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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 N T-17~ , ~ g 7)DCI'G[l U~ ~ ~F1pt8r~b8Y' ~y4~ C'l'T~ ~ A~icle 1: The purchase, pracessin~, mid s~?la off' c~piua~ :.r~ Indochina is a ~anopoly o~ the Tndochina~Ie ~usta~ and !~~cisG Buroau. Artic]:e xurchase and prc~cessi.r'.~; are direct ~vr~ora~.ics of the f3ure~u. 5a1es r�or1�~xal~~ shall b~ exercised either ~lirectly~ by the Lur~au or hJ T~~y.rd parties c~,iductir~~; tt~e~.r�I~ under cuz~tr~i ui' tP~c I~ureau. article 3: CultivatiarE of ~:,he upi~z~.: poppy i~ tiio pr~.vile~a c~A trw ~~?osi c~feog; ~arZCl other ~a~~.ntairi ~mau~ ~r~~ii~:n nave tracl~.ti~~n~ti.l~� c~evUted the~�,Ives tc thia accupat3.on. , This culti~r~.tian m~ty be urtdertaren only up�n auzzory~ xatior, o~ the Custra~~e ar~d ~Yci~~ ~ur~~au ~:~~~ch shay assure the veri~3 c;~ti ~;ri arid ccm~:rol off' area o~ c~altivatian in a~reo- vent. ~ th,l authoriti u$ 3 iutj~a.ii~ twnar ds the eventual, P~~~' d~,sa~a~eara~nce of crop. ~~rveated c~piu~ ~y r on ~ ~a the Hur~!+~u. be c,un~~.~,ned Articla The a~,:~tG~e eiYld }~cvi.38 ~u shah e~tab~.i sh purchase ~r~ar~Ceta toY� ray opiu~ at eanveni.cnt daces ar?ci under cc~rtd~.tior~ r~h~.c~z seep ~x�st su~.table to tine beau. ~~xt~.cLe The i~} (overt i'~r re-exporta~~,an), e~~portati~:n, tr~~it,3 ~tC?ra~' xnF_,'i. !tL'i~6&?r~iila vl' ~ ~ f nrh~ ~t~~~t't , t~C;~MQ_4'~:~~11'~ w i ,...,..u - M ~ w ' ~ w A) a _ .'~.~y _ i~~ p '�i;.. i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 '~'C~+'-iAill~' . CTS impartation ot` ~.ntended t'or tine ~Unopvly is not sub,~ect to t~tj.s prohib~.tian. ~iureavar, ph~raiaceutical u~;.; etas uaverf.:d i~r~ tJhapter lI a,~ the dE:eree o~ 10 J,,1].y lyly, and thc: texts mradif~ing that decree, rotin~ the trade:, ~~oldin~, and uge of ~rois~rztous substar,aes are not su~3~ect t,~ the re~,.~~.at3.c:ns of the prcreE;nt ordinance. ~rticla bo �i'h~: Vustu~ and :~~cisQ ~3ureau :~~u~ll se11 the var#.ous Oradea of � th~~c~u~;tiq~t lndochins. ~'ar th;.a put~p~,co it shall . establir~h the numbes~ ox' sales shops it deems necessary. article 7: ArEaparcd ~~piur~ shall b; cansi~med by tha CustUms and 17Vh1 win *.Za~lwn l'!~e N r~ fn 1 n. r~ n.. Yt t~ r~nMA r. ~r~ Vair ~Y~A Ms1 w1? nT 11d14id.+~Ci U~i'(~Gt4l �.li i7 SiC1.i,C4l VU11Uq :I;O~ O ~Cil .l.dlij IJlI'C 1+K11 1+~ Vl tho r~napwly. ` Arta.ele ~q ~'ragared op~.~ j.n!~~".~ as r~:~i~nal n~zii~r:,, may be sold ~.n !~,~xes ~iiLch clc:urly s~~o1~t th4 di~fY'c~renc:Q, and are: starld~ ardi~eci by the i}iree~~ar of Custom:, a~ac~ ' ~~:cap~ as pxr.~~.ded i.n ;iie lra.$t paragraph of ~~rti.clc belo~, these op~,~~,s may ~ p~rson:?lly hold, pec~dlcd wr W~ iei,~-c"su i'vi' s'~~: U~l~y ~:t~'r~ ~:h?~ rli gtr3rct ~Gr ~ri~::.Ch ~.ntended. . " ~~n � ~0~1_~ a ,r `w ~3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 �r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 tr C~I~PT~ xI DIa~tDUICTI~ra ~ view to tine p: o~rE; ,siv� off" the Artic~e I . ~i ~Yi u f ra, gyred opi~.u~, ~:dopt~.n~; ~ ;I.icc:n~cd ar~d tzsu~;e a p P . . rt..,.. r~~t,f r.~r~~~ v'l~t~lati,i reCa~nnF;ncir:d ~~f k;~~ie ,tSan~;Ku~ ~w~'~ ~;hE: datc 4f COl~lplete pro' ~ibitic~ti is 31 ~E~~:riCE:, 1)ccccb~:r 1)r3. ~a ~~i~~s ~;nd t}~~ qu,aantz.tie~ of cpi�n solo by' ' a ured percent yt_.; �;:.,.tir~nn~~,* '3};Oll1~.~ b~ I vd I,rjjt, ytuna~P?~-yJ bask c;ar ~t`or the s,P~~lication ~~f these T~~e Y ~ 1 r~~~~ I1Y1S3 ~ .!.'/L~.b� ~11CC~'~e~.4~'~' :~'k:C?iluv~.v..w aUa.u~t of the ~~onapoly' ~y Cn1 r1 n!r~�~� to Article 10: crsuns r~h~.S~Cr~,d as s~ol~4:r~ a.ra t1~a ~~allec 'ors P Off~.ce of the ~~let~am~ anc~ F, t In ca~.? ::c~si~3ri da.:~tr~.; is ~aerc suc;~i r~;~i.~ters ire ~r,,,,~ ' ~ cookers s~ia1.1 ~ubmi.t ~ r�c~�e>3t for re~~ s- r~~.~t ~ti~r u �~7a.u~ tioz~ aeram;'.eci b~ c~c~c~~~en~~�~~ ~~raaf . In case tra ~ ~ 3 ~al exa~~~i^~ t3.:!n b~ ~,rE,ecribed by a~ doubt, a ~~~l~c trc ~~�reau .,~ri�pst ~~ntioned in the preceding paxagr~Ph ~iLq i ~11_L L.. subr!ittcd ~~t~~in dad; s ~?f ter the ~rri~a~. of y ~ 1 4f~icie~. pro~~? at~.n~; thy: ar:~f riartc~; ~,t~ the the ~iaurns - - i. r ~i :r 3(Ip1ir7:.~~tr ~t,i 1/fR CC~~,Y11.Zd~lCE3 Uf proVinCial se~~ ruv..~i ~~~0~~. a~~~d ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 ~ 9 than Cus~tams artd ~cciae Ca;U.ectian O~fico for�rii~ial ciistri,et vi' tale petf.tiuner. Ezra ~cle ~ll, ~n "a~ci;,u~ cards' shall be+ ~,adc ava~~. .able ~ mach , � , , a~ ~1+IUKflI'. .I1].u Guru anw~.l. ;~~1�:;C1.1~U ullti lilu~t4dl.~y q~~nt;it~,�s d1~VxGd, bas~;d orr the c~e~;rea of ~.ndiv~.~- ual adclictzar~, `t'he ~uarltf t~.~s dllo~~r;d yita~..l 'ue auto~:dtir:ally re- duiE;cl ~U~~ ~u~c! each yF~ar~ be~irri:a.r~,; I ~'anu 1}t~~. R�~u- Zat~.u~ls ~a::'i'~;ctira~ the issuance Uf a card acrd the distri- butiur. of a~x~ s~;al.l. he decided bs~ the ~~irector~ o~ lr t,1~ ~ ~1LZt~ cat 1lU I:uCV lei C: � Tt~e "u~;;.~ card" sha11 au~tlUr~:~~e t~~c: tx~aris~x~r�tation of a~~.ur~ purchas~rd ixr the salt,>;~ s~rc~pa ~r~~ ,just:f'y the ~rsarra~. ~~osstss7 rrn u the lire. ~ ~ieter~;~.ned ~t�ticle 1~l ~l~~.C3W. ~'he '1cYf,"t~ii"'i~" l~ vi:.C ti~i iiuia~-~,i ~n3~ ~3r~~le, " ~'?"I;ht'r E;I'r~tu~.=t?lzS~.j a1~ ~j~ ~~,'!~.~rl~;. art ,c1e lc : ~~'he "upiuri carc~~' gay not be issucre~ to ;~ersar~s less tt~err 21 ~-e~ii's o.~' a~;e 9 ~:~1~ ~~o c,,~~ .c~.~? s a:t? ~9~,ri T1~.~.~.~t1~2 N' ~ lJY' +ri1C:J~.Z' t~~l�T`euldeYr~ 1.F;`3 . ~~�t~Lle : xi~a~ard.zi~ l~ur�r~pc~s,n o~ ~.~arr--:~~okea~s, tr~a~ c~.sarad~c tioit ~uust be tatisi by 3l ~~ec~~1ber 3ga7. ~~rey :~hs,l~. ~~e_ ce~.v~o a ~~,~aYRt~~�~ card a~.~.n~~?~.7~~; a ~~ru~~re,r i~r~~1.~~ re- d~~CC:~ 2'c~t~.Jr1. q f?j 1 ~R,d1 IN,t M ,u... f/ ' 3 ~ ~1~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 M ~a w* CI~?P`x'F~'t III _ 3K - a Iiur�au shall n:~t diroctly exeraiee its salsa Art~.cle ~ s ~ienever th ~....Nn~,rtl,r t,~,~.rd UArtias m8y be entrusted xith thsBe sal�S. iuwav~.+,+r.~~ cle 1~: The ttlird pai' shall be : ppoini;ed by ~>L~vcU ~ Anti china and by a Curauission composed of: Gc~unsellor or his rE~p~�~,sent~?tiv~~ ' KesidE3nt Member the j'a.r~r~ce ~o t~ - ~pta~ber the 1'ol~-tical 11 $i~h7~liJtSl 11 ft the SoC~d1 11' r~nfi,fl~^ p~ SUS ~C3i~'iu a'an~ ?r sl~ll be can ttia basis of 1~h6 $ellin~ price for cansumerrs. 'the of s olliti~ prices �t~ll bQ canepicuausly d~.spJ~~�ed I~"~~,;t~ct~, i~~~ trans~.i.tar~;~t~ed lr~dochi.nese dnd i r~ (:hsirar.i~.fira ~ r~ ~tr;~r~c~ ~ts~la,a ahnn_. Article 22; ~'he "~zatoms and l~;; cul].ectors s1~a1~Y r~~ister, the quantitie~l of prepared opiuur~ c�nsl.~m~:d to authorised thirri purti~;s, upon each de~.vEr~r. Article apl.u~? clc.~ns, re~;ardZe~~;~ of tla.~0 ~?itd stole of tiperat~?.on, are prot1~.I;;.ted ~hr�t,~~ho~at Tndc,ch? na. ~~1~. ~~�ab~.ic or pri~rote pret~~ises ~rr~ere i:?clividu~ls can Qbt~ain opj um for conaump.. v~ui? aIi sirL~i~l,uii ~~.~+.dt J�atG.~17.G1~tt3 If1dG1E: atV~i~,~Ul~ Cry t~Im occupant a~;t~.CJ. ~r ct;r3sit~ered a~,i~,,~ c~cis. ~d jozrdin~ ~ii-vuu.~a~ wji~i--v � ~i- rlliit"e: a~~~~ ~ d~~E~pll:.1.961 zor purposes vth~:z~ ~,~n residence are Gorsidered opium det~s.~ T'hhe I~lrector oi' ~%ustoms and rxc~,sv sit~l~. dewide the ~ ~ p:`{M~ o.~ t?he buokiet. Tlie ~okle~ shall oleo p~r>~aait transfer batxeen the Collectors pfY~:.ce vi` Customs and n ti~a ie~ r ~ ~ ~ t ~r .~cc~se dnd th....~lc,~ whop v~ ~h~.rcl party. It muss, be ~~1f110f~ tR~Ll ~ G=R'j,',~,P,:n~+~~~ xli' a'�v � '�lT~� c~1! j . ~IiF Yf L ?M ~ Vi+~ ~~/1~~hY.~A/+~Y 'M~{T~ .Article ~1~; S,alds shops mint ~~aa.r~tai n standaxd8. 'the ~ ~~;nopo~T a~ei~ts sha1~. have entry to tale at e;r~ tide tl~u~in~ ts~e 2i~-~~o~~r periwd of the f~ay~ ~cr~a ~a~~ ~.n~tpect search as th�y ,judge nsc~essa~r. and ~t ~a!:w�y t~~e -iaresenca o~' are oii,ver of th� judiciary- polies. E Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 ~~.oU''!'I~ N im rtation, tree ~r~udul�n~ p~~ ~ The urulec~r�d or s~~tg~,lad ~ are& withN ~ ~ e,~ W~ Li.~ ~~1.1.Vr i~l~ w.,. diSCOVQry ~bodrdhips s a 9.u~a shall be ;~oti,ced, f ol].c~ed snci out a ~ybi~.l, of r or prep~xred ~ ~ Custc~ ~~s and re~latiana appl~.oab a ~ proved i n acaardancQ Frith uhc ' ad ed srt~.cles . Tha seised opi~ shad. be va.~u ~ zndochi~ to prohibit pure. ~ ~ ~ . ~:u ri $ Q~~r~.~�. o~ ref nn the baeis~ of tii~ oft'~.cial sales wz~. th� ~cun t of f i,~ae ~~henaver the ,s value s~iall serve to det j alMted in the enfcrce~.snt texts � ~.dtter S.8 ].n e~c6s~ ~i ~ ~ erins~ICL'~ ~ ~~.p~ ~ ~wo~ COrif~.s+Cat+sd, th6 gli~r~.or cQUrt~ ~Jhen~rer she cpi~ has rat � a_ nt of a sup calculated as in the ac~~r~ l~ p~' er~v oraur th� ~Y~ ~_d ir. placs cif ~~e confiscation. _..w.nrfea'~f11~ t31. Uli~r Qp ~a~ the transpor~ti~ cr ~~avwv~--- A , ' ro9rn ~".~1~.L:c ~r any ~pJrSOn ~biai~ tr~u~eisr of ppiu~ of ~ ~ ~o..,;~.ol � O~J~ to ~~,u~fl fra~res and imprison~~ti ~ro~ pub had flay a f of ~ ~ ~ _ ouiu~ as Drell ~s the tiro ~Qnths to t~r�es years. ~rn~: ~;;,.::.~..K~---- . r~s rt faciliti.e$, ~;nd i~ ~.t he t:~e cue, ~ t. ~ .t~cta~ae the ~?operrty of tine r~~onopoly� fraud shams , of f e,~s the ~ shad. be cY~ar Yn casa �f second the tern of ~~rieiient. { _ ~ _ ~,r�a rte t c, q yA~i'~ iA r MM ~ Fs Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 is a; Article 27, of co::tr~ba~! apiu~ found abandoned an Indachineae ~n cue . L ten rstat~ent of seizu~`e shall be dratted at~d the term. ~~c~ry, a writ declare t~~ aniuu, transpo~'t fac~.litiee and super~.r~r c~ar'~~ steal ue to be the propar~?3r of the ~at~opalY+ ~~oa n~' uflao ~ y,~�y,4y... - - - krticle 2~: r of coYitrat~?nd ogiuat bel.on~~ to ~r�anE3 wni?cn~~ji trar~a~x~ri,e ~ res c~na~.~;le far the ~~?folation oY the la~'� 3ha~.1. b8 ~pr$Uiia.,~ ~ es and ~;h� articles used as c~,uf lade a~ we1]. as ~ranq~C,rt f aciliti 1 ~ be rn~,fisaated by tae ~ono~aaly. tihe op~.~ ....a_- Art~.cle 2}: ~ w~,c �a Mcesses ar has others ~r~ac~ss o~i~ ar ~t1~T ~'6~l.tllt~li~t~. 1t ran oT9~.wt sl~ll be fined to ~U,t~ ~1R5P 1~~ ~i~ti.l.i~txYav~~ ~.~'t~ ~~01+y~ ~ i~a ieoned fur pe:~.od of two mt~~i~~'ia �hre_ . frar~s and _ ~ua~ 88~Sed a8 ~(8~.1 as t!~3 t~0~ 8drV'~n~ car '~h8 prOC~88@ d r ess and the containers of the seized pruduots having; Served tl~ pr ~c , shall be cssnf j,8 fief1,,~ - - ; ted off'c~nee, the Fine mall be cl~r~ed Tn ~:~9 0~ repe~ tern off' imprisoreaent sine// be six tenths . the ~~a;d? Article ~0. _ of ~i~.a~ ors" of `~ht3 .,~,..~~..+,+.,+,a raw `~.~i~ Nuocg~8~~n bt1N11tLt~Li1v vw Y' e f6i,tin ~ those utilized by th� ~ona~ly shall ~ ;aacka~i.=~ aunt r ~ tii� ~jY.MVY stipu~atea ~ Article 2~ ab~Ve o teed b~ P� ssessi.on ti.eo e =rrlicab~.e irn ca8e of i,l~.cit po sage �r of c~a~ u8ed by the uono~a~v+ of ys~cka~ ~ ..c~_ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 ti~~rn " _ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Pens~ltida �tlpulated in t~~e f its t ~~aragrapb of this article are i e~~aratd trra~~ those proviced in Artiole ]~2 of the penal Code� i Artia~ j~.: rho t`allc~in~; gall he pu~~.shed ~y a fine off' 1,Otao to ~,U00 fr:~ace ~r~.~~~c~ut pre~udicc to txzc penalties provided in Article ~2 of 1;hc~ ~'oY~al fade: nji~._~(r~ ...t L}~..w... l~'..,n.rni~ ifntlltint 1t 51f'rt'~~~) ~ 1'Ir}C~ 1/~1:1~~~'~d ~ ~111~~/ V 1~11V i~ t+' .M y.~ ~J~~ Y I.I K~ \4M w wK. ~r vard:~ by the S~onopoly, h~ chan~;~,r~g the name or pho'~ograph, ~k~.n~; false stata!~c::t or ~~i:v~,:~; f~a3~e ~,nformatiot~ pe;rtaixiin~, to theme ci.~~.z~:n~h~.P~ ~'i;~rw ~rns~ r?s~v~~ ci~t 1~ fl~_'. ~t~~'~f3r~t" riT1d c7.~'`wil+ i;~.UTI of i+:i ~dii ap~,u~ C~de~ 3 ThUSe rho eha~,l love caused uo ~,ava ~.s~ ued to ti~eW r.; att,~pted to Urocure ei~ch ate i� card4~ in morn the one Collectors Oiiic� of Ct~tums ar~d excise. Those rho ehal~. hav� sold or '~rax?sferred th�~.r �'-op~.u~ Cards�~; Those ~aho shall have p~archaaed or receives gratis aii =~;;pi�~ card" . 'the ��opium raa~d�1 eha13 be revoksd as farther pena].t~r in the caee~ s'M ip~!~Lated ltl the last three pa~'a~a-ap;~ of t~,ls Artiela~o . ~ ALL' I:.:.hw.~ .j~ i ~~.3 q~t' ~or~,~~v Op3t~t ~v. i~i~ii~uvrr~u_u ~~f'w t~tl.9~tc~d ~3Y ~ f1T18 0~ 1={~ 19VU~ ~.t'r~~a~� s~~ri ~ purcr~ser and se~.I,er s~~il he declared ~oint~,~ re po.~ ~y~ of the vfo~ation. ,~.~r~ ~/p y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 l Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 cas� n~ repeated aft�r~s c~cu`~.t~ the ss~ Yaa~r 9 the u~a Sn a~ ~;~1~~ ~itie shah, tae appl~.ed. ~.xed o ai,~ as will as ti~is cantaixsrs n;~11 bn con~'i~ttsted. The se ~ Articla 3~: ~utt:uri~ed fi,hirc~ ~k.~~,~-p=~ ax` ~:~ar~~crs ~~ha uracess gar sh~i1 'riavs .,n� ~f~~i, far 8~1e, distr~.~vta ur ~}rQ{iQ1.~+W+Ud +JI' ~'1C1U GI'bliW~JVj'w~ uti?r.-a N4 c t~ant~.t of b~s:~c~cs /,hat of the ~onapo].~�, ar shall posnosa l ~ a c~,~l U . iur~ hg~ tha add~.t~.on o+.` aui~staic~., sh~.ll ~ adulteratca 1~h~ ~ur1 ~ y p a a~ I~,JU4 td ;~U~U~~U fraX~c::~ ~~nc~ by l.r~,~riso~r.;~it, far t~~r uat p+ w+~ r , w t... l~.i ...l.i r~ ~ t~~Li /~t t~ Qy.~ ~ ~z.a UCIJ. J.?~I.rat~.~ nnrl!'r?~a~~~r~ My'~,w�vV?wVVSL (,'rli.l.l,31:L C1llC31i t}~i ~ `'`J u~etiyr ..a o _ ao ~al~ as its aon twu~~rs and its trangpQrt me~i.a. ~iaP~~Ys t ~,icle ~.i.. Tie a�}~horiaed thi,*d p~r~y or ~ns~er ~r~ric~ ca~~~i-l~y~ ~ar~U shall. be p;L~she~. $ ri.~e ai to 3U,~00 fr~.ncs ~,t~ s ~rit~ to ~ ~ u~~TS ; ,r~it hc~,at era ~a the ti6s ar~d tn~ ~.~~'i.~aYu~nt of 3 ~ Code. ~rtiele 3~: d ~,rt ax ~.a~a~er wha sh~l~. s~:ll ~c;napo]~ opi~ca at ~ The tkiir ~ Y n i4r~ is 1~ 1 F 1![ 121 Vice ~ho~e tha#~ f~.x�d bar ordia~?nae shai;~ he puinis;~s~ M 1,,0~.~Q to ~,uvQ ~"raalce. fed o~~snse d~~ tip year t xe ~~a-~~! fine Ira case a~ re; shall be ~�ppli~d. Artic~,e 3b: ' o~' msr~~ers ~hh� sell ~�~a~oltiY vpiu~ to ~ ~rsa~ T~aard ~~SY Y~ ~ ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/02 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100010098-3 r xithout ata "opiu~ o