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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00896R000100090001-8 UUINriutil i IIAL 10 August 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: OTR Management Council FROM: Donald E. Smith Director of Training SUBJECT: OTR Problem Areas (U) 1. At the 31 July - 1 August meeting of the OTR Management Council, a number of problem areas, deficiencies, or prospective areas for improvement were identified. Many of these were discussed with action assigned; in other cases, the discussion concluded with further work necessary prior to a decision. The following is a list of the items and their status as I understand them: (U) b. The rotation of OTR careerists at grades GS-12 to GS-14 outside the Office was posed as a desirable course of action, to which all agreed. The lack of opportunities for rotation which are career enhancing was cited by the DTR as one problem and the need to take into the Career Sub-Group additional personnel in order to expand the rota- tional program was noted. This subject will be discussed at another Management Council meeting. (U) c. A major current problem in the C of C Building is the lack of integrating the schedules of classroom space, assignment of instructors, student parking, and shuttle bus transportation. Chief, Services Staff, was tasked to take the initiative in devising a better system. The result of his inquiry will be discussed again. (U) 25X1 DERIVATIVE CL BY 013030 REVIEW ON 10 AUG 1999 noNFInFNTIAI DERIVED FROM A 9 c (11) Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00896R000100090001-8 nnairinrhrriAl Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00896R000100090001-8 SUBJECT: OTR Problem Areas (U) d. The need for a display of visual aids in the Visual Aids Section was identified; Chief, Services Staff, will oversee the collection and display of samples on an expedited basis. (U) e. The Chief, Instructional Technology Division, will circulate information on new audio visual programs. (U) f. The Chief, Services Staff, will determine the need for setting up a carpool locator board. (U) g. Chief, Services Staff, will take action to provide tutorial instruction on operation of audio visual equipment on a quarterly basis and school chiefs will encourage participation of instructional personnel. h. The DDTR will determine when there is a need for a media consultant to attend meetings of the OTR Curriculum Committee. (U) i. The Chief, Services Staff, will review the system of checking new employees into OTR and will consider grouping new employees rather than checking through each person individually. (U) j. will consider production of a 25X1 video tape priering on the Center, which can be used in the Headquarters area to brief visiting students on such subjects as they should be informed a prior to arrival. (C) k. The Chiefs of Intelligence and Management Schools will work together to plan Management School instructors' participation in such Intelligence School courses as the Midcareer and Senior Seminar. (U) 1. The organization of OTR's television production capability was discussed and will receive further review by the Management Council at the next meeting. The subject includes the location and utilization of person- nel, facilities, and equipment, as well as the need for an active role by instructional units. (U) 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL 2 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00896R000100090001-8 (U) � ft I Approved For Release 2001/08/02 7CIA-RDP81-00896R000100090001-8 � � � � - .mw SUBJECT: OTR Problem Areas (U) in. In response to the question of the Chief, Intelligence School, concerning OTR's response to requests by DO area divisions for training of liaison services in such fields as intelligence production, the consensus was reached that if such ad hoc requests have an adverse impact on our ability to conduct regular training activities, they should be refused. In this instance, the Intelligence School should suggest other alternatives such as providing the names of other Agency employees or retirees who could satisfy the requirements. All school chiefs should review each request for liaison training with the DD/OT in order to ascertain its priority. (C) n. The subject of an OTR ADP officer was discussed. It was noted that the conversion of the ATR is proceeding but that there may be other ADP applications for which an ADP officer would be helpful in identifying and get- ting under way. It was agreed that the DTR would discuss this issue with the Director of Data Processing to determine whether ODP has someone to loan to OTR for this purpose. (U) o. The subject of undesirable behavior, including absences, tardiness, and inattention, by students in training courses was raised. The DTR reaffirmed the policy that a misbehaving individual should be warned by the instructor, but that if the bad behavior does not cease, the instructor should dismiss the offender from the course and notify the OTR chain of command. If an instructor is unsure of how to handle the matter, prior consultation with the supervisor is advisable. (U) p. The Management Council read a paper written on work load allocation at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Administration. The purpose of the review was to discuss the feasibility of establishing a basis for participating in any merit pay system adopted by the Agency. The Council concluded that a study should be conducted as to present instructional work loads in order to provide a basis for future standards. This study would be addressed to OTR's instructional person- nel and some future development should be made so as to include all employees. (U) CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00896R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/-02-:-CAlliDe-PR811-r-00196R000100090001-8 - - � SUBJECT: OTR Problem Areas (U) 2. The next OTR Management Council meetin is tentativel scheduled for 30 and 31 October 1979 at (C) Distribution: 1 - DDTR 1 - C/CTS 1 - C/SS 1 - C/IS 1 - C/ISC 1 - C/CIMS 1 - C/LS 1 - C/MS 1 - C/Plans Staff Donald E. Smith CONFIDENTIAL 4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00896R000100090001-8 25X1