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Publication Date: 
February 22, 1978
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Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000090117-2 HACKENSACK, N. J. RECORD 22 February 1978 Colb y defends CIA amid ~eermg By Fred Miller Staff w4er JERSEY CITY. Former Central Intelligence Agency Director William Colby defended his record and American spying yesterday at Jersey City State College in a speech disrupted by Iranian and other student militants. "I think the fact that, I don't come before you. with a cloak, a stiletto, or a blbnde says something about modern American intelligence," Colby said above the jeers from about two dozen protesters among -he,crowd of about 300 students and, faculty. The visit by the former CIA chief prompted un- usual controversy on the normally quiet campus, but apart from heckling there were no incidents yester-, day. In recent weeks, several Iranians were forcibly` removed from the campus for picketing without per- mission, students said. On Monday a student was.. charged after he reportedly smashed a window dis- playing an anti-Colby poster: 1 There are about 400 Iranian students-among the_ 8,800 undergraduates at Jersey , City State. A number'. of Iranian students have protested the CIA's role in establishing and aiding the government of- Shah Mo- hammed-Pahlevi, whom,the protesters call a fascist. But Colby, who received $2,500 from the college for his appearance, said he believed American, inter-' were better servedby the present Iranian gov- ernment than by,that ,country's Communist - party, which Colby said threatened Iran before the Shah seized power in. a 1953 coup Conceding that the 'CIA 'had committed some abuses during -the last 30` years, 'Colby. insisted that he had personallyhalted'and testified fully about all of them during his term as director from 1973.76. He said President Carter's.. recent executive order; on U.S. intelligence needed congressional backing to de- fine precisely what the. CIA could do and how its se- crets could be protected - "like a journalist's se-: crets,' he said.. ~.. , ` ..f . ,'. . .~ Cloak-and-dagger spying represented half of all CIA work in the 1950s, but only two per cent today, Colby said, because of great advances in technology and scholarship. Vietnam and Watergate, Colby said, "made us all .realize that there is no part of American government, that can operate outside of American law." However, because of foreign spying and the pos- sibility of nuclear blackmail by small nations or ter- rorists, Colby said, American spying was just as nec- essary today as when Benjamin Franklin opened a dummy office in Paris in the 1770s to funnel arms to American revolutionaries. . To the students who compared Iranian rebels with American patriots and who criticized CIA activi- ty in Chile, Africa, Vietnam, and the Dominican Re- public, Colby repeated that his testimony before a Senate investigating committee disclosed all relevant facts and showed no great wrongdoing by the CIA. The CIA only supported center parties in Chile, - except for six weeks, at President Nixon's order, fun- neling money to right-wing groups in an effort to un- seat the elected communist president, Salvadore Al- lende, Colby said. He told a Ghanaian student that the CIA never 'put into operation a plot to assassinate Congo Presi- dent Patrice Lumumba, who was murdered in 1961, and that the CIA did not participate in the 1966 coup. that deposed Ghana President Kwame Nkrumah. - Conceding that the CIA had trained some of Nkrumah's opponents, Colby maintained, "That does not mean the r TA artici atcwiin an thing thoca non- p p y ple may later have done." . A black freshman, William Martin, congratulated Colby for his record, saying, "This man made it safe. for me to walk the streets at night." But he was fol- lowed by David Blalock, an Army veteran. who said, he served in the Operation Phoenix program Colby headed in Vietnam, a "pacification" program that, Blalock and others allude to was in fact methodical torture of suspected Viet Cong. . the claim by H.R. Haldeman in his recent book that with a plan to attack Chinese nuclear bases. "I think I might well have heard," he said, "and I don't think the Russians would do that. . .though some people: were concerned about the possibility of a Russian strike." Colby said he had completed his own book on life- within the CIA, which he said he had submitted to the CIA for clearance Of another book by a former CIA agent in Viet-? 'American evacuation in - 1975 betrayed many Viet-, namese CIA operatives, Colby said, "It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback a chaotic, confused ' evacuation in a major defeat. . .even though some of those left behind were my friends: "I was mainly sorry our country decided it would no longer send logistics and support, [to Vietnam],"_, Colby. added. "But we did manage to get all* Ameri cans and 130,000 Vietnamese out." Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000090117-2