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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/05/23: CIA-RDP82-00046R000100220017-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized Person is Prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET 50X1 Czechoslovakia Sulphur Imports and Requirements 50X1 REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 50X1 28 August 1953 j 50X1 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 STATE The attached report is transmitted herewith as received. Defector Reception Center in Germany. fix ARMY PC I NAVY SECRE'T AIR l#XIFBI AEC ORR EV X (Motet Wavlington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Plaid Distribution By "*".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/05/23: CIA-RDP82-00046R000100220017-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/05/23: CIA-RDP82-00046R000100220017-8 SECRET COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED .51.11MMUNIMOMIlk.alinisit110.1611,111.akix?aeaw 50X1 Czechoslovakia Sulphur Imports REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ammpoumo 50X1 3i Jul 523 2 ENCS. and Requirements 50X1 DATE SUPPLEMENT TO ACQUIRED REPORT NO. 50X1 DATE OF INFORMATION THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. For the year 1953, Czechoslovakia was planning to import a total of 50X1 20,000 tons of sulphur with a value_of 520 l00000 crowns (nre- currency reform). ] Of this Dotal lt was planned to import: From Area I (USSR) 5,000 tn, with a value of 3,200,000 Kos. From Area V (Italy) 5,000 tn. with a value of 16,500,000 Kos. From Area VII (US $) 12,222_111, with a value of 2 400 000 Kos. 2,l00,00 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 2. Czechoslovakia has been entirely dependent on imports for sulphur supplies. The sulphur imports from the USSR are, for the most part, re-exports of Italian sulphur. The export to Czechoslovakia of sulphur of Soviet origin has met transportation difficulties because the USSR sulphur layers are too distant from Czechoslovakia. For the same reason, it has been impossible to import Chinese sulphur. From Eastern Germany Czechoslovakia imported 5,000 tn. of sulphur in 1950 and 2,000 tn. of sulphur in 1951. This sulphur was obtained in Eastern Germany by regeneration of gas purifying mass. The price Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/05/23: CIA-RDP82-00046R000100220017-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/05/23: CIA-RDP82-00046R000100220017-8 50X1 SECRET, -2- was US $ 55.00 per metric ton/franc German-Czechoslovak border. One thousand tons of sulphur were imported from Poland in 1950. The price was 2,750 crowns per metric ton/franco,Polish-Czechoslovak border. Czechoslovakia imported no sulphur from Poland in 1951 and in 1952, and Czechoslovakia imported no sulphur from Eastern Germany in 1952, because of the increased domestic needs of these countries. The USSR, China, Eastern Germany, and Poland were the only Eastern Bloc countries producing sulphur. The imports into Czechoslovakia of Italian sulphur from Italy have been carried out on a barter basis only. Czechoslovakia delivered mainly coal, charcoal, and propelling gas (Treibgas) to Italy. 3. The quantity of sulphur imported into Czechoslovakia in 1952 was about the same planned for 1953. A total of 17,000 tn. 'of sulphur was imported in 1951. The increased imports for 1952 and 1953 were because of an increased production of carbon disulphide. 4. The total of imported sulphur for 1953 was planned to cover all the Czechoslovak needs for the year. Out of this total 14,500 tn. were to be allotted to the chemical industry, 3,500 tn. to paper produc- tion, 1,500 tn, to rubber goods production, and the remaining 500 tn. to various industries, mainly to agricultural production. 5. The chemical industry was planning to use 14,000 tn. of sulphur for carbon disulphide production and the remaining 500 tn. for production of various items such as dyes, sulphates, sulphides, etc. (Contrary to the practice in Western countries, sulphuric acid was produced almost solely from pyrites in Czechoslovakia and only very rarely from pure sulphur. The same was true in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Rumania.) Prom the 14,000 tn. of sulphur some 14,000 tn. of carbon disulphide would be produced by the Czechoslovak chemical industry. A quantity of 7056 tn. of carbon disulphide was planned to be exported in 1953, and it was planned to use all the remaining 6,44o tn of carbon disulphide for domestic rayon production. In 1951 5,000 tn. of carbon disulphide were exported, while in 1952 the carbon disulphide exports were about the same as for 1953. 6. It was planned to set into operation an installation for regeneration of gas purifying masa in the Stalin Works in Most 032N-1339g7 in 1953, and it was planned to obtain 5,000 tn. of sulphur there yearly. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/05/23: CIA-RDP82-00046R000100220017-8