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.... Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100120012-4 _~ 50X1 ,~, a,i~ COUNTRY Cz ch l e os ovakia DATE DISTR, 31 Auk . 53 SU87ECT Havlickuv Brod t NO.OF PAGES 2 PLA CE ACC'~!~,~IREQ NO.OF ENC.LS. 2 tusre~ ae~ow~ DATE ~~CCtUIRED BY SOURCE DATE OF INFORMATIO~4 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SUPPLEMENT' TO REPORT NO. 1. The Havliokuv prod Militar Airfield from Havliak-av prod, was 1~ 3~an. north~~3~n~i~~~ ~'aaylumeandh~~ pital situated on a hill 100 m. high. This inatitutiori oompriaed 17 red brink three-story buildings with red file roofs, River flowed 500 m. north of the Airfield nol. A, Ft. ~,eand~ina Lipnioe 93~..1~25~. 10~ ~. west'were t ruins (20 M ~0 m. hi h of a aaa le standing on s hill 620 m. above sea 1eve1~ g ) 2. The Airfield was 1,004 m. From s~,at to west 5~000 ~ i , north to south. 8eaauae of its locati ~' a nd the pr~j on on imity to a forest, there was no possibility of enlarging the Airfie~;d. The hi11s surrounding the airbase ware approximately l0 ton. d~.atant. For about 30 days each winter the Airfield was o1os~,d when than anew piled 10 - 12 am. deep. Day-long spring fogs and tJ~~e extremely low clouds shrouding the surrounding hills sometimes kept aircraft grounded; this was eapeaially true from November tc~ February, when these clouds caused ice to form on the wings of ai7;craft. Ooaasion- ally local summer thunderstorms also made flying ia?tiadvieable. SECURITY INRd tMATION Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100120012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100120012-4 SECRET The Airfield had no taxi strip; airplanes taxied on grass. Although there v~~,s no perimeter track or other elaborate facilities;, the 5C0 m. high grassy hill top was quite level and serviceable. Dra:Lnage was natural... this Airfield could aceom~date 5o Siebel~ty;ae aircraft. 6. ~~ no new construction or improvements in progress here? nor any Ninety?five per cent octane fuel was carried in two trucks to refuel aircraft; one truck used a hand pump, the other had powersdriven; pumps. ail was supplied the planes from oil drums carried on. a two- wheeled cart pulled by a tractor; a hand pump was on top off' each drum, Water hydrants were located at various spots around the Air- field; water ca~ae from Havlickuv $rod. ~ Nero aircraft engines came from PragtxewLetnany Airfield and were exchanged for inoperative engines; they were shipped by rail and carried from the tralm depot to the Airfield by trucks. Although electric power. camp from Havlickuv Brod, a Cernxan generator was used in emergencies#~ The three to five oars and Five to eight tr'uaks were used f'or trans port~t~,caxa ;and ~wdre parked at the sass a ~nol. A, Pt. 6..~'~ repair faaill~ies were boated in a garage nol. B, Pt. ~'. 9. Sinoe there was no hospital on the Airfield, personnel wen~~ to the one 'near'b~ ~ ar ,~1 whioh was staffed by oi~uillans. The s,i,d Qta?tion ,~no1. A,~P dad one dootor and five oorps~nen who were assigned ~o the housekeepi~.g regiment. The oorpst~sn attended a two months first aid oouree; the dootor was an aooredited phy.sioia,n. The First aid station had az~ s~abulanoe a signed to it whioh' was 1~ouQed in a nearby garage,,nol. B, Pt. 2 The driver of this vehiole was 50X1 kept oi9,, alert status when fly ng took plane. ,. ~. Comment x editor ~ e note: see also "Photo . Fte~oon. ,Hegt . 50X1 a av iokuv Brod Airf ield~ Enolosures; A. Pinpoint Lovatiori of Havliokuv Brod Military Airfield, Overlay I~SC+S 4~~+16, Sheet U-1?, 3oa1e 1:1p0, 0~0 50X1 B. ~~Sketah of Havllolsuv Brod Military Airfield SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100120012-4