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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 27, 2000
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Publication Date: 
July 23, 1956
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Approved For 0-ease 200 IA-RL3R1 9R000900b?'-2 77 Cep. W,f . 2 3 oi4 1956 Dtsb iwvwn tr FY16., f.Td em r ! iA eck .i.., It is kindly sre=;:, _< ed t1u t+~ S:, Treasury Check r + r" :}.7 taYOOr of the c aar taejrmmd.e ? the v- mt 4tE d v ., 5t applicable t the a.. act k- enraant bo The ti Y ~: 4 in i c den a ' : at ~. t r mist appear on t1te ;heck ' FIMEi. CCKIAW# INC Check dra n- - (if. duw -~. e, Check tug be Date 2. Pertinent doci z ntatton in coanec~-J on r itb this classified traus- actim which inciudez an appra.pris:te certIftca,tion e crated try the l?i. rect r ism fie in the Office of the Project C trol1er.; 3. The pint req aestad is based process zaade by the contractor to date and is to be accounted for to the 1n&tte Divisi n0 Accord p this disburaei nt should be charged to Gera l ledger Account No, 13 7,, tit-led 'Appropriated Funds Disb sed FM140. ` da nt ail Pur s., The a1..i.otw nt ch eeebie Is (91.9 4. The check sham d be dated as stated in paragraph I and the under- wiped ghcou 2.d be contacted o Extension. ZL 18 when p nt is ready for dispositia Finance Di. i.si = Please Debit 3O .., 25X1A9a DISTRIBUTION: OP.1 - Addressee 25X1A5a1 4 - MASTER 4-i 5 - Chrono DNO/aer 25X1A2d2 Auto :sized Cert.ing Officer DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ^ DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TOR TS S 0 .20/-4, NEXT REVIEW DATER AUTHR H 10-2 DATER y EVIEWER1-064;540 Approved For Releas~^ il'04 : CIA-RDP81 B00879R000900090051-2