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Ap rod, v f or Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001=4- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP81-01Q44Rp,QO1O0070001-4 '--A Approved For Release-2000/04/11 .. I; ' E of 044R00010"0070001-4 AIR INTELLIGENCE LD4N DOCUMENT (DO NOT DESTROY -- DO II0T DETACH FROM THIS DOCUMENT) SUSPENSE DATE This document is being routed on loan. It is the only copy available to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence. Your cooperation in returning; this document by suspense date listed above will be appreciated. If additional time is desired, please call or write, prior to established suspense date, to address given below. Please return this document at the earliest possible date to: Intelligence .Documentation Branch Al' CIN-1D3 ACS/Intelligence The Pentagon, Room 4r) 1'7 Phone: LI 13-670C), Code 131, Ext. 75208 AIR. INTELLIGENCE WAN DOCUMENT C tl -n NTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved" For FRelease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 CIA, 00-T-61 USSR SEP 51 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF THE RUSSIAN 25X1A .r 34/8 C era 25X1 B 11/12/51-100-0 I, y ' 2:, ...FD ...CP Ic 0 0 ? n I:1 .P.1AJ a n r 7 UEfli j To REDORD3 CEUTER RF7EU USE /3 3 5. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/%4dU i41I?# RQ74Q.1044R000100070001-4 25X1A ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF THE RUSSIAN T34/85 TANK 25X1 B 25X1A SEPTEMBER, 1951 CIA Information Report Number 00-T.00061 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/CM 81F lURIML01044R000100070001-4 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794. THE TRANS- MISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 App qql ftFppA%2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 INDEX Preface ........................................ 1 Object ........................................ 3 Conclusions ..................................... 4 Detailed Description, Comment, Findings, including Comprehensive Photographic Coverage and Wiring and Piping Diagrams Complete Vehicle .............. . . . . . ...... 19 Engine ................................... 25 Engine Lubrication System ..................... 59 Air Starter System .......................... 77 Engine Accessory Drive System ................. 81 Clutch, Fan ............................... 87 Fuel System ............................... 91 Cooling System ............................. 114 Electrical System ........................... 122 Transmission .............................. 143 Steering System ........................... 157 Final Drive ............................... 163 Suspension ................................. 165 Controls (Driver's Controls) ...................... 173 Hull .................................... 177 Turret ................................... 189 Hull Accessories ............................ 193 Armament ................................ 199 Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R0?V X79% 1I A L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RQP81-01044%MfdO%fi% M ! L INDEX 25X1A Appendices 1 - Metallurgy Ferrous ............................... 201 Non-ferrous ............................ 297 Bearings .............................. 375 Protective Coatings ....................... 377 2 - Fuel and Lubricants ..................... . .. 381 3 - Rubber Parts ............................. 391 4 - Plastics and Fabrics ........................ 397 5 - Sealing Compounds ......................... 399 6 - Ball and Roller Bearings - List ................ 401 7 - - Report on Roller Bearings .............. 405 25X1 B 8 - Production Techniques ....................... 419 a. Production Appraisal by the Master Mechanics Group b. Machining Details - Transmission Case c. Manufacturing Methods Comment 9 - Weights ................................. 429 10 - Fuel Injection System ....................... 433 11 - Accessories - List ......................... 443 12 - Valves - List ............................. 445 13 - Controls - List ........................... 447 14 - Fastenings ............................... 449 15 - Failures . ............... ................ 451 16 - Unexplained Items ......... ................. 453 17 - Design Changes ............................ 455 19 - Supplementary Photographs .................... 465 CONFIDE-NTAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 AA"fd Fb 6lse 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007888 A E PREFACE 1. The engineering analysis of the Russian T34/85 tank forming the sub- ject of this report is based almost entirely on an examination of one tank and one sre en ne ca tured in Korea late in 1950 and forwarded 25X1 A in March, 1951: 25X1 B This analysis was confined to engineering appraisal, - to materials, manufacturing methods, and design. For more comprehensive infor- mation on the Russian T34 tank, reference may be made to the fol- lowing reports by other Agencies: A. "U.S.S.R. Armored Vehicles and Anti-Tank Weapons" dated June 1948, produced by the Intelligence Division, G.S., U.S.A., Department of the Army. B. "Performance of Standard U.S.S.R. Tanks ", Intelligence Review, Serial 156, Issue of March 1949. C. "U.S.S.R. Tank Development", Intelligence Review, Serial 106, dated March 1948. D. "Metallurgical Examination of Armor and Weld Joint Samples from Russian Medium Tank T34 and KV-1" No. W.A.L. 640/91, 24 Nov. 1943. E. "Russian Radio and Interphone Equipment Installed in Russian Medium Tank T34 and Russian Heavy Tank KV" Camp Cole Signal Laboratory, Red Bank, New Jersey C.C.S.L.. Engineering Report #6, 1943. F. "Second Partial and First Consolidated Report on Russian Medium Tank T34 and 10th Report on Ordnance Program #588711, dated 2 Dec. 1943, Army Ordnance Research Center. 3. In the course of this study, many comparisons have been made with information appearing in other reports. The following abbreviations have been used to facilitate reference to this other material: Aberdeen Report "Second Partial and First Consolidated Report on Russian Medium Tank T34 and 10th Report on Ordnance Program #5887", dated 2 Dec. 1943, Army Ordnance Research Center. Approved For Release 2000/04/18: ttA tDP81-01044R'AON@Q 9W914 L ApproAved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0104480M000OM1A4 German Report - "The Soviet Tank Diesel Motor", two articles appearing in the German magazine "Motortechnische Zeitschrift" for May and July, 1943. Watertown Report - "Metallurgical Examination of Armor and Weld Joint Samples from Russian Medium Tank T34 and KV-1" No. W.A.L. 640/91, 24 No. 1943. 25X1A 4. this investigation was identified as the G812 Program. The tank and engines were then identified as follows: 25X1 A G812 Tank The Russian T34/85 tank sent 25X1 A for s analysis. 25X1 A G812 Engines The two T34 tank engines studied one from 25X1 A the G812 tank, the other a spare engine received in addition to the tank. 25X1 B 25X1 B 25X1 B 5. The main body of this report has been confined to information of general interest. The more highly specialized data and discussions have been segregated into a number of Appendices. Duplicate negatives of these photographs can be provided in response to official requests directed to the Office of Collection.and Dissemination, Central Intelligence Group. Much additional information uncovered in the course of this study and consisting of some 200 detail photographs can be obtained from the C.I.A. Graphics Register. These photographs will be found especially valuable for use in comparing details of the vehicle here described with those of vehicles acquired in the future. aE i 2 A$Frovecf Four Ref&ease 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Apgxm* 5qp Jg*ge 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007009934CT OBJECT This investigation of the Russian T34/85 Tank was undertaken for the fol- lowing purposes: 1. To provide a general engineering appraisal of the vehicle in the light of American practice and design goals and in comparison with T34 tanks previously analyzed elsewhere. 2. To determine the condition of the tank as received, especially to un- cover incipient failure of any components and thereby to estimate service life. 3. To appraise the materials used, - metals, rubbers, plastics, and others. To uncover evidence of adequacy of supply, and to judge the wisdom exhibited in materials selection. 4. To appraise manufacturing methods and equipment used for T34 pro- duction. 5. To note the extent of use of ball and roller bearings, items that were in critically short supply during World War II. 6. To study any engineering development revealed, and to evaluate the importance of this development. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :(CIA-RDP81-01044EN1Pp8 41 -A4 L ApQOb 11 DJIW'I k%&e 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R00010Q QJ%*NS CONCLUSIONS General Engineering Appraisal A. This investigation of the Russian T34/85 tank has provided a wealth of evidence to substantiate and explain the reputation for service- ability credited to 'this tank. This evidence falls under the fol- lowing headings: 1. Virtually all parts were in operating order. 2. There had been a generous use of high alloy steels and other high quality materials. 3. Manufacturing methods had been adequate for the job, with crude exterior finish being countered by precision machining on functioning parts, according to need. 4. Ball and roller bearings were widely used, there being 88 in all. 5. Engineering development had been very actively continued; it was evident that most of the changes found through the com- parison with the Aberdeen and German reports had probably been made to improve tank performance and especially tank service life, rather than to simplify or to reduce cost. B. While no accurate estimate of the probable cost of this vehicle can be made from the information available, it is believed that the cost at the time of manufacture, converted to U.S.A. currency, would exceed $50,000. C. The T34/85 tank examined was found to have many of the features regarded as important by American tank designers. This is brought out by the following tabulation of the major advantages and disad- vantages of this tank, based on a comparison between the findings of this investigation and a set of specifications covering certain American tanks now in the course of design and development. 1. Desirable Features of the T34/85 Tank (a) Materials were found ample for the job - better than those to be used in American tanks, in some instances. (b) Accessibility for servicing was good, especially of engine components and storage batteries from the fighting com- partment. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :-CAA-RDP81-01044FRM9, RQb7 c 1,-A L CONCApP d For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-MAItbB6*96#bb01-4 (c) Plates containing operating instructions were conveniently located throughout the vehicle. (d) Design was simple to the degree that the average mechani- cally trained crewman could attempt repairs with some assurance of success. (e) Fire hazard was minimized through the use of a diesel engine rather than one requiring gasoline, and a major source of radio interference was eliminated. (f) Ventilation of the crew compartment could be greatly augmented through the use of the, engine cooling fan. This method could be used during gun firing to keep bore gas concentration in the fighting compartment at a minimum. (g) A safety switch was provided in the gun firing circuit to prevent the gunner or commander from firing the gun until the loader signified his readiness by setting this switch. The switch was tripped by the gun during recoil. (h) The engine crankcase breather tube was readily accessible from the fighting compartment, so that gasoline or other diluent could be added to the lubricating oil to insure the starting of the engine in extremely cold weather. (i) The T34 is of lighter weight than the current U. S. medium tanks, but carries a gun only slightly smaller (85 mm vs. 90). (j ) Desirably low unit ground pressure of 10 lbs./ - our current design goal. (k) Escape hatches were provided as considered desirable by U. S. designers. one in hull over driver, two in the turret, one in the floor under the machine gunner. (1) A machine gun was mounted coaxially with the tank gun, and another machine gun was mounted on the turret for use against anti-aircraft as well as ground targets. (m) A pistol port was provided on each side of the turret. (n) The turret could be rotated through 360? by power or by hand. Power traversing could be used for slewing, and C o ppI Pi t FbAlRelease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 f yoW&~ MIlpase 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000dO ZOOR a quick shift to hand traversing could. be made for placing the sight and gun on target and for tracking a target. Turret position was indicated on an azimuth ring graduated from 0 to 60. (o) The flat sloping armor in the front could be expected to provide desirable 'shell deflection properties. (p) Armor thicknesses were approximately the same as those used in U. S. tanks. (q) The cruising range could be expected to be 185 to 225 miles. This range was estimated by applying the Aberdeen finding of 150 to 187 miles for 120 gallons to the greater fuel tank capacity (147 gallons) found in the G812 tank. (r) There was provision for both intercommunication and radio equipment; this equipment had probably been stripped from the tank in the field. (s) Lifting hooks had been provided on both turret and hull, and there were towing hooks front and rear. (t) An auxiliary starting means - the compressed air starting system - may have been more necessary because of the use of a diesel engine, but would be advantageous for gasoline engines as well, especially in very cold weather. (u) The engine and transmission could be removed and re- installed with a fair degree of ease, since there were a minimum of lines and no electric wires to disconnect. The use of aluminum alloys for all castings of any size, except the cylinder head covers, eased the lifting problem. A smaller crane or hoist could be used than otherwise. Permanent lifting eyes were provided on both engine and transmission. (v) Protective coatings seemed most effective. Very little rusting or other corrosion was found on functioning parts, despite the fact that the tank had been shipped from Korea without any weatherproofing, and had stood outdoors through several weeks of rainy weather before examination. (w) Accessories not connected to the engine lubrication system were apparently expected, to run for life on the initial lubrication given in manufacture. There was no provision for adding oil or grease to such accessories as the starter, generator, ventilating fan, and the traversing motor.. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 - aIA-RDP81-01044 ft Q'AQPJW fl AL CONCLUSIONS CC EElxi A Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044ROSONd01000~ ~4 2. Undesirable Features of the T34 Tank (a) Rough steering due to the use of clutch and brake steering control, and (b) Difficulty in shifting due to the use of a spur gear clash- shift transmission (no synchronizers, no clutches) and a multi-disc dry clutch, undoubtedly make driving this tank a difficult and very fatiguing job. (c) Rough ride under some conditions, due to absence of shock absorbers, could contribute greatly to crew fatigue, as could (d) Probably excessive noise resulting from the solid mounting of the engine in the hull (no rubber mountings) and the absence of mufflers. All-steel tracks contributed to this noise. (e) Ground clearance was only 16" (Aberdeen figure). This was two inches below that considered necessary by the U. S. designers. (f) Power traversing could not be used for putting the gun on target, but only for slewing. Hand traversing had to be used for the final positioning on a fixed target, or for tracking a moving target. (g) All elevation was obtained by hand cranking. There was no provision for power assist. (h) The liquid cooled engine and its attendant radiators made for greater vulnerability, due to loss of coolant because of concussion, small arms fire, or freezing. (i) There was no basket platform in the turret. Greater risk of injury during slewing was imposed on the turret crew as the result. (j) Fire protection was poor, consisting of two hand extin- guishers containing pressurized carbon tetrachloride. The lingering poisonous vapor resulting from their use would be very likely to drive the crew out of the tank before it could be cleaned out by ventilation. (k) There were many gaps at the joints in the armor that could have allowed entry of bullet splash and shell frag- ments. CONFIDENTIAL - 8 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 AeI6r rp fVf4VWjse 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R0001899R IBAs (1) There was no bore gas evacuator or other means of avoid- ing the discharge of bore gases into the fighting compart- ment when the breech was reopened. Note the item on ventilation, however, under "Desirable Features of the T34 Tank" above. (m) The electrical system was only partially waterproofed. Except for the generator, starter, and starter relays, the electrical components could all be readily penetrated by water, with resulting acceleration of corrosion and deterioration of insulation. (n) No auxiliary engine - generator unit was provided to keep the batteries charged or to supplement them, although only 100 ampere hour batteries were used. The generator on the propulsion engine probably did not exceed the 75 ampere charging rate appearing on the ammeter as a full scale reading. (o) No provision was found for heating the oil as an aid to starting in extremely cold weather, although other measures had been taken, such as the provision of the compressed air starting system and of access to the crankcase breather tube for the adding of gasoline or other diluent. (p) (q) All the lubricating oil in the two oil reservoir tanks and all the coolant in the radiator cores, as well as in the engine had to be drained or be spilled into the hull when the engine was removed from the vehicle. No shut-off valves were provided, and no shut-off couplings. The connections to be opened were all rubber hoses held in place by screw clamps. Expanded beads had been provided at the steel tubing ends to keep the hoses from slipping off. The seals on rotating shafts throughout the vehicle were for the most part simply felt or fabric packing rings, generally without conical compressors, springs, or other means of insuring continued close contact with the shaft. The only lip-type seal found was in the fuel injection pump. There were no carbon seals. (r) Wholly inadequate engine intake air cleaners could be expected to allow early engine failure due to dust intake and the resulting abrasive wear. Several hundred miles in very dusty operation would probably be accompanied by severe engine power loss. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : -CFA-RDP81-01044FL080A9q%T 1 6 L ~pprove~d i-or Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0104 ftW1%bftbb# h II Appraisal of Vehicle Condition The tank and spare engine received :for. this investigation were both found in good. condition. The tank appeared to require only track and charged batteries to put it in operation, though other equipment such as radio, intercommunication system, and machine guns had also been removed. The spare engine would have been ready to run after the flushing out of the vaseline-like grease used as a corrosion inhibitor. Detailed examination revealed that most parts were in excellent con- dition, with no likelihood of early failure. The exceptions are listed in Appendix 15, "Failures". Most important among these were the transmission and final drive, - inadequate in design, and the front suspension members, - a manufacturing and inspection slip-up. Com- ment on the condition of individual parts has been included in the descriptive material accompanying the pictorial section of this report. Ci PI'MUR NVr e'rease 2000/04/181 CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Appa @OFF1( dWd ppMQ,2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100QN&1 4,ONs III Materials Appraisal Two facts, clearly emerged from the materials. study made on, G812 tank components: A. Ample supplies of high grade material, including alloy steel consti- tuents that might have been critical, were made available to the tank manufacturing program at the time the G812 tank was built - late in 1945. All materials analyses were made on the 1945 tank components, none of the 1948 engine parts being so tested.' There was no evidence under visual inspection of the parts of the later engine that suggested any substitutions had been made. The later engine had even more aluminum, in the three cast aluminum cooling fans added to the generator. Furthermore, the aluminum samples tested indicated virgin metal or the equivalent 'rather than secondary metal. The materials provided for the tank program had been wisely used, not extravagantly. Alloying materials had been effectively used to obtain toughness along with the desired hardness. The armor, for example, was much harder than our specifications call for, yet at the same time tougher. In general, the accompanying heat treatment seemed equally well suited to requirements, and control seemed quite satisfactory judging from the extensive hardness data obtained for this study. Departures from optimum materials treatment seemed likely to be the result of production imperfection rather than any lack of understanding. The inadequate drawing of the case-hardened trans- mission gears was an example. Examination of rubber parts - natural and synthetic - again indicated a clear understanding of the special properties of the several types used. Heavy loading with fillers and resulting loss of physical properties - tensile strength and service life, especially, - sug- gested the possibility of shortage of synthetic rubber stocks, both of the neoprene and the buna types. Plastics parts, the few that were found, were made of materials known in commercial practice for many years, materials that varied from poor to excellent in quality yet were regarded as adequate for the job in every application. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : ClA1RDP81-01044RQQW 7fi%A A L CONCLUS IONS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044&?Mfd T b 1A4" N Manufacturing Methods Appraisal A. There was much evidence of comprehensive and detailed knowledge of modern manufacturing techniques. The following are indications: 1. Excellent castings, both steel and aluminum. Castings were generally found to be quite sound, free from blow holes and sand inclusions, and well filled out, though non-functioning surfaces were frequently found conspicuously rough. 2. Generally good heat treating, including nitriding and carburizing as well as through-hardening. Maximum surface hardness had been reached in many of the carburized parts, e.g., 67 Rockwell C on the oil pump idler gear. 3. Use of several types of welding technique, both manual and machine, including the submerged arc process. 4. Skillful handling of the plates used in the multiple plate clutches, to result in their staying flat in service. Cross rolling of the stock and careful grinding are required to prevent warping when the clutch is heated during slipping. 5. High grade finishes and close tolerances held on such parts as the fuel injection pump plungers and barrels and the rack and pinions. The injection nozzles and the air starter dis- tributor also offered such examples. 6. High quality engine valve springs, free from seams and die marks and otherwise smooth-surfaced, and zinc plated despite the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. 7. Ground worms with smooth, chatter-free finish were found in the turret traversing and gun elevating mechanisms. B. Knowledge and understanding of manufacturing methods were some- times not matched by execution in actual production. For example, 1. The aluminum castings were generally very good. The sand castings, however, suffered from unskilled molding technique, from soft ramming, inferior mixes, and rough handling of cores. There were many instances of core wire and sand inclusions. The permanent mold castings were admirably clean, free of blow holes, and well filled out. However, im- proper closing of the molds had resulted in heavy parting lines and flash, requiring much extra cleanup work, a hand job (snagging) that was crudely done. CONFIDENTIAL - 12 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 AA id Pi ldlelse 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R0001 W# fl io s 2. Heat treatment, found very effectively controlled in most parts tested, was imperfectly controlled in the all-important trans- mission gears where insufficient drawing of the case had re- sulted in excessive surface cracking under load. This con- tributed to transmission failure, though perhaps of secondary importance. The lower sloping front armor plate on the hull had been poorly quenched or tempered, the temperature having been too low. The upper plate was found properly treated. 3. Knowledge of various welding techniques was not matched by welding skill; many cracks were found in and under the hull welds, some seriously weakening the joint. Most of the manual. welds were very rough and irregular in appearance, adding to the impression of a low order of skill. 4. Lack of skill in flame cutting had apparently been the reason for the grinding of the corners of the driver's hatch opening. C. Manufacturing equipment was being run at capacity or overloaded, judging from the plentiful evidence of extremely course feeds, severe chatter, and tearing and rubbing of machined surfaces. In- adequate machine maintenance and the running of tools much beyond the optimum point for resharpening could have contributed materi- ally. It should be emphasized again, however, that low grade machining was essentially confined to stock removal, to the pro- vision of clearance space. Mating surfaces were machined with much greater care, though even this machining was frequently compared unfavorably with American workmanship. D. Examination of the G812 tank parts suggests the following picture of manufacturing equipment committed in 1945 to the T34/85 tank program: 1. The largest casting required of the foundry facilities was the turret, weighing about 9,000 pounds. , Problems of casting technique and equipment had been simplified by the building up of the hull from a number of cast and rolled components. Even the turret roof was found to be a separate piece welded on. 2. Demands on armor plate rolling equipment had also been eased by the built-up hull construction. No bent plates were used, nor had the plates been taper-rolled. 3. Considerable use was made of closed die forgings. The crank- shaft and the four camshafts were so formed, the former requiring at least a 25,000 pound hammer. . Approved For Release 2000/04/18 T G11PA RDP81-01044qtQ9W PQB Q U L A WW Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044A6b~'Mftbi 4L 4. Stampings and drawn parts were more widely used in the G812 tank than in the T34 on which the Aberdeen Report had been based. The fuel tanks were among the largest parts so made, being built by welding two. drawn halves together rather than by welding up flat stock as was formerly done. 5. Molded and laminated plastics parts found on this tank could have been made with. the simplest and crudest equipment. The generator and fuel injection pump coupling discs, the valve knobs, and the molded battery cases are examples. 6. There was no evidence of any unusual ? machining equipment being required. The heavier machining could all have been done with conventional horizontal lathes and mills, vertical lathes and mills, drill presses, and other pieces of standard equipment. Machine tools used in railroad equipment manu- facture could well have been applied to the job. There was no definite indication of gang machining; it was difficult to say whether the many flange holes in the transmission case were drilled successively or simultaneously. It was clear, however, that extensive use had been made of drill jigs. 7. Shapers and hobbing equipment had been used for the ma- chining of most of the gears. The spiral bevel gears used at the input of the transmission had required a special gear generating machine. The worms used in the turret traversing and gun elevating mechanisms had required a thread grinder and probably also a thread mill. Hand polishing of the connecting rods. Hand finishing of the cam noses on the four camshafts in each engine. Hand grinding at the driver's hatch to dress up rough flame cutting. Extensive hand snagging of aluminum castings to make up for poor mold closure and the resulting heavy seams. Breaking of edges on many machined. parts. Hand welding of the fuel tanks, suggesting the lack of seam welding equipment. Af~~9hi l tkse 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 A ll ft4gl ,se 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R0001 &19&s Blacksmith forming of most of the special purpose tools found in the vehicle. A small American-made end wrench was one of the few exceptions. Hand hammering and bending of small sheet metal parts the hollow chamber found : in the engine cooling system, for. example, and the radiator top tanks. Yet a failure. to machine sufficient clearance at the clevis root of the front suspension spring arms had not been caught by in- spection. As the result, both front suspension spring guide rods had been bent and had worn severely. The sticking of these bent rods in their bushings could have caused loss of track tension and consequently loss of track. It is not known whether the track had actually been lost before the tank was captured. No cooling tests were run on the G812 tank, but earlier data had indicated insufficient radiator cooling capacity. It was therefore of particular interest to note that the exceptionally poor soldering job that had been done on the radiator core fins and tubes on the G812 tank had not been rejected by inspection (or that these radi- ators had been used despite rejection). As the result of this poor soldering, the fin-to-tube contact was probably less than 10% of that obtainable. By the most conservative estimate, the G812 radiators had much less than 50% of the capacity that could have been reached through the correction of just this one manufacturing operation. Approved For Release 2000/04/18-: CIA-RDP81-01044E8QA'gq9J TP~ -4L ' .4` Ir r - Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-0104460MI Qn6WDfAII. 25X1A 25X1A V Ball and Roller Bearings Of the 88 ball and roller bearings found in the G812 tank, only six could be positively identified as of other than Russian make. These were the six American-made bearings, identified as having been manufactured during the World War II Lend-Lease period. Ball bearings comprised, 54 of the total, the other 34 being roller bearings including needle bearings. All bearings are listed in Appendix 6, being described by application or location and by size. Also included is a breakdown by types - thrust, self-aligning, etc. Eight of the roller bearings were tested for geometry and finish as well as material, and one of these was given a controlled life test. This work was done by Their report, included as Appendix 7, indicates that the bearing un er life test failed after only 14 hours under conditions expected to produce few failures at 300.hours in comparable- bearings. The eight had been found to conform to American practice so far as metallurgy, surface finish, and geometry were concerned. It was surmised that residual stresses may have been responsible for the premature failure. Aper8Vr F8J AYpjjje 2000/04/18: CIA'RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B Apj505#b1l1lDIREl ie 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000i0@Q AQt#HbNs VI Evaluation of Engineering Changes A. The 37 items listed under "Design Changes", Appendix 17, suggest active continuation of engineering development of the T34 tank in the two to three' years between the manufacture of the T34/85 tank examined in this study and the T34/76 studied for the Aberdeen Report, aside from the obvious change in armament. The G812 engines were both provided with many improvements over the engines described in the Aberdeen and German Reports. B. Most of this continued development seemed directed toward prod- uct improvement, especially toward increase in the tank's service life. The following are illustrative: 1. Cast steel bogie wheels with solid tires, rather than drawn steel wheels with perforated tires. 2. 3" turret wall thickness, rather than 2". 3. Higher capacity generator. 4. Improved generator drive coupling. 5. Improved water pump drive coupling. 6. Lighter water pump impeller. 7. Better lubrication of the water pump bearing. 8. Fuel tank capacity increase of 23%. 9. Better fuel tanks - less welding. 10. Greater air cleaner capacity. However, the higher dirt removal efficiency intended was probably not achieved. 11. Better lubrication of the engine accessory drive. 12. A large filter, rather than merely an oil strainer, for the lubricating oil. Among the changes listed above were corrective measures for virtually all the T34 defects revealed in the course of the tests run at Aberdeen in 1943 (see the Aberdeen Report). The only important defects not so recognized were the lack of shock ab- sorbers - the G812 tank had no shock absorbers - and the trans- mission deficiencies. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :-CAA-RDP81-01044Fj~0OWkriL oqwgaeror Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01 AVMb 0 ffl -4 C. Not all of the changes made were successful. It is very doubtful that any improvement in air cleaning efficiency was obtained when the old air cleaner over the engine intake manifolds was replaced with the two tractor-type cleaners. The latter had the same general appearance as American tank air cleaners, but could be expected to have very inferior efficiency. Centrifugal separation of dirt from air was abandoned several decades ago in America as being very ineffective in motor vehicle application. With this serious defect combined with the low cooling efficiency due to poor radiator soldering, this tank would have made a very poor showing in operation in hot dusty country. D. Changes included some for the convenience of the crew. An over- center spring for the main clutch reduced the foot pedal pressure required to disengage it. Better arrangement of the, engine instru- ment panel made it easier to reach controls without error and to read the meters. Bringing the two starter controls together facili- tated using the air starter to supplement the electric starter and to use it only as long as was needed. New instruction plates were offered for crew guidance and were very brief and to the point. E. As noted under "Design Changes", there were a few differences between the two G812 engines, including the improvement in the lubrication of the lower accessory drive. That the older engine found in the tank was as nearly like the service replacement engine suggests the possibility that the older engine had been rebuilt to bring it more nearly up to date. CJl M lad Mease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 DETAILED DESCRIPTION Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 AR @4lff4 VMe 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R&gA~QgglOQi1Ar~~ G812 RUSSIAN T34/85 TANK "As Received" Condition: - No track. - No intercommunication system or radio, although loose wires that may have been used for such systems were found. - Sheet metal bent and tires gouged by rough handling. - Outside equipment included: 3 auxiliary tanks for lubricating oil or fuel. 5 track sections, 2 tool boxes on running boards. - No machine guns. - No lights or horn. - No periscopes. - No gun sights. Identifying Details: - Radio antenna on turret, ;instead of hull, as on Aberdeen tank. - Cast steel bogie wheels with solid tires. Aberdeen tank had drawn steel wheels and perforated tires. - Sharp edged front (Aberdeen was round nosed.) - Spare track sections in front (on side on Aberdeen tank). - Spare tanks on sides, provision for mounting similar tanks on rear and for dropping rear tanks from within the vehicle. - Cast turret except for welded top carried 85 mm gun. - Hatch over the commander had 3/4 opening lid on ball race, ap- parently to serve as machine gun mount. - Extra handles, and towing hooks, ,front and rear, with retaining members. Approved For Release 2000/04/18-- (9A-RDP81-01044E&OA 0 VIODO jgPP~ A L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044RUOO ~b~fD~~'~ 4A L CONFIDENTIAL - 20 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R6Mbbbf60O! CLE 0 C) c Z o Uri z H U) z x 0 0 b 4-4 t. - 21 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1A 25X1A 0010.2 - T34 RUSSIAN TANK - RIGHT SIDE App,roved`ForLL Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 9m b$WPbf M ease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044 Mbb0 & 'E4 23 - CON FIDEN TI AIL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 $9pW4'Y rIVT f kpase 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007 ENGINE V12 Diesel, a conversion of the Hispano-Suiza aircraft engine. Size 2370 Cubic inches displacement 150 mm bore (5.9 inches) 180 mm stroke (7.1 inches) Rating 500 Brake horsepower at 1800 rpm 1665 pound feet brake torque at 1200 rpm Weight 2000 pounds, without fan, clutch, transmission, or fluids. Materials All large castings are aluminum alloy, excepting only the cylinder head covers. All major working parts are nickel- chrome alloy steel, most of them Krupp steel. Workmanship Not in every case as good as that on American tank engines, but apparently adequate for the purpose. Accessory German type fuel injection pump - 12 plunger assemblies Equipment in line. 24 volt electric starter with over-running clutch drive. Air starter system in addition, with two storage cylinders charged at approximately 1000 psi providing the source of energy. Electric generator to help carry the electrical load and to charge the storage batteries. Estimated capacity: 75 am- peres. (No- auxiliary generator plant was provided in the T34, however). Fuel oil filter, with thick felt element. Lubricating oil filter, with three edge-type concentric cy- lindrical elements connected in parallel, and with an over- pressure bypass valve. Centrifugal water pump with a pressurized grease reservoir for continuous lubrication of the pump bearing. Lubricating oil pump, actually three pumps in tandem, with one pump serving as pressure source for the engine, and the two other pumps serving as scavenge pumps to transfer oil from the engine crankcase to the oil cooler and the two oil storage tanks. Fuel oil pump, vane type, constant displacement, with relief valve, to transfer fuel from the fuel tanks to the injection pump and to maintain a constant pressure on the latter. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 ?5C IA-RDP81-010VP_a U-M o j~Q j,pf p -L4 n 0 z v m z Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 4. Air starter distributor 1 Water pump filter : 2 Fuel transfer pump 5. Fuel Oil Filter ti . 3. Head cover 6. ng Lubrica 0100 a - ENGINE ~ FRONT RIGHT VIEW use 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B C^VoC 95Vrte 700 a r{e ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001 01-4 - FRONT LEFT VIEW 1. Water pump 6. Cylinder block 2. Fuel transfer pump 7. Cylinder head 3. Lower crankcase 8. Cylinder head cover 4. Upper crankcase 9. Camshaft drive shaft housing 5. Generator 10. Tachometer drive - 27 - CONFIDENVIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0100 f - ENGINE 25X1 B 1. Fuel filter 4. Water connections 2 _ Feel infector connections 5. Exhaust manifold 3. Intake manifolds Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0100 g - ENGINE REAR RIGHT VIEW 1. Oil filter 4. Governor 2. Oil return front heads to crankcase 5. ' it starer 3. Water line connections 6. 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 1. Ivnelawr J. ridLer NllLU 2. Fuel transfer pump 4. Lubricating oil pump Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 100 q - ENGINE 25X1 B 1. Aluminum head gasket 3. Generator bracket 2. Water ports with rubber gaskets Z. Piston Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 1. 2. 3. Connecting rod assembly 4. Auxiliary connecting rod pin Main connecting rod bearing cap Main bearing cap 5. Main connecting rod bearing insert -I ;a.ti. 8 CJA-RfEal-0 -4R00o,J00 4 ,,.-,. ... pproved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0101 b - UPPER CRANKCASE - ENGINE 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0101.0.1 - LOWER CRANKCASE, INSIDE VIEW - ENGINE PA?~IA AF ~,. ,_- 1Q44. , C 6pArp . Iease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R0001000 OT-4 ENGINE - CYLINDER BLOCK The steel wet liner sleeves. are provided with a top shoulder that fits directly against the aluminum . casting counterbore and is held in close contact by pressure from the cylinder head. The liner sleeves are sealed at the lower end by rubber rings. Natural rubber is used to make the water seal rings and a neoprene-type synthetic rubber is used for the oil seal rings. These rings are slid, between the liner and the cylinder block until they come to a stop against a shoulder on the liner, and are com- pressed into this space when the block is bolted to the upper crankcase. Note the triangular pads near the bottom of the cylinder block at each end. The pad shown at the right of the photograph was used to provide connection for water from the water pump. The pad at the left was simply covered and served no purpose on this engine. It appeared as though the block was made symetrical in this respect to be used as either _a right- hand or a left-hand block. It seems surprising, however, that all machining was completed so that studs and a cover plate had to be provided. The cylinder block is made of a silicon-aluminum alloy. The perma- nent mold, sand core method of casting is used. The cylinder liners are made of a nitralloy.steel and..are nitrided on the inside and zinc plated on the water side. Four cylinder liners removed from engine - were gauged for uniformity of bore. Excellence of machining and freedom from wear are indicated by these measurements. The measurements are contained in the accompanying table. This table reveals only small variation due to taper and out-of-roundness in the liners. checked. Taper of the top three inches, a possible measure of wear such as might have been accelerated by dust passing through the air cleaners, was very slight. None of the liners showed any appreciable scoring or other local wear. If the 741 km shown on the vehicle odometer was correct, it would be likely that very little dusty operation of the engine occurred. 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP81-0104eF 1 j%_W9Qc4 ENGINE CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ~fc Cd CV 4) .-r E cd W r-L H N M 00 Co O r-I O O N ri co O O ri O V V 00 m cJ O3 co aD co O O O O O O co L co O O O N O ?CD co O O O O 00 O) O O O ri co Co co CD CO L'- Co tf) O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O LLB Lf) Lf) IL Lt LCi LO LC; O L6 L6 m c Lf) N C- L - (D O O O O O3 N . co; Co O O` a) O O LCD Lt) tf) O co L` L -- C) O O cn 1w V O co p O o) O dt Lf) L Q) O O o O O tom- C- t - O O O O O co co co N N O O O O co co m r-4 uj to co C.0 L- L- O O O O O O O O Q) O Lf) tf) U LC LC N co L`- t- O O O O co m L- L- O O O O LC) ? L6 Lt; td L6 LCD Lt C> o LO Ld LL7 ui m O .-i O 1: - O O O_ O C a) LO LCD If; O O co O O O O In Lf) Lfl m m i co O O O O O tt~ M O O O O O O CO L O CA O O O O c 00 co t- O O O' O O N L-- a0 co O O O O O 0) O O O O O O O N O co co O O O O CONFIDENTIAL - 36 - C~1 O' co 00 O O O O Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001 co co co N Co co O O O O O O L- co co t- co co O O O M. to O IC) Lf) L6 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0101.1 c - CYLINDER BLOCK, TOP VIEW - ENGINE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE Q ~1 F p Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0104400010~0~~1~-f ENGINE - CYLINDER HEAD The cylinder heads fasten to the cylinder blocks by 14 studs of 18 mm diameter, which go through the blocks into the upper crankcase, and 24 smaller studs, which screw Into the head and are secured by nuts under a shoulder on the block. An aluminum gasket provides the seal between the head and the cy- linder liners. Concentric grooves are machined into the face of the head around each combustion space and into the shoulder of the liners, to pro- vide a more positive seal with the gasket. The aluminum gasket provides no water passage seal between the head and block. This sealing is done by rubber grommets located by clearance holes in the aluminum gasket. These grommets are provided with tubular brass cores that serve to pre- vent the reduction of water passage area when the grommets are crushed between the head and block. The combustion space in the head has been machined. Four openings are provided in each combustion space for Inlet and exhaust ports. The openings (the intake and exhaust ports into the combustion space) are ma- chined to receive steel valve seat inserts, which are pressed in against the shoulders provided. The valve guide bushings are also steel. (See photograph 0101.2k. The German report mentions bronze valve seat inserts and guides. Two more openings into the' combustion space are provided, One is for the fuel injection nozzle and is located in the top center of the combustion space. The other opening is located on the intake side of the combustion space and is to introduce the compressed air used for starting the engine. The head is made of an aluminum-silicon casting. The permanent o m ld with sand core process was used. The sand cores were necessary to form the intake and exhaust ports and the water jacketing. The clean-out. holes for removal of the sand cores had been machined and threaded to' receive brass lu A fib p gs. rous cord was wrapped around each plug just' under the shoulder, presumably to aid in sealing. The heads were designed so that the same mold could be used for. castin either of th M g em. achining differences made them no longer inter CONFIDENT L - 38 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0101.2 k - CYLINDER HEAD SECTION - ENGINE 1. Exhaust port 4. Intake port f% TT..I~... 1.].. G TT..1~.,- at 6. Valve aloe vaiv seat 3. Water jacket ports d POt Refeas'e.=2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ApQtp1*t;lIIdoB'RllMte 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R0001000700(F laiNE ENGINE - CYLINDER HEAD COVERS Three different designs of cylinder head covers were found on the two G812 engines. All were cast iron in contrast to the aluminum castings used for other major engine parts. The covers on engine had no access plates for servicing of injector nozzles. The entire ea cover had to be removed to do any servicing of the injector nozzles. Both covers on engine_ had removable access plates. On one of these covers, the plates were steel stampings and on the other they were cast iron. It is probable that the head with steel plates is a replace- ment, since the other head was finished to match other iron castings on the engine. Head covers were cast to be used on either engine bank, but ma- chining differences made the head covers no longer interchangeable. 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIAMDP81-01044R00MWDD Et44T.I A L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 1a 000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001i,4. AporriJPUNA 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000W INE 25X1 B CRANKSHAFT ENGINE This crankshaft, machined all over, was found to have been forged rather than turned from a billet. Note the provision of the ba]'.1 thrust bearing between the two rear main bearings. No difference was found between the two crankshafts from the two engines examined. 25X1 B CRANKSHAFT THRUST BEARING - -ENGINE This precision ball bearing had the following dimensions: ID 100 mm OD 135 mm Width 25 mm The axial play of this bearing and :retainer assembly would be deter- mined by the tolerances on five pieces, yet the play was judged to be less than .002, even though no shims were used. A corresponding ring groove in the crankcase and in the bearing cap provided approximately the same precision of location for the bearing at these points. Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA DP81-01044R00O 71Q O N4I A IL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0102 - CRANKSHAFT - ENGINE 1. Spline for accessories drive, 3. Rear oil seal assembly and crankshaft oil supply inlet 4. Fan and clutch spline 2. Ball thrust bearing raved For" Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE fip$W68 TF abase 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY A main and auxiliary connecting rod system was used on this engine, rather than both connecting rods (of each pair) operating directly on the crankshaft journal. This arrangement helped to make the engine shorter and lighter than otherwise would have been possible. The pistons had five rings. Two of them were compression type and three were oil seal rings. All rings were 2.5 mm in height. The piston top was curved to improve fuel distribution and combustion. The lower edges of the two bottom oil ring grooves were chamfered and drilled to permit oil scraped from the cylinder walls to collect and return to the crankcase. The underside of the piston top was finned, probably to aid in cooling and to give strength to the piston top. The piston pin bosses were recessed on the outside to reduce weight and small holes were drilled through to the inside of the piston to return collected oil to the crankcase. The piston was pinned to the connecting rod with a hollow steel pin. This pin was a press fit in the piston bosses at room temperature. Piston pin bosses were drilled to permit oil to reach the pin. This indicates that the pin may have been intended to float at operating temperatures. The connecting rod bushing was a running fit. Piston pins and the cylinder walls were lubricated by oil thrown from the crankshaft. Pistons shown in the German report had six rings. The ring that was later omitted was a 5 mm oil scraper ring that had been located im- mediately above the piston pin bosses. The Aberdeen tank had five rings. The auxiliary rod was pinned to the main rod by a hollow steel pin, which was pressed in and held in place by a large cap-type screw. This screw was locked to prevent loosening by a thin brass washer with a tab which was bent up into a notch in the screw head. Any tendency of the screw to loosen would not meet much resistance from the brass washer. Considering the tendency of the Russians to securely lock every nut and bolt that could possibly come loose, it is peculiar that. they should depend upon this type of lock for such an important application as a connecting rod pin. The main rod bearing cap was fastened to the rod by six studs. The studs were screwed into the connecting rod and were then drilled and pinned to lock them. The nuts and bearing caps were marked after assembly to indicate how far the nuts should be screwed down (if the engine is later overhauled) to obtain the same torque setting that was originally used. The nuts were machined all over and were individually numbered to cor- respond with numbers on the bearing cap so that, if the engine is later overhauled, the nuts can be returned to the same studs they were removed from. Nuts were locked by cotterpins. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIX-RDP81-01044RM'I'b6ba'_ 4A L Co N F! D N TI AL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Engine Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly The pistons and piston pin plugs were made of a silicon-aluminum alloy. The connecting rods, pins, and bearing caps were of steel. Piston rings were cast iron and bearings were of copper alloys. The connecting rods were forged, machined all over and hand polished. The pistons were also forged. Part of the inside of the piston skirt had been milled, probably to help balance the assemblies and reduce their over- all weight. The milling was not evenly done, the result being uneven wall thicknesses on opposite sides of the piston skirt. Dimensional checks on several pistons revealed such random variation in wall thickness as to indicate that this unevenness was not intentional. The piston diameter was 150 mm and height was 120 mm. The piston pin bushing on the main connecting rod and both bushings on the auxiliary rod were cast bronze and were held in the rod bores with hollow rivets. The main connecting rod bearings were steel backed lead copper inserts. The piston pin plugs were turned from silicon-aluminum bar stock. They were not fastened to the piston pin, but floated loosely between the pin and the cylinder wall. The main connecting rod assembly could not be easily removed from the upper crankcase because openings in the crankcase were not large enough to permit passage of either the piston or the large end of the main rod. To remove one of the main rod assemblies, it would be necessary to (1) pull the piston pin, separate the piston from the rod, and remove the rod through the bottom; or (2) remove three of the six stads at the large end of the connecting rod and remove the assembly through the top. Before the studs can be removed, however, it is necessary to drill out the pins that lock them. All parts in the assembly were well made and, judging from the number of inspection stamps, had been carefully inspected. It is apparent that the Russians had recognized the need for dependability of these ;parts and had made them with extreme care to provide that dependability. Pistons and bearings showed very little wear on either engine. CONFIDENTIAL - 46 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0104 - PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY - ENGINE 1. Connecting rod piston pin cap 6. Auxiliary connecting rod 2. Connecting rod piston pin 7. Auxiliary connecting rod pin 3. Piston rings 8. Main connecting rod hearing liners(.shells) 4. Piston 9. Main connecting rod bearing cap 5. Main connecting rod Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE OO N~y Fp DD EE NN Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R0-00100~70001T~ A t 25X1 B 25X1 B ENGINE - INTAKE AND EXHAUST VALVES These valves were of the same design as that used on the original Hispano Suiza engine. The valve adjustment is made by screwing the tappet in or out of the hollow valve stem. The tappet is locked by a serrated disc, which is splined to the valve stem and held in contact with the tappet by the valve spring. On the spare engine the valves were locked to prevent rotation by ears or lugs on each end of the larger valve spring which fitted into notches in the cylinder head and the tappet lock. The engine removed from the tank was not provided with this anti- rotation device, and the valves were allowed to turn freely. Even on that engine, however, it appeared as though the valves did very little turning, having moved only two or three times in the life of the engine. Apparently this movement was an occasional jump rather than a steady rotation. 25X1 B The valves and tappets were forged steel. Valve sprin s,on the spare engine were zinc plated and on engine were oxide coated. We ves appeared to be well made, except that threads in tappets and valves did not fit well. The valves are adjusted by removing the head covers and using a special wrench to disengage the tappet lock serrations and turn the tappet. - 41 A1p?c &J pci Me 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0105.1.0 a - VALVES - ENGINE 1. Exhaust valve 4. Valve springs 9. Spring spat and tappet lock 5. Intake valve 3. Valve tappet Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 1-4 ye_ eJea 20,001041 18 CIA-RQPJIJ -QJ 0441200010007 8ewPO LFAWAlgase 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000*44 ENGINE - CAMSHAFTS The intake camshaft, driven by one of the accessory drive shafts, carries a gear cluster consisting of a spur gear and a bevel gear. The exhaust camshaft is driven from the spur gear. Timing of the individual camshafts is provided for by splined sleeves between the camshafts and -driving gears. The sleeve is held in place by a notched head bolt and can be backed out, allowing the sleeve and camshaft to turn while the gear remains stationary. The gears are located concentrically on the camshaft by riding on the shoulders provided. The splines are therefore subjected to torque load only. Oil is supplied to the hollow center of these camshafts through the large hole in the journal nearest the gears, which receives oil through a groove in its bearing. There is a continuous discharge of oil from each of the individual cams and at each of the other six bearing journals on each camshaft. The oil feed holes are .040 inches in diameter. The individual cams are alike on all four camshafts but are located differently on exhaust and intake camshafts because of different rotation directions. Valve lift provided by the cams is .510 inches. The tachometer drive is driven from the right intake camshaft through a tongue provided on the front oil plug, which fits into a slot on the tachometer drive input shaft. The camshafts were forged roughly to shape before machining. They were case hardened on the cam surfaces only. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : -CPA-RDP81-01044R0Q40Db W@TJ4p- L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 00 25X1 B viv.IJ.u - iAwII1LA1,L JJ Ll\r71~L " !For R~~ a 2x00/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ' 4?I JMWT Tease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001 4 25X1 B 0105.4 - LEFT CAMSHAFT DRIVE ASSEMBLY - ENGINE 1. Exhaust camshaft 3. Intake camshaft 2. Fuel injection nozzle - 53 - CONFII)ENTIA.L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0104A6b&1F0bqfd631I L 25X1 B On the newer manifold, the second boss was not provided. Apparently the matter of eliminating bosses had been confused, and it appears as though one of the bosses removed was the wrong one. had been made to accommodate the new type cleaner. ENGINE - INTAKE MANIFOLDS Intake manifolds were made of stamped steel parts welded together. Note that the intake manifolds shown are from different engines. On the older engine, four bosses were provided for the attachment of other parts, whereas on the newer engine there were only two such bosses. The front- most bosses (extreme right in photograph) were to support the fuel filter on both manifolds. The rearmost boss on the older manifold was used to support the water radiator filler tube. 25X1 B No provision was made to support the filler tube on engine although the filler tube provided with the en ' e had the same type of brack- et that was used on engine The two middle bosses on the older engine were not used and appear to have been provided to support the old hat-type air cleaner, even though that cleaner was no longer used and other modifications of the manifolds ONFID T Al - 54 - F Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0108.0 - INTAKE MANIFOLDS 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 A~Od For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-0104414(!0'4 bb90'IA L ENGINE INSTRUMENT PANEL The G812 tank had a panel providing four circular openings for gauges. Three of these were occupied as follows: Water temperature gauge 0-125 C Oil temperature gauge 0-125 C Oil pressure gauge 0-15 atmospheres The fourth opening at the extreme left was unoccupied but had been intended for the engine tachometer, judging from the accompanying data on engine operating speeds. The tachometer, however, was found to be mounted on the same panel as the speedometer,. just as had been noted in the Aberdeen report. It appears as though the tachometer may have been moved. from the earlier location to the engine instrument panel, and then bacjc to its original location in still later production. APP1i-11IMNIRe1ease 2000/04/18: IA-RDP81-010448000100070001 ApCON proved ForVetease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070 ft~ 1. Water temperature gauge 2. Oil temperature gauge 3. Oil pressure gauge 4. Translated as follows: "Oil pressure Normal 6.9 atmospheres At 600-800 rpm not less than 2 atmospheres To be run more than 10 minutes with com- pletely depressed clutch at idle speed." 5. Translated as follows: "Outlet oil at not more than 1000 . Start movement in low gears." 6. Translated as follows: "Outlet water at not more than 105?. Do not start movement until oil temperature reaches 45 0 and water temperature 50-:i5?. 7. Translated as follows: "Number of Revolutions Not more than 1800 Normal 1600-1700 Warming up motor not more than 600-800." - 57 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 App W&Wi h 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81 EMN4MWWPMb 4TEM ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM One oil supply tank of 17.5 gallons capacity was located on each side of the engine. The tanks were filled from outside the hull, through armor- plate-covered access openings. The tank inlets were covered by removable caps. These caps were also pressure relief valves. Output lines from the two tanks joined and supplied oil to the hand operated oil pump and the high pressure bank of the engine operated oil pump. The engine operated oil pump forced the oil through the oil 'filter to the oil manifold on the front of the engine, at a pressure regulated by a built-in relief valve. The oil filter also had a pressure relief valve, to by-pass oil in case the filter element became plugged. The oil manifold distributed the oil to the various engine components and to the crankshaft journals. The oil, after lubricating the various engine parts, was drained to the crankcase. The two low pressure banks of the oil pump received the oil from the crankcase and pumped it to the scavenge oil control valve, which directed it either to the oil filter and engine or to the oil radiator. Oil from the radiator was then piped back to the supply tanks. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CTAADP81-01044R0QjtQQQJ(1t#I A L E Nr ve _~ ~Jor i' eie ase'Tthb4/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044hRd1 d " L Approve or a ease - 60 A$$re kh&hse 2000/04/18 : C A-RDP81-01044R000100070001 ApFORNA MW NA694e 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP8WlW$4RM590081St Enn 25X1 B 5X1 B ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM - ENGINE DRIVEN OIL PUMP This three-bank gear type pump serves two purposes: (1) to deliver oil under pressure to the oil filter and from there to the oil manifold at the front of the crankshaft; and (2) to remove all oil from the lower crankcase. This oil is normally sent to the oil radiator and from there to the oil tanks but can be directed to the oil filter for increasing the supply to the crank- shaft. The. scavenge oil control valve provides this selective control. The pump is located under the lower crankcase near the front of the engine and is driven from the same accessory drive train that drives the fuel transfer pump and water pump. High pressure supply is provided to the oil filter by the lowest gear bank of the pump. Pressure is controlled by an adjustable pressure relief valve. The other two banks provide the low pressure oil supply to the radiator. The uppermost bank removes oil from the front of the crank- case and the middle bank input is connected to a sump at the rear of the crankcase. Sump draining is thus provided for, during operation at an angle. The low pressure inlets are covered by a perforated metal screen, which could be expected to remove only large chips of metal. The Aberdeen report showed a cup shaped screen which covered the entire pump top. The screen on both G812 pumps covered only the. inlet port. In the pump from engine conventional square keys connected the driving shaft to its gears. In the pump from engine flat keys were used instead. All body members of the pump are permanent mold silicon-aluminum alloy castings. All other parts are steel, except for the copper-alloy bush- ings in the driven gears, which turn on a fixed shaft. The pump is easily reached for servicing. A plate in the hull bottom can be removed from beneath the tank, exposing the oil pump for easy removal. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :-C?A-RDP81-01044RftP %QIf.i4A L ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM CON F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0106.1 a. - ENGINE LUBRICATING OIL PUMP - ENGINE 1. Outlet to oil filter 5. 2. Oil to scavenge oil control valve 3. Drive gear 6. 4. Inlet from front of lower crankcase 7. CONFIDENTIAL Inlet from rear of lower crankcase Inlet from oil tanks Pressure regulating by- pass valve Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Ci$KUPc'2rIF ease 2000/04/18: CIA-R[ *1bWJI1k '19d0TM'X&4 . ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM HAND OPERATED OIL PUMP This small piston-type pump receives oil from the oil tanks and supplies it to the oil manifold on the front of the engine. The pump is hand operated and is of such small capacity that it would be of little use in the event of failure of the engine driven oil pump. It could, however, be used to pump oil to the engine before it is started, thus insuring enough lubrication to avoid scoring and scuffing. The pump is located at the rear of the fighting compartment and would be operated by the fighting crew rather than the driver or machine gunner. The pump body is made of cast iron. The piston is of cast iron or steel and is provided with two felt rings. The pump valves are two spring loaded ball checks. Approved For Release 2000/04/1863CIA-RDP81-010 a0DlDQ 1da0M14 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0106,1,3 b - HAND OPERATED OIL PUMP ASSEMBLY - ENGINE 1. Handle 3. Body 9 Dic-- A l~hnnL .+n1..., LI, 1 lU4V YL Z? %,XIUCn vaL VC.0 0..f or,,Release.;:2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 AF (%EhK WJFTAl6&se 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP? 4U 44 ffMIOYIMT*nn ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM - OIL FILTER The three filter elements in this assembly were found to be in parallel. A pressure relief was provided to by-pass oil if the filter became clogged. The filter elements were of the edge-type, being formed by winding a narrow brass strip edgewise into a closely packed helix. Depressions rolled into the strip provided clearance space of .0032-.0040 inches for the oil to pass through. The lands which were allowed to remain between the rolled depressions served to space the successive turns of the helix. The oil filter assemblies on the two G812 engines differed slightly. 25X1 B Both had sand cast aluminum-alloy filter housings, but the methods of sup- port of the wound helix were different. In the filter from engine the inner wall of each element was formed by the cast aluminum cylinder on which the ribbon was wound. Ribs cast on the outside of these aluminum cylinders provide oil flow space. The inner wall of each element in the 25X1 B filter from engine - was formed of a corrugated fiber-like paper cylinder. The German report describes a "light alloy oil filter" consisting of a sieve circuit with 20 circular sieves through which the lubricating oil flows. They also give the total filtering surface area as 800 square centimeters, or 52 square inches. The two G812 filters each had a total filter area of 215 square inches. The filters mentioned in the German and Aberdeen reports were mounted on bosses cast integrally with the lower crankcase. The filters on the G812 engines were mounted on cast iron brackets which bolted to the upper crankcase. Two of the bosses on the lower crankcase formerly used for the oil filter now support the water pump lubrication assembly. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 8iA-RDP81-01044M0nO IJOEOGI L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0106.2.1 - OIL FILTER - ENGINE 1. Cover 3. Filter elements 2. Housing 2 1.:8 : CffA-RDP8,1-01044RO00100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 n1 nae2iry - MT. FTT.TF.R - FNGTNE V1VVVV Vau aasraa~~~ ~~. ~~-.- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 h+6 f?RN*U?*T 0/04/18: C IA-RDP81-0104MO0U610WF4 QQ t4 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM - OIL RADIATOR This radiator appears to be made of the same core that is used for the two-tube section of the water radiator core. End tanks are made of drawn steel. The tanks are partitioned to force the oil to go the complete length of the radiator four times. Inlet and outlet fittings are on the same end tank. This tank is provided with a by-pass pressure relief valve to permit oil to go from inlet directly through the tank to the outlet, in case the radiator becomes plugged. Pressure in the oil radiator would probably be quite low, since only the resistance of oil flow through it would create back pressure. The radiator is supplied from the low pressure, high capacity side of the oil pump. The cooling area of the oil radiator is approximately 500 square inches. The core is 1-5/8 inches thick and capacity of the radiator was 3.3 quarts. The German report mentions "one oil cooler for each cylinder bank." The Aberdeen report made no mention of an oil radiator, nor did the photo- graphs show one. c pre1' FtsriFOeiease 2000/04/18 0CC1A-RDP81-01044R000100070001' ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM CApproved F or fthease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 CON FIDENIrIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM ~~11 pp DD Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0104 RMSI00Mb1 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM - SCAVENGE OIL CONTROL VALVE This cylindrical plug cock valve is used as a two-port three-way valve. The long tubular connections brazed to the valve body are in ver- tical position on the engine, the left end in the photograph being on the bottom. Oil enters this lower end from the sump -pump output, flows past the oil temperature fitting shown entering at an angle, and may then be directed by this valve to the oil radiator or directly to the oil filter, and so back into the engine. When the latter connection is established, the sump pumps operate at engine oil pressure, control being provided only by the pressure relief valve that normally serves the oil pressure bank in the oil pump. This provision of recirculating the sump oil can serve to accelerate the adequate supply of oil to all points in the engine when first starting and to speed the warming-up of the engine. The valve body is brass. The valve plug is steel, as are the con- necting tubes brazed to the body. After the tubes were brazed in place, the valve body and tube assembly was lead dipped. There is no lead on the inner surface, however, and the steel plug works directly in the brass body. The valve is fastened to the engine fighting compartment bulkhead and is controlled from the fighting compartment. Tprovec Por e~'ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000'1 CONFIDENTIAL ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 71 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE LUB 1 ATl N SYST Approved or ielease 100/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01S!?4W,6dAbMb &1-4 25X1 B ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM - OIL MANIFOLD This manifold serves as a means for providing connection between the lubricating oil supply and the crankshaft. Oil coming through this entry is also piped off in several directions to provide a supply to other parts of the engine. The flanged assembly is bolted directly to the crankcase, straddling the two halves of the case. There is also an entry port from a hand operated oil pump. There is no check valve to prevent the oil from the hand operated pump from flowing backward into the oil filter, and from there into the engine operated oil pump. On the crankcase on the - engine, there was an additional port for outgoing oil which directed oil to the group of gears driving the fuel transfer pump, water pump, and the oil pump. The connection to this port in the crankcase was made through a drilled passage added to the oil manifold, requiring no outside piping in this case. The other major oil feed lines were provided by outside pipes, however, with all of the attendant risk of the developing of a leak under the severe vibration encountered. Apparently sufficient oil pressure was developed in this manifold even with. the bushing away from its face seat to insure that the bushing would be' I movement to provide for imperfect alignment between the crankshaft and the oil manifold. The bushing was retained, however, with an internal expanding snap ring so that no more than .050 axial movement could occur. Connection to the crankshaft was provided by a brass bushing having running fit with the end of the crankshaft and a flange that seated against the inside face of this oil manifold assembly. Apparently oil pressure was counted upon to push the bushing flange against the face of the housing to provide a seal. There was no spring to hold the bushing in place before oil pressure was developed. The bushing was allowed over .030 lateral pushed onto its seat. a carburized and hardened surface at the brass bushing running surface. The oil manifold body was cast iron. The inner flange was steel with C 0 W~ Poi TF&.IReIease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070 C O N F I D E N T I A L ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044RAMMA J14L ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM HOLLOW CHAMBER The lower connection of this empty vessel was attached to the output line from the oil radiator. The upper connections went to the two oil tanks. The vessel was welded all over, with no means provided for access to the contents. One possible use of the chamber is to trap water vapor. The chamber was found in a high point in lines joining the oil radiator and the t l wo oi storage tanks. Water vapor rising into the chamber would condense and drop to the bottom where, if it froze, no harm would be done. Later operation of the tank, with consequent rise of the oil te mper- ature to and above the water boiling point, would automatically dispose of the entrapped water. VONFIDNTI - 'Y Approved FFor ft ease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP PWV&4A8Wffd8Y0b61r 'M 75 CON FIIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Ap6RNM8 KF kl(N&We 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044RUC)04i B'Y 'EM AIR STARTER SYSTEM DISTRIBUTOR This distributor serves as a rotary valve to connect a supply of high pressure air to the several engine cylinders in proper sequence. The high pressure air (1000 psi) comes from two storage cylinders in the hull. Steel tubing is used for all connections to and from the air distributor. Check valves located at the. tubing fittings leading into the cylinder heads prevent reverse flow of combustion products when the cylinders begin to fire. The distributor is interposed in the drive train leading to the fuel in- jection pump. It is timed by the use of a drive bushing that is splined both internally and externally to permit differential adjustment. This timing setting also affects the fuel injection pump, since the drive to this pump Is through the distributor. An adjustment for the injection pump alone can then be made at the coupling joining the pump to the distributor. The rotary slide valve is spring loaded. There is no seal other than provided by the metal-to-metal fit, which is excellent. About 120 degrees duration is provided for air injection, the valve opening occurring at about 6 degrees before top center. This distributor, with its bevel gear drive, is provided with pressure lubrication through a drilled channel. The shaft to the injection pump is provided with a spiral groove intended as an oil retainer. The distributor housing and cover are aluminum alloy sand castings. The steel shaft at the output to the injection pump runs directly on the casting. The gears are shaper-cut. The internal and external splines serving to provide differential adjustment for timing were very well ma- chined. The mating faces of the rotary valve parts were very smoothly ground. They showed virtually no wear. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CU-RDP81-01044Fi'000 (MU W11 I L AIR STARTER SYSTEM CON F I D E N T 1441, Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 CONFIDINfIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0'1044Ft(:fJTMTM TEM AIR STARTER SYSTEM CHECK VALVES These valves (one per 'cylinder) screw directly into the cylinder head and lead to the air discharge passage that opens into the combustion space. These valves allow compressed air to enter the cylinders during air starter operation, but prevent combustion products from flowing back into the air starter during regular firing operation. Both the valve and the seat appear to be ground. The guide lands on the valve stem are a close fit in the valve bore. Note that the spring is square ended, having been wound in this manner and ground. The member serving as spring seat and nut is knurled to facilitate assembly without tools. This nut is held to the valve stem by a cotterpin. Both nut and stem are drilled, and there is no provision for adjustment unless this drilling is done after assembly, with each spring being set to provide proper compression. The check valves found in the engine were the same as those in engine 25X1 B 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044FMOQ44FOWE1ONi.A L AIR STARTER SYSTEM CON F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 x u U Ei ~~nca m W a~ Ei C .., W $4 sz: bn ? Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 = APPb%U EM IR6lbbse 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044 OOMMO Y DRIVE.SYSTEM ENGINE - ACCESSORY DRIVE SYSTEM The main accessory drive gear (item 1) is splined to the crankshaft in back of the oil inlet bearing and drives the whole accessory system. This gear, although splined, is not tightly fastened to the crankshaft but is permitted to slide on the splines in case end play of the crankshaft occurs. The gear is retained by accessory drive gears in front and by a hardened forged steel plate at the rear. The plate is provided with passages to permit oil leaking past the first main bearing to escape to the crankcase. The generator drive (items 2, 3, and 4) consists of a series of bevel gears and shafts. The two shafts run on aluminum alloy bearings. The final output shaft . to the generator has a helical groove machined in it to help reduce the amount of oil that leaks past the bearing. No other seal is provided here. The speed ratio of generator to engine is 1.5 to 1. The upper accessory drive shaft assembly (item 5) is supported at the top by an aluminum alloy bearing and at the bottom by a self-aligning, double ball bearing. The lower bevel gear runs on the main accessory drive gear. The smaller bevel gear, near the middle of the shaft and made integrally with the shaft, drives the camshafts. The upper gear drives the air starter distributor which is, in turn, coupled to the fuel injection pump and governor. The camshafts, air starter, distributor, fuel injection pump, and governor all run at 0.5 engine speed. The bevel gear shaft (item 10) is splined to the spur gear shaft below it (item 15) which drives the water pump, oil pump, and fuel transfer pump. Both shafts run on aluminum alloy bearings cast integral with the lower crankcase. The water pump (item 14) is coupled directly to the gear and runs at 1.5 engine speed. An idler gear (item 13) to drive the fuel transfer pump is driven by the spur gear. The idler gear consists of two parts; a spur gear and a smaller bevel gear pressed into the hollow spur gear. Another bevel gear, coupled directly to the fuel transfer pump, is driven by the first bevel gear. Fuel transfer pump speed is 0.7857 engine speed. The oil pump (item 17) is driven through an idler gear (item 16) which is supported by a ball bearing. The oil pump is driven at 1.725 engine speed. All bevel gears are adjusted laterally with steel washers or, when the gear shaft runs on a removable bearing, paper gaskets. All gears checked were made of Krupp steel. No failures or signs of failures were noted on these gears on either engine examined. The life of the lower gears may have been greatly lengthened by the addition of the lubricating oil connection provided, by the newer oil manifold described earlier. The fact ' remains, however, that the gears from the older engine, which was not provided with this extra oil connection, were also in excellent condition. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104f6"p6% Q4Q' ( ENGINE ACCESSORY aApW%vA*fiQr Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-0104 ff810C0W"L4 25X1 B 0109.1 - ENGINE ACCESSORY DRIVES - ENGINE I 1., Main accessory drive gear, splined to crankshaft (27 teeth) 2. Generator drive housing 3. Generator drive, output bevel gear assembly (18 teeth) 4. Generator drive, input bevel gear assembly (18 teeth on each end) 5. Air distributor and injection pump drive assembly 6. Air starter system distributor 7. Camshaft drive assembly from upper gear on air distributor and in- jection pump drive 8. Camshaft drive shaft 9. Steel plate behind main drive gear to maintain gear alignment 10. Lower accessory drive shaft, upper part (18 teeth) 11. Fuel transfer pump 12. Fuel transfer pump drive (21 teeth) 13. Fuel transfer pump idler gear (23 teeth input, 11 teeth output) 14. Water pump 15. Lower accessory drive shaft, lower part (23 teeth) 16. Oil pump drive idler gear (36 teeth) 17. Oil pump (20 teeth input) C _A'llfr ,&I1l dl~l#elease 2000/04/12: CIA-RDP81-0104480001000700: ENGINE ACCESSORY Approve or e'Pease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000 QQ7090IE44 83 CONFIDEN'T'IAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 ENGINE ACCESSORY App trMFMWelease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-010441=0+ OOD7 141ta L ENGINE - TACHOMETER DRIVE This small bevel gear pair serves to drive the tachometer flexible shaft. The input shaft has a self-aligning feature which consists of a short shaft pinned to the input shaft by a single pin. Movement of the camshaft tongue in a slot in the input shaft end provides the crosswise component of movement in. case of mis-alignment. The bevel gears are spaced by steel washers. The body is of aluminum alloy, cast in a permanent mold with sand core. Bearings are cast :integrally with the body parts. The assembly is lubricated by oil splashed from the camshaft into two holes in the input bearing. The output shaft has a helical groove to help prevent oil leakage through the output shaft bearing. No other seal is provided at this point. This assembly was fastened to the cylinder head cover by four studs. A red sealing compound consisting of iron oxide in a drying oil was used instead of a gasket. Paper gaskets were used to seal the output shaft pilot bearing body. C RpNpM D "' 114 - i bM*blease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000 E ENGINE ACCESSORY Approved ortJa ease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R00(9?7OO011 25X1 B 0109.1.4 a - TACHOMETER DRIVE - ENGINE 1. Input shaft from intake camshaft drive 3. Body 2. Output shaft to tachometer cable 85 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 9PO IPbf Mlease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044Rp.4AtWW CLUTCH, FAN, AND STARTER RING GEAR ASSEMBLY The main clutch consists of 22 alternate drive and driven discs, which were compressed by 16 springs. The pressure on the discs is relieved (to disengage the clutch) by compressing the springs with a ball and ramp arrangement. The drive discs are serrated on their outer edge to match similar serrations on the inner surface of the outer clutch drum. The driven discs are serrated on their inner edge and fit over teeth machined on the outer surface of the driven drum. The clutch output drum is splined to a flange which bolts to another flange splined to the transmission input pinion. The Aberdeen report had indicated difficulty with clutch slippage. There was no evidence on the G812 tank that the main clutch or the final drive clutches had been slipping unduly. On most of the clutch discs, it was possible to see the original Blanchard-type grinding marks. The disc internal and external diameters had been lathe turned and teeth appeared to be shaper cut. The fan is constructed of sheet steel parts, riveted together. The fan in the G812 tank was found to have the diameter of 35-1/2 inches. The Germans reported a fan diameter of 872 mm or 34-3/8 inches. The German report also describes the 30 blades as being 182 mm or 7-3/16 inches "high". The G812 fan blades, also 30 in number, are 6-3/8 inches wide. The width of the entire fan and flange assembly (without ring gear) was found to be 8-5/8 inches. If this were the dimension the German article referred to, it could mean that the G812 tank had a larger fan. The starter ring gear was bolted to the rear of the fan. The com- plete assembly was apparently then balanced by drilling metal from the ring gear flange. The edge of the ring gear was marked all the way around with angular designations, probably to aid in timing the camshafts and injection pump. The assembly is splined to the engine crankshaft and can go on only one way, because of a missing spline tooth and a matching obstruction on the crankshaft spline. Approved For Release 2000/04/1887 CIA-RDP81-0104 qqW JgZgqJJL4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 N M U, co a 1.4 1-4 -1 , r-r A U U W U- C) U U U in u z L- 00 m C) T-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007 FUEL SYSTEM nJ DD EEN Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-010 R0 1000 W 4 c lrWA P& Please 2000/04/18 i'CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 C O WOM'ik Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-0104AbbbTM 01-4 FUEL SYSTEM - INJECTOR PUMP This 12-cylinder fuel injection pump is a conventional German type and is described as a "PE 12B-100" injection pump with ball-type governor. The purpose of the injection pump is to deliver, under high pressure, a metered volume of fuel oil to the cylinder at the precise time for most efficient combustion. The amount of fuel to be delivered is regulated through small valves in the pump by the ball-type governor attached to the rear of the injection pump. 25X1 B The pump appears to be fairly well made and, although inferior to U. S. products in general overall quality and a earance entirely adequate for the application. The pump examined was comparable to an American made pump after approximately 3500 hours of service. It was estimated that the life of this pump would be 1000 hours. The camshaft was supported by two ball bearings (one at each end) and five two-piece aluminum bearings uniformly spaced along the camshaft with two cam lobes between bearings. This is a more rigid support than is usual in U. S. practice. The tappet rollers had needle bearings. U. S. practice is to use a loose steel sleeve-type ' bearing between the tappet pin and the tappet rollers. A desirable feature found on this pump and not common on U. S. pumps is the provision in the design of the control sleeves to permit the removal of the plunger from the top of the pump. Fuel is fed into both ends of the pump to insure adequate supply to all cylinders. The rear fuel supply line is also connected to an air bleed valve to remove air entrapped in the fuel system. Fuel leakage past the nozzle valves and plungers is drained into the crankcase where it mixes with the engine lubrication oil. Lubrication of the pump after installation (before leakage provides fuel oil lubrication) is evidently provided by pouring a small amount of oil into the camshaft compartment. An oil level dip- stick was provided on the pump to check for the presence of this oil before the engine was first started. Apparently, this dipstick was never used after the first oil supply was established. The dipstick location was not the same on the two G812 pumps (see photographs). The body of the pump and the five camshaft bearings were made of an aluminum alloy. Rubber gaskets were used to seal the delivery valve fittings. All other parts were of steel. The pump body was cast using the permanent mold with sand core process. Steel parts were machined all over and wearing surfaces appeared 25X1 B to be well ground. Tolerances were at the highs limit of U. S. standards, but were considered satisfactory. 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/64? 87- CIA-RDP81-O4VtWM(M4 W O01-4 FUEL SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R$6byd '66tJ 14k L Removal of intake manifolds and fuel injection lines would be neces- sary for servicing of the pump. The pump is fastened to the three cast iron brackets by six long thin bolts. The cast iron brackets were bolted to the upper crankcase. The long bolts were probably used to permit rocking of the pump to align it more perfectly with the air starter shaft and thus to minimize load on the phenolic laminate driving disc. More details on performance and dimensions are available in a sepa- rate report in the appendix. Photographs of the pump parts may also be found in the appendix. A$? IeUP~r ~~i%h se 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001 I ?I' Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B ngni i ? FTTFT, TNTFCTOR PUMP - ENGINE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0301,1 a - FiTFT. INTECTOR PUMP - RIGHT gTnV - ENGINE 25X1 B CIA-RDP81;-01044R000IQO97Qp 14, Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0301.1 b - FUEL INJECTOR PUMP - LEFT SIDE - ENGINE 1 nil Laval rlinetirk Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Aft Al 1 T1T T 11 T TATTT.t/'TllD r TTl1 RTl T t'wm QTT'% ' U3U1,1 e - r ULiL liliriI- ?Vj11 r i;.rir 1".L ~ -+ui+. llil lotrol - rc+inlr r ,8 CIA-RDP81-01044R00010,Q:070001.r4 ,.. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0301.3 - FUEL INJECTOR PUMP ASSEMBLY - ENGINE 1. Pump mounting bolts 14. Delivery valve body lock 2. Lock for pump mounting bolts 15. Delivery valve assembly 3. Pump mounting bracket 16. Pump body 4. Inspection plate 17. Fuel rack 5. Closing plug with felt cushion 18. Fuel rack stop 6. Tappet assembly 19. Coupling 7. Plunger, barrel, and spring assemblies 20. Camshaft nut and washer 8. Barrel set screw 21. Coupling key 9. Bearing set screw and washer 22. Camshaft and camshaft bearing assembly 10. Fuel inlets from filter 23. Ball bearing with oil thrower 11. Barrel set screw 24. End plate 12. Screw for, delivery valve body lock 25. Oil depth gauge 13...-Washer. for.del ivery -valve body lock Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B 0301.3 - FUEL INJECTOR PUMP ASSEMBLY - ENGINE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 FUEL SYSTEM CONFID Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R00010AM -4 FUEL SYSTEM - FUEL TRANSFER PUMP This pump is provided to supply fuel to the fuel injection pump at essentially constant pressure. An internal pressure relief valve permits fuel to recirculate within the pump when control pressure is reached. On its way from this pump to the injection pump, the fuel passes through the fuel filter, with consequent loss of some of the pressure imparted. This pump was found to be very similar to the Pesco vane-type pump made in the U. S. and shown with it in the photograph on the next page. The pump body was sand cast aluminum. The vanes, spider and barrel were hardened steel. Bearings were copper alloy bushings. The ground finishes on the steel parts and overall quality of the pump were excellent. No signs of wear were found. This pump was different from the pump pictured in the German report, although the latter was also of the vane-type construction. 25X1 B C NFID TI I - 100 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R0001000700' Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0302.1 - FUEL TRANSFER PUMP ASSEMBLY ENGINE 25X1 B r eieasr 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 App?ooIcl P WMAa 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R00016 0O ' M AIR CLEANERS Two tractor-type air cleaners were used on the G812 tank. They replaced the old hat-type cleaner which was formerly mounted on top of the engine. The air cleaners were made in three parts. The bottom section was merely.a large empty can and was intended to collect dirt removed by the upper sections. There was very little dirt in this part when re- ceived. The middle section consisted of a cylindrical sheet metal container with seven centrifugal dirt separator cones welded inside. The purpose of the cones was to make the incoming air assume a helical path and, by centrifugal force, separate the dirt from the air. (Experience with this type of dirt separator on automobiles has shown it to be almost worthless.) The upper cleaner section consisted of oil wetted wire mats. The three sections were fastened together with bolts. The two cleaners were indi- vidually connected to the two intake manifolds, with no interconnection between them. The air cleaner body was made of sheet metal which had been drawn to shape and welded. It was well made. To service the air cleaners, at least one transverse louver would have to be removed from the top of the hull. This required removal of four bolts from one of the end plates which provided sockets for the louver trunnions. Because of the poor accessibility of the air cleaners, it is unlikely that they were serviced very often. The cleaners were of such low efficiency and low dirt capacity that, in dusty operation, they should have been cleaned at least once each day and preferably several times if any appreciable engine protection were to be obtained. Approved For Release 2000/04/18~ t-RDP81-010441EQ9ij1pP8Qfti& L FUEL SYSTEM CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved For ~tefease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-010448000186b7bWE ' CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 rUtL 7T ICM Q1~E(p Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-010C44AUUM dOM -4 ELBOW, AIR INTAKE SYSTEM This casting appears to be one of the few parts on the tank, which is over-complicated in design. Fins are cast integrally with the body and are valueless in function. They were probably intended to minimize air turbulence in the necessary right-angle bend, but are on the wrong bend and in the wrong direction to do any good. A small steel plate bolts to the bottom of the casting to cover openings, which were used to support the core during casting. The elbow is an aluminum alloy sand casting with rough surface appearance and good overall soundness. Intake manifolds and air cleaner ducts are fastened to the elbow by hose connectors. C 04F;00vg&FTaelease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000 CONFIDENTIAL FUEL SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070061-4 107 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 FUEL SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0104 @brl b9 10101A4, FUEL AND OIL TANKS The G812 tank had eight fuel tanks of 147 gallons total capacity and two lubricating oil tanks of 35 gallons total oil capacity. The Aberdeen report mentioned six fuel tanks of 120 gallons total capacity. The Aberdeen report photographs show tanks similar to those in the G812 tank, except that they appear to be made using less preforming of the steel before welding. All tanks appear to be well and carefully made. All fuel and oil tank filler openings were equipped with a 40 mesh brass cloth cylindrical strainer. All fuel tanks had drain plugs with corresponding plugs in the hull bottom for complete draining of the fuel. The oil tanks had valves for draining. The tanks, both fuel and oil, are filled by removing small armor plates bolted over the filler opening caps. The oil tank filler open- ing caps were also pressure relief caps. Their purpose could be to pre- vent escape of oil when the tank was tipped sidewise or of oil foam when the tank is moving over rough ground. The oil tanks were vented to each other and to the engine crankcase, which was vented to atmosphere through a breather tube with a crumpled wire filter in the breather tube. All tanks were made of drawn steel sheet, welded at the seams. They appeared strong and had no leaks. C~prr'oiMc 4r dr~#eIease 2000/04/188 CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000 CONFIDJNz1AL FUE' Sl!ST 4 M Approved or Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100b~l0001 O 4) :j :J 0 O 'v 4) Ecd U cd U cc1 c~ Q4 cz U ^1 U O bi) z >1 O CONIF IDENI TIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 FUEL SYSTEM QQ EE Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-0104RA5II9MdW4 FUEL INJECTION PUMP GOVERNOR This ball type governor is similar to the Novi governor used on the Ford V8 tank engine, except that it is direct acting on the fuel injection pump rack which turned all 12 injector valve barrels. No servo mechanism is used. Outward radial movement of the balls in respect to centrifugal force causes axial force on the cone faced plate and the opposing flat plate. The flat plate, being free to slide (except for spring resistance) moves the operating arm which in turn works on the injection pump control rack. The engine speed is controlled by manually changing the tension of the springs which resist axial movement of the flat plate. All interior parts were smoothly machined and in good condition. Wear on the pressure plates had occurred to a slight degree. A ball thrust bearing is used to transmit axial thrust and a needle bearing is used on the control arm. The governor case and cover plate were permanent mol aluminum alloy castings. 25X1 B 25X1 B pprove or%lease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R0001 00070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 0308 - GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY - ENGINE A 0 1. Fuel injector pump control arm - needle 4. Z bearing roller presses against flat pres- 5. sure plate to restrain axial movement 6. n . r iat pressure plate - with ball thrust num casting, Tension springs connect bearing - rotated by balls, moved axially to control arm 7_ Cnver plate - permanent mold aluminum 3. Ball weight guide plate - steel, keyed casting, possibly die casting to injection pump shaft, drives bails as :, i l l s: 1, '' 25X1 B Ball weights Conical pressure plate Governor body - permanent mold alumi- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 FUEL SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0104 1PAVb5 bbb4 FUEL FILTER The fuel filter consisted of a tubular metal sieve, used as a core for a stack of square felt pads. The fuel was thus required to travel radially through one-half to one inch of felt before reaching the perforated core. This type of filter appears vulnerable to early plugging. Five mesh screens were provided on the fuel tank openings to prevent large pieces of dirt from entering the fuel system. An air bleed connection was provided on the output side of the filter to remove entrapped air. A line leading to a valve near the driver's seat was fastened to this connection. This filter is apparently similar to that used on the Aberdeen and German tanks. The German report describes it as being a copy of the Bosch filter. The filter is readily accessible for servicing. CCINFIDEN i - 1~ - Approved or+eIease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000.1 CONFIDENTIAL FUEL SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 - 113 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 COOLING SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-010449954 b k 114 9 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001 rb r%Iease 2000/04/18 Ap$?oa d R& * I ake 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044ROO0MM '1a-1WM 25X1 B 25X1A WATER RADIATORS According to the Aberdeen report, considerable trouble was experi- enced in proper cooling of the engine. The report said that if the tank were operated in an ambient .temperature of 700 or over, the cooling would not be satisfactory because of boiling of the water. The G812 tank demonstrated some possible causes of the poor cooling in the Aberdeen tank. Tube and fin construction of the radiators was very poor, particularly the soldering of the fins to the tubes. It was estimated that over 90% of the fins were non-functional, either for heat dissipation or core support because of the poor contact area of fins to tubes. There was no oil radiator in the Aberdeen tank, as there was in the G812. The addition of the oil radiator would help solve the cooling problem and may represent a change in design for that purpose. There was no way to tell if a change in the size of the fan had been made since the Aberdeen report, but the fan in the G812 tank may be bigger than that described in the German report (dimensions in the German report are too vague to be sure of a change). 25X1 B Each water radiator was made of four parts, two of them bein of two-tube thickness and the other two of three-tube thickness. Water radiators were very close to the exhaust manifold. Areas close to the exhaust manifolds were not different in appearance however; the poorly soldered tube-to-fin connections were the rule, rather than confined to this area. Area of the water radiator was approximately 1600 square inches. Capacity of each radiator was 7-1/2 gallons.. furnishes more details on radiator construction. The following report, SECTION OF RADIATOR CORE REMOVED FROM RUSSIAN TANK The construction of this fin and tube type core.was very poor, indi- cating that the radiator was either made from very poor tools, or was made without extensive use of tools.. The selection of materials for the core was inconsistant in that one section had brass fins and the other copper. In general, it appeared that the radiator was made from available equipment and material, rather than designed for the specific application. There was no apparent attempt to conserve on the amount of solder used, however, this may have been necessitated to some extent by the poor tool- ing setup. Approved For Release 2000/04/18-: -RDP81-01044% 4 PQOIWA L COOLING SYSTEM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044PRAfiAMNA The core depth was approximately 3-15/16", consisting of two ad- jacent parallel cores; one section having a 2-3/8" copper fin, three tubes deep; and the other a 1-9/16" brass fin, two tubes deep; all fins had poorly formed rolled edges. The fin spacing was approximately 6-3/8 fins. Per,. inch. Several reasons can be advanced for the divided construction of the core; such as, 1. Lack of the of sufficient depth. 2. Addition of a second section to gain necessary cooling. 3. An attempt to prevent curvature or disfiguration of core when installing The distance from the last tube in each row to the ends of the fin varied from 1/2" to 2". The angle of cutoff varied, which indicates that the fin die was not equipped with an automatic cutoff and that the strips of fin material were snipped apart by hand. It also suggests that the core may have been assembled by applying the fins to the tubes individually, rainer man mserting the tubes into the fins. Tubes were made of flattened seamless tubing with a wall thickness of .0111', including solder coating. Tubes were located on 1/2" centerlines and 60 angle to core face. Cross-sectioned tubes measured approximately .665 x .145 ". The openings in the fins exceeded the .14511 dimension by several thousandths throughout the core section. This condition resulted in only an occasional point of contact between the fins and tubes. As the result, over 90% of the entire fin area was non-functional, either for heat conduction and dissipation, or necessary core strength. The flanged openings were crudely formed as far as any intended fit to the tube contour. The dies used in forming the fins can be presumed to be very crude, particu-` larly in regard to shape of punches. The last tubes in each row were plugged with solder at the header. This condition can prevent failure of the tubes due to stress, these points being the most susceptible. However, it does not remedy tube to header; solder joint failures. A tube to header solder joint failure was. noted at the leading edge of one plugged tube at the end of the outside row. The .032" header thickness is very light for an assembly using bolted on tanks= Shown below is an analysis of the Russian Tank radiator as com 25X1 A pared with the standard material used for - fin and tube radiators. Cu. Sn. Pb. Zn. Material Russ. Russ. Russ. Tank M Tank ^ Tank W Russ. Tank Header Brass (.032) 62.9 66. - - - - Bal. Bal.' Tube Brass (.011) 96.9 85. - - - Bala Bat; Fin Brass (.005) 62.9 - - - - - Bal. Fin Copper (.006) 100. 100. - - - - - Header Solder - - 38.2 30. Bal. Bal. = Tube Solder - - 25.6 30. Bal. Bal. - 25X1A' 25X1A 25X1A 116 'AV JJ 1WT tease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 Approved-FOrWlethe 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP81-01044R0dd1MT&M SECTION OF THE G812 RADIATOR CORE Approved For Release 2000/04/18-: K-RDP81-010441ZUUPODI1QIi. 4L COOLING SYSTEM CON FIDENT Ilk L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001-4 II ~~77met uiraiu t i 1 t ~{{{Ati$i1NnIk11UM % Aitll~iiKlDigiPld~ipYE9?~i~Wit{II~ ~N ~.~ ' 9Mtir9&Ilii iti&I~iIHItN~~4ptHd _ p(b191tftlrt +i1611~1i1H1 9~iNHN(lK - ~_ _ #III I M$If1lN'.t1iFNI~tIl4~tiiltt'Ut. 5aI ICMFfRk'hIItfl ll{u1~l b M *1 iy pl11HMr1iNA?+1'P U tiM 1 iN+JNd) 1 A MI - NWiIN IG(O~ti~ IM I II _I tl1t N9tNY Ibt nW~i114111 tIIIPI,I AUTO iillnu+l i!iIH1 hhuii11041&w 1 Y 1 101 PIll nufddfyd4,OI,WIl ~I anaL,mi~d -, =Rockwell "B'.' 63 -64 ~-: Microstructure: The structure is ferrite with scattered areas of spheroidized pearlite which resulted from an annealing treatment. The hole is decarburized 0.002 to 0.003 " and some scale is present. The diameter of the hole is not perfectly symmetrical, measuring 0.072 to 0.080 ". On the out- side surface of the tube the decarburization is nil. The outside diame- ter of the ~ tube is 0.280 ". " Air Starter Injection Tube The tubes were made of seamless steel tubing. The composition corres- ponds to F. S. 1010. The tubes were plated with approximately 0.0004" of zinc. Microstructure: There is a small amount of pearlite scattered in a ferrite matrix .with cementite in some of the grain boundaries. This,. is a typical low carbon structure. The outside diameter of the tubing is 0.313 ". The inside diameter is 0.229" with a wall thickness of 0.042 ". Spray Nozzle and Spring from Bosch Fuel Injection System The coating on the surface is an iron oxide, probably heat treat scale. Air Starter Nozzle Assembly The -steel cap is copper plated - C u 0.0006 ". The other parts .are not coated. Strap -Generator Mounting Bracket The steel strap is plated with approximately 0.0004" zinc. Approved For Release 2000/04/18-: ~I~-t~DP81-01044~~~ pQ87~~'~ ~ ~ ~~Approve~or ~t~I~aYSe 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010Ob~h~~Q0~11L4 Flywheel Ring Gear The gear was used as machined with no subsequent heat treatment. The .edges of the teeth are battered from the action of the starter pinion. The gear is not significantly file resistant. Cylinder Head Cover The cylinder head cover on each bank of the engine is cast iron. Oil Manifold Bearing Flange -Accessory End of Crankshaft The bearing seat of this steel part was carburized 1/32" and hardened. A bronze bushing slips over the hardened end of the crankshaft. The bushing can turn on the crankshaft or against the hardened flange of this part. - Gilt/ - ~ ~~r~~r~~~d~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044800010007000.1-4 ~P~~~~ ~~~se 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0164A~~1 AI d ~' o ~U F!HHF E~HE F H ~ H E A AAAAA E-H C3' (~ C~' CD' U U C4' Cd' O' t~ CD' Z U GD' CD' U U CD' ~~~~~ a CD' C4' CD' CD' C~' 7., ~ ~ c~ ~ O' U U U M ~" N N M M M moo.-~`? `?"? N V~t[~tDOM~MM MMMMCD tONMM O O ti M O O +~ .ti - I cd y ~ O 00 O O ~C~r- ? O d UA I ti M .-~ tD er N .?I N ~-1 r-1 0 0 W C tN .-1 O rI N p) o V N A . Z Ld O N Op rl 00 N r-1 tC.1 Oc'Q>O~h00rIr100 M MMMNN ~eNM ODOsrO~eOL ONCG m oo ~n m N r- r? co cc rl ti rl r-1 ri ~-i r-1 CG N O ~/Iri rl rl NI U ~fl O.-~c0OO tOOer ~I NNerMNNQ.1 d~N ~~ sM V~NcD CO OO OON Oi rl N ~--1 e-1 rl M rl ri N 0 0.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO r1OMC0 r-IML~C- .-~ N .-~ +-~ rr N r .-+ N 000000000 L OMOOOO0~ er d+MeMeNeMMd+eMd~ 117 M .y p~ M ~tn MOM~MOfAON M MCC COMN~AM 00 QOM Q~0000 C^01 00 ~ ti tD M M t0 tD MGM ~r-~ ~MNN MOD OCONL~Q~01 ~nco~.~rn.~r-N rl ~-1 r1 O r-1 OD tr N 01 C- CD Ifl ~M NNN~-I~NMM N srO oOMMCD CDO N N N ~"~ .-i N .-1 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C- O N 00 O 00 .ti N tiN.-~.~NNNti 00000000 M Oa O O O O~ CO SO N N N~ '~~~NNNMtNOtO0~ N erM O f." ASIA M~-I O O C O O, O O N N r -1 O O M P'i M M N CV ~-1 }-1 CO e-1 00 M N M .-1 CO O D- .-~ O O C? MMM VIM O'cr~ ,~ VAN OD V~C1 V'NCO NNM+'aMNN.-1 Os N M O) O O! O ry IA tD O! M N N N d~ NNMNNrIMMMN.-~N If.100 tD tp CON CON00N 01 O O O O O .-~ 0 0 0 0 0 CO lL~ Ifl If`~ Oi 00 eM d~ N L'- M *"~~"~~~N.-~ONNMN ooooo,-:.~,oooo Nt~eH MM C~ N OML'-O~ N d~MM d~ert[7 MtliCDMtflM r-1 rl t!7 O O CO op CO t~ Q~ 00 O~ M l[1 Ifi d~ tN ~ ~"~ N M rl M pj N rNi V~ M O N l[i N N Oi Oi U I r-1 ~-1 .-1 N ~ r-I M r-1 r-i N ~ d ~" x+ y ~ y U ~ aai y w aBi O~ ~~ ;~~ '~w d V a'j .O ~ U F. U F o-'~Op ~ p O ,~ w ~ '~ b0 TfO.i d ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ p d ~ d ~ ~c~xxaa~~~U ~ o tiwyy y ~ y ~~, ~a ~ a~ m ~ ~ d awa~ ~~~Uaa~~,~v~r~HCi~wSwSwa,~awwSS~wSooo"3 CO ti C` CO rl O CO M ri N 000N NepsNrl00 Approved For Release 2000/04/'T825~IA-RDP81-0104~~QQ:~Q~@~pat4 FE'~b~`~aSe 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-o1~~b8~1~0~0~ibb~~ -4 ACCESSORY_ DRNE PARTS Crankshaft Gear The crankshaft gear is an upset forging made of Krupp steel. The analysis is shown in Table V I. The gear -was carburized and hardened. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C" 62 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 43 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 39 Core of gear Rockwell "C" 27 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.050" Case depth at root 0.050. Probably hardened beyond the 0.50cj'o carbon level penetration. Case -Martensite, possible low temper, excess carbides in form of spheroids. Core -Martensite, some transformation products, and ferrite. Crankshaft Gear Thrust Plate The thrust plate was made of through hardening spring steel of the approx- imate composition FS1070. The analysis is shown in Table VI, Hardness Test: On ground surface, Rockwell "C " 52-53. Microstructures: Quenched and tempered. Pinion -Main Accessory Drive -Lower (From crankshaft gear) The pinion is an upset forging made of nickel chromium steel, carburized and hardened. The analysis is shown. in Table VI. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 40 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C" 37 Core of pinion Rockwell "C" 37 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.030" Case depth at root 0.027" Case -Martensite, possibly low temper. Core -Martensite with some transformation products. C OQIpl8rlmvet~l~'o~AR.elease 2000/0~/~~2: CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C oApproved Fo ~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP8~~b~~~~~t~D1~bb~'~~~1-4 Shaft -Main Accessory Drive for 'air distributor, fuel injector and camshaft) The shaft was made of nickel chromium steel, carburized and hardened. The analysis is shown in Table VI. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Center- of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C" 27 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 25 Core of pinion Rockwell "C " 24 Bearing surface of shaft Rockwell "C " 60 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.028 " Case depth at root 0.028 " Case -Martensite with possible low temper, following hardening by reheating. Core -Martensite, about 50% ferrite and a slight trace of transfor- mation products. Injector Pump Drive Pinion The injector pump drive pinion is an upset forging made of nickel chromium steel, carburized and hardened. The analysis is shown in Table VI. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Core of pinion Microstructure: Case Case Case Rockwell "C " 62 Rockwell "C " 38 depth at pitch line 0.050 " depth at root 0.050" - Martensite with grain boundary network'of carbides. Possibly low temper. - Low carbon martensite, mostly blocky ferrite with small amount of acicular ferrite and trace of transformation products. The structure indicates a reheat after carburizing. The case extends all over the outside surface of the pinion. The bore and internal splines do not appear to be carburized.. In fact, the splines are slightly decarburized. Lower Camshaft Drive Gear with Internal Splined Sleeve The drive gear is an upset forging made of nickel chromium steel, car- burized and hardened. The analysis is shown in Table VI. - 253 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-~1~~F~b~1~0~'~b'01-4 Fi~ppr?oVed~FFor~'e~ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010D~b~h~(~ddd~9~4 Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 61 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C" 41 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 39 Core of gear Rockwell "C" 32 Bearing surface of sleeve Rockwell "C " 60-61 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0,035" Case depth at root 0.028" - 0.030" Case -Martensite with only a trace of excess carbides. Core -Low carbon martensite, acicular and blocky ferrite and some transformation products. The pinion was hardened by reheating after carburizing. Camshaft Drive Pinion The camshaft drive pinion was made of nickel chromium steel, carburized and hardened. The analysis is shown in Table VI. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 61 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 42 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C" 3$ Core of pinion .Rockwell "C " 35 Bearing surface of shaft Rockwell "C " 61 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.030" Case depth at root line 0.030" Case -Martensite, excess carbides and some austenite with low temper: Hardened from reheat. Core - Martensite and some transformation products. Camshaft Drive Pinion Thrust Washer The thrust washer was made of through hardening steel of the .approximate. composition FS 1090. The analysis is shown in Table VI. Hardness Test: On ground surface Rockwell "C" 58-59. Microstructure: Martensite with small spheroids of carbide dispersed through the matrix. There was possibly a low temper. Cl~~ 4~dr~ M~~iease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Generator Drive Shaft The drive shaft was forged from Krupp steel, machined all over, carburized and hardened. The analysis is shown in Table VI. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Pitch line of tooth Rockwell "C " 47 Root of tooth Rockwell "C " 44 Core of tooth Rockwell "C " 38 Bearing surface of shaft Rockwell "C " 62 Surface of washers used Rockwell "C " 55-57 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth 0.032" Case depth at root of tooth 0.032" Case - Martensite, a few excess carbides and some austenite. Possi- bly low temper. Core -Low carbon martensite and some transformation products, Generator Drive Gear The drive gear was machined all over from nickel chromium steel, car- burized and hardened. The analysis is shown in Table VI. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Pitch line of tooth Rockwell "C " 40 Root of tooth Rockwell "C " 32 Core of tooth Rockwell "C " 29 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth 0.038" Case depth at root of tooth 0.038" Case -Martensite, excess carbides, possibly low temper. Core -Martensite and about 10-20% ferrite. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing. Generator Coupling Drive Shaft The drive shaft was made from -Krupp steel, probably a forging, machined all over, carburized and hardened. The analysis is shown in Table VI. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 59 Pitch line of tooth Rockwell "C " 45 Root of tooth Rockwell "C " 44 Core of tooth Rockwell "C" 42 Bearing surface of shaft Rockwell "C " 62 - 255 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~F~~~~OF0~0~~~'-4 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth Case depth at root of tooth Case -Martensite, and small amount of austenite. Possibly low temper. Core -Martensite with a small amount of transformation produci~s. The part appears to have been direct quenched from the carburizing operation. Camshaft Drive Gear The drive gear was forged by upsetting so that the flow lines are length- wise of the teeth. A carburizing grade of nickel chromium steel was used. The analysis is shown in Table VI. The gear was machined all over, carburized and hardened. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth of straight tooth gear Rockwell "C " 61-61 Core of tooth of straight tooth gear Rockwell "C" 29-30 Surface of tooth of bevel tooth gear Rockwell "C " 62-64 Core of tooth of bevel tooth gear Rockwell "C " 28-30 Microstructure; Case depth at pitch line of tooth Case depth at root of tooth Case -Martensite with a large amount of spheroids of carbide. Core -Martensite, blocky ferrite and a small amount of transformation products. Camshaft Timing Adjusting Sleeve and Screw The parts were machined of through hardening steel. Hardness Tests: Hub of sleeve Rockwell "C " 39-40 Head of screw Rockwell "C " 29-30 - 256 - C o~~~~~ ~b~l~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C O N F I D E N T I A L FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~~ zl Fa U V] h U ~' U U U U U U U U U L C- ~ O N tf~ 00 Q1 N 00 N M N M M M M N d~ N O ~ to CD 1 N N N N N ~ .~ N N N N CU ~ CO cD cD CD CO CD cD CD cD O O 00 O ~ O N 00 N O ~ M N ~ M M M M M ~ O O O O O O O O O O ~ ~ ~''~ C- O Z N .--~ tf) O L O tf~ O O r1 N M O N M ~ ~ N N .~ d~ N Q) N ~ O) .O~ ~ O ~ M M N N N N ~ N M M cD ~ ~ N ,-i .~ 00 O ~ ,~ tf> '~ ~ O Q? O O C- O .--~ cD .-i Q~ C- .--i 0p O M cD ~ O ~ C- .-~ O M QO N N ~ N M N CV M N N N N ,--I O ~ O r-1 ?-I 00 O 00 N M *-~ ~ ~ N M +~ 1 M r--1 O O O O O O O O O O tf) to O~ ~ O O ~-i O -~ ~ M N N ~ N O M O .--1 O N O N O N O M O * O O . O ri M O M ~ '~ 00 O CD O CD ~ O ~ '~ ~ di M ~ d~ V~ ~ tL~ tD 00 tf) M '~ '~ N .--1 N - 257 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-OC1S44~~S0100070001-4 ~A~~r~~i~-~'se 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~t6~011b~Q~7~~A1t4 Lower Gear -Oil -Water - -Fuel Pump Drive Main Shaft The gear was forged from a carburizing grade of nickel chromium steel, machined all over, carburized and hardened. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Surface of bearing on sleeve Rockwell "C " 60-61 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth 0.024" Case depth at root of tooth 0.024 " Case - Martensite with few scattered excess carbides. Core -Low carbon martensite, transformation products and acicular and some blocky ferrite. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing with a low temper following. Fuel Pump Drive Idler Gear The gear was forged from a carburizing grade of nickel chromium steel, machined all over, carburized and hardened. Hardness Tests" Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 60 Ground surface of ,stem Rockwell "C " 35 -38 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth 0.023 " Case depth at root of tooth 0.023 " Gase - Martensite with large carbides in the grain boundaries on the very surface, light carbide network just below the surface. Core -Low carbon martensite with some transformation products. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing with a low temper following. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing with a lower temper following. Oil Pump Drive Idler Gear The gear was machined from a carburizing grade of nickel chromium steel, machined all over, carburized and hardened on the teeth. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Hub Rockwell "C " 35 CO ~p~r$~ ~ 4~elease 2000/04/158 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001 C O NApprov~ec~ gor Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81 01044~~~Oa~~~0~0001-4 Microstructure: Case, depth at pitch line of tooth 0.028" Case depth at root of tooth 0.028" Case -martensite, a few globular carbides on surface with a fine carbide network just below the surface. Core -low carbon martensite, transformation products and acicular ferrite. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing with a low temper following. Oil-Water -Fuel Pump Drive Bevel Gear to Crankshaft The gear was forged from a carburizing grade of nickel chromium steel, machined all over, carburized and hardened. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C" 58-60 Surface of bearing on shaft Rockwell "C " 62-63 Center portion of shaft Rockwell "C" 25-33 Top of splines Rockwell "C " 33 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth 0.030" Case depth at root of tooth 0.030" Case -martensite with very light carbide network in grain boundaries. Core -low carbon martensite and some transformation products. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing, with a low temper following. Tachometer Drive Gear -Bevel, Driven The gear was machined from a carburizing grade of nickel chromium steel, carburized and hardened. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth File hard to a R "C " 59 File Pilot End Rockwell "C " 37 Spiral Spline Rockwell "C " 51 End of stem Rockwell "C " 49 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth 0.022 " Case depth at root of tooth 0.022 " Case -martensite with a grain boundary carbide network. Core -low carbon martensite with some transformation products. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing with a low temper following. - 259 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81 ~~~~F~~ 1~~~~001-4 ~~~p?pr~ov"~~8~'1~ase 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-o1tb~4~Fb8~b0~Ori~a1-4 Tachometer Drive Pinion -Bevel, Drive The pinion was machined from a carburizing grade of nickel chromium steel, carburized and hardened. Hardness Tests: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 60 Bearing surface of stem Rockwell "C " 60-62 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line of tooth 0.022" Case depth at root of tooth 0.022" Case -martensite with a few scattered carbides. Core -low carbon martensite, transformation products and acicular ferrite. The part was probably reheated for hardening after carburizing, with a low temper following. C O ~~~~~,~T~~.tRelease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044800010007000.1 CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 TRANSMISSION The 'transmission gears and shafts were made of Krupp steel. The analysis of the individual parts is shown in Table VII. The gears and reverse idler shafts were carburized and hardened. The transmission mainshaft and countershaft were quenched and drawn, only. The carbon content of these two shafts remained the same and the nickel and molybdenum was increased over the carburized parts to provide increased hardenability to through-harden the 3-1/8" section. All of the carburized parts have a hypereutectoid case with excess carbides to a depth of 0.017" to 0.033 ". There are massive carbides at the surface with a continuous network be- neath, fading into discontinuous carbides. This condition is conducive to brittleness and spalling on the ends of clash gears as was shown in this transmission. It is likely all of the transmission gears were reheated for hardening after carburizing. The gears with internal splines in the hub appear to have been quenched on a plug fixture as the splines are not file hard. The web of each gear is file hard. In measuring case depth of the gears difficulty was experienced because of the similarity of case and core structures under the microscope due to the high hardenability-of the Krupp steel. To check -the depth of case as measured on the cross section of a hardened tooth, a Vickers hardness traverse of the case was made and the location of the Rockwell "C" 45-50 hardness position noted. As a further check, a gear tooth was annealed and the depth of penetration to the 0.4?Ja carbon point estimated. The residue, scraped from the bottom of the transmission case, after draining the lubricant consists of iron (96?Jo) oil and carbon. There is no aluminum and no silicon. This material came from the flakes and ground up chips from the gear teeth mixed with oil, and was not formed from particles from the trans- mission case or dirt from the outside. Transmission Mainshaft The mainshaft was machined from a bar and after heat treatment was shot blasted and then the splines were finish ground. Hardness Test: Surface of shaft B.H.N. 387 1/2 Radius B.H.N. 387 Surface of spline B.H.N. 375,-R "C " 42 There was a Russian Brinell impression near the center shoutder on' top of one of the 10 splines. The preparation was a rough grind and the im- pression was close to the edge of the spline and metal was forced over the edge. - 261 - oox DENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~44R~~0100070001-4 FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O'1~0~4~~~~I~~Tlb98~1-4 Microstructure: Law carbon martensite with a small amount of transformation products present. Transmission Countershaft The countershaft was machined from abar -and after heat treatment was shot blasted and then the splines were finish ground. Hardness Test: Surface of shaft B.H.N. 387 1/2 Radius B.H.N. 387 Center of shaft B.H.N. 37$ Surface of spline B.H.N. 387, R"C" 41 There was a Russian brinell impression. near the outer shoulder on top of one of the 10 splines. Microstructure: Tempered low carbon martensite throughout the cross section. Reverse Idler Shaft The reverse idler shaft was machined from bar stock- and after carburizing and hardening was finish ground. The end of the shaft for a distance of 3 -1/4 " outside the bearing surface was- left as rough turned. The balance of the shaft was ground. Hardness Test: Surface Rockwell "C " 61 Core 1/2 Radius B.H.N. 321 Center B.H.N. 302 Microstructure: Case depth - 0.078" Case - Martensite with spheroids of excess carbides. Carbide also in grain boundaries. Core -Low carbon martensite and transformation products. Reverse Idler Gear The reverse idler was upset to form two gears in a cluster: so that the flow lines were bent to form the tooth section of each gear. It was ma= chimed all over, carburized and hardened. The gear was shot blasted and the finish grind operations performed. The finish ground bore of the gear; which acts as a bearing seat, was file hard. The chamfered edge, of thee 15 tooth gear is battered and worn and chipped. The base of the tooth hoar a heavy groove worn on a taper starting at the edge of the tooth. -The-16 tooth gear has grooves worn the full length ~ the tooth at the base. Photo:=' graph 0702.5.8 a - VV4 - C O t~~'~~~,~T~~.iRelease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104480001000700 C O N F I ?E N T I A L FERROUS METALL.URG`f Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 0702.5.6 a -REVERSE IDLER GEAR CLiJSTER - 263 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O~O~~tF0~~1 ~0700~1-4 FERRppprOVedA~OP~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-~'1~~~ttiB~l~dd~~01-4 hardness Test: 15 Tooth Gear 16 Tooth Gear Surface of tooth Rockwell "C" 61-62 61 Center of tooth at pitch line 42 41 Center of tooth at root 41 40 Core of gear 39 38 Microstructure: Case -depth at pitch line 0.075 " Case depth at root 0.062 " Case -Martensite with excessive carbides to a depth of 0.033 ". Pos- sibly low temper. Core -Low carbon martensite, some acicular ferrite and transfor- mation products. 2nd Speed Gear The second speed gear was forged, machined, carburized all over and hardened except for the bore. The gear was then shot blasted and the top of the splines on the inside of the hub rough ground. The chamfered ends of the teeth were battered. Grooves were worn on both -sides of the teeth at the bottom. Photograph 0702.3.2 Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 61 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 39 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 37 Core. of gear Rockwell "C'' 37 A Russian brinell impression had been made on the end of the splined hub on the machined surface. Micxostructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.065 " Case depth at root 0.060 " Case -Martensite with excess carbides to a depth of 0.027 ". Possibly Core -Martensite and a small amount of transformation products 1st Speed Gear The first speed gear was forged, machined, carburized all over and: hard; ened except for the bore. The gear ,was then shot blasted and the top'~of the splines on the inside of the hub rough ground. The ends of the , hubs were faced. Both engaging ends of the teeth were battered and chipped" There appeared to be inadequate chamfer. The teeth were heavily worn on opposite ends on both sides. Photograph 0702.3.1 a C O c~JLt~ Ip~~ Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007Q low temper. CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 0702.3.2 -SECOND SPEED DRIVEN GEAR - 265 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O~O~~tF0~D~00070001-4 ?J ~ ~r~reTC~'~~a~~'elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-~1 ~4~F~~~i ~~1$b01-4 ~ ~~-p~"D~ f1aA~ Release 2000/04~'~'~ : CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 61 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 37-39 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 37 Core of gear Rockwell "C " 36.5 A Russian brinell impression had been made on the end of the splined hub on the machined surface. ' Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.055 " Case depth at root 0.055 " Case -Martensite with excess- carbides to a depth of 0.021 ". Possibly low temper. Core -Low carbon martensite. Acicular ferrite and transformation products. 3rd and 4th Speed Sliding Gear (Photograph 0702.3.3) The 3rd and 4th speed sliding gear was upset to form two gears in a cluster so that the flow lines were bent to form the tooth section of each gear. It was machined all over, carburized and hardened. The gear was shot blasted and the top of the splines on the inside of the hub rough ground. The engaging ends of both gears of this cluster are chipped and battered. The 14 tooth gear has evidence of pitting at the base of the teeth on one side and both sides of the teeth are burnished below the tool marks. The 21 tooth gear has considerable wear on one side of the tooth face. Hardness Test: 14 Tooth Gear 21 Tooth .Gear Surface of tooth 62 61 Center of tooth at pitch line 40-41 41 Center of tooth at root 40-41 39 Core of gear. 37-39 40 A Russian hardness test was made on the hub on the 21 tooth gear side. There was a slight grind and a near miss of the brinell impression. Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.058 " Case depth at root 0.055 " Case -Martensite with excess carbides to a depth of 0.028 ". Possibly low temper. Core -Low carbon martensite and transformation products. 1st and 2nd Speed Countershaft Gear The 1st and 2nd speed countershaft gear was upset to form two gears in a cluster so that the flow lines were bent to form the tooth section of - 2fi7 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~d(~d'~6D~~~'k4 iF~ERROUS METALLURGY C O N F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 0702.3.3 - THIRD AND FOURTH SPEED DRI~TEN GEAR CLUSTER :?t~t3 -- ~ o ~~Ib~v~'1~9r{Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C~ [V E I D E N T I A L ~= ERRC~US METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 0702.5.2 -FIRST, SECOND, AND REVERSE IDLER ]DRNE GEAR CLiJSTER ~f'S~ pNFiDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81 10448000100070001-4 FE Approved Fo R le ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O'~b~~~b~'~f~~~61-4 . each gear. It was machined all over, carburized and hardened. The gear was shot blasted and the top of the splines on the inside of the hub rough ground. The engaging ends of both gears of this cluster are chipped and battered. Photograph 0702.5.2. The 13 tooth gear has pne side of the teeth pitted and worn by both mating gears. The other -side of the teeth is burnished below the tool marks. The 21 tooth gear has one side of the teeth pitted and worn; the other side is burnished below the tool marks. Hardness Tests: 13 Tooth Gear 21 Tooth Gear Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 61.5 61 Center of tooth at pitch line 39 37 Center of tooth at root ~ 36 35 Core of gear 29 30 A Russian Brinell impression had been made on the splined end of the hub on the 21 tooth side. Microstructure: Case depth. at pitch line 0.072 " Case depth at root 0'.065 " Case -Martensite with excess carbides to a depth of 0.028 ". Possibly low temper. Care -Low carbon martensite, transformation products and some acic- ular ferrite. 4th Speed Countershaft Gear The fourth speed gear was forged, machined, carburized and hardened, except for the bore. The gear was then shot blasted and the grinding operations performed. The chamfered ends of the teeth were battered. A flat was worn at the pitch line of the drive side of the teeth. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 42 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 42 Core of gear Rockwell "C" 39-42 Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.048 " Case depth at root 0.045 " Case -Martensite with excess carbides to a depth of 0.017 ". Possibly low temper, Core -Martensite with transformation products. 3rd Speed Countershaft Gear The third speed gear was forged, machined, carburized all over and hard- ened except for the bore. The gear was then shot blasted and the top of - 270 - C 0,~- ~~- release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044800010007000 CONFIDENT 1 A L FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 the splines on the inside of the hub rough ground. The chamfered ends of the teeth were battered and worn. The tooth face on both sides was burnished below the tool marks. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 60 to 61 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 36 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 34 Core of gear Rockwell "C " 34 A Russian brinell impression had been made on the splined end of the hub. Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.065" Case depth at root 0.065 " Case -Martensite with excess carbides to a depth of 0.027 ". Possibly low temper. Core -Martensite with transformation products. The spiral bevel ring gear is bolted to the 4th speed countershaft gear. It was forged, machined, carburized and hardened all over. The gear was then shot blasted and the finish grind operations on the bore and back of the gear performed. The teeth show even wear with the bearing full tooth to the toe on the drive side. Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 60 Center of tooth at pitch line ' Rockwell "C " 45 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 45 Core of gear Rockwell "C " 37 The ground surfaces of the bore and back of the gear are file hard. Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.045 " Case depth at root ~ 0.042" Case -Martensite with excess carbides to a depth of 0.024 ". Possibly low temper. Core -Martensite with transformation products. No free ferrite vis - ible. Transmission Drive Pinion The spiral bevel stem pinion was upset to form the head, machined, car- burized and hardened. The finish grinding operations were performed after hardening. The machined finish on the teeth has the appearance of rough- ness. The bearing on the teeth is toward the toe on the drive and reverse sides. - 271 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O'IrO~~~b~1~f~7~~1-4 ~~.~...~~ ~.~~ ~ ~~~~~..~ ~ CONFIDE NN Approved .For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R000100~~~b1-4 Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C " 62 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwell "C " 39 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 38 Core of pinion Rockwell "C " 38 Bearing seat of shaft, surface, Shaft at spline, surface Brinell - 277 Brinell - 277 Surface hardness survey of shaft- 294 - 279 (From pinion to spline end -converted from R "C ") The pinion, only, is case hardened; the bearing seat, remainder of the stem and the splines are not file hard. A Russian Brinell impression had been made on the end of a tooth on a rough ground spot. Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0,055" Case depth at root 0.055 " Case -Martensite with excess carbides to a depth of 0.022 ". Possibly low temper. Core -Martensite with some transformation products. Carbon- some- what spheroidized deep in core. Starting Motor Pinion Hardness Test: Top of pinion teeth Rockwell "C " 39-40 Bearing seat of shaft Rockwell "C" 35-37 Spiral spline Rockwell "B" 92 The spiral splines on the driven end of the shaft have been tempered at a high temperature. This portion of the pinion shaft mates with the bronze drive hub in .the clutch assembly. A Rockwell impression on top of the pinion ~ teeth was made by Russian inspectors. This is the only instance of Rockwell hardness testing noted. on this vehicle. The gear shift rails were machined from through hardened steel .bars `o medium carbon, Cr., Ni., Si. composition. The analysis is shown in Table_ VII. The bars were cut to length and centered before heat treatment? Possibly a certain amount of rough machining was also done before .heat; treatment, but the whole surface of the rail except the centered ends had. been machined or ground after heat treating. There was no special hard='_ erring at the ramps and some wear had resulted at the shoulders. CONFIDENT ALA - "` - pproved ~or elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044800010007000" C O N F I D E N ~' I A L FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 1st and 2nd - 3rd and 4th Reverse Surface at Ramp R "C " 27 to 29 R "C " 28 to 30 R "C " 28 to 29 29 to 31 29 to 32 Surface between ramps B.H.N. 286 R"C" 32 B.H.N. 277 Core of rail B.H.N. 269 Microstructure: Tempered martensite resulting from high draw. The gear shift forks were forged from a medium carbon, chromium, nickel, silicon steel and through hardened. They were machined after heat treat- ment. ~ The analysis is shown in Table VII. There was no special hardening on the tips or wearing surfaces of the forks. Tip or fork surface R "C " 27 to 29 R "C " 32 R:' C " 28 to 29 (I.D.) Core of fork R "C " 28 R "C " 28.5 R "C " 31 to 32 Microstructure: Tempered martensite resulting from high draw.. - 273 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~~~0~~~1~~~~1-4 FERROUS METALLURGY C o N F I D E N T.1 A Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R0001000700'Q'1-4 A A , A A A A A A m'm'UUUUUUUUUUC~'C~"O'm'C~"C~ 0p tf~ O tf~ QO N 00 ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~M r-1 ~M M ri M r-1 M MOO rl .--~ ri O tf7 ,--~ 07 O .--I N O C- t!7 M Oa lf~ d~ O N cp C- C- C- CO CO tD C- tf~ lfl tL~ M tL~ C- tD L~ CO ~M ri r-1 rl r-1 r-1 ~--1 ~--1 ri ri ri ~-1 rl ~-1 r-1 ri r-1 e-I 00 O CO .--~ CG N O L~ to O 00 N Q~ LL7 ri O ~M .-1 Z I N tf~ O tD O L`- CD ti7 OO d+ N N N N W M N M d+d+MM MM MMMM~N~ N 00 rl 00 C- N N L C O C- M M M W M M~ M ~ Q~ d~ O M N cD M M eM M N N M r-~ C- Op M N N O O I O rl O~ Q1 N C7 O~ ~~ CO CV N M N N O ~ U M M ~--~ .-~ .--1 ~--~ .-~ .-i N ON o0 C- 00 a0 L~ N O MMCDCOCDCDCOCDCDCDCpcCNNNNNM al UI N N N ~--~ M N ~--1 ri ~-i r-1 CV N 0 0 0 ri M Ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ri rl t-1 r-1 r-1 ri C-CCll~d+ON MO~t1~,--it-~OCV OC~NMO N N N N N N ~--1 N N N N N M N N +-~ N N 000000000000000000 N ri ~-i N Q1 ~M M C- tp rl O l!~ N di O tf~ Q~ M N N N N rl ~--1 N N N N N N N N N .--I rl N 000000000000000000 Q~ O O ~ M M O CA 00 M er c0 Q~ O~ O 00 O Q1 M~M~M~MMMMW'W MMMM~~Md~d~ t0 tf~ ~M M ~M M lfJ tD L~ fA Op CO CG tf) d~ CO CG N tJ~ N M ~ N tL7 L`- 00.-0000 C oApproved FoARelease 2000/04/18+: CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001 y ~ N ~ Li ~ O ~ ty ~ 'COs ~ [d ~~ ~aNd~R',--~M ~ ~ -ter ~" ~ ix-i iii i~-~ Uj f/1 ~ a ~ O O O R~ ,-+ M W W W UV~ ~_.._.._.._.._.._... ~ O ~ O O O ~ CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 STEERING PARTS Brake Lining The brake lining was made of cast iron, cast in segments, curved to fit the brake drum. Chemical Analysis: T.C. 3.29?,6 Si 2.49 C.C. 0.37 Cr 0.16 P 0.122 Ni 0.33 S 0.098 Mo None The manganese is high for comparable American practice. The chromium and nickel content shown indicate additions. Physical Tests: A tensile test piece was machined from the segment and gave the following results: Ultimate tensile strength 26,900 psi Brinell Hardness (3000 Kg.) 196 Microstructure: Graphite - Type A (some C), Size 4. Structure -Coarse pearlite, graphite and small amount of ferrite. ~rTo porosity was evident. Pins -Steering Clutch Spring The pins were machined from 3/4" round, cold drawn bars with no hard- ening operation. The approximate grade is FS 1030. Chemical Analysis: C 0.30?,(0 Si 0.23% Mn 0.59 Cr 0.18 P 0.018 Ni 0.25 S 0.023 Mo None Hardness Test: Surface of pin -Rockwell "B " 82. Microstructure: Apparent grain size 7 to 8. .Annealed structure of blocky ferrite and fine pearlite.=: Surface- has partial decarburization 0.010" deep. -275- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-6~~~6~bbb'!'+doo1-4 AB~c~`~~e~e 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104~F~~I~~~~b8#~~ Spring -Steering Clutch The springs were coiled of spring wire of the approximate grade FS 1070. Chemical Analysis:. C 0.72% Si 0.22 Mn 0.63 Cr 0.04 P 0.021 Ni 0.20 S 0.029 Mo 0.04 V None Physical Tests: Load at 3-1/4" - 57.5, 57.7, 57.3, 57.0 pounds Solid Height - 2-3/8" Bend Test -Satisfactory Hardness on wire -Rockwell "C" 43-44 Surface Examination: Springs examined were free from surface defects except for small die mark' on wire inside one spring. It is doubtful that any shot peening had been done on the spring. Steering Clutch Disc The clutch discs or rings with internal teeth ? for the drive discs and ex- ternal teeth for the driven discs were machined from steel of the approxi- mate composition F.S. 1080. The LD, and O.D. were ?turned, the teeth .were shaper cut and the face was ground on both sides. The discs were heat treated to a hardness range which remained Rockwell "C" 35-40 after service. Chemical Anaylsis: C - ~ 0.85% - ? Si 0.22% Mn 0.69 Cr 0.13 P 0.029 Ni ~ 0.20 S 0.037 Mo None Pitch line of teeth Rim R "C " 35 35-37 34 32-36 35 .. '? 34-36 38-40 39-40 39 39-41 32 ~ X34-35 ~,A~ ff~~'RAl~ase 2000/04/18 2~IA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Profilometer readings of disc .surface in microinches. Original Finish Smoothest Area from wear Average wear track 100-120 15-20 20-30 ' 180-220. 15-50 ~ 30-40 40- 50, 15 30 ~. 120-140 15-25 30-40 80-100 15 30-40 170-190 15-20 20-30 - 277 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~~4~~f~~l ~~~lb~'I -4 FERROUS METALLURGY C O N F 1 pp EE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R000100~1~b~4 FINAL DRIVE PARTS Final Drive Gear The final drive gear was forged -from Krupp steel. The analysis is shown in Table VIII. The gear was machined, carburized all over and hardened except for the bore. It was then shot blasted and the finish grinding oper- ations performed. Flats were worn on both sides of the teeth at the pitch line. Photograph 1008.4 hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C" 61-62 Center of tooth at pitch line Rockwe111"C" 34 Center of tooth at root Rockwell "C " 33 Core of gear (web) B.H.N. 321 10 Kg. Vickers traverse near pitch line of tooth. Distance from Edge Converted to Rockwell "C " 0.010" 59 0.020 58 0.030 55 0.040 50 0.050 42 0.060 39 0.075 36 0.090 34 0.13 5 34 The gear teeth, rim and web, are file hard. The hub, bearing seat and internal splines are only file resistant. Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.(}40" Case - Martensite with excessive carbides at the surface. Core -Low carbon martensite with transformation products including ferrite. Profilometer reading on teeth: - 90-120 micro inches. Final Drive Pinion The final drive pinion was forged from Krupp steel in such a manner that the flow lines show the stock bent to form the tooth section. The analysis is shown in Table VIII. The pinion was machined, carburized all over and hardened. It was then shot blasted and the finish grinding operations performed. The teeth were worn and pitting had occurred at the bottom of the tooth face. Photograph 1008.4 CONFIDE 1 Approvec~~or~ - 278 - 'elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001 ~ ?!i! F !DENT ! A L F ERR'OUS META-_LURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 1008.4 - FINAL DRIVF. MINION AND BULL GEAR SECTION ~~C~NFI~EN1r1Al. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 FEi~_Q~J~,SOV@E~rO1L"~e~iease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~~4~~d~l~~~l~'I-4 Hardness Test: Surface of tooth Rockwell "C" 61 Bearing surface Rockwell "C" 57-59 Top of spline Rockwell "C " 50 Core of pinion B.H.N. 430 Bore of pinion File hard A Russian Brinell impression had been made on the spline end of the shaft with. a rough grind preparation. Microstructure: Case depth at pitch line 0.030" Case depth at root 0.030" Case - Martensite with excessive carbides, possibly low temper. Core - Marsenite and transformation products. Axle -Drive Shaft The drive shaft was machined from Krupp steel. The .analysis is shown in Table VIII. The shaft was. machined and then heat treated by means of a quench and draw. Following this, the shaft was cleaned and the final grind operations performed. Hardness Test: Surface of spline Brinell 364 Core of shaft Brinell 364 The hardness tests show this hollow bored shaft to be hardened through. A Russian Brinell impression had been made on the surface of the -shaft in the center of the length. Microstructure: The structure is uniform throughout the section and shows the effect of a high temper following the quench. Speedometer Drive Pinion The pinion was machined all aver from a heat treated bar length of steel. The ends of the pinion shaft run in bronze bushings. The pinion is driven by a bronze worm ring keyed to the final drive hub and flange. Hardness Test: Teeth -Not file hard. Bearing surface of shaft -Rockwell "C " 30-33. Track Drive Wheel The drive wheel . is a steel casting of a medium carbon, chromium, nickel, composition for which there is no exact American specification. The analy- sis is shown in Table VIII. C d~~~d~Phut~IR.elease 2000/04/~~a CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001 CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Hardness Test: Near and far plate (or rims) -both locations B.H.N. 207 Microstructure: Carbides. are spheroidized, probably .the result of a high temper on fine pearlite. and bainite obtained on quenching the wheel. Track Drive Wheel Roller The roller .was forged from a medium carbon, chromium, ;silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is shown in Table VIII. The roller was hardened by quenching and drawing with no special effort to harden the surface. Hardness Test: Surface of hub -B.H.N. 418 Microstructure: Martensite, acicular ferrite .and transformation products... Track Drive Wheel Roller Pin The roller pin was machined from a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is shown in Table VIII. The surface of the pin was hardened, possibly by induction or .flame, judging from the sharp line between the case and core. The pin was worn eccentrically, from an initial size of 1.505 ", to 1.460" on the diameter of maximum wear and to 1.500" on the diameter of least wear. Hardness Test: Surface -Rockwell ''C " 55 -- This hardness is normal for the treatment. Core -B.H.N. 241 Microstructure: Case depth - 0.104" by surface hardening. Case -Martensite. No evidence of tempering. Core -Dense pearlite and blocky ferrite. Track Adjusting Worm The worm was probably a forging and the material was a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is shown in Table VIII. The worm was quenched and drawn after machining. It appears to have been cleaned by sand blasting -and then the bearing surfaces were ground. Hardness Test: Surface of worm Rockwell "C " 43 -44 Bearing surface Brinell 444 There was a Russian brinell impression on the end of the shaft at the square end. - 281 - D E titt LL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0~1 ~4~F~a001000~001-4 i {.~ FE RFC pprOVeTd'~'Or ~e~ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O~~~D~~F~b~'ed01-4 Track Adjusting Worm Gear The gear was probably a forging and the material was a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is shown in Table VIII. The gear was machined all over, probably as normalized, and there was no subsequent heat treatment. -The teeth of the gear showed severe wear from the action of the harder worm. Hardness Test: Surface of gear Rockwell "C " 29 Surface of hub Brinell 286. Track Adjusting Worm Bushing Flange The flange was probably hot formed in a press from medium carbon steel with no subsequent heat treatment. The estimated carbon content is 0.40- 0.45%. Hardness Test: Rockwell "C " 9-10 Microstructure: Coarse grained pearlite with ferrite grain boundaries. Grain side 2-4. Track Adjusting Worm Bushing The bushing was machined from pearlitic cast iron which showed. a small amount. of ferrite. The material appears to have been adequate for the .application. The single pin track was cast from Hadfield manganese steel. The ? analy- sis is shown in Table VIII. This composition conforms to the customary Limits except for the silicon which is higher, on two parts analyzed, ,.than the nominal 0.030-1.00%. The silicon content of the used track-with crest., 2.34%, which was sampled, is at the upper limit for producing. a moderate increase in yield strength and resistance to plastic flow under repeated stress. A flat track which had not been in service, had a silicon content of 1.70%' This is in the range where these beneficial properties are _ obtained. The principal applications of Hadfield steel are where heavy- impact and a large factor of safety are the considerations.. Typical examples of this -use are in rock crushing machinery, railroad crossings and the tips of power shovel buckets. C ~D t>~~~~r~'~ArtRelease 2000/04/'i~ :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001:-:?~, CONFIDENT 1 A L FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Hardness Tests: Flat Track -Flat surface -Brinell 202 Track with crest -Flat surface -Brinell 21? Tip of crest -Brinell 495. The hardness readings obtained on the flat surfaces are. normal for cast- ings following the toughening heat treatment. The high hardness obtained on the crest is typical for this steel after work hardening. A Russian brinell impression was observed on a track pin lug. Track Pin The track pin has an upset head an one end and the other end is as shear- ed from a steel bar. The material was a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is shown in Table VIII. The pieces were heat treated to produce a high hardness. Hardness Tests: Surface of pin Brinell 555 (2 pins) Rockwell "C " 50 Core of pin Rockwell "C " 53 Microstructure: Martensite and some transformation products with no distinct evidence of a drawing treatment. The surface was partially decarburized to a depth of 0.009" which accounts for the reduced hardness there. The pin was hardened through the 3/4 inch section. The hardness of the pins was duplicated by quenching in water from 1600?F, followed by a draw at 350?F for one hour. The quenched hardness was Brinell 578. - 283 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O~~~O~~~b~~01-4 FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~~1~0~~~~~~1-4 H H H a~ H H ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U U 6D' C~' O' W O' O' ~ M cr M N VI O p~ U 'Cf ~ AI ego ~ M ~ d+ ~ 0 -"4 V ~ O O Q ~I Zil UI C1~ M N O r-1 M N N ~-i N ? ~--1 e-1 ~ M N O O O M W ~ C- GO C- M `~ Q~ ~ cM N L~ ~ t0, ~-1 ~~1 r-1 H ~ 00 ri N N L~ ~I O ? O O d ~ O O Q O 00 O d~ tD M ~ OO ~ C~" ~ N N tf~ N z O c- .--1 00 M rl M N Q1 M 00 Q~ M C- lfl !p r-1 ri rl O C- O~ 0p r-i 00 O r-1 \ r-1 .--1 ~ M N ~ N Q~ ~ O O ~ O' O O p p -fl t[1 CD ~ ~ ~ M O ri M M 00 M Q~ O CD M ~ ~~~r~~c~~d~elease 2000/04/18 ~: CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001..,-.4 CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 SUSPENSION PARTS Suspension Spring The suspension spring was made of silicon manganese steel of the same composition as F.S. 9260. The analysis is shown in Table IX. The springs were coiled from hot rolled round bars, which had a poor surface condition, .with rough flats and guide marks. The springs were hardened through to spring hardness. Hardness Tests: Surface Brinell 47? Core Brinell 444 Hardness Traverse on cross section - Rockweil "C " 47, 46, 45, 46, 45.5, 46, 46, 46, 46, 47, 46.5, 46, 47, 46.5 A Russian brinell impression was noted on the center coil of an outer spring which had been made on a deep rough ground spot. Microstructure: Normal quenched and drawn structure. Suspension Shaft (Photograph :1301.1 in main body of report) The suspension shaft was forged from a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is shown in Table IX. The shaft was hardened through by heat treatment before machining. Hardness Tests: Bearing seats at ends of shaft Brinell 269, 269 Surface at mid length of shaft Brinell 262 1/2 radius, this location Brinell 262 Suspension Arm Wheel Spindle (Photograph 1301.1 in main. body of report) The wheel spindle was forged from a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is -shown in Table IX. The shaft was hardened through by heat treatment before machining. Hardness Test: Bearing seats at ends Brinell 262, 269 Surface at mid length of spindle Brinell 27? 1/2 Radius this location Brinell 248 -285- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-o~o~~6bB~d~'db61-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Lower Suspension Spring Retainer Stud Photograph 301, in main body of report) The stud was forged from a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is -shown in Table IX. The stud was hardened through by heat treatment before machining. Hardness Test: Surface at retainer end 1/2 Radius this location Surface at mid length of stud 1/2 Radius this location Surface at suspension arm end Brinell 277 Brinell 248 Brinell 269 Brinell 269 Brinell 277 Front Wheel Spring Anchor Arm (Photograph 1301.0) The anchor arm was forged from a medium carbon, chromium, silicon, nickel steel of no comparable American specification. The analysis is shown in Table. IX. The shaft was probably machined or forged with na heat treatment. Hardness Test: Surface of bass at each end Brinell 241 Suspension Arm (Photograph 1301.1) The suspension arm is a hollow steel casting of approximately one inch wall thickness. The composition is a medium carbon, chromium, nickel steel for which there is no exact American specification. The analysis is shown in Table IX. The arm appears to have been used as cast or possibly annealed? There has been no attempt to improve the physical properties of the arm by heat treatment. Hardness Test: Surface of arm Brinell 196 Center of cross section Brinell 207 Suspension Arm Thrust Plate (Photograph 1301.1) The thrust or guide plate was sheared from plain low carbon steel plate of the same composition as F.S. 1020. The analysis is shown in Table IX. Three holes were drilled in the plate for attaching it to the hull, Hardness Test: Surface of plate Brinell 131 CONFIDENTIAL ~,: oved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~` a ~ ` ~Approvec~ ~or~F~e4ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-f~~~~(~(I~Y4 Suspension Trunnion Block Pin (Photograph 1301..1) The pin was made of cold drawn bar steel of the same composition of AISI 1037. The analysis is shown in -Table IX. The bar stock for the pins was annealed, but there was no other heat treatment. Hardness Test: Surface of pin Rockwell "B" 93, 90-92 Core of pin Brinell 196, 196 Microstructure: Blocky ferrite and pearlite. Grain size 7 to 8. Suspension Spring Trunnion Block The trunnion block was sheared from steel plate of the same composition as F.S. 1035 with no heat treatment. The analysis is shown in Table IX. Hardness Test: Surface of block Brinell 163 Microstructure: Block ferrite and medium pearlite. Suspension Spring Guide Rod Bushing The bushing was made of cast iron with no hardening treatment. The turned surface is rough. Hardness Test: Rockwell "B' ? 94 - O.D. 94 - I.D. Microstructure: Pearlite and graphite (Type A -Size No. 5) Approved For Release 2000/04/1887CIA-RDP81-010~~ffd~bOD~ObB'~-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 FERROUS METALLURGY C O N F I D E N T I A L H H H H ~ ~ ~ ~ C~" Ca' C~' CD' ?' ~ c~ ao rn ti m ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ?' ~U ~a"~ 'U M fti 01 -~i - ir I L O C~- C- r-1 t0 r-1 U2 W GV CV CV N r-1 ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ z O O O O 1 z z z - zl CV M rl ~ CV ~--1 d~ C1 M r-I CV 00 lf~ M M M M ~7 M M v u~ liJ LC7 lL7 r? r-I t-i r-1 r-1 CV GV M C~] ~ 0 0 0 0 0 c- a cn co rn o o ~ o ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O T~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001 ~4 CONFIDENTIAL 288 bA C O N E 1 D E N T I A L FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 MISCELLANEOUS BOLTS, SCREWS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bolt -Engine Hold Down The bolt has 0.545 " diameter shank by 5 -1/ 2 " long. The end of a cold drawn bar was hot upset to forma 7/8" hex head. The flash was cold trimmed from. the bottom of the head. The end of the ,shank and underside of the head were rough turned. Threads were cut and the cotter pin hole drilled. The composition of the steel used is: C 0.42% Si 0.36% Mn 0.71 C r 0.93 P 0.029 Ni 0.15 S 0.026 Mo - None This approximates the specification for FS 5140. Hardness Test: Surface -Rockwell "C" 30. 29-30 Microstructure: Dense pearlite with a small amount of ferrite in the grain boundaries. Grain size medium, no decarburization on threads. This structure indicates a fast cool from the hot rolling operation with no subsequent heat treatment. Washer -Engine Hold Down Bolt The washer was made by machining from 1" O.D. round bar stock. The I.D, is 5/8 " and the thickness of the washer is 1/8 ". Low carbon bar stock was used of approximately 0.15% carbon. Hardness Test: Surface -Rockwell "B" 93 to 95. Microstructure: Blocky ferrite and pearlite with directional properties visible in the grains. There was no heat treating on the part. Studs and Nuts -Oil Pan The studs are 5/ 16 ?' x 1-9/ 16 " machined with cut thread from round bar stock and then heat treated. The nuts were machined from 17/32" hex and likewise heat treated. - 289 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 FERRO~~~a~'~t..c~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81~~~I~~~dd~Pb'001-4 The chemical analysis is: Studs Nuts C 0.46% 0.45% This composition corresponds ap-. Mn 0.6fi-0.62 0.56 proximately to FS 1045 with resid=' P 0.023 0.039 ual chromium and nickel present. S 0.035 0.034 Si 0.27 0.18 Cr 0.10 0.25 Ni 0.10 0.13 ' Mo 0.02 0.01 Bolt -Transmission Drive Gear The bolts were. machined .from bar stock of medium carbon, chromium, nickel, silicon steel. The round, flat slotted head- is 1-1/32" O.D., the shank is 0.632" and the length of the bolt is 2-3/8". The machining on the bolt is rough. The head is undercut and the slot is off center. The threads were cut, the cotter pin holes were drilled and chamfered and the threads rechased. After heat treatment, the shank was ground. The analysis of the steel used is: C 0.43% Si 1.20?Jo Mn 0.37 Cr 1.54 P 0.021 Ni 0.27. S 0.022 Mo 0.06 There is no comparable American specification for this ,.composition. Hardness Test: Surface readings on the- shank of three of the- twelve bolts used were: 1 -Rockwell "C " 37 2 -~ Rockwell ''C" 25' 3 -Rockwell "C" 29 This is a somewhat wider range in hardness than used in ordinary practice for this class of bolt. Nut -Transmission Drive Gear Bolt The castellated nut was. machined from 1-1/16'' hex bar stock and was not heat treated. The composition, -shown below, does not correspond to FS 1040 in that the manganese content is low. C 0.41% Si 0.18? Mn 0.41 Cr None P 0.046 Ni 0.21 S 0.029 Mo -None C*O ~4Nf~'tV~~l IF~4C Release 2000/0~~8 : CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-~'J ?:~: ,, CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Hardness Test: Brinell 231 from Rockwell "B" Microstructure: Blocky pearlite and ferrite. Cap Screw -Final Drive Housing to Hull The cap screw is 3/4" x 2-?/16" and was upset to form the head. The composition shown below, corresponds to FS 1040 with residual chromium. C 0.41% Si 0.28 Mn 0.60 C r 0.20 P 0.38 Ni 0.09 S 0.49 Mo None Hardness Test: Brinell 170, 185, 190. This hardness indicates there was no heat treatment on the bolt. Cap Screw -Final Drive Housing to Hull Thru Pinion Bearing The cap screw is 7/16" x 2-1/2" and was upset to form the head. The composition shown below, corresponds to FS 1020 steel. C 0.18% Si 0.27 Mn 0.50 Cr 0.13 P 0.015 Ni 0.15 S 0.050 Mo None Hardness Test: Rockwell "B" 80 to 82, 74 to 76, 77. There was no heat treatment on the screw. Cap Screw and Spring Lockwasher, Suspension Thrust Plate to Hull The cap screw is 3/4" x 2-3/16" and was upset to form the head. The cap screw was made of a composition corresponding to FS 1015 and the washer from FS 1060. The residual alloys in both these parts are high and may have been outright. additions. The .analysis is shown below: Cap Screw Lockwasher C 0.17% 0.59% Mn 0.51 0.93 P 0.026 0.018 S 0.042 0.032 Si 0.03 0.23 Cr 0.21 0.24 Ni 0.21 0.18 Mo None 0.07 - 291 - p T~y Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~44R0~01~00700~1-4 FER~opproveTC~'or ~eYease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0~~4~~~~~~~~'01-4 Hardness Test: Capscrew Brinell 118, 120 (300/2000 Kg.) ` on head. Brinell 131 (2000 Kg.) on body. Lockwashers -Bend Test OK Rockwell "C " 4J to 50 on two washers, one of which was broken. The wide range in hardness on these three lockwashers, tested, -indi- cates lack of close control to obtain spring hardness on heat treatment. C o@'~1 release 2000/04%18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001:-4 CONFIDENTIAL FERROUS- METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ANTI FRICTION BEARINGS -BALL AND ROLLER Four bearing assemblies of this type were given metallurgical exa.rnination; two each of ball and roller bearings. A large and small bearing of each kind were selected as representative of those of Russian make used in the vehicle. The bearing races, balls and rollers were made of high carbon, chromium steel with varying small fractional percentages of nickel of the approximate composition FS E 52100 or FS E 51100 and hardened through. Both of the large bearings were made of the higher chromium FS E52100 and the smaller bearings were. made of FS E51100 except for the inner race of the small ball bearing. The composition and properties of the bearings are shown in Table X. The micro-structure of the .races. and rollers or balls is similar for all of the bearings and consists of small spheroidal carbides in a martensite matrix. They may possibly have been a low temper. See also the Appendices of this report entitled: Ball and Roller Bearings -List 25X1A - 293 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-o~o~~SbB~'~~~~~1-4 FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~~~~IQ~dd~~4 N \ C' M N .-I O M O N ,-, ,.., ,.~ N ~M N M O O ~y O W V~ O sM N Qs ~ .-i M ~ ~ M t0 O O .-~ ~ py O - _ 0 0 0 0 0 zoo a a: ~~ CO ~ O tp N H \ ~-i M 1 1 N e-~ O M cr eH O O N 00 .O-1 O ~ O C O O d C C cM0 ca 00 V~ .-~ O N p p O G1 O O ~ M 01 N O ~'+ O O O O O C O t00 t00 Lam- M ti N ~"~ N M O O C7 O O O p N O O O O t0 O N N ti N I[) N t0 +"~ c~ O O N ~ N O ~"~ O O O D ...i e'i n N N O O N ~ H O O O p ry O O ~ N O tD M t0 r-1 N t0 tD M H M N r01 E'll er ? r0-1 O ~ ~ O O O O ~-1 O O CNO t~D N CD ~ O N N O .-+ O Zi ~O cp V~ N it N N N C- ep eD .Ca O N M M O N~7"y O O .-~ O O c0 N Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 METALLURGY Non-ferrous Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C O~Ippr~~v~~ ~~AF~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY REPORT Sheet No. Conclusions .................................... 297 Parts Examined ................................. 297 Aluminum Alloys ................................ 298 Aluminum-Silicon-Magnesium Alloys ............... 299 Aluminum-Copper Casting Alloys ................. 299 Aluminum-Copper-Zinc Alloys ................... 300 Aluminum-Copper-Silicon Alloys .................. 300 Aluminum-Copper-Nickel Alloys .................. 301 Duralumin Alloys ............................ 301 Miscellaneous Aluminum Alloys .................. 301 Detailed Reports on Individual Parts ............... 302 Zinc Alloys .................................... 351 Zinc-Aluminum-Copper Alloys ................... 351 Zinc-Aluminum Alloys ......................... 351 Detailed Reports on Individual Parts ............... 353 Copper Alloys ................................... 361 Copper-Zinc Alloys ........................... 361 Copper-Zinc-Tin Alloys ........................ 361 Copper-Aluminum-Iron Alloys .................... 362 Copper-Silicon-Zinc Alloys ...................... 362 Detailed Reports on Individual. Parts ............... 363 Contact Points, Voltage Regulator ..................... 371 p Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~4$I~~b~b~lTO~~-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Subject: Metallurgical Analysis of Non-Ferrous Components in T34 Tank Conclusions: On basis of this investigation it was generally found that: 1 -Choice and quality of non-ferrous alloys used in the T34 tank applications were satisfactory.. 2 -Chemical composition of T34 parts indicated that primary metal or a high grade of scrap was- employed by the manufacturer. 3 - T34 non-ferrous components revealed that the ,quality of workmanship and condition of manufacturing equipment were consistently below normal standards associated with good industrial practice. However, this condition did not seriously reflect on the serviceability of the parts. 4 -The non-ferrous materia s in the T34 tank were comparable to non-ferrous alloys commonly employed in United States and Western Europe. Parts Examined: Parts analysis contained in this report was confined to the non-ferrous companents used in the engine and accessories of the T34 tank, Essentially three basic alloys constituted the non-ferrous- materials in the tank. They are. as follows; Section A -Aluminum Alloys Section B -Zinc Alloys Section C -Copper Alloys Attention. is also called to the use of tungsten in an electrical contact. - 297 - ENT1,p~i,~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R0~~100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY O N F I D E ii~~r11AA~~.. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0 044R000100070ov1-4 SECTION A -ALUMINUM ALLOYS The T34 tank made extensive use of aluminum in the engine and accessory parts. Approximately one thousand pounds of aluminum alloys were found in the form of castings, forgings, and wrought bar and sheet stock. See Table I for a detailed list of -the form, chemical composition, and weight of each of the parts. As the bulk of aluminum used was in cast form, the following captioned paragraphs contain general discussion on the various aspects associated with foundry practice and procedure as reflected in T34 tank castings. Metal Quality: Particular attention was devoted, to the quality of metal used. in the castings. Both X-ray and macro examination indicated sound metal structure of good uniform grain size in the cast components. This condition suggested the possibility that some type of modifying agent or grain refinement :had been employed. However, chemical analysis failed to support this contention conclusively. Finishing: This section refers to the amount of cleanup and the manner in which it was done in addition to the general appearance of the exterior parts. In this respect, the permanent mold castings were found to be in fair to poor condition. Heavy parting lines due to improper closing of the molds were noted. This caused excessive formation of flash which could only be removed by considerable cleanup, an operation both time consuming and costly. Also, the crude manner in which the cleanup was done as noted by the tool marks on the parts showed a certain degree of carelessness on -the part of the workman or lack of proper cleanup methods. Exterior surfaces were generally rough, reflecting rough mold surfaces and improper finishing operations. Foreign Inclusions: Core wires and sand inclusions were revealed. in :many of the sand castings and semi-permanent mold castings. Also, the effects of soft ramming, inferior mixes and rough handling of cores and molds were noted. These factors indicated that the quality control of the sand in the foundries was inferior to our accepted standards. -i Chaplets; One instance where chaplets were employed to hold the sand cores in position resulted in severe segregation, cracking, and .porosity in their adjacent areas. ": l.t 1~ Design: Castings were designed with suitable fillets and proper blending of the thin and heavy sections. Also, extensive use was made of cross hatching permanent .mold sides in order to make the metal .lie quiet during the casting process. This is considered good practice and is used to promote better surface condition in many castings. ~ ~d~~F81J~~! i~b4~~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R00010007000'~ ,~, C O'N f l D E N T I A L NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Heat Treatment: Hardness -values indicated that good heat. treating pr-actice was being observed in ,fabrication of the .castings.. However, it is believed that many of the accessory castings not. requiring maximum mechanical properties were unnecessarily heat treated thus adding .to production costs. To -avoid repetition during the discussion of each of the individual :parts, the following general comments are applicable to each of the ...groups of non-ferrous aluminum alloys used in the T34 tank. Group I Aluminum-Silicon-Magnesium Alloys The chemical composition of these alloys ranges between these limits: Silicon 5 -13%v Iron .7?,~ Magnesium .2 -.7% Manganese 0-.6% Aluminum Balance. The majority of aluminum components both by weight and number used in this tank engine were cast .from a modified siiumin alloy. This alloy, common to European practice, contained 8-10% silicon and 0.3?Io magnesium. The silicon content is approximately 1?Jo above the maximum limits specified for silicon in the.. Alcoa 356. alloy. and slightly more than this for Alcoa 355 alloy, however, it is common practice to consider all, of these alloys in the same category. The cylinder block with its many cored passages is a good example of an intricate casting illustrating the excellent castability of the. alloy. This- ma- terial also provides a good combination of .resistance to corrosion and pres- sure tightness: It is used in casting applications receiving severe usage. It responds readily to heat treatment, with various combinations of mechanical properties obtainable by solution heat treatment and artificial aging. This alloy was used to good advantage in sand, permanent mold, and semi- permanent mold castings for numerous components in the T34 tank engine as indicated in Table I. Group II Aluminum -Copper Casting Alloys The ranges for the usual chemical composition of these alloys are: Copper 6-8% Iron 0.3 -1.5?,b Silicon 0.3 -4. (~ Zinc 0-2.5% Aluminum Balance - 299 - Approved For Release 20Q0/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~~~(~d(~I~~Tl~"'I -4 Nov-pprove?c~~or~e~e~'ase~000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~~I~b~bRddtl~'ddba -4 Alloys in the above .ranges are usually produced from secondary material which, accounts for the presence of manganese, nickel. and other common impurities generally found in aluminum. At one time, alloys in this -range constituted a large portion of our production. Some of the better known designations are Alcoa's 112-1.13 or No. 12. It is employed in intricate casting designs where pressure tightness is a requisite. Machinability is good. The .alloy is heat treatable but more often is used without any. treatment because the improvement in mechanical properties -does not warrant the additional cost in many instances. A good application of this alloy was shown in the air cleaner to intake manifold elbow casting. Group III Aluminum-Copper-Zinc Alloys Chemical composition of these alloys ranges between the following limits: Copper- 1-4% Iron Max. 1.5% Manganese 0-1% Nickel 0 -1% Silicon Max. 3% Zinc 4 -15% Aluminum Balance Referred to as the German alloy, this alloy -has good castability, high strength, and ductility and was satisfactorily used in the production of the upper and lower transmission cases. It functions as an intermediate alloy between aluminum-copper and aluminum-silicon alloys. With .zinc the alloy age hardens rapidly at room temperature with resultant losses in ductility. Also, these alloys are considered to be hot short if the iron and silicon content is low and as such should ,not be cast in a permanent mold: A comparable aluminum alloy specified' within this .composition range would be Alcoa 645. Group N Aluminum-Copper -Silicon Chemical composition ranges between: Copper.. j 2 -6?,b Silicon ' 3-6% Iron 1?,~ Aluminum ' Balance Alloys within this range compared to the Alcoa 85 alloy used in die casting applications, having excellent castability with a low shrinkage coefficient, C 0,~~~~~ i~b~-14elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001:-4, C O IV F I D E N T I A L NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 particularly suited to parts which must withstand high pressure in service. Although classed here as die casting alloys, they can be used for permanent mold castings such as in the T34 fuel transfer pump. Machinability is generally considered inferior to the aluminum-copper alloys. Group V Aluminum-Copper -Nickel Chemical composition ranges between: Capper 3-5% Nickel 1-2.5% Magnesium .5-2.0?,b Iron .7?,~ Silicon .7?~0 Aluminum Balance Alcoa 142 alloys of the "Y" alloy type fall within this wide classification. These alloys have high mechanical properties in the as cast and heat treated condition. Alloys in this group are often used for forging stock as in the case of engine pistons because of the good hot strength properties imparted by the nickel and the general good forging characteristics of this material. Group VI Duralumin Alloys Chemical composition ranges between: Copper 3-5% Iron Max. .8% Magnesfurn .3-2.0?b Manganese .3-1.5% Silicon .2 -1.5?~O Aluminum Balance Group VII Miscellaneous Aluminum Alloys One part to be included in this catE-gory was the water filler and pressure cap housing which apparently was composed of a high zinc (25.4%) copper (8.2%) alloy. The large amount of impurities present indicated that this alloy was of a secondary nature melted down from scrap containing high. zinc and copper. The corrosion rate of such an alloy increases as the zinc content increases and as such is not considered to be very satisfactory when exposed to a corrosive environment. The remainder of this section is devoted to the detailed examination of each of the aluminum parts, i - 301-- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O~~~f~~~~~~I'8`d'01-4 _ ,~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 25X1A Laboratory Serial No. 262056 Date XC ED NO. H-025 and H-21 -Revealed shrink n norosy v in cen .er web eactl nn at ~i~nr+-~ ~~ ~~ h~ayar tc thin sun+3 10 blocks. Fair aualit~ MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6372B shows medium uniform grain struc- ture with location of porosity in thin to heavv section CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8.7~, Cu 0.15, Fe 0.5196, Mg 0.31,, Mn 0 X396, Ti 1.1~ Cr /?1~, Zn /.5~, Ni .5~ Compares to Alcoa X56 cello HARDNESS VALUE: 93 B.H.N. Weight of 0.92 Pounds Finish Rough saw cuts where gate and risers had been trimmed COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Mold surfaces rough. -Parting lines heavy indicative of poor closing of the mold. B. Machining- Aluminum bearing surfaces -machined and ground finished to 70-80 micro inches, C . Design Quality Satisfactory - except a more suitable ble _~Ilg iri web section i Aht havrj ell mi na tad ahri nlc D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Permanent mold casting- - F3.H.N. value indicates heat treatment? sol'n Tr and aged MICROSTRUCTURE: Alumir---- - Siiic" magnesium eilicide, which makes this a11o CONFIDENTIAL ~ ?N F I D E N T I A L NON-FERROUS METt1LLURGti' Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 6372 B -MACRO SECTION OF CAMSHAFT BEARING BLOCK - s3 0:~ - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0~'I ~4~F~~80~1~0~0~~01-4 ~ww-rcrcKVUa Mt 1 HLLUK(yY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~0~4~(~d~l~~Tb98~1-4 Part Name Camshaft Bearing Cap Laboratory Serial No. 262056 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO._ H-025 and H-215 Showed no appa_,?ent shrink or porosity in 10 ca a inspected -Good t~ualit . MACRO EXAMINATION: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8.7?6, Cu 0.15, Fe 0.51, Mg 0. 1~, Mn 0 x+396, Ti 1.1~, CrL.l~, Zn L. S~, Ni_L_ _5~ Compares to Alcoa HARDNESS VALUE: 93 B.H.N Weight of 0.x+2 Pounds Finish Rough saw cuts where gates and risers and flash had been trimmed. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Mold surfaces rough. Good workmanship on the vital areas i.e. bearing areas. B. Machining Rou chamfers -Aluminum bearing surface machined and ground to 70-80 micro inches. C. Design Quality Satisfactory D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Permanent mold caetinR_- Good quality -B.H.N. value indicates heat treatment. Sol'n treat and aged. MICROSTRUCTURE: Aluminum ailicide constituent uniformly dispersed ~Alao magnesium ailicide, which makes this alloy heat treatabJ.e. C O ~l~r$~~i~c~'~Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001- 25X1A Nordff~F~~'~t'~~~~1000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~1~4~~d~ ~~~l~l -4 Oil Pump Body (4 sections) Laboratory Serial No. 26310+ Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-1~+5 - One of the four parts had shrinkage in center body section at ,junction of thin to heavy area -Good quality - MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 6+04, exhibited a uni- form fine grain size in all four segments. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8 2~, Cu /.6~, Fe .53~, Mn .27~, ~ ?23~, Ni L. 596, ~' L 0486, Cr. 05g~, ~ L? 5~, Ti . ~+~ Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy HARDNESS VALUE: 89-96 B H N Weight of 4.62 Pounds Finish Rough cleanup on exterior portions of pump body -Tool marks. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Mold surfaces rough -Heavy parting lines indicative of improper closing of molds. B. Machining Ground finish on surfaces of flanges and in- terior pump faces - 35 to 40 micro inches C. Design Quality Satisfactory -Although some grossness exists in _mar~y_seetione. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Permanent mold casting -. Good quality -B.H.N. value indicates heat treatment - Sol'n tr and aged. MICROSTRUCTURE: Aluminum. silicide in medium form thru matrix. Sli hg_t amount of acicular Al-Fe-Si noted Mg appears to be all in solid solut_ on? 25X1A C Op~IDPq~~1~m1' 1~elease 2000/0411 ~~sCIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4_: ~: C7 N F I D E N T I A L NO~I-FERROUS METALLURCGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 6404 -MACRO SECTION OF OIL PUMP BODY - T34 ENGINE `3 i)7 ~CONFIDENITIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY p ty p t~T A I, Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R0~~10~070~001-4 Part Name Camshaft Drive Pinion .Bearing Support Laboratory Serial No. 263105 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XGED NO. H-152 - No porosity or shrinkage noted during radiographic inspection -Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6405, showed a very fine uniform grain structure. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8.2~, Cu ~.6y6, Fe .47~, Mn .24~, Mg .26~, Ni L. 5~, Cr . o4g6, ~ ~. 59~, Ti L. 05~, Zr ~. o5y~ Compares to Alcoa 356- alloy 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: 96 B.H.N Weight of 1.56 Pounds Finish Rough cleanup -Tool marks -presence of burned sand -poor finishing -Excessive cleanup. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Mold satisfactory -Sand cores showed signs of soft ramming -foreign inclusions (sand). B. Machining Finish ground surfaces (40-50 micro inches on flanges and bearing areas. C . Design Quality Ribs poorly blended to body -Wall sections heavily scribed good practice. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Semi-permanent mold cast- Good quality of metal - BHN value indicated Sol'n tr. and aged condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Aluminum silicide present in medium. to coarse form in matrix. ~ ~~rbe~~elease 2000/04/18 8 CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~ ?~1 F I D E N T I A E. NON--FERROUS MET ALLURG'f Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 fi405 -MACRO SECTION OF CAMSHAFT DRI'PE PINION BEARING SUPPORT - T34 ENGINE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~~IB(~dd(~!~ Part Name Upper Acc?ssory Drive Shaft Bearing Laboratory Serial No. 263101 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-148 - No porosity or shrinkage detected by this method -Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6406, showed a uniform dense structure - very food-metal Quality. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8?l~, Cu 1.6~, Fe .4996, Mn .26~, Mg .2396, Ni L. 596, Cr 1.05, ~ /?5~, Ti x.05;6, zz' L?05~ Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy ~'- HARDNESS VALUE: 100 B.H.N. Weight of 1.56 Pounds Finish Heavy tool marks caused durinsz core knockout Rough aaw cuts at riser and gating areas -burned sand. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Rough interior surfaces possibly due to poor sand coring practice i.e., soft ramming. B. Machining Ground surfaces on flanges and bearing areas 25-35 micro inches. C. Design .Quality Grossness in design,'- poor blending of ribs D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Semi-permanent mold - Heavily scribed surfaces -Good quality of metal - BHN indicates solution heat treatment and a~inQ. MICROSTRUCTURE: Aluminum silicide in medium form dispersed thru matrix. ~ ~169~'E~4-AR~elease 2000/04/1~~ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C ?N F I D E N T I ~1 L NON-FEF'R~US MET~4LLURL~Y Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ?i406 -MACRO SECTION OF ACCESSORY DRIVE SHAFT BEARING Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 N~pprove?d~or ~2e ease ~~00/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-010~~~(~'~F~l~b~4 Part Name Generator Coupling Drive Shaft Center Bearing Laboratory. Serial No. 263099 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-1~+6 - Revealed shrink at ,junction of heavy flange to thin wall section of body. Some blows as gas holes and porosity -Fair quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6lF07, showed a uniform fine grain size - dense sound structure. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8.79b, Cu j?6~, Fe .52~, Mn ..28y6, Mg .30~, Ni L.5~, Cr j.0~+~, ~ ? 5~, T3. /.05~, Zr L.0596 Compares- to Alcoa 356 also 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: 93 B.II.N. Weight of 1?~2 ~ Pounds Finish Cleanup normal -Some evidence of tool marks and burned core sand. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Molds not closing properly as indicated by heavy parting line. Rough interior surfaces due to sand core erosion. B. Machining 25-60 micro inches. .C. Design Quality Gross design in flange areas -Good blend- ing of sections. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Semi-permanent mold casting -Good quality of cast metal -Scribed mold - BHN value indicates sol'n treat and aged casting. MICROSTRUCTURE: Medium form of aluminum silicide constituent cl.ispersed uniformly in matrix. Normal structure. ~~rf~4@c# ~dr~P~lease 2000/04/1812CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C O N F I D E N T I A L NON--FEIRROUS MET'ALL._URGY" Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 6407 -MACRO SECTION OF GENERATOR DRIVE SHAFT ('ENTER BEARING Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS TALL Approved For I~e~lease~bYO/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104~00'O#OOQ~I~Op11AE~ Lower Camshaft Drive Gear Searing Laboratory Serial No. 263102 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-1~+9 Revealed a sound structure, no porosit or shrinkage detected Good quality MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 61+C showed a uniform fine gain structure -Good quality CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:Si 8.396, Cu /.6~, Fe 52~, Mn 2oyo, Mg 30~, Ni 1.5~, Cr .0~+~, Zn ~ 5~, Ti / 05~, ~' / 0596 Compares to Alcoa 6 alto 25X1 A HARDNESS VALUE: 100 B.H.N. Weight of 1.80 Pounds Finish Satisfactor cleanup -Tendency to leave more stock than normal machining allowance needs. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Heavy parting lines indicate mold not ~` completely closed. B. Machining bushing and flange surfaces. Finish ground to 22-25 micro inches on all C. Design Quality Satisfactory -Good blending of sections - Could reduce section thickness. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Semi-permanent mold casting. Good quality casting -Scribed mold walls - B H N value indicates solution treatment and age to Alcoa T6 condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Medium form of the usual aluminum silicide dis ersed uniformly thru matrix. Normal structure. ~ ~A~I#r#~3~d`~FTd~elease 2000/0~/1~~4 CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C~ N F I D E N T t A L NON--FEF2ROUS METALLUR[=,`~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 6409 -LOWER CAMSHAFT DRNE GEAR BEARING - T34 ENGINE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALL Approved For Release~~~/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044~ROUA'FO~B~Op11gA~; Part Name Generator Couplin~g Drive Shaft End Bearinigs Laboratory Serial No. 263103 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-150 Revealed a very sound dense structure - No shrink - No porosity -Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6+08, showed a fine uniform grain structure -Good metal gualit~r. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 9.2`~, Cu 1.6~, Fe .609b, Mn .25~, Mg .30~, Ni .5 Cr .04 Zn .5~ Ti .05 Zr .0596 Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy HARDNESS VALUE: 100 B.H.N. Weight of 0?~~+ n,,,,,,,a~ Finish Satisfactory -little cleanup noted. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Mold appeared in good condition workman ship satisfactory. B. Machining` Finish ground surfaces ?+5 to 50 micro inches on bearing areas -Stock-left for.machining allowances more than necessary C . Design Quality ~ ~tisfac.tory -Although heavy. sections could be reduced.. and ribbed.,for-strength. D. Manufacturing Method. ,,& Quality__ Permaazent mold cacti a - Flange areas of mold scribed -B.H.N. indicates solution treatment and aged to Alcoa T6 condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Medium form, of aluminum silicide resent in matrix - Normal structure -Also evidence of aluminum iron - silicide constituent in acicular form. ~ ~~Ifr~Td~?~#elease 2000/0~/'~~'~ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C~~ F I D E IV T I L L t~OtJ- FERROUS MET~~LLURGY' Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~i408 -MACRO SECTION OF GENERATOR COUPLING DRNE SHAFT END BEARING - T34 TANK ENGINE +~C~NFIDinNT1Al. ~I Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~~4~~d~1~1~~~'1-4 Part Name Generator Drive Shaft Bearing Sleeve Laboratory Serial No. 263100 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-1~+7 Revealed heavy porosity in front bearing area, also blows in form of gas holes: Fair quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Uniform fine grain size. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 7.7~, Cu L.6'~i, Fe .6090, Mn .25~, Mg .3096, Ni 1.5~, Cr L.0596, ~ L? 5~, Ti L. 05~, Zx' L? 05~ Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy 25X1 A HARDNESS VALUE: B?g?N? 7~ Weight of 1?x+6 Pounds Finish Excessive cleanup needed -tool marks -burned sand -Flash and__ heavy gates sawed off. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Mold not closing properly -Sand cores were poor resulting in washes and erosion. B. Machining Ground finishes on bushing to 32-35 micro inches; on flanges - 55-70 micro inches. C. Design Quality Satisfactory. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Semi-permanent mold casting -Mold scribed ~ B.H.N. value indicates part in as-cast condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Medium aluminum. - silicide constituent uniformly dis- persed thru matrix. __ C 0,~~~~~ ~b~-~telease 2000/04%18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O'~O~~~b81~0~f~b1-4 Part Name Oil Pan (Lower Crankcase) Laboratory Serial No. 263163 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-160 Revealed a good sound structure, little to no shrink or porosity in this large casting -Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6+21, showed a medium to fine uniform grain structure, some pinhole porosity -Good quality casting. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si x.796, Cu Tr., Fe.l-1~, Mn .l-l~O,, Mg .l-1y6, Ni 1.5~,, Zn. L, 5~ Ti x.196, Cr Nil, Zr Nil Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy 25X1 A HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 70 Weight of 5~+?0 Pounds Finish Normal cleanup - slight core shift -Used phthalate type of coating on interior and exterior. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Some erosion -Some incomplete coring - rough finish possibly due to soft ramming. B. Machining Finish machined flange faces to 100-110 micro inches. Machining allowances greater than needed. C. Design Quality Satisfactory filleting and blending. Rib design poor-used a rounded rib design -Heavier section thickness in rib would be advisable. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand casting -Good guality - B.H.N. reveals part was in the as-cast condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Simple structure showing aluminum eilicide dispersed thru matrix. C O~{~,~~q- 4~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~~ IV F I D E N T I A L NON -FERROUS METALLURG;Y Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~f~'~~~I~b~4 Part Name Engine Crankcase (Up er) Laboratory Serial No. 26316+ Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-161 Little to no.ahrink or porosity as normally detected by radiographic inspec- tion -Gold quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 6+22, ahawed. very large gross grain structure indicative of a slow cooling process during casting. Shrinkage evident in dendritic pattern. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 10.7' Cu tr Fe .1-1?~ Mn .1-1~ Mg .l-1~ Ni L.5'j(i Zn L.5~6 Ti L.l~i Cr Nil zr Nil Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: BHN 93 Weight of 59 Pounds Finish Poor cleanup on casting -Foreign inclusion in form of sand -some plate formed. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory -Good sand coring practice. Slight washes. B. Machining Satisfactory -Flanges machined to 100-169 micro inches. Sleeve insert surfaces ground to 25 to 30 micro inches. C . Design Quality Satisfactory design -Good radii blend- ing practiced. Boss areas slightly gross. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sew-permanent mold casting -Good quality. BHN value indicates part was sol'n treated and aged to the Alcoa T~, condition. Molds scribed to improve casting. MICROSTRUCTURE? Silumin alloy -Aluminum silicide constituent dis- persed thru aluminum matrix. - uuu - ~ ~~r~~c~r~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL N0~1-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~4~F~~b~f~b~~f~~~'-4 Laboratory Serial No. 263165 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-162 Numerous blows in form of gas and porosity -One crack between #1 and #2 cylinders thru sound metal section -Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 6~+2~+, shows a fine uniform grain size -Metal quality good. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8.7~, Gu tr, Fe .l-l~, Mn .1-l~i, Mg .1-1~ Ni L .5~, Zn 1 .5~, Ti L .1~, Cr Nil, Zr Nil Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: B$N 93 Weight of 59 Pounds Finish Poor cleanup on castixxg -Foreign inclusion in form of sand -Some plate formed. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory -Good sand coring practice. Slight washes. B. Machining Satisfactory -Flanges xn,achined to 100-169 micro inches. Sleeve insert surfaces ground to 25 to 30 .micro inches. C. Design Quality Satisfactory design -Good radii blending practiced -Boss areas slightly gross. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Semi-permanent mold casting -Good-quality. BHN value indicates part was sol'n treated and aged to Alcoa T~ condition. Molds scribed to improve casting. MICROSTRUCTURE?~ Silumin alloy -aluminum silicide constituent dis- persed thru aluminum xna.trix. ~ ~~~r~~FTd~elease 2000/04/184 CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENT 1 A L NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~~4~~f~~ ~~~lb~''I -4 Part Name Engine Cylinder Head Laboratory Serial No. 263166 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-163 Medium porosity noted in coolant passages -Core wire noted in coolant passages. Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 623, showed uniform fine grain structure with some blows near sand cored areas in form of porosity and gas holes. Good quality of metal. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8.2~, Cu Zn L.S~, Ti L.l~, Cr Nil, Zr Nil Tr Fe .1-1,~, Mg .1-1~6, Ni x.596, Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy HARDNESS VALUE: 8o BHN Weight of 82.5 Pounds. Finish Cleanup did not appear to be excessive. Some inclusions in cored passages -Core wire. Satisfactor Ro COMMENTS: A. Workmanship y? ugh interior surfaces possibly attributed to poor sand core handling or reparation. B. Machining Satisfactory -Surfaces finished to 50-56 micro inches -Good machining allowances. C . Design Quality Sow tendency towards grossness in design - good filleting -blending practiced. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Semi-permanent mold casting -Good quality - BHN value indicates part had been stabilized for operating conditions to Alcoa T6 condition. MICROSTRUCTURE? ~ Simple silumin structure containing aluminum- eilicide constituent uniformly dispersed thru aluminum matrix. - 326 - C O~p~.Q~'~ ~telease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4- CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALL_URG'Y Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NorvApp ovedS ~or~e~leaseY2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O'IrO~~~b~17~~1-4 Part Name Water Pump Impeller Laboratory Serial No. 262981 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. MACRO EXAMINATION: Inspection showed a uniform fine grain structure. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS; Si 8.3~, Cr Tr, Fe . ~+4~, Mg .26~, Mn .27~, Ti ~.2,~, Zn 1.2~, Ni 1.5~, Al Bal. Compares to Alcoa 356 alley 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 86 Weight of C?2~+ Pounds Finish Rough finished casting - Used a gray marine type of paint to protect part from corrosion. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory. B . Machining allowance maintained. Satisfactory -Normal amount of machining C. Design Quality Semi-permanent mold casting -Good quality. B.H.N. value indicates heat treatment to Alcoa T~ condition. Mold scribed to D. Manufacturing Method & Quality C Or?~~k release 2000/04~'~~ :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001.-4 C A N P I D E N T I A L NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Part Name No. 1 Main Crankshaft Bearing Cap Laboratory Serial No. Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-270 Revealed a caeting.of MACRO EXAMINATION: Inspection showed a uniform fine grain size - Auality of metal was good. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 8.796, Cu L1.0~6, Fe .5296, Mg .11~, Mn .28~, ~ L?9~, Ni L?5~, Al Bal. Compares to Alcoa 356 alloy 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 100 Weight of Pounds Finish Excessive cleanup -Tool marks noted. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory -Exterior surfaces of mold very ,rough. Poor closing of the molds indicated. ' B. Machining Machining allowances greater than required - Ground surfaces where bearings are attached. C . D~ sign Quality_ Other bearing caps were forged from l~+S stock -Good blending -Satisfactory radii. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Permanent mold casting - Good quality -B.H.N. value indicates material was heat treated to Alcoa T~ condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Silumin alloy with simple structure of aluminum silicide dispersed thru matrix. - 329 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0~1 ~4~d~ ~~~01-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~~~~ ~{b 1~0~!4 Part Name Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap Laboratory Serial No. 262055 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-02~+ No defects detected by radiographic inspection -Good cuality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6369, showed forging was made from wrought blank with fibrous structure parallel to stresses. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu ~+.~+~,, Si 0.6y6, Fe 0.39,, Mg 0.39, Mn L1.0'~, Cr 1.1~, Ti 1.1~, Zn L.5`d, Ni L.S~ Compares to Alcoa 1~+ST allo 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 105 Weight of x.22 Pounds Finish Rough surface -Excessive flash of 5/16" at parting line. Tong not trimmed -poor cleanup. COMMENTS; A. Workmanship Satisfactor -Material could have been worked more for bulk or size of blank used. B. Machining_ Ground finish in areas where bearing fits to cap ~+0-50 micro inches. Rough bored bolt holes. C . Design Quality.. Satisfactory -Simple filleting in critically stressed areas Wall thickness in upper portion is very thin D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Forging -Satisfactory - B.H.N. values indicate a poor or improper heat treatment. MICROSTRUCTURE:_ Stringer type of structure with Copper-Aluminum and Aluminum -Copper -Manganese -Iron constituent in matrix. No evidence of ~ ~~r~r~elease 2000/04/13~~ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METAL_LUR(~Y Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 N~~pprove~dS~or~e~fease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~~~(~d(Q16ab~b~d~l -4 Laboratory Serial No. 262087 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-092 No defects noted during radiographic inspection. Very sound dense structure - Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Dy-Check showed forging seam which formed seam extending 1~2" into piston head. Macro, photographs 638~+A-B, lack of uniform metal flow in forged part. Quality fair. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si .87~, Al Bal. Fe 1.50, Cu 2.6~, Ni 2.7~, Mg 2.2~, Mn .17~, zn Nil, Compares to HARDNESS VALUE: See attached sheet Weight of 5'26 Pounds Finish No electro plated or chemical finishes. Machining allowances satis- factory. Wall section on one aide where balancing was COMMENTS: A. Workmanship performed showed 1~2" reduction in wall thickness over opposite side. B. Machining Machined and ground surfaces on piston skirt 120 micro inches; pin hole 50-55 micro inches; polished head 30-micro inches. C. Design Quality Truck type piston --Not cam ground - Adequate oil return holes - Heavy crown head - Good fillets. Back of head reinforced with ribs for conductivity and strength. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Forging - Satisfactory. or fair quality. B.H.N. indicates Alcoa T6 condition - Solution heat treat and med. Engine temperatures reduced hardness in crown of piston as shown in accompanying sketch. MICROSTRUCTURE: Copper - aluminum - iron constituent at grain bound- aries near coarse nickel - aluminum constituent urliforml dispersed thru forged structure. High nickel gives hot strength to alloy. C O ~,~'~ release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY C O N F I D E N T I A I. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070001~4 C O N F 1 D E N LI A NON-FERROU MET Approved For ~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010441~000106~~~~1-4 0 0 - 335 - Approved For Release 20n0/04/18 : CIA-RDP81-0~~'~a~~b1-4 Non~~~ ~r~1~~~~Y2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01?~R6?O~I~1~'lrgiQ@1-4 Part Name Air Cleaner to Intake Manifold Elbow Laboratory Serial No. 263237 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-170 Heavy blows throughout casting in form of gas holes and medium to heavy porosity- -0racks radia ink from chaplets - door 4'i ~.~lty? -- MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6+17, showed uniform fine. -grain struc- t~re wi h pin hole nornai ,y rn s ruct,~re -oxide inrlvai~n -poor q~ali y~ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 2.3~, Cu 7.~+~, Fe .1-1~,, Mn .Nil, MgL.l~, Ni /.5~, Zn 2..096, Ti /.1g6, Cr Nil, Zr Nil Compares to Alcoa 113 alloy HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 77 Weight of 10.30 Pounds Finish Poor cleanup -Rough exterior and interior -core shift washes - sand inclusions -tool marks. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Soft rauaning of s .nd ,;o .ed - qu_al y con- trol on sand seemingly poor. B. Machining. Satisfactory -although machining allowances apparently more than required. C. Design Quality Grossness in design -poor blending of wall sections. Chaplets caused severe segregation causing cracks. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand cantina -Poor quality. B.H.N. values indicate as-cast condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Al~mtn~m .op~pe_r and acicular Aluminum ai]_icida uni- formly dispersed in matrix. C O 1~(1' Fi~~.Release 2000T0~1~8 : CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C CI N F I D E N T I A L NON-FERROUS METAL.LURC~Y Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0'~O~~F ~b81~0~~~'1-4 Part Name Gun Safety Switch Box Laboratory Serial No. 263837 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-250 Revealed a sound cast- ing free of defects normally detected by radiographic inspection. Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATTON: Photograph .64+3, showed fine to medium grain structure. Good metal quality. GHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu 5.7~, Si 1.6~, Fe 1.3~, Mn ?53,x, Mg ?20,$, Ni 1.20, Zn 1.50y~, Al Bal C ampares to Alcoa 195 alloy. HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 105 Weight of 1.10 pounds Finish Normal cleanup -Painted green (dark) COMMENTSr A. Workmanship Satisfactory - No defects noted. B. Machining Satisfactory -Hole deformed during drilling operations. Too much reduction in wall section in several holes. C . Design Quality Good attention to fillets -wall section too thin in some areas. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Permanent .mold'-;castings - Good quality. B.H.N. value indicates part was. heat treated to Alcoa T6 condition (Sol'n Treat and age) MICROSTRUCTURE: Copper -Aluminum and Cu-Fe-Mn-Al constituents -Plus a brittle phase in which numerous fine cracks were noted and oxide inclusions. C O,-@~'~- release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 i CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY' I~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ;j Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~~~r~~~~' ~~I~O/04/18:CIA-RDP81-0104~DOFIOD~'~0~Q~k4 Part Name F~zel Transfer Pump Body Laboratory Serial No. 26335 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-251 Revealed soma micro shrinkage radiating from hold, also soma porosity (slight) in body section - Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6~+~3, shows a uniform medium grain size to fine grain size. Very good metal quality. CH MICAL NALYSIS: Ou 2 15y6, Si 1+ 9~, Fe 6596, Nrn 50~, Mg L 10~i, Ni ~. 20?b, Zn ~. 50~, Al Bal . Compares to Alcoa 19 alloy HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 76 Weight of 1.10 Pounds Finish Normal cleanup - No tool marks -Very good condition -Suspect chro- mat~~ennrrchemical treatment used as a protective coating on interior and ex- ~~i~ilvl~~'t'A. Workmanship Good workmanship -Good coring of internal passages. Good cleanup - No inclusions. B. Machining Good machine -satisfactory machining allowances practiced -pump portion~ound finish. C . Design Quality Satisfactorg -good blending -good fillets - good w 'I1 ee -ton n l,icknese est~n D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand casting -Good duality -B.H.N. value indicative of rt being in as-cast condition MICROSTRUCTURE: Simple structure of fine acicular Al-Si uniformly dispersed in matrix with some Cu-Al phase. C Ap~pPq~ll~p~' ~'glease 2000/04t1 ~4~CiA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~(~1~~ ~d?y ~4 Part Name Wat@r Fill@r acid Pressure Cap Housing Laboratory Serial No. 263~~5 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-2~+1 Revealed heavy blows i.e., excessive porosity and gas holes -Poor quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6+33, showed a uniform grain structure. Heavy corrosion noted at inlet and outlet orts of "T" fitting -Metal qualm appeared wood. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu 8.2g~, Si 0.8396, zn 25.~+y6, Mn L.l'~, Fe 1.15, Mn .25~, Ni L.5~, Al Bal. -- C ompares to High zinc alloys which are seldom us@d @v@n in present European practice. HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 100 Weight of 1.12 Pounds Finish Satisfactory -Normal cleanup -Some burned sand as inclusions. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory -Only slight evidence of washes or erosion in interior passages. B. Machining Satisfactory -Good tapped threads -Normal machining allowances. C. Design Quality Satisfactory -Fillets good -blending good -wall sections adequate - no grossn@ss in design. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand casting -Poor choice of alloy for part -B.H.N. value indicates hardness due possibly to natural aging of part. Ordinary heat treat outside of low temp. aging could cause hot shortness. MICROSTRUCTURE: Heavy intergranular attack thru Cu-A1 and some un- identified constitu@nt in form of Chin@se script. This appears to have been a poor application for this high zinc alloy. ~ ~A~fi-b4~'d`~dr~elease 2000/04/'~~~ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 N~i~i~s~@~4~oMA`?~g~f00/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~2~1~~(~'bb~l~4 Fuel Transfer Pump Drive Shaft Body Seal Laboratory Serial No. 263833 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6~+?+2, revealed a uniform fine grain size. Quality of metal was good. (See page 355 for photo). CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: ~ ~ 2~0, Fe 3886, Mn .~+2~, Mg .~-l~, Ni L.2?~, ~. 1.50 Compares to Alcoa 17S allo HARDNESS VALUE? B.H.N. 99 Weight of 0.075 Pounds Finish Used anodic coating. Color suggests chromate method. Thickness was approx. .0002". COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory. No defects noted which could be attributed to faulty workmanship. B . Machining practices observed. satisfactory -Standard and good machine C. Design Quality Satisfactory -Good attention given -co section thickness and radii. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Wrought bar stock used probably in a screw machine. Good quality -B.H.N. value indicates material was in Alcoa T~, condition (Sol'n and heat treat) MICROSTRUCTURE: Fine uniforml~y dispersed co Normal wrought structure. ~4~g1 ~pr~I~AI@ase 2000/04/T83~IA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Laboratory Serial No. 26205+ Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. Omitted MACRO EXAMINATION: If aluminum gasket is to be used, 2S is a good selection or choice. However, it should be in a softer condition than- B.H.N. ~4~+. _ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si L.1?~, Cu L.l~, Fe 0.16,x, Mg L.l?~, Cr L.1~, Mn 1.1~, Ti L.l~, Zn L.5~, Ni L.S. C ornpare s to Alcoa 2S alloy 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. ~+~+ Weight of 1.30 Pounds Finish Satisfactory -Part fabricated from sheet stock of uniform thickness. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory - No tool marks or other. de- fects indicative of faulty workmanship B. .Machining Finish surface .of 50 micro inches. Raised lands around each cylinder to obtain suitable seal. C. Design Quality Satisfactory -Ample use of expansion slots between cylinders: D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Stamping -Good quality - B.H.N. value indicates material was cold worked to the. Alcoa hard condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Excessive number of rosettes indicative of eutectic melting and ordinarily not present in an alloy of this composition. However. their presence shows that excessive temperatures were incurred during some fabrication process. - 345 - lp E~y JA Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~44R0001000~~001-4 N~~p~r~~$~b~~~~00/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~h~(~d'#dd~4~4 Page 24 Part Name Tachometer Mounting Bracket Laboratory Serial No. 263838 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-249 Revealed blows in form of gas holes -also, some shrink and fine cracks. Quality of casting fair. MACRO EXAMINATION: Photograph 6442 showed a very dense fine grain size. Quality of material was good. (See page 355 for photo .___ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 4.8~, Cu 3.8~, Fe .8286, Mn .38~, Mg .44y6 Ni 1.20, Zn .62y6, Al Bal. Compares to Alcoa 85 -Die casting alloy HARDNESS VALUE: Weight of 0.10 pounds Finish Excessive cleanup leaving numerous tool marks, near parting lines COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory. - However, dies used to cast part were leaving excessive amount of flash. B. Machining. Little machining necessary on this part. Sur- faces very good in as-cast condition. C. Design Quality Satisfactory -However, better rib. design and filleting could have been practiced. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Die casting -Good quality - no hardness values taken on die casting. MICROSTRUCTURE: Simple structure composed of very fine Cu-Al-Si constitu_e_nt at gain boundaries -Some porosity noted C~pM-6~r~ ~~F~ease 2000/04/18~4~IA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS T Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044F~00~~~~~'~~01-4 Laboratory Serial No. 263162 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-159 Revealed scattered porosity, however, quality of casting considered good. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection revealed a uniform fine grain size of dense structure having a good metal quality. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si tr, Cu 2.7~, Fe tr, Mg L.1~, Mn Nil, zn ,13.5, Al Ba,l Compares to Alcoa 645 alloy (Approx.) Weight of 115 Pounds Finish Poor cleanup noted at riser and gates in form of toolmarks -also foreign inclusions. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory workmanship in vital areas - Some evidence of soft ramming in sand mold. B. Maehining Surfaces used as bearing areas had ground surfaces of 53-58 micro inches. C . Design Quality Good blending of sections -ample fillets - Grossness in wall thickness noted. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand Casting -Good Quality - As-cast condition -Heat Treatment with high zinc content would MICROSTRUCTURE?,Simple structure showing Cu Alt constituent -Zinc is in solid solution and not visible. - 347 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81 ~'~(~~~~~001-4 No~pprove?c~~or~e~ease 000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~4~F~~b~~~d~~-4 Part Name Upper Transmission Case Laboratory Serial No. 2631h2 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-159 Scattered porosity and some gas holes noted in casting. Porosity nearjunction of heavy to thin sections -Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 6420, showed a uniform fine grain structure. Good metal quality. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu 3.5~, Zn 13.396, Si tr, Fe tr, Mg L.1~, Mn Nil, Al 1 Compares to Alcoa 645 alloy HARDNESS VALUE: BHN 74 Weight of 118'5 Pounds Finish Poor cleanup - Gates knocked off with hammer. Tool marks noted -some sand inclusions. COMMENTS' A. Workmanship Fair to good in vital areas -part showed some evidence of poor sand molding. B. Machining Ground finish to 40-50 micro inches in bearing areas. Adequate machining allowances. C. Design Quality Satisfactory -Good blending -filleting - Grossness in wall thickness and bosses noted. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand Casting -Good quality. As-cast condition -Heat treatment of this high zinc alloy would result in hot shortness. MICROSTRUCTURE: Simple structure showing Copper-Aluminum constituent at grain boundaries -Zinc is in solid solution and not visible. _ ~ 9~~rb&~`~'i~-~~lease 2000/04/18 $ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENT 1 A L NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERRQUS ,,gq~TALL ApproveCC~l FOr a ease~~/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044~0a'0'~0~8'~O~Iq Piston Pin Plug Laboratory Serial No. 2620$7 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. Omitted MACRO EXAMINATION:_ Quality of metal was good. Macro inspection showed a uniform grain size - CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Si 1.15$, Ou 5.$0~, Fe 1.08, Mg .1+8~, Mn .63~, Ni Nil, Zn Nil, Al Bal Compares to Alcoa l~+S alloy 2-5X'C14 HARDNESS VALUE: B.H.N. 99 Weight of 0.08 Pounds Finish No chemical or electroplated finish noted by spectrographic analysis. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory - No defects noted which could be attributed to faulty workmanship. B. Machining. ROB machining in non-vital areas. Ground finish to 35-40 micro inches on bushing areas. C. Design Quality Satisfactory. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Wrought bar stock - Probably used in a screw machine setup B H N value indicates parts are in the Alcoa T~ condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Typical elongated structure of l~+S alloy showing Cu A].~ and some constituent tentatively identified as Mg-silicide. ~ ~~Ir-b4~b4-~elease 2000/0411~~ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 SECTION B -ZINC ALLOYS Zinc base alloys used in the. T34 tank were cast as sand, permanent mold, and die castings. In composition these alloys compared to the Zamak 2, 3, and 5 allays used in the United States. Whenever zinc alloys are examined for quality particular attention is devoted to the quantity of contaminating elements lead, tin, and cadmium present in the alloy. The care taken to control these elements to low maximum limits is a good indication of the extent to which foundry control is prac- ticed by the manufacturer. If the contaminating elements are not con- trolled heavy intergranular corrosion will occur in the- form of heavy prod- ucts between the grains, resulting in a failure of the part. In the T34 tank parts these limits were maintained slightly above the maxi- mum recommended in our practice -see Table I. As a result two die cast parts, i.e, periscope body and odometer-speedometer assembly showed the effects of intergranular attack upon micro examination and inspection of the fractured pieces. In the fractured parts intergranular attack appeared as a uniform dark band which had progressed inwards to a depth of 0.020 ". Group I Zinc-Aluminum-Copper Alloys Chemical composition ranges between limits: Copper 2.5 -3.5% Aluminum 3.5 -4.5% Lead Max. .007?,b Cadmium Max. .005% Tin Max. .005?,b Zinc Balance Chemical analysis given in Table I indicates that the periscope body was die cast from an alloy comparable to Zamak 2. It is used where high strength and hardness are necessary. Our analysis indicated that some control was exercised to avoid excessive amounts of cadmium, tin, and lead in the die castings. Group II Zinc-Aluminum Alloys Chemical composition ranges between limits: Copper Max. .10%0 Aluminum 3.5 -4.5% Magnesium .03-.08% Iron Max. .10?b Lead Max. .007% Cadmium Max. .005% Tin Max. .005% Zinc Balance - 351 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-o1 ~b~bR~dRl~ddb~r-4 N ~c~r~e~~~~00/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 (~~~9~~7.~Qi0~~-4 The speedometer-odometer body employed an alloy comparable to Zamak 3. It is a general purpose alloy in which a greater dimensional stability can be maintained than with the other zinc alloys. Also, alloys in this grouping have better physical properties at elevated temperatures. Because of these characteristics the castings can be stabilized prior to service installations. Group III Zinc-Aluminum Alloy Chemical composition ranges between limits: Copper 0.75-1.25?,b Aluminum 3.5-4.30% Magnesium 0.03-0.08% Iron 0.1000% Lead Max. .007?0 Cadmium Max. .005% Tin Max. .005% Zinc Balance An alloy from this group was used in fabrication of the fuel tank selector valve body. The alloy was comparable to Zamak 5 which is a general purpose alloy having good dimensional stability and impact strength at room temperature. At elevated temperatures, however, it was subject to growth and loss of impact strength. The remainder of section B describes the examination conducted on each o zinc base parts. ~- - 352 - ~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Part Name Periscope Body Laboratory Serial No. 263780 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-2~F2 Revealed excessive amount of gas holes and porosity in castings -Poor quality. MACRO EXAMINATION. Macro inspection showed a heavy centerline porous condition throw. body of part. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS; Cu 2.7~, Al 3.0~, Fe L.05~, Mg L.02~O, Pb .008~~ Sn L.005~, Cd .007~u, Zn Bal Compares to Zamak 2 alloy 25X1 A HARDNESS VALUE: Weight of x+.09 Pounds Finish Heavy cleanup on riser and gate areas. No chemical or other protective treatments detected on this part. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Saw cuts and other tool marks noted on casting. Excessive flash indicative of molds not closinar properly -Poor mild work. B. Machining Satisfactory. Normal machining allowances observed on part. C. Design Quality Poor design -excessive grossness in wall D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Die Castinig -Poor quality. As-cast condition. MICROSTRUCTURE:_ Structure -large white particles of primary solid - 353 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-~18~~bBd~'~ddfb6ol-4 rvo~.~~~~sFSZI-e~~ e~~~.000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFI-DENTIAL Part Name Speedometer, Odometer Body Laboratory Serial No. 263836 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-248 Revealed gas porosity throughout bo y, however it was not excessive -consider castin to be of fair quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph .6442, showed orosity in center ortion of a heav section. Metal quality good. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:_Cu Tr, Fe L.05~,, Mg .10~, Pb .013, Sn / 0059b, Cd .007,, Al 4.8~ Zn Bal Compares to zamak 3 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: Weight of 0.30 Pounds Finish- Satisfactory - no excessive cleanup - no chemical or electroplated coatings used. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory -Good mold work -Good coring. B. Machining_ Satisfactory -Confined to finish cuts and tat~ping -holes bein~t cored - no drilling required C. Design Quality__Good design with uro er section thickness used -Good draft and coring practiced: D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Zinc Die Casting -Good quality - as-cast condition - no heat treatment. MICROSTRUCTURE: 'T`ypical structure -shows eutectic structure formed zinc rich and aluminum rich primary solid solution phases A proved For Release 2000/0/518 _ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~C3~drg-c~i~' ~I~~s~eA/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104~~~,Qg0E7N T/ A L Part Name Fuel Tank Selector Valve (For Air Pressurization) Laboratory Serial No. 263839 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-257 Revealed a sound casting of very good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 6~+~+2, showed a very fine uniform grain structure -Quality of metal goad. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al 4.7~, Cu 1.~+~, Fe L.05~, Mg L.02~, Pb .007, Sn .005~i, Cd .0080, Zn Bal Compares to zamak 5 25X1A HARDNESS VALUE: Weight of ?88 Pounds Finish Satisfactory - normal cleanup - no chemical or electroplated coatings used on part. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship good. Satisfactory -Mold operation evidently B. Machining Normal machining allowances used --all external threads were well cut. C. Design Quality Good design -Satisfactory blending of sections with ample radii. ~,..~J D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Permanent Mold Casting -_ Good quality ` heat treatment - as-cast condition. MICROSTRUCTU.RE? Structure has large white particles of primary solid solution of copper and aluminum in zinc- in matrix of eutectic formed by zinc rich and aluminum rich solid solution phases. Approved For Release 2000/04/1835~IA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL C O IIIIfIi~Db~~+tRR~M-lRelease 2000/04/18 :CIA-F~Bi~-8AE~9~4~R~q~Q~~QQQ~01-4 Laboratory Serial No. 263781 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-243 Revealed a highly porous casting -Quality of casting considered poor. MACRO EXAMINATION? Macro inspection, photograph 6432, showed a uniform fine gain size. Metal quality good. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu 1.4~, Al 4.2~, Fe L.05~, Mg L.02~, Pb .008, Sn L.005~i, Cd .0070, Zn Bal Compares to 7~nak 5 alloy HARDNESS VALUE: Weight of 0.30 Pounds Finish Very rough surface on casting - no chemical 'or electroplated coatings used on part. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship. Quality of sand mold was poor -showed effects of soft ramming. B. Machining Satisfactory, however, excessive machining allowances were used. C . Design Quality Satisfactory -proper blending radii used. Section thickness adequate. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand Casting - ~'~ir~___ quality - as-cast condition. Normally sand castings from this al]_~Tr are confined solely to experimental work. MICROSTRUCTURE: Structure -white particles of solid solution of copper and aluminum in zinc - in matrix of eutectic formed by zinc rich and aluminum. rich solid solution phases. Approved For Release 2000f021~88:CIA-RDP81-~'~~~~'~QQ~0~001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLU Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R000100070~~~ 4 SECTION C -COPPER ALLOYS Copper alloys although limited with respect to weight were used in a number of electrical and cooling system applications in the T34 tank. These ma- terials are comparable to alloys used in other countries for sheet, bar and cast products. All copper-containing components were not investigated, however, various parts as listed in Table I thought to be of a representative nature were studied. The role of non-ferrous alloys in bearing fabrication is brought out later in this report. Group I Copper-Zinc Alloys Chemical composition ranges between limits: Copper 59% to 62% Zinc Balance Brasses in the abave range are known as Muntz metal. These alloys have high strength combined with low ductility. Their application in the tank engine was limited to small parts such as washers and valve stems. Also, these alloys have excellent hot working qualities but only a fair degree of cold workability. Their machinability characteristics are good. Group II Copper- Zinc-Tin Alloy Chemical composition ranges between limits: Copper 94% to 96?,b Tin 1% to 3% Zinc Balance Alloys in this group are applicable to parts such as the .starter switch contact assembly in which good electrical conductivity and spring qualities are required. This alloy has good corrosion properties, resistance to dissipation in heat of arcing, and resistance to mechanical wear. It is well to note, however, that in this part the aforementioned properties were not depended upon. Instead silver attached to above bronze clip was used as a contact point. - 361 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-016~R~d~l ~~~'b~l -4 rvon~4p~t8 I~F~ta2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O'~4~R60D'~p0~'~QQQ1-4 Group III Copper-Aluminum-Iron Alloys Chemical composition ranges between limits: Aluminum 8.5-9.5% Iron 2.5-4.0% Copper Balance The outer portion of the turret drive worm wheel was made from an alumi- num bronze alloy of this composition. It is ~a non-heat treatable type of aluminum bronze suitable far severe service. These alloys have excellent wear resistant and anti-friction properties needed for this application, Group N Copper-Silicon-Zinc Alloys Chemical composition ranges between limits: Copper 80.0 to 83,0% Silicon 3.0 to 4,25% Zinc Balance Although composition of the periscope plate (see Table I) does not fall within the range given above, enough similarity exists to class it as a silicon brass. As such it compares to the ASTM B-176-50T, alloy C type, This alloy is generally reserved for pressure die castings, however, in the fabrication of the periscope plate the sand casting method was employed. Alloys of this group have good fluidity, high tensile properties and are well adapted to .intricate shapes. The remainder of this section contains a detailed account of the inspection of each of the copper parts. C O'R1~Y'B`~~1?~- ~telease 2000/04& :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C Approved ~oA~elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-R~~~1F~~~~O~~~~1-4 Part Name Periscope Plate Laboratory Serial No. 263782 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H-24~+ Revealed heavy porosity in large area of casting - Qualit of casting poor. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 6~+~+1, showed a medium CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: ~ 79.5, Si 2.59, Zn Bal Compares to Silicon Brass ASTM HARDNESS VALUE: Rockwell "B" 63 Weight of 1.62 Pounds Finish Excessive cleanup required -Foreign inclusions-noted in casting - rough surfaces. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Quality of sand waa poor, ae evidenced b numerous sand inclusions throes kart. B. Machining Excessive machining allowances used. Quality of machining and tapped holes was good. C . Design Quality Grossness in design noted. D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Sand Casting -Quality MICROSTRUCTURE: Simple alpha brass structure with fine inclusions (foreign) noted in part. Approved For Release 2000/04%18 :CIA-RDP81-0~~(!'~i~d~(1~01-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O~f ~44~d~~1 ~~~01-4 Periscope Plate CONFIDENTIAL - 364 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C O N F 1 D E N '[I A NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Part Name Fuel Tank Selector Valve Laboratory Serial No. 263751 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 6~+~+1, showed a costae elongated grain structure in center of part. Cu 58.30, PB .20~, Zn Bal Compares to Muntz Metal HARDNESS VALUE: Rockwell "B" 63 Weight of 0.~0 Pounds Finish Heavy hammer marks noted on valve stem. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship B. Machining Rough machining on non vital areas -Finish machined on valve surfaces. C. Design Quality Satisfactory D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Wrought bar stock - Machined -Fair quality MICROSTRUCTURE: Typical beta braes structure - No inclusions noted. - 365 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~~I~~~~~~~~'I -4 NO'`'-~~~8~e~d'`~rfYe 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-~I@~~tb~t~d0~401-4 Part Name Main Bearing Throat Rod Washer Laboratory Serial No. 262053 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu 61.6, Sn Nil, Pb Nil Fe tr, Ni tr, Zn Bal HARDNESS VALUE: Rockwell "B" ~+7 Weight of ?05 Pounds COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Effects of rough stamping noted at O.D. and I.D. of washer. B. Machining None C . Design Quality No comments D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Stamping -Fair quality. - Stock cold worked to hard condition. MICROSTRUCTURE: Typical Beta brass structure showing effects of cold .~ work at I.D. and O.D. ~ ~ ~~c~y@~ ~~Q~, Release 200010~~~P8~ CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NON-FERROUS METALLURGY C O N A~pr~ov~d~or Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Part Name Connecting Rod Pin Washer Laboratory Serial No. 262265 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu 62 0?~, Sn Nil, Pb Nil, Fe Tr, Ni Tr, Zn Ba,l Compares to Muntz Metal HARDNESS VALUE: Rockwell "B" 72 Weight of ?005 Pounds Finish No comments COMMENTS: A. Workmanship No comments B. Machining No comments C . Design Quality D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Stamped from .Oll sheet Although close to a high braes alloy some beta was noted. No inclusions or other defects. Approved For Release 2000/04%18 :CIA-RDP81-~1~~~bB~dd~b01-4 r~~i~rn~i ~t1~~~u~~~0/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Laboratory Serial No. 2611-058 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. H`281 Revealed a sound struc- ture with some apace due to contraction between steel hub and bronze worm gear -Good quality. MACRO EXAMINATION: Macro inspection, photograph 61+4+, showed a medium to fine grain size, Quality of metal was good. cu 89.7, Fe 2.9~, Al 7.5~, Bi o.lo~ Compares to ASTM B-11+8-41T HARDNESS VALUE: Rockwell "B" 74 Weight of Pounds Finish _ Satisfactory finishing COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory B. Machining _ Very rough machining-cuts taken on aluminum bronze gear teeth. C . Design Quality_ Good mechanical locking of bronze to steel hub by slots located in steel hub D. Manufacturing Method &Quality Aluminum-Bronze alloy cast in a pern~anent_mold around steel forged hub. Good qualit - As-cast condition. Non-heat treatable alloy. MICROSTRUCTURE: Very good typical structure showing single phase alpha alloy - classed as alpha typesaluminum bron e Approved For Release 2000/04/~~8: CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENT 1 A L NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 NUIYF~EI~4VIE~94ELa91CtCO~Nvviv~+i i o . ~-ir~-r~~ro i -v i ~r~r~~rr~v~t-~+ Laboratory Serial No. 2638'0 Date X-RAY EXAMINATION: XCED NO. Omitted CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Cu 94.2, Sn 3.4g6, Zn Bal Compares to HARDNESS VALUE: Rockwell "B" 77 Weight of .004 Finish Smooth uniform rolled sheet. COMMENTS: A. Workmanship Satisfactory B . Machining _ Edges of part free from burrs . C. Design Quality Satisfactory -ample section thickness and bend radii allowed in forming._ D. Manufacturing Method & Quality Stamped from sheet - Approved For Release 2000/04/'I~o CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 TUNGSTEN (Contacts) Contact Points -Voltage Regulator At the .regulator end,. the stud wafer was tungsten and the movable contact was silver. The spectrographic analysis of the movable point is Ag -Major portion Pb - 0.1 - 1 Cu-0.1 -1% Fe-0.1-1 Sn -0.1 -1% Zn-0.1 -1 - 371 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-~'I~~~~'~1bb'~001-4 Ap~'~v~~~~e~aTS~-g6~9`~'04/18 : CIA-RDP81-010448@Qfl~~~~~4A ~ TABLE I DATA ON NON FERROUS COMPONENTS USED IN THE T-34 TANK Alloy Base Part Name Group Com area to - - ---._..,y~ A coa Federal Form ;; Alum. Camshaft Brg. Block I 356 QQ A 371 Perm, Mold C ~~ Alum. Camshaft Brg, Cap I 358 , - - Alum. Oil Pump Body I Perm. Mold C 358 QQ A 371 Perm. Mold C ~~ Alum. Camshaft Drive Pinion Brg. Support I 356 QQ A 371 S i em Perm. Mold Alum. Accessory Drive Shaft Brg. I 356 QQ A 371 Alum Generator Coup. Drive Shaft Center Semi Perm. Mold C . Bearing I 356 QQ A 371 Semi Ferm. Mold C Alum. Lower Camshaft Drive Gear Brg, I 358 QQ A 371 Semi Ferm. Mold C Alum. Generator Coup. Drive Shaft End Brg. I 356 QQ A 371 Alum. Generator Drive Shaft Brg. Sleeve I 356 Perm. Mold Cas QQ A 371 Semi Perm, Mold Q Alum. Oil Pan I 356 QQ A 601 Sand Casthig ""'"' Alum. Crankcase I 358 QQ A 601 Sand Casting Alum. Cylinder Block I 356 QQ A 371 Semi Perm. Mold CaWp~+ Alum. Cylinder Head I 358 QQ A 601 Sand Casting Alum. Water Pump Impeller I 358 QQ A 601 Sand Castro B - Alum. No. 1 Main Crankshaft Brg. Cap I 358 QQ A 371 . Perm. Mold Casting - Alum. Switch Box -Gun Safety II B195 QQ A 598 Perm. Mold Castia~ "" Alum. Air Cleaner to Intake Manifold Elbow II 113 QQ A 598 Sand Casting ` r Alum. Upper Transmission Case III 845 None Sand Casting :"~ Alum. Lower Transmission Case III 645 None Sand Casting "," j Alum, Bracket Tach. Mtg. IV 85 QQ A 591 Die Casting "' Alum. Fuel Transfer Pump Body IV - None Sand Casting Alum, Engine Piston V - None Forging a 1 Alum. Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap VI 14S Class 5 QQ A 367 gang - --'~ For Alum. Piston Pin Plug VI 14S QQ A 36T Bar Stock ~ , _ "'f Alum Fuel Transfer Pump Drive Shaft ~ Body Seal 17S QQ A 353 Bar Stock l.i. ,:_ Alum. Cyl. Head Gasket VII 2S QQ A 411 Sheet Stock Alum. Water Filler & Pressure Cap Housing VII - None Sand Casting`""~'} Zinc Periscope Body I Zamak 2 None Die Casting"..,,;~: Zinc Speedometer -Odometer Body I I Zamak 3 Comp. A QQ Z 363 Die Casting n _~,,,,~, Zinc Fuel Tank Selector Valve Body III Zamak 5 Comp. B QQ Z 363 Sand C Zinc Fuel Tank Selector Air Pressurization Valve III Zamak 5 Comp. B QQ Z 363 Perm. Mold Ci-st- Copper Main Brg. Thrust Rod Washer I Muntz Comp. E QQ B 611 Sheet Stool[ Copper S tarter Switch Contact Point Assy. II Bronze-Tin Comp. A QQ B 746 Sheet Stock Copper Conn. Rod Pin Washer I Muntz Comp, E QQ B 611 Sheet. Stock- Copper Fuel Tank Selector Valve I Muntz Comp. E QQ B 611 Rod and .Bar St Copper T urret Dr. Worm Wheei III Bronze-Alum. Comp. B QQ B 871 Perm. Mold Cas Copper P eriscope Plate IV Silicon Bronze None Castin$; "Sand . ,,.,,,a, . T4 -Solution heat treated. T6 -Solution heat treated and then arkificially aged. * - "less than " --~..=r. _. ~. ,~~pKppg~ ~~r~g~gase 2000/04/18 s~lA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL NON-FERROUS METALLURGY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 TABLE I DATA ON NON FERROUS COMPONENTS USED IN THE T-34 TANK Eieat Weight Hardness Chem ical Composit ion Per ent - ~reat of Part Value 31 Cu Fe Mg Mn Ti Cr Zn Ni Pb Sn Al Zr Cd T8 .92 BHN 93 8.7 .15 .51 .31 .43 *.10 *? 1 *.1 *.5 - - Bal. - T8 .42 BHN 93 8.7 .15 .51 .31 .43 *.10 *.1 *.1 *.5 - - Bal. - T8 4.56 BHN 92 8.5 *.6 .53 .23 .27 Nil *.04 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. *.05 T6 1.56 BHN 98 8.2 *.6 .47 .26 .24 Nil *.04 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. *.05 TB 1.56 BHN 100 8.1 *.6 .49 .23 .28 Nil *.04 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. *.05 T8 1.42 BHN 93 8.7 *.8 .52 .30 .28 NIl *.04 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. *.05 T8 1.80 BHN 100 8.3 *.8 .52 .30 .28 Nil *.04 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. *.05 T6 .44 BHN 100 9.2 *.6 .60 .30 .25 Nil *.04 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. *.05 None 1.46 BHN 74 7.7 *.6 .60 .30 .25 Nil *.04 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. *.05 None 54.0 BHN 70 8.1 Tr .1-1 .1-1.0 .1-1-0 *.1 Nil *.5 *.5 - - Bal. Nil None 212.0 BHN 73 10.7 Tr .1-1 .1-1.0 .1-1-0 *.1 Nil *.5 *.5 - - Bal. Nil T8 59.0 BHN 93 8.7 Tr .1-1 .1-1-0 .1-1-0 *.1 Nil *.5 *.5 - - Bal. Nil T8 82.5 BAN 80 8.7 Tr .1-1 .1-1-0 .1-1-0 *.1 Nil *.5 *.5 - - Bal. Nil T8 .24 BHN 88 8.3 Tr .44 .25 .27 *.2 - *.2 *.5 - - Bal. - T6 - BHN 100 8.7 *1.0 .52 .11 .28 - - *.9 *.5 - - Bal. - T6 1.10 BHN 105 1.6 5.7 1.3 .20 .53 - - *.5 *.2 - - Bal. - None 10.3 BHN 77 2.3 7.4 .1-1 *.1 Tr *.1 Nil 2.0 *.5 - - Bal. Nil None 118.5 BHN 74 Tr 3.5 Tr *.1 Nil - - 13.3 - - - Bal? - None 115.5 BHN 86 Tr 2.7 Tr *.1 Nil - - 13.5 - - - Bal. - - .10 BHN 102 4.8 3.8 .82 .44 .30 - - .62 *.2 - - Bal. - - 1.00 BHN 76 4.9 2.1 .85 *.1 .50 - - *.5 .2 - - Bal. - TB 5.28 See Fig.# - 2.8 1.5 2.2 .17 *.05 Nil Nil 2.7 - - Bal. Nil T4 4.22 BHN 105 .6 4.4 .39 .39 *1.0 *1.0 *1.0 *.5 *.5 - - Bal. Nil T4 .08 BHN 99 1.15 5.8 1:08 .48 .83 *.05 Nil Nil Nil - - Bal. Nil T4 - BAN 99 - 4.2 .38 .41 .42 - - *.5 *.2 - - Bal. - 1.30 BHN 44 *.1 *.1 .18 *,1 *.1 *.1 *.1 *.5 *.5 - - Bal? - None 1.12 BHN 100 .83 8.2 1.15 *.1 .25 - - 25.4 *.5 - - Bal. - None 2.17 - - 2.7 *.05 *.02 - - - Bal. - .008 *.005 3.0 - .007 None .30 - - Tr *.05 .10 - - - Bal. - .013 *.005 4.8 - .007 None .30 - - 1.4 *.05 *.02 - - - Bal. - .008 *.005 4.2 - .007 None .88 - - 1.4 *.05 *.02 - - - Bal. - .007 *.005 4.7 - .008 None .05 R.B 47 - 81.6 Tr - - - - Bal. Tr Nil Nil - - - None .004 RB 77 - 94.2 - - - - - Bal? - - 3.4 - - - None .005 RB 72 - 82.0 Tr - - - - Bal. Tr Nil Nil - - - None 0.40 RB 63 - 58.3 - - - - - Bal. - .20 - - - - None - R,B ?4 .10 89.7 2.9 - - - - - - - - 7.5 - - None 1.82 RB 83 2:3 79.5 - - - - - Bal. - - - - - - - 373 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-~1~~F~~~1~0~O~1~b'01-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 METALLURGY Bearings Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL METALLURGY-BEARINGS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81 ~~ ~~~~fi~~~0Ebs1-4 METALLURGY REPORT BEARINGS AND RUBBING SURFACES (Non-Ferrous) The connecting rod and main bearings are of nominal composition as follows: Lead 25% Copper 75% They are cast on steel back of Rockwell B hardness 65 to 86, which is quite a range. Structure of the lining is fairly good. The 39 Rockwell C journal used in this engine should be quite satisfactory for operation against these 'bearings. The following bushings, all bronze castings, have been analyzed with results as shown: Oil pump shaft bushing Copper 88.5?0 Tin 8.7% Lead .2?6 Zinc Balance R "B" 61 Articulating rod bearing Spectrographically similar to above. Connecting rod upper end bushing Spectrographically similar to above. The only remarkable thing about this composition of bronze for these applications is that it contains so little lead. Normal procedure here would be to use S.A.E. 791, or if pounding were too heavy for this material, S.A.E. 792. If a casting were essential, 5.A.E. 64 or 660 would probably be used. The water pump shaft bushing appears, from its spectrographic analysis, tv be a silicon bronze, containing no manganese or aluminum and minor amounts of zinc. There appears to be more lead present here than in most silicon bronzes. Silicon bronze is not commonly used as a bearing. Its main characteristics are Brood resistance to corrosion by some aqueous solutions, high strength and hardness (Rockwell B 69 in this case). This - 375 - p Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~44R0~0100070001-4 METALLURGY-BEARINGS AND RUBBING SURFACES C O N F 1 D E N T 1 g L Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 hardness is the most probable reason for specifying it here. Inforr=nation on expected loads would throw some light on this. It generally requires good lubrication, and in this case received it. Camshaft bracket composition elsewhere reported is rather a structural than a bearing alloy. The unhardened camshaft journals, Rc26, will probably wear more heavily than we would think desirable, but it would be a long time before this seriously affected the operation of the tank, Fuel Transfer .Pump Shaft Bushing This part is a low-tin, high-lead bronze with a remarkably high' percentage of nickel. Composition found was as follows: Copper 68.3% Tin 4.0% Lead 24.5% Nickel 3.1% This almost classifies as a copper-lead. It is unusual to make so fragile a part a,s this of such ahigh-lead material without a steel back. The addi- tion of the high nickel content was undoubtedly made to strengthen and harden the copper base matrix. This aim was achieved; hardness was Rockwell F64, which is equivalent to a Brinell hardness of 5?-58 on the 500 kilogram scale. The comparative figure without the nickel would be about 50. Lead dispersion was excellent. The piece had a lead colored fracture, indicating good cleanliness of the melt. The reason for use of so much lead in the alloy was doubtless the fact that the bushing is lubricated only with Diesel fuel oil. Light load permits limited hardness. In accordance with the composition, a hardened journal was used. If we had a similar problem to solve, we would produce a flanged, steel- backed bushing out of a .strip, using much the same bearing alloy without the nickel. CONFIDENTIAL - 376 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 METALLURGY Protective Coatings Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL PROTECTIVE COATING Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 25X1A Some of the oil and air valves were lead dip coated. The scavenge ail control valve consisted of a casting to which steel outlet and inlet lines were welded. The assembly was then lead dipped. No cadmium, nickel, or chromium plating was found. found to be .0004 in, thick. on the steel tubing used to distribute compressed air for starting was PROTECTNE COATINGS Protective coatings found on the tank engine were examined and the results tabulated. The following pages include the type of coating and the practice generally followed in the U.. S, for coating similar engine parts. Zinc and lead were the only metallic coatings found. The zinc coating 25X1A - 377 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~0~4~~dl~l~h~T~~'1-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 PROTECTIVE COATINGS C O N F I D E N T I A L ~i ~ ,~ .~ ~ ~ ~ a~ a~ a~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ Ri U N ~ a .u -r.+ Cd ni ~ ~ ~ .~ ?~ U U '~"u .~ .~ ,~ '{~ 'tj U U r-+ .u .,~".r .~ w a a~ z a ~~ ~~ ~ cd ~-, U c~ z C~ ~ ~ Cd ~U+ U V iy U +.i Cd ~ ~ ~ ~ N W ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ "~ U cd ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ U .~ N Rt td ~ an .~ ctf O U -~ A ~ O N N '"'~ O O CSC 'C3 ~, ~ ~ o 0 U ,~ ~'i N N W CA .-~ 0 c~ ~ ~ sz, v ai ~_ ~ o ~ ,n ~ ~. ~, o U ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ o ~ o ~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL - 378 - CONFIDENTIAL PROTECTIVE COATINGS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 a~ ~a a r'~ii rn m ~ ~ rail ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~~ ~~ .'O. .~ .~ ..fir ~ .O O ~~ p+ .O w ~+-+ w w w w ~ w w w w O w .,~ O O O O O O cd O O O O 't~ O z z z z z z a z z z z ~ z 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ O O O a a a o+ ~ o o .~ .A V ~ V U ~ N a ~ as a - 379 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-o16~4~li68#~-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 FUEL and LUBRICANTS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL FUEL AND LUBRICANT Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 FUEL AND LUBRICANT ANALYSES REPORT Samples of fuel and lubricants removed from the G812 Russian T34 tank were tested and the results compared with those in the Aberdeen report. The following evaluation of oils and greases was made: - Transmission Oil and Engine Oil The analysis of the transmission oil as obtained by the Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory was compared with the Aberdeen Automotive Laboratory results on a Russian tank transmission oil in 1942. As can be seen from Table I, there has .been very little change. The oil is essentially on SAE 50 engine oil with no additives. (A small amount of fatty oil appears to be present in the transmission oil analysis. Since not enough is indicated to make any substantial difference, the fatty oil may be an impurity. 2 - In Table I there is also a comparison of the 1942 Aberdeen results on the engine oil Except that the pour point is substantially lower than that of the above mentioned transmission oil, the present engine oil resembles both the transmission oil and the 1942 engine oil. 3 -Diesel Fuel Oil Table II shows the comparison of data on fuel oils as reported by Aberdeen in 1942 The data show that the oils are in every way similar and that a reasonably good grade of -fuel was being used in both cases. 4 -Final Drive Housing Oil 25X1 A Table .III shows analysis of the final drive housing oil. This appears to be an SAE 80 gear oil with some sodium base grease mixed in, probably as an impurity. The oil itself has no extreme pressure or other additives. 5 -Texas Company Analysis of Russian Oils Table IV shows part of the Texas Company analytical data on various Russian oils as reported in 1943. This table is included because it indicates that the tendency , at that time was to use straight mineral oils of the same general viscosity ranges as were found in the present T34 tank. It seems of more than passing interest to the writer that no advantage appears to have been taken of the considerable strides that have been made in the fields of detergent and other type additives. 25X1A 25X1A - 381 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01~9~~1~dl~l~~TT~d1-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 FUEL AND LUBRICANT C O N F I D E N T I A L 6 - In Table V a partial report of the Texas Company data of 1943 on various Russian greases is included. The reason no comparisons have been made directly between these greases and the greases found in the Russian tank, which is being investigated, is that the two groups of greases bear no general relation to each other. Of the three greases reported by the Texas Company, only one is calcium soap base, whereas all of the ones found in T34 tank have a calcium soap base. Whereas melting point appeared to be of some interest in the early greases, it appears that the present Russian thinking does not place much value on this property. 7 -Data on Calcium Soap Base Greases with a Mineral Oil Base Table VI shows the two greases that most closely resemble those in Table V. The wheel hub lubricant consists of an SAE lOW oil thickened with 11% calcium soap. This is a type of grease quite often encountered in American practice. The coil spring suspension case has an extremely hard smooth .orange colored grease made #rom SAE 10W oil thickened with 27% calcium soap. Except for the presence of a substantial amount of asphaltic material of unknown source, this grease is not unusual. The source of the asphalt could not be deter- mined because of the large amount of debris such as dirt, .rocks, canvas, etc, present in the original sample. $ -Analysis of Grease Containing Wool Fat Table VII shows the analysis of three greases, all of which contain a substantial amount of wool fat. The turret bearing grease .contained 20.7% wool fat in addition to 3.7% calcium soap in which there was a trace of sodium soap, This material also contained 75ab of either a very soft petrolatum ar a mixture of petrolatum and oil. -The end result was grease with a dropping point of 136?F. This grease should be very useful where water resistance is needed, but would seem of doubtful value if high temperature adhesion were required. Although the sample of water pump grease received was insufficient to make a detailed analysis, it appeared to be similar to that found in the turret bearing. The grease in the suspension shaft inside the hull was a combination of three materials. These were a grease similar to that found in the water pump, a grease similar to that found in the wheel hub, and a heavy mineral oil which did not appear to have separated from the greases. The three were not well mixed and it appears that this unit -was lubricated with whatever happened to be handy at the moment. In general, two conclusions can be reached from the analyses of the lubri- cants in the subject T34 tank: Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL - 382 - CONFIDENTIAL FuE~ AN t Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044R0S0~~~~~~1-4 1 -The Russians have not taken advantage of recent research in oil additives. 2 -Water .insolubility o~ the grease used in the T34 tank seems to be of prime consideration, with less temperature resistance being required. - 383 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0~~2~6~'~d~~bb1-4 r uc` tlrvu L,U IV 1 Approve or elease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O'Fd~~'1~6b~'~AOa0~1-4 COMPARISON OF ABERDEEN AUTOMOTNE LABORATORY RESULTS 25X1 A REPORTED IN 1942 WITH DATA ON 1951 TANK OILS, Pour Point Naphtha Insol. Weight) Chloroform Insol. (Weight) Conradson Carbon Residue Neutralization Number Viscosity @ 100oF CS Viscosity @ 100?F SSU Viscosity @ 210?F CS Viscosity @ 210?F SSU 25X1A Transmission Oil Engine Oil Aberdeen Lab. No. 4077 +70? F 0.40% 0.27% 1.10% 0.159 342 1580-1600 21.5 104.4 Viscosity Index 94 Dilution _ Ash 0.26% Asphaltenes 0.13% Saponification No. Calculated Fatty Oil Copper Strip Corrosion @ 212?F @ 300?F +70?F +20?F +10?F 0.28% 0.083% 0.30% 0.20% 0.075% 0.10% 0.665% 0.80% 0.12(No fatty acid) 0.092 0.03 340 1274 15?2 1275 22.1 103 106.9 92 99 86 Some indi- cated 79 0.131% 0.034% 0.04% 2.50 1.5-2.0% Nil Nil Nil Nil ?~ Sulphur 0.10% 0.14% % Chlorine % Lead % Phosphorous SAE Rating Nil Nil Nil 90 50 25X1A C O ty,~lp-b~'~IF~4ot Release 200070 8-: CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C O N F I D E N T I A L FUEL AND LUBRICANT Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 25X1A COMPARISON OF DATA ON FUEL OILS AS REPORTED BY THE AUTOMOTIVE LABS OF THE ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS IN 1942 AND IN 1951. Aberdeen Lab. No. - 385 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 dr4$~~b~h~'l~od'8~--4 Fu~.p~~v~~~~~ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~~~~~ ~~~~~OL1-4 25X1A ANALYSIS OF FINAL DRNE HOUSING OIL Test Viscosity @ 100?F SSU Viscosity @ 210?F SSU Viscosity Index S.A.E. No. Pour Point Sulfur Ash Copper Strip Corrosion Neutralization No. Naphtha Insolubles Benzene Insolubles Almen Load Nature of Naphtha Insolubles 25X1A 391.9 55.75 85 80 Gear Oil 20 Motor Oil -50?F 0.121% 0.769% (Mostly sodium and iron) Nil 0.38 10.4% 0.2% 6 lbs. Mostly sodium base grease in clots. Approved For Release 2000/04/'~6 CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL FUEL AND LUBRICANT Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 TABLE N TEXAS CO. REPORT OF RUSSIAN OILS ISSUED. 2-26-43 (Abstracted) T 100 TD Avtol. Engine Oil 105 No. 18 TD 106 Aviation Oil TD 107 Spindle Oil Recoil Mech. Gravity API 25.0 20.9 24.9 24.8 Flash COC 520 435 520 360 Fire COC 590 510 600 395 Viscosity @ 100 SSU 1813 1383 1908 137.4 Viscosity @ 210 SSU 114.1 82.5 137.9 41.0 (23.7CS) (16.2CS) (29.1CS) (4.5CS) Approx. SAE Grade 60 50 70 - V.I. 84 40 104 53 Pour ?F ASTM +10 +10 -10 -45 Copper Strip @ 212?F Neg. Neg. Neg. Pos. Black Carbon Residue 0.67 0.$4 0.74 0.13 Neutral No. 0.06 - 0.30 0.06 0.76 Saponification No. 0.7 2.0 1.6 9.3 Ash .01 0.13 Trace 0.01 Total Fatty Acids % 0.12 0.91 0.22 0.35 Neutral No. Insufficient 140 Insufficient 141 sample sample Total Sulphur % 0.11 0.19 0.11 0.52 Corrosion Copper . Positive Neg. Positive Positive Strip (Peacock) (Peacock) (Black) - 387 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~1~~~~~~~1-4 FuEl4pi~#fbl~lease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-04Q~~OODP~-a01-4 TABLE V RUSSIAN GREASES AS ANALYZED IN THE TEXAS CO. REPORT OF 2-26-43 (Abstracted) TD 103 Konstalin TD 104 TD 108 Lub. Oil W.B. Grease (Russian Lub.) Colidol SP. Grease No. 8 (A Grease) Appearance Light Yellow Tan Shiny Brown, Shiny, Dark Slt. Blue .Bloom Greenish blue. Melting Point ?F 312 180 ~ 257 Penetration Unworked 239 233 399,_. Worked 240 239 383 Ash 3.2 1.5 1.2 Predominating Base Sodium Calcium Sodium Soap 27.8 (Na) 13.4 Ca 11.1 (Sodium) 1.2 Mg. Oil Mineral 69.3 81.5 86.1. - Tests on Oil (Unsaponified) Viscosity SSU 173 404 574 @ 100 Viscosity SSU 42.8 51.4 59.9 @ 210 ~ ~~-~ ?P~ ~telease 2000/04 CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL FUEL AND LUBRICANT Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 TABLE VI DATA ON CALCIUM SOAP GREASES USED IN THE WHEEL HUB AND THE COIL SPRING SUSPENSION CASE OF A RUSSIAN T34 TANK 25X1A Coil Spring Susp. Case 25X1A Test Dropping Point 167? F 176oF Penetrometer 286 % Soap 11.37% Type of Soap Calcium Oil Vis.@ 100?F SSU Oil Vis.@ 210?F SSU Viscosity Index 191 27.6% Calcium 186.2 180.3 45.1 43.6 89 63 Ash % 3.68% Majority Calcium 5.17% and Iron Appearance This was an extremely hard, smooth orange colored grease. Since it was full of debris such as dirt, rocks, sticks, pieces of canvas, etc., its exact composition was dif- ficult to define. It contained a substantial amount of asphaltic material of unknown source. - 389 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-r9'~~~~b$d001-4 FQ@~r~gc~,F,g~~~~ase 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A TABLE VII 25X1 A ANALYSIS OF GREASES CONTAINING WOOL FAT Turret Bea Water Pu Dropping Point Penetrometer % Soap Type of Soap Ash Oil Vis. @ 100 SSU @ 210 SSU Viscosity Index Foreign Material Saponification No. Insoluble Fatty Acids Combined Fatty Acids From Esters Iodine No. Total Alcohols Reichert Meissel No. Unsaponifiables Acetyl Value Melting Point of unsaponifiables Notes: 136?F 274 3.71% Calcium (Trace SodiuYn) 2.18% 1.34% (Mostly iron & Rust) 20.2 4.05% 138?F 272 3.55% Calcium (Trace Sodium) 0.84% Suspension Shaft 25X1 A Inside Hull 157?F 269 9.63% Calcium 521.1 61.8 84 4.97% 5.1 11.39% 1.9 78.41% 4.9 104?F This grease is apparently about 3.7% soap 20.7% wool fat and the remainder is either a very soft petrolatum or a mixture of petrolatum and oil. Apparently similar to turret bearing grease; insufficient sample prevent- ed duplicating tests. This grease is a mixture of three materials.: 1. Similar to water pump grease. 2. Similar to wheel hub grease. 3. A heavy mineral oil apparently not separated from the grease. Ap roved For Release 2000/04/~~: CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C4N~IDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 RUBBER PARTS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL RueBER PARTS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Natural Rubber Parts made of natural rubber were of a good quality compound with good general properties. Electrical connection insulators, for instance, had a tensile strength of approximately 1800 psi and an ultimate elongation of 650%. The following parts tested were found to be of natural rubber: 1 -Electrical connection insulators 2 -Outer cover layer on oil and water line connector hoses 3 -Cylinder sleeve water seal 4 -Bogie wheel tires Neoprene Type Synthetic Rubber: All rubber parts on the tank which would ordinarily be subjected to contact with oil or fuel were made of a polychoroprene (neoprene) synthetic rubber. This particular polychoroprene is apparently the Russian synthetic Sovaprene, which is similar to our neoprene rubbers. Samples of neoprene rubber were found to have comparatively poor tensile and elongation properties and good oil and heat resistance properties. The. average tensile strength of the neoprene inner layer of oil and water line connector hoses was 400 to 800 psi with 50 to 200% elongation. This indicates that the stock is highly loaded with carbon blacks and other types of fillers. (This could be a means of conserving their rubber supply.) Oil resistance tests of the. same sample showed 40 to 80% volume swell after 70 hours at 212oF in ASTM #3 oil. This is considered good for polychoroprene type compounds. Adhesive properties on all hose parts were very poor. (This factor may indicate a shortage of natural rubber for adhesive compounds or may represent what the Russians consider a satisfactory product.) Heat resistance tests conducted at 212?F for 70 hours show no appreciable loss in tensile strength, indicating good heat resistance. The following Cold Room tests on a neoprene sample (peep window head pad) were reported: 5 hours at - 40?F flex OK 5 hours at - 65?F flex OK 70 hours at - 40?F flex OK 70 hours at - 65?F sample brake Parts made of neoprene are listed below: 1 -Connector hose from intake manifolding elbow to air cleaner duct and intake manifold 2 -Final drive dust seal - 391 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-d1 ~4~F~~~1 101-4 ~~e~lA~~~ Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104C41~00~1IOD0070001-4 N ENTIAL 3 -Grommet in connection from fuel line to injection nozzle 4 -Grommet in oil return line from head to crankcase 5 -Head-block water port gaskets 6 -Antenna anti-vibration gaskets 7 -Cylinder sleeve oil seal 8 -Inner layer of oil and water line connector hoses 9 -Peep window head pads Buna S Synthetic Rubbers: Samples of Buna S type rubber were found to have low tensile strength and fairly good elongation properties. This type of rubber was used for vibration and electrical insulation. A sample of 24 volt high current ca- pacity wire insulation tested had a tensile strength of 490 psi, elongation of 525%, and a Durometer hardness of 60. Another sample, from a smaller wire, had a tensile strength too low to test, elongation of 450%, and Duro- meter hardness of 60. Another Buna S sample, from the driver's periscope vibration insulator, had a tensile strength of 600 psi and appeared to be from a stock highly loaded with fillers. Tests on the suspension arm bumpex indicated that an exceptionally volatile plasticizer was used in the compound. The bumper examined showed indications of having been subjected to extreme heat, either from direct contact with #ire or from high and frequent impact. Cold Room tests on a Buna S sample (generator drive coupling) revealed the following: 5 hours at - 40?F flex OK 5 hours at - 65?F flex OK The following parts tested were of Buna S: 1 -Driver's periscope vibration insulator 2 -Instrument panel vibration insulators 3 -Suspension arm bumpers 4 -Generator drive coupling 5 -Periscope handle grip 6 -Ammunition cushions 7 -Oil, fuel, and air line vibration insulators 8 -Insulation on electrical wiring The following report represents further analysis on miscellaneous rubber parts (non-oil resistant applications) removed from the tank. 1 -PHYSICAL PROPERTIES The physical- properties of the parts as tested appear to be approxi- mately 30?,~ lower than those generally specified for current automotive rubber parts and the specification limits for U. S, tank rubber parts built for World War II, and 50?,~ lower than those being established for the current tank building program. Approved For Release 2000/04/18~~IA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL CONPID~NTIAL R Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104~1~~~~10~~~I~001-4 The figures of 30 and 50% are in addition to a 25% age or service loss generally allowed on parts of this type as compared to the calcu- lated original physical values. The higher standards affecting our current tank rubber parts are based on an Ordnance request that oil resistance and flexibility at -65?F be specified on a large majority of the rubber parts required for both current and future tank building programs. All parts tested hardened far beyond our specification limits at both -35 and -65?F. The majority of parts showed excessive bloom. All parts ignited and burned more freely than U. S, "general use " type polymer base compounds, 2 -FABRICATION TECHNIQUE (a) Extruded Parts Indications from the parts examined in regard to "rating the fabri- cation technique " are that the parts were: 1 -run by inexperienced processing or machine hands, 2 -made from poor extrusion stocks, 3 -extruded at extremely high speeds intentionally, The above is based on the extreme surface roughness, both inside and outside, of the parts submitted. (b) Molded Parts All molded parts indicated good molding equipment and technique with the exception that little time was spent for trimming the parts. This applies to both functional and non-functional items. 3 -SOURCE AND PART IDENTIFICATION No source of manufacturer or part identification, such as part number, was apparent on any of the parts examined. 4 -GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS With the exception of the suspension bumper (item #3) none of of the parts covered by this analysis was subjected to severe service conditions. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP8~?1W~411QIOi9~0001-4 ~6~ea? Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-0104aRD8A1Q9~~QQQ~ ~ RUBBER PARTS -RUSSIAN BUILT TANK 1 -Vibration Insulator -Instrument to Cockpit Method of Fabrication -Molded -Polymer Indicated -GRS Type Durometer 56/62 Flame Test Burns readily Tensile & Elong. -- Spec. Gravity 1.30 Tear poor Appearance slight -bloom Compression Set 16.9 Gen'1 Condition good Comments: When flame was extinguished, part gave off a very dense smoke which ignited very rapidly, indicating that an ex- ceptionally volatile plasticizer was- used in the compound. 2 -Vibration Insulator Method of Fabrication -Extruded - Polymer Indicated -GRS Type Durometer 58 Flame Test Burns readily Tensile & Elong. 368/100 Spec. Gravity 1.30 Tear very poor Appearance very high sulfur bloom inside tube Compression Set -- Gen'1 Condition Fair Comments: Very low quality stock and extremely rough extrusion. 3 -Suspension Bumper Method of Fabrication -Molded -Polymer Indicated -GRS Type Durometer ?0 Flame Test Burns readily Tensile & Elong. -- Spec. Gravity -- Tear fair Appearance See Comments Compression Set 34 Gen'1 Condition " Resilience 51?,~ Comments: When flame was extinguished, part gave off a very dense smoke which ignited very rapidly, indicating that an ex- ceptionally volatile plasticizer was used in the compound. Approximately. one half of this bumper simulated a "gummy" substance indicating that the part had either been in direct contact -with fire or subject to terrific heat generated by high and frequent impact. ~prp~r~c~ ~jgr~Fj~lease 2000/04/9 ~9~hA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01044~~~1 ~~0~01-4 4 -Generator Drive Coupling Method of Fabrication -Molded -Polymer Indicated -GRS Type Durometer 75/80 Flame Test Burns readily Tensile & Elong. -- Spec. Gravity 1.185 Tear 41.0 Appearance See Comments Compression Set 21.6 Gen' 1 Condition Good Comments: There were definite indications of "Case" or surface age hardening over the complete part and of minor abrasion effects around the drive pin holes on one side of the rub- ber coupling, Service conditions were apparently very moderate for this type part, 5 -Ammunition Rack Cushion Method of Fabrication Durometer Tensile & Elong, Tear Compression Set Comments: None Molded -Polymer Indicated -GRS Type 58 Flame Test Burns readily -- Spec. Gravity 1,16 Fair Appearance Moderate Bloom 28.6 Gen'1 Condition Good 6 -Ammunition Box Cushion Method of Fabrication -Molded -Polymer Indicated -GRS Type Durometer Tensile & Elong, Tear Compression Set Comments: None 60 Flame Test Burns readily -- Spec. Gravity 1.115 -- Appearance Moderate Bloam 47.2 Gen'1 Condition Good 7 -Periscope Sandle Grip Method of Fabrication -Extruded -Polymer Indicated -GRS Type Durometer 60 Flame. Test Burns readily Tensile & Elong, 547/150 Spec. Gravity 1.195 Tear Poor Appearance See Comments Compression Set -- Gen'1 Condition '~ Comments: Very low quality -low age stock -extremely rough ex- trusion, Part had numerous surface cracks indicating part was highly stressed in assembly. - 395 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP84~'~b~~R~A1r000~0001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 RUBBER PARTS CONFIDENTIAL 8 -Peep Window Gasket Method of Fabrication - Molded -Polymer Indicated - GRS Type Durometer 55 Flame Test Burns readily Tensile & Elong. 640/475 Spec. Gravity 1.28 Tear Poor Appearance .Very High Compression Set -- Gen'1 Condition Sulphur Bloom Poor-See Note Comments: Portion of gasket had apparently been subjected to oil. 9 -Peep Window Head Bumper Pad Method of Fabrication -Molded -Polymer Indicated -Neoprene Comments: None 10 -Plug Method of Fabrication - Molded -Polymer Indicated - GRS Type Durometer 65 Flame Test Burns readily Tensile & Elong. -- Spec. Gravity 1.19 Tear -- Appearance High Sulphur Compression Set -- Gen'1 Condition Bloom Good Comments: None Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL - 396 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 PLASTICS and FABRICS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL PLASTICS AND FABRICS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 PLASTIC AND FABRIC PARTS The following plastic and fabric parts were examined: INJECTION PUMP CONNECTOR DISC This part is made from what appears to be a grade C phenolic laminate. The filler plies are cotton duck and the piece seems to be of good quality. This type of laminate has been available commercially in Europe and the United States the past thirty years. The workmanship on the part is poor, but sufficient. The only tools used on this part are handsaw, drill press, file, and sand paper. ANTENNA INSULATOR This part is made from a macerated paper phenolic molding material. The part is compression molded and no attempt has been made to remove the mold flash. The material and part appear to be adequate for the application. This type of material has also been available commercially for the past thirty years. COMPRESSED AIR TANK VALVE KNOB This part is compression molded from a urea formaldehyde cellulose filled molding material. The material is of poor grade. It appears to be im- properly mixed or .contaminated with a white material of the same type. The mold flash has been very crudely removed. The valve stem insert is cut from brass hexagon bar stock and is of poor design according to our standards. However, the part appears to be sub- stantial enough to do the work required of it. TURRET ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SLIP RING The material used in this part is a rag filled phenolic compression molding stock. It is molded in two parts and the mold flash very crudely removed by hand. The part is of rugged design. The slip ring connectors are made of brass and are silver plated. The molded inserts in this part are knurled and consistent with our design standard and practices. However, no more are used than necessary. Some connectors are riveted in with copper rivets. This possibly explains the use of such a high impact molding stock. BATTERY CELL CASE The construction of this cell case is of very poor design and indicates that there was not enough mold equipment available to follow better practice. - 39? - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 P~ppr~ve~?o~r'~e 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~QQq'tp@a17'~p~~: 4 The cell case is made by wrapping a hot asphalt impregnated loose cellulose paper around a mold. After this part was hardened, it is removed and sealed into a wooden case with more asphalt. The cover and plate assembly is consistent with our practice. It is felt that this type of construction might not have too good a field life because of possible case distortion. PILOT'S HEAD BUMPER Consists of a sack made of flat cotton duck and a cotton sateen containing a coarse wool and hair felt pad. This assembly is fastened to a metal plate. The fabric has a coarse texture and apparently very little sizing. There is nothing new or exceptional about this material. C O Nql ~~,QC Release 2000t0~8~8 : CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 SEALING COMPOUNDS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 CONFIDENTIAL sEA~IN~ coMPOUN~s Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 The following information was obtained concerning compounds used as seals on the G$12 tank: WATER SEAL FOR GUN OPENING IN TURRET This compound was found to be iron oxide and a drying oil. It was applied. to the outer edge of the gun opening in the turret before the turret was painted, ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BLOCK INSULATING COMPOUND This material was used on the fuse and junction block in the hull to insulate the back of riveted connectors. It consisted of coal tar pitch and clay, PAN AND BEAD SEALING COMPOUND This sealer contained a high percentage of red iron oxide in a drying oil. A red organic dye was also contained in the sealer. - 399 - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 ~~~b~~-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 BALL and ROLLER BEARINGS -LIST Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 COMPLETE LIST OF ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS FOUND IN THE G812 TANK No. per Tank 25X1 B 25X1 B Inner Diameter Outer Diameter Width 1 Crankshaft thrust bearing, ball - - 100 mm 135 mm 25 mm 1 25X1 B Oil pump drive idler, ball - 17 47 14 125X1 B Main accessory drive shaft, lower end - double ball, self-aligning - 35 72 17 1 Main clutch, roller - 110 174 30 25X1 B 1 Main clutch American made ball - ~ , 25X1 B ~ " 25X1 B + ~ 2 Steering clutch, inner, ball thrust - 110 174 30 2 Steering clutch, double ball, self- 25X1 B aligning - 25X1 B 60 150 35 2 Fuel injector pump camshaft, ball 25X1 B 25 52 16 n 1 Water pump, ball - 25X1 B 17 47 14 O 1 Generator, drive end ball 25 62 17 , 25X1 B ~ p 1 25X1 B Generator commutator end, ball - 25 52 15 "' Z ~ a 1 2 Starter, commutator end, ball Starter, drive end, double ball, self-aligning 25 45 52 85 15 19 v Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 aligning - Final drive to eyed roller (American made) 2 Final drive, tapered roller 2 Final drive, pinion, roller - 25X1 B 110 200 130 230 48 150 270 38 75 106 57 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 A ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS O Z No. per Inner .Outer Tank Diameter Diameter Width v 25X1 B "' 1 Transmission inion, tapered roller - ~_ 90 mm 160 mm 26 mm a 1 ,ball thrust - ~ 25X1 B 100 172 56 25X1 B 1 Transmission. pinion, roller - 85 180 40.5 1 25X1 B Transmission drive cross-shaft double tapered roller - 80 160 64 1 Transmission driven cross-shaft, double 25X1 B tapered roller - 80 160 64 ~? 2 Transmission driven cross-shaft, roller ' 25X1 B 25X1 B 2 Transmission drive cross-shaft, roller (one American made.) - 2 Transmission reverse idle gear, roller - 2 Final drive, double tapered roller, self- 25X1 B 90 160 30 60 150 (Hyatt type) 52 90 70 25X1 B 25X1 B 2 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 25X1 B 25X1 B 25X1 B ,A r? 25X1 B 25X1 B 25X1 B No. per Tank 25X1 B 2 Track idler, ball (American made) - 2 Track idler inner bearing roller - , , 25X1 B 100 20 Bogie wheel, ball - 80 1 Turret rotating mechanism electric motor, commutator end, ball - 12 1 Turret rotating mechanism electric motor, drive end, ball - 16 1 Turret rotating mechanism worm shaft, dri ll e e d b 25 - n v , a Turret rotating mechanism worm shaft, pilot end, ball - 20 Turret rotating mechanism spur gear shaft, ball - 20 1 Ventilatin fan drive end, ball - 12 1 25X1 B Ventilatin fan commutator end, ball thrust 15 5 Tachometer bearings, ball -all are small 1 balls run on shaft with no inner race used Governor thrust arm, needle bearing, no separate inner race Inner Outer Diameter Diameter Width 180 34 170 39 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 BA~c~p~v~~FR~~000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-01 Q4~Rpp~S~Q~Q~1-4 ++ ~ .-- R+ ~ ~ ~.' f~+ ~ ~ CO Q~ CV N N M ri O ~ .~ ~'' .,~ ~ Q. c~d ?-? '~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ v '~ ~ N ~+~~ ~ ai.~ ~EiArnxZ H~ ~ N a~ ~, .~ 0 C O ~prD~al'fio4c Release 2000/04~~ :-CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~, P4 H U . H Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 25X1A REPORT ON ROLLER EEARINC~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 PHYSICAL LABORATORY REPORT ON TEST NO. 369-J Investigation on Antifriction Bearings Received from the Government on May 29, 1951. The following (8) bearings were analyzed to determine material, geometry and finish. Each bearing was identified by number as follows: Bearing No. Type O.D. Bdre Width Photo X-1 Spherical Self-Aligning 200 mm 110 mm 53 mm 3997 Roller (7.87 in.} (4.33 in.} (2.08 in.) 3998 X-2A Final Drive Position-Type Taper Roller 140 mm 80 mm 28 mm 4000 Transmission Thrust Bearing Countershaft (5.51 in.) (3.15 in.) (1.10 in.) *X-2B Taper Roller (Same as 2A) 140 mm 80 mm 28 mm - {5.51 in.) (3.15 in.) (1.10 in. ) ,~ X-3 Straight Roller 180 mm 100 mm 34 mm 4004 ? v, Type R.N. (7.08 in.) ) (3.94 in. (1.34 in. ) ~ X-4, Track Idler Inner Bearing Straight Roller 90 mm 52 mm 70 mm 4003 (Cage Assembly Only) (3.54 in.) (2.04 in.) (2.75 in.) X-5 Transmission Reverse Idler Straight Roller 150 mm 60 mm 35 mm 3999 (5.90 in.) (2.3 6 in.) (1.3 8 in. ) A X-6 Final Drive Straight Roller 160 mm 90 mm 30 mm 4001 O (6.30 in.) (3.54 in.) (1.18 in. ) t Transmission Main Shaft ~+ D X-7 End Bearing Straight Roller 130 mm 75 mm 50 mm 4002 ~ (No Inner Race) (5.12 in.) (2.95 in.) (1.97 in. } Z "~ ~ Transmission Countershaft End Bearing *Fatigue tested. See below 25X1 B roved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 B~'~Cpprovec~oRF~e~lease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-O~~t~bB'~d~('~61-4 U A N o ~ ~ O N O CO e-i 1 N rl tt] CO - 406 - C O~f~~T~ ~telease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 ~ ~ U ~ a~ 0 ~ ~ ~ o ~ 0 ~ ~ p ~ PA O n m t7 W ~ P4 ~ ~ ~Approvec~~or~F~~"ease 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDA=b1'~~~~~~4 "~ 'Cf .S1 O U ~ Q+ 00 ,~ ~M i~ .,., W PO O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r W W ~ ~' U ~ ~ ,-~ ~ ~ cad O ii ~ ~ P.~ ~ m U4 W ~s CQ ~ A W ~; ~ ~~ ~ ~ o cM c .~ ' al O ~ c~c O O a--1 M tD 1 ~ ~ CD - 40? - Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010~~~0~~~bb~1~4 BA~~A'o~tl~8r~ 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-(~10~44~tOD~1gQg7QQ01-4 ~, t~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ cd '~ ~ ;~ cad .r N ,~ ?~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ V ~ .~ O ~~i Cd ~~ -~+ c~~7 M 0 ~ ~ '~ C7 W '~~ Pq O ~ eD C7 W ~' pQ O O 'Ci ~ O ~ '[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ++ O 47 w a ~, iti U w ~ ~~p E v ~ td ~ V] U +' ~y ~ O cd ~ ~ ~ C O N A~~d1i~d 4I~r Release 200~/~~~1$ :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C O N F I D E N T I A L BALL AND ROLLER BEARING Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :CIA-RDP81-010448000100070001-4 C11 O ~ .,.a N o .-+ ~n L[~ +"~ M .Ni GIAI ~ O O ~ H '~ Cti O ~~ a .C O a N N M ~ O O O O ~[] oO N C- O O O O ~~ ~N O C- M ~M o ' O O O O O ~ O O O O N ' O O O ~ O O O ~ ~ ~a N QI ~ F~ O I COd !-1 O N '+O-' N H Q !r O t-~ O +' O ~--1 .-i O +-~ N N O O O Q M ~ d'~ O . -~ O O O O O 0 ? ? 0 0 0 o o O r"~ M M O O O O O O O O O O O -1 ~ t f.1 O M O O O ~ O O O M O O M N O d O ~ O O O O 00 C- C- O r-1