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.IAN. t" AT "s USES. 3134 CLASSIFICATION COBP7 ENTIAL F_ Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020008-2 ? ''I"F`1RFL=FIIL1-1'1;FA 1" 1%`,L# or "LFwna INFORMAT' '? +NITR^~ Poland ISEC$ PPR?s Avid Realism zOE .. 1 IRED HATE '_QUIRED The PPR must have such an attraction, such a solid and dynamic organization, that it can withstand all attacks, whether open or underground. These attacks are inevitable. _ ..... TATI DOCUMENT EONTAIN!! NRORMA ARFECTINO TyB NATIONAL DEFENSE Of THE UN1TeO nT. r.Tas u.~ru~. AMENDED. IT/~ TPANYMI3310N AOR THE E SREVEL31. ATtON OF TS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON to PROHIBITED EY LAW. 17 MAY NOT BE REPRODUC60 IN WHOLE OR IN PART. MY OTHER THAN THE STATE. WAR. OR NAVY DEPARTM!HTS. RECEPT BY PERM ISSION OP THU DIRECTOR OR CENTRAL INTELLIOLMCE . its aiss wa s;: ` ?: M'W` _IF AG.~ (b) The PPR must strive for maximal expansion of the party by enlarging its cadres and the number of members, activists, and sympathizers among the workers, white collar workers, and peasant masses. (c) We must continue to proclaim the slogan of a united workers clsa and a united PPR-PPS front, at the same time eliminating our adversaries within the PPS and advancing our own friends. (d) We use this democratic bloc idea because it permits us to achieve our oen aims while creating the impression that we are actually striving for a union of the democratic masses. It is of no importance to us how the other political parties react to our activities. speec made by Jacob Berman, Secretary of the BP PPR. 25X1 25X1 I., Polish society must lose its antagonism toward the PPR,and the Government, we have plotted a definite course in our efforts to change political, social and economic concepts, The ephemeral older generation must be overruled and excluded from our work and plans, We must insure our future by attracting and building upon the youth of the nation, 2Q More than ever, the PPR must adhere to realism which is of double value to us: it affords us clear vision in our choice of methods; it permits us to achieve supremacy over our enemies who, like the AK and PSL; have been destroyed by their lack of political realism, or like the Sanacya and the National Democrats, have learned reality only through enormous losses and defeats. 3. Our realistic principles may be expressed as follows: (a) (e) STATE x'}A8 If objectives can be achieved by putting on a mask, we should use the mask; if they cannot, we should use the whip. Polish individualism must be bent to the aims defined by the PPR, and these aims must be attained vrithin definite time limits. 25X1 DATE DISTR.24 sentember 191 NO. OF PAGES I Jq ~7 !!C. OF ENCLS. LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. FBI DISTRIBUTION r- 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020008-2