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November 3, 1978
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Approved For
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 3 November 1978
5. ~ LIAISON Delivered to Senator
John Glenn . , io a consTff ent's letter for his district office.
I explained to the receptionist that the constituent had written
a letter about why he was not being accepted for a job by the Agency.
I further explained that the constituent's qualifications were
not what the Agency was-looking for. I asked her if she would
relay this message to the district office and she said she would.
25X1 6. LIAISON Accompanied
25X1 ORPA/NFAC, ONEn NFAC, to a briefing on People's
Republic of China for John Carbaugh, of Senator Jesse Helms'
(R., N.C.) staff. The briefing covered the current political
climate, a fraction of the Soviet threat, Taiwan issues, and
Sino-Soviet border problems.' Mr. Carbau h a reciated the
in-depth approach to this subject by He said that he
would be calling on us for a briefing on Soviet particle beams
and other exotic weapons.
I also delivered to Mr. Carbaugh several documents to a
follow-up his recent briefing on Soviet research in weather
7.1 I LIAISON Called Don Sarff, of
Senator Howard Metzenbaum's (D., Ohio) staff, in response to his
inquiry fora constituent which had been referred to us by the
Aif Force Liaison. The constituent,
Ohio, requested an'"investigative report" concerning Francis Gary Powers-
I advised Mr. Sarf.that the Senate Foreign Relations and House Armed
Services Committees held hearings on the subject. I also provided him
with the dates of the hearings and the testimonies. Mr. Powers` book
Overflight might be of help to the constituent. Mr. Sarf appreciated
our oral response and no written one would be necessary.
25X1 8. LIAISON Per her request, sent
is mail to Suzanne Boiscleir, Office of Technology Assessment,
vlva copy of "The Scope of Poland's Economic Dilemma."
9. ~ LIAISON Per his request of
1 November 1976, sent o John, in the office of Representative
Thomas F. Railsback (R., Ill.), copies of two documents: "National
Basic Intelligence Factbook" and "Research Aid - Handbook of
Economic Statistics, 1977."
10. 1 1 BRIEFING Judy Smith, in the
office of Representative William V. Alexander (D., Ark.), called
to ask if we could move his requested briefing on China from
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on 7 November. We confirmed the change.
Approved For ReI4
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel"
Tuesday 21 November 1978
~0R0019001000104f //q
18. LIAISON Per the request of
Marilyn Nelson, Congressional esearch Service, Library of
Congress, I sent to Cindy Ahwinona, in the office of Senator
Mike Gravel (D., Alaska), the publication entitled "The Inter-
national Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985."
19. I I LIAISON Per her request, I
sent to Linda Roscoe, in the office of Re resentative Robert S.
Walker (R., Pa.), information concerning Representative
the possibility
of a constituent being put on a mailing list to receive their
GJ/\I 20. 1 I LIAISON Per her request, I sent
to Suzanne Boisclair, OTA, the following publications: "The Soviet
Economy in 1976-77 and`Took.for 1978" .(two copies), and "Relating
Climate Change to its Effects" (three copies).
25X1 21. I 1 LIAISON Per his request, I sent
to Emery 5_[7tty ongress2 nai Budget Office, the publication
entitled "The Role of the LDCs in the US Balance of Payments."
25X1 22. LIAISON Per his request, I sent
to Richard ay, on the., sta of the House Banking, Finance and
Urban Affairs Committee, the publication entitled "The Soviet
Economy in 1976-77 and Outlook for 1978."
25X1 23. LIAISON Saw Diane LaVoy, House
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff. Ms. LaVoy wished
to know whether the NFAC publication entitled "Iran in the 1980s"
is or is.not an NFAC finished product and if not, exactly what is it.
25X1 After checking with NFAC/CSS, I informed Ms. LaVoy that
the publication is indeed a 'finished document albeit a rather cumber-
25X1some one. Ms. LaVoy asked whether was the NIO when the
draft NIE on Iran was pre ared. She also asked who is the present
25X1NIO. After checking witht 1 I informed Ms. LaVoy that Mr.
was indeed the NIO and that Bob Ames is the current NIO. Ms.
LaVoy also asked about the 15 November New York Times article. This
article alleged that CIA had been asked to prepare a --study on the
impact of Moslem traditionalists on Near Eastern countries such as
Turkey and Pakistan. According to the article the Agency reportedly
said that no one could be found to make this study. Ms. LaVoy's
questions were: (a) Was the request made of CIA?, (b) Who made the
request, and (c) What action was taken. After checking with
I informed Ms. LaVoy that the article is completely inaccurate; that
no such request was ever made.
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