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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 26, 2011
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Publication Date: 
March 19, 1954
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/26: CIA-RDP81-01036R000200010057-0 U.S. Officials only spa I rflRMR" CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION. IEPPORT COUNTRY Aer ny (Soviet Zme) SUSJECT *P? Pmkwerk Radeberg Production of Short Wave Senders N THE UNITED .1Att.. WITHIN TMl M(AMIN..T TITLI Is. RCTIMO Tel N T.A. OF THE U.S. ...5. AM ,MMI"O. ITS TMAMwIMNIMI M ..T". ATIMI OF ITS MMTMIT. T. ON OCC9IPT w AM YMANTMMIIR. -ED..N 11 THIS is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1? The P nkwerk Radeberg is at present building 10 KW start wave senders, ten of wkieh ~fav b d 7? fs eosti ester rave ranging unit for short rang (Ku rsstreok) rga" i a ricer age (Asst 1953) and t t A.V _ - .s . , e e ea wr ered by the a vis; >IMion. The Aadeberg works is reprs! b _ 4111- _ _ _ , - 1the Soviet tide as the seat reliable r di i t a o n he Soviet s orpaisntion is especially praised. It was possibi a 1"ohrrrision tra itt - nsa er within the spass of a year. .w ~ ovvieti waon. jr, is reported that this equi;paeat is to b future by the Radeberg and Wiedersedlits works. 3. Production of ultra short wave telephone sets amounted to 26 pieces in Deoea sr 1953 4. lourteea sets of Stuttgart apparatus sad aooaylanyiag radio-telegraph accessories were saaufas$ured. Six 20 watt senders were delivered to the Volkspolis.i, sad one 100 watt sender to the Soviet Union. ' Uterial supply situation at Radeberg is good at present. It is not so good at the liedersedlits works, where lams electric actors are built, Theis is..a. shortage of host-resistant enaaeled wire and copper parts for the rotors. .The Aadeberg works also aanufacturlid 31 power supply units for sea distress senders 25X1 DATE DISTR. P? Mar Yj14 NO. OF PAGES 1 25X1 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. To REPORT NO. bnamw of ess*s. It is not to be w Da r ig-i the c oe throq~h the AssItant Director of the OJ!!oe of Ooileetlon r nd woe of the DleesmloatJo~n~ OL1. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/26: CIA-RDP81-01036R000200010057-0