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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT sECURI~r INroRAAAr1oN COUNTRY Rumania SUBJECT Bucharest Ci,~ilian .Airfield 50X1 .DATE OF INFO. Thin Docwnent contains laiormstton n>seatbxa the Na- tional Defense o! the IInited 8itatee, v-ithth the meaa- itla o! Title 18, 8eotione 7Y9 sad 794, of the II.B. Oode, as amended. Its traasmiseioa or revelation of ite contents to or receipt by sn unauthorised peseoa 1s prohibited by 1sW. The reproduction o! this Corm is prohibited. REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES ~t November 1953 Q REQUIREMENT NO. RD 1HE SOURCE [VALUATIONS IN THIS RE-ORf ARE DlfINIf1VE. THE Ar~RA15AL Of CONflNf IS TENTATIVE. (TOR KEY SEE REVERSq STATE ~( ARNY x NAVY X AIR ~ ~ FBt (Note: Wa+hieyten DbhibeHen Indicated dY "X??j field Dlst~ibuNen Sy ",1~+?,) AEC __I Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 50X1 ~~ S E C R E T SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY Czechoslovakia/Ruma,?tia . SUBJECT PL`ACE' ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED B1 DATE OF INFd Bucharest Civilian Airfield. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The B~~rest Civilian Airfield waa :A~ a~ ,~?A,.,,, REPORT NO. 50X1 DATE DISTR, 30 ,Sept.. 53 NO.OF PAGES 4 NO.OF ENCGS. (UST~D BEL01~ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. as Ba>aea8~, wh:ieh was the Airfield fo r e-o ne ructions. It was located. about fivl3 kilometers north-northwest of the center of Bucharest, and one-half kilometer east,of a large lake name unknown, to me). I ~elieve that drainage ditohes ran. along-the side of the runway- aia taxi strip . The Airfield I s le~rel grass surface had a eF~ndy base which provided good natural drainage. I estianate the ~-irffield~s e~.evation at' 200 m. .The field wes ,well .located for safe. instrument let-down; there were no obatructior~s 3n the let-down area. The radio t4w.er operated on 3~~55 kes. Aircraft were serviced here by a Soviet t - fa,ctrared in 1930. Transportation was furnished Airfields truck manu- and passengers by means of a 15-passenger bus which operatedsonnel between Bucharest and the Airfield-. ~. Uniforms worn by Airfield persoAnel were Simile r~ to those worn by 5ox1 Bulgarian ,airfield personnel. except-that 'the insignia were different. 5. On I. September 1952 I5 LI-2's,sand 1 POD , e on s field. 1 IL-12, E~CLOSURESr ` A. Pin aint L?cati~n of Buc st Civilian Airfield. Overlay of TCM 025'-999-1-25~t Bucuresti . B. }Memory Sketeh of Bu~l,rest Civilian Airfield. S E C R E T SECURITY INFORMATION '~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 S E C R E T B~npp~.~tc~Lo~~it.i~ih:..o?::~u!charf~i~t Airfield E 26~ 06~ Buoh~~,r. eat Airfield S E C R E T Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 S E C R E T -3 ENCIA3URE B ~i~mbr~rr~~ice~,~h~.~P Bucharest Civilian Airfield 0 S E C R E T Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9 S E C R E T _ 1} ~ 50X1 Enclo$ure B (cont~d) ,Legend Point. #l.. Run~aa ; concrete, 1; 500 x 50~"m: i~ magnetic headings ~6Oo; old but in fair condition. 2. Double hanger; ,painted yellow=green; ""of eor~rugated ~~ ~s~ee3~" -x 0' x 10 m.; four barrel vaults formed the roof . ;Administration buldin".P two'storiesggray stone; u n a c rQU ar s a e with"two win e. The~cir4u- lar section conta~.ned a passenger; waiting roost; magazine shop, post office, anc~'~csaateen. " Th~e~ aiest ring contained~a~large restaurant. The?aat wing~~ contained offices" far ~therpilo~ts7.. weather"briefing operations, customs, radio, and the traffic contro~ operator. co ?n ~ on; com ng a ~rc `raft ? taxied " to "'this ~ ramp and unloaded passengers and cargo; outgoing aircraft loaded on, this ramp. A ron: concrete, 50 x 10 m. ass n ers loadin ram :~~concrete, 60 x 20 m, fair " " " 6. Taxi I~tri?: concrete, 100 x 20 m. 50X1 'j. Road: construction unknown ; 50 m. from lae'~ern boundary of field; led to Bucharest . sEeRET Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/12 :CIA-RDP82-000468000100210008-9