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Document Release Date: 
September 30, 2004
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Publication Date: 
June 29, 1978
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Approved For Release 2004/10/12': CIA7RDP81M00980R001200130014-0 25X1 Journal- Office of Legislative (,,0,t1j1~c] Thursday 29 June 197$ Senator Robert Byrd (P. , W. Va.) letter involving I explained the background and said that we would material. or the typed script, lie will talk to Levine about. Miller asked me about the Senator lloward Raker . L1A :ISON Saw bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Co)llmittee on IuteI1 gonce, about: a - equest I received from Ed Levine, a1 so of the, Committee s tag f f, which involvcd a typed. script that had been prepared for the Director. :I told him I was not about to oven raise release of this document. unless I know there was a specific Committee need for it. 1 showed Mil-1-or the 21. April. NIP which was Tar, but not a mirror image, ' i.t . (R. , Tenn.)/ send them the 25X1 25X1 15. I LEGI.SU`lION Called the House Goveraimen.t Opera.ti_oil. s Comani.ttce to chock on the status o F H. R. 12171., the "Teclera1 Accounting and Auditing Act of 1978." The bill is pending before the full Committee with nothing scheduled. 25X1 16. L1:GISLATION Called the Senate Governmental Affairs Commit:tee, Subcommittee on Federal Spending Practices and Open Government, to check on the status of S. 3178,the "Contract Disputes Acts'" . I was informed that two days of hearings have already been hold on the bi.:l.1 ; no marl.-up session had been scheduled but will probably hake place after the 4 Jul.), recess. 25X1 1.7. LEGISLATION Called the House Judiciary Committee to check on the status of 11.11. 11002, "Contract Disputes eAct;.:" The 26 June 1978 mark--up session was cancel led because of the death o t' Representative William M. Ketchum (R. , Calif) ; the full- Committee hopes to reschedule markup for 11 or 1.8 July. No date certain is yet avai.l:_able. 25X1 18. LEGISLATION Called the House Government Operations Subcommittee on Legislation and National. Security to check on the status of II.R. 1-2171, the "Federal. Accounting and Auditing Act of 1978." I was informed that the Subcommittee voted the bit-1 without mark--up to the full Committee. 25X1 19. LEGTSI,ATION Called Larry Simms, O.ff.:i cc of Legal. Counsel, usta_cc epart:ment, to inform him of the :Latest status of our letter on 'I.'_it.1e IV o_f H. R. 12240, the "InteIT ii gence and :Intelligence-Related. Program Authorization Act for. BY 79." 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001200130014-0