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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT CONFIDENTIAL, This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18. Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Coda as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. 50X1 COUNTRY USSR (Ukrainian SSR) SUBJECT Area Description of R'ubezhnoye DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 2 April 1954 15 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM: THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1-HUM 50X1 2. Rubezhnoye is located at N It9-01s, E 38-23. Page 22 point 5, Kremmenaya should probably read Kremennaya. On page Li, point 123, read Sberegatelnaya Kassa for Zberegatelliaya Kassa. Baranik, page it, point 119 has also been reported as Barannik. STATE rhc ARMY ktx NAVY ft AIR CONFIDENTIAL Hr FBI AEC 50X1 Meta: Woslil Distribution inaireonel By "X", IF61.1 rliefrilmiOnn By "'Bt. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 -0 0 II RIDS IF TIAL COUNTRY USSR (lflrainian SSR) SUILIECT s area Description of Rubesbnoye THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION REPORT DATE DISTR.firEa NO. OF PAGES 14 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) ' SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1 ?50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Agit MUM= 1. lint over in t WAY Tc11-25._!_45479969-1-25R, Lisidhanek, Scale 1 45,000 see page 14 3.1 located the following points the'RUbes oye areai v iota 1, lSMia -AiiiiI.shapsd athletic field, about 160*. x50 a., surrounded by a white brick wall, 3 n. high. There was one large double, iron gate located at the southeast corner, of thellield. The stadium was laid out north- south-and was located about 20 a. north of the railroad line (Point S).: The road (Point 2) led directly to this sta4ium:fioi the southeast. This was the only athletic field in the area of Rubeshnoye, and was consequently in heavy use by young people, including the various amateur soccer and fisld teams., On Sundays, this field Was the soot popular area of Rubeshnoye. , 22.411.1 ARS An unpaved, dirt road about 30 m. wide which led from the town of Rubishnoyil in the southeast to the stadium (Point 1 where it terminated. Froi the oity of Rubesbnoye to a point about pc) a. southealt of the settlenent (Point 3), this road'wes coliblOStone paved. During the'autumn and ? OORPIDENTILL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM ? II I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 ZULU ittist"J. CONFIDENTIAL - 2 - and early spring months, this road was a sea of mud. Settlement A small residential settlement consisting of one-story frame and plaster houses which were ocoupied by the higher paid employees of the Khimkombinat. The road (Point 2) extended through the center of this settlement. yallroad Line A single traok, SRG line9 which led from the Beats Basin in the south to the city of Moscow in the northwest, a distance of about 700 kms. The line was not.elettrified 4.:1. and heavily used by freight and passenger trains. The 'r freight traffic did not conform to a regular schodule,\ .4 \but there was quite a bit of it. ' tore were about six passenger trains passing through this arse daily and one express train which passed through., frano Rubeshnoye at about 1100 hours daily. It't1Thli ; ? ttnded Road An unpaved dirt road, 30 m. wide, which ran west of end parallel to the railroad line (Point 4) and which extended from the torn of Rubezhnoye, northwest to the snall.villegi of Kremeannsya located about 12 kms. northwest. ?The, . Section of the road which ran through the town of,.Bubeshnoye was partly concrete and partly cobblestone paved. Thereat eitended further southeast, past the railroad etailow(Point 22) and thee turned into another road (Point 24). it. ? Will Factory Ire. AA area aboUt 200 m. x 200 m., surrounded by a white brick wall 3 m. high. what the area contained, bit it looked like some sorto factory or possibly a saw sill. There was an entrance to this trek at its eastern end, guarded always by two civilian guards armed with carbines. .....c..:, ? ' ? , , .. -Institute , ? ?,.4- ? . ? kh,c,c- i T-shaped, three-story, white brick building, the south.road east wing of which was about 100*. longlend the northeaStlint Awing. about 80 m. long. The gable roof was whored with.. sheet metal which was painted with.s.....tar paint. The bind- . ingkoused an institute for the training of technicians for the chemical and engineartilield. 50X1-HUM tasisi the institute' was commonly referred to 50X1-HUM is'the "tekhnikume by the population. The faculty strength! 50X1 HUM sled student body is unknown but the average ade-Offn. bUX1-1-IUM the etudents was about 20 years. The buildieg:also served Is aYdormitory for the students who were undergoing train-. ing which lasted about three years. There were no security- precaitions in or around this building at artiste. .There were three entrances to this building all located in.,theltr. , southwest wing. ;, WALL 50X1 50X1-H UM ?50X1 -H UM Trade ?. A T-shaped, two-story, *hits root painted with tar paint. ing was about 50 m. x 10 a., the same size. The building ri vlth ..)- brick building, with, a gable.; The north wing of the builewt.-t and the south wing was about-i t. housed a co-educationaltredeAnoth C ONFIDENTIAL ,t r t%c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 .a. .00NFIDENTIAL . 3 . ',shoal with a student body of about 100 persons. All students --wore Entry blue, army .typs pniform. In addition to various types of woodwork taught here,wood wind instruaents were also produced. The building was bordered on the north by a street (Point 13), onto which the main entrance of the building opened; Adjoining the building on the northwest was an exercising ground surrounded by a three-meter high wire fence, and on the southeast side of the building was a small garden also surrounded by a fence of the same height. ? WALL . A large, quadrangle-shaped building, Constructed of white brick, three stories high, covered with a gable roof which was covered with sheet metal painted with tar paint. .,The building's wings were about 60 a. x lam. On the first floor of the west wing were two stores% one, a grooerband the otherlsold hon44boldettioles. The building housed the ?better-paid Soviettldreonnel who were employed in the NIOPilt ? Zaboratory4nd the"Ehiskombinat. It was bordered on the kast by the atrest "Prospekt Kirova," an unpayed road, 60 to 70 m. wide, extending in'snorth-northeasterly &rec. tion from the street (Point 25), for a distance of about 650 m. The building_stood directly ,south of the building shown awyPoint-10. ? WALD. Building :4? An inverted L-shaped three-story, white brick building, with a gable roof covered over with sheet metal painted with tar paint. The eastern wing was about 90 m. x 12 11.; and the south wing, aboat 70 m: x 12 m. The two wings were joined together with an elbow-shaped section in which there were several apartments on the second and third floors. On the first floor of this connecting section was an office of some transportation agency. The entrance to this particular section was in its southeast corner. The ? eastern wing of this building contained a total of 30 apart- ments, of whioh 23 were occupied by the German specialists, and-the remaining seven, by key Soviet personnel. The wing was divided into five equal sections, each having two apartments on each floor. 4 total of ten could be seen on the .east wing of the building. Each section of the east wing had two entrances, one on the east and the other on the meet side. the eastern doors were all nailed up. The south wing was divided into two sections, each having sii apartments, and the elbow-shaped section also had six apartments. All apartments in this build- ing were identical with the.exosption of the ones in the northernmost section of the east wing. drawn a simple sketch which shows the floor plan of my apart- ment and which will serve as an example fIr the remaining apartments in the building 2:17es page 15./. There was a large basement in the building which was used for the storage of coal and potatoes used by the' chemical plant. . In the adjoining yard, west of the building, stood two ' smaller buildings. Both were about 40 a. x S m., and shout 214. highs-and were used as storage places for. personal belongings of the tenants of the large building. ' C.ONPIDENTIAL ? 50X1 C-, . 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 CONFIDENTIAL - 4 'atilt 11 Building An L-shaped, three-stoq,white brick building, the eastern wing ofetich was about 90 I. z 12 m., and the southern wing, about 50 n. 1 la 14 This building stood about 300 m. south- egSt of the keildihN shown as Point 10 and was bordered on thh east bl.kbe street, eirospekt Eirova." The street (foint 12), began at the southern end of this building. This strUeture housed Bubeshnoyele club house, and Was referred to as the "Rouse of Cullure." There were reading rooms, an auditorium, a canteen, and playrooms of all types here. The petithern wing housed a photograph studio and a barber shop. The building's main entrance was located in the southern side of the south wing. Just off the building's southeast corner stood a statue of Lenin and of Stalin about 4 Of. tigh made of white stone, The building was the center of mbl social activity in Rubezhnoye? and in winter time the &ones- especially was jammed with people. lotion pictures All demoss were given here very often, and dramatic entertain- temA preeented by visiting actors was also a feature. The Waling was open daily until late at Eight, when it las leaked and watched over by an unarmed, plainclothes, civilian ? ..goinrd who iat in the foyer of the building. This man was 0 duty most of the day and was relieved during Sc late evening. It was not necessary to produce any ? Liza of identification in order to enter the building. In Addition to various recreational facilities whichwere present in the house, a technical library for the use of the Soviet and German specialists of tha Khimkombinat and the NIOPiK laboratory was located on the second floor of the east wing. In order to take any of these books out, it was necessary to_hav_e_wr t n ission from the Soviet renendant, MAIM Across the Street, test of the "Rouse o u tire, was a residential area ognaisting ef two. to 1.1.,es eastory, stone and frame houses, oCoupied by workers of all grades employed by the Khimknma billet and the NIOPLK laboratories. 50X1 Ittatela West "Binkovekaya Mites.," so called because of the location Of the Rubeshnoye bank about 100 m. south of the clubhouse building (Point 11) on the eastern side of the street. The street was about 15 m. wide, cobblestone paved, with two-meter wide sidewalk on the eastern side. On the west site of this street, about 90 a. south of the "Rouse of Culture" (Point 11) was a small park about 150 m. 'm 100'm: surrounded by a li-m.high stone wall. The bank for which the street was nailed was a two-story building, .00netructed of the usual white brick, and-having a sheet metal-covered.gable roof. The bank itself was commonly called the "Zberegatelnaya Kassa" (Savings Bank). There,entrance to the building from the west, and all windows both front and back were barred. The building was guarded by a civilian guard armed With a rifle during duty hours and secured by the town police after office hours. ( the police who guarded the bank at night did not patrol the building but merely stood in front. The bank was surrounded on the north, east, ars south by a white brick wall 4 m. high. -HUM CONFIDINTIAL Issified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04 : - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 ? CONFIDENTIAL - 5 - POi't 13 prat NaMe unknown, about 10 m. wide', cobblestone paved, and extending to the west from the street shown as Point 14 the stadium (Point 1). The street was illuminated by street lamps placed at intervals of about 50 m. on the northern side of the street. North and south Of this street was a loosely scattered residential area., to Point 14 Street "Leninskaya Mites," a 15-m. wide, cobblestone-paved street, extending generally north-south from the southeastern corner of the Khimkombinstgs grounds, through the city of Rubezhnoye, and out to the northeast to the town of Varvarovka, about six or seven kilopetez away. A commutesibus traveled along this. street from-the above-mentioned town to the Khimkome bind daily at 06009 1400 and 2000 helms. Yeint.15 Street An Unpaved streetv 10.m. wide, running due north and south past buildings Shown as Point 16. The entire street was "flout li kilometers long from its southern end to the town limits. Point 16 Buildings: A cluster of four white brick buildings which stood on the street shown as Point 15. The southernmost building was one story, about 10 m. x 5 m., and housed the Rubezhnoye pharmacy. On its front a sign hung on which the word "Apteka" was printed. There ye, eng 1311-amulet who had three female employees. Busineera. bovry ,?ere from 0800 to 1800 hours daily and Sundays unti- J hours. .The next building was a two-story, 15-m. x 5-m0 structure which houaed the office. The next building in the cluster was a two-story, 15.m. x 5-m. building which housed Rubezhnoye telephone exchange and radio repair shop. The telephone exchange was in operation 24 hours daily, but not the radio repair shop. The northernmost building was a two-story apartment house about 15 m. x 10 m. The entire ?Littera buildings was surrounded by a small wooden fence on the east, north and south. Otherwise there were no eecurityirecautions of any kind apparent. pint 17 Police Station A cluster of three buildings not connected to each other, housing Rubezhnoyees police station. a separate sketch showing the layout of the buildings Sea page 4_70 Building No. 1 was a single - story structure of white brick, about 10 me x 6 m., and was located at the intersection of the street (Point. 12) and the road (Point 2). A main entrance to the building was located at the southern side of the structure. There was another entrance to the court- yard just north of this building on the street (Point 12) whioh.was secured by a large double wooden gate and served as the vehicle entrance. ? The building itself housed the administrative section of the police force, where the desk sergeant had his office. Another double wooden gate CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 CONFIDENTIAL - 6 . was located at the eastern end of Building No.1$ facing the road shown as Point 2. Building No.2 was a two- story, windowless structure about 16 m. x 6 in. l not know the function it served in the police station.; Building Np. 5 was a smaller building in the cluster and stood well inside the compound; it was hardly visible from the street as there was a board fence, 4 In. high, surrounding the entire area and shrubbery which was quite thickly planted along the sAreets.m-The police station's northern side was bordered by a White.brick,wall, 4 in. high. Which of the buildings housed the jailis unknown to meg but prisoners could be seen being marched in and out of the compound on various occasions. 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM PVipt 21 Point 22 Point 23 A-15;.M, wide, unpaved road, extending in a northeastevly direction from the raiiroai station (Point 22), through the town of Rubezhnoye to the town of Beliavka about 7 kms. northeast of the former. -lailroad Station The station itself consisted of a two-story white brick building, about 15 in. x 6 in., and housed the usual station personnel and administration. There were a total of ten tracks leading to this station, and it was considered a fairly large.stopping point for both passenger and freight trains. A wooden platform, which was roofed over at the Station. proper, served as the passenger section The station itself was located on the southwest side of the railroad line,. (Points 4 and 25). The main road (Point 5) Which ran through this urea was located on the station's Western side. Directly west of the station was a resi- dential area, consisting of small, wooden frame houses which were actually part of the town of Rubezhnoye. Factory Area -. An area of approximately 500,000 square meters, located about 14 kms. Southeast of the southernmost tip of the town of Rubezhnoye. The area enclosed an explosives manufacturing: plant called "Zavod 20." Entrance to unauthorized persons was strictly prohibited; hence, cannot give more enlightuang information on this plan It ,was cOmmon knowledge that the plant produced TNT and other explosives. The Majority of the Soviet workers who were employed in the plant lived in a settlement about One kilometer southwest of the factory, area, situated on the western side of the railroad line (Point 25). (Settlement not shown on overlay.) Labor force and outrut of this fiOtory are unknown to me, and there was no offibial connection between this plant and-tne Khimkombinat. The area was patrolled by Armed guards, -but :their status (Civilian or military) is alio unknown to me. A single track, SRO railroad spur, whiCh branched off the railroad line (Point 25) at the southernmost tip of the Rubezhnoye town area, led in- to the factrry area on the northwest. ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 CONFIDENTIAL - 7 'slat 24 This two-lane, paved road, 50, m, wide, was actually the continuation of the road shown as Point 5. At a point approximately 400 m, southeast of the railroad station ? (Point 22), the road intersected the tracks, at this ? intersection there was a guarded railroad crossing with the guerd rail remaining in the down position at all times. The road continued in a southeasterly direction. to the factory area(Point 23) from which point it was unpaved:. P,Ant 25 Railroad, Line, This line was the southern continuation of the railroad line shown as Point 4. Point 26 . Lake Assail', marshy lake, about 10,000 m. square. It was located about 400 m, southwest of the southernmost tip of Rubezhnoys. There was a larger, "commie-shaped lake, about 2 kw's. long and 200 m. wide, located aboyt 200 m. southeast of this small lake. The larger lake s name was "Posoohnoye ?zero," and was used by the population for swimming and boating. J'P'Mt 7 haat, "Beloye Osero,".about 600 m. x 150 m., located about 200 m. southwest of thedtailroad line (Point 25), and directly southwest of the settlement in the same area. /t had very teddy beaches and was used by the poralttion as a swimming and boating resort. ? pint 28 Boardwalk , A wooden walk, ?rm. wide, built on piles 5.110,high to cross over a marshy. area. The boardwalk extended in a south- westerly direction from ',is southern tip of the Khilkolbinatts greunds to a point about one kilometer away whore it joined a road (Point 32). ' At this intersection the boardwalk ended, its end supported by an ash and sand foundation. The board- walk was. built 'of roughly hewn logs, was very shaky, and could accommodate only pedestrian traffic. paint 29 Yeservoir, irrnle photography on the map there-appears1 a ergo reservoir. In the time between 1944_and June 1951 50X1-HUM never saw anything that oven 50X1-HUM resembled such a landmark. The area in question iacflat and sandy; it did not look as if anything had ever stood there. 50X1 Point 30 Unidentified Area This area, as well as that of the reservoir (Point29), was also a completely desolate, sandy dune, on which nothing was erected, nor did it look like anything oould have been built there at any time. This entire area, West and southwest of the Ihiskombinates grounds, Os area of the several lakes and the reservoir, Mas,suhjected to heavy floods during the early spring months. the Donets River( Point 33)-rose above its banks to an approximate distance 4f two kilometers on either side.- TheAChimkom,r grounds wire pot acted by these goods since cONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 Mt iv/ . CONFIDENTIAL that area was between five and eight meter? higher than tho surrounding Donets Basin. point 33; Road Branch 'AA Unpaved, sandy road, 10 m. vidwrrnhich was the branch of the main road. (Points 5 and 24). This branch skirted the southwestern end of the Khimkoshinatie grounds, then Continued in a southerly direction over the lake (Point;35) ST) a built-up earthen dam, and finally extended into the road shown asilooint 32. This branch was the only conne0- tip?* between the'road (Points 5 and 24), and the road (Point 32). ,Point 32 Road ? An unpaveddirt road, 10 m, wide, running in a southerly direction from the road branch (Point 3i) to the bridge (Point 34). 'This road led to Voroshilargrad in-the south and is the main artery to that city, The road was in- operative during the spring months because heavy floods put it under several feet of water, and in autumn because of heavy rains the road was a sea of mud and hence again unusable. During the remaining months of the year, there was much heavy freight traffic along this road from points north and Rubezhnoye. Point 33 River A shallow, unnavigable river, 200 in. wide, which flowed in a southeasterly direction at the rate of about 5 km. per hour in normal times. The river was completely frozen over from December to March. The soil on either side of the river was black and extremely fertile, and this basin area was therefore thoroughly exploited by the population as evidenced by the many small vegetable gardens scattered throughout-the Rubenhnoye area. Point 34 Bridge - A 100-m. x 5-m. wooden bridge which could accommodate about five tons and had a railing, 1-1- in. high, on either side. The bridge spanned the Donets firer at one of its ? narrow points: 'The road (Point 32), directed all its vehicular traffic over this bridge. It was built upon piles driven into the river bed from which it got its entire support. In normal times the bridge stood about 3 m. over the surface of the water. After each flood, a new bridge had to be constructed as the old one would be washed away. Point 35 Lake A lake, 600 m. x 100 m, which bordered the Khimkombinat On the southwest. It was used as a waste disposal reservoir by the Khimkombinatl hence the water was dangerously contaminated and emitted a strong odor. To prevent the spread of contamination during the flood season from this lake, an earthen dam was built on the lake's southwestern banks. This helped only a little, and the contaminated water spread in spite of the precautions. The waste fluids were emptied into the lake', by means of an open drainage canal which ran through the:. center of the Khimkombinat's grounds. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 C ONFIDENTIAL 9 - Po$nt'41 Unidentified Area \there were several heavily damaged empty buildings phich were built in an area resembling a:Coliseum. Untwisted Sites 2.? Approximately 10 kms0 southeast of the town of Rubezhnoye was another urban area 'which incorporated a large factory. This entire area was called Liskhimstroy. It was connected with. Rubezhnoye with ? only oat singlertrack railroad, and possibly a road which branched off the Lain highway running, through Rubezhnoye. ? /the factory in Liskhimstroy was also serviced by \snail-aircraft which landed directly on the flat, sandy areas on ?'which Liskhimstroy stood. In the years between 1945 and 1951 a \largo-factory was in the process of being built and was to be the Soviet counterpart of the German Leuna Plants. Without a doubt this, factory was to ?roduce $ nthetic ammonia and nitric acid. In the spring of 1951 from Rubezhnoye rediithik-brown.!smOke emitted from the tall brit smokestacks in Liskhimstroy, a typical sign of the manufacture of nitric acid. the Lisk- himstrOy'fictory was to produce nitrogen base fertilizers from nitric isid-and ammonia. Whether further chemical products were to be produced here, 3' in fate summer of 1947 six German specialists, all former employees of the Leuna plant in Germany, appeared in Liskhimstroy. From ,OtstObor 1946 until this time they had been somewhere in Moscow performing work unknown In the beginning, association with Htsse specialists was tolerated, but later it became increasingly ,AifficUlt.tO \maintain, any Social contact Officially. In order to - eyelid any trouble with the authorities, the Rubezhnoye specialists a 1 contact with these Liskhimstro s ecialists. General Description of the Countryside .,.,The area west of the Donets River was generally hilly and stony- iend coniferously forested. The river bed and its banks, for a distance of about two kilometers) was marshy and contained many -. :Small lakes of stagnant water; otherwise, the soil was very rich and, fertile.' The northern side of the river was the opposite; it was eandy and barren, except for patches of trees and'vegeta- tiOn scattered about. This sandy area-extended for a distance of about 10 kilometers after which the soil gradually became darker and more fertile. The topsoil in the sandy areas went down to a depth of about 2 m., under which a layer of White clay could be found. The vegetation in the northern section was also of a ; coniferous nature with much low shrubbery. The swampy areas near the river banks gave one the impression of a jungle with its fern and very thick foliage. The area was in parts supervised by CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 ? CONFIDENTIAL 7 State forestry commissions which took 'great pains in preserving the pine and cedar trees. The more fertile fields nhich were not ale ready under cultivation by local citizens were full of fine, green cloter which was used by cattle for grazing purposes,. From various local newspapersit was apparent that the government greatly en- Oouiagid forestry control and irrigation. The area north of Bubeihnoye, past the sandy area, was rich with small vegetable gardens and collective farms, These were engaged in grainer potatoes, corn and sunflowers for seeds, these three items being the Soviet basic staple foods. Beyond the fertile areas to the north were the famous Russian steppes. . , . All arable land in the area was annually divided free of charge among the employees of the Khimkominat at the rate of 50 - 100 square meters,per. person. These lots were used for vegetable and fruit gardeningl'the crops and crop prbeeeds going to the individual who raised them. In the cases of the lower paid. employees, this proved at additional source of income and food. The fruits and vegetables sold in the free bazaars came from these gardens. According to local citizens the farmers on the collective. farms were quite self- sustaining since the land sufficiently supplied their needs. With the money earned from the sale of their vegetables, many of the amateur farmers were able to purchase small numbers of livestock and in this way further boosted their source of income. It must be born in mind that these amateur farmers were such only by necessity and were primarily .factory workers. Urban Area 6. The town of Rubezhnoye had an approximate population of 20,0000most of whom were employed directly or indirectly by the Khimkombigiat. The central area orthe town was thiokly populated and consiated of two- zr three-story White brick houses. Most of the familial were crowded together in small living quarters, generally as many as five persons to one room. The outer districts were not as crowded, and most living quarters were one-story wooden frame houses. Most of the streets were lined with poplar trees and hedgerows. Tha,Sown had been badly hit during the war but had been nicely rebuilt since. Utilities 7. The town. of Rubezhnornas serviced by 220-volt,AC current which was supplied by a power plant in Dnepropetrovsk. This was the ? only source of power (the small power station at the Khimkombinat was only a relay station). The current in the city was extremely aldi and during the daytime only about 80 volts were available for ? hole use. There were frequent malfunctions in the supply of current, and a program of power conservation was in effect. . Occasionally, the power would be entirely turned off between MOT iLad 1700 hours, but this did not follow a regular pattern, and its cause was thought to be defective equipment at the plant in Dnepropetrovsk. Power turn-offs were very common in the winter of 1950-1951. The Xhimkombinat did not suffer from lack of power at any time,bessause it had its own thermal power plant within its grounds. C ONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 Ii CONFIDENTIAL - 11 - 8. The town and the Khimkombinat were supplied with water from a reservoir located somewhere north of the city. The ? pressure was poor, and most apartments located on the second and third floors had hardly any water between the hours of 1700 and 2000. This was especially true during the summer months. Although the water was purified with chlorine, it had a softbpleasant taste. Because of the sandy soil in the area, it was very difficult to locate water main breaks, and the maintenance personnel who did this work constantly complained since these malfunctions occurred quite frequently. Some- times these breaks would go undetected for weeks before something was done about them. Cooking gas was not available in Rubezhnoye, and all cooking mid heat- ing was done with coal. It was plentiful and cheap in this area, but the only difficulty was the lack of delivery services. In order to obtain coal, one had to provide one's own meant of transportation. .T#AVEL RISTRICTIONS 10. All the German specialists were restricted to the official town limits of Rubezhnoye? but the latter were never defined. In 1949, the . specialists were required to sign in and out, and everywhere they went they were required to be accompanied by an "interpreter." This rule slackened down after that year, and we were given free rein in the town. Some of the Germans did breach the travel restriction and made trips outside the town but did not encounter any difficulty. Local trains could be used without attracting attention, as tickets could be purchased aboard the trains. The oxprcse trains were reseryad, and in order to obtain tickets frou th station ticket booths, it was necessary to be in the possession of official travel orders issued by the plant or laboratory where one worked. CIVIL AIR-pituns 11.-There Were absolutely no air raid precautions of any kind in or near . the oiti of Rubezhnoye. There were no bunkers, no air raid sirens ' or antiaircraft units or installations anywhere in Rubezhnoye. POLICE AND slcutuiy 12,t It was strictly prohibited to photograph any official buildings or Soviet citizens,' The police force in the town consisted of about '100 Ma who were supervised by a chief with .the rank of major. ? Theiritniformsaere navy blue, cut to the pattern of the Soviet Army Uniform. 'They were armed with sidearms; only occasionally did one see a policeman carrying a carbine. ? In 1951 the police uniform was slightly changed in that a bit more color was added to it, but it remained the same in design. The forests average age was about 25,:and they were all husky, healthy looking young men. Only the re were sommthat older, their average age being about 35. ' no impression of constant police surveillance in Rubezhnoye, 50X1-HUM A4t?e police were seldom seen. As far as could be seen by the local Citizens of Rubezhnoye, there were ne special police train- ing activity going on. The police were very friendly and courteous to evetybody, and there were no conflict. of any kind between them and the population. The officers of the police force were apparently well paid, as one of them lived in the same housing project with us, and his fa m ly was always clean and well dressed, there were no f police vehicles of any-kind in the torn of Rubezhno e and all police activit was performed on foot. 50X1 C ONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 611-0 2? I ?/ 2. c4/? itacie anio, %ea 541erciv Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 . . canIDENT-TAL - Adjoining Section Aim en Bath 7""1-71 Toiist 1-721-1/ N?b 410 Bedroom. Main illaso ;OA evs...04--. Living Rem sh, 4 CO'necting Section CONFIDENTIAL 11 ' Floor Plan. of German - . Specitiiete _Apartments in Building', eint 10, on . Aree Description Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0 ? ? ?? CONFIDENTIAL Page Pi .50X1 No *600\ vi,whe i4k1k 0 ifrisica,41. \c,t, \Naar- k.rysisv , - ? OVERLAY OF USAF TCM-2 1 0234-9949-1?25NI LISICHANSK 5tALE V25,000 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/04 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100420004-0