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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 a STAT i I i ~I ~ II i i I CAL HEAD FAI~,~ 195 OF FQU~ ~~'G~~S (G~OP~'YS,.. x.,., ~ CGNTENT,�' T OF TECKNxCAL SCx~1C~ ` T A GENF~~ N~~'~TxNG (7F r1~E DF1'A1~ j A ll 4 ,~anymou~ ~ ag�s x.09-112� j Vestr~.k Akadern3.i Nauk SSSR, Na , P j . Mo~caw s Duna 19~~~ ,i } STAT I ''i j rl it I it Y I) t ~ I~ t,, ~ ~ 1'db ti I � i 1 '.;i '.i :y~ i~ 1~~ Y. V ~ ~ ;i i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 t~ ~=~M t '~~1~~ F STAT ` t~~~~ L FITS CF FpUR REPARTa (GEOFHYaICAL~ HARD EARLY 2 CANT ~ G~ERN.? M~ET~~`,~ AF THE A~.~A,R'1'M~IVT OF T~C1~NxCAT, 5C IJCE~, AT A ,p~aonymaur9 e fo~.lowin informat~.on is abstracted from an article appearing in I', ~,Nota , Th ~ i ar "Scient~:fic Sessions and Meetings" section of the monthly 'Vestnik the regal dema.a. ~tauk SSSR', No 6, (J'une 192), pages l09�112~~.." Aka re lar of the D�partment of Technical Sc~,ences~ the fo1- At the last gu ~owir?g four reports were heard: ciencc~s USSR V. V. Sokolovskiy, "Methods 1., Acad�rr~ of S , ~ . ' arch and dratechnical Structures"~ a report dovoted to for Desa.gning E HY ate of Mechanics Academy of Scienc�s USSR, in lq~l bans conducted at the xnstit ~ ~ ~ to assist the great construction of communism. I ntific Associate in the Section otde~ of Elasticity T~leory, 2 ~ Senior Scie ical Sciences V. A. F1~orin, "k'henomena of 'Dilution' of Friable Doctor of Techn ~ d Soils at the Faundatiana of Hydrotechnical Structures", a WaterwSaturated San y woxk b the Institute of Mechanics together with the Leningrad Poly co report of y mend. M. I Kalinin Gidroproyeltt ~Idy~~prc~~, and K~byshev technical: institute i s Gydras troyo~ G~'y ~ , ~'t~~n~~ ' ar of technical Sciences V. Z. ~'lasov~ " Canstructic~ns of t~ydra~ 3~ Doct ~ f Structures and New Problems of Structural Mechanics', a report on rem tecrlnical s researches with th� aim of obtaining new ecanorn3.cally convenient con ti . sal is o~ hi t forms for darns support walls, gates and other hydrotechnical struc~ struct~,anal ~ Lures ~ M ~ M~ ~ ~ i I i. 1 9 ' ' ~ ~'i~~~ r 4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 err' ~ t t ' ~ ~ i f E 4 Corresponding-~4ember of Aaademy of Scienooa USSR, A. N. Koatyakov~ uTho development of lrr~.gati.on in the USSR and tY~e great Str~cturee of Communigm~~ ~ a report on the irrigation of steppes, asserts, and snmi~eteppes as part of the plan of enterprises for th� tra~nsformatior~ of thQ nature of and regions ~uxthor fo~,low, under same numbprs~ i 1. The Sectian on ~,agticity theory at the Institute of M�ehanics ha~c~ paid great attention to working out the problems that possess essQntial signifi~;ance for F 1 h drotechnical ~tructures~ es robloms on the stability ~ the planning of large y , p p of foundations, slopes of earth excavations and fills a~1d also problems on ground pressures against retaining walks. ~ As a result of investigations by V. V. Sokolavskiy and associates at the Section b e develo ed for Basil obtainin numerical results on stability new methods have e n p y g of hydratechnical structures raised on faundata~ons of and cohesive grounds, in certain cases in the farm of graphs and tables. xn ~.9~1 they developed a thearyr of limit equilibrium of noncahesive grounds, and began to develop a theory of the elastics-plastic state of grounds; in this new problem encouraging results are being obtained for the first time Theoretical. and exilerimental investigations in a numb�r of other important prob~ E lams were conducted in aooperat~.on with the Leningrad Polytechna.c institute imeni i 'r M, 1. Kalinin; in particular, methods for designing alluvial dams were developed. I The ~I~ydrapra~ect~ took over that paxt of the work concluded in l~~l relating to investigations of the filtration regime during alluvium, which take drainage devices into consideration. ti w ~ w b i I l F w~ ~ I ..r _ 1 r _ . - , . 1 , t; 'i { I. 1, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 , d,. , ~ ~ ~ Tn 1~a~2 the Tnat~,tuta o~ prsaiaion Meohanive and Compute `~eohn~.ques~ l~aaderr~ of Sciences USaR, and the ~?eningxad D�partmant ~tde],et~y~ of the ' Mathematical ~nstitut� imen~. V. A. Stek~.a~r, Academy Scienc� USSR, are taking paxt in the further expansion of th�se ~xorks w 2. During ~~he discueaian after the ascend lectuxe, Candidate of Teclara~,ca1 f Sciences P~ K~.u~in pointed out the necessity of extensive invest~,gat~.ons in the field of the spatial prob~.em of alastiaity theory, and emphasised that those investigations must net be limited to separate experiments, whale results are ~ not always amenable to engineer practice. i I Corresponding-Member of Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, x. Yap Shtayexman expressed a numb�r of comments on possib~.lities of further refin�mont and simpli- fication of methods for designing earthen hydrotechnical structures and their foundations. Engineer V. Fedorov (VODGLG), noting the lag of experimental investigations behind theoretics.]. developments and behind the demands of practice, recommended that the lnstituto of Mechanics Academy Sciences USSR, Bet up more extensive experi- mental investigations without duplicating the work of branch institutes, in as much these latter oxdinarily are occupied with solving such problems as are not connected the verification of theoretics]. data. xn the opinion of x. V. Fedorov, the Academy of Sciences USSR should create a special orgranization which would coordinate scientific research work in the field of ground mechanics and foundations when conducted by various institutions ~ ~ . . ~ Candidate of Technical Sciences H. N. Po ov and President of ~h ~r~ M. M. Sokol~skiy, r�commended that .measures be taken for expanding computational work connected with t~,e practical application of results of theoretical invost3.gaw ` tinns conducted in the Institute of Mechanics Academy Sciences USSR. 3 . v. a , ` i'~ rt .5 r - t t ~f' ~ � I i l Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150005-9 ,,,,'1 i 1 i