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Approved For Rel ase 2002/10/28: CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISION 1 February 1955 Rescinds FDD Notices FDD Notice No. 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, No. 2-55 14, 16, 19 and 20 Subject: FDD Basic Exploitation Program 1. The FDD basic exploitation program of scheduled reporting is designed to satisfy requirements expressed by IAC representatives on the Subcommittee on Exploitation of Foreign Language Publications of the Advisory Committee on Foreign Language Publications, implementing NSCID-16. 2. The scheduled reports are intended to provide required coverage of subject categories and/or areas in terse presentation style for ready reference and easy filing. Extent of coverage and selection of information for inclusion in the reports will vary by category and country depending on current emphasis of requirements, program guidance received from consumers, availability of manpower and source material. 3. Generally, the presentation of items will be in the form of factual precis, abstracts, or summaries of the content of articles as appropriate from the information contained in the source materials. (See Tab A "Reporting Program of FDD/00")' FDD comment, inspired by observation, comparison, special knowledge of subject etc., will be indicated clearly as "Comment" enclosed in brackets, e.g., Jomment: This notice supersedes nine previous FDD notices, 4. Material for scheduled reports will represent the contribution and cooperation of all branches of the division. Branch chiefs will appoint "coordinators" as the officers respon- sible for the collection of contributions for the respective areas of reporting; for checking material for coherency, for preventing duplication, for proper compilation before transmittal of material to the editors, and for meeting the publication schedule set for each report, The coordinator will be the point of reference for editorial questions or revisions. (Coordinators appointed for the FDD scheduled reports are listed in Tab A. Branch chiefs will designate alternates as required.) Approved For Release 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047- Approved For Ref ase 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 5. Throughout this reporting program, timeliness is an objective within limits imposed by procurement and delivery of souroe material. Schedules will be set, or revised, only with complete coordiae- tion within the division, and with Reproduction Division, LO, and LD/CD. Schedules will be rigidly obser-:+ed. 6. Tab A lists the reports in the basic program, the coordinator and schedule dates of the reports. 7. Tab b covers operational procedures for the FDD basic reporting p='ogrea? 8. This notice is subject to amendment or revision as require ants of the intelligence comimmity and the capabilities of PDD soy indicate. 25X1A Distribution: Area branch personnel - 2- Approved For Release 2002/10/28 CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Release 2002/10/28 CIA; RDP81-00706R000$00030047.2 REPORTING PROGRAM OF FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISION/00 1 February 1955. rea POLLod Tag title A. (Nonscientific) 1. USSR Monthly Summary "Soviet Military 3d Mon Information From RKrasnayaa Zvesdae and Other Publications" Class: CONFIDENTIAL Coord: 25X1 A 2. USSR Monthly 4th Mon 3. USSR Monthly 2d Man Bimonthly 00-W 1st Thurs 4. USSR Monthly Summary "Transportation 5. USSR Class: CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A and Communications in the USSR" 25X1A "USSR Territorial- Administrative Changes" 25X1A 1) instruments, tools, machine tools 2) textile, food and production equipment 3) agricultural machinery 4) tractors, motor vehicles and consumer goods 5) heavy industrial and construction equipment 6) electrical and communications equipment 1) rail, water, motor, air and urban transpor- tation 2) facilities and equipment 3) postal, wire, wireless, television and motion picture operations and facilities Includes all announce- ments and decrees published in USSR news- papers which refer to territorial or administrative changes Approved For Release 2002/1 0/28 : -tIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 2715-9-9471- Sections 1) military personalities 2) schools 3) districts 4) training equipment 5) indoctrination 6) paramilitary organiza- tions and activities 7) publications, including editorials Summary "USSR Agriculture, 1) crops 2) weather reports Weather, Forestry, 3) animal husbandry 4) land and Forest Products" improvement 5) forestry and timber industry 25X1A Summary "Report on USSR Production of Industrial Equipment" Approved For Release 2002/A&4 O P81-00706R000300030047-2 6. USSR Bimonthly Summary "Data on USSR 3d Thurs Extractive Class: Varied Semiannual Su mary "Semiannual Report Jun. & Dec on Functions of Coord: 25X1 A 7. USSR Class: COPE= PIAL Annual Nov 8. 11181R Semiannual Su=wry "S ,ya Report Nor & Sep on Education in the USSR" Class: Varied ? Coords Daily 9. USSR semiannual. smeary "Semi amoral Report Apr & Oct on USSR Republic . Plan " Clam: Varied Coords 10.t1SSR (lass: Varied Coorda U. MR Annual Oct Was : Varied Coord:l 12. USSR 25X1A Unalassifie4 Coord: 25X1A Summary "Annual Report on USSR Republic Budgets" 25X1A Smeary "Annual Report On Crime in the USR" 25X1A Industries" Ministries of the USSR" 25X1A 25X1A 1) ferrous metals 2) nonferrous metals 3) minerals 4) was peat, shale 5) petroleum 6) chemicals Information on the structure and allocation of functions of USSR ministries and other ainistoarial-l..l organisations . Intonation on the organi.. sation of schools, statis" tics of enrollment and graduation, courses offered, techniques of instruction, budgets, plan- ning, comparative analysis Translations of republic plan fulfillment annnaoe- analysis tir ooerodity, ministry and sector of the econmW Includes excerpts from speeches of republic finance ministers and reoos- Kandations of budget commis. sions; infbrmation on income and matures for various sectors of the eooaoeq, budget laws, with ca perar? tive analysis Reports on all types of crime with tabular presentation by type of crime and sentence Biographic information on Soviet personalities This is extracted information produced in 5x8 file-card fora and disseminated to the appropriate units of State, AM, Air; NSA, and CIA. Approved For Release 2002/SD 4 DP81-00706R000300030047-2 1-11 Approved For Release 200242 RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 AM gerig =2 TWA B. E XUROPE 25X1A 1. Eastern Weekly sua?ary "Weekly Economic 1) agriculture, forestry Europe Tues Information Report and fishing 2) chssdoal on Eastern Europe" industry 3 construction bass: Varied Obords and onion materials 4) oonamer goods and donsstic trade 5) Boo- aaaio organisation,. b gsogi~pand g- at hic 77 s- turing industries 8) pmar and extractive io ries 9) transportatias and 25X1A te1 tlas$ 2. Eastern Senlaonthly Su?ary "Political and Europe lot & 3d Sociological. Tha:rs Information Report on Eastern Europe" Olasss Varied Coord: 25X1A 3. Eastern Moacthly Suana y "Military Intbrnation 1) personalities 2) noaa- Europe 2d Mon Report on Eastern ailitary use of ssilitary Europe" persomwl 3) tactics, equipmout, ~lshipa organisation, u its, installations & districts 5) military and naval Class: COTIAL Ooord: schools, training, Sections 1) govermient and pattty organisations 2) party activities 3) training 4 poli4W and theory 5 elections b) aass organisations 7) propaganda organisations and osiaigni, seigre activity, edueati+on and tecbuioal training 8) labor and aanpowr 9) standard of living 10) minorities il) popular Lion data 12) health and sanitation 13) arise 14) personal dooanwtation sports 6) paratuilitary 25X1 A 9001]. a~a sativities I 4. Eastern Daily Cards Biographic information of Eastern Spropean Swope Una~laesifi ed -Ooords personalities. This is extracted intbrmation produced in 5x8 file-card tats and dissainnted to the appropriate =its of State, Ar , Air, NSL, and CIA. Approved For Release 2002/i0JDP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Reisase 2002/lBM.C4MARRfP81-00706R000300030047-2 A Period 0. LrAL. 1. Chine Class: Varied Osordt 3w?aty "Weekly Economic 1) agriculture and Information Report forestry 2) trade and on China" f4nancs 3) heavy and light industry 4) aineral resouross 5) transport.. tion and teleaoe^aoioatloes 25X1 A 6) ua oonssa Watson aaoperstivrs 2. China lot & nthly 3d Surtsey "sociological let & Inibsaation Wed on China" Report Sass: Owds Varied 3. owns Monthly 2d Thur. Chest OoNTIAL 000rds I 25X1A 2 aaapo~ 3) s tae 4aieantilie ft44 Sua cry "Military Informs- Repoarto by areas all tion Report on China" order of battle and other I 25X1A 4? China Jt n'thly Reference "Tables of Contents 3d Thar. Aid of Chinese C =r=Jst to China hhno~tassified Gowds and the Tientsin 25X1 A bQ by eouz ors title, and subject 6. Philippines Sead~nthly 00-W UInformation From. 1) reaction toward public 2d & 4th the Manila Tagalog issues and toward the 98 Wed Daily 'Bagong Buhay' 2 provincial information (date ~)" 3 "settlement of ku %"W WON numm 5)ZOCa1 ti 25X1 A p al party Cood t lapse ianalotiss -b- Approved For Release 2002/1d'I~P81-00706R000300030047-2 Periodicals" 25X1A pertinent intorite~tion on military activity, partiai- pation, Personalities, appointttents, aorale, decorations, egpipsrent, movements, districts 3) economic 2) political 4) sci ti and technical Wnthly Reference *Ind o~c of Two Chinese Indexes all items of the 4th Thur. Aid *=MIA Newspapers" Peiping n J3 4 appraisal of national and local govors at activities Approved For Refease 200#P F8,., 4rRDP81-007068000 00030047-2 7. Indochina Monthly Sieoeaaty "mthly Infbraation 1) national and local 2d Toes Report on Indochina" goeerz .nteI Pouti", orgeaioatlcns and aativitiies 2 eraz owiar and labor 3 ethnic grorops 4) popular resatioaa toward intermel and. external afriirs 5) .gricaltaro 6) i - 7) transpoartatioo and 8) doarrstie and fbaeip trade *xclndiog taonired,8t Class: Varied bloc 9) biographic ieaindi~lg Q mrdt 2 5X 1 A ad].itary and naval Pte' alities. Organised by now bsdonesia Monthly sraiar-ry "Intor atlcn Report 1) gov. iarnt and political lot Toes on indoneeiao crganissati~ons and activities (elections) 2) adlitarj inibraatica In ding training 3) pareadlitary and seaarity aativitias. band 6) transpo 'Im and telsoalinmiaationo 7 ports and ha rboars ? 8 doasstia and fO reign tw& 9 igirionltura 20) aus-now u) a neral eoono.ia. dsvelopnnts 12). dsvslopsents l3 . Class: OONFIOBIITIAL - W)F~tF Organised by areas: Tana, . Coord: 25X1 A SaWtre, Darneo$ Celebes, Moluccas, and Lesser Rimdas to Thailand Seri- 3uW?ary "Political, Sooao?ic, 1) national and local quarterly and Sociological . governments; political Report an Thailand* organiseti~oos and activities 2) Internal sso ity 3) umpower and labor 4) ethnic and religions groups 5) cultural, and sociological activities 6) popular reaction to internal and external affairs 7) agriculture 8) transportation and teleoas .canons Class: Varied 9) - douestic and foreign . Coord: 2 5X 1 A U)trade 20) industry -7- Approved For Release 2002/-10/2 RDP81-007068000300030047-2 Approved For Release 2004N,R644DP81-00706R000300030047-2 L0. Butma Sesi- Suoaazy "Political, Economic, quarterly and Sociological Report on Boma" Cases Varied 4ordt 25X1A L1. southeast Seat- Stmry "Report an Overseas Asia quarterly Ch4neae Activities in Southeast Asia" Olasst Varied Ooordt 12. JJap n, YAUUay s Suemtary let Tbur aria Varied ~eord: 1) national and local g~ovsrmrnta; political orgemisstions and activities 2) anbv rsive activities 3) aaVowr and labor 4) ethnic and religious grasps 5) poplar reaction to internal and external afflira 6) agricul- ture 7) transportation and teleod~ioatirone 8) domestic and foreign trade 9) ndustiy, eadtni'al 1a>~ ~gaiolegical d aativit3es 1) ecanoaic 2) political 3) ' sducatim 4) labor 25X1A "Ibnihly In -- Report on Japan and Eoreaa 25X1A 1) Japaat Uo^runtist theca , policies and faaetiaatali.stt 2) Japan: articles b0' intellectuals 3) Japan: Socialist policies and factioMlieu 4) Japans political parties 5) J gave-uaeat structure 6 Japan: social. problow T Japan: biographic 8 North Nor": political structure, eooeros-ia reconxtruation South x0reas political Onaaios, national economic situation, biographic -8- Approved For Release 2002/tQf Approved For Release 2002/&: ;DP81-00706R000300030047-2 La"d D. OTHER AREAS I. Italy Weekly Thurs Unelassitied 2S Jitle Secctiioona I "Index of 'La Stampa" Lists selected articles and "La Stampa Sera" on events of national (date span)" and international importance under major categories of political, 25X1 A domestic, foreign affairs, economic, military. .scientific and sociological ?. Arab States, Monthly Summary "Monthly Information 1) military 2) popular Israel 2d Mon Report nn irab Stat e reaction to Arab League and Israel" treatment of minorities, organized labor activitien. oil arguments, and attitude toward Soviets 3) activities of Moslem Brotherhood, Orthodox Churches, Pan.. Islamic Conferences and committees of the Arab League 4) major legislative changes 5) organised labor activities in Arab States 6) population structure and problems 7) Israeli constitutional system 8) transportation and c5X I A 9) Industry and iculture 10) geographic 11) biographic .rrol.e Monthly Summary "Monthly Information 1) national and provincial let Mon Report on Greece, political developments Turkey, and Iran" 2) activities of minority and religious groups 3) labor developments 4) popular reaction to internal and external affairs 5) public welfare on Greece 6) transporta- tion and teleoommunications 7) industry and agriculture 25X1 A 8) geographic 9) military 10) biographic -9. Approved For Release 200 DP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Riase 2002'4RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 India Monthly Summary "Monthly Information 1) Soviet economic Pakistan 4th Mon Report on India, penetration of Afghanistan Afghanistan Pakistan, and 2) oomment on external Afghanistan" affairs - provincial press x 3) developments in India's relations with Kashmir- Nepal-Sikkim-Bhutan-Assam-Tibet 4) political activities and developments in Pakistan 5) characteris- tics of the people in major regions of Pakistan 6) religion, education, public information in Afghanistan 7) Hindu-Mosl? relations 8) labor activi- ties 9) military inforaatt-t from AL-HU AL PAX 10) transportation and telecosssmi.cations 11) industry and agriculture 12) geographic 13) gowrn- sent structure, Afghanistan 25X1 A central and local govern- ments A Sri -,a Monthly Summary "Monthly Information 1) political parties* 3d Mon Report on Africa" 2) political agitation and * ?argiers, French and Spanish North Africa, Belgian ,Qas y urbion of South Africa, Portuguese Africa 'teagi n Congo, French West and Equatorial Africa, Ethiopia and including preparation for naz:2ts s independence tribal unreet+t+F 3) local consent on internal and external affairs 4) social development affecting growth of Nationalism 5) military information - South of Sahara 6) industry, mining, and agriculture 7) transportation and 25X1 A teleconmeuaicatioas 8) geographic 9) biographic r ra storxr. Monthly Summary "Monthly Informa- 1) comment on foreign nir+'ps 3d Wed tion Report on affairs 2) internal Western Europe" affairs 3) military 4) general, economic, finance, organization Varied of labor, civil, air 25X1A 10 - and telecoamunicationa Approved For Release 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Release 2002/ 0%8c: f?L -F DP$1-00706R000~00030047-2 "x Latin Semi- America nanthly 2d & 4th Wed II "Semimonthly Information 1P comments on major issues Report on Latin America" in the UN; major issue in the organization of American states or inter- American meetings 2) articles on contro- versial US policies, anti- US articles and propaganda 3 internal political affairs 4:' mil itary and q:xasi military on Bolivia, Pa'aguay, and the Dc,aini can Republic 5.), electric power Jr* Chile 6? lr reign trade 7' transportation and 25X1 A telecoamnnicati:,ns Approved For Release 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Rtaase 2002/4.:=kDP81-00706R000'300030047-2 AMa ko-rAo Ie Title E. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL -PUBLICATIONS 1. Orbit Monthly Summary "Science lst Wed Class: Cooed; 3e~tiona News Items" Reports on selected articles of intelligence interest in the fields of science and technology 25X1 A in the USSR and Soviet orbit countries 2, USSR Monthly Summary "Survey of Reports on dissertations 2d Wed Scientific and by subject, degree, author, 3. China 25X1 4, USSR 25X1A Technical Disaerta- title of dissertation, tions Defended at USSR date of defense, instit-a Higher Educations tional affiliation and Institutions" sponsors Semiannual Summary "Review of Chinese Evaluation of such Monthly 3d Wed Communist Scien-- periodicals available to tific and Technical FDD; information and Periodicals" comments on publication 25X1A "Abstracts of Articles From Unavailable Soviet Scientific and Technical Periodicals" 25X1A I 5. LJSf1R Irregular Cards Abstracts of 19 USSR scientific and technical periodicals 25X1A staffs including biographic notes; changes in content and educational level which may indicate trends in Chinese Communist scientific development Presents by subject and source, author, title of article, and a translation or abridgement of abstract, references found in non-, English abstract journals to information in USSR scientific and technical serial publications, which publications are not avail- able as yet for US exploitation. These abstracts are produced in 5x8 card-file form and disseminated to appropriate components of Army, Navy, Air, AEC, NSA, ASD/RD, and CIA. 12 Approved For Release 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Release 2001L'1/JIkRDP81-00706R000300030047-2 F. GENERAL COVERAGE Y. Interna- Weekly Summary "Selected Briefs tional Fri From the Inter- :.lass: CONFIDENTIAL All Monthly Week of the 10th $EGRET 25X1 crs unit, national Press" 25X1A "Consolidated Translation Survey" (CTS) -13? 1) Communist movements 2) International conferences and faire 3 East-West travel and contacts 4) Intra-Orbit travel and contacts 5) Eastp-West Trade 6) Intra@Orbit trade 7) East-West cargo shipments 8) Smuggling 9) Orbit trade advertise- ments in. non-Orbit countries 10) Resistance and sabotage 11) Orbit security police 12) Arms traffic This publication is issued in cooperation with 19 foreign language units of the IAC which contribute listings monthly of translations completed or begun the previous month. The listings are not cumulative. Includes governmental and nongovex mental agencies. Approved For Release 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Release Pkl-10706R000300030047-2 TAB "B" FDD BASIC EXPLOITATION PROGRAM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. Generally, the material for scheduled reports will be typed double-spaced on 5x8 sheets in FDD "press" style. Variations from this method of presentation will be effected through agreement with Editorial Section, Report Branch. 2. The deadline for all specifically scheduled reports (weekly, semimonthly, and monthly) will be 0900 of the scheduled day (Tab "A"). Any deviation from the schedule must be coordinated with Reports Branch. 3. Editorial and Publications sections will process all scheduled reports as target-date priorities. It will be generally understood that all scheduled reports will clear Reports Branch for Reproduction Division within five days. 1.. The coordinator will set the deadline for his specific report, or for his section of a report, to the end that the editorial schedule will be met. It shall be the responsibility of the coordinator to conduct such liaison within the division as may be required to carry out his assignment. The coordinator, or his alternate, will be available for reference during the period required for editing. The coordinator will refer questionable items to the responsible analyst for clarification or correction, and when unable to effect such clarification at its source, will refer the material to the appropriate section or branch chief, in that order. The coordinator will take action to maintain a flow of information from all areas of the division having potential contributions in the category for which he is responsible. 6. The section chief will be responsible for production of material for scheduled reports and for the meeting of deadlines as agreed upon with the coordinator. The section chief will maintain such liaison with consumers as may be required to explore and expand program guidance for the production of scheduled reports from material on his area. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2 Approved For Release.2002ftOi28.. QIA-RDP31-00706R000300030047-2 The section chief will refer all information exploited on areas other than his own to the appropriate section chief responsible for such area information. 7. Coordinators and section chiefs will cooperate to implement any changes required in guidance, style, deadlines, and other operational factors related to the scheduled reports. 15 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2002/10/28 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000300030047-2