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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 _ _ ~r ' f i� ' X 4 ' (F , ~ ~ f '!v: ,~^~r ' ,.~m,..l j F I .i P, �~1 t I i i J ..n ~ ~~i ~ ~ i P i 1 Mvi~~rilly~A~ 4 ~m~~x ~aa ~ a ~ . 1 . ~euth 1eia hl~e bean exoead~ang~r tererara ~.ooking iA the app~oa~?one of aaienoe to the deevelep~nt off' her nat1 xeenuraea. Aro~eote suob ae Aratia ~,..rearvh, the ~ ~ F~teau 2,Q . S~urve~; and ~enlo;~oa,~. ixa~reeti~atiane are exa~p~ee o~ th~.~e o''n ~ I epirit� a ~ f` ~earie~! ~usa~.~ had E~DVe~,oped COs); ot~r the ~oneto J ~3ao~,n is grope and in Siberia - orb along ~ the rrd. ~i. ~ the introdi~ctian o~ the five�~ear pine soul ~oaroee r~ere diaoovered in a1~, df~otioae, Ce~1. production ittarea+~e~ bran 3~,,cxx~ ~n~ ~ 198 to 1~~,~oo,~vn tots i~ 1937. ; y Attent~,att has been givens not ot~y tQ inoreaoe a~ produotian, but a~aeo try ~ eve~? d~tribut~ ~o~ production. gee~erred in the MwI~vM~ir ,?,~,1o*�~r ws'v r epWr WM vy wv ~kf'v\IV'Mw iiM~Jp / ~i~i/ � ~8i~ i. ..f ~t~tine~Uk at~d ~tral i~~8~e have a~ bCen Cowbined into the ~u~rCet~ -a a ~ ~'ral t~.ted iAdve tr3,a), axeL. r.~ ~ ;a C~~, reserves have beau lovat~d i,~ desert erase such h~ ~ y the ragan~da b~~izi. ~ar'b~ i,~ ~hd ~au~u~ad area are onpper c~epoait~, eco t~hie area ~e nv~? lu~~rt a�a ut~,ted copper ~.r~duetr~,a~. . area and ~ vanside~red ~ part off' the ~rhl rued ~.nduetr~.a1 area and tbee thud aaal ~l.e~.d ~.n itianae the ' SQVIet ~in3,o~. v r.+,~ , i~~~a~~+iw~'? " +,~,'~.z,. ~ - -iu ~ iitrwi~?W?? ~r ~Q?~i i~ ~ _ i~A~l. 7 f the eec~r~d ~i~ew e o 6 . p pe~od e~ltere have been cot~truoted f~ the Bvreya ooh, p~caduo area and this brae ~ r terte~ t _ ~~~er o~ d~?tr~r in the o~iet ~~r t� The '~un~: ~~.eldc ~ t~~ fat ~epubiio sett e~' TM~el ~~~~the `~iq ehiPp ~~te� ~:~~be lrk'ek pie ~o~ e the Weer - ~ ~ '~Pp~ Thal i~du~trial area. the ~ue~ ~ I a and the ~k lg~.te fig a~ Rio o~aa~. ~ ~ � _ _ f a 4~. ~ r . 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~ . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ' ' .k`. i E"~ ~ 1 a:.. ~ ~ ~ ib ~ ~ ' ~o~w?r~? the irp~art~n~C a~ pradua It~'e~ ~n M tl~ ~ ~t , .A ~ L: tie ~..~ww r:~?~aad ~q~4 tam iri ~93~, being. 6~~ a~" t~~ toted ~'ar th� fat i~4.on. rear' d~ea+averad fi�~ in the hlti~ h~~ ~ q .1 a~gtaa~a~a ~epubl~.a ~tl its the t ~auated ~ ~ to +F ~ ,9;,~ ~~2~,ippp tone. ~'xt ~~3~ t~ ~ vre~d to ~'8,~f~?,OOd -t~1. . . a4a�' ' i , ~,r' j ~ ~ ~ 'the ~ter3~?isem+~ ors in r,. r ` h~ he~~ ~eaa~e ~ eeac~ad u?. ~ha v~l field in this a , R~ , ~,,5p?D ',o~tere ~ra~ the ~aentra], a�atio~n of the ~'oaga to the trral I t~i.~~. the reserved in tlt'~ fief eatited ~t ~ S~D$~0 Ci~ ~ tc ~Ne ~'he figure used h+~re ie 3a 'tip. 'hie author bee heretofore ` been using ~i~, in tba eet~v of ~.qQ~Q~ ~hioh is tha old ~hieeea `~f . , .a I V~ Yh~Ei YP~r~A1~ ~~M M~W 'YM~�'v~srw ~~ivw ~v` ,~i.~ iiii~ fi~l~~ of ~.~~~O~t~ ~ 1Mader~D ~t~ n886 autha hews be�~ ~h~ ~ t�ndeno~ to f~?11au the ~ep~~ ewe. ~t woad e~pp~r the epp.aetion o,~' the fitter ee~~ hem xau~,d fit in b+~tter e~~~ i9 eut~x~e deed tiara pf the e~~ .end riahnoee Qf th~?+e ~ / . P ,f ~ 's Froduatia~c fc~~ th~.e ~ i,~ ~~3~ 3~,+~ tong, ? ~~7 ' , ' ~ it r~.~en to 1~~~~0 yr raert of tali prodnQt~,o .far Vhe ~a~i$t 'qn. ~g: the fib given, hard pvinte dp t ~i~sou~e~.o~ s.~ the ~'aa~ ein~e the ~'3gua~ giv�n ~vu3,d raps ~ than a~-third the ?iw~~, e~t~?'~ad reeer~ee far the ~ fief i t~keh attt one i ~...~e~ ih the ee~e of ~~,MC~]' 'the ll~Q�~~~a3~ f~e~,d ~ ~the~ e~t ~ of the ~~-~eu~~?~` hoe aid reevuraee a~ erne. ~s rh tb~ i ~~~e~~ ~~s~M~Wf i~R 106A~ fay iis~~~t~~a~ ~ eeree ~rou~ e ~ ~repveteraue .g~,,~. r..; ~ 1 "V10~ ty~~ L , ,~ti , Y.'. i . 0 ' l T~. ,1" 1 I . .i ~ - - ~jj 7 i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 j Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~ ~ ~ . !1~ 1 ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~~i'. ~ _ ~ y ~ ai } ~ . I i ,nteng~? Amer A~ ~"~e? ~ Kr~n~k ' . ~ the oaaY aT the ~eneee oan be used to +~~tt~~ ~ i. the problen of ~ie~, for tea ~~p~ ;~'av~g~tia~. ~ . I, ~ 'The reoan~.~ c'~+eaa~ra~d ~~n a~, ~ ~ro~~w I hpp~te~,g 10,E tc?~?e d~i~~ , s ~o~riet iroza reeerv�~ m~e ;~~tfaawted at 260,aoo t~ D ~~r The ahineee tern here ~a ~ipA t�ne. ?he rei~tri~teid .3 y~y Y off' the tern h~a been ua~ed here Ta?r tr~~~,on. Coed y ~r~th ti.~.8.~. ~,gl~~ production 2~,~O~~pUO netx~o tope aT iron (ti.~. ~e~ent o~ ~nteriar ~nere~ Peer ~o�k, ~~~b) thia eee~s ' tai e,1~' ~eeea~vee nt Orek eau~h at the die pre eati~~d et 1~E~Q,Opp tom , T~hie ere~? ~tb t the neeto~orek wee hee bev~ae the heart oS the ene~ti ipduetry U.~.~ ~ide~ the ~Ehe uek inn ear . ~s be~pg r~er the ~u~~ete~ ~r Cad, TEL, plave then ~ a . ~`wa~bxe poeitian for de~r~~,epr~. ~eoeat~ d~.eoe~ery Q~ aop~ �~e enountin~. ,t~~e ~ ~ deg ~ t~?0 rn~ :hh+~~1d b a ate to 1, 04, ~p a 1,~'f~,OQp,Qt~9 ~oti~ iaive eta e ~ ~~an ~ bra River Br,a Re,o~ amd the �~.a Far ~ ~h~ ia~~eat ra~er~ao h those c~ov~ ~ in the; o~~ap~a~?~ bade a~ ~~~m~ ~u?rtb chore of a l~~b ~~b~~~n rgt~ted ~,4~0 Oap tit d~poi~~t. Ih~ the +~~?oat~d -~'iir~~a~r ~ ~ha ~-~e~~~~,~ o o~ppex eneltitag t~hi~ ere~? e~~ ~ pert off' . that p,~ap, ~ a~ ~ee~, f'8 tit o~ ~ . ~ ~ eo~-ee a t3ra~ Junta ~e d k n beQ been dao9ere~ ~ the A~~i a opntrai ~eia. ; z 1 oh taode he~~ been i~ra?d~?+d ~ thee~ ~epee~ti~. f i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 _ ~A_ I~� I, r + it 1', r ~ 1 q~ r. ~ " ~ 1.~, , ~j E t c~hAr ffii~~~~ ~ok~ai, fro''; �~r~h~~; radiuar, eto. in ruf~ioient qua~atitiee to fora the basis fog a aodern and c~heaiioa~, induetr,~. 1 ~erfare the r evoluu:~c~n on]y ~tea~ eleotrio p3?ante Nate in oper~?ti~at~, hydro-elaotr~.o p~~` Nate tu~cno~rn. ~m ~.9^~ ~,9t~~~1~A~ . kila~atte of eleotrio ener~pr rrae generated, is 193? 3i,~,OW . too-e~atr~.o plaratd trots ar�oted oA the Paa~,r p~teaa to aupP~? b P, t~ the current !or the t�~tixe i~duetry of Qentrall~sia; ~'he ~ratera of ice Haika3, and the ~,ragara river are. also to 'be cured to produce .r �3eotria poorer, a3~o peat, 3,iq~it~ and eof t ooa3, ~or dtearr piant~ fiber ~eotr~.o Pcn~er Ch~?rt Lo ~ ~�ar ~ parer in onite off' Feraent~ge ref' ~ . ,.r~.N.+ � ~ivv ~r{iri~ ~d~v~ 1 ~gt~bVS~~ tMtwi, ~i tti"'a3r ,~ro'V~rnCe ~9~~ ~t1 ~ror~ae 3.93? ~.;J.~7 v ~ z.~ .(pia) ~u~b~he}~ ~hkalov ~19~$ ".1? r t ~ ~ ~ ~he~ ghkalav 19~~ t ~~.d3 � ~ ~ ar _ ~ t ~ ~ s r~ , A ~1 ~i ~ 1 ~ ~ O,i 1 l 1 ~ YJ 1 f 1~ ~ r ' Y ~ n.'~ M4"Y �i beria ~~..~!'u. t ~ t t t `~F. t ~ 19~~$ i ~~.~qqt ft t ~~~9~ l ~ `c r ~i,P ~ �~,J , t~. r~~ l ~ ~ : c ~ ip sr. ~ G, 7 ,i } L h ~Y yy. ~ 'I yr rY. +F~i r ~ l1 rY`~ f S.. ~b. - A. ~~~~r t f a ~ t' ~ a�. ~'a~ ~ n, r ~ ~ r t r 1+ ` ~ fW i~ Mt~i�C:~II~ 51 ~~'t.~~ ~'r ~ IAI..~J\rL. t ! ~ r + r )t 6 tJ t � i + w ~ T1 'l~' ~ F ~ r y ~ i p t t ~ f~ ~x, ~ 7~ ~ ,r x . ' L ~ ~ ~ r r, r tJ r' i r ~Ar ~ S t { ti to F ~ ` ~ r ~ ~ y S ~ ~ r~~y] SI ,0! T+ s qitrr~ 4 t !~F Syr ~~.r~ P~'t ~I 7! "r' ~A� ~ + 1 't r ~zT~' ~ , t a t ~ ! r~ ~t }rt ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~yJ ~ i J y~ ~ ~ ~ i riv* ~ r , ~ry i ! s {i Y t ! ~1 ~ ~ t f~: r ~~~'f~M ' " e 9 1 rr t i ~ ~ W~~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr,S i a ~ r ' ~ is ~t ~ .1:r ~ ! ~ ~ J. Y r ~ ~ ;i~, I ~ 4t f ~ t: t+I Mr e S M l rw) i ~ i t u a':~ 4 i e. ~ ~ ~ _ ~~i ~ . ~ _ ! a i ~ ~ ~ l~' Y j is Ji. l " ^ _ ~ : , + V... ~ ~ n. f Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 _ _ . ~a ~~ored, bar .f orei~n aapita~, wed frays abroad tho ~b~ ~ t ~vvrnant a~n~ne,~ted percent �~.r ~~:.~de fcr na~r t~~,~.r~r:~aal . ~1i~~~~~,t in i'~+a~:vra.�~~~ia~~~,c~~ o~ copp�r, , el ~.ead xin~, ~l. I ~e,y. L ;etc. ~.;~sder ~ eeaosd ~,~~~,~aS~. ~p t'ante sere a�t~bli~hed in j h~ ale, t~,e ~u~~aek b~.nq ~ert~~~ a.a a~~ stern ~ ~r?aale ar~~ the e!~.iei' n Dares capper. ueh attend Q~+, id . } r~.v;~ng nduc~tlan in tk: ~ t~hile at the ~a tic de~~~.on~,ss ~ hcurtsee ~.n the ~ounr dietr~ ~t on the r~� th ehczre of eke ~~sts~eh e~~ P ,Y i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~1Mr~r' ajar:. h N d i ~ 1ti ~ v d ll S !d ~lfii8l~yr~~~a~. ~.ndtlpt~l~ t~'1a'~ ~ ~n the ~aeh~ent arep � .1 ~ ut~h tsn and a1~o to eet up ~~o r.. r~ yet up at Ch~?ent ~ ~abrki~ ~ ~iber~ end ~e ~ral~. arid~ a~~ o~ n~okeX rra~ the Urals � ~,h~ ~a~=aiaat ~auroe of produot~on yen c~ ned ~,n Morn ~~beri~o. a goLd iu the een early f ~,nda p~ gold ~I 'there bane b Y t ~ ~:s produot~.un o~ t ~ ~1l3 ill t~18 ~oY~.B~ r , baen 70 ~eraent ~eah+~eod. ~ ~e r � �nt x~? ~bi~ted h�+~vy indu~tr~' into tba r~e~ Abe ~~et guv r~ the 4~~ + ~u~os~K wrap 1~' o distrl4t in o �ok ~ ~ gataele, and e~aeuri.,ng ~n~tra~ ~;or bc~t ~ ~,utoe~b, 1 ~ P 1 di6triat in ~uroF~n ~uee~.a. in the old indnst~la ~ ~'a~iu~i+ a~~ ~.n b~,~ip, n8~rer tQ ~'~1� ~QYB t~} ~ ea8t ~?leo to de~relop pry in the eastern at~ee. t'~e ~~ltere, but ~~e bean the t~ra~ eu�h a+~ the ~u~bo~ab3,lo ~' ~ ~ s~,. ~..eeu�k+Q ~ truck ~'aator~' and the bin~sk ~ a ~ c doh a turn a~~ti ~x ~ ~ ~ttaiurgioal ~o~ faatarY, bit~r~.~og@.. ~ ~In ~ '~~f7~~ ~ ~'~d~lr E ' .i . ~ , the ~~rdlovel~ ahaal . ~ Ur condtru~.tion are ~anta~"y t`ne trek laao~ctt~.~+a ~aotv~r ~actar;~. an electr~.~al ~chi.n~r'~' ` ota. tine sae f ~ ~~on ~a4'C~r~' ~ ~ ter.. r~c~~,uded i~a ~?he a eoond ~'~ve~�~~r~r p? aere ao~ ~iru~ l r. ~~7 ~aato~ '~be ~n tide tooo~?vtive tie ~o~oslb~k _ t eta. ~~e sho autoe~b~Ae ~aato~~~r tr? tine far ~ , ,nd Sao toy` ~ been celeted. ~~en~ ~ar~t ~dC ~ t~sated at ~.~tik asakh~~*~n. ~:.~aur been eon t aa~yt~ ~o` ~ to d�~a:~w~~ a~' tie ~rcen ~eco~a ~i~a~ye~' ~ alto w t ~ar>bciv~atry' der ~ 1 ~ ; _ ~ is Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 i ~w. u tw tila Vd w~ ~i~d v�~ poi~uviit vu ~Qlt~'#~~. ~lA~~.aL� ~n T+nB ~Ura~ W~B,~~ van$truat~d gnm+ania, ox~rgein and ~odiu~ p~nte. ~t P~-�~,~,�.titl~t-~u ther� ie tlne larg�st Potassium a~ilorata plant in the wor~,d. It ie planned to csanr~eat it r~ith a aepper ~aatary and prvduae eu~,phu~rio said. A tinted cahamioal induet~! ee diatr~.ct lie been eetahlf,eh;~d a~�, Aktyubinek iri girder to da~elop the gazakh stan ~ rvak depoe~.te. There are nc~ sulphur marks ~.n the i' 1 Tur~er~ d�sert. number off' other ~aetar~.ew aro i.n th� plk~~ng i etegeA 1ax~g~~" to utilize Qla~'~`ber~e salts. I I~. ~t p~ngc~ to tine Taeh~~n~ sal�ctr?~c pa~w~ y~ nu+.a~?~~?~ i aarbon base fert~,~,;.z~r, woad products faatoriee and rubber ~'r�~ ~ i. I aladhol, �to, The d�~elopmenfi~ of the ~a~et hea~yr indu~ try has been, he reta~ore, ~~t the expen+~e o~ light indu~~~ry and Food proaese~.n~;, but an interest is norr being text in p't�an~ni~ a mrare �~uitable de~alopmer~t. ~ ? The f fret t~evt~lwpmente in the teA~~l4 indue try tapk pleas ~ ~eritra~, ~ i.a, ~.ate~ .an expanded to ~talinabad aid ~our;~u~di~sg terri~.torp wbiah beau a aottan textile uniter~ induetr~.a~, ar�~a. ~ ~'he good auppl:~ee a~ wAete~rn ~3,beria are being. exploited ~a~ paper manu~aoture and large .~i,~.~.s are be~,ng c~ona trusted. 'Mark-~9~b ra~.l~ay ie used ~ trar~~~y lt~ber to the ~ea~g ~~nt,Nr~ o~ C:gtt$.rm~ 6wa�i~�m�! ~volen, leather a~ ahse industries are be~.n~; p3.ann~d far 1~ehkir and gee tern ~ib~aria. A l~~ga ~ebe~ sugar have been opened ~.n tih� Ka ~L ~e~~n fir h~.z and yak Asa e,reae o In tha Novi ~ ` ~�~r met are ne!s!ly eab~i~s~d ass a~ a a.l1~u ~r~.Q~9 ~-ul toaaocv ,~aQtvriee e. b~Qn ~9 a~+~ ~-~~C~"~i '~Q ~purt~~8 Qf ~.r~~: I~~~r~a~` i~t ;ri '~be south. The etu-~lawar nib. ~.t~uetry .j a being remo~~�d is ,1~' tl m �MM rlw+wes+RM4nMr .w.. n. t~~~?~~� AT.~~ and ~errx ~i ;e~~.a mere raw material pxedau~ad 'g'hf~te nod everything abnrat the ~ et i~uetr p? ~ ~ R s T s mss" / 1 � + i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 y Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~�~w~ Y ~s t q~ a tal olea~~ ae yot to the obe erve:', cert~~a ~o ~ oa ital Choy ~,pn~,i~n~e toward due ~rlt~ . In their ~nvt~~dt~e�t o~ p t et'~' ~ prc~du~,~1~.~n, Choy gave hi~k? reed ghat x.11 be ~?a ~la~i Q~' At1 7~'d~ta~lt~' 1'ti~ Yi~'~+ux'~ f ~ ordex ~o~ ~uitiri~ the laaa ~atgot poer~.b~.~.~?i�a off' the tie~up. vita ~"d ~ ~i~a '~hc~ ~ ~ e tc eeaure the ~u1te � ~it~ to t~i~ opa~~+~~a~ the air f eec~sia~ aid eubeec~~.oo iar i~are~'til~1?' an ~duatr~.a7. ar+~ ov+~ry stabh the mot Q~~iciant ~r�~,at~.oneh~,p betxee~r the p~ran4d to e t~rialo snd the ' a~or e~poride~ vn they. ~'or ex~Ple r it p~,,d to e~cploit at the ea~ne tio~ the ~a~'~.ta~.t'~ ~p~ ~1~ L~Ci d ~r ~h8 ~+pt'i~ $8i~~~.~.~ u~t~'' by'~prdduet o ~ ee to be wc~, but the catt�A-~aeed Qil ~+duetry ~o~~ o~ ars t�xtil rim tae ~aocated itt the eat area, eta, ~.ieh~nt 4~ ,ted i~~~,r~al areao tl~p ~~et Iu the eetab ~ur$~1~ ~h~e acpt~g0 pl~u1 ao~o~-Yatior~ ~ov~rnment eou~ht i~u~ ~ ~ user eouroee o~ rax r~.ala, of ~ratu~port.]' ~n p~ de~rolo i~~ r~evr a~ off' a coua� activ~,t~'. aid at the game ti~,e p st ar~4 oec~r~ a'Aivo~~'ear F pe~? th� Duxiu~ tho !t~#~r e heavsr ~.nduetry ah~ upo~ e~elti.~~ word ~ thr ~p~ c~~ mot ~t rtar~t ~acto~ ~.r~ hea~? ~.a~duetry. per; ~ e~ in~dts.~:~.a~. area t a.' t,t mot e o~ eat 'co~~t~~ ie t ~ ~ ~ mra:a~. 1~~7,~~~~.a1 ~r�a. ate cl t tho N---1.. t,.. ~ tti+s~i f~?~ / iln"1:~, ~Q {i6i~.~~ ~~ia~~9 t~~ ~)~"~tu~r crew 6. r _ t~w~~= : ~ 3itt3c petal, but; ~ursh gt'a~l ,the tlfA areao r~v~ b~ conet~.vated ~ i~adueta"~ ~a ceii~~~.~~~,~ t ~rQ 4.i~d?~r ~rV~tr{A~it~~~, ~h~Q~ ~a,to~o:~~ ~rh8re eiP~? ~ ~ p ! ~,U.~3+~ an~ua:G~r ~ : tee o~ ~he~~ ~~.~~hac~, ~ be a 1 ~,rrc~� . . ~ C Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~ , Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~r: ~~w i I Y ~ I au~ditian tea this era ne~b~r Qrtk 1, ~a1~,bvrro L'"~~, w ~Rnd lea-p~?oMt ~ a~ahi~erh~~~a-k ~ o; Krra~rrrwurk, nhel~abi~uak C"?,~ eto. ~atterad a~ong thee+~ are ~anganeu+a, wino, and nioke~, ~rart~a, a~,tugetbar constituting a verq oanaentz~eted trea?aure trove. A second Ural ~Eusnetsk united industrial area ae~ers a?t g'~~tetak the world's g~~eatest coal prvduaing area, along the ~k~ib Railway. In x.937 this area praduoed ~q,t~l00~t~ tons o~ aoa~,. xt ie punned to use b,~~ o~ the itarsk axe to aonetruot a slsalt�r designed to produc� 1,6oQ,t?~o tom ~f p~.g-ir9~. It ig e~cpeoted tbi+~ w~.ll be finished the third dive-year plan period. the raw a~teriaa eupp~jr for the industrial areas a~entioned above aural the raw o ned ~~i-~~arh~t~~ iron azanv~l } 1y Pe t ~ o~ -ssu~ko an~c~ua1 production 8~0, UQ4 tvr~) 2 ~ '~aehlcea ~ ~'a rh ti�n l to�~ a~~ the ro ea~ved Kao~erh~n�~lo~eu~k ~ g r~ , ~ P ~ fan fining area. with iron s~elting ae ~tsio industry aa~d a4m~inixtg noa~ fermi m~tallurgio$1 imiustry wi,~h ~.t, by aonstruating ~a'r ~aatori+~s, ch�a~.aai war1~ and -eleatria plants in th� ~a~is area. a new city of ~uaneitsk with a pop�~,at~.on of ~~~J,OOA ' be up within five yore. ~auth of nuyarsir~ qa yhn Siberian ?ilway era the ~.n~si~u+~ ,goal a~nes pith estimat+sd reserves of 17,x,000, tor~ K~ ~ ire ag~ih the figure deaeru~ on trey i~terpretati~on of the n~eri+cal r. 9 A !.3'! w. L .a O .r ~1. da ~r.1 d aka ~.1,~ is.aLe~we ~wwM '~'i8I70 ~~~d ~ivua~ubr5 ~rG~r vt~aa a a a vua~~ tapes vtr 1~.n~ ( !l~tt3d ~`�serves ~~,~7a,000 t~nl1~ a are i~ the rti~lt~ th~s~ ai"~~s ~t~ a ',~i`�.ited ~eta~,~.tirgiCal i~du~trial ~n tie aVl~~ ~'a2� t : th~+re ~ a iiiu tad a.i~we w tr ~a~, the Jewish Antonoa ~ravina~. ~~ortb a~ t~ is a Ruragra~ u~~ed ind~: trial area depe~~ an . ~h~ oval of the Uure~ra area f v~ lte p+ It takes ~ the ~~d~~ 6n~tsoalsk r~s~~ri~?..r. ~ 4 I I . i 'y ' G i i y Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~ ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~~M'be r. . . ~ 'i 1 ~ ~ ~ ^ ~~1 ~t Oh~lkent in oentral pia' 8 lG~.istan is a mix ~aetallr~rgioal indurtr~.a~ area. bare is�.$he ,~chas~i i.;~:,~trial area a~ T north o~ � ~a~~ 'gofer from the 'lien ~ tango in ~o c~~:trai dese ~rs turn the xbeele of,the textile unitdd e~,eotrio ger~eratora to industrial district. I~~" ~ - ~u . q bas its s~?phux united industrial area aid J t~ ? 7 ~ its soda i~st~ area. ~ the north are t1~e b ~ ~ ~ asn arsk and Igarka otmstitntiag a un~,tod ~~r off' oY iaA area. ~hu#! eaoh area has its ;;�trial area and pat industr tart ~~~e ~~,et Uriic~n a groat waited i' teget~`~vr those o induatri~. area e . eait�d oa~dirt~.o~ae it is evident trot ~vviet . 1 ~ro~t the a~.~~-r es to hea and ohe~~?1 industries and that the ~t~ inolin ~ ar ric~d ~eaoe~time industries are being { ~r~ent third ~i Pe_ . ~ induetri~s. thus e~ah sacr3~~iced in the interests o~ ~t~ _ w~.ted ar~�: ~~"mss a military base. o! the +hat tbh drib of industrial d�~�~~t t x~ti is evident, also, � _a tL_ ..r..a~.ues Div 1 ~ v~8 ~r~ ~r ti~a ~~~v~-~ o Abe most oomp?~ete industrial ~araas are th+ase of the a1~Yu$nete~ areal All? 0~ the iadustria~. ,I~' ~ and the Ur a ~ ,~,,o ~i+~rr~ t~hitr~ ~ f n0~thaas t . ~N?pe t~aara o~ these. ~,~.......r.,.. , ~~+~a fe a ant the ~~g~t~b~e .~~r Hash vsten�; v~ the ,~j V~ Msew.. ~..r _ ,~L~Ii ~ t~?ri. ~d ~eea~~aphiaal taotvre r~o1~d� { ~l$9 rao� inher~n~ ~an~, . - t~;,t` ~aer�s gr~ ;this got but recaga~,ae. she any , { w1 tendeno~. i d or oa~g in the gk~CCio and vegetables ~sr fg~x? have nog aread tv the Faoifi4 ~ Asiatid hip 5 ~urbk a..euas, but ~ .,r p~ian Qottpn let ~aov~ed seat qr the ~erdh ar~� , ~ Lamar'3 Ti T 1.~0.1!'If htA 3L'e 7 ~ 1.11... rs.. � ~ r !~wNy t/GiiiiG/4 O~IIi~ ly1'le www~tl,MM A~tn1~ 115 a w 1~ ~ j?M1v~?.bH has lrrkutak as its ~~a~. lt~ area is 1,~~1 ~ a oars k4~.vtg:~ and p�pulaa~ion ~,~~1,OaQ. - ~,~,.,w.,r.....r..!,...., ~'~bd~,~e,i~~~~ 1 � t�~ongol ~utanomo�~� epua~e c~hi~rf ~itr ~v ula~~.on p ~111an ode ~1~,~0 l~~,000 ~p. Adm. area . ~~~a-ken~`~ ~20~ l~ ~ - f 0r t� 19,6 l~rt~?~aoy'ar~a?k b~~pnged t4 stern ~iber~,a plw - R~~ �~i~re z �r~rty Qonaider~ to be, ta. H~,beria are not~r reo~~a~ bra a ~ - ~ ~ i I - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 a ~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~Y~ H ~ i Y 'a area o~ ~ a~l,OI~D dqk~ ~ xalrn~tek Autona~'~ Republio has an ~ ~8 Ofd. '~be oapita~. ~ '~akutek� : , a population a~ ot~' ~ ~ _yy. ~ � a ~i.~on,~ . leak off' g4t~d foil h Aecause v~' oAi~~?~,~ wv~d aia ~aotern ~ibc~ria hoe lagged behil~ a1`Id diatanae ~rvm ~urop~n ~ in industrial de~rel~op~aent. River ~ Ua 1 dietriat them ax's t ~�~re~re~� ~ the Angara grater per and large reeera'ee v~ iron, p�tential r~~V~ a~' Coneequent~ the ~o~riet aneee tin, sine, Deal and peat. i era � ~ united Industrial ,A~c'ea. authorities have set up th� Ang r ent o~''~ vast area and are eepea~ go~te avver 74 perv the xet~e � Uhera th� Siberian 1~eavy along the yanks off' the area fvreet~? are whin ' paeeea through ~d ~anthern pare aa~.l ie e,~,tpble for agr~,au~?ture� black 04~J ~a�tere ~aa eke of the ~ablanmr ~untai~ tamer to , ~vxe pe c~h the laeet,Lake ~ height. there are ' lakes xhi ~ set lake. le~,k~, being the r~arLd' e ~ nth larg ail area of ~ ~ ~e tv make their caraial "'ate, t~:~e ~,kee are au~'~~.oientl~' ~?ali. . ~ ;R,. g~eaeible. al Autanv~aue ke,Pub~.a, ~ south off' The t-l~o~?g u~k a~ ~euthea�t ai' sake $~,~al hoe aii ~ va, ~ ak ie~ evonomi� acstiv~.ty, but about 60 ~ . ~raeing ie the c~ ~ d~t~ to a41l,,eativ~.eed agrf~qulture� perrsent of the arse is n r� ether aid gs~ m~.,~pat.~ur�A Ulan ~e ie wthe a_ ~.ta~ a~.d 1~ett~tpo~.. '~~kutek, r~hiah enbraoee the the Autvno~ue Republic an area vne~f3~~ the eiee t~rr~,ty~ a~' the ~e~ lover bae?, t ~p peroe~?t v~ the ar~? ie the mn~{r� Novi�t U~on,ore . o~ ~~~t area ie v~Y s1~it' ever e ~ ~~~~~~~,41~ a~ the u o FUr~ axe an ~ppOrta~?t eu aged in hung and l,.r~g g ~ ~ ~~w.~~~, ~ ~M~ a~iaret era li.ted and in tba north ~~r/Mw~~ ~~w~n~'&3CA ~ `~u�~' ux~a the three menthe ~I. ou ~.ntere make �Qio~t~,one bac~l~rard. the ~ ~ oi' the tenter ~ e ice rind rn~rr. - e er ~ p{y.t� ~, th~..~._,;, r,~- A ~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ` ' ~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~,~w N a ,,y.~ t'1 ~ f~ M _J L p~.1~~~1o1:/V o ~ign~.8~~ ~R. ? i �+M 13~,roh~.dxhan 7~,~4p ~4,Ot~J xo. ~aryak ~liat P~ ~ ~ 13 ~ ~~s from (~er~an ~~r~ae~~eer) !t , , E;hukotak ~?da. t ~ 728,t3(~ ~i~ lq.(~ .T'h~ orvfe~r Far t has largea~y an oaea~nia orate. The ~kr ask yea hae a co~,d current ~rhirh makes the ~Iaritii~e ~z~~.%ur~? ;old ar~,?. This roll Current also Ikea hatka Mi V.1. Y~M1i?AM~ a~i . foal and oil are abundant, and have ~ ceh developed in 8akh~lin espeaial~y. ~'�rest~ cover mush ~ of the tarrit4ry and the ooaata7: ~i�heri.~ fnd~ y~y le vas y ..~r~a~t to thr? ea~.o~ o~ the a~a~fon. ~i a v1~i~ate oondit~,~t preoludo any extetu~iwa develop~ent a~ricuZture. u~+rategiaa,y the area oa�upieg an isportant poait~.o~ intez~national~r, a~~eatf~ng the relat3.c~? of Rui~efa, A~erioa and Japa.~. .`t�r th� ocoupation o~ ~anchuri~a by~ Japan the ~wviet ~c~rt:~~~nr~e:~1 ~ regarded hor defense require~ente in this area as s~uws +R r1nhM~�.11191' f11AA i ~lAA7 AZ'iA LY Y Cr~~a iif~IMi vwe#ri w.:.. .~.x..w-. ~ -'y tt~ ar�= in the detere~.r~tiom ~o build up an'~ independent at~a~.tary area t;~at aould de~'er~ ~ tae 'a~.nat ~ttaak. vlivosto~ hao boon d�~~~.aped ;t~to a a~~'~ ~e~. Xhile troub~.ed by floating ioe ~ ~n~e~ Vi~?d~.~i~~o~ fe not at any tip rea~,iy an ice~wbound port. the earl$eat dustr~v th~~ ar�a sere lumber~.n~ a~ fhin~. ~A~, ~~th coal o~.~ in, iron in the ~o~er ?m~~+ yell�v and leae i~t~orta~t r~et arot ~..ad3aoato~, thq v PEA u ' R 11, ui~~': d , ~ I~~. ~ l Py'~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 t , Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 rgMM~IMr ~ L � , "7r V r ~ Y h ' J ~ 1 I ~ 1~ ~,-t I~ 1 i .~i~Y J ~OV'i8~i authorities are beud~g oYOry o~'f ort to de~rslop . ~ ~t, i~lustrial eaot~o~pr in the ar�a and to� the population . b~ ~ro~? ~ho ~e~t.. r ha eras is a racial melting pot. 'Mhflr~ u' . ~sia~ predominate i~ the .population, there are alav gAO~r nuwbers off' ~unguake, l~otagola, JeRS, Korean, Chinas and aborigine. ~trat�giaally, econam~.aal~y, and in th� matt�r off' aQmioa~~.vna, ' V~idivaatvk xitb a p�pu~,atiou o~ ~,94cx~0 is the pr~c~t ,aitr 4~ y ~ off' the area. gornhl~lo~, Kharboravek, and Ni~v+a~ .are o~rfa~,g iradduatrfal o �nt era . then ~g Chinese ra?aall that all this area ~as,onoe Chinese . our hears sha~u~.d thri~. tv th� patriotio hope that China mey someday recover it. P. `K; .i a:'~_~~~ u~ '`n i'.i i' I.. _ :~C'.Wi J}e"Ay~ ~ne ~ `';u ~~ax~, ~~'~:;io~~. 'Vfi. t ~..T n ~t Y }~~~uY" ~ r~ I w MIS 5, 1~~ W~ ri~~ L Declassified and Approved For Release 2012104J02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010040-6 ~