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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81.1028#2000100080011-0 25X1A INFORMATION REPORT 171:ET CENTRAL INTE IGENCE AGENCY COUNTRY GERMANY (Soviet Zone) SUBJECT Dismantling of the Leu.ha Plant Mere. sehurg, Germany PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TI TIE IS, SECTIONS 793 0 ( 0 , 7 9 4 , 0 , THE U.S. CODE, A9 AMENDE O. ITS TR AN IN ISSION OR REYE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITEO. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1A SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1X 1. The dismantling of the Leona Plant in Merseburg, Thuringia, stated and shipped ~._~ ~_.,aara to the USSR. The dismantling operations were directed by Soviet of"f"icers. Captain Vostikov was the Soviet officer in charge. Villesov, who at that time was the General, Manager of Leuna, did not seem to have any jurisdiction over Vostikov s s operabions. Apparently the orders for the dismantling operation came directly from Moscow. It appeared that Villesov was not on friendly terms with Vostikov. `This was understandable because Villesov had been ordered to make Leuna operational as soon as possible and Vostikov was thwarting his efforts by iemoving equipment which was needed for the achievement of Vill.esov 4 s goal 25X1A 2 Some of the following statements regarding dismantled Leuna equipment and its disposition in the. USSR are based rin - rather than actual knowledgeo laboratory., which had been stripped of all pilot plants and bench scale installations. The dismantled equipment was distri- buted as follows: SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION M1951 51-4F eBi (20) Approved For Release 2001/08/02: 4/20/ a1 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080011-0 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 3r 25X1A (a) The pilot plant for the production of oxol was dismantled and probably taken to Dzerzhinaka USSR (560 l5$ N -.Z.30 280 B) (b) The pilot plant for the production of sol was probably taken to Dzerzhinsk. .(a) The pilot plant for hydrocarbon synthesis was probably taken to Dzerzhin sk, .(d) The pilot plant for oil cracking with a catalyst volume of one cubic meter was taken to -Dzerzhinek. (e) (f) (g) The pilot plant for the production of caprolactam was shipped to DzerzhinskD. where Dr Striegler was commissioned to put it into operation? The bench scale installation of a reactor for the production of diethyl-amine and its separation from n onoethyl-amine and triethyl-amine, was shipped ta the Karpov Institute in Moscow. Dr Friedrich Andreas was working with it in the Institute. The, reactor had a catalyst volume of 200-300 cubic centimeters. A bench s,iale model of an installation for the production of hydrogen peroxide from propane oxidation was shipped to the Karpov Institute. Dr HeThuuth Jochink was to operate it there but to my knowledge he nev-e.r had the opport nity'. The following large installations were dismantled: The a-e .i.pc_ aqi.. ,--plants Including the section which produced housed inn building 479 and h. '"ao 4c' paoity of about 30 tons of hex: etjyie ne di .i ae per month. I a e that 'this plant was shipped_ to Dzerzhinsk. (b) The entire ammonia oxidation--plant was dismantled and shipped to Severo.-Donetsk (L80 539 N 380 40t E). Abo -75%-of the Catalyst Plant South was dismantled * I am sure that part of this plant was shipped to Severo Donetek and. believe that some of it may have been sent to Chirchik (410 300 N - 69? 379 E)9 where--a-plant for the production of heavy wate- catalysts Is planned. The method of production proposed for this plant is patterned after that at Leuna except that the Lea flow of production is vertical while the Chirohik flow is to be horizontal. (d) . The plant producing highly concentrated nitric acid was completely ismantled,, until only the masonry remained. The plant was pr?o'babi_ shaipped to Severo Donetek, From remarks made by the General Manager of the Severn onetsk plant, Genadij Ivanovitch Villesov,# we learned that the production of highly concentrated nitric acid was planned there The met c ._-plant was almost ca plet : dismantled. I do not know where it was shipped, but it is probable that the methanol and isobutanol production was intended to take place at Severo-Do aetak. Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080011-0 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080011-0 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION ~3 0 25X1A (f) Thirty-four _percent_ of the ammonia plant was dismantled and shipped to Severo-Donets1. (g) An unidentified number of steam boilers which produced 50 tons of steam per hour were shipped to the USSR. (h) Sixty-five percent of the hydrogenation plant was dismantled. (i) 'The dehydrogenation plant (olefin plant) was completely dis- mantled., operating at atmospheric (1) The__.haeavy water installation pressure was dismantled and possibly placed in a building ne thze Aicult?al Exhibition Grounds in, Moscow. (k) The, haeav ter installatf,oxn operating at 700 atmospheres _Na wa:s eat tAothe Ka'Pov Institute where it was being in Called when we left in July 1948. (1) The ammonium sulfate_ . p Lant was partly dismantled and shipped to Severs _ can t ska Drawings and plans of the _ Leu a_ Plant were 'oed in the files of the library there. We identified the following equipment of other plant z-, (a) we saw lead_ o twiner Rut, eshnove9 wh were use as sti ring vessels for sulphurle ac d0 They had been dismantled from h e by -_al plant at Wolf en,, (b) I was told that the Soviets have Installed a plant for the ^~ ~. the losf e produotf,on of hnexogen in -In6tal:.lea,tion No 20 pls,nt t ' Y? shnaya Grupa (in the vlel ity of Severo-Donetsk), ea,n prt loners of war who worked at Yushnaya Grupa saw fhT n s t ll.at on~ is said to-have been__ djjz t ,~s1 ;?rom Christi'an' st d 0 bring World War II9 the plant had been badly destroyed9 . but we saw fumes coming from the one smokestack which was still intact. The plant Is electrically powered by a line leading from Proietarsk (480 56 N ? 38Z 24# H) to the plant. In addition to these Installations of industrial or scientific significance9 the Soviets removed almost all glasses and measuring instrumentA from all laboratories. Most of the glasses we used in the Karpov Institute laboratories were those which had been dismantled from Leunao At the Karpov Institute we found a hand- operated tablet machine which pressed the catalyst powder into firm tablets and which had formerly been used at Leuna, The Leuna library was almost completely removed. We saw a large number of Leuna books at Severo-Donetsk; most of the Leuna reports and pamphlets were directed to the Karpov Institute, While the librarian at Severe-Donetsk, Mrs Villesov9 was doing a capable job of cataloguing the books., the printed material at the Karpov Institute was dumped into sacks onto the floor and stuffed in the top of shelves of the library. (At the canteen we were given food which was wrapped in old and historically valuable reports of Le? a, e s origin.) In addition to Leuna material 9 we found a large assortment of literature at Severn-Donetsk from factories at Heydebreck (50? 20$,'N - 180 12e E) and Piesteritz in Saxony. Both are chemical Fact.pries `and the presence of their literature at Segero,Dorsetsk..per i ted some speculation as to the planned production of this l ,nt,. The Heydebreck factory was not quite finished at the end of World War II9 but the production of urea, brown-o ide? catalyst and end products by the Fischer- Tropsch process waFi planned.. Lacquers., oil and axonia were produced at Piesterit?. Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080011-0 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080011-0 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION -4-. 25X1A The dismantling operations were carried out with reasonably good care. The crates which were used were made of planks two inches thick and reinforced on the outside. on the inside they were lined with tar paper. All rust was removed from the equipment, which was then coated with protective paint and crated, in many casesp the German workers saw to It that the Soviets did not get the best equipment, They persu=aded the Soviet officers to take along worthless equipment, hid valuable machines under rubble laying about in the plantD and disguised defects on some of the. material and thereby deceived R _p the Soviets as to its condition, Most ...__ q i p ent_ rc bably arrived in the j$$R in fairly good condition hut. in the unlo,a ng processes and the lack of proper care in installation and usage, much of the equipment was spoiled. As late...as _ 48 so;ae o kne 3~e .,e'_qu-i. anzae_t had not been ins ta,:Lied In the Karpov Institute and was standing in the open, unprotected.- A1 vt area atSeverooDonetek was surrounded by barbed wires in which dismantled Leuna equipment, was exposed to the Soviet climate, While the dismantling was still going on,9 German engineers began to rebuild the Leuna Plant, Equipment was found in various places, partly under the debris and partly in storage., where a large amount of email equipment had been kept In reserve. In this mariner the plant was gradually put back on an operational basis, The laboratories had the greatest difficulty in resuming their operations. Even the desks of he deported scientists had ..been removed. In fact, the laboratories never entirely recovered from the dismantling operations. For example, the Research Laboratory, which previously was staffed by more than 30 academically trained scientists.. now has but six or eight. Further- more., the Research Laboratory scientists lack the zest to promote their work because most of the projects on which they work are for the benefit Of the Soviet SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01028R000100080011-0