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OLC 78--0487/R Approved For F7e1eae 141*O/2IW: Cl RD'1 814b4DUUM 0 00120084-0 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20505 10 July 1978 Mr. "Theodore J. Katy Minority Staff Director Cornrutf:ee on Post Office and C=ivil Sereicc House of Representatives l':ashington, D. C. 20515 In follow-up to our discussion last } riday on provisions in II.R. 1-1280, the Civil Service Reform legislation, 1 we utd like to provide you With some additional information on two provisions: proposed subsection 5402(,--1) (page 173 of the June 15, 1978, Committee Print) and' proposed Title 1.TIT ("Labor-Management Relations") . 1. Proposed subsection 5402(a) _ -"Meri t Pay System." As we d.-i scussed on 7 July 1978, in our view, the language "as estabLLS}iccl under chapters 51 and 53 of this title" should he iriscertcd at the end of proposed subsection 5402 (a) , in order to make clear that the Merit Pay System is appl -I cable 011_1y to posit:i.ons tinder the Pay Classification Act. Since both CTA and NSA are not under the Pay Classification Act, this r r ndment: would solve our concern that, in being subject to the Merit Pay S) stem, our personnel. system would, at least in part, become subject to external monitoring and regulation (by the proposed Office of Personnel Management). This, of course, would. Change the status quo as regards our present pos:rtion, based on our statutory authorities, and would therefore be incora intent with our need for exemptions from I.R. 11280. This amendment could bc! accompanied by Report :l.arrgtuage making clear that: As regards those agencies not subject to the Pay Classification Act, in t:hich pay is fixed by administrative action, ...hile not wi-thin the mm-it pay system proposod by chapter 54, it is anticipated that these agencies will. follow the principles and procedures of the merit: pay system to the maxinwrr extent cons :i stmt with their aut.hori ties and responsibilitie!,." Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120084-0 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120084-0 A different, and in our view less (fesirable, appr'()acll to I.'eso-lv(! this problem would be to specificall.), c-e1,pt CIA and NSA from ghee scope of the :+ierit Pay System. This could be done by ilrsertin4gj the following language at the end of subsection 5402 (t: L) , on line 23 o l page 1.7: of the Jule 15, 1978, Committee Print: "; Provided that the merit pay system shall not apply to the Central Intel.l.ig once A ency or the National Security Agency. " This amendment could be acconpanied by Report language alone; the follow .ng lines "The Central. Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency shall not he within the proposed. merit. pay system, based on the unique nussions and needs of those agencies pursuant to their operative .Iatu.tes. It is anticipated, however, that -these agencies will adhere to the principles and procedures of the me:ri.t pay system to the maximum extent consistent: with their authorities and responsi- bilities set forth in the National Security Act of 19/17, as amended (50 U. S. C. 403) , the Central. Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as an aided (50 U.S.C. 403a et seq.) , Pub. L. 86 36, 73 '.)tat. 63, as amended, and Pub. I,. $8 290, 78 Stat. 168, as amen clod, " 2. Proposed Title l'II "'f arbor ilr"n zgcn?ent Relati.oils. ft is CSSCIII-:ic! I. that intelligence agencies not be sub; ec t to this proposed title. We strongly endorse the provision incl:udv?d in the Administr.al.tion's proposed Title VII, which would exempt FBI, CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies (proposed subsection 7162(c).), as we discussed on 7 July 1978. The much narrower intelligence agency exemption provided in para- graph 7112(b)(6), on page 23 of the Joule 22, 1978, Committee Print of proposed Title VII, is inadequate. This paragraph would exempt from `r, oropriate" labor "imits" employees "ongaged in intelligence, investigative, or security functions of any. agency which directly affect national security." This formul:tion, in the first in'-'L'ance' does not specifically exempt ag encie.. from coverage, but only certai rL employees within agencies. Moreover , only employees engaged in ":i.ntel- li ence ... functions ... , which clirec:t affect national. security" (e;:phasis added) are exei,pted. This language would seem to require that a determination be made as to each ep.loyee, in CIA for example, to deter-mine whether his duties "directly affect national security." 1,Yhifu the overall mission of CIA ars.d NS c l.early would fit this cr i Lena, di-sputes might arise as to whether e:Ic h i ndividual giiployce's functLons. "'directly affect national security." Because of t h i s potcnti.a I contra-- diCtiC?n betl+een e CIl org#rI1 ! 7. zt:l.on' S oVvr#rl i fund. ons and an individual el:ployee's functions, applications Of the standard would be difficult -e[1d could have the contentious and ineq _itable result of l imi. V insg the act i-tvi.i ie of some employees but not others. I~ioreover, if even some employees wore Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120084-0 7. . Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000700120084-0 p r it t ed to lorry In ' appr,`prt