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July 11, 1978
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Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120077-8 e OLC 78-2243 11 July 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting Between DCI and Senator Barry M. Goldwater (R., Ariz.) 1. ( U ) The DCI expressed his thanks for Senator Goldwater's help in opposing the role of ambassador amendment offered by Senator George McGovern (D., S. Dak.) to the State Department Authorization bill. The Senator replied that he hoped we would be able to knock it out in conference. He felt that his colloquy with Senator McGovern had sufficiently muddied the record and he thought that we might be able to find enough votes on the Senate side -,uch that if the House held firm the amendment might be dropped. 2. ( U ) Senator Goldwater commented on the recent articles respecting S. 2525. From his standpoint these newspaper stories are correct. There is decreasing enthusiasm in his view among the Senators to restrict further the activities of CIA and the Intelligence Community. Indeed,. he referred back to several comments at this morning's meeting with the President, in which apparently it was stated that an effort ought to be made to reduce the size of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and its staff and indeed perhaps go back to the former jurisdiction in the Armed Services Committee. He claimed that this may have been a palatable idea but the votes are not there to sustain it. 3. ( U ) The DCI went on to thank Senator Goldwater for his June 22, 1978 letter expressing the Senator' s views on the proposed IC Staff reorganization. Senator Goldwater summed up his thoughts by saying that most Senators do not wish to create another bureaucracy and implied that an addition of positions for an IC Staff may permit it to become an entity of its own which would be coming back to the Congress in future years seeking additional slots. The Director replied that this clearly was not his intention and he intended to strengthen the IC Staff by virtue of contributions from existing intelligence committee components Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120077-8 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120077-8 and that there would be no net increase in size. Senator Goldwater replied that there was a depth of feeling in the Senate at the present time against creating another "bureaucracy." The Senator thanked the Director for his visit and offered to continue to be of help on the State Department Authorization matter. He referred us to Tom Quinn, on his staff, who in the absence of Earl Eisenhower he indicated, would be of some assistance. With this, the meeting broke up. 4. Others in attendance were Lyle Miller and the undersigned. Frederick i z Legislative Counsel Distribution: Orig - OLC Subject I OLC Chrono OLC: FPHitz: ndl (11 July 1978) Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120077-8