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December 2, 2004
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March 29, 1978
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Approved For Release 2004/2/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
78 - 97J
(Congre of the Oniteb'tateg
30ouge of 3 .epreisentatibeis
Congressional Liaison
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
is sent for your consideration.
Please investigate the statements
contained therein and forward me
the necessary information for re-
ply, returning the enclosed corre-
spondence with your answer.
Yours truly,
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81M00980R00110002001.T-0,
Hazelwood Missouri
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980 J1f 1y1L0197$.
Pursuant to your request for the enclosed documents herewith are a complete
set of what I have received.
I would like to brief you on how all of this came about. I would appreciate
it if you would send a copy of this letter along to Congressman Gephardt as I know
he is not entirely informed-am to the whole thing as it all came about in a few brief
minutes in my office at St Louis University.
Briefly, if possible, I had handed him a news letter entitled YOUTH ACTION NEWS,
subscribe to this. I have made an effort to find out if this paper represents any type
of organization. I can find none. I suspect he is some sort of defected CIA Agent l1k
the fellows that got out and wrote some books. Who ever he is his accuaracy in reveall
polital events and international situations has been uncanny for me. I have trusted hi
judgement. He discusses conspiratorial things in this nation which I think werall at
times find suspect at times. Totally I think he is proAmerican and insists on U S
Soverignty in the world and is agasint any form of world government as the struggle see
to appear at this time. He believe that there are powerful international banking force
that essentially has Moscow, Peking? and Washington under the same strong leadership..
I will not comment but to say the thought has some merit and this fellow was my source
of information about this whole thing. I wrote a letter to him and told him I thought
he had struck out as my knowledge of radio, electra countermeasures and a life long sea
life in world wide communcations could not accomodats such a. thing I accuses.hi.m of
presenting the spectacular over any kind of logic.
He answered me with a rather hostile letter and asked me why I did not check his.
sources given before I judged him. He stated he was a Political Scientist and did not
care to agrgue about the technicalities.. I did check his sources and you have the
answers in your hand.
I am a retired and disabled GI with 23 years of service. I would hate to think the
my efforts in this matter might cause me some kind of trouble on my job through som.c.
sort of backfire. What I have presented to you I belive to be absolutely true. It_mij
not be pleasing to some that I brought this to Congressman Gephardts attetnion while o;
duty. It mightbe considered an intrusion upon his time whiles, guest. Also my contact
25X1 with 0 who is in Canada at this time investigating the matter. I am seeking
no noteriety and will be watching this matter from the wings. I am in no way any sar?
of political radical. Like GeorgeWallace said I dont think there is a Nickles worthof
difference in the partys on most th gs. I like some of the things the Congressman has
said about government. And above all his stand on abortion is above all else the mark
a good man. I like his manner and bearing and he looks you straight in the eye when h
I personally think he has Senatorial material and mayby more. I would ask him-to open
this can of worp:s and find out why this is suppressed in the United States. How far
do we have to go with Detente before we bevome a Russian. I would like to sag the pow
of our people go back to the congress where it belongs especially as to making money a.
a few other things such as an audit of the Federal Reserve. But that is another story.
The documentw r9u have in your haid are cataclysmic. I have telephone these numbers a
one physicsst says the wave forms havens caused documented earthquakes. And further if
the t
ever went pole to pole it could splitthe earth in half. remember the big bang
east coast in space never identifed but heard in 15 states? Well Ill leave this whole
matter entirely with your If I can assist in any way I am ready. God Bless You And Y
Hazelwood Missouri 630L2
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA- 0017=0
Approved For Release 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP8'Ilglle0bOr9 E%F3QQ11000O$gt7-0
It was with great pleasure that I received (finally -?- through
elaborate routing) your long and pertinent letter. Many of
your questions (and future questions) are meant to be answered
through the enclosures..
Essentially, Tesla's method of hemispherical or global weather
control consisted of setting up standing columnar waves
of adequate intensity and'height to deflect the jetstream and
other'moving air masses.:,.,. Nature already does this, as
meterologists have noted,-by creating..ELF.-fronts that tend
to "stay" in an area for long whiles.
in the case of the winter of 1976-1977, the Soviets have
managed to establish terrestrial electric resonance, and then
to learn how to establish relatively stable and localised
ELF Magnetic_ fi_elds .which;.were able to hamper_.or divert
the jetstream flow in the Northern Hemisphere. These fronts
were localised along the Polish-Romanian borders, along the.
Gulf Stream between South Carolina and on to mid-Greenland,
and off the West Coast of'North America between Baja
.California and the Alaskan coast. Somehow this permitted
great, diversion of air-movements and the maintenance of
high and low pressure-areas for periods of such duration
as to creat the weather patterns as experienced. Actually,
the December 1977 issue of the National Geographic Magazine
gives you excellent imagery of some of the effects in
airflow,. pressure topography and sea-level water temperatures
In the case of the winter of 1977-1978, having learnt not
to burn their fingers with three standing waves, the Soviet
scientists involved had the ingenious idea of setting up
one series of standing columnar waves that extend from
the westerly tip of Alaska all the way to Valparaiso/, Chile.
This columnar wave front actually passes through the Vanderburgh
Air Force Base area, and is projected from near Angarsk, Siberia.
It has created a'-world-wide weather modification in that
East of this formation, the weather is drier, and West of it,
percipitation is enhanced. As-the columnar waves rotate
clockwise, westerly wind are sucked upwards counter-clockwise
into-the upper-atmosphere, while a drag bring s air from
.the upper atmosphere on the opposite side. We have seen
spectacular results in California and Mexico of the new
weatAWoped EeirRelease 2O /118t212a2ClAdRDRBaflOO%80tB64b1MD@O()dcTodly
as warmer air and water'-are moving further North, st pf~' the
Approved Fork. Release:2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
standing wave formation, which has been measured to be isi Se, 4.,ee' ,
approximately .250 miles long. To the Est of the standing
wave, we',-note'a rising low pressure circumstance, and to
the East,"the descending high pressure.
At the same time, this formation cuts diagonally the magnetic
field of"this planet,: thus disrupting the normally dynamic
balance oflthe whole, and creating for a vast territory of
the earth a'havoc of proper weather prediction, since the
.critical factor of local magnetic influences .on weather
has become extremely variable. Thus predictions as to
.percipitation and intensity of storms are awry.
Satellite-obtained data shall confirm my statements.
I.think you will, find it most interesting to establish
contact with the group ~..of Minnesota farmers who have built.
their large Tesla Coil--in=Belgrade, Minnesota. As they
plan to use their device for the public monitoring of the
Soviet signals on a world scale, perhaps you could assist
,'.them, with your background as to how to make their device
appropriate for such purposes. This experience will also 25X1 to understand better the amzing properties of
the Tesla coil as a receivin devices for ELF. 6"%Y-- -,.a. 4.a.,
Thank you very.much for your interest.
In goodwill
pro -For.,Rst+ ase: 2004/12122.?:"CIA-RDP81 M00080R00110002001.7: 0
IIONTAGUE 19-28 Oct.
'Prin~;e 20,21 Jan.
Edwai:d Island
21. Jan.
.9 Aug.
28 Oct,
7, 1S, 19,
21 Jan.
9,10 Aug,'
7, 18519,20?
21 Jan,
9,10 Aug.
13 Oct,
?RT' .
7, 18, 20,
22 July
9 Aug,
IIto c
7, 18, 20,
5, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21 Jan.
Approved For RekUk*2?0 j21 : CIQ-RDP81M00980R0011.00020017-0
9, 10, 12, 16 Q2t5A 0550
6, 7, 10, 12, 16,
18, 20 MIIz
6 7, 8, 9, 10, 0370,
15, 16, 17, 043B,
21 1-91
8, 12, 13, 14,
16, 18, 20 MHz,
30 meet, 10 IIz,' 80, 100, 125, 21O fair to very kHz and 1 MHz sec note 1, 2,
6, 8, 9, 10;'12) 34.8A, 35.28
20 MHz.
5, 14, 20 11HHz
5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
031B 041A
017C, 0180, 02013, 10 cosec, 10 H{z
02313, 023.513,
0250, 028C, 029D
20 1tliz.
031C Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M0098OR001100020017-0
,3, 14, 16, 18, 037A
04OB, 0428 3,4,5,7 nsec, 9,5E 9.61, 9,615, .20,30,/0,70,90,100, fair to good to
045A, 045B 10,5, 15.625 Hz. 104,116f,200,230, very good
14 msec,
10 ]1, 25 Hz, 15 kHz to 800 kHz fair to good see note 1,
, 2f 35,300, 450,
500 kHz 11
10.81, 11,5, 34 35 101 130 kH f
11.11 Hz z air to good see nett l., 2, 1
7, 9, 10, 13
20, 22, 28 msoc 11,3, 16.66 Hz, 25, 35, 100, 170, poor to very good
180. cnn leum
---,?------ ?------------------
7, 8.34 mscc, 10 Hz 12, 30, 200 kHz fair to very good
9.6. 10
fair to good
see nett 1,
~cc nc t,c 1.,
sec not?. 1,,
J;;, `1tn. si. ter sTP. P rc~l %.
4,r70- -V
-~ r
prved For Release.2904/1.2/22- CIA-RDP8.1 M00980ROo1100020017-0
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
Ossining, New Yo .
T`L Zt?LIili.'iC~ or rL C_1rC41M. G tI IC MiD CCINiPOL ON A GLOBAL SCi'
Since n ,!2y 1975 the ::ovictc h va ::een trans7citting pul3ed olcct-o-
ttagnetic (ea) sign' als (2-20" ?:::a) frc.m ?Ina and Go-Eel, T3. . ?. P.
arc encu th to interfere with v._riol-s, kinds of radio co r unicat
ion ay--terms tnrouc.:out.t.e world.. A. cording to Danish n
sources, z:-a- of the Soviet signals is of the order ofr
forty -egasaatt.:.
In spite of repeated protests frrm r_ =W nations to the U.S.S.R.
about this unlawful radio interference, the Soviets have not yet
given an adequate explanation about these large en signals.
Canadian government ror-itoring..=curces have furnished the follow-
ing data points about the soviet signals:
(a) The Soviet en trans: tissiors appear be higher harmonics of a
fundamental frequency of 6.67 i= :..
('-') The S^7ict sign !5 evna this radio frequency r nge are croadcant
as pulses with a varivla iepet ion rate of 5. to 15 t u_';;ez j ccc.
(c) So--.e of the Soviet signals ronitored in Canada show significant
gain after reflection from the reciprocal pole of the eart-h.
(d) In the opinion of a r.erts, the Soviet sicrnals do not appear to
be a novel fora of over-the-horizon radar.
bn analysis of this Canadian furnished data leads the author to
the conclusion that the Soviets are in the process of duplicating the
Tesler :agnifying Transmitter (: ) .. It is well kno:'n, as Tesla taught
ca. A.D. l S-_`0, that tame earth/ienozphere cavity s) stcf. is resonant
for cm waves over a, frecue.=7 ranva frc= 0.01 I! to 40 with a
po er ;pc-m: at 6.67 to 7.83 flz. .her t ho earth is ;,owered by a T"T
within this frequency range, the T:'_T can be used to produce the follow-
ing effects:
(a) Transmit large a aunts of electrical power (without wires) .
(b} i:edi! ti;osc electrical, ionic, and weather notion effects in the
iat ::O i~J:l `re, 6C~ :to si' ,F re and ions J7here which control weathci.
(e) S_rve as a .;,`ica dctcctor ti; roving be ow the surface
of the sea, on t'-e ce_a, on land, and in the air.
T!!" Se three bar;ic cfftictc, a6e.^.un c'ly 6escri`_'ed by Tcsla as
ca=ly as 11`00 in a series of U.S. L' a:r-1 articlc3.
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
All the data cited thorns far, and the interpretation of this data.
is rather atraightforward, and would not present any truly novel
idea of surprise .for the sophisticated scientist. But there is one
application of the TMT that was not, to the best of our 34nowledgo,
described by Tesler. This is the possibility that the fundamental
Testa frequency (6.67 - 7.63 TIx) can act on the hunan brain in such
a way as to influence behaviour through mind control. In order to
test out this possibility Puharich and neck 'undertook to carry out
experir.cats on sop bisticaten h ..ans with the following results s .
(a) The magnetic pulse of the earth was monitored by :mans of a tuned
ragretic coil, and it was found that the earth "beats" with a
steady sine wave with a power peat at the upper end of he Tesla
freSuencya ca, 8 Mc.
(b) The earth, or artificially generated 0? Hz magnetic sine wave is
riot attenuated, nor wave-shape distorted }Qy passage through the
walls of a steel-copper `shielded" rogrs.
(c) A beak (1 mw) 8 Iiz magnetic sine wave directed at a human being
will entrain the brain waves in 4 to 6'seconds. The psychologi-
cal effects of such 8 Hz magnetic wave entrainment are positive
and beneficial.
(d) A weak , (t era) A g1z ragnetic sine wave will rxadify lhur an brains
.. ;a ::`_,?.a. c..~t..c? . 4 !
`.:lo_'ca' n s
Waves in ?. to 10 w~;.?.caz7ws. pc :c
.mgnetic wave are negative - causing dizziness #. nausea, head-
ache, and can lead to vomiting. This is a cholinergic effect.
(a) A magnetic wave above 8 Hz is also psychoactive, and produces
csomewhat negative (adrencrgic) effects.
(f) The leans and r cthod used above to initiate and s,easuure the
psychoactive effects are all statc-cf-art. No means has yet been
discovered to shield against the effects 'of such signals.
It is believed that the above laboratory-scale e;E:ects can be
produced on a global scale by means of t ho to the extent that
largo populations could be electronically-.incited to unstable behaviour
at to lower end of the Tesler zoalo, or to stable behaviour 'bordering
on : ypnosis at the other end of the scale. There are scattered oh-
servatioas fret Canada that the Soviets have already achieved such
effects in three Canadian cities.
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
1.= effect of the
reads aloud.
and the Maid.
speaking -with
ale, smrtered
44C without it.
not diminish
of the Scut.
?l; -While per.
0 rain., three
:e Sturm:-Aid
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- segtaenc of
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:tally sigztifi.
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rdilly to ac-
:ue currently
white noise
s to phonate:
ng by rzrer-
:ag situation
liver., 1968.
.f stuttering:
-trod on the
are Univer.,
Met. Mod.
:ring Asso-
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
PeresptwdayfdMlfotoYSkillr, 1973, 36, 1131-1159. ? Perceptual acid Moror Skillsr
Monograph Supplement 3-V36 1973
Laurrmils Univemity IGP. OS5ENKOPF;`
Unirrerrisy of Manitoba
Surns>aery--Ezrrtmely low frequency (ELF) elecrromagaetfe field-waves,
defined an this per as occupying the frequency band of .01 to 100 Hz, are-
a_t ued with
aura grornagnetic disturbances, weather perturbations, electrical appli.
dtseharg, and possibly seismic movemenet. ELF eleccromagnecie phenom.
ena have beer recorded as sinusoidal-like wave forms or as ELF pulses of short
duration from higher frequency ('10 to 100 kHz) waves. Although natural ELF
electrical component intensities range from less than I mV/m to slightly more
than 1 V/m with magnetic components less than a p gauss and calculated power
densities of 10' wares/m2, these waves can propagate long distances without ap.
preda le atr energy and penetrate housing strttautes_ Theoretically, it has been
calculated gy available from ELF phenomena can contribute to neuro.
energetic funccioaing and prorein-lipid activity. Correlational and eXperimenral
tiara indicate that EI.F Gelds can influence reaction time, timing behavior, am.
bulawry behavior, oxyge uptake, endocrine changes, cardiovascular functions,
and predpierion-clothes- times of colloids.. Possible mechanisms of ELF-or.
P,anisaaie interactions are discussed.
Physical characteristics '
ELF as Bicior :cat S ::lam -------
Other These Esperime;tts in Human an 1135
Non-huata 135
er ELF :^laeed ,Behaviors in Human Ss n Prim.,
Activity Changes and Learning to Rodents and Pigeons _ 1138
Physiological and Biochernica! Changes 1139
Qudiocascular Effect- 1140
Pre. and Neonatal Etposute Effects in Ran and Mucks 1141
Possible Mechanism 1143
Conclusions and Suggesrio 1146
References 1151
Electromagnetirs field-waves is frequency bands of electrical processes in Iiv-
mg organisms have been measured iri our environment. These extremely low fre-
quency (ELF) fields have the opacity, to penetrate buildings and living tissue and
hence are potential biological stimuli. In 1954 Sundermann reviewed the arcs
and concluded that there were insufficient data to support cho'role of ELF
elexcromagnecie phenomena as important mereorogenie stimuli. However, with
the greater interest in environmental and space research and increasing reports on
significant effete- from these fields, another review is required.
'Enviroamenta( Psychophysiology Lab., DegarrMmc of Psychology, Laurentian University,
Sudbury, Ontario, C-2=da.
'2000 Norde-cdc, Postfach I3'49, Germany.
'Deparmenc of Psychology, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Maruroba, Canada .
`Thanks to Dr. D. E Goldsaek, Dr. L D. Reed, Josephine Horne, and Gyslaicie Lafrenii:re
for technical and clerical assistance. The publication of this article was sunporr-d in part
by a grant from Laurentian University. Note that this article does not include the Soviet
literature on ELF-VLF electromagnetic field effects.
t r
s' ~ ?
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M0098OR001100020017-0
-.Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001 100020017-0
S Au,,-,u.-,t 1977
Original: RUSSIAN
Draft afire cent on the Prohibition of the development and
manufacture of new t -ves of irearans of n ass destruction
and now systeas of such weapons
The States Parties to this Akraetent,
Guided by the ntere stb of strengthening internatio'-ti=1 peace and
curi ty,
Desiring to contribute to the cause of saving mankind from the danzur of the
e of new peens of warfare, limitinij the arms race and bringing a
sa Y
Reco , that modern scienco and technology have reached a level where
serious danger arises of the developcnt of near, still store destructive types of
dpons of Hass ae: tI'i7 cti cn c A%L o
Conscious that the development and manufacture of such weapons are
ith the most serious consequences for the peace and se curi t;;~ of rations,
Bearin:: in. mind (that recent years have seen tho conclusion. of a n mber o
-portent agreements concerning limitation of the arms race a_nd di 4~~ament,
acluding those relating to ti: prohibition of weapons of mass destruction,
EYnressin~ t_-1q profound interest of States .and peoples in the adoption o
-,,Psures to prevent the use of the achievements of modern science and technology
or the development and manufacture of the above-mentioned weapons of mass
3 s tiruction, .
d the
Desirin^ to promote the stren thcning of confidence_.a.,onf--natlons an
urther improvement of the interr_aticnal situation,
Seel:in~- to contribute to the realization of the lofty p;zrposes and principles
L the Charter of the United ITations,
lyavinn agreed as follows:
Arai cle I
Each State party to this Agreement undertakes not to develo=p or manufacture
.sir typos of weapons of taass destruction or .iatil systems bf such taeons.
. 77-613856
? Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020017-0
CCD/5l1//Rev, I
An approximate list of types and systems of weapons of
mass destruction covered by the Agreement on the
prohibition of the development and manufacture of new
types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems
of such weapons
The following types and systems of weapons shall be prohibited by the
Agreement on the prohibition of the development and manufacture of new tyres of
weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons;
(1) Radiological means of the non-explosive type acting with the aid of
radioactive materials.
(2) Technical, means. oftinflicting radiation, injury based on the use of
charged or neutral particles to affect biological targets.
(3) Infrasonic means using acoustic radiation to affect biological targ-e-ts.
(4) I-leans using electromagnetic radiation to affect biological targets.
This list of t3 s ,ad'systems of weapons to be prohibited nay be
supplemented as necessary.
-z:11 7S
Approved For -Retease-.2D04(,12/22;A CIA-RDP81 MOO980R0011-00020017-0