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SECRET ?Appro+'eq Fbr Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030074-6 RANDUM FORS Office of the General Counsel Chief} Audit Staff Chief: Commercial Staff Chief, Management Staff Chief, Iadical Staff Director of Communications Comptroller Director of Logistics Director of Personnel Director of Security Director of Training SUBJECT : Approving Officers 25X1 A REFERENCE 1. A review of the; ourrent(aeaMtlof designating Approving Officers indicates that^revised procedure is to prevent unsound practices from developing. The fundamental principle underlying the approval of financial transactions is that this function is a supervisory responsibility and will only be performed role" to personnel or activities under the super- vision and directi of the Approving Officer. 2. In accordance with referenced reg do it will be the policy of this office. to designa` Proving Officers Staff and Office Chiefs and Directors and their Deputies, Chiefs of Divisions and their Deputies and Chiefs of Administration of Staffs and Offices. shall only approve financial trans- actions pertaining to pers nnel or activities under their direct supervisions, or such othertgeneral administrative-type transactions as may be formally placed Crider their technical responsibility by the Chief or Director of the Staff or office concerned. Approved For Release 2001/04/05 :aQ ff P81-00261 R000600030074-6 iproved,-For Release 2001 /04/05 +ADP81-0 61,1000600030074-6 3. It is requested that each i submit, in memorandum form, a revised listing by name and title of those officials within their components whom they wish to have designated as Approving Officers,, The memorandum should be addressed to the Chief, Finance Division and/or to the Chief, Fiscal Division ~ be signed by the Chief or Deput Office concerned and should `i:nclude signature of each xasominee, Director Supp rt~ 1 for approval and forwar ~* 5X1 A ing to th Chief? Finan Division and or Chief, Fiscal Division.~w ~iattee fitiona d deletions tr this revised list ? ' - - ' 11 be andled similarly 4. i ating designations inconsistent with the above ore~ rescinded. 1 H. GA' TAB`S LLOYD Acting Deputy Director (Support) Approved For Release 2001/04/05 P81-00261 R000600030074-6 ^ UNCLASSI FI D INTERNAL iqYfRM30074-6~ SECRET SUBJECT: (optional). ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Finance Division Operations and Liaison Branch 200 Alcott Hall, X-3550 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) C/O&L 200 Alcott Hall X28 Apr 59 4/28 /s / JHS AC/FD /s / 3 to 7: 1036 Alcott Hall 4/29 REW Comptroller /5/ 4/29 RHF 1039 Alcott Hall A-DD/S 115-East-Bldg 25X1A 29 Apr 59 7 May 59 /s / HGL/p Att. 25 2127 "I" Bldg. PURM 1 DEC 56 6 T 0 USEDITIO SUS 25X1A The attached is in accordance with tele - phone conversation of several days ago. 25X1 A /S/ I---? 2001/04 Q-5 - rIA-RnpR1-nn2Al 8000600030074-6 SEERNAL SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ I ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED U I . - - v 16/h Approvedor ease 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261800060 930074-6 Approved se 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030074-6 a "bl Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030074-6 AA.AAA I I A III I P1111 K Pa- III wpm- AN &1 -151151201 D SHEET------AA A 3 S~c~ .r ' SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: Finance Division NO. O ti d L pera ons an iaison Branch DATE 200 Alcott Hall,, X-3550 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. 200 Alcott Hall 2. ..~.. ...~.~~ r.~w,.~rc.. 25X1 3. AC/FD j L*~ssscy~--~ 1036 Alco tt Hall 4 25X1A 5. Comptroller 1039 Alcott Hall 6. 7. ADDS 9 7 ,4J( 125 East Building S9 S9 8. /9tf 25X IA 9. T N ='. AM ' izz ~ " 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM 1 ~ ~GI' p 1 DEC 56 1 EDITIONS E CONFIDENTIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED INTERNAL USE N ^ CONFIDENTIAL NTC~ET 7 Approved Approved or lee ;-._,a U?Nr*LASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL 1A I SECRET ' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE 1 Acting Deputy Director (suppo rt) 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: I agree that this is an improvement in the wording of the message, and recommend that it be released as changed. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADD DATE SSA-DD/S, 212 I - UNCLASSIFIED IONFIDEN IAL SECRET FORM NO. 237 Replaces Form 30-4 1 APR fi which may he used. 30074-6