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CENTRAL .INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SECR. f INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY -. USSR SUBJECT P Airfields near Kimry, USSR PLACE 25X1A ACQUIRED-. DATE ACQUIRED TH10 DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NAT, OX AL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEAN I NO OF TITLE 181 SECTIONS 793 AND 704, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRAN NRISS ICR OR HEYE? LOTION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHOR IOED PER80N IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM 16 PROHIBITED. DATE DISTR. 3 1r 52 NO. OF PAGES 2L 25X1A NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION _ ----------------------------2 )UX, WWWWW J 25X1X Approved Fdr Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080009-3 I noticed aircraft activity to the -nortne heard of aircraft activity at other points near 2. Reference is made to chart, number 37-10 A M S Series N501 of Kimry (360 Joe 14 370 18o E) on which I can locate the following points ZS-ee Enclosure (A) Point I Airfield Approximate location of flying activity seen from the center of Kimry. I saw aircraft ascending and descending in this area and assumed that there was an airfield 5X1A located here. This activity was greater than that a the Borki airBf ield (point 4), and this activity was I ob7ser?ved jet fighters of an unknown type, and also twin- engined aircraft, type unknown, flying around this area. At night, this area was well lighted, but no beacons or searchlights were noticed. Flashes, as from guns, were also observed at night, followed by the sound of the report, Parachuting activity was not obserAved. .1 never asked any Soviets for further details, because I knew from experience that the Soviets would have answered with their usual, "I. don't know". 25X1 A SECURITY INFORMATION SECRET v DISTRIBUTION =ORM NO. 51-4F ICT 1951 _ Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080009-3 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080009-3 SECRET SECURITY 1Wr-ORMATIQt4? OVERLAY of COXT JMS 5E:R1 ES t4501 IAO S7-10 K. 1~AR. 5e,:W AI Encl?su-t-e SECRET 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080009-3 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080009-3 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Point 2 Kimry 25X1A for further details' Point Sav~ ova (56? 521 N 370 22f E) Zee cormri;ep, Point 4 Airfield Approximate location of an airfield known. as Bcrki to the Germans. I deduced that this. was . the airfield from details given me by Germans who had--been there. There were two parts to this airfield, one part used for flight testing the Junkers experimental airplanes.produced at Podberesje, and the other part'-was a military field. The part, used by the flight testing crew was rather primitives .according to Germans who had been there, and was,.not usable during the rainy and thawing per ds,-,df .the,- year. The. military part had a concrete runway with steel mat extensions and was probably usable all year round. I heard that this section was quite new, had modern buildings,. and that jet fighter aircraft of the SAF were based there.. I myself observed aircraft aim.lar to MIG- 15's flying around in the area from my apartment in. . Podberesje. I am quite sure that they were SIG-151:s as they were identical to MIG-15 ' s-, I saw in Dessau, Germany in August 1951, The Soviet flight testing'crew at Podbereeje began operations here in September 1949. They could either take a truck to Kimry, using the road (point 5), cross the Volga River with a ferry and then drive south to the field, or they could take amotorboat down the Volga River, disembark near the field, and walk the rest of the way. Point Road Coarse stone covered road, about 5 to wide, soft shoulders, impassable in the thawing and rainy periods, rand in winter only passable by sleigh. Point 6 Podberesj.e 25X1A for further detailsJ Point Nikolskoye (56? 3Q1 N - 370 301 E approx) I.heard from Soviets that there was an airfield near this town-which had once been considered for flight testing Junkers ex erimental air= craft. I do not know why Borki (point 43,0h ad been selected instead of this field, The Nikoll~ dye field was k under consideration in April-May 199, after flight testing was no longer done at the fields in. Ramenskoye (55 34' erN - 380 141 E) and Toplistan (about,-20 km SW of Moscow). -end- ENCLOSURE (A) Airfields Near Kimry, USSR SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080009-3