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Publication Date:
September 12, 1980
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Approved FWelease 200-37AT3 MIA=RDP81 B00J00250q
12 September 1980
MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution
FROM : PB/NSC Coordinator
SUBJECT : DCI Pre-Briefs (U)
1. Presidential Briefings. The next Presidential Briefing is
tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 24 September. We hope to receive
confirmation early next week. The primary candidate for that briefing
is the Arabian Peninsula Security topic that has been discussed with the
DCI and under development for the past few weeks. There may be other
topics the Director will want to cover at tha riefing but none
have been specifically identified as yet. u
2. Subjects of DCI Interest. The Director has indicated that,
even though there is some uncertainty regarding the Presidential Briefing
schedule, he would like to continue to meet to discuss various subjects
of interest both for his own benefit and to screen possible briefing
topics. He has divided the topics of interest into two categories: one
includes those subjects for which he simply wants to meet with concerned
individuals and have a discussion (no papers need be prepared in advance);
the other includes subjects for which he would like to have one- to two-
page thrust outlines prepared--upon his review of these he will indicate
whether he would like to have a session to talk them over. In order to
meet the Director's desire to continue to meet with analysts, etc., we
will attempt to schedule at least one Pre-Brief session with the Director
each week unrelated to specific Presidential Briefing preparations.
Next week there are tentatively scheduled two such periods: on Monday,
15 September, 1430-1600, and Friday, 19 September, 1000-1130 (if there
is to be a Presidential Briefing on 24 September, the 19 September
meeting will most likely be devoted to subjects specifically under
consideration for that Briefing).
a. Topics for discussion only (no thrust outlines)
For the Monday, 15 September, 1430-1600 Pre-Brief:
? Nicaragua: Current situation; is revolution
in- trouble? being exported? general update.
? El Salvador: General update; is US policy
working? what next?
? Philippines: Internal situation; are there
forces for change? their prospects.
'~?fl. E ( Fix 7 e3 12 Sept 86
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(2) Other subjects for discussion--dates/times to
be determined:
? European Community: trends.
? Germany: Post-election outlook
? Argentina: Moving toward or away from the US?
Growing role in Central America? General update.
? Chile: Prospects; results of constitutional
ratification; Frei's new position; effect on US
? Current prospects for Middle East Peace
b. Topics for which 1-2 page thrust outlines are to be prepared.
(1) By COB Tuesday, 16 September:
? What we know about the use of BW/CW: e.g.
Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Kampuchea, Laos
? China: Does NPC and/or US campaign suggest any
changes in US-PRC relationship?
(2) By 1200, Friday, 19 September:
? Prospects for Namibia
? Turkey: Where is it going?
? Jamaica: Will it be Manley or Seaga?
? Update on situation on Korean Peninsula
? Prospects for dialogue 25X1A
? Effect of NPT conference on US policy
? Soviet mobilizati nnin and potential (based
on recent study) 25X1
3. It is possible that, due to emerging crises, changes to the
schedule of briefings and/or the topics to be covered will occur. We
will notify those concerned of any such changes as soon as they are
known. u
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4. Attendance at the discussion sessions should be limited to
those who are going to participate in any discussiol include
representatives from NFAC, NIOs, DDO, NCPO (CTS).
5. Please ensure dissemination to involved individuals.
cc: DDCI
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