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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 24, 1968
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030045-8.pdf239.91 KB
r,, r Approved For Release 2001 /04/ DP81-00261 R0 0 -8 XN 2 4 1968 25X1A MOR) Ad al tot of ative A fri istrative authorities which are being adopted b Mr. Banerman . 2. attached is f r the regulations. 25X1A go: Director of Per ae EO-DD/S:VRT:es (24 June 68) Distribution: Orig & 1 - Adse w/cy of att (DD/S 68-2780) ,, 'r DD/S Subject w/O of att 1 - DD/S Chrono Approved For Release 2001/04/05811]2xF~ 00030045-8 Cey as i+i~atio4 ST",PTIr Approved For Release 2001/04/05: 1i4-RDP81-00261 R000 31 May 19 68 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer to the DD/S Vernon: Colonel White signed the 21 May memoran- dum on administrative authorities (re travel of survivors) with the oral proviso that I pass along to you his concern that the benefits therein should also be extended to survivors of Agency employees who are not participants in the CIARS but who are nonetheless sub- ject to "rotational assignments. " This caveat presumably would also apply to the benefits extended by his approval of the 30 April 1968 memorandum covering travel and transportation expenses of CIARS retirees. No doubt the same would apply to future proposals to adopt benefits authorized under the Foreign Service Act. Colonel White suggested that the DD/S should review now the whole matter of which employees get cov- ered by what and then present overall conclusions and recommen- dations, rather than to approach the question of extending coverage on a piecemeal basis. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R0006000 Rcc