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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 m I m Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 AIRCRAFT IIG - 1 FL SERVICE $kNUAL Boo[,-., 1, . AIRFRAME AND (POWER PLANT 50X1-HUM Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 w Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 = 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 INTRODUCTION The aultlpu.-pool front-lino lataroepter U111%.2101 is a ?1 g1o-coat a1R'- weather high.pertos moo figh.or. The aircraft isiIdoeipdned to perform ooabat fliOhts at altltudca cl 20 l"a. C"3 supersonic speed exofredlrg 20. The aircraft ie powered by a turbojet engine, typo P1102-3009 w'aioh ?eattar~a an axial-flow two-spool oomprossor and as aftsrburnor. The aircraft is provided with an e;footive control ayoten and poaceaaco a hIGN degree of etebtlity.i The aircraft bo"'equipped with a roll atabilieation autopilot, type HAD-2, the pllotins of the airo4?aft at night or u:Aor Dad-weathtr carr3ltiO D to greatly facilitated. Duo to distribution of overlonde in flight at high altitudes, the airarmf9 possesses great manosu?arabllity-indlopensable for a aodern inturoeptor flghtcr. The aircraft nekse It poelible to perform aerobatioc, Its behaviour an well an stability and con:rollabllity curing aorobatiio portor?anoea being quite ootiefaotorp. The takeoff and lending ob aotoriotios of the aircraft are so an to mllcu the second-class and Erase airfields to be used. To use the talroreft on a p-sxA atrti1d, the whoolo with cross-country tyres are to be naunted. The stable operation of the engine tinder the oondittoua of angina ocoolsrotita and throttling up to the critical altitude, reliable ooatrol of afteaturaing, ant of the adjustable cone with a-follow-up system, and sufficient thrust-to-woigb ratio ensure high fighting yeiloraoaos of the aircraft. The aircraft It ogaippe-l with missiles, rockets and bombs no that It can be emplcycd as an loteroop:o,.e to front-line fighter or an aircraft intended to socoaplieb cote other ooaabal mleoioaaa. The siroraft is provided with radar, radio sad 1nat mat egalpmaat mach ensures long-range detection of the snowy, rooeptloa of oontrel come eds l' c a command post situated at a long distaaco off and reliable esgagemaat of Utgetn within the range of 5 to 7 km. Oood observation gram thr cockpit, automatic control of air enp,ly ash temperature in the cockpit, compact panoramic layout of the Instruments a.2-l r:aetir red lights,all these aaure convenient control of the airoreA In flight. The aircraft is elaple in op?ratiov and an therefore be readily on torod- b by flight and wwiatenscsas personnel after the respective training. The flight and walstonanee personnel taunt. always bo aware of the fact ttat the use of a modern fighter operated at highly aayersoalo speedo requlrnt a as4 kn,aledge of the sirotvft and its engine, adequate unalretandlog of operation and proper maintenance of the aircraft systems, and euffietarS oxperionee In all bingo of operations pertormrrd in the neuron of pre-fligbti prolitlmaay sad ots.-tIr-3- io Sanitized Copy Approved for 50X1-HUM Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 propayatloa of the airoreft wA~o+i onauro roliablo funotloot" of On ai s"~t$8 syntsae during flight. t , Described below are the main feat=13 of dtalga wf a rcroft It"10J. 4bs;airoroft Ia sn a21-metal centre plane 1s1th a o wing sad aasptba& emiponma4o abloh Soros the controlled stabilizer. The lboeisga oansisto aS hi ?toev and tail parts }oiats4 together along !Nero go. 28 Which lakes the 71911e11 aka rMmtiny of the engine sore oonweniesst. The rose and tell parts of the f05e11t4e ass fitted with a ecaaaidoralle WOW of hatsheo to provide OR easy access to the aircraft and eagira usito in 0e Go=" of use and mairuatmae of the aircraft. The front portion of.tlw sir intake In fitted 6ith 4 adyaata"nlo coup doolvasd to ninimiss the total lost of engine power when the 1ri-uo*1ng air flow is 01ceea Coma aria to schtevo optimum oonditlons for gse floe. ! The cone is controlled by a follow-up oyster Inoor~}ating antusstio posst to 17rovi4e automatic extension and retrsotloa of the oon4,4opendlna om %btr do e of aomproasion achieved is the compressor. Apart from thi , an sddi'`sioml oorr'totice for the acne extension is introduced in rosponso to the C billser dodlojtflom a8 connito analog of attack. To prevent surge effects inside the air Intake when the engine in threttlo9 during the f116t or when the aircraft enecutcn a notion in a wide augle of attack, tta aircraft is fitted with autoaatioally controlled anti-surge ahuttora ooupled to the engine control laver and to :ha stabiliser ooptrol syato%. Tbm anti-Auige ohutters are arranged on the fuselage behind the noee'air intnka. In save the automatic control ?yaten fails, the son* and anti-r urge eIutttrre sow be controlled aaarially. At the engine mist two additional Intake abutters (ta9e-off shutters) Own installed in parallel on both sides of the fuselage. The operation of the shatters 1s hued on tbs dlfferenoe In pressures Iccide and outside the all, intake duo to which an additional air intake is provided for the engine in taking off. Installed on the aircraft is a too-abaft turbo3et angina whioh oon;nit+ts of an axial cis-stw twin-rota- compressor, ton oannular combustion chambers assembled inn eoernon housing, two-stage axial pea Ziu biro, afterburner cnd variablo 494 eosols, fuel eyntea and automatic engine control system. The en se caploya as Indspendent oil aysten and an automatic otarting system. The two-ehatt engine features an axial compressor which in divided into two indapendeet spoole,eeoh drives bT a separate turbine. The spool of tbx" WS14 atMes which forma the law-yroosure compressor Is driven by the acocm4 turbines i.e. by the low-pressure turbine, while the throe final atagea vhloh fats the bib. proacure zovpreasor,e;re rotated by the first turbir:a, I.e. by the hItA-Ereazuto turtles. The low-preaauro coraproasar turb'lns compose the low-prossur rotxr, Lboroma the high-prangs ocepressor and turbine form the bigh-prmesaav r tor. Mo gale adhantago of the split-oasprezmcr engine Is that its rotors are vt osuplcd mechanically; thin assures high stability in compressor operation andcr cff-Scaigp osm itlons. Shen changes eosur in the c inn operating oondititmis (cote! am cg*a 022 altitude of flight, outside air tenperature end engine control lower poltion), tbo axial spasd of the air inside the ooaprezear stagoo changee aaoorriiWq. Conveg7.ej1 ly, the cesodyaaalo leach on the two spailo of the oplit.aceprermcr audits we redletributo4 (i.ee, the torques will ineraaso at are spool cad a+corsrza at t@o otbnr) so that thr ratio botweoa the opoce.o of the rotors variao cu?cmatically. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 golf-adluataaont of the rotor op.ed brings opal atablllty In op=tlcn ai' bath st.ges irrosp.ativo of obanges in salmi op.odo of.t*_e air fed throoah the atnr?yercaoO line in different Modes of Its operation which is natually the resit e60ca -Cl too aplit-ooapreesaa mine. Mounted am, the fuselage are throe air brakes. the loft-bane Oil portl w-a Cs the fuselage hcuoou a oontaiaer fcar the dreg chute. The sirorett has a triangle wing shoos lcodiaT-edge ova pback oz=91o 19 The wing trallimg edge end the forelegs axle tans ca angle of 00. ` The wiaa carrion the silerana and take-off etattera. *rranycd lenld?o 3 nisi are two proe.ur'lued feel tank oonpartsmntn. The fuel ryotca oonlslnes all tanks Snstslle inside tbo tusola+goe caw ru-dJlo task, four winp;tank oompaartmenta baying o total capacity of 2910 118., _ ono streamlined drop tank of 490 lit. The _uel?consuaptioe oysters is Gaetossstio col needs not be controlled by the pilot daring flight. The sequence of fuel ooaeay?~ tica provides the beat possible contrring of the aircraft in varlets nodeo of flight. The hydrsullo syet.a falls into s booster syritom esxd a main oToten tonoti=aiM Independently. The prorsure In each system Is built up @y a varisblo-oapoot ' j qq, type IfI-31W T. The ewlsua operatiad pronouns go 210 It&,fn2. Tto crib hydraulic sy.ton is saployod to situate the lan6i33g goart' wing flaps, als' bm' p anti-aurge abutters, air intake Dane, sa3uatablo jet nosslo of the cagta3a cad autopilot NAfl-2 (pressure The boostos hydraulic one of the two chambers of (pressuna intc7'look). I',' *us Via booster 4110/0. boostea^o. lnterlook) and one ohhabor of stabiliser bacotor BY-S10. ayotes delivers presauas to to ailarcu booa3t?ro &1^ ca, stabiliser booster SY-51,9C. 024 autcpS1trt,M-2 .1` The oapaoflty of a aiaglo opeMble sufficient to continuo the flight till chamber of the stablliror boootor la tclto landing whoa out of the bydraulle eyoteem fails. In saes the engine stops and cannot be restart is flight while the oaal= autorotstion speed it uoroal, the aircraft can bo Ssad owlugl to the r ov=o o3 the working :Iola built up by the hydraulio pumps rtaivoat autorrotatlo3a3 , eaergenoy pumping unit 10-M. When the angise Is Sassed or Its autcrotatle a opsea ia,lcar, tRua pweasara, required for 3r-nding is delivered by puatpiaag knit Kj6ml `adiah cote .MUM' l.csll?' engaged. The pimping unit is powered by the asirrtraft stcrq;o batter;, as moll, as, by the hydraulic aoouwrlatora, pzovidec the booate,^ blaraello system La Its1x34$ccri aormlly. ~ ~ ~ The ai1st are oontralloa tbrow4?r a ooahataloal llub pi coslpeoe1 of raQ'e awl bell-oraab. T* aileron effort in the trianglo virtg being areoptionally hig3a in flights at low sltituae ana bleb specs, the ailoro? central system Is prav14i4 vita a non-linear atehastea Intend*# to change the cc %r 1-otaek to-booatoa BY-43A transelesioa ratio. The tr.asmioalon ratio sea-linear abag a ?aohaaion food total aileron control with moor displacements of the control gttah from the aasstrsd poultice when On alleroas boosters are diosngsgsdp axd pnroviaats satflelwat Tiatesel eontrollsbilit;P of the aircraft at hip spaces wham the booetsrs a" a gee. T8e art111e1a1 fool asoobaatas Imo\abdad into tb7 macron o "I liXaco 9r9 designed to eilsrlote Us effort ojpliecl to the ccntzel stack by 0~0 en?ar^oa a'1 1 the beostera are eager. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM i 1 owing to the roll otaDilieatiem antopllat, ty8s GE1~~, iltelraaeg la~tc allerca scatrol syitse, the aircraft aster" sostrol obaa+seteriettee tffive Does greatly laproood and ties pilaf's mstivltlos as eight and u Ocisslp a tC t*o have bees 4eaa1dsrably t"Ilitatea. The au of 6141"a the a gulsr velocity as ran eagle which Ids e10eZ.tisslly elf oorrwoted travel of as oilexess Mtus13S.3?. The autopilot is "flayed IM Two ds4leo8 damping and a~aD111SStit . I. the dasllaag Aaty 09 soupilot at ? isedess tM, oai~of rail t swat lfrtza caused external pertaarlgsiss the mtsarcft roll males cue* ?Ungio; paade one rob1 awgle to o saothor. no sutopile sell volooit7 and lbpzsb' lutgely iserilttst the gilot . Is the dealing duty the autopilot isjemployed in ooxlhpticaa with tta rairortifg. annual control wItam. Is the otabiliastiom duty the antopl~ats ouxa a8i (s) germ rail of go airo:mlO.dnris3Itliat) (b) returning the aircraft to afire roll MU 44 free wbr.+tmvrx pesitloml - (o) control of Ox ran angle is response to the control stick applicmtic41 within 50 to TO on, right or left, frcai',t o neutral paaitioot, The stabiliser is controlled t7 the aircraft oosatr0l sti*A by vtTtae of Irreversibly coupled two-obaabgr boocter BY-51tC. The stabiliasr control system e$plays em automatic controller, type AP74?{0 used for sutcsatio abgnging of the ocatrol-otiob-to-stabiliasr trauLCSiooida ratio. and, simultaneously, the ocmtsal-?tiok?4o-reoL-csohsnlea tranwassou rmtib depending on The 1adleated speed and altitude of flight, so as'to.grov1da far rztr.3ai feel under variauo flight ~OOadttioset. The tool acrohunies is ?played to aim to the o3fori mpplieAit tto oeatsol stick while 11 to displaoea from the seutril yooltion. Apart from this, the etabiliger control systsa is fitted with a trimming dd'feat seohrss used, to aoaomolieh in-flight longitudinal trioniag of the'airormft in reopomo to the existing pressures.'The switch of the mtobaa!.sa is Xoestcd on the control stick, I The aircraft Is equipped with a tricycle laadirg gear rotrootad in'llight. kilo nose ecru oesbled It the fugeloge wawa portion iP rotraotst7'foawsrd. The etize strut is d with a deeper to suppress shiro1d , The L. . mails struts are arranged is the wingg. LWIng retrl tiota tbq uhsVl wales are turned off by a speoial per, the wheels aro drawn 1uto Me Tugela'sa and the strut" are folded Into th3 wins. The L.G. wain struts ats provided with oboslo T, 92, ?0032 eu?1 ?..rr aaco otrut osrriee wheel YT-38, 50osleo. Is order to prsvsat skidding the wheels arc prov1 u4 th oar autestPm relcaolr3 systes. The sssrasawy brake oyster provides braking of the no wheals es3q. To reduce tips landing run, the aircraft is fltte with dreg abator The sir oysten osnsioto of the Dais and oaorgeuoy "t tunaticaitrg The main s1rstes la deoi?ned to perform the follculud f noticnse ba's+klvyy c[t the L.G. wheeler lifting and osoliua of the cnopy, rmlmasi4 maul dtooc es4An:a cA the drag ohutn, esergtnoy :ottieon and release of the eazopy time-delay lo?lt, I outttn -in of the ds,.lcoi system and control of the presouro-operated Tolvoq of tLc trout fusolaga compartscni cooling mystsrt. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 The amergmacy air system eosgroee (a) emergency Qztcnmlea of the landing goer; (b) esergv e; braking of the leading gear maim %:M016. The air supplied to the praesnrlaed oabin is entrained-at tba OUS120 ocmgsocaas outlet. Tat. cabin altitude and ventilation are controlled tJ the APA-57D reoalatcr valve. The cabin is sealed by a rubber We. Tbo pre-met tssporsturo of tbm air:. Inside the cabin 1e naintaiaod automatically. To ventilate efui beat the sabln c3 the ground, s groumd heater can be eaployed. In order to provide normal condition for the pilot when In flights rat bid altitude, the aircraft is fitted with oxyplew supply system 1(10-) Inolualm =ti_(; suit lus-i and pressure helmet M411 of feae masts IN-30h. The system of cost election canopy which can practically be employed reg;ardlosb of the aircraft flight opted, Is designed to eoecuo the pilot in eases of WMrl{cacy. The aircraft to equipped with a liquid (alcohol) oonopy do-leer eyetea. Employed ao n permanent electric power supply of the aircraft in starter ges1= ti. tar ICP-Ca-1200011T mated on the maglsa. When the onsino to started, the generator operates oo ea electric otertar to opted up the engine. Apart frog this, the, ougino can indopendontly ba at -toil f c the aircraft storage batteries. Two etlvsr-giro batteries, type 15CLC-45, en3pTod in parallel with 09 generator serve ea a reserve source of M. curxemt. The 115 V A.C. current 1s supplied by an A.C. generator, typo CIY}-0. The aircraft instrumentation designed to ensure the flights under var1c= wenttor conditions Includes directional ayetsn RCM, artifioial horisei A;I1-11 airspeed indicator RIC, altimeter M-28, course and altitude devlatica ladicistcz and artificial horinepa duplicate U-200. The aircraft radio equipment comprises reoelso-tronemIt radio cot Y1 M$ ;~B re4to oonpasa APS-10narker bamoon receiver LI'FM-5 7, roopondor CFO-1 end le-Z- range radar ML. GENERAL 1. To east, Ile equirtnantr far proper mainten&noe of tom airoraft v to prevent deems of tto nnito rnd systems, the follcviaa oo38t11vas Should T o? oae+~ eat (a) the design operating yWlnolplo of S11 p1.-assn 071tcaa cm4 mitre U (b) the oth rat sointsnonee immstrootiaas sivan in the prosemt Gi=ual R".lll tqD followed olosely; (e) the sircr t ssiateance will be allowed o the p4is0ws01 uA..m P.."CO a:n0ea gone special train! mad passed the reap. Uve two 2. The present Servio0 Centel o?asaists of 001) ate X10" wh4bh a wn&'La eeaeral Informatic pertaining to design of various slate oI flee oPrci-t* i .eralR no the instructions on operation sad mainteasace of tbo oystcema 3. Preliminary and pnrs-Slight properatloao of tM oiti niba'?s a ll a^d propsratiom of the aircraft fora repsat;td flight', towing mama 6ba@elm?0*eeserieao should be aaooaplisbmd In oaiplisnos with the laspeat1P me ftlatonsaft genic (for 'M riven aircraft) pnblishsa as a asperats teasae Ta the co roc of ffalatonmoe mf as aircraft as well as 8aai'Is" mall t'+) p@ work and laapeotloa, safety precautions ?psolfled In the Iaopestle eaA teaii !`tide obesald be otev eW. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 i 50X1-HUM t. ?ha esaieta~ and oop~ate pales afa9 dtttsnsnatn ei too airmd'* MUMS to haaoled and asintmined to oosp1lmamo with tht ssapeottvm Instaw9tltet9 ueoosapgltt' S+ !IDs tools mad applimaaos wand In mArosari rnintsaavr? sboul?! 81m v,610 is good ooadlttoa and apprsprietalp . tta4. eftar the sw.latoaaico work. is over$ uas tho 73;vaseto57 list to absot the ovedlmbllitq od tools no as to avoid leaving t3 !Waldo the s-ierss 'b. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 ..50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM " 0M VW emtsra real syeteajat the alresoti (Smolaalmg the wftag 1 ; Cam be praised tbrsu;% Of Oman into 0011 itsT. We p v of IMmo mbetm ki Qd ~ eomtroos stir frM a Pound asr Dottie tw*vp a spesial m e? To this end rssovs Uo plus frow the out t _-A prsesuriaation 1t6a,1'-i=ldca le trap psi" boated abeee %Wk flo. as the rUbt We Of Us T".40 delivery base- oessor7, the tiel a be daolsed from the vimg_t~LFoldw b77 a ale t^i if a a s % k fue t __.... l ! l drain pings of oo the gual vidt fool (about 600 lit.) will be drelesd from the let grasp of tanks, pro System is oorpletely tilled. +(. to p6-evsa1 @oeuge 09 the fuel syetoo, Rover cmDl?y scg-ot CAM osat for preeeur!atM the wi3'8 fuel temk3. i p ogn The drop task is eaptled into the fuel eorvloir+g truck thro: a hose vlfirb p spacial scout dips 4 into the tank through the filler rock located ea tlo front After draining he tus1, oat off mad look the drriln ooclzrnd close it with the track. The pzooodaro of oil filling is the follon!Mze to nrovido lubrloation and gooliag of the eoglmo beariago, oil MX-0 (Btato standard TOOT 6497.55) with additive, typo MEN, 0.6 par oent in voldhe, In Ueda. , The all tank loatallcd c the engine is filled by csee.ze of r-n oil norviotrg 1. Open the batch ottuated ender the wing cm the loft aide of tA~ ftaolergo. 2. Drive out the plug with the measnrimg rca. rub the rod off with a olom cloth and neasurm the level of oil is the tank. 3. lemove the oil tank Misr sect plug cal 2111 in the oil age to the fowl of 11!0.5 its. ?.2t29 M. I. cover sad all into the oagln0 to avoid penetration of un Izo r.^d VADoare late the 0004it. after the angina has Stopped. 4. OIL DRAINING il t 1 a ll tb h f 1 1 B k d t h . 3 ! i ll e o ca roua eym r ra ~ is o9eo a ra m oco sote o an : o o o video the fuel-oil uni0, below, bebiad from Flo. 22 end on the right bide of the aooeseorles box west be coined. The hydraulic system 1 .fill0d with oil, typo AI:r-io. The two hyArru1io eyotr:~i of the aircraft are charged through the ohsrgirZ connections. The ohorglas Amu**- tiuna are located in the recasees bosoms the aircraft ooanootieno,oam on each olds. Apart from the otargina connection; the right-brad reoooo houaeo a oauwotioz to attach the hydraulic reservoir psosev717at1v hose. ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Instead of the filler nooks, the hydraulio rescrvoir to 11ttod eitb al gauges to chock op lilltn3. The system is filled or refilled at a preeeuro of 3 to 4 M/o2 Callrcre9 a." a epeuaes . usage . ,... The procedure of charging the system to the folloalcgt 1. To reduce the pressure in the hydraulic system to aero, gull the o=tral stink backward and push it forward, and see that the air braked and niofi flaoa are retracted. 2. Open the aoceee doors of the hydraulic reservoir gleam gaT:a3 Mid aliV:a;w oormeatione. connections and couple the ground pump. Prior to coupling, thoroughly useb the snouts of charging buses In gaeoliseo" log the air from the hydraulic system by scene of the blood valve buttes. eibacreo The procodore of complete charging of tths syatoc Is the follculaga' 3. Open the access doors of the hydraulic reservoir glace jlaugon sad nimerat't connections and couple the charging unit hoses. Prior to coupling, tbc~ougly sradA teas till the level is ea high as indicated by the esrk "a on the glace gastwo. 6. D1sengage the'ohergtwg unit buses, remove tbd ping. fee the grsgud VI-q? pressurization hoop to tile preseurlsatiou pipe ooea:sotlom situated at the rlg'%t wing flops, air brakes and eoslh, and tern we switch AIt1OZG'a 6! . 9. Term the I.Q. aetrol salvo handle into pooitiea Sl?EiD33 act depress gan1un 10. flwltoh on the hydraulic p?pe of the grow ;d ah.ssg" w ito c t to Ll~a make 20 complete ghifte of the control stink bcokrZ" GM feewerd, loft fto right. air brakes, cons and ati..eurge shutter, axed ohaa tzrg the waat_^al atiob ffre eon extra= position into anothef 20 tines. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 .y mptro?e button PC06TII s18T~ OD8 ~.'t and shits the control 0tiOR in 'the or 10 ilu+aa lei ? exe3"0 laekwerdofcrassd, left are rigbe poo ? fide ' o inW - set the L.00 into the e:teedod positlm end Get tie air tn o come sztd matt-aural abutter' into the retrsotas Position. 'm' 13. To pusp the fluid tbrougb the engine fop control syets a ah rsaitl 20 IS in suooessioo from the suuented position into the s~ back by switching ~1 end off circuit breaker 'T . suss in the s~yeta~a 14. Disconnect the ~rotmd hydraulic peeps and reduce tin nlinto saoth+sr on has to zero by changing the aircraft control atioL 4 cog anc positio been indicated above. sitson. 15. Tura on switch PM M 0 D7tIT and kespird the control ottCk in po operate the pulping unit to build up a pressure of 172,to 195 kg/o>a2 in alas toaster cycles (eo that the puspiag unit gets disengaged). Turn off the pt=ping unit nettob. ure in the system to mare- and reduce the press 16. Bake sure that the all is the hydraulic reservoir is level with the refer o lines of the glass geugesevlth the L.O. extended and the air brakes, ulna flap'. anti-erage ebuttera and some retracted. In case the level of oil in the reservoir is above the reference limaii, drain the excess oil through the auction coaueotioam used for coupling to the groasd p's &a by depro?sing the check valves and the blood valve button ciaulteneoesly. oft t non the angina to ?larted, the draulic accumulators era filing with fluid so that the fluid level falls be therr,fereopstllines sot the heaalI~ao gauges. In this cane no roohardlna the d .Inc* the level of fluid is normallly checked ahon th ,rec'ur' in thu hydraulic system is zero. 6. DRAINING OIL AMr-t0 FROM HYDRAULIC 3Y5YIM To drain all ASP-10 from the hydraulic oyster, fiho following proooduro to to be obcervmdt 1. Jeok up the aircraft. 2. Couple to the ground electric paver supply. 3. Switch on the circuit breakers of the 1.0., ulna flares,', sir t.akco a+L9 ac'-g, and turn on switch AIUUO! a00STE.R. 4. Connect the around hydraulic poop to the vain hydraulic nyotea e_,3. bulls a, a prenaur) of 100 to 215_,2 kA/on2. 5. Retract the landiM gear and extend the cis brakron rnd wins p:i: dot the L.O. control valve in position Yl1UAL. 6. Switch off the puap and rcduoe the preaeuru in inc main by drtiuIto cyrrtc:j to zero by changing the control atiok from one po31tion into another. 7. Disconnect the ground hydraulic pump delivery hone ?fct the airorc.?t 'tnlvo couneoticn and place it into the container to drain the fluid. ' 0. Turning the cook handle aaoothly, mango the o!aoracaoy oyetca to toad the lading goer., 9. Disconnect the pipe installed in the oateesion line bataaen the U0. eylindon and Aydraulio look and bleed the air from the 1.0. oylindcre. 10. If the hydraulio reservoir is prcaeu iaad,switoh un the giourll pc=p ry"t5 drain oil A':F-10 frost the hydrsalto reservoir of the main eymtcm. 11. In oaeo the Procure in the system to corn, retract tbn air trnfi0;t cad wir.$ flaps aenuuYly no se to force oil AM%-10 into the hydraulic raaarvoir. Cuitch on the ground yuap and drain oil LIP-10 from the hydraulic rcooxvoi>. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 sasrprs~::~~e a I Wfrorw jttlcaa 9 I / tl e 10 O3 !`31(ergl&a the oirorafi bmatlse, cut off ?'.tao atf8Aol0 M0; -1 b3oC1o ezx: and 41e0~aaet the pipe Z= the aircraft ctrrgiag ccz a ttca. 6. b i= cock in the cockpit mad x?ot4 ?,,i yrece a off? ludic.-it f ^ 4I9. 7. Bcrov the plus on the aireraf4 oha giag oazxxacttcn. to. CHARGING ENGINE OXYGE}y WPM OYSM Me sr0t22 to ales ebWged With live oryga-A to a "am- of ISO t: ?,9esP. Me procedure of ohargiag Is thq fol2ceto33 / 1. Couple the pipe. of the oaygem ohargim truou to &Le esis? ?c36 a m?i i which is also arranged in the leff-wiM L.O. evll. 2. Open the cook of the charging truck e??d oharn the oyeten. Re L3 ofe.ti.3 high }woeoura gauge located wear the cfraraft ohargin.g coemcotlea In the 1oPo-:r1rg L.O. Well. Boo that engine osygem buppl7 eye cn cock 804i" aixaagod iueido the oo:Sppit Is out off. 3. After oharain4 the aratenp out off the sock o4 this oayg?a eh< bt.^,g trm disconnect the oxygen charging truck pipe cad corou the plug an.o the laisesax . oherging 8MUO lea. M111 In obargtag the engine cnygea supply Upton, refer to 'ablo I ohaaia; oxygen prececuo ageinet the teayaretvre of obieae oi?o Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Calm moo= in Aisard mottles cat P671e3a ? eturce oftsneat Ai:? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Chapter rd FUEL SYSTEM i. FartgdEditab Tki aircraft 2tzo1 gates Is 1ntoa.9o6 to as+pglg the os OMO meth zl LI oxi poasiblo codes of fligYat rued to ensure atertitt6 of the etugiav ca the UOMd cz?l 1.R the air. The total capacity of tho fuel system loco Chi d.^op task 10 2910 lib. The oapaoity of unable fuel io 2670 lit.# and 3350 lit. with t1t6 G'f.,p t k The fuel aystem aoapr1cose 1. Six rubberitc4 beg tanks pocked into cotol oontoinaro in 61:9 roan pzgt tr' the fuesla6e between freaoa Fog 11 ca5 26, tlaair total oapooitie Wla;3c 230 lit. - tang Be. la 930 lit. - teak 190. fig 940 lit. - tank 90. 3 (upper and 1c5ar g=tu)g 175 lit. - tank No. 4i 245 lit. - tank 90.5 (right 6a4 loft 5tolvsa)a 245 lit. - tang No. 6 (rlpt and left bolvao). 2. One metal teak 2o. 7 Installed oat Us tap of sba fuae).x;o r 2 ass enu3 so tltot it tam a continuation of tba esaopy ant oupsrotraoture aril a.. The arose-aeotlon of tbo tank !a of. a hoseeoboa etscpoo Oit=tc9 Issue c2 twe horvoshos hullo, (betvean the rira) we the aircraft oantrol toile, binoha3 o =9? ora end pipellaee of the fuel saA bydrsTlio systcc.0. The total capacity of the tank aiaouata to 170 lit. 3. >io r riveted metal tank oompartmente located laaid4 ark* t c3 %it wiszaa. The total o0peoitioa of the tack ooapartavate cr 160 lira per each !roast (rigbA and left) tank ee x a~0a 110 lit., par each rear (right asd left) task aas+parta,3.. 4. 0as outboard (drop) teak attaches to Me fnaelazo bony to t.`+Sa ,g2aa r.^..e: frM6 Da. 16. The capacity o3 he Br op tel tank to 450 M. 5. 1lleatrio pump, mounted an tames slog 20 3 cZd 4 era $ittod oath gApalinncs n n9 coo-ratura valves used to transfer the faol to tba earvioa tank c A StIPI-ir it to Q,-2 ataioa. 6. A draig pipeline and a tanks yrousurleatioa piyalina (aslivcri.~.11 asr 3z a the engine compressor) to force the frol from the wing tang oc trtt'L:nts Lora' Gso-o teak to ossare otable vpsratlen of the pump at)IDi altiteoe. 7. A control pipelie.e equipped with a ipeoiol valvaa 0ra+1m val-n o4 f?.e^h valve which reQulata the poquanea of ftel oousum)tlaa a%toeatleollg e 6 staZy provide on adequate tries of the airarait during flights tako-o 2 a`A lasueles. 0. A oyatem which oamtrols the lung Quantity mas4 sognoa00 tx1 ;;n:. Q MQZ. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 ,.. U aL'Qi Bit@ ~ JLLj into Shy 4aako Itallod to Offs waft Swrl 4ywt~o~a~aL(? oar, ?.ddl? tc '~. ge VO1 of t oonyal tiros grow 4oooribed boloe. me let 1 tanks Boa 1 ass4 2, mad tta wt tank eospa ~D +p (v&t :o35A- ) The fael ocataise4 fa the tanks is delivered bq~ to electric; lattsS on teal[ Its to faal at=." in tanks Boo I and 7 Ss dollvesmd b7 era-4v thec a pipeline into took No. 2, wbsreaa the foal otort In the wtag Re ooapartaaatr is forced throuP a ptpeltse end to olio delivrted jute s Sk ggoo 2 via spaol,1 valve 3010 She fuel "Grad in the win; tang d'v atmos oosryaweeed a1r supplied from the segue oempraeaor into the v1" roar teak u rt- nests via the preesurlsation plpeliae. She fuel coattasieoa in tank No. 2 =a MO ft s, delivered Into the tack from other to b era triaoforrea into'the der+loo figCO9 of teaks (tank Bs. 3) by noses of a 6? 1n order to prevent tuel return and aim' babbles in the pump wountod ca tom: rca 3 (service tank), non-rata a valve !6 with a baffl is 9.nttalled in the potut oY connection of the p1poliao and tank IDo. 3 after ooaplatimd fuel ooascuc2tlon the wing tank,ooarpartwaato. t lie.." Sea c saotod to lo fs9 a~a th . o p e p To ensure the fuel sagnaace 1a osao t h r a i visa group of tanks Womb anotbar pipeline cf a larger dlssetes:oaa that the fuel an W ooasuaed fress tau 1st group of tauko, pravldcd the cndLa3 io op rated at ratinge vol btaber tba mosiaal. 4*..s pipefSca oonnootti to 04 grcuba c? tanks 1e equipped with,son-cetnivi valmma 33 and 35 Srtondod to ovoid thoiflou c? fuel from the service tank into tba lot grom2o She 2nd group of 4aakc Commits ilraup) oomsrimoo this appor cad lca. ga;ta c3 tarot Lo. J. no fuel which in delivered to the aervioe tank 91-cm other teaku ialil trensfsrrea by elootrlo pump 22 (malt 49%-4) installed as the lo= Dart k=': Bo. 3. Trom the service teak the fuel So supplied to the MA bocs+tor th cc`^^a a pipoliaa fitted with ebnt-oft valve 19 and fool flea mater pickup. Mm case the service Group pasp relic, the onglno ooa dtill to opts-rtod G3 ratings not higher them nominal. Slaw 3rd group of tam (tall group) co p:icso tanks IN 49 5 sad G. The fuel train the 3rd group of tanks to transferred by meson of olectric yip 22 (unit 495A-2) Installed on tank to. 4, while the fuel etorod In taakn Uca S ems 6 la transferred by gravity to teak 1b. 4. pumped from task Bo. 4 the fuel pastas through r, pipalime mad fly Into tto upper part of tank go. 2 VIA float aon?ntvsa calve 5 which admits the teal from teak No. 4 when 4be level of foil In tack Ito. 2 dror3 a certain dlmt=oo dam. To ensure fyel enpplyOrom oho 3rd group of tunlop In case the &tq foiloo teak IDs. 4 in connected to the lower part of tank 8o. 3 throvah amother blpolit, c3 a greater diametora so as to provide fuel comarocptSoao oh3 the on3ias 10opeMtc9 at rebuts not higher tbaainamimel. In order to avoid Seal flow frog the corvioo foul Into t3A 3rd Broap of tc z the pipeline oonnoating the two groups Is fitted with man-mtuaa valve 33o Apart frog this, as outboard tank $otttsonod during flight oat bin attmclzd to the toeing* belly too pylon. She fuel from the outpcara teak 10 forco4 by compressed aha (delivered from the engine ccapreeaor) into tmnk !o. 2 through opoolel valve 30 lratalled In the fuel supply lino of %he wirlsj tank oaupartaentq. The above sogv.anoe of fuel oonsusption p7ovidec softens trim of to sl1 a&4 during flight. She fuel eequauoo Is coatrallod eatceattooldr by float vnvlvco I sv1 5 installed in tanks Ras 7 =d 2 and satnst?fl In reapeaao to fuel loval verlntlccm. Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Fr,a % nM MM tP CI AL VALVE. .wdW.i :i. rr1 r L r..e. ea. L - Lt. -1.r.... wM?ad d??1 \T4' 13 -awe mm." sm _?nm~ tS-.ML?d.. M17vR. I4-o now?iea.c' 4 t. I- -.4- LA., ....s.. o'+v nir6?. :1-L.4 ~.....r '..{1s..-Li.rr, It In this potltlh by the eleotrosea-tic looking pis? CAO?IO]I. 1. The above prooedurw for switching-off e orouventlOthe t ncflaoteoef used only 0 the ground prior to the baleoctn;, flight (to profiling brought info the bslanctna by netting cove unit PAY-107 In the rcutrnl position at a lover degree of proclsioa). 2. While in flight the autopllot r.jat be cattahe4 off in the usual 0007 opeolflod in the Plight Instriatione{ otherdleo the servo unit rad affoot:ed by the angular velooity or roll signal, may be omueod to atop in a poettlea 1endita to a amo-ei6e roll of the aircraft. During the bolamoing flight, the pilot pt11 oheokt (a) 1c i ttudtml balanoiM1 (b) lateral balancing tested uhtle the aileron booatoro Orc n 1t0bad on 8.;:9 offs (o) dlsootlo.~a1 Calanoln$. cm m. Prior to the balanaing flight, the combat aenunittoa med drop tank obould be reacved frog the alrar+f"., and the nutcpilot snavld Da arr3rhed cn by otroult breaker W. Cheakiag Aircraft Longitudinal D41am01ma, 1. After a take-off, while o11abtmg to 7000 a. at the scalrun cnglns ratteg (with the L.O., wing flaps an'i air treles rotrnotod), engage the trlcnin,g effect moohanlao to balance the aircraft longitudinally at TAB a 750 ?100 kn/br. 2. If the aircraft balanclnd is noienl uithin the above-a^ntianed IAS rnnEe, cheek the mature of changing the efforts upon the control stick shale Qa:olv 1ng two s3rcrraft to IAA ? 1000 to 1050 kn/hr at an altitude althin 4000 ta.; vic9 that tba allowable pulling efforts upcn the ooatrol stick are 3 to A k? (Fla. lA,*)? 3. II the aircraft has been balanced in flight it TO ? 75D 0100 kmVhr witD- cut cage" the trle,aing effect ueci,anlon, and elgmal ligbt :DIE. UM'; Et'X:H:, WR'JTaAL has giant am at the balamaing speed, whale at TAB ? 1000 to 10," lua/kcr t`w pulltmg efforts upon the control atloh have proved mot to encooA 4 k8, the balare- lag 1o coaaidered to be accomplished. In this ease, no after-flight mdiustcant of tho longitudinal control is required. 4. If the pilot bee engaged the trimalra effect aeohsntea for longitudlrsl baleaotng of the otroreft at IA3 - 750 0100 :aVhr, he =at not use it admix tall the and of the flight after the Alroraft bee boon balanced. After lan4itt3, =ko additional ddlueteent Of the trlnmin3 effect rnohanta, to corragpoW9 to tho oto- blltaer balanced position sot by the pilot (q.TIM tha flight nn ngeolftcd 1m Sootirn spinal Aajuotront oS Aircraft Longitudinal Ccntrol after palnrioins PligBts. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 OP'k AT 9C1nAL 673?D AT i4Bilt. O4ACI fP ACC46flt1A4gq 1 A90 cP A=a1.C[1iT fl .D. 40 .P.11-6x674 F G.34. AIRCRAFT Urvaji?IC C31h II e's 1a) drtrft IaAalt4dfaA110"Maa &4c] 01mmh laved 12"Mms ccc 8-8-C-R E-T 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 j I I 50X1-HUM 7~O 0300 StE /?u*f, 4. If tba mlreraft In normally balaeoed !N nigh''; at ! Z o but shsa the sirct*ft a aooeleratea to AS ? 1000 to 1030 bsi/b29 the pullIm efforts vpco the control stink ocsoidsrebly cancan a tolornsoe of a Mt rylns out czz- no balamolsg progrsra =6 land the aircraft. Aft" lenalmg 1QO' s "o etabl1iaer @rlft. -c31? V"ITAA21 1. ' Troshit~ efforts eaartea on the oo~Atsol otie& wtir2 %cam tudinal balancing an not limited. I 2. The prooedurs of adluetlr~S the otabiliner drift In apoolfic,9 In Section 'Aaluotmelt of atabillsox Oct trot ftotcme. ChaoYi A1r`+raft lateral BalaaoiaM with Ailoroq EOeetera 11witehed ca while obooking the lateral balancing with the boosters eaitohoa ci nEa 012, Co not switch on the autop11o0. 1. when carrying out the lateral balaaoifle, evaluate the olroraft letea^ol balamotng with the aileron boosters switched on at Irk ? 1000?50 Whr MA Wt sa altitude of up to 4000 a. 2. if, to remuve the uiroraft rolling, the control atiok In to bo ehiftcl through a length not more than 1.!4 of Ito complete travel, start the prn02 lateral balancing of the aircraft with tLe aileron boosters witched off (g oblft of 1/4 of tiro complete travel of the control stick corresponds to daflootirn c^ tbi siloroa thrcutb 2 to 30). Notes Im cans the directional balanoing of the aircraft to not nodal, tto allowable diop1scenent of the slip indicator ball Is y,1 81e. If the nip is excessive, remove it by deflootS tJ the rudder. 3. If, to remove the aircraft rolling, the control stink to to bo ohlfto3 through a length exceeding 1/4 of Ito complete travel, readjust the aileron discrepancy after loading. 4. During the next flight with the allorom dlecrapanoy eliwitated, pocfan 0 oontrol shook of tho?latoral balancing with the nileroa boootero eeiltubo9 en. Chookimg Aircraft lateral Balrzetng with Aileron Booster Switched Off 1. As an altitude of 3000 to 4000 a. In reached, wad UAB 10 equal to 610 t~ switch off the aileron boosters, accelerate the aircraft by doecendi" from the above altitude to achieve IA8 a 1000_40 km,Rir and shoo the inatruments indioa:o the altitude of 2000 to 1500 a. and the engine to operated at the maxlip"? rating, obtok the aircraft lateral balesoing. Then retard tbo aircraft to IA3 ? 750 ki=/i;r and switch ca the aileron boostora. At the initial Otago of the aircraft acceleration, the efforts upon tl:o control stink required to remove the aircraft rolling nhoald be m1niraim, an9 an the speed tooreacco the efforts can grow t6d revered the ounce (Pig. 35,b). Paximum of forte applied to the control stick to remove rolling whop the aft- craft accelerates up to W. ? 1000 40 km/hr, at not exceed 10 he. 2. If the efforts oa.tho control stick exceed 10 kg, actimato the follooir3 parauateref the indicated air speed, altitude of flight, direotioa of roll, apprc- x1mate of fort on the stick and stink travel required to.remove'the rolling. Mn retard the aircraft to IA3 0 750 Whr and switch on the allorcn bccatoro. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 3. Attar leading, adjust the tab lending adgo of the loft ailox c =to safe It the etlero3 end wing flap trolling edgeo cu'o Intact cmd In tta tialg 4, After checking the 1Qteral balanoing with tho boostora celtko3 as and cijj, aa that the elroroft balancing to normal with tho autopilot switohod Ca fuo netsur daspi I _ resored after landing with the help Of the PAY-107 rod ayebolt as to deaoribe9 in 3eotion "final Ad'ustsent of lateral Control after Balancing yli&hta. are caused by setting aorvo twit PAY-107 In pooltlon which 1s not oxao:ly nouns. but 1198 within a tolerance of +1.5 on along the rod travel). then the autopilot 19 suitched off during flight, stmor rolling of the aix- crr.ft any be effected 4119 to specific featurco in this autopilot doolpg the rol- ling of this nature 1s perafoalble. 6. In case the alloron tab has been adjusted after n flight7 chick tba at- Cheokim Aircraft Dir ctional Balanolt, then the Indicated air speed to over 1000 ke/hr and the 1'aoh-crop ' (when the foot bars are released durlog a straight flight without eooolarntloa),, 2. In the case of directional Instability to noise mode Of flight, tbo,pllo. Altitude of flight, direction and value of 41e0ac009nt of the AA-200 1041o0t0: the foot bars to eliminate the turn. After thin, loud the aircraft. 3. After loading check If the poolttca of the 4oi noeele nape In tSo augseated mode is correct, since a wrong position of the flaps with root ilwt to U-12 fuselage contour say lead to the directional enatabilltb of tho alroaaft. The flops, particularly in the region of the drag Ohnto. 4. If .be position of the aosele flap$ is correct, adject the re0dor tab to prevent turns at a outsonle speed, or instoll a?iae oo venoa:or to pravOmt t''vo ties c1 fin beAdtn$. 5. After adjusting the dlrootlonsl OtAbllAty, make a ecatsal check c" tl'3 2.65 (pith the foot bare r.leaaed), oauno the tulip LtdIOater ball to dloplue (13 Its own from the balance woaltiaa depesdlag oa the rote of aoseloratiCa ?1t, st3- 291eest roll 20 dtroatiomol 01o111o0offi;o oaourri-a& vltla a =az1e5 cY Abut D Cuo. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved 50X1-HUM Ae the loteaffil aeOillsti gaoameU~ a smatcr WOO to ccS b8 G ?&rteti+sael ooeiliotisao aml0h east the bN.l to Qietp eee tfficaO 2 to 2.3 dim,. uIng ,bee U* toot bets ore sOlesee9 a" the IV e?o111a>04 sot are the r,4lc g I -1.P I ofl1 6 -0.4 1 404 at so . 7, the maziaian plus error is 4.prsuaice 0 40.5 per o=og at so a 0, the various plus error is Orelative " '%1.1 Pr aml at no a 9, the minisus flatus errs' 1a Urelsti,ae 0.0.1 lye? Mo. ecreotioaa to be introduoe0 into the initial progrie at proeesso ranicsa relative resistance) proceeding Bros the errors at s.s a 9, 0 CM 9 Ewa El arm at P1 . 1 ata.ate. listed is Tal-tm U. 0 98~ralativs I 807slativn I - corrolativo) 01.1 par otat -0.1 per cent ol'b1 g?? 0V:9 .4l'?9. per ?i~3 . 50X1-HUM 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 relative rssleta!tos Ga olotiea) g. Ooa ats tpa std WtMje:D of tb oor9 SRi gm of 031 r?co?ao aa4tc3 sm being shocked (roe TWO U). ?Od the talttal (zsto0)swe goaitia3 valua in m aC ?o c Pe 0' 9 t earraottcQ.s eatarosssd In = of tw oC6o troval QI,CaM9 0220 muted at ?o 79 0 rA oa described $. the pvvlc= Its?. Add id o iaittal team poolttce walm to at do m 9 md 6 to tea e rzim Abo,9 yy oe 1oaletad at sae 7. M tha ioitlo.t cent poattiea vel In o' 4 ac . lO to tho oorrootic Alcm2 9 oetloaletod at sop 90 taus Fla redid l''t3 Tama 12 a 6. To Diga?t tt opt= at t-114 gsaccuo Pl c.sl to Vbi at^soy~=to g.Tec-=O of ma an, psecoaa co i'ellcaa (a) detorclna tho otobht rto pc of t! C.-,,r ca;odu-.;l III TO rZ5 (b) arms ?am* 130 i ... 4 ~ a tip ae~toSsac ? (so edrs of lbs day. Write out to elvano vsltlse Messed Gahm sod eater tt? Auto Colon n~ a at % ~ ::. r (d) we the test paas1 peon" gaa6e Ca11 tl= eh*t vall" 72 listed is usu 23 eta 09 vol 00 lratooColaasa?b, 2ss91e ,;yyto the i ?o cv,TD meDle CZ (e) fill Colin 5, Table 13 eith the os l cake valooa Et US vpre32 R 4, 2018 22 Ed -- f- - -- . yaa? ?moo oaatsa 6 ca c C01ts? 7. Table 13 is d (f) resovo stt.63 ?24 fro Its Aleao as the mimeo b,J3 fb ,"Ic s coupled. Opnn the batch he the M_ 2A matt potter R??8d ~ ;&sta for Admit mt of 9 Fates Yorsrlsnlblo displacement of the come free the roeitaom opsolfic 1 c of the throe Values ao a 7, 0 or C is e24 Ea w1 me (g) Props" the oystas for adinatarnt no described is ito= rl to 31 c2 Saaticu ?Adjusteent of 8yates attar IIeplaosuent of Uult 07.$A1 (h) oupply transducer IUO-k with the pressure YT os aees8 In Q3 test panel pressure gauge scale Values (Coluca A, Table 1.3) at % e 70 Smoothly tuna the 22 potentianetor Wiper of malt y and sshiR't Via cm~ to position 110.5 P AL0 7 using the naeuring rule of the arraz t (the Volvo, in takes frog Colum S,-Table 13, for as . 7). Supply t$mndasor vi .0 fA Freoanre Pa excess which corresponds to a C 9. Turn the h potentianstaa snip ' tee sot the 0000 in position 61.5 a ALcone 9 Zderivsd fee Coltm 5, Table Us or ss ? 9). Sue : evasively supply traaeduser 990-k with the pressers 82 =aw 03 % ? 7 and so e 9 and turn sdjustleg peteatiossteiw A2 and Al to set the sown an 4tz fredeterrsintd positions, with the peraissable errors takes into cert. After the adjustment is over, securely tisbtn the look=" of s4.mstisn3 poteatic;etepa al and 92. Blake sure that the tightesls bas not staled wlsaseva- nent by aakis9d another oheok of the pre-detessised coma ponitaoss at ?? 7 e 0. !later the nbtelsed valaoa into Column 6, Tate 13; (1) check the cone oxtsnetee values at cash valac s npaolfiet In sable 13 ty sslilyins the pressures 11sts0 Is Colon 4, TWO 1318 ta+e'moAsmora Wk. Ater the recaps obtsiaed into ColasAa 6, Table IN lie Taluse ef.uta+l e= attenelem deterslmeA by the moaaariad Vela of the are t shenld mot Giles e the respeotivs value 1$atsd is Calm 5, table 33 to awe tho the a'? Chile error Sheet in Colin 7e TWO 13. 50X1-HUM 99 am as o'leok > 00 of to mllasod to at 04#40 . s st at>se~ 1 e ? of tolos~s ems is 00 etatstrow710?,eaeee~91 t9) t tfs sus axteesi~t tmlm~ estttsttc~ 03 t + O s~ a S , Oabw 4, to ie 29) i9w ~1 1s to tee Asa raft iAs oM fa? otbar .books of apt" Y o not ve (k) obask the valise Of the asditieaal oevo exti iioge tot tb alit aratt .,Ural etiek as aasepl ee is Beetles 'Cheekis1 cams Oantral Maus ?rrh .a e v Us" emboa!oe of4Jf tren Opsratiae. If to some exteesiom "Us" ad t.af the "at" as 4s1e71bed to Item 14 of $eeti~ agb t ~S ~s4 .: after keyulaeeseat at it 914L" of it )C 44, instill the twit Into its Plae ,. 104. P, (1) aloes the cover s at the msIto rklah hare been yagvjOOly Meov to make no access to the regv` Cei units, aaeoxple the bole of the peatel, ocraset tto pips to tronedBCOr{,A4^ the arreniesent frw the air Intake sat teem off mill DwltobOD c ol"#Ctaoeara engaged for ad9ustasOt of the eyoteti. 7. After replie sag the AAD-1 not, estiante tta tokpereutaee roib 1 t oo:ii t tension (Coast, regarrtdlpar oast) shoe the ce b n is e^.snming end outer tba urlga into the Appendix So the 346. use there values t6Q0, referred epor ant) as t=ea parameters of 00 sins angina and complete sot I t-7 cWb tsse . e n c?xckine system as speoifiod 17 *M Iestmtiaaso 0. yurtbar obeoking of system YBA-2H should to made on the bw.ein of p t a of the early adjusted system, I.e. the basic con3 extseoicn data mod scr fusrt3xr abeoks are eat the data rhiob have been apeoifie.1 at the iiamafaetorir y+lnt, tz-, the data obtainsd during adjustment of t e eyotei !attar r4laotrg tetf !Yii?24 or 5)-1 ocoploto soto t Seplao?aamt of Coaco yooitoz!-io Cr 1. Onoouple the electric ecmneotor from the eaao poeitlon IndioatoJ a aatcl cz the instrument penal left-fiend 000ol0, and Ax=v0 the ind.eystor. 2. at a now indicator Yfl -3 Snatea4, soars It end couple to t3ra olcotyle ooeneotor (yid;. 48). 3. After replaoiag the indioater, obook the manual oone,eontrol oparoticu 43 the system as described in asetion ?Cbooktag m1-2A 3yetom Operation,. Yu=M=b 0 the indicators are interobangeeblo, no odditionol adjustnant Of tho onateu P.fa rsa guired attar replteeneaot of the iaudicate?. HaPlno4aant o2 Feedback Yick-p4_)-i?~ i h wo Beach the feadbsek pick-up througb the eguipuant boy botch c-1 .x r,.v east 2BZC-21 togetbar with its penal. ? i Baaoh the come hydroullo cylinder, through the open bbtobee In the L.O. strut roll. The ftedbook pick-up to ,soared to the tcookot !zutailod cu t e oih of treat 8'o. 9 (pidr. 49). While repleoing the pick-up, observe the folloalcf priori47a 1. Benue the hatch covers and the c uipsnt that any blochh the vcy t:, the pink-up eyed Done hydraulic cylinder, and replaoo the plot -q. 2. To set the none In the fully retracted position, pr.ooood on fellclO (a) connect the main hydraulic op-etoo4to to groucd bydrenllo p c--n cb'c-0-3 en operatics prooaure of 100 to 219 M kt/J; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Adgm era. M06 ~.ACK ANO WW ATM 4 MAR AU I WW al Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 R. g y 7 so at ea1 Emu Iat vocwae 00 a- =it , t$e e m ASUM 9. ppaPM a an twit AY'-39.1 cw ilue " Is 0 i in @taa ft""Aft afe4 cmtisSeato eo 1tM VIM IM "ito batall Bad oeatate so. M" nits E13 . an t d" s ildt9?$ MAW t!a ?44aat t testa. ?ataDest tts koftmab gates p1pelitaee is 4'!e Bait. use also M0.0.8 to 1co t emirs aato e& e19 - um jou" =a oaooe8 * Jdaw set ? Cc Ls plea cetas to um t1t4A "M FOAMIM mat W-334, rvbm Its 36,ga T$.5511 .10-M ett=b to eb, no new Ndt LU354 L~Sro~,,, 4~at4 a~~ta3l f,Q l~itk.S-a'_ ~ - - 1. After raplasie; ahem abo too puts? ar =It W35-1, atoms f (patwties of apatea Yl to to 1sa+ux"I ocatoisod llt.ftmm on-MM oyet. YF >te.ay'34j5 f}yiag $esra or o4tda of S ya s. 3a ease Wha iodlw ohm not as area aatelsaa F1qww L ? (e~) is krto He. 1 (caul A !~ t~ Ayge41t to W o Airoraft Lag), road just tto gpt.n oaeaat *y to the L+aetsuotleaa SIT" is item I - 14 of anti .n eAR3,Sastsa 4 of Syntex after &eplaoltos 6Mt add?.?__ i4. MR19F DESCRIPTION OF ItEST PANEL. OPERATION AND STOT!A The ,e .1 eoepiosa the follea.lmg asaia aa"abloot U* baty, ecsez eat 1 ahioL aerriao a 2r31t. bottle f111e&:with of MIN21 alts o e0 at m s~,ua at 30weah(rip 'Ame 92). Fosaaao of 13.0.3 ka/asp eM thea epgle& to tie Cyst= P.O. Tho 0ceirs9 G=1' of praeoare Qellvese? itto the rssoeaare cyet0a 1e, c trollei b? t ettlo vat 9 aa& vlatt valve 1. The sang. of psoccnro ?slivere&' by t.`.a toot F=21 to tba ogatez ? W9 aithsa y! aaaoea - 0 to 13 9 Ulm?. Ohs preasure to aeaease& by the raferc oo p;ntest o 6w:4'of t3io U00:3 IGa The eseuro gearp opal* being graduated Into 330 &iviaio o,r:o o - 41 t We of the oalibratlea chart to oaavart the oosru a gas;ge aoale voslaeo *zto G-o roapeotive pressure v s l v a o (in 1gg/oaJ). T to az1=c gaoeuo ea oati .fsa t y t o caoie is 16 kg/ea$. The reference uaec a goago w4at be oollbratci ca a aeolg38 pavice of a ~i^t^a type reforanoo praecsso gauss, typo:tlop, oooordlag to tho ants 0oatainca LS Table U. ? 'ob1o 10 Table of itafaranoar Froaga a Callb=4lcra S-E-C-R..E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 va.m. ovalcm P3 MAGRAII I - tmm vdvs a a~690mP? ! -memo t s0 wows In cpCB ls sf=A Qs$veetle wive al prawn ~?? S .. astefl velvet 6 d l1 ? ofv s OMPS 9 - Pae9vttdvo V4 CCeot tad "3?18i7 ZA ^ 1240 A j i s tO - -e!r veoslwe 11- 50X1-HUM- 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 g_E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 OW mum Sa11e la mum go eam9eEwtum in ealibseetUa 0 ~a8 at 50X1-HUM toot del refermrs bus. BMWs A VOMUS dt tmms eat?erat* obat9 .a e 1 i ba Plg. 57. Yo eesetraet 00 a +. we 6020 POW" Esters us" as NO pule gsa?c the ecw =I 006 so 41 ve*E p m. A a le the 6m 1 9 em _ ramw m tbe- p ml. Oat f!e I 1.vreriliaa1 or ~ of tree 'ai:oratt, W11" iiwome?tad. I s gtge8lmo 8>$tli ?;? be hydraulic cylinder rod by turulog the rod butt elites thin may lead to MI- "Justoont of system Y-2. nos to. It. that the rod butt io slum locket ca l uaAer lead. S. lemma outside ring 3 by oorawing off the bolt. of siu lobo by ew ca a special soar-4 lPOr 76-7004.1170. When soouring ring 3, coo care to align the refe3*wo rarb Buse notchsd e:t the ring sad sorrow is the bolts of the looks without tlgbt"Sa . To tlgbtr tE:3 bolts oomplotely, follow the sequence apeoifie0 In Pig. $g, i.e. after WTIVZ boas the bolt of the first look, tighten the bolt of the lcatt altuatod oppcaltu. ly (i.e. of the osoond look), then sorrow tightly the third o'.a Mad the fourth oast and so ca. After tlgbtoning each bolt, sake sure that it has been .coked ao that tM bbtt and of the pia arranged is the bolt groove is flash with '*be belt Mis 'w protrudes above It by 0.5 am. Oinking of the pin is lwdlcetivo of the clop l saeditioe of the bolt. In cave the pin le flank, tern the bolt off for ran 2/6S L-,- volution to look it in place. ? 6. Roll the acne forward till stops 6 arranged on 40a4?da rail 7 cean against the limiting Stops. In a result, the coos will move cat t3rougb a 2Cz~h of about 220 an (Pig. 34). 7. Drive out four bolts 9 arranged alma the silo of cbsantsy amp a=3 tv one Grin. 0. toll the Gone forward till atop 15 an" 444 lttaiTc roil ?c::oa a against uniting bolt $ of seaside well 7. IN Mader to move tha Met frog the alrorefft, grt*oaei ro follows mares aft look bolt 5 renown the act from the cirorat lied place ip oa a ayooiral arms ccuO. laepeotiea of Cease Basimaateao (snodai during aohodalOd ewe After ronsving the met frog the aircraft asks use of t1.9 coca to .1_ inside telescopic roll: 0. To check the Sony ram of the roll: to elpe to dirt Mad to eraotae the outer profile anrfaees of eateide ra'lla.?, dot to sail. together with the rear I bla part of the oeze. PhUv rmMm4 no raau port of its Mote, ~aocod an 4 t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 Rbea aoe$tigg a$ODb 6 Otter disaeocO3llr, to their etteo:9 9 lets P,;q oj+ !>g mime-obits panto femme! c The softy lt~i0oI1110 l. 09 gaB~Bs o . ~. Reaeve the rear part of The Sao, To GMWAM the owe oeebeniaa,. Obsotva t M rollewisag $aieoit3'e ,1. Ripe the gaido rail piano catalog dry to romOVa stunt =6 9120 sw o; mine them for absence of eraekae Mickel bar" Or Lewes c4 moos-ae4 oaz 9 &~ the rollers. ApKly a thin layer of lebrioiint MU!'1-291 tO the rail }^,W211o r; . 2. koiataa a cloth in gajoliae aril eying it cot to wipe the is' V.-I,^r s ;re ,.3 of gnUG rallo 7 and outer eurfaote of Inaldo ra19o O co me to &VOCTO dirt lubricant formerly applied; miter this cost the ourkaa ea with a thin lqc?s c, lubricant WAS. 3. ?arn all Soar rollers by fiena In ewoooaeica and ko 2= t We thra2 r-c?W;;s T e iebriosnt Is packed into the roller tlnebia;gs at the F..a.*?atito?t it pl=l daring the airoraft aosoably; no lubi'iaant repnoklrg IN-ragwlre3 b e e 2200 f , home arc over. rrlg2e.'?3 4m A. if it has been detected during obs klsg that the ruin Of the C a ~s heavy mad that Junius oooura, reaovs the rollers, o2ne1ne the CACO C51 cad a77ly fresh 307ioant. Roo ting "a 2natallatiaar of C .v Guido 1. Drive out the looking cows of the roller bolt head waohn. 2. Oss a eooket wrench to screw off the bolt ca4 resove the rrafer. 3. Rxaaiae the bolt, wash the former lnbrionnt frog the roller vith+ 1?a~ wipe the roller br.ebing, apply a aotioient amount of lubriomet EL4TmP~-ZM tp? amour the roller bushing erg instep the roller book into its plaoee 4. Drina the axlc-bolt hoar, look the bolt baci with a special a r? Cal atop the washer with a sores. To fix the acres, scat It with at& wtito. Dollew the reverao priority ebec noanting the csatsido rails, fivir3 tr:3 6.3c;,a to the ratio and insteslllag the cone into the alrFlreft. LooklM of Delta Used for A taobaot of Cone Radio Tmaparest gZaarae In order to dghouat or install the removable portion of the r b?r S~nL 7?1- =j W--:) ti9-c?I ~G^ r18-a di r MV30 `===7 =~? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 F3-,a-. B..- w5AI ST i, i H7Td S a ?~c3 " q{ 2 m S~'.M a9?izb" 'i 9 - EavC7t 4 - t 8 [7axa{ 0 9=11i=3 : c:smi . ?: .i U -i' 9 -I 0 t~be~F16 s~1la~za tce?~ s7 ~' eylki cax43 1?-_ _aS?s~ oerafsi I-Ir e?? :baza VIP* c.= W'~5=; P2 - =`+m c a e7?? ~" eo ss^alsa C ess.saeC4~7t r~ m B..P C-=V, t c ae+ 7 ~~ LG. ccummku `s~"SF s Clot - I-r- a Ex z? e9@t ? V-2 Q7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 A&M L.G. i 5TIIUT IJP.U3 s I - tam cam; & - e 051 4 - I?v i$ S - am mm w0lka i '^a 9r-a Umn ssits016 - Mots 7 - wereba oyw kven ? - eele6o im and 6dexa&m catssaho ?u4164 9 - a4wtbe 69e6w. (a) ernes raw 6e5e561e8 by 6yJne6lio'afew 6m om" gy 62by ob oyc"m ( to 4F9s64. vow ova finiuss[ig iv 'g mst*issi C.L it lack" by ifw40 eanistl~ Its __ ev"I iil 0916 sg g 664eps~osl 6stwo36v 0?a. o!t?*wW is cm 6106 42* ph is a$e OVA. e6cI ai sieaai/ i0 60 ~P Ibms4.W$ 4 Pc 3I &a .50X1-HUM'?' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 ISr4od.9J.1 q -M Quo reVScdro eyllsdael 2 - W4 8 - p ati asecmesiieo sy1.'B4sr a stacr3 te1p6-"dam a-srv+rlwWArea;4-a4Itd s9-slow Icmmaar. w* va!a a - emae red; 0 - 6sbo olp .easoal6oo; 10 - d 91s+ 19 -Weal S3apa~ pkfii ?. 11 - I.'e Ca.soeQsa Its1 wk>t (tam darer; $4- oewhaeor drira; Is - wo fmr!"3?ID the diraotic) of tv8 extenOe6 position of the struts Wand drive out the adjustment ao a cMtb317 t: avoid pushing the limit switch red by the hand. Stop driving Mt tho 00= 1 01;( the green 116trt goes oa at panel 111TC-21t taside t'"v cockpit. After this, drive cut the calla through `half o; co noMa 0 rslf ihwa. Apply a fords of 50 kg to the wheel a:lo acting toaarde the retr cto? !i extended positions of the lending Bear, to take up the play Or tfid ots'ct, c:a m:^3 on" that the dream eigxal light on panel 111lC- !Waldo the oookptt deco not cr a Otto (o) sink In the lisit twitch rod till it otop3 and ceaorsss addlticn-a t,=aol (Play) of the rod to chock if It is not loco than 2 as (rrss. 6590)6 (6) safety tba adjustment sores of the yoke with 3 !colt tmt crd ntch (kid. 65,0). 6. After odywnting the 0iorooaltoh, rake 3 to 4 ohook oyoloo to crated ct1 retract the L.O. strata and check the jndioation oycten for otablo o yratis"1. 7. In oaee the operation of the indication ayotoa Io not otcblo, clock ttj adjustment screw, drive it out through bait s tare, cafoty tho eor= a~&aia e 9 perform the oporatiooa doaoribad is It4n 6. Retreated Pooitlcs of L.U. fain alluto To adjust the rotraote6 position indication oycten, oxtoad t3.2 1=01no C"Z- aftor the aircraft has been jacked up ea4 the frcand electric pram damply M1 hy6roullo pump have been connected, and proceed to followat 1. Close the mechanical up-look by closing hook 5 by hard (71g. 53) mNcar the rode of the look hydroulla wad osargency oylindaro have boom =k (990 67:3 L.O. valve handle cat In the noutral position). a. Cnloak the adjustavat boat (Fla. 65,b) w:11 drive it out till try -Cl 1111r1 on pawl fi10-2H 60o0 Co. 1. Screw off the adjuoti nt bolt a little nm to sink the halt caito'a !,CJ by 1 to 1.5 0, ad check if the red light on punol 1 1C-2ii ocatjv-,nno to GIG-,7,, 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 c~ tAn..ce~ ?ac ~[ss raAa .. eat FIC.4S. AAJUSIMENP OF LC. POSITION WAI L UM, 4 (e) getting of I.G. main met down poaltlen limit cWh (b) lock and .:tting of L.C. genie sent agp.u P..ItIc? I" axL~A; (c) luck .ad calling of L.C. Be" stet do" poattlae !E~mn,k, ~OW1 (4) lock and et[ttins of L.C. , oo .fret n;spso VW" f""'" o F .Yea I - limit switch: 2 - adi.stims sciew; S lockout; 4 - s;alith to., a - sI)asttaj ".3a 6 - !grata 7 - mono stoat; g - Wt it . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 "3, yf MEL" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 S-E-C-R.L_T 50X1-HUM 150X1-HUM I. I a. Slams the eulteia aced mtil It aatopo cad aab ?c ? the soot to we tint It i? 50 logo thsga R ffo. AX14 diaplaomnt of the licit avitob rod Y:*O~2 tea aaentro cl t c-c' er , loatlal an ostdamA 8 M. bolt bsiriai4 a~erta" ?e 5. P' the a43u0103014 bolt with tofu leak out (Pill. 65"b)- Jgs'Z3 =I obssh the 11:51 tgen 6. 1!lairoot the laaa4b dam' tbrso OY' or syote? for etoblo operatloa (i.e. the glcaales of the red light cc pool inside the cockpit) whom the ttsuto acs in the ratrsoted posltiam e3d the 1,.0. valve is cot Si pooltiou 91Ri4SSA1? 7. in the ease of lmotable, operation or. the e70ts239 asloah C:'"a e!l5e?t_=',J drive it out thrmMh half a ta9=, look it cwat'a Ord pa tore t' c OPxraticr,3 bolt , 4ooorlbed Is Item 6. Rxtondad Poottioa of L.O. L'=la Gt=% To adjust the nwsa strut extended position lndiestic cyota"a, JecL: c?31 tin aircraaft, extend the strut and pr'oneod as follomaet 1. bake aura that the strut in extended ani fixed by the cnefa~l A 0e a loc'~. 2. Unlooh the adjustment bolt (P1.g. 65,o). 3. Vrivo in or out the sdjua.trs3nt bolt no ac, to obtain a elearcr_" of 0.5 C3 batwoon the adjamtesent bolt and rod 4 of the limit uuItoh (710. 65ao)a end c,- that a (a) the green light on ponol 11I1C-2i1 burns' (b) theca is a thread margin of not loan than thsoo Porno 0^30a i? t1:2 Adjustment bolt; (a) the adJuata3143ra c (i.e. to the position used for ehooking the oabiu) , rooeurinai;ic en t- a^?G'=!J)? .50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 3. $omm preoowta xre,tio avgulator PC a ma C 193iAA4 I glpmk 00 step the 07F_2 UP;= sta? IMF b1e . vitb Ply ft euvima."zi V;lt'I t-%) 1 roopoa63o~ iiistrsoti ~-^~ ~. . bat t . air oaotioa henflle iai0mllei1.em .etI3 B-- . rs S c i:; a - e -. olOiem . If _ ? p. Couple tbo Oroua davioo bash to tba gip oe mticN ca:Nm iii cn t O L' =1 of Et,o cabin ground ventilstim pips Womb ixfide Q3to mmo Gib m., a? Ens 9.. co amt she strfield air bottle to the GrombS Close the oaaopy and eca1 J. f mn1.41d3. M, Checking the cablm proeeuriaotiou ty notan CT tb .,V:::.l dvblr.O fir,, rs'7 require presence of s Dan inside tbw 00ftI . 6. Opsa the sirt1e10 bottle cook c 21 slowly tmulcig the 0 (r8 tw C= gyvl2s, Sill the cabin with air. Vote the Indicatiofes cf~.ho grind ixea c s.'1 r mmso r1'., chugs end cheek tbdit the rate of prasouxo iascsoaso 4r.ei- 2;1f exceed 0.1 kg/oa per *,=to. i I 7. An the i eceuro roeobes 0.3 kg/omp, out off Lira anppLy m0 e=4(:07 r:"-3 Off the cook of the device rod then of the air bolo. usasuro the time during which tha prooouro in tIS) ombin dac,7a :MC-3 OZ* to 0.1 kg/c52? I 0. The cabin to conoiderod airtight is os9o tbo Eioo 0 ashia wds C---V fro 0.) to 0.1 kg/em2 is not lees thra+c $d coo. In oaae the time is loos than that irdirated abo.a, dotoot t?3 lc-'y' pO:I ) r elivinsto leakage. 9. Diooonneot the hoses of the groaad device frcm the ylga 0x--0tie:rao cat th9 J?;-57B handle into position oil, look it, a_d atop the pi o oocis ?+ f'~ plop. 10. Sonovo the plugs from OffZ-21 blocks, laetall Vreoeuro roue ragnle-c^,.&On?a1 nd make a check of the oooploto sat onviacgod by the gTolt_?~inry a propsc41C3. CAUTION. In osoe the cabin promcure riao9 sbovo 0.3 k /cm (vlhwm t?W L^cmr-'r+: ) fCn_31d error dodo not oxoood .0.02 kg/oa2), make cm a4ditior4l c!COk c2 t?a ??lRs x ing param3torc of o rgan re(lstor E443 (a) peroontago of osygea supplied by tho regulator at vrlea.:) t C1C z^Oi (b) altitude, of angegomaat and dieemg0enont of ouygaa V=V-1T;1At M AVI (o) oxygen supply with tba or,9gon? mask off tb 2c31 (d) oxoeoe proeouro maintained by the 0s-Toty venue c' the sr cat various rltitadas. fhe chock to made with the help of doviOO U 5 or I.Y 7 11T3 Q("'XL u~~ C oparatins inntruotiotrm for thorn dovi.oeo. Airoraft oxygen inmtrumont KU-34 is des' nad ?or 40 appllomtiC J r3' C :a J proeouro not more than 0.) kg/cE2. After 40 prooouro appliootiwv), =Sca sCWnlc?;. FA-34 sumt t:s replaced. 9. CHECKING OPERATION Of AIR '6'Iir j?FnAT%11V3 AUTOMATIC CONTROL 57M13I (Unit $23) Re, cheek the oporc+bioa of th3 o1eetrlo air diat9lbutU13 vale-0e VzO f~O 11'?3 electric povar supply and observe tb 90110wing gaflcsl t 1. Tura on switch IIATRR81, AIACRJJ" - U On sr.3 939ite13 cJ eiirctalt L a^::; COCKPIT 3U'd'LT. FA13 err=:Sea an th,2 right-ti=1 c O. h Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 061411 tta OWN= a lta oil ME-122-14 ees:3 30 n B ~. Lam. ~3 Gl c"2 ago uu the mum L: . 50X1-HUM yqy Ito t2ae r0ar41 Opara"M, ?tb9 %ait is prsae need c d914v.,ga $b eQ39TSe gpo 3 I oo arm- (tbmah tho pip4llae fcc41t'3 the cat1-6 raw r- ,A c7 G ~ascs ~ om aStSon, thq Vail rrosearlimUca wale .17sp - 2o To o amid id a ,Silted vith a MV twtar6ia ?kms? 'r2o 0 cf;3 9. 4o ekob wb tbor cm ea9atum =T od betace~ y?Osaxro E+'. to C (T ) rA unit p432 (21el. 22, the =it cRaegod) It airtight PM 918 Ca ?*ll ca 1. Opp the aj'&cubSte fmat 2. HOWTO t o ft= T-000o 21. 3. co=cot the T-.Vioco to ground device 76-4y061-150 (tba 40 c: !! f cheoKin5 the t1Sbte2n of the omt i otid tba 41w1 MUM). 4. Couple tb3 airfield air bottle to is gca:r.ad device. 5. open the anal-- bs.ttlo cook and aloaly turnin,, off the B~ - Co?k3 cc--'a produce on osste pre== of Oi WcM2 In the agotem. 6. Stop feodicg W w air into the cyoto? by outtia6 off Sisal ttce G: =5 O ca Vok and tbtm the a1S' ttt19 cock. Rho eystcn is ccidered airtight If Ito pronouto Orop 4ac3 e:rt c=c=n o.15 kg/eo2 within tb ti= Interval mot 1003 Ct ;a 1, FUU.. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 I U Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM I ? I ? 1. 6sbN fAn. f I rha oo 1E 'oaz og`d (no. 79) In dooicued to protect tlth pilot ycrsosura is] flight ar datiaz ejection, as well c3 to provide a xQ field c2 vision zed lceocurisation of the cabin while b Matt. The particular features of tba oaaopy diniga sad operation rro &9 :Cbnce,-. 1. to lot the pilot In snd out of the cockpit, the oooipit ce-VIV10 oyc*. 1.a. himsed about the front attachment of the ocnopy to the i caingo (?1g. CO). In owe of accoority tho canopy can be jettisoned durin3 flight by tb3 ~'warC control system oi meparated fro the funologe tcaothor with the pilot?a cwt;. 2. the aaaoyy 6laaing is su ufactured from the fo21oallis a.lt ialsu (a) a greater portion of glaring (except tb2 v4mdohlold) 1s r_ynufantu^,od i heat-proof plesigless, grade CS-1, 10 rsa thick (pig. 79, R ON 1s^); (b) flat aiadohiold is raaufacturod from tb3 cilioato triplor,, 14.15 ra Chics (sue. u). Arranged under the oanopy is the transparent amour glans, 62.3 m thic.Tj (Etof. 1% which So fitted with protootiro glaze chiolde inatzlled of the ?ldco t- Prot ROt the pilot aZainet dynamic proeauro in Oo cane of 2 ororr.=oy o=o;.y mo2^+, 3. The mangy is controlled by to oyetoaos tLo operatl" oontrol rv^jtate,a r7 emorgenoy control oyaten. iho operating control cyotosi is designed for lifting +a31 lororir--j tto The ewergonoy control eystom is intended for an independent jottl?on cu t canopy (independently of the ejection coat), for separating the osaopy f tt3 nopmratlon of the otmopy from the coat after o3c9tloe. Coupled to,the canopy-to- uselago looks as gall as to tba c op to cat CT looks used dnriiig ejection, are risid control rod3. 2ho looration and prim?ipla c? /arranged on the fnaolege, Sncldo the oanoyy-~ar.ying p,- sal 13147 211ir3 looks 2 (hg. 6) controlled through m rod linkrgo by hsndlc 15 ir.9tellwfl i_3 t oookpit, port side (the operating control system). tioom of the oaaopy. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM 5UX1-HUM C1.t V9T C7114^.Y: j Ca YGvL Vel:C6 v4G.'i.C.~J Cr*, MIL577Ti i C 7 13"~ ~y?: ^ i J Q 7 a a'z=' E - t=a c_' Ici2 ZV=I c i 13 - `J ~3 d art u tizca to - c--^ eaa= Z d~ 3Las- .3 a~'ws;~i-~zrl-sa'ae3Qs9~~~3'ao70l6-ca--aaa cm:w - o-~ ^a~ Pw? ?*y ?- Ec`^ 7 su9 v r 9 - 67 9+ x? ?r'rI VQ] VvI 10 - c2mcw ?.'-' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Caooyp 'Y ysttA d lcu xs 9 (Pj. ?1) a lot w? . stcEi r ca ~fi?,' at rods avid Vell.oartm iaaido too 0OWN tnass0. 4'210 11akc:3a ie setrt301 to C.D poedas 9 paodooed by ajeotica on 6 wffitab is fired ah aW"'W vawmv o -- - tiM haadli I isetalled etaY&eas?t inside VW ocokpi0 is cb-fto bs3kec7A ( pezgemoy osmtrol Sywtsaa. Soon ttie osor,;onoy oemtrol system oporetes, looks 2 ?3 earsoo 40 s release loops 20 which got cut of looks 3 and,otcp at domino 21 Ingliq tbo g=~LO of toe oanop-o+rrying poam1. Consequently, Oa- e=..op7 io cal ar emo1 `0' CO t10 taselelie? iu stn of the oraopy a'arlrs opoalzy (i.o 2 ftlh) "ra etfoot?"a ad iut cw3 giaekst 4 (lie. 79) o4oea,a0 to the ..tiselago r oaoaoutoC to the 0 t tea looks (the left and right am=) chick are w =W on thotoc*py $eLut. 62"wa the looks operate as Binges, they are potvianontly O1oso0 ixi the oo=0 of ob+:ti oaa tborefore be roleaas0 only Ly the oaoo,y amorcancy }sttit.- oyatci e"31C3 releases tors eiaultcnoouely vith.rolosaing aide looks 3, no that?tolt 22 01) is fllser6e604 aadthe oanopy is no longer anooared to tho :1,1.S U50o 4. Opining (lifting) aa1 closing (loworiag) of the ca:e~y era evic'-~-'1 C7 turning t i canopy about the font hiaie aoint th cugA act =,glo 02 430. The ocnopy is opened by two MUM cylinders It C!30 :-'ISM asd left Ica) (pig. 00) ehoee sods an couneoted to the ooxQY7 through mpooinl p'.. t7 Mac=~3 c' morvod hacks and support tz1tO cm 00 oaaopy.i7n their Ural the cylird:>4s c?o hinged to the Rueol'49. The upper ends of ourvcd hooks 25 (1 g. 01) fit into the orccvev Of t "-a ball-oraaks 24 of the canopy onar6onoy 3ottioon rayaton (c~.srn the syotom 1.0 olq rfl 0o2pletoly) so that pins 27 of tba rods era ocmcoto( with the oanoat3. Shm the canopy merge y iottioon system operates, Ciro-sera bell-err :ro 24 c turgid cad release the curves hooka a'hioh in tuna dioengc;;o t'i, osuorZ liar - - o1lindor rod spindles. ccr .rw=a the lifting oylindors M.'-0 Rod with air en the oenony o t , p o In order at 50 krq/out from the cc=on sir opOton of tbo c3rcroft.r p, canopy is c1ascl t7 O- vity which causal the air contaiudd is the cyliudorn to a aunt Into tits u aoep?- ~. tIIo voice leots11c0 t 1 d b l ' y o o =0 ooata th 011-7 5. Closing cud opening of the canopy tba port aids in the oockpit sad ueoa to supply the liftjgS ayliade n t the air into the atroopbero d . 1 i ei to p$ing Opening and The valve an mmtuatod by handle 15 (lib. 00) 1>An;e1 to tbo cram which C-r lC cl~ tmd 09 tUO ?~~ toothod oeotor. The tooth of the sector ongago the 608r ahsol a0un control oanflle solo Ao the lover o 1 3 to nn C117 l ve d on tea va We. Installe 1 T fixing looks aurangO On the f"015581 those looks fix tic? ocnop1 ORO 1 F"' swiss of devils. Shan the valve hcadlo ie cot in position CIOrY CIL=ItDl(i.e.,llat toopx'ovna8 ? a position), it io sotod upon try a spring tad ontoro the I bmakkard motion of the hoadlo. Shea the oarflla is p1cood is thin yosit1 +, Ei?.:;4eB dowels 11 (Fig. 00) engage loops 10 of the canopy aide Acoke av,1 01e:e the OW oy . In tide ocao the lifting oylin0or cir oapply valve and Cho 01" ralew;n voice rza cat on. the oono t1 c P=410 -A s cut-duty 2 t?w pnllc~ I order to shift the valve, b dlofrger an otra p valve S^ra1 first be shifted aside to dicongo5 backward to open the OADOPI? An the hand`s COva O M ei31o of aatat ?DO, M-0 nSs e aide look loo's; cud 00 tlio h9ndlo 10 ft tth.r aleplecml d"019 mevo out of the oaaopy c C o t..1^ Qo11 YeA with the sir vccd lisadoro am through So to 120, tho lifting oy psyuten thron;lh the valve. '^"19 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM e-t so lm~ 4-a:vrMwve?-6Ci?ao. !~ 7]-wRV ia9 ~temda la-?O7~"'-??~-- c 10-'lLA~IDO49 ~ypcd ad9 e-~!~ P-~ ~ ~~ ?s~a~2+s-~osa Ef-?}s~ v Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 air et&tts pool" Law the liftteg glttdse 1:+ an" ~., sees t~eegk 3? to 60 f es the peelticQ wiaoro tie dowels era 41W9017 WTQ t of side lock loops* shish Prevents possible sawaaaletiat 02 S l=llb mere and abrapt opaelag of the c opy &Ste.P Q darole am eip a the Beep. We the valve hapali Is ?hifted to close 'the eaaeyy (t.e.of ) the VaTo u fitud is the var"ie91 position (after ooverizig 8a Mee Of W). MIS the valve to release the o!r contained is the .oyliedaro jute tiro a'tsatbFs too After the 005071 .ie 010894 oonplotely sad the look loops eater the 5rMM g , ss:aopy'cn?MimS Patrol, while the loft rear loop of the look pzceaes down ev it3 W1 2 of t4 fixiad dowel (Fla. 00), it is poeejble that the Volvo, tuarsdlo irery go oa moving towards position CAb1Oyf cigED. In this seas tba yi-AM (i(,soln ,wt,,r the canopy side lock loops and the valve hmndle to fimall7 mow" late ,a at-cut and locked theroet. lines the handlw is looked in the tntors>cdlate position by rj= of ap^aiv~ a ehich rests a oinat the left rear dowel butt odga as long as tSe left re zr 2er3 lvop travels to the linit, no take-off of the aircraft with the open 10,,k9 im ptaeSOls. To open or close the canopy from outdi,le the oookpit, two in ono o$ Cl 1?"313 stLehid to the valve axle which satendo through the outer okin. ?hen the canopy in 010916d, the handle sinks in the dopreecica in the 4Lsaln (p~4. go, Def. S)? The operation of the valve when the canopy to opened or olcacd by neon of t'a onside handle, is similar to that performed when the cockpit bndlo in macd. To achieve smooth opening and oloeina of the canopy, the valve In provides with ottle openings (ends at the valve inlet and in the talons lirv) gileh era d11ifned to open the canopy within 1 to 6 Dec. end to oleos it Vitus 17 men. (tpcluding a tine lag not core than 0 goo. an from the starting r.noet of olc-ain ), otter the canopy control handle bas been displaced. Thug, the ocaopy travels co= e~othly till it sets softly onto the canopy-carrylag panel. Then it In required to open the canopy from outoide nt sere pressure In t?a altoraft air system, another hcwdlo sunk into a doprosoioa on to left roar We ca tb! canopy is employed. In this cane the canopy locks cunt be orcrsd bg cutaide h lle CANOPY o1 11IC.O. 6. The airtight connection between the canopy end the fuoeltze in aahioCc4 t.;, rasa of a shaped rubber hoax which In filled with air delivorod free the airaran raison air system at a pressure of 2-o:7s kg/on2. The rubber hose l0 laid an telopy-carrying panel and in the groove along the roar oido of the procottre tr3lk*: rib. The air fed to fill the hone to dolivored through the sa.e valve reed fee opeatog and closing the canopy. For this purpose the valve in fitted a71t8 saothcs oevity which employs an independent connection of the hone to the air oyctoit p1 o 11so. Iutton 14 (Pig. CO) used to fill the hoes with air and to c+uhntwt the air fm the Was into the atmosphere, is mounted on the cannon axle together with the eaVo;.y operating, handle and is connected to the valve axle through the Geer chcol. The canopy avaling (i.o.,filling the hose with air) is affected by pauahin;3 Fla 11% 104 forward only to coat the canopy An closed. The canopy is unsealed (i.e.,the air In released fray the S:ooc) bafaro c 1.9.'.3 the canopy for which purpose the button is ohiftod baokv9rd. To save the time and the anount of notions, the canopy in opoaod r ccncalc!l 37,9 single backward stroke of the valve handle, the button travollieg togotvar ait'J the hsodlo. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 To Deal the canopy from outside, the valve sale peoooo through n g1t^1 to t fuselage skin where it carries aplino 17 for aorea-driver ocaltrol. The air 'fed to fill the here paoseo from ooe u air-nyctem t hra h?rvdue P1)-1.5 (net. 7), safety and chock valvoe 8 and then is injected into the hoc-o. 7. On cmorgency in flight, the canopy can be jottiooned with the hole 08 t_J canopy emergency jettison system arranged on the canopy nand fzoelggo (dceorihi above) which providea eaorgenoy relocco of the looks and forced jettiaan o? ell, canopy under the action of oompreeood air euppiiod at 110 to 130 Ira/an3. To engage the canopy emergency jettison ayoton, an independent canopy jottP,r handle with a collapsible grip is installed oterbonrd inaido t n ccn!kpit. ;:ho procedure of canopy emergency jettison is the follcnl g. When handle 2 (Pig. 01) it, thrown off through an angle of about 450, the =bla connecting the handle with cotter pin 10 of diaphrng valvo 12 pulls the cotter pin out and causes striking pin 2 (Pig. 82) to release and brake diaphrcyi 3. The air contained in emergency air bottle 11 (Pig. 81) separated free tare r air system by check valve 9 to delivered to canopy lifting cylinders 7 to cako the canopy ready for tossing and to tine-delay lock reloane cylinder 13 whoa0 rod 2 (Pig. 83) cuts off rivet 4, knocks out axle 3 and oparoo the loot. When the canopy eaorgenoy jettison eollapaiblo handle Is shifted t?aro:u,,b r_-3 angle of about 750, its tooth disengages the locking pin of the handle trnskat to allow backward travel of the hadle. When the handle is pulled backward and travels 20 to 30 an, the czA, of the handle lever entering the roooeo of the release drive on the canopy will chift the drive plunger which is connected to the ojeot:Lon (;-m roloane lover by cams of n cable, making ejection gun 6 fire (Pig. 01). - The pressure produced by powder gesso of the ejection gun is applied to tea charge-operated cylinders 5 whose rode are displaced to open air emergency aids looks 3 and two front hinge joint looks 1 through a linkage of boll.crenko cud we. Two-era boll-cranks 24 release curved hooka 25 which connect the canopy to the elevating cylinders, and the air pressure applied to the cylinders Tea the crarg .. cy air bottle toaaeo the canopy. Mille the handle Is pulled further baokwaurd, the valve re cani.rg the pander gazes produced by ejection esohanism TC8-2500-:48 in engaged air Ito cotter-pin in pulled out (See Wootiow 5). of z If one of the ebarge-operated cylinders tails, the system Is reliably actuated by the other cylinder. For this purpose the right- end loft-hzr emerggency jettison looks are interconnected by newer of an axle ocarryiee; the levers of the canopy front locks. When in the closed position, the canopy emergency jettison oyetan to locked Cad put under lead wools at the following movablo parts (Pig. 04)e front canopy grip look 1, secured with a :hoer screw wads of catorial Ur .1; rear grip look button 2, locked with a ahoy; oereu cede of centerial A),1; rear canopy grip look hooks 3, looked with rivets 3581A- .Fr'10; charge-operated cylinder bell-crank rear arse 4,of the canopy e4srgcney, jettison system, looked with wire KC-0.55 dlaphrag? valve cotter pin 5, looked with wino Pi1U-0.5g Canopy emergency jettison handle lever upper and 6, looked with wire RC-0.5; collapeiblo grip of canopy emergency jettison handle 7, looked with wire 131?7dl.I ejection eUU1 nuts sad pipeline T-pieoo 0, looked with wino fiC~0.0; ejection dm trigger 9, locked with Mire UJU 0.5g charge-operated cylinder auto 10, looked with wire t'?C4.0; canopy hatob ejectable cover 11, looked with shear corewc node of vatci1nl M4. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 di HIII/IIe1oi/ILIIIII1i i1- a Sanitized Copy Approved for F1GA7. 119AF'v1PAC1 VALVE I - vcdoo P b~: 8 - otMMAla Diat 3 - dia~E+apnt 0 - es~a~ P!o+ S ? ec1ca cg2-I-A.:7 0 ?- r '; of - oadiap =ooa7 (a) Vol" altb waded oars' w 50X1-HUM F.W.M. CM (WY T1cA)F3.nv 1.PM 1 - a:f cyliadai; 2 - Fiat- tait,% va4; B 1*ck '" i'G; al4 b R?fo'..6ataaa r%az: vivcs; t3 --Each I~va~ e E~=~ ; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 ghe oloocA poetttnn of the 0=07 c rgcneY asttioan eyetca (aseQE;3 try c of pontioaod looking devioee) can be detoratnod by the rc:sltion crs~c8 = ' he oxte in too-ace bell',' ha 24. TUG pcetttca 10 (pia. 81) with reapeot to t chocked mp bye awake ata,uld fit into the auto tD tho tuo,~ (m) red -erko as the hookas the lately c^oeala8 lnatfr bell-orxekS ao that the pyiated surface* of the hoctcr, be oc~p the outs of the bll?dr (i113. 83)1 (b) alignment of the holes in the left--hand hoe and tin the he bolas e^at,311- 'isA throwdh this Sc chocked by pushing the ground loekirsg p hand creek end book. ant of the bolos, the above looktr.0 Pm is a7ct . Apace from ohookind tisa alignment to prevent its mhiftim t she for fixing the cut-oTf position of the oyatca so ncd together Sec ehtfttnZ 6~~ with pin must be metalled eeoh tine the canopy sago opa meat into the left-hand canopy 1lftin0 Cylinder red. looking pin to be on 8. metalled on t Inter. the canopy P^o the sweat .and raar grip lxotcottea?1(~s . S). coonria8 the canopy to the seat alien eieotia0 with ornopy Front grip looks A (710. 81) are arranged on to right and loft oiden of the canopy; during ?Jootion they engage the collapsible etope on the o3aotion coat o1^:^. Aver grip looks 14, aivilarly arranged on the right and loft Woe of the osnepy near the roar aide looks, engage the coat trunnten0 during oaooticn. seat, portionfuduring aolede ejection providond ed t%71%bo e To prevent olevattcn of the canopy front reliable connection between the canopy ~ time-delay look (Fig. 03) blob opens only after the canopy is elevated thro'7, an angle of about 700. Installed on the front bingo ;,Dint are two rollers doatdsd to facilitate lotion of the canopy over the armour glass When the seat !.s eoving op oat of the cockpit of the initial stage of oatapulti-'eg with the ocnopy uoood Scr protootion. aotian, the coot tru hic~.a fit amen catapulting with the canopy used for preL' the neat into the rear grip looks (pig. 86) and rcnain fined thereat as 1oa:3 nbifts upwards through 20 on. Steulteneoucly, the rods release all eeorgonoy loam 3 end 1 (rig. 01), and all the Aevloaa ooanoettag the onnopy to the fuooiC.gO, '7ite an exception of the tiro-delay lock, gat diponSegcd? As the seat moves further upwards together with the canopy the tics-cold lo-, turns, too, till it reaches an angle of ?00 at which the canopy gets dioaaucc cd c l otarto eliding on the rollers of bracket 3 (rig. 79) over the crmea.^ Qlase. The instant the seat pen gets out of the oookpit, the hinged gprir3 otoya of the most open, allowing the canopy to engage thew With front grip leeks 4 cm the canopy walla off the amour glees (Vigo 01 and 8?). The canopy Se uncoupled from the coat when chmrge-oporatad aaso io 21S opereto and turn the two-arm levers of the coat, The lovers prosy upon ro?u 1 (Pig. 66) arranged on the roar grip looks cad through o linicego of rode, the o'er ~3 grip locks A (Fiji. 81), whose brackets fall out of the looks dioangeadi 3 t from the Seat hinged stop'. In order to achieve atmnltanaauo disconnection from the coat and duplicOtif'a required in the ooze of failtze of one of charge-Operated ueohsnioaa 2153, the front grip looks we interconnected with a tuo-'cord cable. the oc ^i3 The formes produced by ohargo-oporatod nechrniene 21`59 o zflo term about the neat trunnions through the two-ar a lovers, the fcr0oo of 0:r!'=' co lxosouro aakic8 the canopy Ulna back end open t`.3 pilot. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 II(:,Rt.fIlFcKIVI:01. f.AdflPY mr.r I24CY jtT. n.'9'Ysm3GIST.. I'll IY%IT1m (PORT MIW vivo rim C( 4Th :4+sroA.II-ci .2-'MMMtae.rablep ;a-fad -Al:jto I.ttl.. (.le..d In tro.eta IiIt.tn`s! I.wt); 4- ttltvd liI IT - Iiluep ty 1le431 M d; 0 - We Iw treend p' . p rVMIc~Re~a9~a 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 6'{cJi. fl1' 1R C43IP I lM'!r ', o -cite - --, l1- g c ''r9 350090 CHARGE?DPkRATED MICHAMSM 9LIIED VA.L ? TAim ohsekin$ Is made In the eoi ee of aoke4elod r..aintcraauao 0irnltcw3::a with nsintsnaaee of the pilot's nest. TM eheokini Is eado ulth the help of tha: canopy in4apondomt oattic u h1 is eoaplisms sith the procedere described bal.0t 1. Open the oanopy, insert the 6?0u004 1ockirg pi=a Into the liftlsi oy1lhea:: rod and into the canopy emergency jettison eystaa left-hand ball-creak galtl3, Cal make case whether the regairad ground locking pins ht= been intellod into the coat ono canopy ee0es10asa. 2. Unload the canopy gun end charge it vi.h we blank oartrtO,gc'. 3. Reduce the prssou a in the mein air cyst" M1 In the canopy Lanalir,S Mr bottle to oero by bleeding the air through the pipe connection In the L.C. mama at=-* Wall. To release. the preeouro,make use of arraaigenent 76.90d0-100. To c;ooli ewe prwasnre,nets the Indications of the pressure Aaugee installed inside the co-zhp14 end on the orr ngeeont 4 d. Charge the canopy toeMod bottle with ooaprecood air dolivorud c. EA to 50 ks/om2 with the help of the above arreaagmmsnt. After charging the canopy tossing air bottle, oltook the pranouro tj rcr-Ur,1, the main air system prooeuro gauge and see the?, the reading to zero if ohach.vaalvo A (Pig. 01) installed at the enereenoy bottle to airttsht. The pronouro Indiastod G7 pressure gauge, Installed on the errangosent should not drop If the canopy t0noikl sir system In airtight. 5. Oat Into the cockpit, drive the ground lookira pin cat of t e o7op7 liftiz3 cylinder rod, remove the anergen0y system looking pica (Installed in the loft-yi d two-auu energanoy 9ettioon boll-crank), e d close the canopy. Pe nit ec11 he canopy. i 6. Delve the ground looking pin out of the ocnopy energeesoy 9etticc h.a:,dlo c7,1 turn the handle doanwarde as far an it will go (into the horiaontal paaiticn). T3ip nausea the diaphrega valve to operate and pass the air from the amoraenu1 W X battlo Into the canopy lifting cylinders and Into the timcol.clay look cylinder,, vbf^c3 A outs off an aluminium rivet wad knooke cut the look hook calo. 7. Pull the canopy jettiooa beadle strongly bsclmrard as for to it Rill go co that the canopy ejection gun lover looking wire to torn off. As the h :dlo trc7ul3 20 to 90 an, the guts cartridge pricers are pricked (acaauro the bundle trerzol in place where the cable to commectod to the handle). As the handle to further displaced, the valve bloedicg the poadoragrca produced by charge-operated aacobaniam TUC-2500-30 to rngoBed, i.e. the cotto pin to pulled out of the valve. Check that after the oottcr pin In pulled cwt of the charge-opareted mechanism valve, the handle can still travol not ).ono the 4 9:::)- 0. Release ooapletoly the air prenouro from, the canopy tocote. fgbtu. Cga'R'10A. Prior to releasing the air pressure fr= the orropy tcaoiu3 oyttcno do not roaovo or open the canopy.; S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 6. CHECKING OPERATION OP EMERGENCY LOCii RELEASE 6Y7itkk3 1. Sot the canopy on supports and auopend a weight C3 5 to 10 tg Em 08!3 loops end two frc+at hijo looks (FU' 3). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM 9. penotut tba osaoPy from the aircraft ao inatrU9ted in Oootlca ?F1^^s?~I. j _. sea Installation of Camopye and make cure that the tiac.dols7 loch 1e i.o.,that the look moth opens aeallj. 10. Prooeod as follows to rectors tba oaazopy emm:gcnay jsStIcca OyU I (a) dieoonneot the pipeline frog the djaphrrj vivo 62id giltar. Ec,,'i O S2 their pipe 00aa00tione and make aura that the diaphragm hss bean broken; thorn CIAI `3 out the sleeve with broken dispbrap 3 Prom the valve (518. Lag) nag mm ERA frassents of the disphrzga from the valve ail filter; (b) return the canopy om.rgonoy jetttoon *andlo into its In141o1 ptiwitia~ E3 chock if the cable oonnootad to the hsauilo Is laid In the roller groom e'A coraa with plates to prevent falling of the cable out o? the 1rooves; i (a) use special arrangement 76-7804-560 to nook otrlker 2 of t dlcpbn,^ valve amd-Insorrt-cotter Apin?4. I1it the cotter pin undor lea9 do to oho i in PIG, C,aj ` correotly. The cotter pin should be Installed between the roller a float gmeob and turned with Ito straight edge towardo the float gc.:kot (IIig. 612, vic-a olct~Z arrow A). Proper eottin at the cotter pin prealudem the valve 11^ca 1ta 3eostca6 action; (d) fit a now sleeve with slued-up diaphragm 9 into the vivo. Turn t!13 ajcc-~-o eo an to place the diaphragm against the otrikor; (e) assemble the fragnont filter, connect the pip31ino to the dlaplira;,a twice and filter, and safety the two auto with wire EC-O.O; (f) remove the fra6mants of the out-off rivet fro-i the sleeve ezd tiro-cmltl3 front lock axle, close the look, displace the cylinder rod to Inoart tie =Io lubricated with grease LMTlt.9-201 into the look, and rivet the zxlo cZd the olccca by '.riving aluminium rivet 352QA-2-6 into the old halo; Q) after the neat ban bean removed from the aircraft, install th9 cotter in into the TCL-2500-38 blood valve and safety it with wire U10-0.5. To parforse t.hp operations listed in the given It, proceed as dosorlbc4 in Chapter It Ooatici 'Dcaounting and Installation of Charge-Oparated f'lechasicn T'CC-2500-3gs; (h) unload the canopy ejection gun end nako sure that the pricaero hazy Csoa prinked. Charging the canopy Gun with firing cartridges lID-I and lochir3 of all tattea of the oyotem should be performed after oheoking the operation of tyo coos ,;y look release system (Section 7). AUTIe . 1. rile working inside the cockpit, to case to avoid petllir t..%3 cable connected to the canopy tossing system emergency valve cotter pin, almoo thin any leaf to premature operation of the valve. Whom maintenance Is to be y+arfasvm:d near the dlaphrojo valve behind the instrument panel, inatell a grosud looking pia into the right-hand canopy lifting oyliadsr rod, disooracot tbo sable frog the diaphragm valve cotter pin, and oonnoot.It to the rit>v of tbo iror?il lcoki.,ag pin halyard. After maintenance, rasters the mystm. 2. Chile working, take core to see that before oleaing tbv ooaopy, th3 ot;a,ri emergency jettison handle is oat in the forward position =6 locked. Claoiig tbo canopy with the handle in the backward poaltia1 say 1o,1 to dw"Zo of the bb^dlo e^1 trigger drive arranged on tba "OW. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 S-r-C-R-R-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM 2. 6034w on the ba20 ra i? from the orsopy o3r021oa am =4 o=ev0 f^4oa 76-9006.10) to tbo e3eatiaa gM body for .hooky aotauatiois of Biqa 00 Ezs ,. Charge the air bottle of the device with oes~proamod mir of 5 to 10 51 Make cma that. the emergency 10ttlCon oystos So in tks eloood ptoAtiC3, ege3 the device watt bottle sock toad ft the air from the bottle to tba CM-317 A~talA a 4. After ov prosmure to oppliad coo that the loot: orara aOy'ivtlc as clot; Ian actuated, 0.0 look lcopo an diccotameotcd frog tIIo .,moll =4 th7 ?r hie:; a looks-arc o72*3.. 0Ailf19!? ),. Toko they fall dotes,. "nsaaI' to pr.avC * Make aid daata o Of the IM" roles s]2= 2. snob lbop baoro the cuabcr Of the look wdeirt After checking, nook the looks !P tolloamt? 1. lnOertq loop 1 (Pig. 91) Into Its lock (aooordlug to Ito r?.abs:), t =a lover 2 on and lower flaiir$ lover 4 by turulug It ai.th?o rod (a r e"IP3 tc31 pin) inverted }nto the eye to act the look in position IL CZ CLGM. when the look is oloaed, suspend a weight of 3 bU from the eye c low 4 c. ono Opring aplfllanoc 72-7804-020 to gpply the force. Oa oloeids al-1 cis side locks. fix the freest hinzgo lock{ far this] y-acs shift the larder grip upper end backwards (i.e.,ebut the mouth foraad by tAa ltv^wc;: and smaller 01pe) amd throe the tisirg lower back. 2. Tura the two-arts bell-cranke slaulta.oously Sorwcrd and take oa:to to fit ?r7 cylinder rod curved books into the proovos of two-es] boll-crtnltn 24 (PLC. Bt). As a result, the 11nkeso of bell-araa.te and rode will shift fornartd e 3 2c,vtc t cooked necbini5?n of the emergency looks. Mille cooking the system see that the rear grip looks are cot In tb initial positlot (Pig. 06); othersias, no cooking (1oolc145) 03 ti:.3 eyatom can be affected. Prior to cocking the system, coo that the charge-oporatoa oyllz^cr redo are retracted into the initial poolticn. flavor close the canopy ewer$enoy jettison system unleac f1zirj lcvere 4 of the side looks (?IS; 91) have been pulled out by mcams s]2 a 3-kg woi5bt or with the help of derloe 72-7804-820; violation of this rule leads to deformatirn of contacting surfaces of fisird lever 4 and fixing axle of bell-crank 3 as well as to asladlrstczt of the ^ysten. The oyeten Is closed in compliance with the Instructions given in Item 2 by shifting the two-ore bell-cranks forward. It lo allunc3 that the oystai can be cloned with the help of too-arm bo11-.runic 24 (pig. 01) used to look the lifting cylinder rod hooks.. Never clove the system by metmo of the rear 10011 l0voie. 3. Rcsojo the appliance mad make cure that the lido look loops 0270 fisod 023 to not fall out; and that the front bingo look grips do not tutu. If the canopy suspension bolt 8r1ps are out of the. look mouth, tho arlpa era have a certain play. 4. Look all units of tbo canopy emergency lottioon system e7d afftu ?ta 0ce10 as abowm ia'P1g. 04. 5. Pis with glue balloon cloth to the openitkSo in the canopy kola to provezt foaling of the looks. 6. Install the oomopy in the aircraft (Sea SOO%ion 4). 7. Chock the proper oloolag of the canopy emergency lottioon O7Otc3 t:, t!O alignment of the kola. in the rod left-hand book and in tho tvo?-am bill-Orcylt(f(.c this purpose snort a ground looks piu). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 I-la.epa2-12vm7-bcn-s .06f: a3:'.d-C??rdtca.'.76 .-~,+ 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 or G 1If.1rr 1 crux . LI L:pATM3 (W CANL-, T If" SM" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 1. Unlock ?a4 screw OR mat 10 connecting the ogooti a ec3 oasS;:?dwa 6"7 50X1-HUM c bolt body, and dinoomeot the gam bolt aa9 enable fray the ocatrid, c4 -- , &. Take the oartri?4geo Or m t1el oartrIfte o1:e: incr. 3. Claim the cartridge obanber rand tba bolt f aft. - 8. Charge now oartrldlgoc OD-1 Into the omr?trifto eb :n'tw? 5. Insert the bolt o9atrimg dowels into the roopootive oeato to Otto ewtthbd bhaamber ea4 tighten the nut of bolt 10 to ooupla t- oart.r1dgo obxaa^? C,-_l avn" f"s. ! bolt bocp?. After tightening, secure the nut with wire 11C-O.0 to nut rZ tea b?o11t r1 Co too pipeline connection, and Install a Mound oafaty pins (PLC. 99). 1VUQQW. 8orrw the gun bolt-to-osrtridgo oh?aat r of :ootinag i ro far c.2 Ig will go, nines otherwise the travel of the Siring y1lan engaged whin tba cerllF:aa :G released In not rlufflolent to .effoot firing. Per tba va ma raaamz' tm :m reu^a e m'3 after the nut to tightened, the ol?ararsoo between the nut butt and ei eatte^^= ment stirrup is not loan than 0.5 ?? ghookinw Ooarntlon of Cr to The gun operation to ohookcd moo a year alaultenoously with ora olds' t operation of the d1aphragn valve, oanopy crArgonoy aottioov oyaetea ea:f! aCC34500rs"J charge-operated moohiu 1m gee blood ao1vo. CheokIng of the dun firing /s made whom oarryir-3 lout eohodulctrcnAnterar.,~ c? ejection coat Cf. Wha.never checking the operation of the oomopy now to It that the gun Is Lvalcaed9d. To check the canopy gun firing, use only durr oohtanlaao cx of the GLi tolto oantridgoo ?ith prie:=o. 1 QP,Y, Og. Never use firing cartridges to check tha oeaopy gets ojr=attcn. After oheoking firing of the onnopy g=, prooood o follonoa 1. Soren off the bolt body-to-oartrldp c w bcr ?oon n otin,S nub oopes'mtn tin bolt frown the oertriddo ohacabar. 2. Remove the dus y ocrtridSes from the oartridga ohatcnbor era ohoot[ a k3br>o the primorc have boon broken. The pormlooiblo displesoamont of tho firix!,S pie. 4r.^o from the contra of the ducat' cartridge pr1cor mast not exceed 0.6 C:]. 3. Disconnect the trigger a= frmn the onblo 11e;%. 4. ')crew off the olaeaplnj (smeller) nut of th9 aloovo and reaavm it n ere oaaogr gun body. 5. })rive out the raloevs to take thQ atrlhor and rain mpr1r.5 fVcn Ofit Co?Jo 6. (,'loan and oasoxtno wall parts of the Onepy ez . While doing ITO$ (a) pay special attention to rooming tha cartaslned dopooit t'rcz ?tLo o ~riB~;s ohaabori (b) ascertain free rotation of thu striker roller rm: t tr102or ei n r in Mjl.-^ (o) ohook condition oR tho mtrikor 91r1ug p1no, oktcnoica v'a GFa Slr9.S Vl nn frca the gun bolt face and absenom of :'riming in otrilrer motio'a ianoit'o trio ba34 r 'Py? After examination, apply a thin loyor of groerc AHA'11-201 to tt;,o Iuta'"ic:, perta of time bolt. 7. Assemble the copy gun bolt nmd coo: the atrlkor. Fdhllo czacmbllr,jv oto^;wa tb followl g 8alorlty? (a) 4moort the canopy gun bolt arA in ?prh Into t,ho bolt Wz yo (b) fit the proJeotlua aloava boe`Ae Into the rocpeotlvo oglie rn r2 t?'a ?'aO ba&y and connect therm to,3oth=; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 g_c_~9~a9-! ?a. _c :LIZ 8not -to= ~':'=~x;r=Ja-aLo 1Y ~C ~i 2_ewaas^-I'm G-dxlac 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 to. MAINTEPIANCII 07 CANOPY GLAMS S-E.C-RpE-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM ? ~ olaeo"t~ s~ ea4 4.9 110. ?p^~i3it2' !~ hests~ Sci n ?pzmfl~l 6t~y ~~ (^;a r~3:' pg~e arzatl stta bQ4 to tbw taste . ,Niles Sat tbo tank !a o% batatiettto427, but eb e1a $t0'? mr go ?y ~3~ IXMWW t gm,19 laity the -ortlod Paeltiwa. "lam tammk !s gin" tbm It ia ar1 10119? he a==% of alsobol f#llod is 4.5 ?C.2 &at:a Sty 10 1 Ew3 Bw . . cpean of a msaiaa'l>a3 a4taelga4 to the JAM* k3 s MIIA= In oyplasd, the i& m,1 a? torema a ai8 t?~ f 9 Ca 4, do-4007 essoifold thaos& the ebeek edvO. Do 0m,-ioer obotea is a tteboa off at- the ,via :nlr3 butte am, ra&c ~ 1. air re14e0ea ftl= tbo doebol tok WHO cat eA. cra% o VI t o fta valve tiY~1 mftor time Oarito'rlag bottom to rolocee1. la ostler to oohiov0, Bauil:a+aa,effeotlve moo of ?1as:~.)1 4119 d ti3 c2 c ^:a~ 'Ot of the aetOer eyatem oho>elfl be 3 to 5 no. In am* the log fcriaatltaao Oe of be rorawod after a ois~,lo ?mlima-J2m 03 03 nb'etsmo the am,-Soar esnat be awitohna om r pattd1/ at et=n abet 13 W U '~ to is Moved. DDea ohaokin3 the de-icer oyotms for 6009 oporatac:a tta ?1r;0 e2 ? ,old not exceed 3 to 5 Sao. 1300 to It that alcohol Vega crt of all Lolma. Otherwise, uno copper eira, dia. 0.4 Q, to olcra the cntlot hslez (Ale. 0.5 ?)? lbaravm,r noccooarU, cash the do-io0r tmmk With veto: amO oblot the o tue $Yates era the quantity of liquid oo*ma tbr3r5b pat0ifold. Check the de-leer system for lookago by procrurlaing it with a dolivorCl c-, e FneourO of 7 k8/022 ? I for this purpOOO dlsOCZeot the nw tfold at the pipeliso joint at tbm C:aSs19r k valve and stop the from, and of the plpolt= VMS v ptti . V0 ~t C3 b ac ,f the a teat plus and eorav in a prossur SUZO ln%% 0 the 5 coo. 919 fill the ~ otcsa uit Ow. calve avitoaing button for m pgrlo~ of 3 to 1., >^O~c like euro that the pressure gGu1o rands 3 40.2 kg/ci2. its the fcs 5 sin. 1AiOka&e throuCh the pipeline jolato is at psM106i01o. A o^ t o After ohmoking the 41gb4aeao of the ,,atom, acoa:tala COMA 0 ratica c and took valva. To do this, rasovo tbo plug from the ptpollno cam tbst tbo t proeaure gnuga tmd1ostos n prosauro drop to 1.9 .2 1.c%2 =4 that co lacho caaara aftor the prmOJVro bad 6soppad? whoa the ohO in 0vo., ?mataro the IM aoaditlom of tbo tryotOS. d threu3b X39 do-ions nn4ffO1~3, cTM3 G:70' To cheek the =oust of liquid oOasurie that the teak filling to'ooaplatO. 9d Ll.a Depress tba fly-? valve oai4obiag huttred =1 In o,otd ocadltica 19 t2 11V-14 tl-- t9rou h the aaa1fold. The oyntem 15 ooaaidore E~ onto to 1.5 to 2 atm? d oon?,=md Gkrou6h c79 @e-soar o9at-l rC3SIFOl1a To check the must of 1tQi fill tho teak With 4.7 litrQn 02 anFad thO Oratcm Vith 1 lltra OR olc_L^.l C7 After ohookiago vacb the treik Immims the npataa. G Tartu of the oel-opy glcairitt -?'$noturel frOO p103ta1nDo roq "G cc`s of their ourfcaa. jlnmO ea coc,Mco corc3tobco Md &' "' ;v_"a 3co1 oL r^S Such dogm,ot0 of tbo ploxig1~o ~ar i G1sO 11isO acdsoo Ohs o=cam`'' lspoir oboarvatica, ahilo Oraaokor niche cr Ed 4 61CSs? fiJ9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 To avoid dc52go of the 61a!31rrgo tt:a to tasnufc5turcd fgc1 plerz1nJz t J Z'3 expoood to durable offsoto Of ttoiaturOu o'? 'ays r:-d dust cz to O'aVeota M czc; no solvents or their v a p o r = (ee6? aootcno, itevaolo, diob Orothnot a1ccin1,at0.) which leads to frostiag.of the gla2a mtSZfiLQ~. Caro of the plox1a1C parto.of the GEosing inpAiaa the fo11r?54rZa 1. Chaa the airoraft' Is perked, the alasing past r chortle be oleood vi2y r, ,:rue to protest them against ounrajo, dust, rain, snow aa?I crsohxMloTl am,Z:a. The covers used to protest the osnopt/ should be cloned tborcng:7ly to ur r~ oea9 and dust, particularly tutdestrable o:n the aids facing the ccaeopy 2. In come the gloaiag to dirty, pt?aoaod as foliose to olorn it c5 di1. c:I dust prior to and after a pitta (a) wipe the glass with a slay soft cloth eatvrnted with water rzi wrrm:3 e, to end then use o dry sloth for final vipis.Ei (b) in the case of oily itoullaa, apply a Small queatity of F^ato vjP the Glass with a clean soft cloth and wash it ca 4ecoribad in Titer a. In osco paste ,P1-2 to not available, aipo tL flaoo with a son slobs C-_-Jf z0 sued with soapy tor and ?r:ig out (vas a ) to pcr cent nolutioa of roidlcco _ _ ' flog or fI'A ate- 1. For that have been proviounly~waU00 soft ohad outt o or apply hp:xonoopio nwhich owatersas often valid as n posible and wrinri. 6D cm t tin cloth im clean 2. favor use wool or silk for cleaning the C.lacs, since those prcdee;o electric discharges im the ploxi.laco which IOC43 to attrnctica o1' dust to the glass surfaoo. 3. Listed below wire the parolouiblo dofcota of the fleain;Ta (a) crazes that do not forma think lattledl (b) separate eorateheo said scored whole depth Is within 0.1 ems, Ecaw'th is within 100 so and number does not eseocd 10 for the cntlro canopy c;Ar1cco&. (c) eoparate nicks and dents wbcos depth is r1thin 1 en, dicotor to eith'l.3 3 cat and number does not exceed 5 for the entire ornopy curfacmS (d) atnor surface cractsm (otherwise called "froctxorx") Wand in o aim, e to loo sm2 each; the number of cpots oust noxoeed 5 for the canopy surface, ct crank being not more thm 5 tit 1cmz. 1 4. In sass the 61a.ss Is cra;.od, At is allowed to polivh its rurfc:e w14.1~ Pangs B a". The Glass should be polished manually by upplylrr: a small yu atity of pcet3 r.9' rubbing tba scratched surface with hyercoocpio oottma in ctrokoo dircote2 Tint alms the scratch, than maroon it and fin%ly in circles; in dc1n ao ena3 otv~al~1 .9 bo used to press tba cotton Gently and evenly so as to avoid h^a.Inj of c'a (Hero ewwfaoo caused by friction. 1bliching eV acCar:o th,) whole attrisJa. Lmery paper must never be used for rvnovin? corc~tobeo cad coorer ro mtt4r-* what their pleas on the glrasiag eat r)e. Frostvork must not be removed by rem+tu of acar7 pap.ar, or by fillego (;t' 11r,0 polishivZ or beating the placasa csffeotmd. 5. Chile making schoduled maintsnanoo of tie rixoraft, the parts oa luab';3 should be protected with ,mckota or covers to 1Sercat: roohraiorsl d=;73. 9 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 50X1-HUM-.. ?be ejection sent, type CR, ?atmte" en the a8,Mrr:48 drAg. 9J) 4a e' 2caftc:s3 by the folloeing epociflo Comma (A) during ejection, the cockpit canopy la ucad aio a cco29 el p110.?D E u2CC-? ttoa edaluat the effect of the mistress, duo to which tfo bsllcut ape-,A C_a b:c.l incresaed to about 1100 kWJ uri - (b) the paracl.u:e hnrnena to utilised for featcntuS the pilot to t.^o ccztg (c) caing to the forced tomalon harness rCOtratat 0ae143a1on n:ed Guinn ties, no definite poaturo is any longer required to bo aaguaad by the pilot; (d) used instead of the foot holds are the foot ;eoto olth gripe diolCt M to fasten autoa+:icAlly the pilot's feet durltffl, OjOct1c3i (e) to effect an ejeetiame the pilot pgrorea n Pinola cpa=tica cailly accoap_ 'is.".el in all Dodge of fltgbti (!) arranged on an artenCiblo bar is a drogue parachute daeldned to o2nb11Sr12 the so:tcn of the seat after It has bean ejected frc-a the atrerafti (g) the uce of Orooth a j ustment of the neat bolght duri.rtt flight or ca thou ground provides convenience in pilot's activitleai (h) glace the t1eo required to propane for ejection has been reduced, t?a simian Aafe Altitude of ejection during a level flight hoo diDlnlohtd ACCO d)r'1p to 130 p.i (1) an ticroAOO In Weight of the ejected n mmt dao to ojoctip, of the cr=c , ant rolls installed to the at has resulted in a decrease of ovorlcnd pffoatir.9 t'he pilot at the tcit1A1 atnge of ejection and after the Peat entorn th9 nirotrc:M. 'he above chnrACtcriatica ensure safety In ejection at blith flight apocCP. The ejection procedure io depicted In M. ?5. The specific featurao described above have been achieved Auo so ae3 c: el_:) -a t foil wing systems and cechonissa introduced in the etc of tcf thsnDil?b Ee 1 Cocbtned pilot's parachute hArAQQO systen, I.Q. faofo: the stet is effected with the help of the pnrrcbutP ba:7e80, rnaetyt (a) by _eans of shoulder belts, i.e. shoulder bolt rostratot ncce:a3ie::1 (b) by means of waist belts, l.e. waist bolt restraint oocheglca. '.he oaabined parachute harness cyst= eaableo the pilot to 10011 e:d rnlcnh the parachute inside the cockpit and to leave the 401 hutO o,%be neaerpot. The shoulder bolt tension to produced by the pilot O t=ic os operated ?ochanlaa 2152 with a spring and is controlled by The handle tnstAlled on the loft hand-rest of the neat (9iga 95 0.=4 97). To engage the chouldor bolt reatrstat 0ochaDIPF7, the pilot Nast props tl:a handle button tovardo the coat pan And pull the han93O bactmard? lh,o to thte? CCa OsppOrt is caused to covw from under the rod of et rao-operntod o6eh:-11cn 21`620 wed as the chnrgc-oparatcd PsochAnian oprtrag oatoado, it Vachon the cap>: t3 cji=71o Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 p-.aw @nu. grew a1we.7-'~.?wl.... ww l.a.s *tri, 0- .P-twoR1kd.my-Im tUfl: y - dr.u. pwrlM. -m1-111-11M a1. rnat.d.s llnw.pn ppol 0- firma A.e.e wrr grwM~el~t 1-Yt7/.25riip aebap.w.aw. ph swL.. ratio; 0 - ..a ?h?a?. sv9..l.n =88,11k 0 -1Mowt.. -? goM.a q..w. ho. w wp..r Pif 41 . i9Wl~wad IIN1 t1. pat~lN k M_ T' ae.yp. tan oW wn 13- PO. ww.W.v aa.ood~".W - in W, 14 -...y Nei .yw.-.d 6.a ol.w.a ti- .Kl My w.mW 1`1-0-owonl~.rtwlr.n.4r1: .1.ldP. pado w.wM ...e.dm .war.1 awp4 1Y t4 ..al1.p Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 s!a 10 - p,y tei, -Irt . 1-x1 M - === ~ ' ...b+ r .I ..t+w4ln , M wp~aQ _ ~ Otzv watt..-p-nv ,'.1-fl'M ~rtCneByr OR ~1 ? .w?M4w?+tp-tl'N w.M.Jm o'a.ylt'rR M7.owgi FS-ems -'I a.r?~.r.r?w 1..y1n V - TT711:4SPg Orae? ywYw?:a P.wn;9-.N.. bwq te.. Mllif..laalA-.Om.kko ta~wcp 1-1.r~w x! - ,aeeM bA w.tMq ~Y $1-oar Caa wtWMd m .A.% 13-amply t1-"d /v aid owp.N- W F4'4?? WQi r 19 - tam" 16%omg?ry tb nlca c^+.`1 wl..ad M wubn qMO w.MMml >~-.faldw HIB~"9 4.1-IT .b .y.._ s.a~1.e srsy9 .*a RIGINAL Sanitized Copy Approved F1C.97. SERVICE. Ilnn1FSS nFcrA1'4T SY51 7 rmtcbat able) PAM, 3 Itcllep P,1 ; 4- I - rei of brit reausiHack nnk 2 - S - kaadle nt-ctioR Do avn& 6 6 boll rastroist co11o: 7 - raiot ball Erapalaa i =109 L6 blclilt; 0 -aist be:t feetraiet .eckaoiam teorgeoC7 tobaee 144119 -oltattb4t 11*1111 10 - abosldta bareooo ausq buckle; I I - rattktt "keel litaitieft acts": 19 - ok! +aeaa Inct otro0: 17 - bell nruatet m.ckaeina rauke4 1~~6lrr - leekioR Paul; 15 - lac( wolf 13 4 ! es straw Gang I..wr. 1- - roller with forced t.o ua Ga earvlta It e,i t c ; isn~ 10 - ohooliler iom e belt - leek d awcboa:co 715P owl Farted tooaloo belt w?acalzt otdriow btll?enok al: 21 w 21 - chargee-aIcpersto_ .. 7 s oebuime; 22 - - 21 4 "kookier belt rtatroiol feet besieaa; ~I ~weroiat twitbaa 4trc~1 Dots-.- -d. blt 4 n215P rtr~aa raeck-isa rod; 2s - aoiiR (teas 2' - osclia to bet a belt atraist mechmiaa lock amratotl %t ?S - shwldr woo-iot lad: 2A - abaalder bolt reotniat lock table Cabo; 29 - 21SP atctboaisa on hni" I0 - 21SP nocbotia? op", attochasat a~ P 31 - cko dar b311 astrelot lotkitQ r"?obaaiee he filled attb few etatlaaery PaIutesm Melt otlgg the lrtlc'a yelght is the oittlng posture sod Used to set the rod mppcp mail CrIp lW) cog to toad seta t 1OQ fl r er Yn sin ar the alraraft e5oetsie y;e+rar dye f^~ l t i i oo am e eo r g ~et earr o 0=3eotee whose detachable peso Is attog to to fuselage yoke through a cable with a seep hook. ibo to th?me the earmmotsw 8o iioe15ed &u,:hw Gicattan. t. The coat firing oywtee in waqugod drSw elsottcas, 1.0' Ga'k~u tis ehanlem TCU-2500?-3O Is fired, by shifting headoprlpe 15 i etan d on t&o 3 sad loft hand-rental the bondg..ipe are atoneoted Owtorli .vf'a and eab18 l~Tr I to?the ohargo-operated seohnaias cotter plm. To switch on the ejection scat ftria,g oyatcu, the or rend %ever i a era either one or two hand-reetq should be dopreoced woe ally as that the look is caused to eclosee. At the first moment, when the goat firing hcnUrlps nza dope egad, operated ceohanien 215P of the shoulder bolt rostreint aieoh.uiee is wyr , a to which the pilot is pulled back and feetonod 19 the baol.card poaitiae. Sw L r handgrip depression causes charge-oporoted ecohanias TCh, 0-5d to anite9 ca. The firing handgripe are moved into the initial pcoitica by coo.e c3 and fixed therein by opooi'el lever bake.. 5. To stabilise the meat movement in the c4rflow durlvg ojcotien, tta et is fitted with a drogue parachute packed up in the conteitor inatollcd babied 0:a headrest. The parachute is ejected into the air at-see by abrsgm-operated cvai also 21511 which thrown off the canopy hatch cover and sonde out the tele0o.pic, extendible bar and parachute attached to it. The parachute riots into the otav; i and produces a moment oppoeito to that imparted by charge-oporatod nceb=1c+ tO-2500-30. Due to thin, the Bent ie turned In ouch a any on to facilitate nop:arc- tloa of the canopy from the seat. Charge-operated nochonien 21511 is fired at the inotaat when the acct Ago travelled through 30 to 50 an upwards and the cable oonneotod to the fhaola hao pulled out the 21511 charge-operated nochanien cotter pin. The cotter.- pin in attached to the cable by now .0 of o apr.oial pin used for ocaveaiont dlaaaca ?11^4. Of the sent. To avoid loeinE the pin, At is fastened to tI'o 00411 from by r:rr a of a cable. Arranged on the extendible bar of the charge-operated raoGaylan in r3 bzv;.shr? fastened to a clip and used to connect the parachuto centsi:or by nconn or cx a pins ending in cables with brtllo. The cables with belle are fits: Into the tubes fixod to the cent. Sao of the tubes are made norroo, no that their dionoter Is euffiolent to pane tr:.i cables and stop the balls. ahea the bar extends by 250 on, the balls otc, et tl"n tubes, pull out the pine from the seats in the profile and In tta2 c_-7n release the pnrochuto. S-E-C-R-E-x Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved Sanitized Copy Approved for Pixel en the head of the ep yg pdroted t:eohanir ll 't t."a to n eaac;:1 coed to attach the parachute shroud 14r3os by news oa^ a doadeyo. The ahres.3 Ram looot06 outside of the container are waked into a done, the o:.co tals?;1 e3ca-lc-j in the bay as the right eidthe o bepbiad,the bend-rant durien 0300 lags CZ05 to'&Su t" 6. To avoid thro+is~S in a certain position, the seat is fitted with toot rants =4 9n? Bock foot rest carries en, its Inside a spindle shish cete t e f= 3 to the cockpit floor. 1thsn'the seat In djusted to fit the EUr helGbCn ? foot root spindles nave along the video During ejection, the foot rest spindles run ant of the guides ct CO the ELZ7 Is moving upwards fron the cockpit, the foot roots tarn as that the pike?a 1c.tQ sated upon by inertia fore ano move toward the root) cwt Press upce'tha lcvein c8 the foot gripe. As the foot gripe turn, they'ard lechod by the r BaP.~t ae?2~a~ r.' fix the feat between the gripe and foot root rubber c?ehies. In order to prevent bitting the. foot ogsindt thx TC I-2500-';d firicg r~oC is:I orr~rvd e:a tabs when catapulting at a speed eeooodimg 950 kv/:hr, a eafoty her to the seat (Pig. 90). 7. To provide *$action pith canopy, the seat to fitted with the folloiirl supports intended for coupling to the canopy) (a) truaaione (Pi.g. 95) used to carry the canopy roar grips c:d iwatallc9 c>z the east frame areas boas. Shea the seat noveo upsardo about 20 ye, the tru plc 7 get into the canopy roar look grips end arc looked thereat. fliaultc ec 3lV, the oeapy lock emergency release system releases the lcoke oo..noeting the ocnrepy to t -a in Gc 1-11- ociaglo the e lotto to the fuselage due to operation of the rode which cranks. The only lock which is not dleengag cracks. delays release of the canopy nose while Ito tail p,o:rttiom Is eovidg VD. As the coat travels further upoardo, the canopy displaced togotber with the most turns about the trunnions and soparateo from the tiuae-delay looks. chi pofc 3 Installed in the canopy none portion roll over the traaeparant armour Ole= the canopy novas into a position where It protcoto to pilot$ (b) the collapsible mcupporto used to ongodo the osaopy fit'oat leuho o,^,J installed at the soot pan olden to that they are par aeently hold in o t?cldc&Rc-- position and looked with the sectors fitted on a ecm cm shaft. The shaft Is fixed with a shear sores turned Into the 1e.Rt-2u d rocatcp r support. While the coot never, upwards, i.e. oboe the supports leach the level c? canopy-carrying panel, the cable secured to the oo,-kpit ?loe cad to the Ct.-S3 boll-crank, turae the shaft worrying the mentors, cuts off the o ht= care's cz releases the collapsible supports. The springs cauno to folded eupp rte Co c fixing them in this position by )scone of opeolal sprlsag aretaicora. An the canopy falls ca the supports, It keocka with Ito Rant grip (M. G??) agalrat the looking dowels, auto their shear lookiaag eoraaata ai f ?c .gee ti.,') er w"~.'w doodle to look It on the eupporto. Thus the canopy fota feotea d to the seat fl fear Pointe. 0. Too obargo-oporated dash aleae, typo 2156 ore inntoiled c:u CE: ?e eery Co provide dieeagageo?at of the canopy from the Goat after ejection, to diocc rOC the dragon parachute and Ito bar and to open the feat gripe, ehouldc. ecd belto. T to laver onde of the rode of the charge orated nectamaienC oea< c1 to the seat roll bra.oketo, while the upper ends of the c rga-aJa:atcd t Sri Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 FI(.eA.:PAY iti f3A.'YOVE VIIAE. MID M C;E13Ma'`.'l {zrl L:~ Ssr z!. F:""_o t.3 r 1 - dtmcl c ^&S 8 - b ,, 3 - nalo2 Qx+cE 0 - pl: cctvetlua wpl qT. S -"1 .50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM oylimdero are fcatonstd to the two-a= lavers inetello9 c the Ocas tF?ra 1CM, obarge^operated ?aobmnlo a employ two-pricer firiflg bolts. Charge-operated noehsnioma 215'$ an caaltahod 0s by tim role mw srsWb7,g AR-9Y. The length of the halyard used to switch on the r-whamieo uwt e_ ._---- alaok of about 50 ea, duo to ?blob the travel of the sent tbrcagd thin d=ate;:- common taeahaalen A~-3Y to cmitoh ca and opOrato 1.5.000. aftOS Ito oottca piesb.a pulled cut. an In Deem aecbaniam A$-53' falls during ejection (tbo canopy dodo an3 Cq-T,'to (c' a from the Scat), or In the avant of an of roncy abandoning an the pvma the pilot is to be separated iron tho seat after the ci+ncpy haabeen asetto ts!1 by emergency system or elevated), the ebhrge-operated atobafliow can bo cvltchnil e3 annually by mans of the emergency oyoton arrest locatcl ca tbo sent prat. Euu4r_ ejection the smut must bo left in tba Acad. The operation of the oyateia doooribod above ooao:oto in the fo11c^.'Ie3. Itahtreg by goohaitiaaAN-W 1. When the coot travelo through 50 sea UP-028P the A$-5f aeoh icn b:a1 .9 secured to the fuselage pulls out the pin and in 1.5 eco. the nechmiem eprlr-3 Fulls the cable and turns Intermediate lover 13 of the look of omaa chc2t 10. (Fig. 99). After travallittd 0 no, the Intermediate levor roleaaoo the 1c t (place A) and the 2154 mechanics control lever turns the obnft end Cato in noohnnilms 215;4 through the rode (W. 3). 2. Tho charge-aporated,oyl Ind or* acted upon by po;Jdar gnao0 turn thi tac?k,, lovers about the meat trunnions. Asa revolts (a) the ends of the two-arse levers prose upon rotnistoro 6 (pin. C5)1Icotcallc3 on tho rear grip looks and engage the rod linkage to raloaoo the front grip 1o0"n (Fig. 87) whams brackets fill out of the looks and disoeaneot the entropy frr3 tto seat= (b) the linkage of ro4a and bell-oranko attached to the tare-era lGvcra through shackles 16 (Fig. 100) raleaoon tho 21511 seohnnlsn bar attach t detachable yoke look, dIcen3agon the yoke and causes Vic bar nod paraokmto to naparato from the seat. pp an Ia grip tion laver loo Pis cameleasedtbeforehe drogus parachute bartis 41eeonneea0 hhom the cc t pan is in the upper position, the front grin Tooke ar rolcas-0 oft-C.- the bar in separated from the scat$ i (a) at the and of displacement of esoohaniasa 215, (after the canopy ttr through 70? to 80?), the two-arm lovers prase upon the tipper caeca shaft loves turn the shaft, engngo the linkag? of rode and bell-crtake to rolomas the foot grips, shoulder and waist bolt restraint looks, duo to ahtoh the pilot g3to frd3 from the neat. The watot bolt restraint looks are rolcanod lost of all Go C. (O achieve proper soparatloa of the scat from the pilot, though nierslt oeao ffalow~a of all looks is porslooibloj (d) while the canopy travels further cm through rbomt 1300 to 1200, C to tb,e forces of Inertia and 0lrstreast, the rear grip loop guides oaoe egsltast tCa cams of the cost trunniono, move off as the on.a push than, ant relonva tLO rm27 Qrtp leeks. Finally, the canopy to disconnected fray the neat. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Flfov,c\\lW ~/1 \R\iin 9\nPuflT6'ACU\1\GtA1O fl6~EW :,V?Y J 1 -timr drlm en6a.ioa q1 ]l'; 2 -tae ram lever; 3 - clor~cd.rocl.niaw No; 0 - tvi re.e. 06.i1 lever: S - a1vo.1; h - .r.l pa e. i.a0; - tron.i.u eoa; ?- a~Ye trw*a c6xS9i 0 .. CTT:A .Ich attest Ante beer, in -'14 o.c6..i. e..egrwlal croed oldt; 11 - rxrect a;mmiw1= Ir1H; I" - fill 6o1ro,o. lock releooe rclosio4.,c a, roller. I9 - latermedi.x lawM 10-2I -6 Mai on cn.tr.l It ter. IS -.ne at e.ble; Its - 2159 mrr6.nlae g belt.It c?'; 17-2l Ixelot.a pn;. bolts, IA - U...ALI.a10a roller, 10 - roller body; t1- :1"~?c6-efcct coasrsl lace "iag otsd; 21 - iotrnoedr.tr lower We; 22 - eaaopy atop; 23 -.yAoA Gen rrc1 craea eb..h tacr-.3 24 - apnea ..c6oi.a; 23 - A13Y oe>:n a-01 balyw& Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved fialtoAfts bg Arrest (klaerRoaory fiBStesn9 50X1-HUM on the ra..rrxat is allod oat 6$ to 70 to (so that et to 3tk20-Aa U`o 1 s~ao rabbsr tvMS to ovgago the oprlag stsohroiiwo .col ah ? o-epmsutofl latohzit(L, _-.?---.-- ayw asltohed on. As a roenlt, the Reoh+sa+lsaa disea ,e; a w~7 = tai seat W the eeet frig the pilot era eetoates I'm M ew-p" dejmasIttFdi 0t=J. 9. to reduce the effort re(abed to release the 1eOke by eooog etf to ar?03212" 1128 eyahanlen 24 is teetellad o the right olds of the 02003 ?ba (Fla. OP). gpo spring naehafitea to amassed after ahsrgo.eposroccd.Bce oo 2M to ,totuated (hy aochsnisa AX-V) or by the drive robber attar tha ersvat to grollc the spring reobanlsa operateo, It aocmrae 511 lcoha of tM pilot Gast pt j $1, gst*2 1. the open poattlea. D0. when the pilot In disocnneeted from the cant daring oJeotlccoo tAo hail';: psrsrbuts device KV311 attached to the coat br?eket by aoeoe. c' a ccrp t.'.t' t Of t P310 out the Kan-311 cotter pia which rolssaea the pilot's p nohuta cat=14100217- 11 . In order to prevent overloads acting on the pile: ahon catnpultin ; vat it', canopy previously Jettisoned (dart to which the weight of the ossewbly raduaec)o dd lower portion of charge-operatod eechnnics TCG-2500-30 Is flttod 0101 is volvo to bleed the powder gages. Since the valve control cable linkage to secured to the indop ?Cont cP=o p Jettison handle, the valve opens during Independent canopy Jtttlooa cad bbof?n t'a wader gases. 12. The sent 1e connected to the fusolege by n%Ano of the epcrotlo3 ep:110 joints listed below: (a) specinl hooka secured to the coat headrest, used to catch the S'c 15CC-SD ctare-opcrntod mechanism upper trunnions and to reapaud'to fcroea catiug an 4tia feat in the vertical direction. rechsalaa 'TCih-2500-31 to seared to the :rummies thlch are to the central portion of the outer tuba and attaohcO to the pinto c3 the fuaeinge by krone of taro rods (pig. 301). fo lioLt turning of the charge-operated sash-'-oxen during o3oatlcn Bo as naglo within 150, the charge-operated mechanisn to oleo connected to sbo.fccolr by terms of two bell-cranks whose ends have oval bolos for bolting to the chargo^? tptrated 0cchaaica, while the other ands are aecurcd to the fuoebnge pinto robbc' axles; (b) two pairs of rollers brackotod to the fuselage plaparallel RnO ist d lait, tb: fells. The rollers bear the forces acting upon the coat in icotal axis of the aircraft; (c) rail guides arranged on the cockpit floor, which receive part of 11" XV=a toting upon the rollers and prevent vibration is the 1 ruprt ofothe c l4 (d) WI-100AK electric motor connector, spilt p (o) joints uned to actuate the aech.?tniaaa during ojootSoai there t`r'ot foot-rest spindles ontartng the cockpit floor su1dc0 to US the fcot-1i'O t0 i fn a definite position and to release that, during oJootis'ai shaft bell-crank cable uned to control the collapsible vuppartacfetloc3s',y gripe and attached to the cockpit floor to open the supports during 03 VWO cable attached to connector OPX-29 and o bsochet cn the fusolo o; the If need to disconnect OPK-2 and to chaago over the pilot's oxygen supply Co parachute breathing apparatus K11-27"0 cable secured to the 215(1 fteehtnism cotter pipe and fattaohc0 to the acatcitu f rear bulkhead, It in uned to actuate the drogue porachato charge-CPorntcd f chenir1 S-13 -C -R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy 50X1-HUM Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 U-37 aeobxmia halgtei attoolsad to t9o :riaz3oloi3e can ia"ZUd tv0 cagyto oLarge-o8eratea Deohapin?s 2159. i3. ettsobAent of tbn poroohate ?s=01100 (and. 1'ld&moo th* pilot'0 $cot cA Jj 4o the most, are provided by Beans of the fallacies olo..U.M ft- 1 )e (a) eboolaer Jumper 3 with tbo central ohnoklo dose at 4 to otmey li' o^4 "--'l ehdaldor but restraint look 6? The chomlder limper ib Scat=o8 to tLvplea~ h e _-_. re6ano o The central ehsekle io la its tuna faetec+ed to the iae'A csrhlcm by c.M~s ' dwaptus Gor4,81 I (b) walat?bolt restraint 90110y0 k (located e the Roft- east rl t-b 9 aides) fastened to the psrsohute hairless foot crtrop 3? The fastening elements, such as shoulder ospron jtagor 10 GO.-W1 or "'0 dumping cord 0, have been specialty designed fur tb pr rvhwte barnaa3 oyote^.. 116. After manufacturing the seat at the p)ant, the oyotosa aoad to o: t"1 tho cechanlsm3 and to operate than during alootion tram loskad with cbver rarer ay pins or wire and put under load scale. The see.ls aW bo rccxovvd amp ul carrying cut scheduled malutoraeeo. lg. To prevent inadvertent operation of the cent r.sobanla..o c.1 tlT9 the /airoraft to delivered with two to of 'looking pin?p cash pia bait? tied e,-) to a cnprm halyard. vicc ? One halyard carries looking pine used on the gourd for?ovoryday r~cs tbe'siroraftr(tbe rervioe halyard), the looking pins b'oir>3 inotallad ie,mldo tea cockpit Immediately after a flight and removed prior ton flight. The help:-rd ear lam the folloelug looking pine attached to It pith "D hcoltml (a) looking pin Parked with figure etc (1 piece) to ba lostal).cd In ot:u'Gsa- operated aeohanlco TCF-25OO-10i (b) looking pin marked with figaru 040 (1 picoo) to be iadtalled'ira ftc???o pardobuto charge-operated elcolmisu 21':110 (o) locking pine marked with figure 670 (2 pieced) to be lnotallca In t"o firing handgrips on the sent hand-roots by poacSag thca tbrough tlav panto In tt protective Jackets; ' (d) locking pin marked with figure 986 (1 pisoo) to be installed In tba luatpondont coy )ottiaon haradlo0 ay^ (2 piooao) to be laotallcQ ca ? (a) protective Jackets corked with flguro the coat hand-rests; (f) looking pin narked alth figure 0100 (1 picoe) to to Sroto11C9 ire trs 210? ebarge-operated mechanism arrest evitohing drive rollcri (g) looking pin marked with f1gnro 6110 (1 plane) to be installcd ire : Inertia fuse of the aircraft identification rempoader. is dc~ art e 9 The other halyard Carries looking plum ae~d ca tb irtetsll the seat (the ancexbly halyard), the looking p1ra boieag lastalloa Frio- -1o accounting the cent and rceovcd after oeeeobliug t1m seat is the eirerat. The looking plus attombod to the halyard with tGa Help of ansp W%-o r7Q 1#stod 4olows (a) looking plus marked with figure 020 (2 piecci) to bo Im tallea 10 t=71 olzarge-operated lecohanieee 215?1 (the pine arc used to look the lever. =,A to lc.'t the gun bolt only when loading so slnlood1 the 6M); (b) looking pips marked with figure 030 (2 plooc3) to to izsta11c,1 Sn c"-- operated seohanleffie 813DBi Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 A 50X1-HUM HIS. 102. HARNESS SYSTE!!7 a-lder belt butkte; S ? axnftal las; 3 ? shoulder MI. ? assts brig ra3cafxt G~f'=b'o parachute; 6 ? ahnutuer bell reelraint lock: 7 ? central deckle ?er AMA= ncra? d.~mj~ing turd; ` ? strap shackle book lock; 10 ? strap s!ccklc loc& rek'Ofe 4soccl tl ? hoot lock spring; 12 ? shoulder harocss strap; 1. ? PQ; YI promm rr to ar-:rcVr n~~ Sanitized Copy Approved 50X1-HUM. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 (e) looking pin (dt !) wed with "Pre ?be (l. piece) Cb fJ? Ee Pi11ad1 ) - obaame-opor?tad 040bmi69 21581 - a) to !r9 i t,afl10 I;1 C (d) looking VIEW narked with figure "3a ($ 003- collapsible auppoPUs of markrixead canopy pin aSa (2 8!co53) to be InougIC5 a L2 - figure (a) looking C 9-1a toot grips only In the Owe of meting the coat C the algraMfC wfas t1;3 rust be looked in thM folded pomitia{ (t) fleaibla stud (1 piece) to bo iaatalloa+ In Ohar{,,1-opei'mt0 e-="-75in ge-.25O0-70 Qur1cu.q 1oa41h and wao(Qlnaa (g) looking pin marked with figure '1Oa (1 piece) Co bo px ra17e t`~ e:p meohanlaa arrant switching drive >to11eT; I II (h) ompron cord with a tulyard used to tic up t?to bs'aokat tO t`O rice v ': wham inot41tn$ the scat into tho oookpll;. q~tet Tho points where the looking glno arc ensouta toC? t e seat uaa numbered in scoordance with the figuror euscut* as :1 o1ao13ir1 pin. 2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ON USE OF BEAT The aircraft toohniOion will always remoribor hh$l 1. Only personnel who have mastered the deolla of the seat c--a O~Zopy cz:.3 to passed the reepootiVO too may be adait orated dusic,g oaa ? etlcsa mat mav"Ca 2; The meohaaieso of the oyatoma op anchored end put under load 09216. vbon fitted with C1Aa r'tit'c "'al:a 3. The swat may be a11Oa0d for use only harnaeo having onproa ribbons- oat dogma 10 ttca~am s by 4. Safety In flights ao well so is' oJooticn Co m gr boa well the parachute harness fits the pilot. Used to mttaaoh the pilot co CA>a sect, the parachute harcoce should be fastened to the pilot mra tigoa4ly va peZ2lbA~ and the ohouldor jumper should olooaly fit the pilot's rook a.~'j sh alQsi'no tt11a- Ina no almou. non the flights are porforood by the pilot 6roooed In winner robe, 0011(-- no ohouldsr jumper may be fastened either on the collar or paused a that in both oases it is closely fitted to hold to nook and obevldorc. 5. In oorvisa, oars should be taken to provcnt ooonoioaal loads Upt ti.,D horlsontal shaft boll-crank9 since thin ni't' lead to outtirg off the looking ea';.'?:3 inatallod in the loft-hoed bull-crank, turning t1o shaft and roleaaizS tho res &D roatraint looks. in order to check the initial position of tho horlocatsal chat, h0 ennfo boarlne omee?an6 the ahmft loft-hand boll-crank onrry rofareatoo 11r^a ttatct--11 06) mm deep an4 painted witb red emamol. While lnspeotina and aervloing the ayateo, dare obouhd ha taltci to o!?:oaiu 0? 0 the above-nentionea red lines ass coincident. >sjcrallgstnent o1? the red Mr. IM indicative of outting-off of the looking pia of the left-?h^uv9 ball-oroalu a~d G9a dinplmooment of the harinomtal obsft trey the Inltlal Position. Ida tbin caos IM-2 lines should be siatohaQ by turning the horisonta1 abaft Sotto Ito iicltlea Fu whloh corresponds to the cloned poait1On of the Aasaaom restraint lcokno mO lQT`"O Ing should be restored by inoortina a scam loekira mora9 a:lth a cashes Imate-fl c> tba out-egg screw. 6. Ohaeking of the oys+tom ongagod duiinS eSaotl ohotald bo rY:-a c 12 29 f$o proooso of ooltatulea 039ntcae`ae. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 IBM 7. ylessocably out wan bly Qf teas 50X1-HUM ,.bedenoa aalatrusaao stawq? be carried "I In 1 Rlth 00 } A _a go0pflptloa sad Operatltg lasetFOatioas of 6Zsaafl esnebsalssu? irWWta eboal8 ba closely absaroeds (a) ON elosfge-operated Bashoulsaa va"S .9j g, d aAe tba &rsss + AiI'm of sto eraobanism not not be oerewot off or E,a at=* 88It: cbmw listsaeo between the tipper and larva trarceloaa with eranot Al?t i be seat position Inside the cookp1t and aaladjtistsir-it of Its zeetleri pity, ths? ~amelf dorm ojeotiom; I (b) prior to dieaseesbligg ohergo-opaant?A ?a9lselr~ 2ti3$ It to the sassur? the distance between the eeatraa of bolas by which 0+ aeala;a1M Ca~3 satosed t? the sent, with the rod oxtexdtd or tetsaot:Q assplstadq, to i mm at the &$stably of moebaoioma has been properly aooca'llabod. 1f ekamp IS t l14scgt of the charge-oyeratsd ra:oheenisas say c auao mteal9gnsgI s3 the M. (o) ?baras-operated rccbAnis9 2153t abould not to desouatod faros t?? c,.--t ?e;a leaoeesbly and clewing. The safety plates moved from th9 Ores-scaAep yctoa dt??1a3 dietm,:=,,,,gp eg ltethasies 215U should be replaced with new coca asatlcblo In flaw cgartsa Gat Gina e repeated beading of the plates Is permissible; v~ (d) the charge-operated 'oaohoolea sboold be rer;yvod frti'xa, caa8 lcat~,12c1 C:39 a neat la cosp11a0oo with 10Otyvotiooa aoatsiasd In Caoties a'i sto~4leg.ew3 14%stallatica of Charge-Operatsd feohsatesa?. ?. In the event of replaoing eaoohanisaa TCU-250`.33 rand Me thq Gizt::,,o atroes trunnions of axohaaism TCIF-2300-38 Inltiallj installed eboald to crsa.-,aroOe l"A the distance between the euntreo of holes by which aoohsals=?215G an cec e'1 to the seat sboold be determined with the rod eatondcd 1 retracted. One to l "tinted distances for adjustment of the marl noohani o installed. 3 9. Charge-operated aeehanics TCa-25OD-30 delivesa2 by the ac:atc t. t,5 plonk to adjusted for aainter operation', i.e. operation at cxibient tea,oratiturov f= 11.50 to +20?Ci in this case the blood onout In roplaoti ulth a PITS. e. In case the aircraft to employed at ambient teararaturoa frca o50 to .5ch. t t sachanica at be adjusted for 'aunmr operation', and the b1ee0 ea-At e",-all Rea installed inotaad of the plug. 2: The plug and blood Daunt available In the 5PT&A not should bo inata33 1 co ,.the charge-operated ?ochanina in compliaaoo with the Technical Devor1p41ca Operating Instructions of nrchantt S'CIt-2300-70. Men t1o moohasllea !o etan,;:-1 ffroa 4inter operations to 'aumear operation' and vice varea, o roapcative rcC l should be made to the Aircraft LOS. 10. Sinop charge-oporntcd tacchanical 215P to fittca vith a bleed n.-Wit, c^co skoeld be taken to avoid clogging of the about with dirt or esceeoivo p % o 04 ^1 edeaoaating and laetalllug the Ooebaalem. " 11. Prior to installing now charge-operated cect:tiaimca into tha ac;tp 4,.a `tcbaaiena should be uaelushed according to the 0porating IaatrwotiMo CT 4t0 I1cyohrliso. r 12. Dosounting and Installation of the coot ahrral'i not bo pcr;e=a3 MUM joeehaaisae TCIa?-2500-30 wad 2151 have boom an2cm8sd. 19. Caebaniocs 2157 and 2150 are unloaded after rc?ovir.,O the peat frca ^%to aircraft and leaded prior to 1nata1l11.Z tfso cent bnois. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001- 1 v-E-C-R-E T 50X1-HUM 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 (b) oartridgem 16. 4o tmload oharge-oporLted meclumiwst M-2500-38, tbo Qrc~y a posLc Wo 4~ shmild be rsooved an preoorlbed In Dsotism ?Denountirs end Imetasllaticn o? Costa. 17. To obook breaktj of priessro, special duM oartridgoo uhiota fa t pawdsee faetlisg of the esoolaiea ebaal? be tas?d. Aotel In case dsseAy oortridges are mat evoilablo, ucs eaohora with pricao. After Velma the washers with primers, oloaa fan0 lubricate the bolts, l1.iln,~ ' sy'lizda" cr chambora. 6 No obootcima of the olxaae-oporotoa mach iora in alloaoblo before caking ?; ,D9t that firing etuirldgen have been unloaded. ?.-- sp The procedure for leading all charge-operated reohoniows 04 tbo coat vim c cartriCaes to describe! in Beatles 3. 1 16. Since all charge-operated aeehtnteas sro oinalo-actic;a dcvicco, LT"o 90,3- 2owing aerc ree should be taken in the co ovof 'tea Ivaivortent The of any p mebmical If asohomles 215P bno fired, roplaoo the follc7ina partor swat ie:a 2152, s9 cable aosenaoting ooohaalsm 215P to tbo shoulder bolt rastrolat 1oob, and abode-4 6 (a) oartridgeo U-16 to o l b 3 r a o t ehar:itn 4 2500-32; 1 . 1 A q,t 1 to charge moobanleas 215119 215P X11 215DO _ .9 - 10. ?bo obargo?operatal mcehmalocu ohculd belt loaded ubM the alsoy'aTt no to.~ be aromoporto5l by railway, whc~ the cartridges are rapleood cW0 V1: CtCn' eCa V; primre for pslakimm8. 15. Ths okarge-oparnted c?ohc=loeee axe I?EQaQ Glib tae-priar3' ?a rl4 ao e3 A the folloaiag tyysos f , restraint straps; if mechanism 21511 or 2150 has fired, wand ti cost for ropoirod if neobaniso SCE-?2?00-38 haw fired, replace the spat uitb 0 nn cno. 4bs varnish should be.Intsot, free of crocks, oorwtoboa or wra^ G; (a) cartridges whose aervloe life has 0004; (b) aea'tr1dgoa vv one priwero MN-) have loot czm loh. bolc2t 3. LOADING AND UNLOADING OF CHARGE-OPERATED P4ECHANEE Uy Thu meohanious are loaded oath tuo-primer cartridgoa of the folloulrj tys.oa zl (a) powder cartridge I11-16 to ohmrgo mcchanlan SC045001^901 E1 (b) powder cartridges f114-911-1 to charge meoh^.niat 215P, $150 az 21541? Eeehanioms TCO-2500-30 and 215D are leaded sad unloaded after the oeat.Io installed In the aircraft. Prior to loading cod ualondin$ ereohaniea ?01-250CII-30, remove the container end the drogue parsobuto of oPatt3c-opersts4 mohI 2159. Csohanieve 215P and 2150 are logged and unloaded after to scat io roc:)vc0 I frog the aircraft. 9bo charge-operuto3 moabantesi wont aovor?be 10.=5e3 with oartridrgca docorlt':g (o) cartridges bearing dents to the Valle or In to em4; ue ca (d) cartridges that have been stored in unoaalcd paokinge at tho otcro over a.tiae tam esoaedits the tclorcaaa. After the charge-operated t:sobI has been lcaAeQ, the fellcvina sccc~?o obould be emlo in the Alrw.-nft lags (a) date of isatelllt , tho cortr1dS,o into tte firing rootc aic~8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 I. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 [) e>~a ly ro stop end date cc mw ,lnatalplm the tow, e9 (e) dot, of opezaisg the 895104 6"k*itg seata9n! t&~.trtta I ~k.oe_eada by mime ?ep 7*310a?le far o?ags,~ta~ glffl I" VW of wolsvding tba "mkanllea fie Cfao trot ?ce g drse tgot Psvd lacking Pins should aaasesarll~p %b Rra 13 ft. .- - d OAR9IRdt 1. laver lilt ar :oft t1.9 earful . M8 ttmj Ut 1 leaded. Bh,o aaeoablinl the sent, mount only umloadloa ~aohvaien C^ovic X118 elC3a~C~0 aerieated, aseenbled and chocked aooording to tbs TootnalaOl ry=Orf j)liea cam (?~ t motlpb lostructlons of tho' mechanism. 1. Demount charge-operated msechnnla:a 21331 obomraia tbo fu)loo1 gsit ItV (s) open the flaps on the Goat bank and fasten thr3 In.trgo rz-olttt'a blLT) 1o:61r~g vlroi - (b) remove the bolt striker trigger cotter pin cupportlsmZ~ UrzoFOl l? 2P2 -- le1 sat Ito two fastening noreao; k Ii (o) Atha out the lover from the striker trigger Goose. C2ai (d) turn off tha lock out ned remove the !Pm Dolt; e (c) turn off the fastening ooraw of the maehanlGn cable Vote otlrzcp to v o wat upper cross beam a t11ao Biala c r i t (g) unlock and drive but the nalO need to attut,ti enble Cu1C rollor ewfi ec t) the mechanism loser briokat; (h) drive out two bolts used to cttooh the uppOr otir;,vp Cot left vial c2 Itla seat, turn off two mcrevo of tho hoot atlrrupo c- "a room t~ rrc:ma:~lom~m C^3 Its stirrups; I (1) remove the spring rotsinir,g exronge-scat fro the rac1~^aieir3 dleedw -^ no aism and lubricate tha part O. tben denounting and lubricating FmooPamlrra 215P1 m1m m o M --cdo ?S-7&o9-19OA. The procedure of Inato111na the evOOhaamicai In tDe cent la U) lv^vafes cT Co- nmting. After Installing, make cure that the ohculdmr bolt >ro trmlmt ta~otea c;o clasetao smoothly, without ,ramming. 2. temove charge-opeatad taeohanl.ora 2150 Etta the coat co' 3ras 0-a :fol1ca2r.Z ~nerltgt (a) unlock the bolt atrikor trigger oottcrs am-4 ra^nvro tro gene, ft= f n (otter pia; (b) unlock and drive out the moohanlea nypor attcoA=t M1108 (c) bolding the eeohan1om by tho hand, uslcek az1 drlvO'a.rl the CEO r2s liars a 1406 1 - e .. ov h. 2 - crane em s 3 - en Sea .OeaaSa eaearv.a acrm. h? i f ?eaao-dv hero -aea eeDa~ $ - ~t Sava M1 - o~ea~ fah rmtnltl het ? -Lees freest 7 - grow esemo e`?o1; a - .mice Wit . MMW eeti. i 9 --.6meidiv 6 01 re.~i+n~~ !Wait 10 - het nhteme k.ar) f 1 - we-fi l- s y 12 - eamkrol t14o, !avert 13 - wslhaf eha-it 19 - "a"rgil %.h Aomee inert -s - m! a S'a 0,7gat 15 - an~aa legit cmeems m tm.mroi 11;1.7 w Latt a teeno rd; 10 - P-11 19 -.&:M= rey'1m IV - lark edi J' - P~f C-. fe n.5.0 LU--Mm &W-=* rt=p: 22 - F..1 =b g :3 -1na3 oe-j ro r` =UZ3 hi aasoeSiv r~ 83 - last tr.co b.== far ?-x` h3171XI `-S - r= arty act,~1 ra. 50X1-HUM Irmiff m go ru., , a MOW I 19 1 (UN-AL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM ??-? tea asnu eemmoeg 1tEO ESgta lAcr a~ . i syates to the shoulder Waist bolt reatara9?t laakat. Drive out the shoot ecr em Eros tbo pilot faatest;eg lec,c dense l wiec3ma atstt left-band hell-cramp. ,, }taaovo the ground lookIu pin Marked Wit) figusa %20e seas Q D pilo3 fa.3t W- lr~q look release system drive tailor. L. tall opoolal araor;crxe?t f?s-?Oi g (ccosieting of a limit bey with n spring ?eohmniss 6top).60,a,.,s it im c a port in the spring scohan19a upper out to prevent oltp a of tka coed e A C dosage of the struetceo. 2. Cot into the seat, pat on the t coso fix ebe h=7,0-3 ?au'4rpl &,c. ^da it ,%113 ycwvolf to the cent by smarm of tba eboulder and Valet belie eS4 ole=o tt:a 3oc3 gripe. 1. Pull out With a ~sa"s the look emargenalr release 011~3ct ccgc ,, d ca C^.- seat pen. The arreot'te the Wdo cheek tl 4t (e) tbo 215 noobailea balto oparatol (b) the upper Oraeat shaft tSls'c (o) the spring tscobeaisn opamtes; (d) the foot gripe and obonldcr bolt reatrai?t l?afi mo alocz 1; (P) the octet bolt reotratet locks apes. The priority of releasing the foot gripe end ohcnlder bolt recrtrz4.r+ 1cz: fto of no importance, though the waiot belt restraint looko'ea:at bo the lej;;t to Simultaneous r?leace of all looks Is pirnio?ible. 4. Take the parachute and harneae out of the swat ;rm. 5. Without removing the arrangement (the limit key), dtc'aossablo tl`.a CT-r1113 mechanism by turning off the opting mechanics upper cut ta?athsr With C:Ca ns;.u:!~; - sent. Take taasuree to prevent abrupt extenaic of-the oprlts -fP- tlr:a Q. rl 3 Pont upward to oompreeo the spring and isoorting the rod 1re1do. Look mechanics by looking the arrangement elth.0 pie. 4. Cook the nbouldor bolt restraint look (pig. 103), ear vL1oh psacoetl ro !sne4 caSos cW 9l - pfa9t 182- 3 - 6be7m~ 0~++7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 MC M. In cr4c'r to p2.6eoat Somatic of polecMora gs.,e=&39 v . the alroraft oo pflr4Tto oa the faro-extln"31ohimj og3te~-2 r; the r 1n1 mum= 070. 0. Daring pre-Mott lnapaoticm of the evlrorast, obaok cy t4o Pico t" . the proueare gangs 10ata1206 oa the fire atiogviohe. disolm Y O b a4A. Migj ti~9 the preeeuro of the oc ~.aG contained in the o$11''or varlc2 with i.e. an taoreaoo In tosiperaturo saunas the preocoro to rise, c29 a d0 c o ?:3 toa?u' tnro c=oca it to diminish no Is obcca 6 Tah24 16. oblo 15 Froogaae in Cylinder Versus E?nbloiit tL N c o Ambient teIDpsra- c 55 -45 ?35 ?25 ?15 -5 0 05 415 035 455 cgs ture, c Proven" is 30 35 40 45 50 55 60. .65 90 CD ~0 lea 1s u1o2:oA fire 01 kg1022 5. In sari tbo plug oaavootorn are to be dlooennectod from tra a-7 11210T unit, take can to keep off noiatare from the ooanootor torvimalo; Sor tbio, protest the terminals by opeoial plug. 6. When performing work at the place vhoro tbo piok-upo are 1?otc111, Ca not fall to nbook the firs warning circuit after to work Is owar. 7. Chock the ooadition of the pick-up: each tP.ea when 1rLsta111r3 cr Irks the ergiao, dieiointing the aircraft, or porfcraing work in tha?regim c2 t_7 pink-ups. go damngo, contamination or grooving of the piok-upo and in.:ulatcro Is poreioslblo. 8. When recharging tbo squibs, make aura thit the none contact is oGV.1Zjl7 preened to the squib, for this purpose, shook whothor tho circuit Is C2-aacn~fe d, acroa on the plug oe;tacator and lneorrt the squib. Mter this* aoroa off th3 plj oonneotor and obook mksthor a depression had bona formed cn tbo.squib ca=3. 13 the depression is proeevt, screw cm the connector cad leak It for uma. Li c.=3 no dopreselon is forced, replace either the oquib ca the c c o oe;at?ct. Checking Piro Varnin- C >; To shook the faro warning elroult, prooeed as folic ao 1. Connect toot panel I$i-1 to the eyeten (1.0. to tta plop 4=3 to tt2 airvreft frarav). 2. Ttun on avitob PATTMY, AV CLtP4 - CflOiYftD; . csitoh c2 cinch L: zkc" PIGS-PIOBTI1i0 BAUI?i1S?"P, DRU1'.O7P TATAP. 3. Insert a resistor of 5 to 6 negoh:a into tk3 air gap botcovWa tto Vle:-Q and the aircraft frame by abifting the ps:102 omitch into either P00100 C30 CT' e60. Let the aspliflor va m up for 2 min., end moo that warm2m3 liCat 13 w.y co at 11ght zs1 ? 1OY. Notes If warning light pYfli fatly to @;o ca, ohaok the lick ,p of E1t 'C coataotina the aircraft frto or for alrocatlFY?m ir'n3. A. Isaaort a raolatc. of O Mogahss by netting t%o toot paaol c-,Mb b E= ticn 18e and we aura that ws=128 llgdt PIPE dgco z1o t . Sanitized Copy Approved Sanitized Copy Approved To ohaoh the circuit, p,ooeea e? folgms ;1. Diaeonhect the afacharp bsmt e, er. 11. Turn on switch IP.?TINY, ATi~"a so= nm2 Caitsb eat Cis^ Il$B-P1CHTING RQUIPEY.KY, E W VAnj. ;9. Use tooter ' Y ? - 1 to c h e c k the Value of voltage C tp11ci to t e -,h E ~o tgot rrhen button rr CITI1;UI3UER fo BepiVcOdg. To 0 able, eat :ofl ca t98u$ 5:1 of tbt teeter probe to the dicobaryo b0=0t semester CCttd oentedt aid C 1o tba other to the dleohasgo bonnet.ooadactor boaq. t3aka case th,_1 ea cvgti got lnao than 1D V. In cave the tooter does not indicate the above voltoc2, tFaoirea3C to IMAT- Chackiniq Tnsplaticn D.:alatcc:^a of Electric Circuit between Awwllftor nrd VIoIt-Oi,a ro shock the insulation resistance of the elootrIc oireutt bot"ec;n ECo r.. lfl~ f.-or and pick-ups, oboarve the following priority$ 1. Disconnect the two-torminal connector from Wt IC-M, a_711fieo. ?. Censure the reoietonoo between torpinal 91 r-d the tsis'stia4t Co,3 batvoan terminal W!2 and the frMZ3. ,Thule checking, oaks use of a nagger rated for alth,or 500 V av 1030 V. flake cure that the roaintanoo is not less than 20 raga,. ;1. Connect the connector to the amplifier. DiacharAinR tire in the course of use of the fire extinguiohors, a aooscuity 5::V CXl07J CC) dIPMArfe -Mn either completely or partly. The cones requiring discharging of the fire eatinguiehero are lirste3 talc^a (a) if the tiehtneoo of the cylinder haw bear disturbed =d pr-rt t" eixture has been exhausted as o rosulti to this ccao the rcaaining et=Ca C a'e1G bt removed to repair the troublel (b) after the guaranteed term of service of the cylinder too oxpircU in tbte ease the fire extinguisher must bo discharged end neat for reosrrtlficnClaaO (c) 'hen the fire oxtloCuishor requires roprair, on wall co In cov-0 o45c7 cat** not specified hnr0in. When discharging the fire extiagui.aher, nest tbo following roauirr t3o 1. Fix the fire extinguisher in a holding arrsagownt whist 13- Ito t =m c,- be reliably secured on a boos, or oust be hoary enov;;h to rovlot the e^oot c2l Gd:. to fall down when the fire extinguisher in dtooharscL 2. Prior to discharging, fit the fire cxticguiehor opermtin;,Z pipe a C3tic:3 with a plug (having holes) delivered together with tho fire extlarSiebC' cat. It Is strictly forbidden to diechorgo the fire o7t1vru1ehiat{ mix rro 0_0 =t- tar ties ooall amount of it there resins In the bottle) rehab thold io Co Pv1C3 c the operating plug connection or by coons of the dicarargo 1070,9 t+.:+1e 65 xA1r40, bo171.ng arrangement in onployod. 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 to 4190ha+rge thn. $im ext9.lsuic"ter, 010713F tt;a dTf @ @I2s t G ~it.3 the holp of honed aizool 21L 780 outer. will be exhcztoto3 thrchsb tba ple,7 h,1," o alum sate and 00 &U8O7 9111 be QatOc SG the 6300 cf ino1Boatol c,^.aziies c3 it,') dioot, r G b lot. 9. Discharge tbo piss oxtis alehor into thn mtr^::rh~ i aFr dte4a ; C!:a fire extingniohor iawido a room. 3. Prior to diocharging, safe am that n ofd Gan 'jm thD of th_ loosed jet within a sumo ai 10 tsatrse. 6. To discharge, the firm oxt11tambber, do not 'c 11 to pt ca a 7. After diechcrgict the fire ostlrgulabar, oprcnd a 10yos c.? :a;,a 01). c, , tbo plow whore the mixture has hava,opillo?.' To charge the fire extinguiehore with mixture e700 follev th,) 1? C,t~oEfle cm charging the fire exttuguieherm at a ohas;,SoZ otatIrn. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 2. Install the right-hand roller. Uce a special feeler 76-7004-1495, 9.3 o0.5 cm thick, to chock that the roller In inetnlled so that it just tczatgo the feeler but dean not Jon it. 3. In case no special feeler to available, or otter the funalq a 31s s W value r measured oft the loft s ot ide should be 1.B to.4 = leas g g? cI'silo, erseared w the right oleo. a aka vAltra ,r Check the travel of the ,aft ipp hg. ok thane the value b r by sartiM *Wpca It with a 96900 e3 MM-2 P by taklag esawar"ato ieoldm 8ho tAll;pip. otesr 1. After tighteal (Ztate Standardpla 39) lutrlo$to the 4ilrrog9 with a^.eea 2. In case the lengths j sad 9 have bees adjusted specified in Fig all leagtha eo that t % H. 114 am art to eormsopoad to trop"". he ra e ifti vol Oro he hot sfterberrtsr keeps clear off the fVselaeaggses members and the right-hand roller nott:gr 6loongageo alts ril at eta jammed. Mind aperture (rasa the 1ongIhs and e1earatee in FieQ. ltlh4ftt may lead to deformation of the site +t elficd r to gcaent of the right-hand roller from this rail and tooai rafsccr4 `. ittoring~(caaused due to joggling of the afterburner eat the usele e 3. Af for the first aback of the engine operntice he wall as miter ti-1 first flight ( de of ter disjointing the fueslegs or mftor rerplnn- ing the engine )tt neasuree the engagement of the right-And a~ollor with the guide (l011th A), and readjust it, it aeosaeary. 4. After adjustment anfastening of the afterburner rollers clone the roller aooesa doors so that the hexagonal head of bolt 3 o1rn in the cover bracket to a depth not loon than 3 ea. ; than jointing the fueolege, assemble the electric coe:eotera 1P10 to leperotructure near (ranee nog 25 to 28 in oonpllanoo with the lneokipticn ca the jo~lrot. wen packing the electric oonneotore, tako core not to 2viot do oCn plrco is the jsoket, not to pock the free portion of the Dort giro Into- the jaebot or to overlap the cord wires Inside the jacket. Arrango the free portlpn of the o d girt in the fora of a loop outside the pleoe whore the connectors have bocz pnehe-7. wile cloning the cover of the euioretrueturo, toho Caro to avoid Cefarzettc;.t of the superstructure sheave arranged above the control rode. The jointing of the fueelsge over, check operatiOn of the fuog oyatca, car- araft control system and unite metalled in the tall Portico Of thi to 22"' 2.' DISJOINTING AND JOINTING 07, WING The wing to attached to the fucelago by gonna of 21vo joieto orreaso9 clC7,q frnaeo Poo 13, 16, 22, 25 and 23 (F1g. 117). To disjoint the wing, proceed an tollovot 1. Extend the wing flap (to crake acoene to the joint crraa ad on fro e Ga. 3). 2. Operate the control stink to reduce the hydraulic proopura to corn. ). lieduoe the pilot rnd engine oxygen supply oyetca praooso:to corn. 4. 8eduoo the air proeeurc to zero (both in the Wain end cmargoeny nir gystoce): 5. Remove the feiringe and fillote frog the note cc 01ddlo onotlaao n? the "Ms. 6. Open the hatohoo of the sing noon near She fttvo3n . 7. Jack up the aircraft till the whcnlc ore older off the arcacd c1 roan tart under the Wing to be dlojolntoM. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R0018002000 P1C.114. CHECKING CL AfAfCE91Fd F T,-NDP? `PUCE SnS.l1 :50X1-HUM E1 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 ItVNIOtSo 0 M Sanitized Copy Approved Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM 0. Dieacan3ot 03 aileron rod areas the tall-oradt meat/ %? 01rZ ptzt 9. Disoouaot the aloes axle to Oiajoint the L.O. awls etscet b &(- cw relodea cablo. 10. DisJoimt ipso hydraulic aa9 air syotea piyaliaoo sM8 ,a tb wit h 6?: 0 11. Disjoint the fuel system pi$slines f::oa the visa full eo~t "`N the fuel too boon drained damn from the ocupawtuant). Rtop tl fiG-m. !;3 0i Plop. . 12. Diejofat tho MV S= synte:st gipaliesec. 1). DieJoint tho?olsotrio r;wQ radio ocnrootozo. EotA: wrap the electric rM radio oaansotere with oleos oloth, c,J col1c.- 1A. U1oek.and screw off tho onto of the uitj attaeb2on0 bolts. 15. Drive out the wing-to-laeelago ?ttaoh of bolts by M .-Ma of p nllcWncs. CA_TIU17. When dioaecembling the joint near frnso Ito. 16, first &TIva eat lowmr vertical bolt, and then remove the site Installed horieesitallp. Aftw tag above bolts have been removed, uas a social vraaoh to ooroa CSf the upp:r =bowl bolt. The last joint to be disncscewbled is the ono oituatod near fr.ea eo. 1). 16. Boll the cart from under the aircraft by carefully pulling tl;a air e^i. The procedure of jointing the wing in tho rovorno of dIojointic3. Earl t* only special tools should be ciwploya?d. After Jointing the wing, chock the apostles of the ocntiol oloz~rto, 1:'_ S ';3 soar and all systems and unite installed in the nir.3. I. DEMOUNTING AND INSTALLATION OP EP.;SlIM. To demount tho engine from the aircraft (pis. 116), firo't perfcn Rra3riez oluohind of the ongins an is procorlbod by tho Cigino Operatii!,3 1sots::atia 0, a^l U102 proceed as follouot 1. Clooo the fuel efget-off vaalv0. 2. Disjoint the fuselage tail pasties an denoribod abcV0. II 3. Demount the afterburner frees the engie:a me in proooribea by CFo 12:,0 Operating Iostruet*ona. Notes tyhen demounting the engine afteeburaer, mind that the earrior icatallc on the afterburner tube hydrsulto drive shroud and mood to di ?.ego 0.9 plate carrying the hyyd8rnullo pipe oonneotiona ehculd be renac9 tics dlnjointiag the fusalsgo end retn1led after joicstit33. 4. Listed baba are the elements to be diaconnooted fron the ersirMs (a) electric connector of the ooxd runnier to the ?ntirca3 (b) engine oxygen supply 01~o1irn; .(o) aircraft engine control rod to be dlcoo:anaotod Sro tt'o do vor 1r3.M11c'3 c the 041ne. 5. Remove t`ra fairing, the fairing proanuro balaaoo ohantcr a1r bIla:d s?r-t? h!aeid pips and roar bearing; ohambor air blood pipe. 6. Listed below are the slsmento to bo 61coonnooted fron the caslr0t (a) drain pipes to be disjointed.fron trio opidoro inatellcd bolo:+ p 4?'a heavy beans (b) hoc and too p1poo to be diajolntod from the right-1- d I' 'i90~ (o) power wires to be dieoonnsotod fs+m the otortor g;onofitatcs blc:;r'l MS f the A.C. generator, type 01040 (d) irebove the blow-off pipe of to stator gonar?atov rz5 soznmt( "1 -nu 7. Disoonnoot the following alrmonto installed the lof::-h.' 01.63 e! eatgill Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Q474--a"7 IVNI9WO OOd Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 1 50X1-HUM (a) bcao ry,d to pipes to be dicacmnaotod frsa the Ic34-l^ a9 50X1-HUM dtaocarxo3ta4 at Sra,3 1a. c^ (b) fool cyst= prossuricatica p1pea to be the shook valve ia, loota!,lefl. Rm~ovo the fairing anfl fairing proosnaO tale oo ok~ ?vr nltr blc 1 ~ 1, 'J pipe. 9. Aidoaeneo the chine foal cupply plpelino ?rro tba emalmo E? 3 cs` es t leokina and ooreming off fear rats. 30. ttioooneeo4 the cabin supply pipe frog the pipe brcao9 i=?nlle9 ca Q0 cndine 190 disjoitft tb2 00 system pipo. 11. Drip a special Dart to the engine, ar-a fccten the cagiao to tt ess'i. 12. Rsaaram the cover to top of thn ougaretr'.aty o rau frcz roe C3, am the cord wiae? aaido? ref .ve tba cover from tbi batch in the' FbZava, CCA c,-. dlmconnmat the control rods, drive out ~ look the opindlo and drica i0er attachment apindlo to the fuselega jO1~ 13. Unlock too redo of the onglao fraat attao1te1 cad diooaahtat to f the fuselage joints user flame 8o. 23? 14. Unlock two rods on the left aids and one L-01 c the rlzht x163 e? tea cn31uo additional otteohQOat (near frsao Fso. 28) red 610o0neet the3 97eZ3 tt3 fuselage joluta: 15. Roll the osrt? baotc tU s =0 ?ovo the of gin3 e-at of the 4ciaoleao t:a portion. frcys r;a. C3, ihrovzh foal-ell radiator 10 boirg nwod th 0 t o e eCA , I. An tsko?oare to maintain clearance bet?sen the mirfrmWo pasts e3 fl hs c gin3 t c 3 button. mo to It that Chi cnallo cait3 hove tho angina carefully out; in doing so,'R do mot touch the airframe parts or fittings. For this, rovo the orgice rp cy em.1 on the cart, ahenover scomseary. After dsnountia;3 the angina, ona..9le0 the cc ,art- cent. 2. to avoid lmvollimg after installation of the cmalno, do net ch=So Su'a lei th of -the aide attachment roan. 6118t? alth?ap^af.~+A the angina, I edtatoly e2op c+11 p19 3. While re2ovInL plugs and close the compressor Inlet and air 1utmlro holes. Wrap the oleatlio D=' hooters with clean cloth or ooliophome ?rfe~ t~ c94ea.? 4. To protect the fool system Porto, adainot oorroolon, y oluahlag of the angina units not later than $ he-uv) otter &r itsima do= ff . When minting a new engine on the atrorrft, gbsorwo the follaairg 1. Unpack the now engine and perfore Ito ost6rlor tlushina G-7 ~O b--3 by the >;ngino Operating luotruotlms. 2. Install the onglne cc-the cart. ~~?W-.3 UC Opp When hoisting and Installing the e?aaima take o=re to VC t of the pipelines and to hoop the holnt ropes off thn ti Ito CIA snarnbllea `'? 6C3 O. 3. Pit the now or{ino with the follo2ln(3 parg. Mr:l installing the engine, take can to maintain olearonoce tesaoctt the it r9 taeelage Inside skin, plpo11non and nnlto Installed in tb eaglne OcVP%rteswt. Take care that the pressure balance ohsaber pipes are rellobly attached c-5 their shape is Intact, that the.pipoline joints are preevura?tigitt, to, Ch=Z t tbs attaohatat of the engine Prtooura balance charbor air blood Pipes t.O t a t' efwft pipes. t %bile wounting the engine, make sue vbetber tbo fleas oo315ng robbap oh;o bu been installed Into the dealrsd position and hno not bog alppad up (M- 219)- 1 6. In order to install the shops and the ongino nose ocalizig rubber ring c ^- teetly, proceed as folloves (a) check whether the Maps cad the rubber ring have been properly woos a the air-cooler trough. In cave the ring protrudoo from the trove , fit it irta !ta plocai (b) after the ongine has been finally instsl2cdo obeols that the olcArnF:o between the engine snout and air-eoolor edge So 6 _2 esa. Adluct the clearance betwoon the fuel filter and frsc go. 222 to obtain r length of not logo than 6 M. (? The gaging installed, porfosst the interior uaolusbing -4 fleebing cR 0Ca if coctection linen as prescribed by the Engine Operating lnatria:tlcas. Prior to connecting the engine oxygen boost oupply plpclisa to the cL;o.& valve inotallad on the engine, enka aura whether the chock valve sad pipe tsavo 1,3 mot been clogged with grease or all. After thin, comsat Vc plpollaco to 0- cbock valve. Seta fuel and nomllo flap titeo delay of aftorbttrMr cc-trot bps Ca. 1 to specified ty the record made In the RAziuc Lea. After the engine hoe finally been installed and ottaoh^9, ercaicc its ncal&:-3. pping by the air-cooler edge or protrunloa of the nanllm~a ssDl?rr hc~o mo at staling rubber shape to por?Sesiblo. chile assembling the ooanaotlnli lingo, cheek whether the oontrlibGO brcaGGC line ban been installed properly, i.e.e (o) the oil breather lino rust be attached re1i?bly a::3 th3ro ebet?Q Bo r3 'Alias of the 11rei Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 -50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 c"CIt4 "CC'1 PCfl7 (tD) the paaokiag at the cat of Qa? lieo trot ?m~9gy rn M2 ? e .., fe,-tioa of the pipe branch iaeta1le4 in the zna?. laf@-hsrMyi hat ::3 C,P 1 c gartoost with ttini poool0I9 sae . Ad wst a clearance of not less 'Men 8 tsa beows the i'eaY 4s:lticr o .C tv air-ooeler odds. After the &Tteybursgr t 1M nogg, rink nether it t-.17010 ig q i?, 11splaaing it in the vertical news hrnrieental gnu. Take care to eohieve airtight attaahmsat of the drain alr^= pi,slteaa e,9 cadet drain pipes peered thrormgh the tteoelsgo off. Pa cador to prctsnt U&2'-3 of full from the telescopic joint into the teolago, replmoe Ms ooalirg (Po Warted under the telesonpie joint fuel pert pipe conneotica tharoeer the c-,-dm laood. Is 4. D3!MOUNTING AND INSTALLATION 07 FUEL `aANfIi Docounting WA installation of the fuel teaks rant net to pcrfc-tarA U two 3 c>Qhient teoperaturo is below -10?C. In case the temperature 10 loo? than Ott epooified above, heat up the fuell Woke being deecuated or iz tolled with chat n13 delivered by on airfield heater at o temperature of up to +60?C. Privy to TcnItF3 the hot asr, disconnect a given tank from all pipellata sad -tzove all enito Wtelled an the tank (such an the fuel meter pick-up, float valvoa, rum-oeatc.). before decounting the tea's, drain the fuel down. After demounting, untold the fuel bogs noetly a-4 WzS theta op ioiCo C:) respective peob1n eomtainore. Roos Demount the fuel bogo only when it to itdtoponcatio cn if the bags are leaky. i Bofors installation of each bag-typo task into the airorcft, tract the cnt31& urfoco of the tank and molds aurfaeo of the container with tale Fonder, trnirj tMcked up the condition of fabric glued over lbs canto:nor rivet oaaas. 0=1 he epee rivet scams with calico fabric glued in with glue Al-20, and o? or Mm ctif?, alneinlua paint A-11. Stop the open ends of tank and aircraft ogetca pipoline0 n*.O ocanastir'o ulth plugs and wrap them with colloahv.e. Stop the holso and pipe oconeoticro of the demosatted tc. with pimV^o zr'C=37?3 Eros the now tank installed. To achieve oonvenlenco is installation of the tanko, oco?aro a pima e wire ZC??1.2. 0.4 to 0.5 n. long, to each dowel ojo and rozo~-o the. giro after th't lutallation is aver. Smear all union auto and threaded parts with psato a a;d 10c's tkw To replace tank 00. 1, proceed as 9oll0crse 1. Remove the front portion of the etiperutil oturv csTnr5ad i sdiatcly es^t.^ ? I the canopy. 2. Donove tank M. 7. 7. Disjoint the pipoliave, renew the took atiach cnt ecaelo c-13 toLo 2 v tank out of the fuaalego container. ?. Install a now tank Into the fuoslago contoinore pull the cup"p=rte 7,0 c- eo to fit the teak inside the container and fastro all dcnois. the Ciro from the dcwacle. 5. Joint the pipoliacn. 6. Install taeh Pa. 7. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 50X1-HUM 2. Disjoint the pipelinoo of the !Gels drain and ccn?ao1 ;rc2cma 'M-3 from the treat portioa of the tmk. Across the float OVA drain valves from the teak, A2 sees a", 4. Disconnect the teak pipet 91110tallcd In the niddlo cf the tank bctte-) wed to couple tanks an 7 aM 2. 5. Dieooaaeot the pipeline orrargc6 in the rrar part of the t_-,ti. 6. Roam the tank by corevind oft four unto U394 40 Q"-vu the ttz% to C-_,, fueole6e. i also, make sure that there in no fuel leakage. otes To prevent strata upon the took caused due to !Gaolasa e3ain, t rear joints of the tank are provided with holco of able ehapc. After counting tank go. 7, check that there is a olcaeuree of 2 to 5 co between the .ittaobeant bolt and the hole in the tank joint behind the t. Tighten the nut at the rear joint until the olcerencoo betweaa t e fnoel,,C and voohor with rubber gasket are sero, and turn in the gut through 0.5 to I All teaks should be removed through the respective Etches after all flttirGa have boom dosecated. The tanks installed, check the containers and tanks for obocnoo of fUQIM objects in them, and the detachable joints and attachccat unite for We lc;,1Ge 5. REMOUNTING AND INSTALLATION OF CONTROL ELEfdEN155 AND TAKE-OFF AND LANDING EQUIP14CNT Denounting and Inatellotton of 3tabilimor In order to remove the stabilizer (loft- and right-hand halves), pcccc9 ca folloaae 1. Open the hatch botneen stabilizer ribo poo 2 cnt 2!. 2. 8eoove the upper and lower fairings from the stohillmer. 5. Deflect the stabilizer nose downwards as far as it n112 Go and open tna hatch on the stabilizer butt cad. EAO,jIIOA. To prevent damage of pick-up XV-2, never Qofloot.the otabilie^ tbroudh angles exceeding 150 upvord and 200 dowresrd. 4. Enoek out the stabilizes-to-boon attachment hor1eoital bolt. 5. Remove the safety looking brackets (O places) orrtngo'icu the dc-cal c.9 ventral skins, drive out the vertical bolts (e pieces) and Imock cut the lutora1- tibrca4 bolts (4 piocea). Notes The bolts sorry the notchaa punched eo that bolt 1 to cicocet to tLl fuselego. 6. Demount the otabilieer from the been by shaking ti otabilieer oliggtlg. The procedure of nounticg the atebilir.or to the reverse of dcaoantigg. Remountiag and Installation of Bing pl In order to demount either the left- or right-Lead wing flop, precast co fpllovoz 1. Remove the sing !mixing of the end of the rail. 5. Drive out the bolt need to scour* the hydroul?ie elFlindor vitb the nip 0Q joint. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 A. poll the ilnA Plop bc,t 1111 L6a OUA I -rl UIVI ?b procedure of icetallie the al a~a soigne - - + w f g lap 16 tDa smvssvo GY ~ouatiax a lynly~l~?& To remove either the loft. or'right da?d allmtvp prooee , as 406l.^O9 i. Deeove the fairing installed an the nix;; b the rear paz,t woes rib Ro. 4. 2. DiusngaLo the bolt used to ooanect the central red to the 0120itu jota3 dieoonnett the boadleq 11ak . we Open the hatches to -ke 3 . ..lerim to the vies edam. o. Deflect the ' Ilor a One reeote too bolts tatallod c the eontral hto. ._.w to connect the nlle.un 5. Deflect the aileron down until .the control bing@ joint c,":ta to M M3 =t 5. Pull the aileron toward the vtn,, gags cad dioon ego the root picry oUBe t ac . 7. Eemove the.allerca. The prcceduro of installing the aileron 10 the reverco of de tuoti g. Sete: al.en the control rod to disconnected, the aileron boars 4a Pssaity Vflf?3 Its leading edge down. Put when the rod It uttoehed, the aileron rags cove in the horizontal poeltlon. Denounting of 2udl!o; In order to demount the rudder, proceed as follorut 1 Remove the fillet Installed th 1 . on e a4t-l. 4 side. 2. iben the hatch on the right-hand aide of the M. 3. Drive out four bolts installed In the loner hinge joint to Ott?Aa to flange to the boll-crank. 5. Drive the rudder axle'fron the upper hinge joint. 6. Turn the disengaged rudder ooceahat becteard to Jlaenjago the aiddlo AL-,_o Joint and r~novo the rudder. i The procedure of inotalling tbe.rudder is the reverse of dcno votlc3. Delounti" end Installation of L.G, 2tM~p To demount the L.G. main, strut, proceed me 1olloo1 1. Jack up the aircraft until the oheela are clear off the am=--'. 2. Disconnect the hydraulic cylinder rod from the 01=13- 3. Disjoint the air hoses from the strut after roloaain,3?l:root_toc st.ti1r0al10 cylinder rot. 4. Drive out too air brake atteob.-tat ba1Pa. 5. Demovo the air broke. der tir;. The procedure of *uetellin3 the air broke to tYa reverse of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038R001800200001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 =50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/21: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01 800200001 -1 ------ - -------------- CO::IlOb10R-PA1V@NYlV2 TREAY''rSEf?1e (D? A04Cdj.~rE`8' In coca the eirermft to put cwt of f i to fop m povied cmoea9ir. 93 d3;:), co call as whim paekiag the aircraft for traasportat1o3, tti mircro2% .,^8 s_-'s - - e miom-pravantiv? troatmt. Prior to slushing the oircraft, oloaa drat, 617t0 caistt2e era O1a fro, the surfaoo@ of parts by wiping then With o cloth ocaked with acv-ettryloCc3 pooliae, and then drying the parts end cwoo~blioa with a o1c r o1c3j. ?ce corrosions prevantiva trcataoat, too drones IgiJT0-M c pot gcC^ . ,to parts coated with varnish woad not be olv l:?afl. In slushing, obuorve the following ra?mlat the 1. Apply olueb to all aircraft seohaisao, ball Gcarin;o cl tza dSCCC 4 Cc1 rcalo ad bell-cranks, and cablea. 2. For transporting the aircraft, cost ail un~vmir.~.od parts ca9 c.c ~lic3 v! potrolatun hosted up to 600 U IIO0P3. 3. Slush the L.O. ubaol bearings with lubricant If-$0. 4. To olu?b the parts and asoerablUco, apply a thin tniforo loyor C2 3^2 od over by a98ns of a soft hair bromb. 5. Wipe with told such rubber rarto as the oealis4? i;oaa, bydrerslio, i'c.il eel air oyster t.ooea, rubber pe.akin6o totalled on the batch edgo3, oto. 6. In cane the painting of pinto has been da$Mcd during eorreslcrr, 3Ti- SP. MSL - BO ( POW CO - 3OI3ll)and respective o amoat prepared for fire. 4. Boliable leaking of the ].r.;tiuzch.lxag ?o1octys o ,tcho~~ in operating ponitiou aud coz!c~. t~QZ3 0 tj?o 702.4,sf, oohM 3i of a1gnala Supplied from the uinrile igaf'r+arcd ho g hogsl to the pilot's boadphoneo 5. Preeonco and condition of all pilot j onpa i tt to l in the firing circuit indication ayutom. 5. Appearance of the elements arranged on tho ohool-s COrtao10 control pond end in$Licator unit of the airarc radar. (A duty of the radio i ichanion). 7e Ooiadltion and camas of the 00 co1] ar ! to olgr ,> l prapmratioi of th