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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011 /04/07 CIA-R DP81-002808000100160071-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011 /04/07 CIA-R DP81-002808000100160071-9 ~_ L-u-t~-r~-t-u-n-IV-r-.~-ti-L. ~ st~rrorroMOFPAGEFORSPECIALC:ONrROLS,IFANl' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP81-002808000100160071-9 anal coalalas iaiormatloa aiisotinq tLe INFORIVIAT[C33+1 REPORT Natioaa! Doioase of the IIallsd States..itLis trs. _ ' meaataq of tho Fspioange Laws, title 1>l, D.S.C. PREPARED Af~'~ISSEMINATED 8Y sore. ass and 794, tho traasmittloa or rs~elatio' oI which la aap maaaer to as naauthorlsed >t>r CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY COUNTRY Rurnariia Su UJ[CT ? ~ 'DATE OISTRIOUTED 50X1-HUM Entry and Exit Procedures/Reported Ammunition _ o ~ / %i ~ / ,;, ~ Depot Et Petre $tii ~ NO.OF pAG ES I NO.OF C..CLS. ' SUPPLEfaENTT.OREPORTA 50X1-HUM ' THIS Is UNEVALUATED IivFORnnA7lorv 50X1-HUM Q_-~L:E.-1- -~:N.-Z-S- DISTRI7l1T10`I t cn: am+v ~ Nnvv nut I-_ =LZ~_'--L--L----- -~ -_ - 50X1-HUM f leeelte Irnr+onrml un r; h.~,l I.?nu nrnr~~ durv I'?.`r~-~?1'Irnn Inrllrfdunb who arr nor wally Irelldlnn: enlnlnyee+ of C1A, nrc, rnr, Slale of Delen+e) unJeu fhe wrlffea pnnnduuu vl Iau un J~nulUW offrco h.rs Lmm oblulnnd throu{th 16s A+al~lanl Ulmclm for Cenflal Ifolorence, CIA. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP81-002808000100160071-9 -2- Petr~eti, a small town with a population o! approximately live thous-'sd, 50X1-H U M mill. The mill works three shifts per day: 0600-1400 hours; 1400-0200 hours; 0200.0600 hours. In addition to the pulp mill, there is a small saw mill which employs about 10 people. by truck or by means o! the M~i~hl.bacher (aic) river which !lows a1on~ tlmr a large flo~wt or mllitnry installation across the MlShlbacher ri-5 ver. o t o spot Se by means o! .z wood bridge. I believe that the brides i? about 450 lest in length anfl is wide oncugh s'or two automobiles. Ths depot is about 1.5 miles Yrom the enfl of tl~o bridge. Thn Muhlbacher river has a fairly sW1lt curront, because iL? ie used to carry pulp wood to the mill. I flifl not learn its dopth or the cxt^nt to which it ie navL:gable. OX1-HUM 50X1-HUM -3- ', C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I A-L 9. Living conditions at Petresti are bearable to the townspeople simply because they to the lack of proper food and everyday conveniences Grain is in very short supply, as is 50X1-H U M meat. The people have to line up every Friday for meat that is avail- able. No ration boo' but identification do tomcats are re aired. 50X1-H U M poop a ve small vegetable gardens; however, crops from the larger collective farms are taken by the Rinnanian government. Heating and cooking in individursl homes are done by r..eans of saw d~:st briquettes obtained either from Pet- resti or Sebes. The cost of them is about 80 lei per load. 10. Petresti has very narrow streets constructed of crushed gravel and sto- nes. Electricity is aruilable in .the town provided Prom a power s~ation at Sebes. Street lights are spaced cite a distance apart. A few of the people have radios and reported that they have heard broad- casts from Radio Free Europe. there are only two telephones in .the town, one st the pulp mill and t e second at the town hall. The town also has a very small post office and a tele- graph station located in the same building. Transportation in and out of town is by means of an old bus which covers an area of about 15 miles from the depot as well as -r_e people who live in the town.