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Approved For Release 2001 /03/3~:~ - :DP81-007288000100150031-4 Financial Management Improvement Instrucl~3.on N'o. SUBJECT: General - Implementation of Financial Manage- mont Improvement T~rogram Specific -Decentralized Allotment Control Yi"ocedure - Vouehered Funds REFERENCE: - IIeadquartors Allotment Control rote ure 25X1A 1. I~URI~osL Tlie purpose of this Instruction is ?to provide vQUCIiered funds allottees with a uniform system for the control of vouchered funds allotments, obligations, expenditures, and adjustments thereto, and to prescribe a procedure for the reporting of obligations by the vouchered .funds allottees to the Fiscal Division, Office of the Comptroller. The provi - sions of this Instruction shall be effective beginning 1 July 1959. 2. GENERAL Fora number of years allottees have maintained control records of confidential funds allotmen~s and rendered monthly summary obligation repor%s to the Finance Division, Office of the Comptroller, for inclusion in monthly financial statements. In conformance with the Agency's Financial Management Improve- ment Program, and in order to provide. more current records of the status of each vouchered funds allotment, it is deemed SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Approved For Release 2001 /03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 S->;-C-~~-I~-T desirable for allottees also to maintain control records of vouchered fund allotments and to ronder monthly summary obligation reports of accumulated obligations to the fiscal Division, Office of tlae Comptroller. :3. PROCEDURE Reference handbook sets :forth the detailed "headquarters Allotment Control Procedure" to be followed by allottees with.. respect to confidentia], funds allotments. The procedure .for maintaining allotment control for vouchered funds shall be as set forth in reference, subject to the special instructions set forth below: a. Allottees shall maintain allotment control records to reflect accumulated obligations by object classes and shall submit monthly summary obligation reports reflecting accumulated obligations by object classes, as prescribed in Attachment A hereto. b. Obligation documents, except for payroll and related items, carrying a certification as to availability of funds shall be forwarded promptly to .the Fiscal Division, Office of the Comptroller. These obligation documents shall reflect in addition to the certificate as to availability of funds. (1) the obligation reference number, and (L) the cost center symbol to which the subsequent expenditure should be charged. expenditures against previously submitted obligations will be pro- . cessed by the Fiscal Division without referring the, S-~-C-R-T~-T Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Approved For Release 2001 /03,~ . ~~~-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 expenditure vouchers to the allottde for further cer~i - f ication i~~ cases where tl~e Fiscal Division has a contract or purchase order, and a receiving report, and such practice is agreeable with the allottee; this practlc? is currently being followed with respect to obligations which originate in the Office of Logistics and in the Office of Communications. Expenditure vouchers received by the Fiscal Division, for which obligation documents a,re not on file, will be forwarded to the allottee for certification that funds are avail- .able prior to payment. The requirement that an allottees' certification of availability of funds appear on each obligation document will, in some instances, require the rerouting of ceri:ain obligation documents, such as contracts; for services, not now flowing through the allottees' offices. Prior to 1 July 1959, allottees' should take the necessary steps to arrange for any such rerouting which may be required.. c. .Payroll .obligations may bo recorded under a simplified procedure described in Attachment B IZereto. d. Expenditures shall be recorded on the Allotment Control Record based upon the mont131y expenditure listing received from the Office of the Comptroller, inasmuch as the Fiscal Division will pay some claims on the basis of previously submitted obligation documents appropriately - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA=~~~ 007288000100150031-4 certified to show availability of funds. e. Obligations for transpor?Lation of things shall be rcc:orded as a normal obligation against the allottees' funds rather than as prescribed 25X1A ~. 1~P1~LICeBILITY TO 1lLLOTN[FNTB 0?^ T.~I3.IOR FISCeL YLtiIZS a. Tile procedure prescribed herein, effective 1 July 1959, shall apply also to a,11 open vouchcred funds allotments of prior fiscal years (fiscal years 1959 and 1958). In addition, allottees shall have the responsibility of maintaining continuing records of unliquidated obliga- tions applicable to lapsed appropriations for inclusion in annual listings to be provided to the Office of the Comptroller. b. BLS soon as practicable after 30 June 1959, the allottees will be provided by the Office of the Comptroller. with the status of each open allc?tment for fiscal years 1959 and 1958 as shown on the records of the Fiscal ]Division as of 30 June 1959, showing the gross amount of a11ot- ments, cumulative obligations, accumulative expenditures, unliquidated obligations and unobligated 'aalance. Further, the .Fiscal Division will furnish each allottee clocunz~:nta- tion to support each unliquidatecl obligation outstanding for fiscal years 1959 and 1958 as of 30 June 1959, or witl'~ lists of all unliquidated obligations outstanding as of 30 June 1959. In either case, the unliquidated obligations will be identified by a reference number - 4 - Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Approved For Release 2001 /a~:lA-RDP81-00728800010015003.1-4 which will be shown in subsequent expenditure listings to enable allottees to adjust their allotment control records. Also, for the records of allottees the Fiscal Division will provide a listing of unliquidated obliga- Lions as shown by its records as of 30 June 1959, for the allotments of fiscal. year 195? and for prior years. c. Beginning 1 July 1959, since the Fiscal Division will have available detailed documentation representing unliquidatea obligations for fiscal years 1959 and. prior years, it will continue to pro~;ess to the extent that it has heretofore, payment documents without reference -prior to payment to the allottee even though the obliga- tion documentation does not reflect a certification by the allottee as to the availability of funds. In cases where no record is available in the Fiscal Division of a recorded obligation for any payment document, such document will be referred to the allottee for certifi- cation as the the availability of funds prior to payment. I~. K. lYPlITE Deputy Director (Support) ATTACHMENTS Approved For Release 2001/03/30:CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 dpproved For Release 2001/03/30 M P81-007288000100150031-4 A~i'TxCI~VlENT A PROCEDURE FOR MAINTAINING VOUCIIERED FUNDS ALLOT117ENT CONTROL RECORD AND REPORTING CUMULATIVE OBLIGATIONS TO FISCAL DIVISION ? OFFICE OF TIIE COMPTROLLER 1. Allotment: Control - Gonex?a1 A separate allotment control record shall be maintained for each allotment issued by the Budget Division, Office of the Comptrollex?. xllottees may elect also to main- tain an obligation control at a level below the allot- ment level. If so, Form No. 1643 should be maintained at such lower level in the same manner as for obligation control at the allotment level. 2. Maintenance of allotment Control Record - Form No. 1643 (Figure 1) a. To provide consisf:ency between vouchered and confi- dential funds allotment control records, the columns for recording date, reference, description, allotments, obligations, expenditures and unobli- gated balances are the same for vouchered as for confidential funds and will be posted in the same manner. The requirement that vouchered funds obligations be reported by major object classifica- tion, however, necessitates additional columns far recording object class breakdown. b. In order to obtain object class data on cumulative SEmREi Approved For Release 2001 /03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Approved For Release 2001 /03/30 : ~E~1,~~~7~81-007288000100150031-4 obligations the allotment control record may be maintained under either of the two alternative methods sot fort h below: (1) Alternative ono Utilize the object class columns to record the object class breakdown of each. obligation at the time it is recorded in ?the obligations incurred column. This will necessitate an adjustment to the appropriate object class column, in each instance when (a) an obligation is liquidated by an expenditure .in an amount other than the exact amount obligated, (b) the expenditure is made to different object classes than those obligated, and (c) an obligation is cancelled or adjusted. At the end of each month the totals of the several object class. columns will represent cumulative obligations by object class breakdown. (L) Alternative two Utili.z_ the object class columns to record tI2~: object class breakdown of each expenditure at the time it is recorded in the expenditure. column and at the end of each month determine theobject class breakdown of unliquidated obligations by recapping the documents in the unliquidated obligation file. The total of each SECAEi Approved for Release, 2001/03/30:CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 A roved For Release 2001 /03/30 ~~~DP81-007288000100150031-4 pp object class of expendi?L-ui?es added to the. object class of unliquidated obligations will represent cumulative obligations by object class. 3. 117ontlily Summary Obligation Reports a. To provide data for the recording of all obligations in the accounts maintained by the Fiscal Division, each vouclzered funds allottee shall prepare and transmit to the fiscal Division at the close of each monthly accounting period a summary obligation report. This report shall be prepared on Form No. 1644, Summary Obligation Report (Figure ~), to show the amount of the cumulative fund obligations by object class to be recorded by the riscal Division for each allotment account. b. The allo?L-ments shall be listen on Form No. 1644 under? subheadings for each fiscal year. The reports will reflect each month (1) all allotments maintained by the allottee for the current fiscal year regard- 3.ess of whether there have been any changes in cumulative obligations during the current month, and (L) all allotments for the two prior fiscal years for which changes have occurred during the current month in the total cumulative obligations to date. Tf no change has occurred during the month in the .cumulative obligations of the allotments for either of the two preceding fiscal years, the year will be Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : C~`i~1-007288000100150031-4 listed .and the words "'No Changes" inserted there- under in the A1lotmont Symbol column. The summary obligation reports submitted on Form No. 1644 must reach the Fiscal Division no later than the second working day following the. close. of each month. It is the responsibility of the allottees to insure that the Fiscal Aivision :is currently and ad@quately informed of the cumulative obligations to be recorded by it. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :CIA-RDP81-0072$R0001D0150031-4 Approved For Release 2001/03130 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Ny~eLfu~axi rl~~C7/YJfNT C~~~r'~OL ~~fCO,~,~ 1~'cG~~N7 ._._.._ ._....~. ._ ~acea~.vrTirt,E lienry~~vsNa i`/.9b~ P%.F r(lo, c 9~1onh~ ~?~icws dNo~IGA~ D O EJ r/VE CLASSi~IeA OAS ~ L ~COfM6VY J # fcfi .D /NCNL'k#a -- % i i i ~ i FINIS FORM ~9ILL BE 14z" x 92" AND PR VIDEF R30P4 TII~'GL NES~ $ THIS S ZE fYIL FIT A INDER RICH CAN BE~ READIL FILED N A SA E DRAjYER 1 Approved For Release 2001/03130 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 -r-.~..~..,.,~aprQy.~i,,,~E,~.C? lease 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-007288000100150 3~=4 i - f ~.-.-...-,.......,,........_,?...,.,..,.,_..._.. _., AI ~'.~'.~'E+~~PtT ~~GC;gU~I'~.' ~.'~Tt~ E?ATF _ ~I.17[~T~'VE Q_ kII,~CI~Tx_ON3 ,~.~ B~ d~x~a-T~~ ~ Ta~I~ ) Approved For Release-20p1103/30:CIA-RDP81-00728R000100150D31-4 .AI.,Jf~TMLN'I' ~~Xt-~3oI, A roved For Release 2001 /03/3~. ~~'"=~DP81-007288000100150031-4 pp KTTeC1IMENT B SIMPLIFIED METHOD FOR RECORDING PAYROLL OBLIGIiTIONS 1. Voucliered funds allotteos will be provided with a summary of eaeli bi-weekly payroll shot~ving the total payroll charges for gross salary (object class 01) and Eigeney con- tributions to life insurance (object class 0?), retirement (object class 11) and FICA (object class l5). This summary, with appropriate adjustments whenever necessary because of known personnel changes which would have an important effect on the obligation recorded, may be used to project future payroll obligations in the following manner: a. At the beginning of each fiscal year, establish estimated obligations for the partial and complete bi-weel~ly pay periods in July (e.g., in July 1959 these periods are 1-11 July, 12-25 July, and 26-31 July). assuming a 10 work day pay period, the obligation to be established for 1-11 July would be 8/lOths of the most recent payroll summary availa- ble, for 12-25 July 10/1Oths, and for Z6-31 July. 5/1Oths. For example, if the latest bi-weekly pay- roll summary available indicates gross salary charges of $2,000 and there were no known personnel changes requiring recognition in the estimate, the estimates to be set up for 1-11 July would be $1,600, ,~ ~'~ a, Y Approved For Release 2001 /03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 Approved For Release 2001 /03/30 ';'~~DP81-007288000100150031-4 ~~ ~ B for 12-25 July $2,000, and for 26-31 July $1,000, or a total of $4,600. Those figures were arrived at as follows: Pay Pex?iod Work Days 1/10 Bi-weekly emt Estimat . e 1-ll July 8 $200 $1600 12-25 July l0 200 2000 26-31 July 5 200 1000 b. At the beginning of each succeeding month, reverse the estimate for tl~e partial bi-weekly pay period fallir~~~ at the .end of the previous month and establish an estimate covering the full bi-weekly pay period beginning in the p~~ovious month and ending in the current month (for example, the last estimate established in July covered fromL6-31 July, but the full pay period covers from 26 July - 8 August). Thus, at the beginning of August the estimate for 26-31 July would be reversed and a new estimate established covering the period 26 July - 8 August, in addition to estimates for 9-22 and 23-31 August, By using this mothod the expenditures for a particular pay- roll may serve to fully liquidate obligations established for the same period. c. Estimated obligations for related payroll items, namely, life insurance, retirement and FICti, would be established in the same manner as for salary. Approved For Release 2001./03/30 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150031-4 ~'' ' Q '~!`ed ~~r Rele se ':2001 /03130' ~ :CAA; F~DP81-007288,01 '10015a '31'='~ r {' s .i~~~~c4 ~."t,?,!:11 1. ~rt`~1.,1 ... d.t ?:. (~t~ia.~..l.;{y.(. i~r :.l_t:~~=~J:P ....Y ,. s ,1 - } ; ~f,., .'a ~~ ~. ..:> ..^ E v 41',.,,?1?., t" .~ F.,Yr. f ~ 1 ... t:. .. 'l. ?.! ;a :'; ?. J.F ?l {,TYtI'. L' ":" '/., r 1...t ,3lli;'~ , r1,{.,i7 ?~. 1 r