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E1 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 y - E!cT er? f':o jA *..er ~: p dolt ... ve._.. _ Berlin 1-9d.3 ~' , Dail ?e-or.,, ' 2& r 1,1' 1 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 i l s: ./ .$.~ 13' ?.iCS r t..i rre ir ilo de P i r i ~ i+b?-? ro a d- ~,d m ' ~ ' psi prac ;a? casted the foi lowin s terients;; "As a m cm e er . m.- - ~i_.L and .-alley -*A this rkSof S - i .) .e _nn can s?e th t Soviet concentraticf:9 and nilitar-- .aneuve:~rs -ell be tS 1.I._-/; eJ~ sI i Y4 l ? t~ L iJ 3 4+?~ 4 ~,_ ryr'/~~~ L: V1a !f nY-~ the 1.JIOSe~It A 1eC K? ~~r-~~Ji 0 o t; leave -- 'd g .,peed with t ~b.#it Soviet 4.;-tZ',-. k ~:i1 force..-,, eq..,a~ `~ ith *?^ of. s~~m stand " d to !i+,J..l~ r+ action r, gc inS Cie most +?i ~ a + ic ?f a $a> unit j i*i ' ?ebr? Sr r 1941. O $h log in the I io rwegie a Ca I& h e ~ received the order 'Pour 1gL 1erite R for briii Ii action / distinguished him-elf in 'the head u rteTs of the ,FS#hrer &iri the Polish campaign; covere4 1 ~. run Lieutenant co y ; c sears outstanding victory.. Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 MI Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 ?1 101" SCE C1g 3Z -r ordi to two. Geman g.n rawas 9 Ikmm*I when the tuft Pai - tUrt s lad be= &BIi -by beamuao of Hitler to head the ' N toi ~~] p~ pi was his popularity and dashing ~aar~toac 3. it~- t tbro 1 e unverified nor of a quarrel between Ritier and MGM! Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 519 from KI1,,g3 lore 23, 19LZ CD 1,2544 ssrm Is a troly dgpmdmt cm ] ttler; a tb good soldiers he giv*s blind obodione to the fir. J Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 MI Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 REM F NCI E: C under h$m in ncith? ITL Tunisia, with von ICI serving dci: ?Ider-in?chief of Axis forces Frank L. KluckJ chn, from Tunisim front, February 14, 1943 New York Times,, Februaxy..15', 1943,,'p. -4 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 MI Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 II REFUM" COMM Is in diss oo with both UN* Officer's Corp mad tle rl the reputation-4w fMiICi(Joya with the Me 3 e is e dent Ly not undentaA lbp' the Ceram ailitary, for thwy oonsider him as gi )od only for offensive ica,? and " ano off' the, Lr worst generals; hits. advmm t HaLthp Jea v pis contrary to specf c instrultions and a ir9-0;iy responsiblefbr his , 'eat, for it iareat an I.si'b'Le Osman supplies aatica. Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000170011-2 On March 11, 1943, reported tw Hitler's headquarters and received. in recognition of h-1.9 'unique se iees in the 14 campaign iri- I-Torth erica for last 2 years, Oe Leaves with sw rdis and -diamonds to, tl,i,e Knight" s Cross of the Iron Cross / his health is improvi ig and der his complete re- coyery, Hitler will c ssion him with a new task. Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R0010001700 r Linn r ad .o" Iy 11, 1943 FCC:, Daily Report,May 12, 1943 b Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 Forces under hi :.consist of heterogeneOU elements and do not amount to _Aore than 9 dDisions : eira, 3 of which are armoured, and 4 Italian, one if which is armoured. Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Pei A , N A, New Y ouch 2.4.9 1943, Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 loom It is reported German . oai Goamnd had infer i that it wanted appoi n ed te1y co r-tn- .ef of the 1 ee cthe . defence a ' of ItA4 8,d l - tel ems. met of Frmce; these function have bem din- IV Tm (Z ICE) ,; the Items Lld pro- for to have It r i . mm to the post m Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 According to the umdeetim rwUo 'A Uk' f he, I and mss' (Imo) ; coutem in Its. Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 1I Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 rpt April 12, 1943 'Me tier report on hi (05-.719 still stands; he 'Ls still tat a place called Somring. near 1Ti a, #115.178 CS3, Bern, April 12, 1943 3.098 ) Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 ~f Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 ?I Tu NIS April 13, 1943 Flew to Ita]y , Alril 13, 1943 for a conference whioh he requested with Ceram. and IULLan ArcW and Navy chiefs; D&ITZ, KIEITM RICC11DI, end AMIMIO (ITALY) are reported to be attending / me to know wbat deiSi _ Bitter and solini reached during their recant meeting; will r+ .h f.Ly back to Tui3ivia on April 14, 1943 Rspcrta fron Vick, via P, Madrid, April 13, 1943 . T, April 14, 1943, p,6 Approved For Release Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 ISIA rpt Aril 24,, 1943 Fis whereabcut-s sere again !ii doubt due to the fact that the E teenth Arny Gro revegi.ed on, April 24, 1943, that they I-ad captured a document eluted 2 arch 19, which was signed by Col. Gen. Dietloff van ARKIM as ' gureral officer coimanU1ngs C nder in Chief, army group Af'rie a' /according to a British: to t Ronwtl I s 'present whereabouts and new appointment, if s*Vp are mown' / the last tiie ho disappeared was early in Feb- mazy; he tamed up at Fail Pass on february 14, with two armored divisions and drove tie ;awrican First 'ivision from Faid Plain tack Paid Pass* 11ir less from lied Headguerters, north Africa, April 224, 1943 (1:0981 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000170011-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 I Olt 773L Is reported to be .&id up with his mysterious ?pto-"ibyen and political disease in the Diana Spa sanitarium at Bad Reiche3na11; he seems however, to bl?e ll% enough to drive over to Hitler's IIQ every few days g hhen.,, he gives orders which are wired to von ARRIM who executed them `against his better- judgement; for a xa='Ie, Rommel disastrously ordered von Arnim to attack instead of defend?ncr and protecting an evacuation as von Arnim had p1snned to do; after t 'he debac, Rommel bl&med von Arnim for his own mistakes labelled the African fighters as inferior soldiers, Cl .ndestine radio, 'Voice of the C}hde 1`19 Iay '% 1943 FCC, "ay 10, 1943 (1319, Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000170011-2 According to reports reaching Ciiirc, was in Crete In mid-April ferr?in Conte MTEK; this tallies with other reports that h L has assumed co d of axis defenses in the Dalkans. GFNiANZ RIASM "his long sojourn in AfticoL had so severely inpal.red his health that il treatment could no 1ongii.r be postponed / he was in ,aermny in October 1942 for this treatment when British hegtn of- fensive Alamein; he i media tely returned to Africa a- ~~ens3.re against E1 st doctors' orders and led his a across Africa / Hitler final.l ordered his i edlat i hie reached Gales in Tunisia. he reported at Hitler's HHQ. an March 11, 1943, and was armed an Oak Leaves with Swords and Ii to the Knight Cross of the Iran Cross his soft state of health is it present improving; after Ferrer will entrumt hie with a new his complete restPoratics the task. Sp )Ctal a ounc a t by Ger n Higb, Co c d oza Ro..Ake1 Berlin radio, AP,, 449 1943 wall "Or r 12, 1943, p. 7 on M"2af11.3 D ome dispatch xk" tt ingen ijd that kom iel was suffering e nervous c apue ago the resa t of ii;Lness contracted in North Africa zd of the defeat i Tunisia; the dispatch also saick that he was in disgrace with R .tier b , Stockholm, May 22, ]L943 die w York Tim s, May 23, J-943 t p o 30 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 (11098) 1 ,9347 GER 1W F T: f PIE L His whereabouts is uucertmin / is ire, bad health / it is reported that he was recently emtru ted Hitler with a new and undisclosed m~42si?n. B nt) ern, Way P (state Departme rpt May 27, 1943 Glum ROMM IIB in 1 r i1I to sss s Oad of &4 am in I is rmsol4id to &110 in ftloni o t1he 111.098) Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 ?I CD 19574 a in et since May 1T, leaving the city only for izort air tripe; is expected tE depsrt in the -r future but will return for the purpose a.!" setting up, George Poque Laid]. Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 ^i Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 II. A-8042 a MIA also RMM '1 Arrived in fia& the week of June :E, 1943, where his had numerous eonrersgtions with the German and Bulgarian militl r leaders of the mnital; it was known he waz t leave for Greece. X3-3 c. June 1, 1943 marshal LL 0981 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Uf Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 11 4eld R _ , -reh Reported to have been de s i atite d C .-ia-C in the Bal s / has is cently transferred his to a place 5 lometere f { ofia in fear of Allied air attar :3. BBC, July 32 j. 194:5 FCC, Daily R port,P July i3, 1945 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 11 I l ANTONESC'U' (R ) 3 twists assured source that R+ a1 y ias not been in R ania 're each Minister to Rumania O) O SS, Cairo, July 5, 1943 ^I Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 G LT rpt August 2, 1943 :t13e0-ed1y reported to tier in Mar-.h that .he war would be lost shou1'1 ita 1y 'ai i . t OSS #20575, ern, agus t 22 1943 U14981 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 MI Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 1 rp-t August 30,1943 RO. , Fief au-stal G, . UND He has been appointed iIitier9 s re, 2,sentative at the feral of jug BORIS (BU IA) thi6 end,, possibly to take over as na it&r ruler as well as to mo~ura. h (1]C98) Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 CID 3910 C Approved For JOcE CARD Director of the Berlin Centv'al FS. nce Department of the I.G. ?afben-In!ustrio; vac ,Lt B u-3e during No. 1940 when the Luseht r B .k of Battle was given an order to buy up shares in U.S. of Kai:ter.4caj?rn' for I.G. .; one of the rtnsrs- of the ;C *8cher Bink, which has been hnndl i.hg; m interests of I. G. F. a is Ana Ditishe (II,.S ?) 9 who formerly worked together with ling in Bu ;hareat. W.T . 1715/?/'41---Fab. 11,, 1941 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 MAW A April 2, 1943 I j" Aril 2;, IL943 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 t 11098 ) Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 Pioneer in th* field of super-o croscopy / recently lectured at tag Rom Health nstitute an the principle xuli s m chine 4 pablie of Barging an object 50,000 times... For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000170011-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 Gemn f ; ammg those y ing cut the Nazi control of Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 _1098) For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 t 1 April 23, 1943 of soldiers of the last wart tsltt ecl civilians, and Hitler oath. F E, Maj. HFXRZ Transocea I s e ittz- c s deent; i paid In an article broadcast m April 23, 1943, that Germaq .is Wiling up - reserves few T!nsocb +est, via. UP, April 23, 1943 New York 1im~%~ April 24;, 1943, F.4 Q''I rpt Nmvh- 6, 1943 tkno Dre I* as 1IngUmb r. tdi;' r I&t La t f. e Leiter of G n uis in Lma a rat SOT9 .AIM) 's s eh, Rawlt Idw m & close -ass = is of his, tried to got Mn !Ii fill / ms also a trimd of !ubsrt I MM.. o?l t 1i iIft %be i as laid "*cast i n Inglmd; prosIi %MWU , his s i t h t o- tioU -to so . and o ITN (gq.ve, al) / ms throm out .01 : l d in 1915 and ra- a* d to fray with boat o tf, p'an forge its L14., 039 low York; rod IP Arch S, 19" For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Rockeistad / i rried Baroness von Fore xho _ sister met hOS , C Von bably a .ioy al Simle in spite cf -these Nazi leani s. admitted that the 1938 Jewish persecutions were too much for him to stomach., so he broke with Hess at that, time / having been previously closely allied w Lth Nazi thought, is supposed to have turned f it now / sow?ce believes that he is pro- emote on latter nd spoke of him as great ioes]3.st , anu man, great hunter, explored in Africa / close to C I1G and ASS; ? R Tashi gton, Palm (oral), Jenuiry, .S, 1943 For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 n t r k land a estate: and. became his First wife / MFEWNCE CARD Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 SCE CAD BUG, ALIM) Disapproves o ' s . (q. `v.) perscma1 relaati with 11 1 a= advised iz Ukrainian affairs by the % .aa -' rti :.sti;3 Novenut rcaui* by Col. F.D. Sharp, G.S.C. ( port prepared P.13. 7h='r) k I.S.. port No. 4124 (1141(,) May 22, 19/2 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 for in a p:aticn 'with SCE BERG in handl.ing matters PertabAng to the camatuse Felfek Intel g&Lce, NO, 34 869/42 i t 17, 1942 Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Abit to bade head of GEDetapo, be hired Siebert (q.t) to discredit DaI .ge (give,) iibben. he b?cae a pier iii it in Feb . 1933. aside the GeLl a by H j rg ll h1cr - Edon, 1940 - For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 R CE CAllU3 Hgad of 7orei4pa pctlitica l Off is a kept in touch with eub+- versive eie ~ in all foare i c:ouetries and wor d for re- varlut:Lmary mcr ants ere$Ja; for this px Ee, used clubs that lbkod f Pero r.ath Geria 3 e.g. Nth Societe, Germn Cct~. Stieiev'. curt l ess - P.5.- IV AI Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 REP SCE CARD B , AiY tinia in 1893; both, parents, 2 m i md brother died of c ptic ti and after-eVj ects of gy Us;. 'ied twice despite this taint; first Afe died of #.ext, bbt is new =cite iDst zealous advocates of stari1isatiaa of those who spread hereditary dfamme; variotm a co is exist of his part to first war; it was cei'tain1 not gorier, and be was probably hiding saf e1 in ceia; ca to Gem via Paris in 1919 and }scam int to frioad rif Hitler; natirf1i in A. bm tern editor of 1923; edit in-chi ' of v ~.., t +ef to and ti ewish wo k]/, in 1930,v he W)Iished of t idut i setting 21 of new Nazi t 1osct P. att k o rietie is a, jets, import.=ce of purity of me; b ii 1933, beers director sign -Office and d#ate]!y scent amts toes, , to t, a ml U. S. to organize W11 4-W R aaiaa cooperation with Approved For i; 1934, rep e~R~ed '. r at eec3.vt s eti , and ft 1935 d O I to W,Ii to all. UkAinim ar aetiaa in 193.j.,, became o $aai r of AP it caticn; he is o taunt ; aa,mg Buie in his tern Policy" of war against Polaad ad meta to be f `hued eo mi tti Slav c tx1.ee and sub jt tics of meat Slav roses by, master tee; pplpei(ate in Us hatwd of Pam 1 t.; his iefl a cat itie r haw i rqe been, and ream bus, comr; 43 been Reich for the et aInce Nov. ice. Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 ae Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000170011-2 11 EC:L C 1 11I With Aitler 3 p s to use Mil A I aia5 to further baai cause sssia; 'Nk ,te si t had their oft Stara Troops the N dI" m its in d r1ott4b Urg; of those, who had fort is Baltic co*tries Mde c' vow der GOLTZ mom in- thaw; o berg had c zgo of.-,all 3la n work mti2, HIMJW orgy nixed s eiai Gestapo bUV&U so:1.4for RussUn ywk, in s- 5 , ukraine and R sis ks tbir -out wafts ?S3, sw jorp.. Sigrid Schultz, Nov U 1942 (Source left Germany in Feb. 1941) Approved For Release 2010/12/08: CIA-RDP82-00038R00