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POW a& Me"aft KOMI Ape. 1841 B-* MAT as rsm. Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020028-0 inte ligenre aL4UL $ : or tjou - N ID .NTIAL research use of trainedINFOR ATION REPORT COUNTRY Polmnd SU&Wxr PIA ACQUIRE DATE ACQUIRED to Suppresg Opposition 049 r4IMMA09 A= 10 If iludlitl CONT $fl~#. WNY OWN ?M TO M UW41UThOR T E~PLRSON DATE DISTR. December 1947 NO. or P 5 P OF BLS 25X1 SUPPLEMENT TO RE ORT:NO. rrrr:t urrko y 25X1 25X1 the WAjarity of pales are still antagonistic toward their present regime and the '"bloc partied.' . #n tagoniss is particularly strong ag U ast the PPL whose members are ,regarded as having sold out to the USSR of having sought P1* membership merely to 4ain food, john, and personal security. P?k members do. not have the Ideological sincerity to con nd the people's confidence. The regime employs the follo ng methods in fighting against unity resistances (a) no VE institutes political trials, using them to undermine the coolmanity1s faith in Underground leadership and conspiratorial work by demonstrating the futility of resistance.. The trials are publicised, bar the preae end the radio. (b) The PP*, under the guise of combating speculators, is sting to#destrcy all private trade wnd Initiative. (c) Persons caught discussing current problems or Conditions are arragted, con. victed by, military courts, and sentenced to prfan terse of fn! fire to ten yearrs. WAR !-? __ f i STATE I ad NAVY Z REFERE CONFIDENTIAL rj CENTP) Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020028-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020028-0 25X1 25X1 6. '3" rc?risels vg.inst tae Op osition fre being intenelfiad, with arrests curing Tu1 send [+vg 47 resc:cing prooortion3i rerTiniscent of -)m-election '7. 'The TP'e, thief target is ine _'SL. In We T rnobe eg eiatrict, for exerm?le, the entire local m-:n3: ;ement of PSL r:r.s arrest-6. The )riwonrrs rere o- rged -.1t.11 fictitiou6 crimes and v.ere thre:^-tenen vith Ion;, ;)rison ter: racy r?caort*ttion if they L. did not i ors i'ie the ?SL. CONEI .n TIAL k11 UFO ,rovinci l offices wive received s;.*e:rific orrler,s. to cdisrniss err.,lo'ees r'-.10 belong to the 7SL. Re sult:ant civniss^ls Frt t. been a^ rt1c-j1?r1y hum -sous in the provinces of yc'gosr,c~, r?i'lysto4, !''n.rsn., Lo::7, Kielce, L=+blin, `=nc' '{rr.:itov.. 9. The UP h-3s concentr7tecl its ~,ttertion on viii.: Wes where the majority of the oeoole belong to the PSL. Fvcry r='y members are sumxoncd to OF ae-i0f c %rt rs i'here they are threci tenet? -end beater. to obtain "confe .siozc." 10. ,"=.e UB hrs not only become r,-ore efficient th.: ri formerly, but as increzt.sec' the nurtbc r of its agents. since 1 Jul 47, aeci:F 1 sumc of trot: five to fifteen million zlotys Lzer month nc:ve been al'ottef to )rovincl-l T:U brr.rlctte3 for the exornsion of taeir confif'entin1 services. Five taousand r,dnition%l Pi gents have Yee i sired - !,,1l 2 , )R members. These agents 3:re to establish contracts or E?ica smorig such vort:ers as sreitresse's, secrets ri?e, :artiste tIna ty?i=ty in r?rioua a' of intdustry. ' gent is issi nE d a minimum cuot -. of 0 cont,-.?cts, with 8 ject? 1 e:aa:artsis ,l?+ccr` on the enli::,tmcnt of romen. In enlisting contracts Et vty eesi,Y,n'ted institution, s tUB egent first secures a roster of the institiat oafs em?sloyees. its then ee_ terrines from study of the roster r.?.-dch employee is so iev,?nt-Weously ?1..ce(? .,s to be the best, ?Otenti%l cc,r,t-:et, The "caosen" crzntrcp in subsc.^,ucntly '.?3ror.ched with Promises of a jsy money. If these offcrs rre in' eegrr}cte intimififition is used. 25X1 ll. infoc'n:. tion rcfn tes re_.ortc t'xr:t the US is using more hum^ne metclods _thrn formerly in conr?ucting its inveeti r:tiona. ttte r?P, in trrria; to throttle ell 0>?o ition, continues to. employ such tortures vs: 25X1 (a) Pouring v-a to corn .)risoners' noses. (b) Leaving sue?ccts in rater u) to their waists for ,erioes of several days. (c) rising red-hot irons. (e) Kee ing suslects' eyes oaen rob 0,- Ys 'ind nights ' t. time- 1?. The tTB resorts to these "direct mcct.:ore!' in stifling c'eter>rinee resist nce but em- Toys a more subtle met :od in cef.lin; v,ith those rao rtmve &1rc:.ccy "lost fe.ith in bette', dravs.7 These venkcr element;. coczrr.ed rith ?romises of better jo'rs ?nd more money. Promises of this sort ern be convincing bec!,in4c it i!~, veil-known the t only ?'R members rre being em?loyec' in the Government ^n;' the T.. The V?a 'ill not even hire members of the SL. VieJue_c!S l?. 12o2*nc?'c juriicir.ry system hl)-- no indesenr".enee rrhrntever. It i s controlled cor:ilF.tely trr the Government. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020028-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020028-0 COIQQNT1AL A12. courts were recently order++d to Increase the severity of their seat. Capital punishment was made mandatory In all oo ations of es rionsg. and be-- ts ,i of secrete, including betrayal of PPR secrets. 14. Atsi 1$46 the Warsaw courts alone tried approximately 20, thousand c risimal use.. lleo'IM the same peried they handled only 30698 civil oases of which 2 *464 were d vorces. 16. Ps2.ish prison. are m precedeatedly crowded. In Warsaw's Nokotow prisen, for moo. A coil built to ac omodate l2 prisoners' now holds 42. A female prison In )brdon, intended for three thousand inmates, is housing seven thousamto Ilsesir$tionU,,,APolttti l Vesua_n 16. Population transfers-s can no longer be classified as ssconsaic trahsfers' in connection with the lt.ooversd Territories. They have become terroristic political weapons with which the PPR can effect deportation of PSL members, Dan-path , and political suspects. 1?. cruel technique used in 'transfers" is illustrated` by the fol.Lawing cases: (a) Deportees from Jaroslaw, Prse sl, and Jubacsow districts were held in a concentration camp at Prsewor&c without shelter of any sort. They frequently bad to live more than three weeks in the most "sordid hygienic and food conditions.' (b). Sierra Apr 47, entire populations of villages in itsessow Province have been transported to Soceecin Province by cattle train. Transfers were affected as a result of secret orders to the US, MO, and Army, Villages were, first surrounded by the JW9 (provincial branch of the U'9), and military units. Trensterees were then notified to report to a collecting point within two hours, bringing i,ith them any personal property they could either carry or load on a horse cart provided they possessed one. Convoy. were strictly guarded and proceeded' under the worst possible donditions: Transferees were divided by the into three categoriest (1) those suspected of Underground activity, (2) those suspected of having aided partisans, and (3) partisan sympathisero. 18. In Lublin Province the inhabitants of Wlodawa, ]h-bisaka, Rrubiessow, Bels, Voim ow, and Bawa Baske have already been transferred, while those of Chou are is the process of being moved. Railroad workers were the first to be taken from Chelm. 19. The Lublin transfers were effected u ,r the tse of repatriating the West, JocaL Poles, however, believe that Soviet authorities intend to deport all Poles as far as the Sam fiver. OONFIMITIi4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100020028-0