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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 2, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81B00961R000100120095-9.pdf112.21 KB
25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81600961R000100120095-9 sA- 1690-62 ,?? November 1962 7,c, ;WO I-NDUM FOR: Deputy Assistant Director for Snecial Athritiea Site in Nanchang Area (DT 51923) was received by us, and a copy of the ref.- 25X1A ereace requested. You ao rently intercepted through channels since this was he first time we had seen 3895. 25X1A 25X1C 25X1X 25X1X 25X1A 25X1B ,..t.ording to the report, the Sian site is a S.I.L1v1 training site for both conventional SAM training and underground SAM site training. He describes he five hangars and their use, the underground servicing rail line, the student and ultimate distribution. Of particular interest is the statement that some students went to Slalang-Chieng-tze, others to Peking, others to Mengel and Fukien provinces. We can now confirm the fact that Shuang- :.;11'eng-tze and Poking both have SAME,. The other two provinces he refers to are riangsi and 'akien; the former includes Nanchaand, of course, Fukien is the province .1irect1y a -roes from Taiwan. 4. The railroad. mentioned in 3895 runs east-west Just south of Nanchang, and although the report is hazy in the description of a purported _nissile, the evidence is building up. Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP81B00961R001:1240095-9 25X1B 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81600961R000100120095-9 ::antly cOVCri type iAIisite haS not m listri uti ,:onctusion, I. do&t think we have any -.arc. anchang area. asked NI'IC to search this area and received a negative report from '0112%, mat he area. However, might the "fi cl the seed of doubt as to whether there is a SAM in urea, but it is still planted. )/OSA, -/attachment OSA. w/o attachments OSA, w/o attachments ? w to atta chment ? Intel 25X1A -cha h&e lAS rola- I re- hi unit" the Nanchang Offic e of cial S Approved For Release 2001/03/04: C1A-RDP81600961R000100120095-9