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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP81-01036R000200060070-0 DEC IOU -- U.S. Officials Only S CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMA110N REPORT (Soviet Zane) Carl Zeiis,, Jsaa /electronic Multipliers, Synthetic Crystals DATE DISTR.7TaAIG 5'f 25X1 THIS NOWT CNISITAINS A 1 APrICTINS THE NNAYIUUAL RRNS Of TNI VNITIO STATIC. IITNIN TNINIANINI Of TITLI 10. OICTIONS 70 me 700. Of TNI O.O. CNI. AO ANiNO[O. ITS TOhNSWISSION ON 42V9. LATION Of ITS CONTSNTS TO M SICII?T IV AN NNANTIIIIISIS P984N 11 THIS Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 1. Seseadary satissiea .l.etroais s> am being delivered to the Soviet 11114102 aatd I maw M lastitato at 110riisa~rlMsieiuhatela. ors a 'o 25 Of th+sao iftdkU A 3a ezisteaes At the ;; seat Also. Ohs k dssl rise to be artsaltasturid in April i r5 . 2. Ssshaisal data: aaplltieatita aloft 106; voltap, 2,800 T. Feed wire treed socket 3. with radar tad elestrsais nrsseWt to. i se. Nahi>ses Wdq. iii trrA^I, eVssiteit. TfN voltage is to be ias>wwsM is ties apt Tits e--araty like very soft, essstaray. Says: lei sls to red. 'Flee sensitive layer 00"_ s e! eosin (is) tad aatl*hwy. now V at rU].s are posted 3s the West aced there is aa.s bud for the ,tips being. Tlo pries of the aasldaos_~is letws m 33 0 astir 3 ,.anal . Geayantirs tests with,~As>~erieaa eiuipa+ent are being serried at at the present t4m, leisa Jsr has been w.rbi*e for alsat fine pars on the dsvelopasat of synthetic ooing crystals aloft 10 sae ils size. s.?ystais a" has tliiilly. setae edslt in pr m 2ww are laed as swlatit*3os for warts reu eators, to sitsh they have preyed pwperior. Crystals are seppii.d for the tins loin .517 to the rsasarsh lastitite at Prisdriahshsifsa, shish bolasga to the y.lkspoliai and is >t .rklas primarily e. it Iatl@if"': co=" nu of the Depaamenu Ct A Indicated t 11f the a el~iI the USA of the and Dipeminuicr. Ct,1. til or pltr phi' >t n fat t :x ;tees ie aNmac2t b .,s 1'-e cis;. V "11:. ~.vSil witlle~ e of the oc ns inx rfdfiol thrnugt the Atsnnt Director of the Office of Collection dilcribution ptoildinfl the publics,: ~~ Inc move a1 gari .IS in Intelligcace publieaciom receiving oversees QNi.T." s 1d tie c . it Mau, ta: +t Daly w -CIA source '. Axon IDISTRIBUTION 1r STATE ARMY NAVY AIR IFBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP81-01036R000200060070-0