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Approved For Release 2006/07/13: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001500060010-9 STAT INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 22 February 1978 Page 2 7. LIAISON Called Mike O'Neil, Counsel, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, in an effort to find out which Members would be traveling to where over the Easter break. Mr. O'Neil and I agreed to meet around noon and go over the details. 8. LIAISON Pat Long, House Permanent Select Comma ee on a igence stall, called to tell me that they had made a mistake in the 24 January letter from Chairman Edward P. Boland (D., Mass.) to the DCI. We agreed that we would talk about it further tomorrow, but Mr. Long told me that essentially the Committee wanted a representative of the Central Intelligence Agency to be in touch with the Committee to assist the Committee in making its annual report to Congress called for under H. Res. 658. Mr. Long added that the request for a representative of the Director of Central Intelligence will be corrected in writing by the Committee. 9.1 IAISON Called Martha Braddock, Joint Committee on Defense Production staff, concerning her request about the Soviet civil defense study. Based on information from NFAC/CSS, I advised Ms. Braddock that the study had not yet been declassified or released. I told her we would keep the Committee in mind when it was. This information was satisfactory to her. 10. 1 LIAISON Called Jane McMullan, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, about DCI courtesy call on Chairman Warren G. Magnuson (D., Wash.). After discussion with Guy McConnell, of the Committee staff, they recommended calling the Chairman's personal office. STAT 11. LIAISON Called Jane McMullan, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, about DDCI lunch with McConnell, Bouvier and Fellenbaum, of the Committee staff, on 27 February. It cannot be scheduled for that day. STAT 12. THIRD AGENCY Talked to Wallace Henderson, at Defense, about GAO report on Reconnaissance /Intelligence assets. He agreed to exchange views before responding to GAO. MORUCIDIF A) Y ??1 L ~, ~ Annrn\ved For Relaas 2!k M! , k? nnngsnr nn1 cnnnvnni n-o Approved For Release 2006/07/13: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001500060010-9 Q Approved For Release 2006/07/13: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001500060010-9