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~EC~E7 Approved For Release 2001/03/ 0 : IA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 ~ r~ ~ rt?~Y~~~~ ~;';, 1 P~ ~ 12 Tune 1959 ,' , 25X1A ~ ' %~~~~ rINANCIAL 114ANAGTMrNT IriIPItOVLP~TI~;NT INSTRUCTION NO l y~r "?~'rQ~'~'~~, ~1?~`'? ~LCrL. N ~ `_~ Specific -Discontinuation of 'the Single Confidential rands Allotment for Transportation of Things IlE ~ ~itrNCLS: A -Approved Staff Study, dated 14 April 1959, authorizing the discontinuance of the Single Confidential rands Allotment for Transportation of Things 25X1A General - Implomenta~tion of rinancial ~'~~;- I3 - ~Ieadquarters Allotment Control Procedure - 1. Based upon the referenced staff study (Atttachment C), the recording of obligations and expenditures against the single confidential funds allotment for the transportation of things will be discontinued effective 20 June 1959. Accordingly, ef:~ective 21 June 1959, all confidential.funds,obl~.gations and expenditures for tine transportation of things wi11 be recorded against confidential funds allotments of the benefiting allottees. 2. Changes in the provisions of - Headquarters 25X1A Allotment Control Procedure applicable to the maintenance of control over obligations of confidential funds for trans- portation of things and the processing of related documents, as set forth :ln detail in Attachment A, are approved, 3. The method to be utilized by affected components in the transfer to them of the unliquidated obligations against the ATTACHPrIi;NTS A, B, and C SECRET Improvement Program Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/ORDP81-007288000100150030-5 single confidential 1?unds allotment for tho transportation of things as o~ the effective dote of the conversion is set ~ortli in Attachment B. 25X1A H. GATES t.LOYD Acting Depu~:y Director (Support:) AT'TACIiD~ZENTS A, B , and C SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 ~#~~tQ~'81-007288000100150030-5 PIZOCEDUR,E I~'OR CONTI~,OLLING COrn~'IDrNTIAL I~'UNDS 1!OR TIIE T1~,ANSPORTAT I ON OI' `1'Ii INGS 1. GE7ILRAL a. Effective 21 June 1959, the following procedures supersede paragraphs 5e (3) and 14 of and paragraphs 4c (4) 25X1A and 4c (5) of 2. Pr~OCEDURI'aS a. Obligations and expenditures of confidential funds covering transportation of things, shall be recorded and reported by benefiting allottees in accordance with procedures outlined in paragraphs 2 thru 13 of b. Allottees shall: (1) Obligate funds for travel (02) and the movement of household effects and automobiles (03) at the time a Travel Order is issued. Obligations for the trans- portation of things shall be based on either (a) the known or estimated weights, or (b) the authorized weight limitation, whichever is less, and the cost shall be determined by reference to the schedule of rates furnished by the Passenger Movement Branch, Transportation Division, Office of Logistics. (2) Indicate on original and two copies of each Travel Order the cost account to be charged, the obligation reference number, the amount of funds obligated, and the ATTACI3D~NT A S~CRFT 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001 /0~-~ RDP81-007288000100150030-5 certification of availability of fuild.s; then place one copy of each Travel Order showing obligation i?efcronco number in the unliquidated obligation document file. (3) Compare previously recorded obligations for the movement of household offects or automobiles with and related the costs indicated on covering shipping/documents rece3.ved, in duplicate, from Passenger 142ovemenz 1,3rancli, Transportation Division, Office of Logistics, and ad3us~t obligations when necessary. ~orwa.rd one copy of each document to Chief, Accounts Branch, Finance Division, and attacl-i other copies to respective Travel Orders. >;xamples of shipping documents are: 25X1A (c) Commercial. Shipments - Shipping authorization to the freight foxwerder. ATTACIZT~TENT A SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : Cr~i~-~R8~~1-007288000100150030-5 (4) Obligate funds for a shipment of cap.^o based on 'the estimated costs indicated on covering shipping authorization roceived, in duplicate, :from Cargo Lranch, Transpnr~tation Division, Office of Logistics and plane certification to Clio availability of funds, chin; the obligation reference number, and cost account to be charged, on both copies of shipping aut.liorization. Forward one copy of each shipping authorization to Chief, Accounts T3ranch, finance Division and file second copy in unliquidated obliga- tion doc~iment file. (NOTE: j'Then more than one shipping authorization is issued to a carrier for services to be rendered, the cargo number of the final request shall be followed by the letter ".f".) (5) ',7he~.z a shipping authorization covers more than one shipment, prepare a I,~Iiscellaneous Obligation li,ecord - form 4G1 for each additional shipment and cross- reference each 1,Iiscellaneous Obligation Record to the shipping authorization and file it in the unliquidal:ed obli ration document file. 3 - SECRET ATTACIP~.?;;NT A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03Y~O~:~F(-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 (7) Establish obligations for field station shipments made by depots with costs indicated on Shipping Documents (Form 29l) received, in duplicate, from Transportation Division. rorward one copy of Shipping Document to Chief, Accounts Branch, T'inance Division, and file second copy in the Unliquidated Obligation Document file. (S) On receir~t of shipping information from the field, ASE, POA, and Cargo with respect to intivard~shipments, which are to be for by headquarters, obligate necessary funds; then prepare, in duplicate, a P,iiscellaneous Obligation liecord and transmit one copy to Chief, Accounts branch, :Finance Division bearing certification of availability of funds and citing the obligation reference number. Advise Transportation Division, Office of Logistics, 25X1A shipment in accordance with Book (~J) Record liquidation of confidential funds transportation obligations from the monthly IB1vI expenditure run received from I~'inance Division. c, Transportation Division, Office of Logistics shall: (1) Ftiirnish at the beginning of each fiscal year and revisions thereof when necessary to the Budget Division, Office of the 4 - SECRET ATTACN.I~IENT A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : C1~-007288000100150030-5 Comptroller for transm:.ittal to confidential funds allottees the following transportation rate schedules for use in determining transportation obligations and prer~aring budget estim4~tes; (a) Transportation rates showing costs by weight, 1~etween specific locations, and by modes of transportation. These costs shall include pacl~ing, crating, inland a,nd ocean freight. (b) Cargo rates showing costs by weight, by modes of transportation, and between specific locations within Z1 and from Z1 t:? overseas locations. (2) Issue all headq~iarter's shipping authorizations to cars?iers, 25X1A etc., covering the movement of supplies, 25X1A equipment, household goods, personal effects, and automobiles. (3) Ftioute copies as indicated below of all confidential- funds shipping authorizations and related documents to the Budget and Fiscal Officer of the benefiting component; (a) .For passenger movements (household effects and automobiles) ; Taro copies of Shipping Authorization o~? related documents. 5 - ATTACI~41rNT A SECRET Approved. For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03~~-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 (b) F'or cargo movemen Ls : Agency Shipping Document (Form 291) or 1 Two copies of/request to the carrier (or transportation agent) showing services to be rendered, method of shipment, actual weight, estimated costs, shipping point and destina- tion, and agency cargo number. 191ien a or document shipping request/covering more than one shipment also covers more than one component, prepare and forward two copies of the shipping or document request/to each affected COIIIpOII('llt. 2 Two copies of shipping document (form 291) received from depots showing estimated costs of shipments requested by field stations which are to be paid for by headquarters. (4) forward to Chief, Accounts Branch, finance Division, car ;o documents received from carriers evidencing services per:Cormed and bearing identification nurnbers for reconciling billings. 25X1A 6 - ATTACI~InIENT A SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 5~~81-007288000100150030-5 (b) Carrier's L'i11 of Lading, ~YayUill, Sliil~pin~ Authori- or related document zation~ or returned copy of Travel 25X1A Order, shotivin cube and ~voi~lits shipped, as evideiicc of services rendered. (2) Caro shipments; (al Copy of Transportation Division's request to or shipping document (Form 291} the cari?icr~bearin~ certification of availability of :funds and citing obligation re~crence number and cost account chargeable as evidence of authorization and obligation. (b) Certified Agency Shipping Document as evidence oi' services rendered. ATTACI~t1,4ENT A SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/3(i~~1',~~P81-007288000100150030-5 PROCIDUIZN I~OR T`i.ANSI~rRI~ING UNLIRUIDATI~D OF3LIGI~TIONS 1L''~CORDa~~ ArAITdST TII2 DTSCCNTIN ~~ SIPTGLr CONI'IDI;NTIAL TUNDS ALLOTl;I~T7T IrOIt T1~.ANSF~Oii.TATION OF TrIINGS 1. I~f:Cectivc~ 21 June 19 ~9 no fuxther obl~.gations shall be established against the sin lc confidential funds allotment for the transportation of things. Thereafter all obligations shall be recorded against tho respective allotments of the benefiting allottees. Obli;ation documentation shall be provided to the affected allottees by the Transportation Division, O:fricc of Logistics. Should additional fiscal year 1959 funds be x~ieeded by the allottees, requests should be made to the Bt1cl~;et Division, Office of the Comptroller in the usual manner. 2. On or before 29 June 1959 the >3u.dget Officer fox the Office of Logistics shall transfer to each affected allottee the ~anl~.quidated transportation obligations applicable to his activity, as shown on the allotment control record of the single confidential funds allotment as of 20 June 1959, by furnishing them with detailed inventory listings, in triplicate, and by fiscal year, with supporting documentation attached. Necessary adjustments will then be made to the allotment control record of the single allotment by the Office of Logistics. 3. Immediately upon receipt of the inventories, each allottee shall: a. Record opposite each entry on all copies of the detailed ? listings the identification of the cost accounts affected. ATTA CIi147~NT B SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/0~~6~~i~'-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 b. DQtormine the total valuo of unliquidated obligations affecting each allotment account and if necessary request increases to the affected allotments, in the usual manner, from the Budget Division, Office of the Comptroller. c. Certify all copies of the inventory as 'to correctness and as to availability of funds. d. Assign a single obligation reference number to the listing and utilize this number for the recordation in each Allotment Control Pecord involved. e. Record on each affected Allotment Control Record the total unliquidated obligations pertaining thereto and file the supporting docum~ntation~in the file of unliquidated obligations maintained for each affected allotment. f. Transmit original of the inventory to Chief, Accounts Branch, Finance Division for his use in processing obligated transportation billings, and one copy to Chief, Budget Division, retain second copy for future reference. 4. The Budget Division shall issue an allotment advice to the Office of Logistics reducing the amount of the single confidential funds allotment by the total amount of all the inventories and reserve the funds for issuance of any necessary allotment increases to the various allottees upon their request. ATTAC:III~NT B SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : ~~~rKC 1 1-007288000100150030-5 14 April 1959 25X1A n~r,lor~Armur,l rOR: Comptroller SUBJECT ; Control of Confidential Funds :for Transportation of Things REI~'1;R~NCE : Staff Study dated 21 May 1954, same subject. 1. PROBLEM To determine the most effective and economical method of managing and controlling confidential funds for the transporta- tion of things. 2. I~'ACTS B3~' RING ON THE P'R,OBLEM a. A single allotment for the transportation of things created from contributions provided for in the budgets of the various operating components is now made to the Office of Logistics. Procedures prescribe that commitments and expenditures for the transportation of things be obligated and recorded against the single allotment under the control of the Office of Logistics, and the contributing components are informed, by memorandum, of only the total cost of transportation charges attributable to theix operations. b. Considerable delay is encountered, as was the case prior to establishment of the single allotment, in identifying charges, contained in billings received 25X1A with benefiting offices despite fact that it was believed that through the use of a single allotment for transportation of things this delay would ATTACHLH;NT C SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/~~t~9~~E~i4-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 be eliminated. c. Procedures developed for the single allotment for the transpo~.?tation of things have not corrected the belated recording of obligations as the BF Suction of the Office of Logistics is tivhich originate until such time not notified of many of the commitments in the offices of contributing components as a billing is received. d. The accumulation of costs at cost center levels ap- propriate for management is a requirement of the finan- cial Management Improvement Program which will become effective in the fiscal year 1960. 3. JISCUS~ION a. The procedures developed for the operation of the single allotment for the transportation of things have not resulted, as was originally believed, in an improvement in the establishment of obligations inasmuch as inadequacies of the issue and flow of documentation still exist and considerable difficulty is encountered in identifying payments of transportation charges to related obliga- tions. This may be due in part, particularly with respect to the movement of household effects, to delaying the recording of the obligations until the receipt of a separate authorization form which initiates the actual movement of the household effects izzstead of recording the obligations based on the original approved committing ATTACHPJ~NT C sECREr Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 81-007288000100150030-5 documents, e. ;. travel orders. b. Yt was boliovecl that more reliable obligations could be es?tablisliecl by the creation of a single allotment under tixc control of the Office of Lc~gis?tics, as the documents used for establishing obligations were issued and main- tained by the Office of Lo;istics. These cocuments con- sisted of the carrier's au?tliority for the transportation showing the actual weights and volumes of the shipments, supported by the transportation rate schedules applicable thereto. Although this would seem to have been a good workable procedure, experience has indicated that numerous billings are recoived for which no obligations have been recorcled. The failure to provide a complete recordin; of obligations is attributable principally to the lack of a control in the single allotment procedure to assure notification to the allottee of each shipment authorized. As an alternative to the single allotment procedure, it has been found that copies of shipping requests, showing actual weight or volume shipped, as well as rate schedules can be made available to the various operating components, which under a decentralized allotment could record obligations more timely and without any lessening of accuracy. c. The delay encountered in the processing of transportation ATTACfIMENT C SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/g~t~6(~~A-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 25X1A invoices received is found to be due largely to the difficulty of relating invoices to obligations established foz? benefiting components. Under a decentralized allotment, each com- ponent could, upon establishing an obligation, forward to the Accounts Branch, Tinance Division a copy of the obligation document bearing a certification of availability of funds add citing the cost account number and obligation z~eforence number. Th?se obligation documents could then be used in the processing of invoices, and eliminate the need for requesting assistance from other agency components in identifying invoices. This would simplify and accelerate the invoice processing procedure. d. The referenced staff study recognized the problem of identifying billings to existing obligations and stated that this problem would be minimized by the establishment of a single allotment. further, the study concluded that identification of charges to benefiting components was not essential. Notwithstanding this conclusion procedures were developed after establishment of the single allotment requiring identification of charges to the benefiting components at division levels. If the conclusions set forth in reference were correct and no need exists for identification of charges to benefiting components, a single cost center and the use of a single allotment ATTACfIl,+~~ C SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30: L~~1-007288000100150030-5 would be I~Iowever, since it has been and still is considered essential to relate actual charges to the benefiting components, detailed records, sup- plementing those for the single allotment, are required. e. In order to comply with the present day requirements of accumulating cost data by designated cost centers, the currant procedure, for informally notifying operating com-. ponents bf their total costs under the single allotment, is not easily adaptable to the Agency's overall system for reflecting costs formally to operating cost centers. The record form of expenditures, attributable to the various cost centers, for the transportation of things, should be compatible with the records of expenditures for other costs to the end that Agency cost data can be uniformly and efficiently accumulated for management at operating levels. f. The requirement under the proposed cost based budget procedures to distribute costs to all recognized cost centers would materially increase the workload of the BI' Section of the Office of Logistics where transporta- tion charges are currently being recorded manually. To accomplish an accurate and efficient distribution econ- omically it would be almost a necessity that mechanised means be employed. Fuxther, this increase in work would place a severe burden on the BF Section of the Office of Logistics. .A'!"'t'AC~I!~N'i' C SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/0~~~~~-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 4. COr1CI,USTONS a. The decentralization of the allotment for transportation of things to operatinb components budget for this cost would provide direct control over transportation of things charges and eliminate the requirement now existing for their re-identification to the budgeting components. b. Through decentralizing the transportation of things allotment, and by providi~i~; the varioLis operating components with shipping requests shorting weight infoz:mation and with current transportation rates, more timely and accurate obligations could be established by the various allott;ees. c. Copies of obligation documents (?'ravel orders, shipping requests, eta.) showing funds availability, obli;ation reference numbers, and cost account symbols furnished to the Office of the Comptroller would permit ready iclontification of billings to o'ligations, as yell as to benefiting components, thereby eliminating the time- consumin vJOrk of requesting assistance from other offices in securing authorization for an iclontification of billings. cl. The decentralization of responsibility to control al- lotment of funds for transportation of things to the budgeting components would alleviate substantially the workload required by file single allotment for trans- portation of things in file BF Section of the Cfficc of ATTAC'Ir~ItdT C SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-R~~~b~T28R000100150030-5 Logistics and should prevent the recurring clevelopmon.t of serious back-logs in document processing. rti. CQi~IIri1;P1DATI0NS It is recommended that a. Tlae single allotment for transportation o:f tliin~s be cliscozitinucd and funds ?to cover transportation of tizings be included, beginning with fiscal year 1960, in the allotments made to orvanizational components. b. Procedures be developed, in sttffieient detail, covering the issuance, flf.w, and recordation of documents for establishing obligations for transportation of things on allotment control records of all orvanizational components, and for the processing of billings related thereto, to provide for the elimination of deficiencies currently existing with respect to such activities. c. As o:L 30 June 1959, the Office of Logistics prepare inventory 13.stings of the total outstanding unliquidated obligations covering transportation of things v~ith break- downs by organizational components and fiscal years. Each allottce be furnished with an original and two (2) copies of the list of obligations pertaining to his organiza- tional segment together with the supporting documentation. Further, that allottees review the inventory lists, verify and/or insert the applicable cost center account number on copies of the listings, and record the outstanding obligations in their appropriate allotment control records. ATTACIIbIENT C Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/3~9~~I~~DP81-007288000100150030-5 Copies of such listings, bearin certification by the allott;ees "that such obligations have been incorporated iii tlieix~ alloti7iexit control records," shall be furnished to the Finance and Budget Divisions of the Office of the Comptroller. The copies of the lists will be used by the Budget Division and Finance Division to effect adjust~- Illents required in allotments and accumulated obliga~t;ions on a decentralized basis; in addition, the copies of the lists furnished to tlxe Finance Division tvill be used to identify transportation billings received relating to obligations incurred prior to 1 July 1959. d. Beginning kith obligations incurred against 1960 fiscal year funds, organizational components furnish to ~Che Office of the Comptroller, copies of obligating documents (Travel Orders for household effects, and Transportation Requests fox' cargo), covering transportation of things, bearing a certification of availability of funds, nciting appro- priate cost center accounts to be charged, and showing the Obligation Deference numbers. ATTACIIh~ENT C ~E~R~T Approved, For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150030-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/ RDP81-007288000100 500'30-5 ..';r.4 . ., t~., . f_ ~::i?.a', ;'~?r{,.~.k ~~ -'..1.~~~'~.'t',: t.'..4 ti 'b4i~4~.A : Y? d, 1 t .'~i,.~. `~`~ ~~r";~:~ tM~~ Mrr i;l' is ~ ?:~i,rli.,~':.,~.' =s+w. ..i.:? ~.~., u, ... ~.i G.c fi;e t;%1 ~, .rE. >. ~l?l;~)~ d1t; ._.' g. .. o .. Er... . ,-~ ,i,f R5 .4. ~+i ?'~~; ? a,: ,i. ;-. ~. .i. ~:.y:! G.~:r .w ~?~. r ..J.'.t . .. ~. o-,~ ~.t.A' .. ~.k+''.. t"~.. . w 9.`.'`' LY i. ~.~.?N ~, l,l .. .. ~. } i, x r ~ a! ;, q st.. L ', _ ;, ii.'k. v ... .`' (.~,t~ : i ~,rl4,a~..a$. 1~~:' 'i?'t7;k?,F~ixr~~,.. ~..{.~k.: `. {!:.. '~w?C: ~: a~~ r'.'.. .rt.s_:;r .,,, .J..`~r!._~1;;. tt +,we ~~3:~i~k%~+ir ':+~}. .w.~.,L t_T:~.d{'v4.;; 3.? :.~:' ta,.,t'?...~ ..S ~3~;'. >.t...4.~ ~. ,, ,_.-..'t`r .. , ,.,.... .F Y;2 * ~'a.t ^^yq ... 1. Y.r,~..s t'. ~`?, ~ ~ . .:'.,..~ ..4F.r` ~1.y~4 .,, ~.r~ .~r .S. .4-:}iJtl' ~ .~i ... 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Ci"d~ i.~~a~';~~,~: ~, Y~r~%~~ ~ C-1!7""A M .~ ~ i i ~"r f ~l~ ~:.., N ~ ~ar~ wu t J. '6. .~.,..,w:.~, .,,nY,.~,.< .t.,.,~.... , T~~py.{r,.rv+,uw,~.r.M ii...A~f 1 ,.Mwr T"nltCt.t'~'aT^'n i ~~3~ 1.c~y(' ....~ ..Fmww~.r14 -ua-MY.. nWf a{whH-4'.?IP~Ir?ta~ t i a~?7;~ ahtW,', SXN~r' i'~~ 7z I I~~~~crt ~.. I J+ S; ~M ~ ,~ ~.+^?ww..,...wn.Ji:.~.L '~ ~ `.+%1,~..C 631'1 ~l, S't7:i::i: S"E;t!C.;;1 1'!11G.%r :~'?.,i:J11 l~f A:l`ir ~:L:i:1.C:~ U11 7'. AT1J:'?1 ...::~:. ~.~1'~';;aC~1111J11'i, v u: ~111,iJ''C't;~ C)k 't:iAv ~,)llt'j:)QS~~ O'y CSI@"t',C;:i111:t.11~LI1;: 's:i".i: ii1C)~'~: C;:L:C;C'i;:LVC; 7,1:1 C'tvLCUi.I~?111:i.C~,~ ill'~.?'i;i:lUC? O: lileLt?.~ i:.3.lli~ f1.11Ci CUi:ti::r:';Ji~.:li.l~ 'i:'_7{; Ll;tii.3 U'~' C~U21:'~.'7.C~CI1'i;1.7,~ ._Ll'.1CIS '!'O 'i;zl(/ 'it1.'~l.ll.~i~i.>i'';~l.'il:_.C371 Jam.' 'i,~.l'.?.1?y~~ . 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