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Approved For Release 21:101/03/30 CIA-RIDR81-007.1,0001000400., Approved For Release 21:101/03/30 CIA-RIDR81-007.1,0001000400., 25X1A 25X1A c.r2t1P Approved For keiease 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-007i8R000100040026-2 T ',RN AI aIST I II .13t1 TION . pid.."71R: CIGCLS CT1 M: 4 t %.11.? LT GI", 7, ( Date nr1 % 1 T71N..T :71iTRA.,I L_,IGT CT, - Deputy Dire c tor - 7xernitive Director "7/ 2:7 11 g COPY NU371?. 1 17 18 Chief -,Lnterclepa rtnrntal Staff '190 20 Ar1risory Council -' IO 21 Le lativ e Liaison Branch - 0 `'d 22 Se cre tary, ASSISTANT DI17,C.I' Con tact JIranch ..25X1A TI012210 .: E . ? ?i...5-tm) .25X1A ? AI T DI C TOR., :01 'OF J1Ui.L 0.1FL:1:TONS . 122 Admin... 25X1A 25X1A ? Or.:--rations. TzranCh ( :SI L.JIT lifr,C TO:1, 0141,1C7CF 0C12,7;CTION? DiL J,,T ION ) 11 ASSI LT T LI117,0T0R) C'eKC7 Oi ?.? . F..T,S7,AnCh Aid) ce-mtral. Records Section t/ .rr..t.',.:..T.)inistrat,i-ve.. Ines- Tmr.17,1qm-T-r T1-0 Ct 0 , 9 . 9 3 AJ. . ?-?)?, 35 thru 23 24, 25, 26 27 28 29 , 30,31 I 7.- cl 5 ? 32, 33 34 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Relese 2:00.110313%:,cCMORDP81.100128-k000100040026-2 PA-P7R: CIGMIL ? IETMAL DISTRT3UTION ? . CONFIDENTIAL C;01,LI(T.:;777, 1 Ma 1'7 Date) 3. I GN ATUIR COPY NU!,..E7R . DI 13.17:C TCl C. Ci TRILL INT " ? , ".CN 1 Deputy . ?77:Te.-L-Lrb-1-r.r.-?z7t-17.,) Di re.o..t Executive Director. 17 18 C:1-rLef te.rdepa rtrne.Trota:. Staff ? , 19: & 20 Advisory Cour Le Li a so'p ?ranch Se cretary, ASSISTP,NT DITOo QR Contac 0 s' T 1 If :;2,C'L.017;:, ? 011(1-.C.-i.; LE.Ci.?1, OPERi?TIO1).2.2- Ablit 27 1 22 36 thru 64 inc. 23 24, 25, 26 Operati 1111111111112075 L5I.Lj'.:T ?1f?,7C1.1'0.7z, Oi1IC OF 2 2- 6 3 X)j3'f'J AND DI 371 ,ITS: ION 91.w w-0-1.- -di 7' TE C TO 11, 0 14'7. C Ole, 1rib?A JH 1-aD 17,VALUATIOL, /0 2-.114.. Oentrfal IL:cords Section /4n 307 $0 A+1.,1d-.17L3trat,iv.e 28 29, 30 31, 32 33 3)4 35 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A .k6t4')(4467464,460.28..14.-9 Approved For Release.... ? ifT76111.?.:T&TRIKTION 'AP7R CONFIDENTIAL rr COJ:i LT GN 77 DI R7C TOR OF: C71\ TRAL "11: T7LLITEN C7 cuti ve to the Di rector As si s tan t 7xec tive ? Di re ?tn.:. Chief, in terdepa rtmntal staff Adviso1.7- Council Le - la ti,s; e ? Li ai son ei.anch Se ore ta ry, C n7C2QR FOR OP7RATI ON 2 1 / Con tact Dr an ch .-March 1947 ( Date ) AITiiT DI C TOR, Tc7, OF' SP7CIAL OP7R.LTIO s 2.23-Ah Operations 'Branch C 2075 ) ? L1R7,CTOR, OFFIC7 OF COLL7CTION AHD DI S 11 DI 12.7,0 TO R., C C 7, OF R737/3..11C11 7.1.'.i:KLUATIOt.: ? .2-/cs Central 1.-?.;.co.1'ci3 Section Files .crimr,vm-"0,\TT(r. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 STATI NTL STATI NTL STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 12 March 19)47 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP ACTION BY THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD ON MATTERS SU&IITTED TO THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY Memorandum by the Secretary Pursuant to a request by the Chief of Naval Intelligence the enclosed paper, which is to be placed on the agenda of the Intelligence Advisory Board, is circulated herewith. Acting Secretary, N.I.A. -1- Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 ACTION BY THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD ON '11,TTEFB ? SUBMITTED TO THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY THE PROBT,EM To establish procedure for the Intelligence Advisory Board in considering matters submitted to the National Intelligence Authority for action. FACTS N.I.A. Directive No.1, pFa-agraph 3, requires that all recommendations be referred to the Intelligence Advisory Board for concurrence or comment prior to sub- mission to the National Intelligence Authority. However, no procedure has been establis:ted to accomplish this action by the Intelligence Advisory Board. DISCUSSION It is believed that the requirements of N.I.A. Directive No. 1, paragraph 3 can be satisfactorily met by formal or informal procedure, depending upon the importance of the particular matter under consideration. If members of the Intelligence Advisory Board were fur- nished copies of the agenda for the N.I.A. meeting, together with copies of papers or a statement of the problems up for consideration, they could then, with respect to each item, express their concurrence, submit cannents, or request a formal meeting to discuss the matter. Such procedure would insure that the secretaries had the views of the heads of their own intelligence agencies when acting on all matters presented to them. CONCLUSION It is concluded that a procedure should be estab- lished for the Intelligence Advisory Board in considering matters being submitted to the National Intelligence Authority for action. -2- Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the following procedure be adopted for securing the concurrence or comments of the Intelligence Advisory Board on all metters being submitted to the National Intelligence Authority: (a) The agenda for the National Intelligence Authority meeting be referred by the Director of Central Intelligence to the Intelligence AdvisoryBoard, to- gether with copies of all papers t be considered or a statement of sub- jects to be discussed. (b) Members of the Intelligence Advisory Board informally express concurrence or submit comments on all items on. the agenda to the Director of Central Intelligence for submission by him to the National Intelligence Authority. (c) In case of important matters on the agenda any member of the Intelligence Advisory Board may request a formal meeting of that committee for the purpose of discussing such subject prior to its submission to the National Intelligence Authority. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 STATI NTL STATI NTL STATI NTL STATI NTL C*111.I.G 13 May 1947 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP ACTION BY THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD ON MATTERS SUBIVIITTED TO TUE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM BY TEE SECRETARY Pursuant to a request by the Director of Central Intell- gence the enclosed alternative proposal to C.I.G.IIIIis circu- lated herewith for consideration of the Intelligence Advisory Board. Acting Secretary, N.I.A. CIG -1- Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD PROCEDURES TBE PROBLZA To establish procedure for the Intelligence Advisory Beard.. EACTS Although certain basic policies are established by the President's letter of 22 January 19L16 and by subsequent N.I.A. Directives, no procedure has been /onnally agreed upon for the accomplishment of the mission of the I.A.B. DISCUSSION In accordance with N.I.A. Directive No. 1, paragraph 3, all recommendations to the N.I.A., initiated by the Director of Central Intelligence and related to the coordination of such of the activities of the intelligence agencies of the departments as related to the national security, are referred to the I.A.B. for concurrence or comment before submission to the N.I.A. At its 9th meeting, the N.I.A. established the prpcedure ft desired for the implementation of N.I.A. Directive No. 5, paragraph 3. The I.A.B. has itself agreed upon an acceptable procedure for implementation of N.I.A. Directive No. 1 paragraph 6, which relates to intelligence reports prepared by the Central Intelli? gence Group. Recommendations requested of the Director of Central Intelli? gence by the N.I.A. are not considered as falling into the pattern provided in N.I.A. Directive No.1 paragraph 3. Nor is it considered that it was the intent of the President or of the N.I.A. that all reports, papers, and statements prepared by the Director of Central Intelligence for presentation to the N.I.A. be first submitted to the I.A.B. for advisory opinion. The Director of Central Intelligence as a member of the N.I.A. can not correctly make the I.A.B., which was created solely for the purpose of advising him, privy to all matters before the Similarly as the agent of the he can not make the I.A.B. privy to all of his relations with the N.I.A. Since it is not the current practice of the N.I.A. to for? malize agenda in advance of its meetings, it is impossible for Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 -2- ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 The Secretary. N.I.A., to undertake to supply N.I.A. agenda to the I.A.B. At sach time as the N.I.A. may formalic;e such agenda, distribution thereof will necessarily be determined by the N.I.A. and not by the Director of Central Intelligence or the I.A.B. After careful consideration, it is believed that no pro- cedure should be established which requires the I.A.B.-D.C.I.- N.I.A. channel for the presentation of opinions by an Intelli- gence Chief to his respective departmental head. No such pro- cedure appears contemplated by the President's letter nor sub- sequent N.I.A. :Directives. This opinion is further borne out. by the absence of any provision requiring the submission to the N.I.A. by the Director of Central Intelligence of any recounenda- tion, paper, etc. originated elsewhere than with him. Thus it would appear that any recommendation originated by a member of the I.A.B., even though it may receive concurrence of all other I.A.B. members, can not properly be submitted to the N.I.A. by the Director of Central Intelligence unless it is accepted by him as a recommendation from him. Any such recommendation would apparently have to be submitted individually by each I.A.B. member to his respective N.I.A. member. CONCLUSION It is concluded that a formalization of. I.A.B. procedures is appropriate. RECa&ENDATION It is recommended that the Intelligence Advisory Board adopt the following procedures for its consideration of recommendations properly coming before it for advisory opinion: 1. All recommendations envisaged by paragraph 3b of the President's letter of 22 January 1946 will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence to the I.A.B. in writing, accompanied by copies of such papers or statement with which the Director of Central Intelligence may contemplate accompanying the recommen- dations upon presentation to the N.I.A. These recom- mendations will have attached a voting slip providing ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 opportunity for (a) concurrence; (b) comment; (c) request for an I.A.B. meeting to express oral advisory opinion. Voting slips will be returned to the Secretary, N.I.A., within one calendar week after receipt. If any I.A.B. member so requests, an I.A.B. meeting shall be promptly called by the Director of Central Intelligence. The Director of Central Intelligence shall be the sole judge of the advisability of referring any proposed recommen- dation to a special study group or for otherwise delaying the submission of the recommendation to the N.I.A. If he considers such reference or other delay inadvisable, he shall give I.A.B. members one calendar week for the submission of any desired statement of non-concurrence, the basis of which will accompany the recommendation to the 2. All implementations envisaged by N.I.A. Directive No. 5, paragraph 3, will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence to the I.A.B. in writing, accompanied by a voting slip providing opportunity for (a) comment, and (b) calling of a meeting. Written comment by any I.A.B. member, after consideration by the Director of Central Intelligence, will be filed by the Secretary, N.I.A., with the file copy of the related implementation. Oral comment will be fully spread on the minutes of the I.A.B. meeting, if held. Any implementation modified by the Director of Central Intelligence as the result of I.A.B. advisory opinions will be distributed by the Secretary, N.L.A. to the I.A.B. The decision to hold subsequent I.A.B. meetings or otherwise to delay the issuance of any proposed im- plementation rests with the Director of Central Intelligence. ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 3. The Secretary, N.I.A. shall circulate to I.A.B. members all proper recommendations, proposed directives, papers, etc., which any I.A.B. member may originate for consideration by the Director of Central Intelligence and the I.A.B. Each shall be accompanied by a voting slip providing opportun- ity for (a) concurrence; (b) comment; (c) request for meeting. L. Unless otherwise directed by the N.I.A., the Secretary, N.I.A. shall circulate to the I.A.B. copies of all minutes, decisions, and directives approved by or issued by or in the name of the N.I.A. ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 STATINTL C.I.G. STATI NTL 12 August 1947 CENTRAL INTELLIG1?;NCE. GROUP ACTION BY THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD ON MATTERS ? SUBLITTED TO THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY Memorandum by the Secretary 1. The Ad Hoc Committee, established by the Intelligence Advisory ?Board at its 14th iaeeting to prepare recomendations to the IAB for the establish- ment of procedures for the IAB, has drafted the attached recommendations, which are circulated herewith for consideration Of the IAB at its next meeting. 2. These recommendations are fully concurred in by the Committee with the following exceptions: a. The 0-2 representative does not concur in the inclusion of paragraph 11- b. The A-2 representative reserves opinion on the inclusion of paragraph Secretary, N.I.A. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 STATI NTL Approved For Reiltrgs94/231,g9i:sci1A-Rpa8115R9MIS00100040026-2 1. All recouunendations envisaged b:! paragraph 3 of the President's letter of 22 January 1946 (Section 102 d of the National Security Act of 19)47) will be submitted by. the Director of Central Intelligence to the Intelligence Advisory Board in writing, accompanied by copies of such papers or statements as the Director of Central Intelligence may con- template accompanying the recommendations upon presentation to the National Intelligence Authority (NSC). These recom- mendations will have attached a voting slip providing oppor- tunity for: a Concurrence or non-concurrence; b Comment; c Request for an IAB meeting. Voting slips will be acted upon and returned to the Secretary, NIA, within seven working days after receipt. If any Intelligence Advisory Board member so requests, an Intelligence Advisory Board meeting shall be called by the Director of Central Intelligence. If the IAB proposes to refer any such recommendation to a special study group or otherwise to delay the submission of the recommendation to the NIA (NSC), but the Director of Central Intelligence considers such delay inadvisable, the IAB members shall have seven working days after the submission for any desired statement of non- concurrence, the basis of which will accompany the recommen- dation to the NIA (NSC). 2. The Secretary, NIA, shall circulate to the IAB members any recommendations, proposed directives, papers, etc., which an IAB member may originate for consideration by the Director of Central Intelligence and the Intelligence Advisory Board. Each Shall be accompanied by a voting slip CIO ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 providing opportunity for: a Concurrence or non-concurrence; b Comment; C Request for an TAB meeting. 3. Any recommendation two or more IAB members believe should be submitted to the NIA (NSC) will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence in such form as to set forth his recommendation and the comments of the Ihd members. L. All implementations envisaged by paragraph 3 of NIA Directive No. 5 will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligsnce to the Intelligence Advisory Board in writing, accompanied by a voting slip providing opportunity for: a Concurrence or non-concurrence; b Camnent; c Request for an IAB meeting. Written comment by any IAB member, after consideration by the Director of Central intelligence, will be filed by the Secretary, NIA, with the file copy of the related implementation. Oral comments will be fully spread on the minutes of the IAB meeting, if held. Any implementation modified by the Director of Central Intelligence as the result of IAB advisory opinion will be distributed by the Secretary, NIA to the IAB. The decision to hold subsequent IAB meetings, or otherwise to delay the issuance of any proposed implementation, rests with the Director, of Central Intelligence. S. Unless otherwise directed by the NIA, the Secretary, NIA, shall circulate to the IAB copies of all agenda, minutes, decisions, and directives approved or issued by, or in the name of, the NIA. CIG ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 200tetifFlatrIDRF1-00728R000100040026-2 C.I.G. COPY NO. 12 August 1.947 CENTRAL INTMLIGENCE GROUP 38 ACTION BY THE INTELLICTNC7, ADVISORY BOARD ON MATTERS SUBMITTED TO THE VATIOTTAL INTT'LLIGWCE AUTHORITY Memorandum by the Secretarx 1. The Ad Hoc Committee, established by the Intelligence Advisory Board at its 14th meeting to prepare recommendations to the IAB for the establish- ment of procedures for the IAB, has drafted the attached recommendations, which are circulated herewith for consideration of the IAB at its next meeting. 2. These recommendations are fully concurred in by the Committee Aith the following exceptions: a. The G-2 representative does not concur in the inclusion of paragraph 4. b. The A-2 representative reserves opinion on the inclusion of paragraph 4. Secretary, N.I.A. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/0003111g28R000100040026-2 INTFLLIGITCF ADVISORY BOARD PROCEDURFS 1. All recommendations envisaged by paragraph 3 of the President's letter of 22 Tanuary 1946 (Section 102 d of the National Security Act of 1947) will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence to the Intelligence Advisory Board in writing, accompanied by copies of such papers or statements as the Director of Central Intelligence may con- template accompanying the recommendations upon presentation to the National Intelligence Authority (NSC). These recom- mendations will have attached a voting slip providing oppor- tunity for: a Concurrence or non-concurrence; b Comment; Request for an IAB meeting. Voting slips will be acted upon and returned to the Secretary, NIA, lAithin seven working days after receipt. If any Intelligence Advisory Board member so requests, an Intelligence Advisory Board meeting shall be called by the Director of Central Intelligence. If the IAB proposes to refer any such recommendation to a special study group or otherwise to delay the submission of the recommendation to the NIA (ITSC), but the Director of Central Intelligence considers such delay inadvisable, the IAB members shall have seven working days after the submission for any desired statement of non- concurrence, the basis of which will accompany the recommen- dation to the NIA (ITSC). 2. The Secretary, NIA, shall circulate to the IAB members any recommendations, proposed directIves, papers, etc., which an IAB member may originate for consideration by the Director of Central Intelligence and the Intelligence Advisory Board. Each shall be accompanied by a voting slip CI I For Release 2001/03/30?. CIA--RDP81-00728R00-2 '25X1A 1 Approved For Release 2001/0340 ; _CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 (ONFIDENTIAr providing opportunity for: a Concurrence or non-concurrence; b Comment; c Request for an IAB meeting. 3. Any recommendation two or more IAB members believe should be submitted to the NIA (NSC) will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence in such form as to set forth his recommendation and the comments of the IAB members. 4. All implementations envisaged by paragraph 3 of NIA Directive No. 5 will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence to tte Intelligence Advisory Board in xriting, accompanied by a voting slip providing opportunity for: a Concurrence or non-concurrence; b Comment; Request for an IAB meeting. Written comment by any IAB member, after consideration by the Director of Central Intelligence, will be filed by the Secretary, NIA, with the file copy of the related implementation. Oral comments will be fully spread on the minutes of the IAB meeting, if held. Any implementation modified by the Director of Central Intelligence as the result of IAB advisory opinion will be distributed by the Secretary, NIA, to the IAB. The decision to hold subsequent IAB meetings, or otherwise to delay the issuance of any proposed implementation, rests with the Director of Central Intelligence. 5. Unless otherwise directed by the NIA, the Secretary, NIA, shall circulate to the IAB copies of all agenda, minutes, decisions, and directives approved or issued by, or in the /lam of, the NIA. CIG - 3 - ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 ,?.c.eri,ttn,rici ea. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 CONFIDENTIAL COPY. NO. 38. C.I.G. 13 May 1947 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP ACTION BY THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD ON MATTERS SUBMITTED TO THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY Memorandum by the Secretary Pursuant to a request by the Director of Central Intelli- gence the enclosed alternative proposal to C.I.G.III is circu- lated herewith for consideration of the Intelligence Advisory Board. Acting Secretary, N.I.A. ? CONFIDENTIAL CIC-71.111? - 1 - Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 ?? 2 A_d9gye Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD PROCEDURES THE PROBLEM To establish procedure for the Intelligence Advisory Board. FACTS Although certain basic policies are established by the President's letter of 22 Xanuary 1946 and by subsequent N.I..A. Directives, no procedure has been formally agreed upon for the accomplishment of the mission of the I.A.B. DISCUSSION In accordance with N.I.A. Directive No. 1, paragraph 3, all recommendations to the N.I.A., initiated by the Director of Central Intelligence and related to the coordination of such of the activities of the intelligence agencies of the departments as related to the national security, are referred to the I.A.B. for concurrence or comment before submission to the N.I.A. At its 9th meeting, the N.I.A. established the procedure it desired for the implementation of N.I.A. Directive No. 5, paragraph 3. The I.A.B. has itself agreed upon an acceptable procedure for implementation of N.I.A. Directive No. 1, paragraph 6, which relates to intelligence reports prepared by the Central Intelli- gence Group. Recommendations requested of the Director of Central Intelli- gence by the N.I.A. are not considered as falling into the pattern provided in N.I.A. Directive No. 1, paragraph 3. Nor is it considered that it was the intent of the President or of the N.I.A. that all reports, papers, and statements prepared by the Director of Central Intelligence for presentation to the N.I.A. be first submitted to the I.A.B. for advisory opinion. The Director of Central Intelligence as a member of the N.I.A. can not correctly make the I.A.B., which was created solely for the purpose of advising him, privy to all matters before the N.I.A. Similarly as the agent of the N.I.A. he can not make the I.A.B. privy to all of his relations with the N.I.A. Since it is not the current practice of the N.I.A. to for- ma lApprdiffor fiPINMaaN1/9M.OcbCIA-PaRfal310N8F9/39RACMCWpf2 e for CONFID lease 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 .the Secretary, to undertake to supply N.I.A. agenda to the I.A.B. At such time as the N.I.L. may formalize such agenda, distribution thereof will necessarily bc determined by the and not by the Director of Central Intelligence or thc Lfter careful consideration, it is believed that no pro- cedure should be established which requires the I.A.B.-D.C.I.- channel for the presentation of opinions by an Intelli- gence Chief to his respective departmental head. No such pro- cedure appcers contemplated by the President's letter nor sub- sequent Directives. This opinion is further borne out by the absence of any provision requiring the submission to the N.I.L. by the Director of Central Intelligence of any recommenda- tion, paper, etc. originated elsewhere than with him. Thus it would appear that any recommendation originated by a member of the I.L.B., even though it may receive concurrence of all other I.,.B. members, can not properly be submitted to the Y.I.A. by the Director of Central Intelligence unless it is accepted by him as a recommendation from him. Lny such recommendation would apparently have to be submitted individually by each I.A.B. member to his respective N.I.L. member. CONCLUSION It is concluded that a formalization of I.A.B. procedures is appropriate. RECOMENDATION It is recommended that the Intelligence Advisory Board adopt the following procedures for its consideration of recommendations properly_22ming before it for advisory opinion: 1. All recommendations envisaged by paragraph 3b of the President's letter of 22 January 1946 will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence to the I.A.B. in writing, accompanied by copies of such papers or statement with which the Director of Central Intelligence may contemplate accompanying the recommen- dations upon presentation to the N.I.A. These recom- mendations will have attached a voting slip providing For Release 2001/03/30 coNSYgrireidAr - 3 - 7FCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 CONFIDINTIAL opportunity for (a) concurrence; (b) comment; (c) request for an I.A.B. meeting to express oral advisory opinion. Voting slips will be returned to the Secretary, N.I.A., within one calendar week after receipt. If any I.A.B. member so requests, an I.A.B. meeting shall be promptly called by the Director of Central Intelligence. The Director of Central Intelligence shall be the sole judge of the advisability of referring any proposed recommen- dation to a special study group or for otherwise delaying the submission of the recommendation to the N.I.A. If he considers such reference or other delay inadvisable, he shall give I.A.B. members one calendar meek for the submission of any desired statement of non-concurrence, the basis of which will accompany the recommendation to the N.I.A. 2. All implementations envisaged by N.I.A. Directive No. 5 paragraph 3, will be submitted by the Director of Central Intelligence to the I.A.B. in writing, accompanied by a voting slip providing opportunity for (a) comment, and (b) calling of a meeting. Written comment by any I.A.B. member, after consideration by the Director of Central Intelligence, will be filed by the Secretary, N.I.A., with the file copy of the related implementation. Oral comment will be fully spread on the minutes of the I.A.B. meeting, if held. Any implementation modified by the Director of Central Intelligence as the result of I.A.B. advisory opinions will be distributed by the Secretary, N.I.A., to the I.A.B. The decision to hold subsequent I.A.B. meetings or otherwise to delay the issuance of any proposed im- plementation rests with the Director of Central Intelligence. COYFIDEAllinved For Release 2001/0330 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 ??? ENCLOSURP Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 CONFIDENTIAL 3. The Secretary, N.I.A. shall circulate to I.A.B. members all proper recommendations, proposed directives, papers, etc., which any I.A.B. member may originate for consideration by the Director of Central Intelligenc,e and the Fech shall be accompanied by a voting slip providing opportun- ity for (a) concurrence; (b) comment; (c) request for meeting. 4. Unless otherwise directed by the N.I.A., the Secretary, N.I.A., shall circulate to the copies of all minutes, decisions, and directives approved by or issued by or in the name of the N.I.A. CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 a 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 CONFIDEN_TIAL C.I.G.1111 ' 12 March 1947 CENTRAL INTELLIGEITCF GROUP COPY NO. 37 ACTION BY TEE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD ON MATT:MS SUBMITTED TO THE NATIONAL INTELLIGITTOE AUTHORITY . , Memorandum b the Secretally Pursuant to a request by the Chief of Naval Intelligence, the enclosed paper, which is to be placed on the agenda of the Intelligence Advisory Board, is cir- culated herewith. Acting Secretary, N.I.A. CONFIDENTIAL ? ApaR51111-RMase 2001/03/30.: CilA:RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 CONFIDENTIAL ACTION BY THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD ON MATTFRS SUBMITTED TO THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY THE PROBLEM To establish procedure for the Intelligence . Advisory Board in considering matters submitted to the National Intelligence Authority for action. FACTS N.I.A. Directive No. 1, paragraph 31 requires that all recommendations be referred to the Intelligence Advisory Board for concurrence or comment prior to sub- mission to the National Intelligence Authority. However, no procedure has been established to accomplish this action by the Intelligence Advisory Board. DISCUSSION It is believed that the requirements of N.I.A. Directive No. 1, paragraph 3, can be satisfactorily met by formal or informal procedure, depending upon the importance of the particular matter under consideration. If members of the Intelligence Advisory Board were fur- nished copies of the agenda for the N.I.A. meeting, togdher with copies of papers or a statement of the problems up for consideration, they could then, with, respect to each item, express their concurrence, submit comments, or request a formal meeting to discuss the matter. Such procedure would insure that the secretaries had the views of the heads of their own intelligence agencies when acting on all matters presented to them. CONCLUSION It is concluded that a procedure should be estab- lished for the Intelligence Advisory Board in considering matters being submitted to the National Intelligence Authority for action. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 CONFIDENTIAL RECOnMENDA TI O17 It is recommended that the following procedure be adopted for securing thecconcurrence)or comments of the Intelligence Advisory Board on all matters being submitted to the National Intelligence Authority: (a) The agenda for the National Intelligence Authority meeting be referred by the Director of Central Intelligence to the Intelligence Advisory Board, to- gether with copies of all papers to be considered or a statement of sub- jects to be discussed. (b) Members of the Intelligence Advisory Board informally express concurrence or sub,24 comments on all items on the agenda to the Director of Central Intellibence for submission by him to the National Intelligence Authority. (c) In case of important matters on the agenda any member of the Intelligence Advisory Board may request a formal meeting of that committee for the purpose of discussing such subject prior to its submission to the National Intelligence Authority. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040026-2 IN REPLY REFER TO: 25X1 A 25X1 A 25X1 A 25X1A* II344) 014 HEADQUARTERS, ARMY AIR FORCES WASHINGTON 8 SEP 1947 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: SUBJECT: CIG 4-9 8314 The AC/AS-2 concurs in CIG subject to the deletion of paragraph 4 thereof. It is considered that paragraph 4 is unnecessary and is not responsive to the problem presented to the ad hoc committee. CONTROL NO. ajZ/417 DATE OF AT. IN. OUT sent AAF0 r -Nonaut SEC. CL. NO. CL. CPY. O. SOURCE NO. INDS, NO. INCLS. DATE R C REPLY DATE Coomozt NO. c?