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Document Release Date: 
September 1, 2009
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Publication Date: 
October 16, 1947
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. Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020015-4 Coll Fi'Mi "fill (c) investments: Plans 3n6 controls public investment in housing projects, industries, etc. (n) Consumption end Distribution: Prepares and recommends plans for the reg- ulation of foreign nnd domestic trade. (e) Cultural and Educational; Suggests metaods for reconetruc;ing the nation's social life. (f) (g) National refense: Co-ordinates economic measures with national defense plans. Statistical: Analyzes reports,c.nd compiles st''tistics on all phases of national economy. Aaric1,lture 6. The Rn PPEi nas adopted an oppressive agrarian 3olicy whira is designed to ruin the peasants and compel them to dispose of their land. Land would then go to the State forcing the peasants into the "aolkhoz". Farmers, already impoverished by P 100% increase in taxation over 1946, were recently ordered by the Minister of Agriculture to pay sowing credits. The AM,inistry's previous policy had been to write off sowing credits, treating them as non-returnable fmnc:ncial aid to war-damaged farms. The reversal of policy is a further manifestation of the BP's determination to force-collectivization on the peasants. 7. In 1946 treasury reeeiits from real estate tpxos totaled 12:. billion riotys mnd constituted the mein source of fund=s for villa. ,e r.nd county self'--governments. The State's portion of these 1946 receipts was paid into the KF'7 (Komunnlny F+a.ndusz 2ozyezkowo-7apomogowy -- Communta1 Credit-Help Fund), a fund created to fill gaps in self-government budgets. 8. A Government decree dated F Apr 47 reapportioned the revenues received from real estate taxes and directed the following distribution: State.,e...,.,,,.../,..e.....,......e.~5;$ County Self-Governmeent...........,/.>1,25% Provincial ;elf-Government.,.....,... Rai Comliunes.. D , . , . O O ... ? . e ! , e ? V . O . , ..... 25% KFP .... ,ee4',.oo...o!l.ev 20; ZSCa(Peasant Self-Held Union)....... 3% Based on an estimv'ted Str to share of six billion zlotys, total real estate tax receipts for 1947 s'houlC. reach 24 billion zlotys. 9. Eventual establishment of the ?roposed State agency to buy all , rain would supp- lement ieavy taxation as ?:. means for forcing farmers into collec.tivism. llso contributing to the ?'R's 'planned demoralization of farm life ie the deportation of Polish farmers from the east to Soviet-devastated farms in the : rdt. Transferred peasants are starving on their new, unproductive farms. 10. Fifteen men, mostly 2x1[ (Association of Fighting Youth) members. recently left Zabkouice to attend an agricultural course in Poznan. Upon com;letion of their training, the men will replace reactionary elements in agrti.rian offices. 11. Many large estates in Poland will probably become "kollL'iozy" imn;edintely instead of being divided into smaller holdings. 12. During the latter half of May 1947, Soviet authorities made a grs3n-buying tour throughout Poland, particularly in the.eaatern provinces of Lublin, Kielce, Bialystok, and 'arsaw. Purchases were paid for in counterfeit zlotys, or, Fzs occurred In Plonsk, bere not for at all. In Lublin 'rovincs alone 20 million of these s purious zlotys have 71ready been questioned. Many .pee. cants sold their entire grain crop :..nd nov. must buy bread. The Polish Government has tried to per- suade the, people that the grain-buyers were TT?A (Ukraini:an ?arti:~an Army) men in Soviet uniforms. GONFILEENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020015-4 GUN# II .~;~IL L Tan ttri?1 ?tannin,; r,..~ nlmialstra ion Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020015-4 13. l'he t~P ?OR oroao:,es to socislfze industry thrnngti c oro~r-~c f )le.nne'= economy. It believes that inrustrif1 planning is the only ray to incr . se prod""action, eliminate unemployment 9nd. over?roduction, r:.nci s,,nve the trork'~rs' cl,'ss from ?fuierication m}nd the notion rroi* economic colla.;Dse. To ilia emcnt this .Deo ca.r~, the BP has foll.ored the Soviets' ?examale by placing ;~)1:-.nning groups in every in- dustrianl est .blis::mf~nt., Adrninis :ratively, these grou?s are intcgral ;arts of the es- tablishments in rhich they o_)erite; from a policy :iVndpoint, hovevs r they c_rc organic. pc. its of the CUi'. 14, 'production quotas ostensibly are fixes? b7? the CU? the B? They are based on the CU?'s enalysis of daily reports submitted by ?28 shod cooxittees in mines, foundries, f^ctories, etc. The WP's recommendt:tions, however, must he a,>roved by special brRnchea of the KC, and the BP's ultimate eecisiozis regarding pro- duction uuuotms are in turn influenced, by USSR directives. 15. ?roduction figures are al