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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 R ILLEGIB Next 19 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 8 Qr On May 17 you were shown the records at Gorki Park? A: Yes q: Was that the U-2 in which you flew? A: I feel sure it was. Q: It was not in the condition in which you took off, was it? A: No, it was quite a bit different. Q: Were you shown everything? A: Pretty much. Q: (Prosecutor stated that he would now begin questioning Powers about the beginnings of his spy activities.) Was your flight made in accordance with a secret CIA contract? A: Yes. Q: Describe the circumstances of the signing of the contract. A: I was in the Air- Force at the time. I was told one day that I had visitors. I went and was interviewed. I was told that there was the a good paying job and that I ha/qualifications. I was told that I would need training and that I would be away from my family, probably overseas, for about 18 months. I did not know what the pay Nfould be at the time, but that it would be an increase over my First Lieutenant pay....a flying job. I was told to think it over,...being away from home, etc. I was told that I could discuss it with my wif was told to make a decision before I would be given xmore information. The next interview- was I think one or two days later, ...liked the idea of a flying job and more money, and I said ok, I would be willing to be away from home. Then they told me more about the requirements. (Powers gave some further details but indicated he could not recall facts as it had happened a long time ago.) aII Q: When did this take place? then testified that A: 1956. (Powers mailldmickack he passed a physical examindLtion, that a special altitude flying suit was made for him, that the pay would be $2500 per month, $1000 of whicl?Woul.d be withheld and payable upon successful completion of the contract, that he signed the contract and started training.) Q: Who signed the contract for the Central Intelligence Agency? A: I don't know...a Mr. Collins (phonetic) was there, I think other Signatures were already on the contract when I signed It...I believe Collins signed It in my presence. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 .411110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 9 (Prosecutor asked one or more questions relating to whether Powers knew the penalties for disclosure of the contents of the contract. Powers anawered to the effect that the contract was classified information and that he did not remember the exact provisions of the law but recalled something about 1.0 years an pra_son, $10,000 Q: -P4-rnitz Was the contract signed after you left the Air Force? A: I don't remember exactly when, but it was about the same time (that I :left the Air Force). Q: You said that you were to be paid $2500 a month? Yes. This was a large sum of money, wasn't it? Yes, it was more than I had been making. It was about equal to the salary of the captain of a commercial airliner.... Q: When did you first learn that your duties would Include flying along the borders of the Soviet Union? A: Before I signad the contract. I was told that I would make flights along the borders of the 6oviet Union to pick up whatever was sent out. was also told that possibly there would be other kinds of flights if the aircraft turned out to be good. You probably knew you would have to fly into the viet Union? A: No. I was not told about this and there was nothing in my contract about it. Q: But you were told you must fly along the borders. A: Yes. Were did you take your training, and how long after signing the contract did it begin? The training started a few days after the contract...around the end of May to early August. Q: Why did you use a false name? A: (Powers explained that it was to prevent identification with Unit. in case of forced landing.) 0: Under wIn-qt name were you in training? A: I used the same name, except the last name was changed to Palmer. Q: Where did you go after training? A: To Detachment 10-10 at Adana. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 AIL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 2.0 A: I arrived on August..10.1164 20, 1956. rit What were the purposes and tasks of Unit 10-10? A: Primarily- we r'rN11.=.e.ted Information along the borders of the Soviet Union. We also did weather research and collected air samples for radio activity. Q: Who was the Commander of Unit 10-10? A: Col. Perry. (phonetic). Q: To whom was your Unit subordinate? A: I don't know...own channels of communication. Q: Was this a military detachment? A: It was commanded by a military officer, but most of the personnel in it were civilian. But It was under a military commander? A: Yes, the commander was Col. Shelton. Q: Haw Tong did you serve In Unit 10-10? A: From that time until May 1. 41: To whom does the base belong? A: I am sure it belonged to Turkey since it was In Turkey, but there were both American and Turkish personnel on the base. Q: It belonged to Turkey but was under the command of an American? A: There was both a Turkinh and an American base commander... Q: (Prosecutor asked which of the two was superior.) A: ? who was superior I don't know. (Prosecutor asked a question concerning restriction of access to the base. Powers answered that there were restrictions on both Turks and Americans, that only employees of each unit had access to the units to which they belonged.) Q: But the 10-10 Unite was a special imckmakiigmxam detachment? A: I suppose you could call it that. Q: Namely an intelligence detachment? A: I think so. Q: Who visited the 10-10 detachment? A: People on inspection...visited 10-10. flarlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 ii ....names? A: In early April_ I heard that General white... Q: ...others? A: ...General Everest (phonetic)...commander of the US Air Forees in Europe... Q: What was the purpose of the visits? A: ...routine inspection. ..have no Idea. Q: This means that this detachment was in the center of attention of superior officers? A: They visited alai...they were all in the center of attention. But you said this detachment was mmmit special? A: ...but it's not special for visitors. Q: But White and Everest were not ordinary visitors? A: No, Nada they are what you would call 'big wheels'. Q: Were there any other notable visli--ors...? A: Other peopie...f_reneraIs...don't know who.. the base. Q: Did Congressmen ever visit the base? A: I do not believe Way visited the detachment, but.. did visit Q: Who else.. A: Last Christmas Cardinal Spellman. Q: Was Cardinal Spellman also Interested in military bases? A: He was interested in military personnel, not bases. Q: ...spies? A: ...interested in what a person Is, ...not what he does. Q: Does he giving his blessing to spying? A: (Powers said that he was not of the same faith as Cardinal Spellman, but that he had never seen him do it.) (Prosecutor had Powers ID card given him to examine. Powers Identified it as his. Q: What is the emblem and seal on the document and to what organ- ization do they belong? A: (Powers described the seal and emblem as those of the Defense Department.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Q: Why do you have a Defense Department document axxxm you are not connected with the military? and A: The Department of Defense consists of the Army, Navy, Air Force, don't know what else. Q: But they are all military? A: Yes. (Prosecutor handed Powers NASA document and Powers Identified it as his.) Q: Did you have any connection with organization? A: I do not know. Q: You don't know? A: ...weather research...was for NASA and We Bureau. Q: But you had no working contacts with any personnel of this orgaEization? A: No, I never met any NASA personnel. Q: Iribisummoddraddmalan't the document Issued to cover the real aims of this detachement? A: T would say it was issued to authorize me to fly a military aircraft. Not any civilian person is authorized to fly a milttary aircraft. Q: But you had no relationship to this agency? A: I don't know, but I think there must be some relation...must receive some data... May Iremind you that in your deposition you said '1 had no relation to NASA. I believe It was used to cover the work of the detachment.'? A: (Powers reiterated that he had no contacts with NASA personnel and added other comment.not recorded. There was further Questioning by the Prosecutor along this line, but Powers did not admit knowledge that NASA was used for cover purposes. END OF MORNING TESTIMONY. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15 CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 1.3 August 17 Afternoon Session Continuation of Questioning or Powers by Prosecutor: (Prosecutor asked several questions concerning flights by Powers prior to .s.y 1, 1960.) Q: What assignments did you have In Detachment 10-/O? A: I made several flights along the borders of the Soviet Union... And along the frontiers of what other countries? A: (Powers said he had made flights alonp. the Turkish, Iranian and Afghan borders with the Soviet Onion.) May I remind you or the statements made in your ee-nosition.. there you said that you had made I or 2 flights in 1956, that in 1957 you had made 6 to 8 flights, In 1958 10 to 15 flights, in 1959 2.0 to 15, and in 1960 1 or 2. Is that correct? A: (Powers stated that he had said this, but said that the statement was "strictly guess" and that he did not know.) Along what (other?) Soviet frontiers have you made flights? A: (Those?) ere the only ones...(Powers other flights along normal commercial routes.) ...Black Sea...? =dr1- he had A: (Powers said that he had flown only elong the south coast of the Black Sea.) Did you ever fay over the Caspian Sea? A: No, I flew south of the Caspian Sea but never over it. But you flew south of it? A: Yes. r-. But during these flights did your lalene carry special reconnaissance equipment? .42." idea.. Yes. I had special equipment, but what kind I have no im,,,Inecifiari in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15 CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Releaseit 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 0: What special Objects wei7e of Interest to your command and that special assignments were you A: ...In 1956 they seemed more interested in the Black :::ea area, and then the center of interest seemed to move to the East. I was told on one flight that t might see a rocket being launched. By that, I assume they were interested in the launching of rockets. Were these intelagTence flights? (Prosecutor added Inquiry re aerini .7-)hotogmestphy ) -L. have%-;Idea, 4.. ?, 312 1.-?-A0 tar LA 46 switches. Q: Just like you did on the Nay I flight? A: Yes. Q:7e have discovered what was the object of turning on the switches on Nay To yes? A: Yes. (Rudenko asked whether he had equipment to discover Soviet radar (Powers replied that he no idea what the equipment did.) Lo not all these facts make it cI4E/Kgat these were fnteIlieence ...I would think these were intelligence flights. for these flights? From what airfleads did you take off prizadvacencatimmezaficitzgb Adana was the only I used. Did any other pilots make ... flights? (Powers said flights were divided evenly among pilots.) Ho -w many pilots were there .7 ci*Ilians... Civilian pilots like yourself (sarcastic).,a Yes. (One or more questions believed missing.) 7,-411-....at airfields were to be -sed? ...any airfield I could reach in an emergency...based on technical considerations,,-. length of runway...(Powers mentioned several places including i-Ieshed and -eslaawar.) Zret, this point there was a mistranslation by the in Iduct or Powers' words. The Russian version was "I was a1 lowed to use." Powers' words did not imply permission, on the contrary stressed use Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 15 only in emergnicy:17 171. ? 41, Prosecutor questioned Powers about the use of Peshawar, emphasizing that landing there was not under emergency conditions.mndxamtamet 411, 09. ;. --ip7Ar :etfilk 4 I ?: 107; .101P 41111--.1r.?. 4111- e.-C; e?-41110 7 'mxpxmam=1.) A: (Powers responded that his landing at PeShawar was under special circumstances.) Q: But that was used for a flight with Intelligence purposes? A: Yes. Q: What bases were you An radio communication with...? Incirlik ba.ses A: (Powers said he had radio communication only with/Adana and Peshawar during landing and take-off.) Q: Were you aware you were to end the May I ri-3,ght at Bodoe Airfield, Norway? At Yes. Had you ever been there before? A: Yes...August T958. Q: What -okras the plArpose.... A: ...ferried U-2... Q: (Prosecutor asked if he was familiar with the Bodoe Airfield.) A: (Powers said that he had landed there once.) Q: Were there any other members of the IO-I0 Detachment at Bodoe at that time? A: Yes...1 was met by others. a cargo CI a 4..t, (Prosecutor asked if Powers had ever taken off from Bodoe.) A; (Powers replied when he left Bodoe it was as a passenger in plane.) (Prosecutor asked Jr Powers knew or any U-2 take-offs from Bodoe.) A: (Powers replied that there had been 2 U-2 take-offs while he was there Q: Had you ever been at Peshawar airbase before? A: Once...in 2.9590 I think...1 ferried a U-2 there from IncirIlk. May I was the second time I was In Peshawar. Had you ever been at the airbase at Wiesbaden (West Germany?) A: Yes. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Q A. What was the name or the base? Wiesbaden Airbase. What was the purpose or your visit on that occasion? ferried a T 33 training plane there for maintenance. Q. Haw long were you there? A: I was there several times. I was also on vacation once in the town of Wiesbaden. Did you ewer ferry a 13.2 from Wiesbaden to New York? At rio, I never ferried a 13.9 from Wiesbadera...1- ferried a U-2 from GlebeIstadt, West Germany to New York.... (Prosecutor indicated he had no more questions.) (Defense attorney began Interrogation which is accurately recorded In UPI -Reuters text with the exception of corrections and additions listed below.) The situation I am In now is not too good...1 understand that as a result of my flight... (After "not too good" insert: "1 have not heard very much about news of the world since I have been here. T understand that...") UPI-R: ...would also have been considered a coward. C: ...coward, and I think It would have been considered unsuccessful fulfillment of the contract. kelet,IMP 'What were your instructions in case of an emergency landing? A: I was told this was unlikely. I had great confidence aircraft. Bar41,-Ige ec}laraiw al trouble, I was told that the flight could LAW= not be stopped. In case of any failure I was told to destroy the aircraft and to get out or the country if at all possible with the use of the survival equipment. How did you feel during the flight? A: Physically, I was in good health. But I did not like the Idea of the flight, I was very nervous and tense, it is hard to explain... scared. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 17 (Questioning also established that Powers had offered no resistance to his captors, and had planned none.) f? kin response to a question conerning his treatment subsequent to landing, Powers said that he had been treated much better than he expected. He described haw he had been helped with his parachute, helmet taken off -- had tried to communicate .- the decision by the Soviet citizens to detain him AMMI 41Mai had asked for and been given a drink of water had done his best to identify himself .. had been given medical attention-- had been addressed In German but didn't understand.) or afternoon session, August 1.7) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 1.8 -..m.s_221!.2,12_212mg_1211L-naim Questioning by Defense Attorney of Powers: 0 Iiihydidn't you keep your job as lookin1,75: for other work? a lifeguard Instead of ...it was only a temporary job. took it colTege for surimer and fall It ended Irith Afterward s it was Was. 1,racticaIly right after the cold weather in autumn. ImpetosThIe to find a job in t?e area where No orm would have a person who was about to be drafted into service. Were you aware when you signed the contract with CIA that It would be necessary to make flihts over the Soviet Union? Not at the time I When did sl..2ned the contract. you first IePrn... 6 or 7 months after st in=-.71. the contract. Then I was told that this was to have been part of the contract. But then found be Soviet radar was/muchto better than had been thought, and we were told for time being border flights. 0 0 0 If you had refused the order to make the flight on Nay T. would you have received the money which had been withheld? A gr, The wag the contract was worded, It would have depended on the interruptation of the people who signed the contract. I don't know what they would have decided...mirrht be considered nonfulfillment. trlf theas :hat were you told about the danger of the flight by Shelton. I was told It would be absolutely safe, that the only danger chance ofrEllfunction. Q: Had you received a poison pin ever A: That was the first time I received C: Did Shelton explain the use of the A: Yezs. He explained it to me. (End questioning by Defense.) before? a poison -13 -In to you? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 19 (Begin questioning or Powers by Prosecutor.) You said you were first at Pedhawar In 1959? A: Yes. You said you ferried a 13-2 plane there? Yes r--= ...Who met you...landed at Peshawar...? A: I was met by representatives of Detachment 10-10...made normal landing...calling the tower by radio for instructions. Q: Who else met you besides representatives of Unit 10-10? A: No one but 1.0-10 representatives. Q: Who gave you permission to :Land at Peshawar? A: The tower operator. Whose tower? A: Local...Pakistan...tower. In other words, the Pakistan authorities knew your vaane was personnel arriving A: I presume so, yes. r. What were the regulations in Peshawar for Unit 10-I0 in 1959 and 1960? A: We were not allowed to leave the base itself. Q A. !Th. A ? Were you allowed to speak to outsiders...? There were very few outsiders where we stayed... What was the purpose of these restrictions? have no Idea, except that the planes and eauioaent of Detachment I0-I0 were classified. When you took off on May iy what countries aid you riv over on route to the Soviet Union? A: A small part of Pakistan, a small_ part or Afghanistan, don't remember exactly, then the Soviet Union. ...you violated (Pakistan No. I do,ilt ktlow ir I 11.ad and/or Afghanistan ?) airspace? Your superiors did not tell you you had permission? 0: Thereby you violated the neutrality of Pakistan? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 20 A: If they had no permission, then I suppose yes... Q. Did your Detachment have pormisslon to make flights 11.ni.= along the borders of the Soviet Union? the A: have no idea. Did your Detachment have permission to make flights into Soviet Union? A: I suppose no. Can you 4?_a=s, usmore definitely if it was no? A: ....by higher authority- Q: If you had permission you would not be in the dock. A: That's why I presume I had no permission. 4MA At what altitude did you enter the Soviet Union? A: It was Tower than when I was hit think about 66,000 feet. Q: Did you continue the flight at that altitude? A: No. As the fuel burned I continued climbing... 0: What was the maximum altitude you attained? A: Rough.ty 68,000 feet, a Tittle more or Tess. And It was at that altitude roughly that you were flying over the Sverdlovsk area? A a 21. 45. Was it at that altitude that you were shot down by a rocket? A: It was at that altitude that I was struck by something. Q You were struck dawn by something? A: Yes- I did not see it. Q: But It was at that altitude exactly? A: Yes. (At this ecint the Prosecutor had read into the record a document wrommimck purporting to be the report to higher headquarters the commander or the military unit which Shot down the U4-2.) "To Commander Army Unit 92851. The order to Shoot dawn plane.. has been fulfilled. The rocket was launched at 08.53 hours Moscow time, the burst of which hit the target. The hitting was Observed by instruments and somewhat later was visually observed the failing plane and parachute. I reported the results to Commanding Officer Major Voronov. May 1, 1960." (Foregoing is incomplete temt.)Sdbsequent testimony established that the U-2 was struck Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 at 0855 hours Moscow time.) (Continuation or questioning by Presecu.tor.) Q: Were you in communication with Incirlik or Peshawar while you were over the Soviet Union? A: No. -tCr.,:hy not? .1;:y radio was ultra-high frequencY???only. line of sight transmission. 0-ver perfectly level terrain at my altitude, I could mainta.in contact at 3 to 400 miles. But with mountains between Peshawar etnd me, only about 20C. I was much too far "Piewom Inc irlik. Jr?ss, Was not the absence of conr-riunicaticIl due to the secrecy or the fli. ght and the desire to avoid revealing...? A: I would not communicate if I could, because...Ilonthig devices. (Prosecutor had Powers Identified it as his.) Q: I would like to clarify a point. Why is the main route on the chart in red and blue pencil? chart presented to Powers, and A: I think I can explain, yes. The red indicates points to pay particular attention...to keep as close to as possible. The blue is just the route on the map. Is not to deviate :from the route if possible but at the _red points particularly I was to keep as close to the route as possible. the map. :?? sections in red...particuIar interest to CIA? A: They were of particular interest to the persons who gave me rTh ? A: Since I work for CIA, I -presume they were the persons. Look at the section 23romoveit of the map from Kandalaksha. to Bodoe...It Is marked in "brown pencil. Why? In case I was short of fuel or oxyP-en, I was to take this route only in case or emergency. Q: Ntnnmr What countries-wou3..c.' you have crossed in flying by the route shown in brown? A: A ".".-Trtn la part of the USSR, Final rd, Sweden, Norway. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 CI ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 22 N(lw T like to clarify the following. Before the May flight over t`-ioviet territory, Col. Shelton gave you a piece of black cloth. At Yes. Q: What was the purpose of this? A: I don't know. Iwas in the Diane when it was handed to me. He told me to give It to representatives of Detachment 10-10 at Bodoe. Q: That was your point of destination in the event the flight was successful? A: Yes. He thought it would be. You were to be met by X representatives of Unit 10-10? A: Yes. Q: And you mere to handed them the piece of black cloth given you by Shelton? A: Yes. Q: in other words, the cloth was to be "Ike a ,as sword? A: I have no idea. Q: But what do you assume? A: (Powers answered that he thought his plane with him as pilot would be sufficient identification so that no additional "password" mould be necessary.) ? (Prosecutor reiterated that the plane with Powers should be enough identification, and repeated the question on the purpose or the black cloth.) A: I don't know. I can only tell you what I was in to do. U-2 You said you ferried alplane from IncirIlk to Bodoe in 1958? Yes. TAhat countrle did you pass through...? A: I took off from Turkey, I fa..aur over r1T-gce and Italy, I don't 1-emethber exactly France, Austria or Switzerland, then West Germany, I think Denmark, 17m not sure, and Norway? (Prosecutor madam& had the four topographical maps of the USSR 4*-1-nd An i-J-Igx lane presented to Powers.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 23 (In exchanges concerning the maps, Powers said that four maps had been shown him duringraiona=14,0Aximmickmaidomg preliminary investigation. He thought there had been two In the plane, and thA presumably two must have been putOrre-dmrlea packaged, in his flying suit by someone else, as part of his survival. kit.) What was the purpose of the maps? In case or accident, for escape... To get out of the St Union? A: Yes. Why were sections cut out of two of the maps? A: I have no Idea ?ho cut them out or where they were cut out, but I aw that there were sections cut out. Whet sho.alki be in the missing sections? Two of the maps had cut sections and two not. All of the Illaps are 4-.,1-1.e same, so by comparing you can see that the missine sections were identification marks of the maps Tqanufacturers and wham they belonged to. *a; Who are the makers and who do they belonr, to? A: (Powers asked to see one of the maps so that he could recall. He then mentioned "restricted" and "UcIPT-e" as being cut out.) Q Why were they cut out? A: I have no idea.ulfilicillembindpm&xkicmy The when saw the maps here. Iridentiy to conceal the Adentity destroyed. A s. a of the makers... knew was Maybe so, but why have parts cut out on some and not on others? Simple, two were on you and two in the plane were to be T .,ave to Took at the mans to know which were on me. fhese two were _found on you when you were searched. The other two were found ir the plane. But which two are whiCh I don't know. rcw=wcbc:Enomjj amoWa: W A document --weith statements in 1,1 44.1WPWA.W.W.1144.44. 411:b.0.4.../a 1.-44 le% VI" /^Ift "VW 7 kt7-3 1446 aM, kit. aim:Amulet (Document presented to Powers.) is this yours? _eretor..) A: I don't know if It was on me. (Prosecutor had the RussianAanzuage textsread by and iEnglish Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 xu, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 24 Who handed you this? (Incomplete text Powers' answer: Not handed re - don't know how. .packaged people who helped me dress put things in pockets, maps wrapoed, watches, Soviet Trr,ney-, coins compass. nrIn't know what else.) To bribe Soviet people? To help, me in anyway to get out of t Ii e country. By bribing...? By any way...buy food... . 1400 nlle walk... But you found you were unable to use it to bribe...since th first L5oviet citizens...detalne," you. A: -T- ar?s -I- -ssirir -L. %J. s., .1. aly s Q: You did not try...: A _ No. Q ... results would have been unsuccessful.. A: I think so, too. Q: faurktua When you were in the US Air Force you received $700 per month? Approximately... You testified that :after you signed the contract with CIA your salary was ',2500 a month? of taxes. A: Yes. '44Q6.? A: Did you receive this in ruIa? No. How much did you receive? FJach month I received the remainder of $1500 after deduction a bout the other :2fI00Osi ? A: This was he'd back to be paid at the successful completion of the contract. (prosecutor asked whether it would have been a violation or contract if to make Powers had refused 4.1? ay I 4 X don't know how they would have inter-preted.. In other words, you would not have received...? don't know...under the contract they migt have considered this nonfulfillment... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 25 eTho What was the main objective of your ilay a. flight? A. I was supposed to follow the route to turn the switches on and off. It .Po:)1_aws that thts was for intelligence purposes. testified yesterday that Shelton was Particularly ? r.1111 Interested in rocket-launching sites. He said that in one place there was a possible rocket- launching site. Is It correct to say tihat thfm! r in objective fiit was to 'Locate and register rocket-launching sites? can onTy ,c-tve my T3ersonal opinion. r the y aim sure experts who studied the film 'Pram my cameras must laavg, known what they were :Interested in in my r-1 he world, not only the US military, have much interest in :-Iol "r fict rockets. t stands to r eason that my flight was Interested in this. That TiNant to stress that this is only my opinions dont know. sovereign Y? ill se r-v7; c e? A But you knew .hat you were in on r-s oviet territorial Yes...understood. Vvrhy did you do thi ? it was ordered. What do you say now? Did you do your coun ..ty a good or an A -very ill service. bimd did it occur to you that a flight an the eve of. the Summit might torpedo.. .conference? A a"---L- (Pors answered that he was wad; so busy with his work that the iltvossible sf_ tri-zance or his fiiht thing frctri my " ) or the s-arr.mit conference was n.the farthest 1-1e, you stop to think that your action might have provoked military conflict? A: The 1-)eotile who sent me have to think about this...should think my job ...to orders. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 (End Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 26 Do you r egret what you Yes, very- much. of questioning by Prosecutor.) have done? quc-=stioning of s by member in each since also Then Jhat type of plane-L-3 start,- eci A: (Incomplete: 80 which is same as an or the 3ench.) have you flown, Training T.-n but Air Force fighter. hours in FB4G. Then 147.-c-Av 200 hours, then U-2. Have when flying U-2 s had about of Air Force cargo Diane.) before per son ???? doll* and how much flight time different planes, one-.seater. Can only guess 111M116 and T-33, 300 hours In training. f.11.1.41, would say 400 to 5C0 a later mode' or the same plane. Had TCO to ap-,Throx-1.?rna._teiy 500 200 hours in T.33. hours in 13-2. Also, in period You said yesterday that you spent the Nay L flight. a.1 and pro:fess-tonal: the rest What rlre-parot-'1ons dtd . The only pre-oar ations were of the time in1y reading. -- i +-; ATIso a little time as co-pilot 3 days you make during this time, just before the flight. What, did pre-fai_P-ht preparations consist of? S-Oent? (T colTly_aeteg A On the morning of Ma7,7- 1, 1 or 4 hours before flight time, was awaken, had breakfast, a.ne was told that I was to fly today. Two and half hours before take-off, I and another pilot for this flight, bean -pre-breathfun. 7, 0 X77,7en. and told ti-i4 s s to be my mission to fay. instructions navia ,ion. might see. CSA few onts were who was also being prepared _Ar-tx- that I was 0-1v-en ma-ps was given maps, the pin, and on the map which raight helm in consisted of a poss-rol.E2,-. rocket site, which I was told One was something unknown, and some airfield I can' t remeirAper all the thin7s shown to me in the briefing. !"--+.. -10 It was a Ion Who prepared the chart you were given? I did not see the preparation of the map. presume it was the navigation officer . How much time was spent on brierinr, by you? A: Something over an hour. tirie. ago.) can only don't r emembe_r exac tay. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 27 (Missing) had Tittle time to study simultaneous.. .briefing. All took place on and before dressing, about 45 I hour TC minutes. Q: How much time di border flight in T95.6? 4_ I knew about it several hours ahead the day before the flight. What evasive action were you instvucted to take in case of encounter with Soviet fighter? :minutes Nro the map and the route, as... between the time I -out tne helmet before rifics-ht time. Tn ally about sove-od on prepartion for your fir t of time, or ossibly T did see A: _ was told there was no danger of this at my altitlade. Once one, or I saw a condensation tralI,at a Tower altitude. A: id you have any i:nstrnaments to detect.. .ficrhters? had no special.? ? to see any -whic}1 is a sort or periscope to see below.. .179-%r nav-igat ion. 41, and was it on or 4- A: type of aircraft....Drift sight, .360 degrees. This Is mainly You hPd an Instrument called a ' granFer T is it, and when? ?Narectimerimitanix if I remember, I switched it on just before the time I crossed the border, A: and It remainded on all the time... Will you give the characteristics of this instrument? can only give what I as told...designed to distort radar from Lighters or rockets coming _A. -rron behind. That type rockets...? don't kncrer but assume air to air rockets. That n2cTaticfl instruments were used in mkirg the flight? ...radio compass, was delayed for about 30 minutes sigrht. I think that's ala. .5x,ant which I was unable to use as take.off for some reason, maps, compass Did you use ground radio stations for navigatf_on. Yes, thrct-u-b_ rad to c orTpa.s5, if I remember, one near Stalinabne, one.. and drift 41, 2 or 3 stations. T donut remember.... .Chelyabinsk. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 et) vJere the flights alon, the border made during the clay or during the night? Both day ane night. ?``'. a What a6ditional reconnaissance instruments were use in night 7 don't know exactly. But some different panels were installed and T PI SO used cprie of t?he same pancas as for ? . ("Begin auestionin:-7. of -P,--Tegras by Assessor Vorobyev) len yo signed the contract with CIA, pi-kribrk: were you aware of the chaac7?er of the int&LII:J-ence work you -would have to do? was aware of the border But you did not know the Tula character of the Intelligence which 'rouid be required the future fir full characte NeN s only told that there might be other duties in And when the contract was extended, did you know the the work? ;:ne-T-, then that ra-r-t cf rry duties were to have been flights over the Soviet Union, but so far I had never done this and I sw no reason to believe that the U SSR, wouId...I knew- about the technthloc7icai developments in -tAe U, and everywhere...figured these would make these sort of f2.4-hts unnecessary.. ? -"Iga your This was only my rt thinkinv. training course Include special apparatus on the 0-2? included Te3_rninf-, to fly 7-,ne -,--)-1=le and to operate the equipment from the cockpit, but not what the equipment was or what it did. ? had nicked that big ever tolc7.1 that there werF1 cameras, but ? --%-k (indicating 'NO size 1s-.7heri et-id you learn -T,-That it 7 ;11 la Ca cci hands). perfornance. not 0-) the pto.1_,.larecN know if they were reconnaissance equipment. '7= never learned winat type equipment on board on any mission possibly put on board while I was preparin7... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 29 Were you aware of the type of dnteIligence information 'which co Id be Obtained by this equipment? ...could only guess, nothing told...I knew notl,i rr of the capability of the equipment. I new it. wels to kind and how much I did not know. Q: -Where and when did you "Learn told Tou? hen rr t TlformatIon, but what your (hlectives, and who given the 1-51Po, no specific objectives...only po:1nts on the map which I would cal' alds to navig2tion. For Instance, one place I was shown and told there were two airfield s there, but they were rot 3arked on the map,.-Jnd. if city with two airports...not to think was "lost. I think...only aids to neviff.ation. _trjho P.a_Nre you They were r r-Nt see an airfield here. the actual description of objeci:Aves? -r7=o-Inted out you might ..There was no detailed I formation about --/T7-1Pt I would see or what t would not see. Who briefed you? A: Col. Shelton. d or questioning from Bench.) (73eff!-In testimony or first of four who took Powers into custody, On May 1, 1960 1 was tkt about II o'clock I heard a loud noise like a jet. I went out to thr- E!tr-r-rt-, and climbed on th.=. roof. At about 5 kilometers from the v-171s.- safTir a column of amoke I climbed down from the roof, and went over to a neiFflabor...sa.w a icarachute in the sky. told the neic7hbor...arlr2 we ran in the direction or the -lace where we thought thought the parachute would land...thought to help the pilot. something had happened to a pilot, and my +"4" thought was +4-1 help him.. He landed 30 to ho meters away. We van up to him and held him so he would not be dragged. We helped dump the air from the chute about this b ecause I had serv-ed up and helped vriepilot to 41* ? in the Atr Force. At that time.a.and.. feet. Fe was dressed In a steel.coIored flight suit and had a white hi&.1m4=,t on his head with the or-an rcurriber 29, brown boots on his feet and on his belt there was a long-barrelled pistol in a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 29 Were you aware of the type of dntelIigence information which coId be Obtained by this equipment? mcouId oniy guess, nothing told...I knew noti'l of the capab3lity of the equipment. I mew it wFis to 0:et information, but what kind and now much I did not know. told Tou? Q: 1,Arrlre and when did you -Learn of your oblectives? and who hen was c7.4-vn the m, no sriecific dbjectives...only po-i_nts on the map which I would aids to navigt an. For instances one place T was shown and told there were -1.410 airf?eld S tbere, but they were rot marked on the map, saw a city with two airports...not to think wa s see 1,"1"=".? at, think...only aids to n-cri._,c),,,p,tion. Ifirho gave you the actual description of objectives? Fhey were notpointed out you might an airfield here. .There was no detailed Anformation about what I would see or what t would not see. C .2 XII VI ILO _Lie_Led you? A: Col. Shelton. (End or auestionIng from Bench.) \,3ec7in testimony or first or four villa who took Powers into custody, noise like a Y lp ? 1960 wa s at home T went out to the about 5 kilometers from the v-1.-11P.-F1- t, saw a about 11 oicIeNck I 7,-1-r.d a loud and climbed on the roof. At column of smoke. I climbed down from the roof and went rrtr.gr to a neighbor...sP:w a 4 4 ..r.a El __no=* 1 CLAT-. 1-h 1.orr...:e 11.0 ip - told the neic7hbor...ane we ran in the direction of the place where we thought the parachute would Th/nd...thought to help the pilot. I thought something had happened to a pilot, and my first thought was to help him. He landed 30 to 40 meters away. We ran up to him and held him so he would ?o, s ? fr.ft 1.1%."4.1%.3,737 .1.1" v?-i _Or\ 11 AnN. '11r.k P.N1 %.11i V9.2'W% +Ines e=h71 .111??10. 4.??=.? about this because I .had served in the Air Force. At that time...and...ran up and bei-ped the pilot to 1F-ri_s feet. 317,_e was dressed In a steeI-coIored flight suit and had a white helmet on his head with the number 29, brown boots on his feet and on his belt there was a Iong-barre3Ted pistol in a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 30 holster. I unbuckled the pistol and helped the others to take off the helmet and head set. The first thing we asked was what happened. He answered us in a foreign language and Shook his head. This put us an alert and we decided to detain him. We saw a car not far away and we took him under the arms and led him to the car. On approaching tL-:t car, noticed that he had a hunting knife, and took it away. fine out if he was alone5 ,:hat.-3-ed hirn first ane and then two fingers. He showed one finger and roInted to himself'. We put him In the vehicle and took him to the nearest village where there was a Council *Rortrirwic*x (SeIskiy Soret). in the car I looked at the hunting knife and It had an inscriotion written in En ciiish. I asked him if he was American and he must have under tood me because he Whi_le we were rid.n0. in the car he made a sign that he wanted water. Ue stopped in the village where i-Are got water We took him to the Council, were met by' officials of State Security from Sverdlovsk. (Witness then deritified Powers as the pil Defense Council to 1T? -nese: any resistance? .174 ? dr' do Did the defendant Powers offer A: No, he made no resistance. Q:Jba t was his behavior? He was calm and behaved quietly. (Powers was asked by the Bench if he had any questions to nut to the witness or 'wished to Tiake ry tatemert.) Powers: ...statements are true, and if I may, I want to thank him for what he did for me there. (The testimony of the other three villagers who detained Powers corroborated that r-t Asbifl almost word for word but with the addition of the following details.) i. One of the vilaae;ers leked up the belonp:ings of Powers and put them in the trunk of the car. 2. Villager Chuzhakin heard the explosion while driving In a car. 3. Powers rode In the front seat of the car. 14.? Chuzhakin said that while the parachute was still in the air he saw reflections on plane surfaces in the sky. - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 uhuzhaki_n Cest,-; ri->+ on and trnj 31 testified that PolivErus over 1-.771.th the per1111.66`10n of "1-11-rfCtOre -= after reaching the village or their to the al;thorities, he fetched a doctor Villager Surin testified noise like a jet but much sharper. completion made the following statement: who helped 1-.7te that, appreciate what ey r a t -.)erMan and at the requost of Powers. that at about I/ he heard e5timony by the four villagers, Powers to exvocr.,-tsry ap-Nr- reciation to all they did very much.") (The next testimony was particular :Lr.,-v-estigata_ng testimony was read, and recore It in conclusion The on each Group I_ ov expert 111--1 e_z 5 each one speak--1 -(, ecause of the speed at which the its 4- It was not possible to The following expert group.) a .7Turli-rair-u- of the asoi/nme.,nts and Testia-aony given by Assignment: To deterT.line Conclusions: flight over ground the citizenship or the pilot. To determine the origin and purl-,osz; of the light logs. To deter_m-i-ne the meaning of t-_-,vc:_rything in the logs. (I) Powers via& the Liovit in advance. checked landmarks, ( and carried Powers, the course of the flight over the Liov-1 e7rip-loyec.1 by the U Air Force. premeditated ,,,e prepared during the flight, knew his location, 'Plight on the planned route. (4) In 1:_Tniono intei1i:-7.ence data on the chart as well as weather data. Group 2 .aink am. Testimony given Assignment: To determine Conclusion: (.1---OWAI=OPW testimony.) .1_ ell nere was Lt. Col, li:Taginser (phonetic) whether the 11-2 had any national markin gs no trace of any national markings on the U-2. cl' kAt.J._ ea kple conclusion of the axpert with the following (Powers asked if it would have been possible that '-bINE identity markings had been on Focnert: tor) of the painted surface and then been removed.) Yes, this Is possible. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 32 Powers: I ask this because this plane had been in Incirlik for several months, and al/ the planes I saw In Incirlik had markings. Therefore, I cannot agree that this one did not. Bench: it is your right to disagree with the experts concluded that the plane carried no markings, none. before this f14-1-1-E -aroup 3 MIWOMMI -want to say tht experts. and that there were believe this "lane had markings Testimony L--7,iven by Arkhipov Assignment: To determ--I'mgz=. ( performance characteristics of the aerial_ photo camera, (2) the technical specification of the film, (3) from -tA-A-lat altitudes and what areas of the aoviet Union photoraphing was done, and (1f) the exploitation possibilities of te hotos taken. Concl.usions: (7) Cn_mera model 73-B is a high altitdide reconnaissance camera, (2) The film was a special. kind for aerial reconnaissance for military objectives and terrain from high altitudes. Soviet territory was photographed met=ers froi the Arcl4aan-So-wl-,t border to C.A.t.a? a an altitude of 20 to film for photographing over a 3,OC k:;70117ter route. .Lrlere was silff:Icient (4) The conta5ned Information of military and industrial objects, and pictures could used for intelligence objectives and for making maps..aThe pictures had-Intelligence purposes. Group 4 1111.11,-MINI Pe s t Imo nY iven by Lt. Go?. inineer Andreyev-. Assignment: To insect thevr---r,74.-vverir4rior and radar equipment of the piane. Conclusions: The tape contained recorded sinaIs of several types of Soviet radar stations, of communication signals or anti-aircraft installations, be tape recording ? IF r,? which could be determined the location of Soviet radar installations, the function s of radar stations mk such as early waxulng, trackinc7, fire directing, and homing. The apparatus was designed to acquire intelligence on the air defense or the US,3R and Its cities. (End or morning session, August 18.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 August TELI_Afternoon ,:3ession aa..???????* ?~N. (Continue testimony by experts.) Group 5 mow saw 33 Testimony given by gineer Vort-1-1-5,1ov. AssiglIment: To examine 4.^10"i 7DI3tol and certain other Conclusion: That the :istol was intended for silent TII-Ing at humans :In attack and defense, and that the ignitinp: vials are incendiary devices . A.Laat a container with lids at both ends was a night and day device with friction -t- amoke. -produce and (Powers here addressed the court as follows.) Powers: Yay I see one or the vials dOW. the amali one? y have the irterpretor read the instructions on here (pointing to v-,1) to the court, and show the court the nicture on the via'? (interpretar read the 1,n Russian translation and describes sketch of campfire.) This is used 53t-,r77_cti, for starting a ca ire 7.4 tb damn -w-ooe or other material hard to light. The z- 1-listol was given me only for hunting, ane that Ts what 1 took It for. Unfortunately, no one here but myself knows that T could not kill a man even to save my awn life. Chairman or Court: Defendant Powers difficult to hunt game. landing. must know that at 68,000 feet Powers: Of course. This as to be used only in case of forced Group 6 .. Testlmony given by Zuyev. Assignment: To examine the special explosive device found in the plane, and to determine Its design, method of control, tyoe of explosive, destructive capacity, nrd the COC cockpit Conclusions: 1r7111D.rese of the destructive unit. The destructlitre! unit I.T=s controlled ?om the V by remote control. 46.1' had a safety electronic detonator. Inside the on a panel_ was the inscription "Ex vl"plosio was a switch for controlling this unit. On the basis Under this we may assume of desiFn, we may assume that there was an electric system with or without a timer. Both variants require the removal of a safety pin for detonation of the device. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 1-471. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 a timer Is used, explosion takes place after Wi.4-1-?401.11. Is adjustable by the pilot. 414.1 certain delay of time, ?he destructive power of the unit Is conarable with that, of the tax:plosive in ? . ? ar7z.,act rockets- The power of 1.4 kilograms r-s SL-P enough for the coi,D-iete instrumentation and equipment. destruction of the * ,here is no on ThC ? ? ose rryteN711-.1 V1 4- 0271.1 of ? .41 t7r1 I 4 V 2Ar L?rmo.' of t lie destr?ctive unit was the aviation _Lor the mounting -C4 V such a ceractive or civilian aircraft. It is customary lowercower to be used for the d to s tr.?,a c tion Instruments such as coding units, radar, the U T.:as of a special types of casE2 of unit, either on military install destructive units or N." fit entire aircraft under certain conditiDns, Forensic .:iroup 7 .. Testimony le-clicine of th ive inistry of .J-7). and Professor of Forensic Asaignment: (-v ?-I orde-r= of found at the scene and to de-r,ef,,rrrn-irvz, oorrespond 4.-44 special equipment The destruction unit on 1V.a. by Chairman the des - -a -ti -r of the of tne Institute of E] th Viktor -i- 77" 6.) dr purpose r-4-.417M7-11-i1P-1 medicines 41-thether the contents to the markings on the wrappings an, wnether they contained any TDoison or pathogenic Conclusions: The items did not, contain extraneous germs or toxlIorrical. s-dbstance74. However, examination or t loin revealed that the needle contained within it had a the ? e". st n?';? - acting -ol_sons 4..40 r- as to the amg exeriT.lental dog ? 1,?eiv:Lnz N1/2f ...IL. / ? v (woz-e heart eS.1."1"10...."4"S.-"er"2,. 'Ls %Aut. group or poisons, Id ensue to a 171117-, beir action stopped 3 minutes after Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Cirotto .1011.11111111. 35 Testimany T-Iven by Co'. Ivan Ivanovitch Zhdanov. Assignments: and other nateria1s. order dated May 4.) Conclusions: That the ra.--1 Tel the maps, film, ht was nremeditated, DreDarer; before- hand, and carried out with intellience Purposes areas pren,a.red onnaisr3ance 7D1ane reconnoitering military and tkpviet view. The plane is -??? ???? 1 r-rr aInIs and with the -;/-lcinstrial objectives ir rprol-tant for TM 2.--ncses ofL _1 otora-hir photographed constitute state arid military secrets (End testimony, Au -crust 1E%) (The morning sess-lon, August 19, them. Th objects Soviet Union. consisted of final sum-flary statements by Defense, PvosecIlt&on, and Powcrs consisted of verdict.) Tb;:._ afternoon session, All7USt 19, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 7C-2- r. -7 ?2N A,e_74 k \-Nt NL - , ? DAILY REVIEW OF SOVIET PRESS Published by Soviet, Irvformation Bureau ? Address: 2 Maly P-utinkovsky Perei.Alok, Moscow Telephones: Editorial Board: 2-9-77-04 21-8-46-21 Secre-tary: Vol.._ VI.. No;. 198 (1559), Thursday, Aug..189 1960 .4?1????????101111111111/ _PART + Trial of Criminal Case of American Spy-Pilot Francis Gaxry Powers (All papers) PART II + American Policy in the Prisoner s D ock (Sovetskaya Rossia) tAimp kowtow amow.?_.Fear-16so7MMII MEN -*??? ovetska a Rossia., ug17) ????liumr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6 da.y, 19 1560 5 ADMISSIONS OF THE PARENTS OF THE DEFENDANT NEY.1./21_,...i_a1C August 18, (TASS). A United Press International correspond.ent reports from Moscow:- The par ents of the airman Francis Powers said as they saw their son in court that, in -their opinion, he had not been subjected to any brainwashing. "IVIy son is the same as always," Oliver Power s, the pilot's father , said, "and each wor d of his is his own. " The Amer loan lawyer Alexander Parker who accompanied Mrs. Powers, the pilot's wife, at the trial said that Mrs. Powers "b_ad not formed the impression" -that her husband ha.d been subjected to brainwashings. She believes that he shows animation and quick thinking. "Both of us have found that he is in a fine shape," said Mr. Parker. (Pravda. In fu.114.) THE END Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/15: CIA-RDP81-01043R004800110007-6