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Gem props jandist j Henry Lcdis KLUGE (UNITED STATES) ras allegedly associated with him. Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Is a. governess who watches over Isix chi]4ron; the daughter of the former Crown Prince is now siti.'ving As a nurse in fiche Potsdam Hospital. unaniim Counsellor in berlin now visit; ng Stockholm OSS #20023, Stockholm, July 20, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 LIPPERT 8 E. In 1935 he vrrote an exdellent analysis of youth ideology within youth organizations in the ,demccraeiee and in the nazi state. Committee for National Morale, Garman P, cholo~icah Warfare, Y New ork, September Al. 1p. 75 (:10981 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 REFERENCE CARD rC MAN'( LIPPMANN, GE ARB Germany Intercept from Banco Aleman4ntioquento of Caracas 2 Venezuela to Sr.ts a P. R. Angel Company in New York, dated August 26, 1942, is economic. Ex. says it is reported that writer employed subject, a high Gestapo chief, formerly located in kedellin, who returned to Germany . USNC NY 121318 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 ai Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 GU M ,r rpt e. October 1941 LIST, General FI -ld Marshal 811E 1t1 flD WILEMLM von Bondi Oberkiro'hberg, I rttemberg, in 1880; son of country doctors attended Luitpold Oymmel,un in Munich, speoia1 ing in languages; learned wuoh Latins Greek, and also French and ginglish; received bachelor's degree and in 1898 ontered Cadet School of Fires Bavarian Engineers in M nioh / ent*ed ArEW as "~' i neer 13at taken.. 1900; transferred to in Third n man g war Academy as first lieutenit, iln 1908; captain in 1913 / young. est 'officer cc general staff at outbreak of wars wounded and deooratod; after war on generail' !staff of 8th Bavarian Division under von R&IL; promoted to ik jc rr, a Lnder of 19th Infantry Regiment in litunich by 1928; his rapid promotion after Baer putsch implies that he 'was owrotAbly active in suppressing the ch in hi Ak AMgsburg garrison' 11 .lt. colonel in 19251 one t pu s d Chief 192 , an s aff of &VAIrisn w.hrkreis ile I111Mich; eolomea am (over) clef Army Training Division in Rei.chswehr Ministry unwr Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Mi Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 ?1 CERVANY LIST,, General. Field MkriihaL SI ~l ? W LV van 1941 won BLS i in fall of 192? .b?Js'Wne o omarader of Ynfantry School in Dri)sden / ;rajo genii's] in 1931, detsiled to examine Swiss Army; it. general in 191521 oaereander of 4th Division and 4-Army District, Dresden, An 19:x'5; oorsanding general of 4th AMY Corps and infantry g?nenal is 1935 / led / sohluss armies into Austriat bey comander? of 6th Army - Croup in Vienna / led arm into Prague in 1938; col. general in 1939; general field marshal in 1940 / oownandeel 14th Army In Polish C aign which out off Craoaw and besiegod Liner / commanded 12th Army in the west i*hich advanced tharot gh Luxenbourg and whose Panser ,0v11 sions broke thronah supposedly Impassable Ardennes forest; executed great turning movement ,which pinned French forces iii Magitnct mine' behind their aim fortifications; part of his army pursued Frenoh through Chaapagno to Dijon and Swiss border there- by closing gap behind French forces / opinion is riled that he is an outstanding tactician and executive; hit early engineers ing and military training madis him one of first 'proponents of mechanisation and mobility; seep is to be a speoiaiist in blood'! ass occupations / has tight-skinned face, gria,unnilii expreseipn, thi*ining hair and grey , mustache,, etetly blue eyes according Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 01 ` .$a rpto.Oetober19.41 GMUM LIST, General Field lsrs tm.1 SIEGVM WrLMU iron Vienna where wife and unmarried daughter Gabrielle are amp and gracious, has always helped his c*reer; son Walther, aged 28, teaches German; daughter Ruth, aged 26, married to an air force oartais, Grober, now P/W in England / in spite of rapid adiranoement, has remained sisplu and has unpretentious home in although from south Germany,, is protestant; his wifa, well.bbrn Goethe; has travelled widely in Europe; loves art and has fine collection of art books / frienais consider his met-memplary so)ldicr and hen being; is s- at-,riot disciplinarian but always helps younger Bubo dinates amid `h-as been an inspiration to t considered a oonpl' ,,Uly non- -li t ioa1 soldier; well liked Austrians because of his oialturt and'an?Prussian' attitude / widely read, has Catholic Usti in literatUrs; has often reread to a personal friend his sotto let ''Mors to be than to seem'; l ivin. Stephen Laird, o. Ootober 1941 B&A, 'Central European Section 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 LIST, Field Marshal Born May 14, 1880 at Oberkirn;Wirg in rttemberg2 purely professional soldier; always had very high qualifications in 930 was made oomroander off' the Vfficert~' Infatntr, School at resden, which was the moat ,Important instructional post of the Re i ohawehr; native Warttembiirger; G selected List for post of cc ander of the Officeir~e' Infantry School at Dresden because he was convinced that List held moderate democratic political -views. Phoenix s Wilson (Putlitz ), June 1,-, 1942 (CID 18313 C is a copy) REFERENCE CARD LIST, FIELD WEhSH, L WILHELi:M 'VON Replaced on Balkan frond by Ru: trian traitor, Col. General for Air Alexander LOEHR; the Italians, who have it in for List, spread rumour that he was in disgrace with Hitler because he warned him against another winter of war; for a year after Balkan campaign of 1941, did little but travel from Beigrad and East to Oslo and other strategic points in west; super- vised building of air bases in Greece and Dodecanese; organized new supply lines for ROMI;tIEL; squeezed more and more divisions out of HORTHY and ANTONESC; ' n t as ary and Rumania for Eastern ? of ro-Sli~v , ?r ans turned their Black Sea front; in spite p A g coast into spring board for operations a a nst Sebastopol and Caucasus; directed operations against MMI, HA-ILOVITCH (Yugosla- via) ; in spite of such varied commissions, the arch-strategist was anxious to go to Russiaii front; this appointment was cie- layeo because Balkan campaaigri took six weeks longer than nit- Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 le:r expected and the ktussian campaign was in full swing before Crete was occupied; Hitler the!a held List in reserve for an eventual second front, and the fact that he has now been sent to nussia is indicative of the growing scarcity of generals; before going to Russia, he dirElcted defense measures along the Atlantic coast, a work now beilrLg carried on by RUNDSTEDT. Ii Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 "Shifting Generals" by Dr. tudolph fatz OSS, NEw York, Osborne-Hoover, iSep t;. 29, 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 GE "Y LIST, GMERaL FIELIi M RSHAL STE IUNI) WILHEL1 With HGTH (q.v.), is reporl;ed to have repis,cect von BOCK in command of Heeresgruppo B In Stalingrad sector. Report from private channels to b"11tockho1m, Oct. 14, 194ti New York Times, Oct. 15, 1942 According to London press report of Oct. 2O, is in cor.Uaend on Cauc~4~; Lan. front; for otL,:.r - in coznund on hussian front, see Field 1arsha1 von KEUCHLi I O.N.Y. Week.j, October 4 , 1942,, lo. 39, p. 3', Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 GERMANY rpt December 1942 Nazi army officer / born 0beekirchberg, Bavaria, 1880; educated at Military Academe, Muni oh, Germany: student Artillery and 8nginleering School, 1902-04, ;loyal Lavarian Military Academy, Munich, 1908-11; ensign, Pioneer Battalion- Munich, 1898; corm d. it., Germany Army, 19001; served in World War I, Bast and West Fronts, 191448; coding bbittalion Alpine troops, following Armistice; seared .as ocp' n rider, GebirgsuJager Batt., 19th Into. 1922w24; entered War Ministry,, Berlin, 1926; beoane sect, leader, Army Reform Department, and ooiieanding colonel 1927; became comdr. Inf. officer scfhool-. Dresden, 1930, ooimnendor 4t. Djvis'.ion, Dresden, 1933; oc1 1. Austrian Armor .after Ansahiuss, 11 ?}ts'I blitz, 193:., ooind. 12th Ar W, advanced over `shills of n vakia, later gov. Moravia (iii Czechoslovakia), 1939; in World War II, attacked through mountains and maneuvered to suoceel in 1938; served is genera) comeolLading Armies of Occupation, Czeoho j' For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 2 - rp~ Deodber 1x42 GERMA ' LIST, Gen, STMGM) WIL LM Bit D France to render Maginot Uw useless, 1940; promoted to field marshal, 1940; in Balkans fikeed Nazi's triple threat of Greek fighters, Yugoslav deflanoe,- and Britt Mediterranean landings, 1941; occupied Sulgarir., morrod headquarters f mu Bucharest to Sofia to direct attack on GrI~eoe and Yugoslavia 1941; re laced , p Field Marshal von BOCK who wuia falling to capture Moscow, December 1941; again replaced[ Field Marshal iron Book who, in some 30 days of Nazi attack failed to take Stalingrad, Septembers 1942, Who' Is Who Monthl Sup I-aments weember 1942? (listed under von) Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 1 ^1 In leading C*erm&,'n attack on BtLlkansi.n 1941 he faced triple threat of (reek fighters, Yggoelav defiance, and British Mediter- ran.iean 1&nain s; oce' pied Bulg,garia, moved HQ from Bucharest to Sofia to direct attack on Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941; replaced von BOCK who was failing to capture Moscow, in December 1941; again replaced bon B6ck when The latter, in some 30 days of attack, failed to eke Staling:r?ad In September 1942. Who's Who Monthly Supplement, December 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 11 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 REFEREIN CEO CART) 1 NA Head" s Gw'rnsn forces that invaded Greece is 1941, / is ropubsd to be a close relative of t t see Aft of Dr. LOt 07HSM OULQS (), CSI &k Vies Premiere Cheek official aira1s , Tu i:q State Dept. from oil. mral (#211)p Iat bul, Dec. 7, 1942 LIST, Marshal: III Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 RR M 1412 GERMANY LISTL. JOSEPH (11098! Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 LIT?, .ODOR 1.I119s8) Approved For Release Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 REFERENCE CARD LOBE, General Augubt J-94 Vi.sitec~ 5oi'ia lust 4ug;ubt in Connection with the 40 1 German attcmppL i o huvv, Bu' k;arian troops sent to the . u.stcril Front; GABAONI'k,ikd (BULGA 1A) supported this attemppt. Reliability unknown !3, December 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 LIBE, PAUL (111) 981 ? 'I Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 ..i6T9 IIEFEIIENCE CARD UNI TEIJ STh'ri LCCh1 Lit, Luis is iccoduing to source, VVEA.B Uh olu c1?onnV of 13 t1 :.IEh' s (see tiertaany and -61-uh Pierre HUSS c irculaited phony stories stout i~lrt. OSS, New loa?ri, Oigriu Schultz, October 28, 14)4 (Suurce left Ger r in Feb. 1941) 11679 fo EI (seb Germany) used his friendship with subject, MUSS, and ENDERS (yy.v.) to try and smash the Foreign Press Club in Berlin by causing diUSOUSion among its members. OSS, New York, Sigrid Schultz, llov. 13, 19,42 9 1jou,ree left Germany in Feb. 194;1) Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 11 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 II S.S. war corre ondent o/ recently said that fit is "quite pogsibl-e that the war, at 1eckst as far as Europe is concerned, hao entered its final phase a fi gne s on to say that the German people must not fogeet Hitlerii words: 'the last battalion on. tho- brttlefie'ik1 will be a German battalion.' Bruss -ls radio, July 2G, 1943 FCC, Daily Rcpt rt, July 27, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 II RF FER~zNCE CARD DEClASED 41 Bc):- 1896, died Jury, ~19, 1940 If inetramente1 in P%ggik building German air force; tjis 'key man in the Lou rftyear plea e Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 II Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 11 October 192 Sent to Greece in October with three of the best late ichwehr divisions with special perrnie,aion from Hitler / the troops were :attacked while passing 01 through Croall iat and some railroad care weri damaged, Dutchman, reliability unknnom,r described as antiuNazi but not anti je~nnan 19, Q~3 February 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 II (IMI rpt Septe -r 1901 L O L vc i IM , Captain 3aro * Was lao dish officer of ll' hrvaoht's AL-- pak da Seoticn &t Borden t Imtil April 1941J hltbo h his appointment Was api proved by as atop no Was not we or their favorites and in A st.Septe r 1941 he w out to Asia as Cdar radar of a Propagmda Coepsi y / he Wall macoieded in uua by Lt. JUAN* a Coenfildential zad reliable soarooo OSS, 1Nashiagtsm, Februiu)r 25, 1944 (10901 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 ^I Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 it LT F'1L.,204 GERMANY LOlM,ANL OTTC U.1 09131 Approved For Release ~-197EI Ly CO a General Ccail des aGerman group of armies, with headquarters at motel Teriiimuiai Avignon. 0 3oewhhere In France, July 7, 1943 #433 033, A1;gier?, July 9, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 (110981 REFER U CE CARD GIETUMNY Air Officer cown:i.nd:ing Luftflotte IV (Southeast Ctmmanri, head- quarters Vita,inr, covering Austria, Czeohoalovakia and Balky ns); aged 56; small man of slight t:mild r ha t.le from Rumania; occ a-ied post in Austrian T air Off ieb in 19"12; something of an anti-aircxraft specialist; probably selected for command of Luftflottee IV because of his kustrian ties aTj1 local knowledge of Eastern Europe ; not a popuJLar figure and rel!ttively little is }cnrnvm of him com;,ared with mo ft; of the other Airforce Cotumanderi British Air Ministry, Air Pub].icati..t 1928, Notes on German Airforce, October 1941 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 II Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 lily REFERENCE CARD LUEIi i' CUL. GM* ALEXANDER Has replaced Field Sdarci:hal viilhelm List as German Counnanaler;, in Chief in the Balkans. veekiy - September 194 ,. Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 11 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 REFER NCE CARD Of Air Comi uid; kn9wn as the Austrian traitor; replaced Field ikirshal LIST in command of Balkans. "Shifting of Generals" by Dr. h`tvdolph Katz OSS, New fork, 0sborne.-Hoover, Ewlept. 29, 1942 Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 11 FIRES ICS CARD L IR, COLONEL GENMW, ALEXIOID R As German Commander in Chief.' in the Balkans is visiting Greece in connection with recent clashes between Ge and Italian commands thert / has asked home to remove a number of Italian inilitat-f officials who sir in his opia& nion incapable of coping Filth their tanks; it is believed that Germans will be app,4l jantedc td Lhese offices. Taos News Agency from Moscow Germs Regional Note N- 50 November 5, 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 it REVERENCE, CARD G1.14aANY rpt Janu:. rj 13, 1 In ccO.nunuid of German fore.,es in J3aikuns comprising 2 offensive aria 7 UUefensive divisiorta,* REFER;EN CF CARD rpt Fsbruury 13, 1kJ44 has been invested by Hitler with full authority for maintenance of order in Thu !iania, as part of the programme to keep AI4TC U"SCTU in line; of. SIMA and BOHIVIE. O.L. Sulzberger, London, Yetrwiry 1,5j, 1943 New York Times, February 14, 1'943, p. 50 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 ,I yea, - are sub jeot to mobilisation. 6A %4 pees it appears mat he controls all the southeast south of i, the Dubs, an far ae r,xet~ including the Ita1iet forces / by his order, all inhabitants o Greece aged frcxn 16 to 46 General, Commanding Officer of the ffeeres Source believed reliable, late ;Fe-lbrua 1943 0SS, Washington (dies) July 6, 1%3 ill 096) 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 MI Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 ?I GREECE JW, General (Document: LEER) Left Crett. J .,or Europe on May IS, 1:43 Reliable source, prior to June 1, 1943 OSS, Washington (hiss) July 7, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 ?I Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 PI Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 E 01 GEC N LOHR, General (doc is LI ) The Italian Arty Corps in Haraogovina has been attached to his Reere8gruppe rather than to the grid I t n Arm V at Susak. OSS, Washington, (digis) , Auguwtl,p 194:11 Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 I C~in4 in Gl~= / his m 1'a headquarters at skoplie. Reliable ice, August 3, 1943 033, Washington (dims) 3qptester ;~, 1g 3 C NY rpt August 11*, 1943 Among those who attended the regent conversations held at HITLER' s (q.v.) headquarters. Contacts (B-2) of Munich, August 17., 1943 033 #21395, Bern, August 21, 1943 (11098 ) is very we].1 with the massy iset in Rio and also with influen.. Mentioned in letter / according to examiner, was formerly in language very well, and also speaks good Portuguese / they were can, but is often mistaken for a Genwm as she speaks that aviator in last war; speaks perfect Portuguese; wife ie 4aeri- turning to Germany in 1936, was transferred to south Brazil Rio de Janeiro where he was connected with A.E.G.; before re-so AR, EHRHNFiI)T von tial German business men. Letter from Gibrail JANUS (BRLZILJ~ , April 18, 1942 to Dr. ]E. Rodrigues PINTO (''PORTUGAL) USNC BER 1 4)8/tat 2010/12/13: C1A-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 MIS GEP19AN Y ? LOHSE, FRIEDERICH Author of Roosevelt. Amerika, one of four bcokcs on lm~.rica which are compulsory reading for all. Cm3rmann saboteurs (see 7-16, GERMANY, ROSS, CM- and 7-16, C-EPJWY, KIi;DERLIN) ; source says book '.s of vital importance an~! contains a plan to sabotage America psychologically; it has ;never been translated into English; only copy in America is held by the American Jewish Committee p 336 Fourth Avenue ,o New York City. 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 REFERENCE CARD Former Gauleiter of Schlesw.Lg-holstein; now Reich Commissar of Ostland; the Reich Corm iesjariat consists of the Geneml Districts of Lithuania wade- R NTELN (q.v Latvia under JRLCHSLER (q.v.) , Esthonia under LIET tend White Ruthe- n is under KUBE (q . v . ) ; Riga i the capital of the Legion. LATVIA LOHSE, HEINRICH (see LOZE, ; %ji-w nia) Report on the Occupied Territories; of the Soviet union, p. .3. Office of European Econol'1ic Research, New York (Returned to Press Survey) Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For RRFEA1,N CE ` -ARD LATVIA LOHSE Reichscommissar in chargi,t of Riga. To P'ebr 1941 OSS, New York, Sigrid Schultz, Leciolmher 14, 19,t (Source left Germany in Feb. 1~ 41) Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 REFEH.EN CT: CARD LOHSE , HEINRICH Reichskom issar / in his decree regarding Ukraine he said that Germmi 4ove t wiled to restore gradually private oi? ship in occupied towns; siaach restoratim would, however-9 be entirely dependent on owners' loyalty to Gera an authorities and slightest disloyalty would result in the confiscation of the properly e tensor Materials Digest ' Gary' s Policy in the Ukrainee' , 11010 08S, R & A, Noveslber 17, 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 One of the four-star generals (French) imprisoned at K nigs'tein Fortress; for ilomplete list see document B--550. Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Lt s DO Mill, W ? "ter caeneor in 1 cht' r6. Propaguads 'section Bordeaux; Confidential and reliable source 088, Raebingtoa? February 25, 15143 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 -I- Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 ?'I Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 His promotion from colonel b-ecerne' effeetiee August 1, 194311 of the Luf twaf fe. FCC, Daily Report, August 4, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 Chief chaplain of tie Breslau garrison; 4s obvioud]7 a reprem sentative of the Masi faction. of German rroteetant-Le u / be deaoribes war as the best means for 'leading a nation from chaos to order' ,q and as c pab JLe of purifying a nation. Gommittoe for National Morale, 2pjj P ho o coal Ida 'atm. l now orik, September 1941, pp. 35, 92 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 REFERENCI?. CARD Officer in the C,`f~r~;itr rrUneFin under KE 3 SEL ~IN1 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 ?I Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5 IMFER 4CJ' CAM MOUNT *nA inrl 1 Jbk .Gruppe"re r / chief of the Ges abn i i1ori' r dIr rmi rti na"t LMulsi?neg Yolks turn IL,, AuI5i&nd,) ;n the bo trop offia* iu & ui-A,iu / iry ai08110 Zip ueorg4, PI Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160028-5