : CIA-F P81-00261 R000600030041-2
1 May 1968
Mr. Powell
We should assemble all of our ideas
for incorporation into the draft regulation.
I would suggest that be our focal 25X1 A
point and that we establish 8 May as the date
on which we will forward our consolidated
ideas to the Office of Personnel.
MFR, dtd 30 April 68, by ADD/S,
subj: Administrative Authorities
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030041-2