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Document Release Date: 
October 4, 2004
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Publication Date: 
September 1, 1972
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For elease 2004/10/12 : CIA,=RDP81 M00980R002000090209-0 5; 7-o T. T`oa t%GGd PANA:.lA - In V-~Zt they claim is the ia:-- st and Most finprstart cpcrztioe of its k,ed to this country, Panantunlan e ti rn?cs ]tsvr acc:rd co A.:.crican. three Chileans and tt n 1:. aCC:ra::a s:.1 acci. rd t,`.em 01 rtnuzgiing up to. 1O0 1, s (2 ,-cue..> of coc...:,c rn.wally into llteUnited States. l',:r yi!r ed ro o a --r it r~1;,ard Meler, 49. a German, o r, .-\eer :. , ,cr:cd +.-ttti he U.S.."ny ffotit 1913 to IS:,3. t : e v th Pine es a courier inteili. zzsce ag nt, before .? inn _, C.,ile. accnrimg to a atete.ment he made to he t.: , -'s office 1'.rrr. Grier, Who denies in,elvicexnt In drug smurgoling but ad- ,:tat to krow:rg end having dealt with such :mu;,giers, left >..._ _*_, t.,n :t c:-.c.t n frog lie canna to r"ana- presldeot and &eneral manager. and yetis part of it t Panama, and the rest he sends abroad," Munoz's statcorent sold. htunoa said he believed (SV$' fed Jorge L'fVnoz, that Meier w-trhandlIng t bout 100 kilos of cogapte it year..- V, named. a er is n ca der o a sworn atatGment, accord- Ing to the distiTctattorne s office.. 1UZ1EER TOLD PANR.'rJtNIAN authorities that his Chi]- VMS s it we. -e anized band of rug traffickers, the can wife, who comes t t Panama about once every four bi ns of w c is [: ani i cr. As manager of Pan Mund!al, mnlha operates a storo'l i Arica In partnership with Robe to fiends a lette to the employment agency in ri lboa (in the Bravo. Bravo,-Par.nnoanlan ao orities claim. is listed aspa o e ltin^ notice that su cb aarcoUca trafficker In Chile. onzataz and CstehaG n M. Vilanobs, both Crdeana. And Cesar 1T C ra ca r^3 _ i _~ doros~x They were arrested Aug. 4 In raids on premises occupied by Paez Gonzalez, both of wiioin had eocaute.7,l"eler was arced; ed'Aug. 12.. . In an effort to rebut repeated charges that Panama is on: of the centers for drug traffic into the U. S. with the kite-cl edge of the Panerneniari government. the distrirt attorrmet t office Said that through'the arrests "tito?governntent of Pant. ma thus meets its international obllgutinns to repress Ih:; traffic. The largest volume of which, as shown by the state which are undcr North American Jurisdiction. Tby head ei the band is as American eitLcn." ,Lf y Approved; or Release 2004/10/12-: CIA-RDP81 M00980R00200OO :0209-0 STAT Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000090209-0 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000090209-0