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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2011
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Publication Date: 
October 29, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00280R001300100076-5.pdf58.46 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/17 : CIA-R DP81-0028OR001300100076-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/17 : CIA-R DP81-0028OR001300100076-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/17: CIA-RDP81-0028OR001300100076-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This =WW contains tntarmauan .tT.attns ttw es" ' Dd.ttw of tb. Untt.d state within thr ZOOM'- 0: thn ldptan.f. Lai. 'fu. IL U.N.C. swot. In .ad in. the usnam rbn or nnuu.a at .efah in MW manner to an uaauthcR..d pars= V problblt.d by tow. SECit> T50X1-HUM COUNTRY Zest Oersany Sua1ECT Soviet Arq Rxerciae in the Wittatock Area NO. PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. DATE OF IWO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 29 October 1956 2 RD 1. On the evening of 24 August, a convoy of tanks, armored cars, AT guns, rocket launchers and trucks came from the direction of Rossow through Chrietdorf an route toward Wittatock. Some of the trucks contained troops and others were loaded with baggage. V. 2. At 1830 hours the following groups had taken up position: u. In the roods on the northern side of the path from Christdorf to the Wittatocker Chausee: (i) Approzistely 100 T34/85 tanks; (11) 30 2- and 3-axled armored cars; (iii) About 50 trucks including 15-20 rocket launchers. In the woods immediately to the mat of the Wittatocker Chauaue and 4 - 500 a north of MR 328 839: 3 rove of 2- and 3-ezled armored can. Each row was about 000 a in length and all 3 were parallel to one another and to the Wittatocker Chausee. No count of the vehicles could be made owing to tbair being partially obscured by trees. 3. None of the vehicles mentioned above were dug in but out of they were lightly camouflaged with twigs and branches. In general, they were drawn up at only 10-15 a intervals from one another but the drivers were obviously using the trees as natural camouflage. 4. During the day of 24 August, jet fighter aircraft made repeated flights at a height of about 2000 a over the area Rossow-Hersaprung-Christdcrf-wittatoce Cadow, while at noon a formation of 12 Jet fighters flew over then same area. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/17: CIA-RDP81-0028OR001300100076-5 At 1800 hour., a jet fighter side a mock attack on the arsored care to the met of the Wittetocker Chausee boa a Might of about 800 a. 6. The above positions occupied by Soviet troops on 24 August were unoccupied early on 25_August.