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SECRET ~'" Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81.-00728 000100150Q~9~7 ~.- une 19~hiT ~_.,. -- 11 . ~~ S ^ ~~'' ~ ~ .,, ~" ' - ~ J ; ~ ~ ~ 25X1 A R OD?~~' ... Program SUBJECT: General - Implementation of rinancial r~ianagement i1~ ~~ rlrtANCIAL 11411NAGFb1E1`iT INIPI~.OVI;I41EN7,' INST?IUCTION NO.~- 1'teviseddlE.? M ??,%'`~ Specific - Controls of Costs from Fndirect Obliga?tioi:s RESCISSION Financial. Management Improvatnent Instruction No. ^ 10 June 59, 25X1 A and Supplement No. 1 thereto, 6 August 59. 1. PUFtPOSL Under the Agency's :financial management Program cost lin~ita?tions are established for three types of costs from indirect obligations (hereinafter reforred to as "indirect costs"),namely, property, printing services, and boolcs and publications. The purpose of this Instruction is to prescribe policy and responsibilities with respect to the maintenance of control procedures to assure that the indirect cost limita- tions for each cost center or group of cost centers are not exceeded. 2. POLICY a. Separate limitations shall be established by the Budget Division, Office of the Comptroller, for each of three types of indirect costs to be incurred by each cost center (or group of cost centers, where determined appropriate). b. Agency allottees shall not exceed the amount of indirect cost limitations authorized for their use. c. The three types of indirect costs are described briefly below: SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Approved For Release 2001~~13~1T: CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 (l) Property (a) Property cost limitations will control the cost o:~ all materiel issued and the cost of materiel procured by direct purchase, both expandable and nonexpendable, except that common administrative items o:C property issued to headquartors components will be costed against an Office of Logistics cost account. (b) lleissues of materiel may be made without charge to the cost limitation of any cost center when: 1. The reissue is of the same materiel (i.e., line item(s)) as was turned in and to the same cost center; ~. The reissue occurs in the same fiscal year in which the turn-in was made (regardless of the fiscal year in which the materiel was withdrawn from stuck); 3. The materiel turned in was not unserv- iceable oi? obsolete; 4. The materiel is available for issue. (2) Printing Services Printing services limitations will control the ~~se by Agency components of the printing services pro- vided by the Printing Services Division, Office of Logistics. All work performed by, or orders SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : Ct~r-x'81-007288000100150029-7 placed for outside printing through, that Division will be tested against the printing services limi- tation to be established for each cost center (or group of cost centers, whore detex?mined appro- priate). (3) F3ooks and P~.iblications Boo.l~s and publications limitations will control .the cost of books and publications which each cost center (or group o:f cost confers, where determined appropriate) caii obtain through the services of the CIA Library/Office of Central Deference. A'll books and .publications provided to Agency components will be tested against these indirect cost limitations based upon costing procedures in effect in that Office. In accordance with arrangements with the Office of Central Reference costs will be compiled and reported by the first eight digits only oY the cost center account number. d. The cost of property, printing services, or books and publications provided in any fiscal year based upon requisitions placed in a prior fiscal year(s) shall be charged against the current year indirect cost limita- tion. mince the original amounts of cost limitations for any fiscal year will be based, primarily upon the allottee's estimate of requirements for that year under requisitions to be made in that year, the practice SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Approved For Release 2001/~~~TCIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 stated in the foz^egoing sentence will result in chargos against the limitations not provided :for therein. To compensate :for auch charges, addit3.ona"1 authorisations may be a^equested by the allottees, i:r needed, b~isecl upon the a1110L121t of cost charges resulting :from prior year rentlisitions. 3. ?ZI;BPONSIBILITI~S a. Allottees shall be res,~onsible for; (l) lliaintaining control ovez^ the value of rec;uisitions placed for materiel oz^ services chargeable to indirect cost limitations in order not to exceed the cost limitations received. (2) Requesting the Budget Division, Office of the Comptroller, for any adjustments to approved cost :limitations. (3) reviewing, evaluating and tal>ing apr~ropriate action based upon reports of indi~.?ect costs. (4) Certifying through the use of a rubber stamp on each requisition for propez^ty, printing services and books and publications, before release to the Office of Logistics or the CIA Library/Office of Central S~efez^ence as applicable, that unused indirect cost limitation is available to cover the requisition. Lach allottee shall obtain sufficient rubber stamps for his activity for this purpose in the format prescribed below; SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA ~?-007288000100150029-7 "I certify that cost limitation is available. Requis~.tion No. Char e Cost Center Dio. u iorizxng ?~xcer NOTI'a: The identification of charges sot :Coi^?th above by "Cost Center No." will permit the charge to cost of the proper cost center ancl, the accumulation of all chap^ges to cost centers with_ in an office or other grouping of cost centers for comparison ~vith the limitation. b. O:Ffice of Comptroller sha11 issue cost limitations and maintain cost accounting and reporting procedures as required by this Instruction, including procecures for recording indirect costs ~.?eported by the O:~:~ice of Logistics and the CIn Library/Office of Central Re:C- erence. c. Office of Logistics shall prepare and implement, in collaboration with the Office of the Comptroller, inter- nal proeetlures as required by this Instruction. d. The CIA Library/Office of Central Reference shall pro- vide Financial data for use by the Office of the Comptrol- ler in compiling cost information to be redistributed to using components, and furnish allottees, as stated in paragraph ~:b with monthly lists of costs (issues) of books and publications. g SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Approved For Release 200'I~'6T: CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 4. PROCEDURr~ a. A suggested procedure for maintaining control over indirect cost limitations is set forth in Attachment A. b. Z'lith respect to books and publications it may not be practical in many offices having small requirements for books and publications to maintain a formal control record over the requisitions (form 1395) submitted to the CIA Library/Office of Central Reference. In the event that no formal record or listing is maintained of the requisitions for boobs and publications, a file of the copies of unfilled requisitions should be maintained, and as the issues are received, which are accompanied by a delivery copy of tiie requisition, the requisition should be withdrzwn from the "unfilled' file and re-filed in a separate file of "filled" requisitions. In connection with subscription renewals, for which requisition :Forms are not required by OCR, memoranda should be used in the requisition files to cover such items. A~Ionthly, allottees will be provided by the CIA/ Library/Office of Central Reference with a report covering the cost centers under their jurisdiction, which will reflect for boobs and publications (1) the cost limita- bons, (2) the costs incurred (issues in detail), (3) the unfilled requisitions, and (4) the balances SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CI~~I~~~81-007288000100150029-7 of the cost limitations. The data shown on this report, together with the Pilo of "unfilled't requisitions, should furnish adequate; control over the cost limita- tions for books and publications in instances where relatively small activity is present. L . I~ . 1'~Ii I T~ Deputy Director (Support) ATTACIIPrTrNT : SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CI~~E'I61-007288000100150029-7 Suggested Procedure for Maintaining Control Over Costs from Indirect Obligations 1. GENERAL To maintain control over limitations issued for costs from indirect obligations a separate Cost Limitation Control Record (form No. 1642) may be me.3.ntained by the z11o-ttee for each cost center or g~^oup of cost centers for which an advice of cost limitation is received from the Budget Division, Office of the Comptroller. By maintain- ing a record of this type the allottee will lcnow the status of each cost limitation and be assured that, insofar as possible, costs arising from requisitions will not exceed the amount of the cost limitation received. 2. PROCEDURE a. The allottee will: (1) Record the amounts of cost limitation received, as shown on advices of cost limitations, in the "Limitation Received" column of the control record. Ttie amount of the limitation will also be extended. to the "Unused Limitation" column. (2) Requisitions for property shall be priced by the Logistics Officer of the requisitioning component; the estimated cost of requisitions fox printing services shall be determined based upon a schedule of estimated costs to be provided to each allottee by the Printing Services Division, Office of ATTACiIMENT A SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 Logistics; ana requisitions for books anu'publica- tions will be priced for recording on this record based on tlio best estimates possible by the allottee or obtained from the CIA T~ibrary/Office of Central Refexenco. The priced requ:~sitions shall be for- warded to the individual maintaining the Cosh Limitation Control ?~,ecord for recording in the "Requisitions Issued" column (for books and publications the "Description" column should include a specific identification of the book or publication requisition for later use in identifying filled requisitions). All entries and adjustments in the "Requisitions Issued" column will be reflected in the "Unused Limitations" column. The individual designated to maintain the control records will certify on all copies of the requisitions t:~at cost limitatior~ is available. A rubber stamp shall be used for the certification which shall read as follows certify that Cost Limitation is available. Requisition No. Charge Cost Center No. u orYZing - cer (3) Entries shall be made in the ''Deliveries Against Requisitions'' column as follows: SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 (a) For property issues based upon detailed monthly listings to be provided by the Office of the Comptroller showing the cost of property issues; (b) Fox printing services based upon documents to be provided by the Printing Services Division showing the cost of each job; and (c) For books and puihlications based upon a monthly report to be provided by the CIA Library/Office of Centz?a1 Reference which will reflect the cost of each requisition filled. (4) At the beginning of each fiscal year the total estimated value of prior year unfilled requisitions will be recorded in the requisition issued column as an obligation and as a reduction of the ne~v fiscal year indirect cost limitation. In addition, the amount of deliveries against such requisitions shall be recorded as they occur on the prior year Form 1642, and any differences between the estimated value of the requisition and the actual cost shall be extended to the "Unused Limitations" column and such cl~fferences also shall be recorded on the cr.Irrent year Form 1642 as adjustments of the requisition issued column and the balance of the current year "Unused Limitation". SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 ~; ~ ~ .~y d'?1 nu ~ Approved For Release 2001/,03/3 ~~D,I~DP81-007288000100150029-7 ~;"r~~j~ ~(~-2~~d~ 27 ,~''ta~~ ,~.~~~0 ~~:ef:,xx:~~xC;:~:~~~.~i7 ~a~o.~ ~~'w~~~.~~fw~::~H~ 25X1 A 25X1A ~.~ ~,~~~ ~v~a1,. ~ ~i~,~'t.~.~:t~ o~~, .t~~8~z].:? of fir: ;+~ti s,:~I~~tU~' tR~}~1d;1S 4~ ~'~Q .r ""'~;:~,~~ ~htaK::Y.~~wtSk~3k~a ~Sii~,rli3~IJ'S~"t31?~'Etl3~~;t.~ ~Yl"~~'ll~.'~~14311 ~~~. ~ ~~xx~~ f x~~.~.~sx:~~:,:~r~ ~~ t r~~setxx,~~~ ~~.~~~~~~~ ~3e~z~ d~.~ ~?. ~~c~~r~r~:~~~:3:s ~ t~x~r~~ ooro~~zxat :~ ~.?~ x.rae~ t?:z 9.~~ra~~;in~ of ~~ :~a~~xu+~~~~:~ ~~~t~ ~r~~ ~>a~~~~~zl~t-~ sc~~ ~uasitx~ft>~;~. ~'~~ i~~~.v4 ry~~f~ryw~~iya~~y~,,,,f~~o~x~x~~ Y:~,!~~.,~.~y.^,~~afa~~w, ~t;~ tca a~r.~~;~'~r~{~~yh~t~f~y~ ~n~~ +At.~tz~~~~w~t~.? ~.~:{sz',pl~cJ~~~~;(~ c"~-w ~lb~iliA ~4~nL.~;~~ISrY:iv. J.tik:ti'.t.i~lPf ~/J'~6, s{'J r.~^.i~Yi ~lf't''L1.+7 kr'i.~ MS~W~w h~+C.~ ~L $ .L~~L. A ~~1t~t9~t~ ~ &~ ~.~ '~d";:~?~' 1?.~.t#:u~~~Tk~ I+~ ~~ ~?~+c,~~;~~;;~~. r,.~,~~ .t~~.tta~~~ ~. ~:~~~~~~v~ ~z:'e~u~% sx~~'tx~~.~tf~at~ ~~ox~z ~l~c: ~~~~o~t:~~ o~ ~:~.~~~?~~;~' ~~~i ~z~v~~, ~5x~~>r t~.~ ~e:~ ~~e :~x~x~z ~~ ~fz"~~o R_sf 2~~t>.a ?~`.,c;:~a~.~:sC:~si~~a~~?, "~~~`~ ~~~ tIIk"o~C1~C~ S,A.-DD/S:CrtD:~~(24 Jtaxl 50) D~8f~~31t$~OII C1rig ~ 1 - ~ . ~~ - DD/S. - ~ 25X1 A 1 .. DD%S C3xro~o i - DD/S Suuj'eo~ ... . ~ ~f Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 ,Approved For Release 2001/03/3~;~~~?=1~DP81-007288000100150029-7 ?~~ ~~' '1.3 JlJ"I 1960 A~IDIt~IO#iANDi7A~I i'OT~: Deputy Director (Support) SUDJ~CT : proposed Revision o:f IZe:ference Rr ~ ~RICNCD : ri~nancial management improvement Instruc~L-ion No. ~ dated l0 June 1959; subject: Controls o:f Costs :from Indirect Obligations 1. This memora~lclum contains a request :For action in paragraph 3 below. 2. Reference sets forth policy a.nd responsibilities with respect :, the rnaintonance o:f control procedures :for indirect cost limitations. '!.'leis revision is required consistent with the change in policy :for property procurement funding whereby all property will be charged against general procurement allot- ments and will be subject to property cost limitation control. The revision also sets :forth the requirement that current year cost limitations for property, printing services, and books and publications will bo charged :for costs resulting from prior year requisitions and that additional cost limitation may be requested, i:f needed, 'to offset such costs. it ~urthex~ provides a suggested method :for the maintenance o:f the Cost Limitation Control Recorcl (corm 1642) to recognize such prior year charges to the current year cost limitations. 3. Subject is submitted :for authentication for publication with AB distribution in sufficient time to place the issuance in the hands o~ personnel concerned not later than 30 June 1960. Deputy Comptroller SECRk'T 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150029-7 .Approved For Release 2001/03/30~x> pP81-007288000100150029-7 25X1A rinancial 1~Iana~ement Improvement Instruction No. ~- Revised -'~ubject; Controls o~ Costs :Crone Indirect Obli~a?L-ions CONCUR : 25X1A 25X1A I'or ?the Deputy Director (Plans) I'or the Deputy Director (Intelligence) ss~.s -an o ie ~ m n a ?e SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-0072880001001,50029-7