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Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040 {20-8~` 25X1A C0''7{'Dii TT:lL 16 December 1946 C c) ~) Tn C' `T71J I':771LLIC177TCr (lOUP 25X1A COOYDIT 1.TIOI OF LOLL? CT.iIOi ICTITJI TIT'S Zef(rences: C T r. a9 icraor;~ndumL i:)-,r t): c Director of I.rte11~.E ` ~~c 25X1A 1. Pursuant to t?.,.c: instructions of t'-c, Intc11i,.;oncc -advisory Board at its 11th racetirn.r on " (: ovcrni cr 1c46 the ad hoc committee dcsi mated at th;. tine has me>?t and con s7 do rcd amendments to 2. Accordi!gly the Draft Y.I.... Directive in Y'.r::c1osurc concurred in by the ad hoc committee, is ,ub:::,i.ttr_?r, hcrclnith.. 3. It is recommended t'- ;t the Director of Central I'.tc1J_i {;once; and the Intelligence Advisory board, acting for the ?'Tational Intelligence ' uthority pursuant to p)arou ra..uh 3 of i~.I..~ . Dirc:ctiv ?'o. 1, approve the Draft I.J Directive in Enclosure 'L . r~ Lleut~:~i~nt GcinLrli, T1 1 J~t~ Director of Centr=al L tclligcnce CO?-FID..l TIfiL - 1 - For Release 2001J03/30 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 COiTFI].)1'T'TIi L 1 1CL0'~UI~ I ,,A ;; DRua!PT PROPOSED I`T . I. t~ . DI IZ'.-CTIVT COORDII\ TIOT, OF COLL 'CTIOI? ,O'.TIVITI??S 1 . The; fol? ov,in over-G].1. policies and obj cctivcs e+rc cstablishcd by the IT,~.tionol Intclligcncc 1utliorit" for. Vie in.tcr- dcpartm.cntal coordinE,tion of collection activities so tl.c,t mcc-isures mP,y be taken promptly to cffcct sound rand cfficicnt utilization of the various drJ ,_;rtmc nt '.1 overscas collecting, .nd reporting services: Thcrc sI all bc an, a1].oc :tion v11ithil cep. twin. broad cratcr,orics of agency responsibility for collco- tion in tl-;e: field. b. "rho ;senior U. LS'. rcprescntative in. cc ch f orciFn. orea v,,hcrc the Unitcd S'U-itcs maia.toins c, service mission sl r,11 ibc respozlsi b1c for try.- coordi.nction of all collection ~,rtmcnt for >>su:~,ll..y Drrcp rcd or ohtoincd by othcr dcpartmcn . tat prescn t this Direct ivc is i r. tc.~; re tcd to a;)p1y only to tl..osc d e;;,artn:ccnts rcpr. cscntcd by the pcrrn,_ncnt rncribf rs of t,1- c Ite11i.gcnc: ':Gvisory '9ocrc c Common sc- sci I"'a11. .1c DppliGd i.r ti. c; i r;'}1C!'1GI1' tion of thcsc cstQblisY_cd oticr.-oll. ,policic:s Ltr.a object?.vcs ? r surc Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 COIFFIthT TL,L to insure the, full. utiliz tion of inc':ividucil initi- oti:-,rc and favoroblo contocts by collc.ctinc.ngcr!ts. f. I To is tcrprctction of tl";csc cstcblishcd ovc--c,:l.l policies rind objectives shall ngzotc the basic principle that call dcpa'rtmantal rcpresontctivcs abroad arc indivi- dually responsible for the collection and for the apprc-- priatc transmission to Washington of all a.ntclliP,cncc matorial of possiblo usefulness to their dc;portmcrts and to the cffcotivc a ccompl .srmcnt of the n:Ition,-,1 intelligence mission. C07FIDZ'1 osurc. lv Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 25X1A 25X1A C019FIDFNTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIG1 TCE GROUP COORDINA T'ION OF COLLECTION ACTIVITIES References: Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 1. The Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence, in suggested that the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning; Staff (ICAPS) make a tentative report on the basic delineation of respons- ibilities for collecting foreign intelligence information. The Intelligence Division, War Department General Staff, in submitted a proposed agreement which oontained a statement of principles on the same subject. 2. .Accordingly, the draft N.I.A. directive in Enclosure "Act, prepared by ICAPS in the light of M is submitted herewith for consideration by the Intelli- gence Advisory Board. The draft C.I.G. directive in Enclosure "13U contains a tentative proposal to implement the over-all policies and objectives in Enclosure iiA". 3. It is therefore recommended that the Director of Con- tral Intelligence and the Intelligence Advisory Board, acting for the National Intelligence Authority pursuant to paragraph 3 of N.I.A. Directive No. 1, approve the draft N.I.A. direct- ive in Enclosure "All. HOYT S. VANDENBERG Lieutenant General, USA Director of Central Intelligence 25X1A CONFI DELI TIAL Ap lease 2001/03/30 : CrA-k P81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDIl'TTIAL I CLOSURE "A" D R A F T PROPOSED N. I .,A . DIRECTIVE COORDINATION OF COLLECTION ACTIVITIES 1. The following over-all policies and objectives are estab- lished by the National Intelligence Authority for the interdepart- mental coordination of collection activities so that measures may be taken promptly to effect sound and efficient utilization of the various departmental overseas collecting and reporting services: a. There shall be an allocation within curtain broad cat- egories of agency responsibility. b. There shall be an intelligence coordinator for each foreign area as well as a coordinator in the person of the Director of Central Intc:lligon.ce in Washington to insure proper implementation of thc coordinated collection program. c. Unproductive duplication and uncoordinated overlap shall be discontinued so that all collection facilities may be utilized to their maximum within budgetary limitations for the production of that full flow of intelligence material which is the major need of all departments. d. There shall be free and unrestricted interdepartmental flow of information and intelligence to meet the recognized secondary need of each department for intelligence in categor- ies other than its on in the development of, its departmental intelligence. e. Common sense shall be applied in the implementation of these established over-ail policies and objectives to insure the full utilization of individual initiative and favorable contacts by collecting agents f. No interpretation of these established over-all policies and objectives shall negate the basic principle that all intelli- gence representatives abroad are individually responsible for the collection and for the appropriate transmission to Washinp,ton of all intelligence material of possible usefulness to the effect- ive accomplishment of the national intelligence mission. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDEMAL - 2 - Enclosure "A" Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDMTTIAL Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence, 1. To implement the over-all policies and objectives estab- lished by the National Intelligence ,futhority for the interdepart- mental coordination of collection activities, the following program is announced: 2. ALLOCATION OF RESPONSIBILITY AND ~G71TCY INT7RDEPIl\TD1NCE. L. By mutual agreement the over-all field of departmental intelligenno collection responsibility shall be allocated along 25X1A the following lines: Political Cultural Sociological Economic International Military (Army, Army .Air Force, and Separate Air Force Naval (Navy, Navy Air, or Fleet Mr Arms) Scientific b. The allocations of departmental above shall lo"Is: (1 ENCLOSURE "B" D R A F T PROPOSED O,I.4. DIRECTIVE COORDINATION OF COLLECTION ACTIVITIES State Department State Department State Department State Department State Department War Department Navy Department Each agency in ac- cordance with its respective interests responsibility in 2-a by mutual agreement be further broken down as fol- State (a) Political (b) (c) Economic (i) Commercial (ii) Industrial As related to the ,(iii) Raw materials) civilian economy (iv) Agricultural ) Sociological (d) Cultural Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDIIi NTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 C ONFIDaTTTAL Communications (Commercial, Civilian) Transport (Civilian road, rail, air, water) Scientific-Technical (Civilian). Department (f) Transport . (military land service) . (g) Terrain and geographic. (3) Navy Department (a) Foreign navies and naval operations. (b) Foreign naval shore, sea and air establish- ments. 25X1A (c) Naval economics (includes studies of harbors, port facilities, raw materials and i,lanufac- turing facilities as applied to naval met- ter.s? importance and vulnerability of tar- getsj. (4) (a) Foreign service ground forces (including es- tablishment; service organization serving both air and ground jointly, and higher headquarters controlling or directing both ground and air forces). (b) Economic (Military) (includes over-all war potential studies). (c) (a) (d) (e) (f) (g) Manpower and naval health and medicine applied to naval war potentials). Communications (naval). Scientific and Technical (Naval) Transport (naval). (as (h) Hydrography and meteorology ( affects naval operations). Army Air Force (a) Foreign Air Forces (including establishment; ground organizations designed for or allo- cated to its service and support). Scientific and Technical ((Military). Communications (ground military, both elec- trical and physical). Manpower, morale, health and medicine (as applied to ground and common service forces and over-all war potential). Economics (as applied to air capabilities and vulnerabilities only). CONFIDaT.roved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 4 - Enclosure "B" Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDENTIAL (c) (d Manpower, morale, health and niedicine (as applied to air capabilities and vulnera- bilities). Scientific a-"5 Technical (.Air) Communications (including military airways and airways communications and aids to air navigation (ground communications facili- ties and equipment of types which are or- ganic to the U. S. Army Air Forces); and civil facilities suitable for military use). (f) Meteorology. c. In preparing reports under this allocation, reporting agents shall constantly bear in mind the fact that one or more agencies other than the agency of responsibility may have a secondary interest in any category; and they shall take full cognizance of such interest as it may be expressed either in any basic interagency collection guide or in special agency collection directives. d. Intelligence reports, regardless of source, shall be routed direct to the agency having responsibility in this category. e. There shall be a free and unrestricted interdepart- mental flow of information and intelligence. No agency shall attempt to maintain complete file or research facilities in categories not of its responsibility, but shall request and receive from the agency having responsibility in the category those intelligence reports necessary to the development of its own departmental intelligence. 3. DESIGNATION AND DUTIES OF INT`LLIGENCE COORDINATOR. a. Each foreign area shall have an intelligence coordinator who shall supervise and direct the activities of intelligence personnel within his area to the end that the intelligence ob- jectives of the Government as a whole and the collection direc- tives of the respective intelligence agencies shall be most ef- ficiently and expeditiously accomplished. The responsibility for this program shall rest with; Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDENTIAL "BST Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDENTIAL (1) The Chief of a U. S. Diplomatic Mission where such exists and no U. S. commander has a military responsibility within the area. (2) The Senior U. S. Military Commander (Army or Navy) where no Diplomatic Mission exists for the area. (3) Both the Chief of Mission and the Senior U. S. Military Commander where both have jurisdiction in the area., In such cases each intelligence coordinator will be respon- sible only for the activities of the personnel under his administrative control. Over-all intelligence coordina- tion will be furnished by a designee of the Director of Central Intelligence and approved by the I.A.B. (4) An intelligence coordinator designated by the Di- rector of Central Intelligence through the appropriate I.A.B. member agency in cases not covered by the above. U. S. Territories and Possessions fall under this cate- gory in so far as they constitute sources of foreign intelligence. b. To implement this program each intelligence coordi- nator shall: (1) Maintain a local coordinated intelligence file in dll categories. (2) Insure that all subjects in the above allocated categories are being covered by intelligence'reports and that the responsibility for such reports delegated to de- partmental field representatives so far as possible are in accordance with the appropriate departmental responsibility. (3) Insure that whenever one or more of the depart- mental intelligence agencies are not represented at a for- eign post or the appropriate representative is unable for any reason to carry out his mission, reporting on the cate- gories of those departmental responsibilities is delegated to the extent possible to other members of the staff. IN'hen such delegation is other than temporary the coordinator Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDENTIAL will advise his parent agency of his action and the reasons therefor. c. To assist the coordinator in his over-a11 responsibility: (1) All standing field collection instructions will be reviewed by the initiating agency and in coordination with the Central Intelligenoe Group be replaced when appropriate by a basic interagency collection guide and index to insure that all reports designed to supply basic intelligence data shall meet the requirements of the several agencies as to format and content. (2) National coleotion directives based on research requirements corresponding to current essentials of na- tional intelligence shall be issued and reprised on a con- tinuing basis and shall supplement interagency collection directives. (3) All intelligence agency collection. directives re- leted to policies t stablished in 1T.I.A. Directives as dis- tinct from national interagency collection directives such as those reflecting the National Intelligence Requirements shall be coordinated with the Director of Central Intelli- gence before or concurrently with issuance. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF COLLECTING AGFNTS a. Field representatives of each intelligence agency will be directed by their agency to: (1) Cooperate in the coordination measures prescribed by the intelligence coordinator. (2) Promptly enter into the local intelligence file copies of all source material and intelligence reports prepared by them and falling within their departmental categories. 25X1A (3) Bring to the attention of the appropriate represen- tative and enter into the local intelligence file any other intelligence data of interest to the latter which may come to the former's attention. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 C ONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 CONFIDENTIAL (4) Collect information and prepare intelligence re- ports other than within their own categories when specifi- cally directed by their agency or by the intelligence co- ordinator. (5) Promptly forward to their home offices intelli- gence reports reflecting the source materials which have been collected and entered into the local intelligence file from any source and which fall within their deport mental categories. (6) Make available to the intelligence coordinator and to the other field representatives all collection di- rectives and instructions which are received from their parent agencies. b. Nothing in this directive shall be interpreted as au- thorizing the suppression or substantive change of any intel- ligence report by any responsible officer without the concur- rence of the officer preparing the report. Intelligence ma- terial which may have no significance to field representatives in a single area or which may appear to be at complete variance with the over-a7,]. trend may have great significance and form a definite part of a picture being developed by the individual intelligence agency or by the Central Intelligence Group. How- ever, any dissenting opinion or commentary will be incorporated in the report before its submission. o. To insure the greatest interchangeability of reports: (1) The various report forms now in use by the re- spective intelligence agencies will as far as practicable be standardized to insure their greatest usefulness to all the agencies. (2) All, reports prepared will bear, in addition to that information required by the'respective agencies, the following: (a) Name of collector and name of reporter. (b) File index number of each member agency. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 C ONFIDL+'CJ AZ - a - Enclosure nB" Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 C ON}! IDE1TTIAL d. (c) Local field distribution. (d) Recommended Washington distribution. Each agency receiving information from the field will ultimately be responsible only for the distribution within its own department and to the C.I.G. The C.I.G. will ultimately be responsible for all interagency distribution. CONFIDI TIAL 7 d For Release 2001/03/30 C?A-RDP81-00728R00010004d - sure "B" 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 S C 11 , '1' 28 October 3.921.6 Tlic onclosccC. draft agreel-ient, received by the Contr:,.l. Ia- De t; .i~t~: end te;iii once Grcu1p fi?on the Intelligence Division, War Goner-1 St-alfIL", is circu].atec. herewith to the Intelligence visory BoL1rc? for information in connection with CENTRu''.L INTELLIGENCE GROUP i RO1'0SED AGREEMENT TO GOOI-IDINSTE INTELLIGENCE 1_CTIVITIES OF THE STATE, VAIi AIW TNW.VY DE::;AR'IMENTS Mo?.~ornndu--i by the Socretc.-Iry 25X1A 25X1A 0())'Y NO. 34 JAMES S. LAY, JR, Socrota::.r;r, N. I.111. SI;CUL7.' ed For Release 2001/03/30 :JCFA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 S E C R E T I N C LC SU D I P F '1' AN ~~GMELM]. '.NT TO C00I;DII'V,TE '.['HE INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES OF TIE, nErA1 TMTNT N%_VY. DIiI'AETMENT,-~?aND ST1,TE PEPAIiTMEN7' l'rcprred by the Intelligence Division, War De1>cli~tiieht Con-Stc.lf 1. In orcl.e;r to coordinate tlio intc].ligence a.ctivitic.,s of the yaar Dci~~:~:taent, Navy Dc:p^rti:lon't, anc'. St^te Dcp,,?.rt.:_ent and thus S,. JUST L ly IeM 41Y 9 Aunt 113 13.3 25X1A 25X1A Approved For ReIeas -.2Q01/03/,30 .: y^? .?' ~[?'-f , . L'.. (. ~ ~?:./. ,1 .e , '(? ~ 1 /.(~'P..n: 0^ ~t ., ` } f~ 1 In order to coordinate the intelligence activities of the War Department, Navy Department and State Department and thus save man power without loss of national intelligence efficiency, it is essential: a. That there be a minimum of overlap in the intelligence functions of the three departments. b. That there be a free and unrestricted interdepartmental flow of information and intelligence. 2. The following principals are therefore agreed to: a. Primary responsibility Certain subjects are of primary interest to each of the three departments. Such subjects shall be allocated to each agency respectively and shall be considered the subjects of primary responsi- bility for that agency. Each agency may retain all intelligence functions relating to the USSR and the satellite nations until such time as it may seem advisable to allocate responsibilities as for other areas. b. Research of evaluation and analysis Each agency shall be responsible for research, evaluation and analysis of those subjects for which it has 'primary responsibility. C. Collection Field collection shall follow the line of primary responsi- bility to prevent duplication of effort. Common sense application should be applied to take advantage of individual initiative and favorable contacts. The principle should never be applied in the sense of regimenta- tion. Matters of principle will be coordinated between departments in Washington. Coordination of collection effort within the scope of enunciated principles will be the function of the Chief of Mission. Reports regardless of source will be routed direct to the agency of primary responsibility, d. Estimates Each agency is responsible for the production of estimates and other projects for its own department. Agencies will, therefore, provide information and intelligence on their respective subjects of .primary responsibility to the other agencies as their needs require. e. Direct communication Each agency may call on another agency for iriform.tion and intelligence on those subjects for w'_,ich that agency has primary responsi- bility. ITS +ll t DI,TARTNic;T+I', NAVY D ',ART1r1 .' li'D STATE DEPARTMENT 0728R0001 000 0020- Alr AGIZ +'DIZINT TO COORDINATE '. ',1'iE II1~:1 `,LIGEITCF A&1 1171 I OF Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03phc.1c-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 f . i1lo' 3 who Each agency shall collect information and maintain files on personalities within -l-,heir subjects of primary responsibility. A central master file shall be maintained for common reference. r~. StrateF,ic Intelli~,ence Digest Each a-*eney shall contribute and keep current chapters of a direst of factual information on each country of the world. C}7aptcr responsibility shall be the s"erne as the suhha jests of prim er}- responsi- bility. The form of such ciir;est. shall follow ccenerally the Strategic Intelli,.ence Digest form now in preparation by the Intell i;;encc, Division, War Department. h.' Supervision To ins, the coordination of the Tntellirence agencies and maintain the highest standards of intelligence production, a central agency shall maintain necessary supervision of interdepartmental cooperation a.pri production. SEC E,T,, Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 25X1A, E C R E T 25 October .L9 6 COPY NO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP RESPO1\NSIPILITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE FOR REPORTING AND COLLECTION OF INFORI'%,Y%.TION AND INTELLIGENCE Memorand~zai by the Secretary, N.I.A. As requestod, the enclosed memorandum for the Director of Central Intelli`;ence from the Special Assistant to the Secre- tary of State for Research and Intelligence is circulated for consideration at an early of the Intelli ;ence Advisor-y% Board. in the r:ie.lntirle, the Enclooui~e has been referred to the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Piannii Staff (ICAPS) for action as suggested in paragraph 5 ? t1i reof . JAMES S. LIY, JR. Secretary, N.I.A. 2?X1A sy , 111,L .C S Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 E N C L 0 3 U R E Special Assistant to the Secretary of State Washi nston October 18, 1946 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: Subject : Responsibilities of the Department of State for Re- porting and Collection of Information and Intelligence 1. The Department of State is :increasingly anxious to elirlin- ate duplication of effort, in the field, with respect to collecting and reporting; intelligence information. The duplica- tion seems to stem from a failure to define and +-) distingu:Lsh basic departmental responsibilities. 2. Current meetings under the sponsorship of your Interde- partmental Coordinating and Planning Staff have explored this problem. it has been touched upon in meetings of the Intelligence Advisors' Board. Since volume of information is a major need of all Departments and since duplication of collecting effort to that extent reduces the flow, it is essential that measures be taken promptly to effect sound, efficient utilization of the various departmental overseas re- porting and collection services. 3. As a prerequisite to any such measures the Departments and the CIG must agree upon basic delineation of responsibilities. To that end, the Department of State proposes that it assume complete responsibility for the overt procurement of information and intelligence in foreign areas on all political, economic, social and cultural matters. It also proposes that it assume the responsibility for scientific information and intelligence with such exceptions as fall within the naval and military fields. 25X1A SECRET roved For Release 2001%031K :-CIA-RDP81-00728R00010004&re Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 S E C R E T k. It should be noted that "complete responsibility" does not connote "cor~iplete activity". Obviously circumstances will pro- duce variations in capabilities at the separate collecting points, and it is to be expected that each Department will want to assist other Departments wherever possible. 5. The Department of State requests that this proposal be placed on the agenda for an early meeting it is sugGested that the sub jact be referred to ICAPS in connection with its interdepartmental meetings on collection, and that ICAPS be asked to i-dake a tentative report, if possible, before the IAB meeting takes place. Special Assistant for Research and Intelligence cc to: Gen. Uhamber].in - ID, WDGS Adm. Inglis - ONI Gen. McDonald A-2 SECRET - 3 - Enclosure Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040020-8 1 1 31 to V.1 zw SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE WASHINGTON /rr O / Sd I October 18, 196 ME i1ORANDUIvt FOR THE DII- CTO.R OF CENrR1LL INT.ELILIGENCE: Subject: Responsibilities of the Department of. State for Reporting and Collection of Information and Intelligence. 1. The Department of State is increasingly anxious to eliminate duplication of effort, in the .field, with respect to collecting and reporting intelligence information. The duplication seems to stem from a failure to define and to distinguish basic departmental responsi- bilities. 2. Current meetings under the sponsorship of your Interdepart- mental Coordu.nating and Planning Staff have explored this problem. It has been touched upon in meetings of the Intelligence Advisory Board. Since volume of information is a major need of all Departments and since duplication of, collecting effort to that extent reduces the flow, it is essential that measures be taken promptly to effect coi nd, efficient utilization of' the various departmental overseas reporting and collection services. 3? As a prerequisite to any such measures the Departments and the CIG must agree upon basic delineation of responsibilities. To that end, the Department of State proposes that it assume complete responsibility for the overt procurement of information and intelligence in foreign areas on all political, economic, social and cultural matters. It also proposes that, it assume the responsibility for scientific inforirntion and intelligence with such exceptions as fall within the naval and. military .f ields . 4- It should be noted that "complete responsibility's does not con- note