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Approved For Release 2005/12/24: (tW[lR0 lW6b%kk 1 00120026-4 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 25 May 1978 Page 4 j i 19. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION Spoke with Ms. Tracey Cole, OMB, to obtain the latest views of her office on the various provisions in the Senate and House State Department Authorization bills. I told Ms. Cole a letter outlining our views on provisions in this legislation was on its way to / Mr. James Frey. I once again recommended to Ms. Cole that we have a meeting / with OMB and other interested agencies and departments, particularly the Department of State, to discuss our various equities in this legislation. I further told Ms. Cole we were continuing discussions on provisions in this legislation with our oversight committees. Ms. Cole said the administration still definitely opposed the so-called "high-one" retirement provision in the legislation and probably would do so on the floor. Regarding the other provisions in the legislation, particularly those concerning the Role of the Ambassador legislation, the Case/Zablocki Act, and the Science and Technology amendment, Ms. Cole said her office at this time was inclined to postpone efforts to amend these provisions until the bills went to Conference; at that time, Ms. Cole continued, the Administration, through various agencies including CIA, would submit to the Congress formal letters posing various provisions, including those with which we are concerned, in the legislation. Approved For Release 209~1 / 4 ;,c lA RDP8 1M0P980R001600120026-4 Approved For Release 2005/12/241M9AW1600120026-4 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Thursday - 25 May 1978 20. (Unclassified - RJW) LEGISLATION Bob Carlstrom, OMB, returned my call. I informed Mr. Carlstrom that H. R. 12171, the "Federal Accounting and Auditing Act of 1978, " on which we are developing a views letter, is pending before the Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security of the House Government Operation Committee. I also informed Mr. Carlstrom that we hoped to have our views letter to him sometime Tuesday, 30 May. 21. (Unclassified - RJW) LEGISLATION Called Carolyn Fuller, Legislative Assistant on Senator Walter D. Huddleston (D. , Ky. ), to inquire as to the intelligence charter legislation witness schedule for June. Ms. Fuller informed me that the following individuals to date have been scheduled to testify with regard to S. 2525: former Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Zumwalt, and former head of DIA, General Samuel Wilson, on 6 June; the President of .AFIO, General Stillwell, and former NSC staffer Morton Halperin, on 15 June. I asked about former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and Ms. Fuller indicated that Mr. Kissinger's 22 June date is still only tentative. 22. (Unclassified - RJW) LEGISLATION Called Keith Raffel on the SSCI staff to confirm the June witness schedule re S. 2525 testimony intelligence charter legislation. In addition to the witnesses reported as scheduled by Carolyn Fuller (see journal item #21 above), Mr. Raffel said that former Solicitor General Bork and Professor of Yale Law School, Thomas Emerson, are scheduled to testify on 21 June. Mr. Raffel also underscored the fact that former Secretary of State Kissinger's 22 June date is very tentative. 23. .(Unclassified - RJW) LEGISLATION Called the Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security of the House Governmental Operations Committee to check on the status of H. R. 12171, the "Federal Accounting and Auditing Act of 1978. " I was informed that one day of hearings has already been held on the bill; the bill is currently pending before the Subcommittee with no formal action scheduled. 24. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Talked with Audrey Hatry, Clerk, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, about the Committee's schedule for next week. Because of the recess, no meetings are planned. nApproved For Release 2005/12/24: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600120026-4 Approved For Release 2 5/12/24: CIA-RDP81 M0098OR001 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 7 Tuesday.- 23 May 1978 26. EMPLOYMENT REQUEST I received a call fromi P, informing me that someone in the Ames Building had received a call from sonieone in' Representative Charles J. Carney's (D., Ohio) office concerning a constituent who "was reviewed for employment" but was turned down because his wife was a foreign national and that the Congressman's office wants a copy of the Regulation which states this. After conferring with of our office, I called the office of Mr. Carney and spoke to Janice Brown who informed me that Pat Hoffman, in the Congressman's office, was handling this case, but Pat was not in, but would call me the following day. Pat called me the following day and told me that she had no knowledge of this matter and thought perhaps I meant to call Congressman Silvio O. Conte's (R., Mass. ) office. Following this, I called to determine who in-,fact had called the Ames Building. said it may have been Senator Lawton Chiles' (D., Fa. ) office, bu s e wou c double-check and get back to me. To this date (31 May 1978) I have not heard from the Office of Personnel, and per advice, have not called the Office of Personnel back. 28. (Internal Use Only - RLB) LEGISLATION Spoke with Ms. Tracey Cole, OMB, concerning provisions in the Senate and House versions of the State Department Authorization bill with which we were oncerned. Ms. Cole said her office was having trouble obtaining copies of the reports on these bills and that the Administration had not yet developed firm positions on the various provisions therein. I recommended that we get together with OMB and other interested agencies, particularly the Department of State; Ms. Cole said this seemed like it would be a good idea. Regarding the so-called "high-one" retirement provision in both the Senate and House bills, Ms. Cole said the Administration was "absolutely opposed" to the provision and that the President .might: threaten to veto on that ground alone. Approved For Release 2005/12/24: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001 ?00120026-4 Approved For Release 2001/12/21N UR'R!JP8gT 60W' 601600120026-4 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 23 May 1978 4. (Unclassified - ME) FOIA/LIAISON Ms. Susan Tachau, in the office of Representative Clarence Long (D., Md.), called on behalf of a constituent who is writing a book and seeking information on date Allen Dulles, former DCI, returned from a trip around the world. The constituent believes it was either in September or October of 1956. After checking with the Historical Collection Staff, I called Ms. Tachau and advised her that I could not give an exact day of Mr. Dulles' return from abroad without extensive checking of itineraries which would take some time to accomplish, but I was able to determine that Mr. Dulles attended a White House dinner on 17 September 1956, and this took place after his return. She said this would have to satisfy the constituent because his book had to be at the printers tomorrow. 5. (Unclassified - RJW) LEGISLATION Received a call from Tom Smeeton, Minority Staff Consultant, House International Relations Committee, who informed me that he had received a copy of the report to accompany H. R. 12598, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 1979. Mr. Smeeton said he would make the report available to our special courier. 6. (Unclassified - RJW) LEGISLATION Spoke with Bernard H. Martin, OMB, with regard to H. R. 12171, the "Federal Accounting and Auditing Act of 1978. " I indicated to Mr. Martin that I had tried to get a hold of Bob Carlstrom via phone but was told he was out for the entire day. I informed Mr. Martin that the bill is of major consequence to the Agency and asked if our being granted V couple of extra days on the OMB deadline for views would be acceptable and would not prejudice our case with OMB or elsewhere. Mr. Martin had no problem with our request and said we could easily extend the time to COB Friday, 26 May or Tuesday, 30 May. I told Mr. Martin I would inform Mr. Carlstrom in the morning of our conversation. I also informed Mr. Martin that a Subcommittee of the House Committee.on Government Operations is scheduled to mark up the bill an 24 May. Mr. Martin asked that we keep Mr. Carlstrom informed of scheduling of any full Committee action. Approved For Release 200542/ i t Cl 4-R1 8'WO 808001600120026-4